Growing strawberries in PVC pipes - instructions for beginners with video. Growing strawberries in pvc pipes horizontally Planting strawberries in pvc pipes horizontally

Both amateur gardeners and profit gardeners are interested in placing as many useful plants as possible in the smallest possible area. An excellent solution to this problem is to grow strawberries in PVC pipes horizontally.

This method is suitable for growing strawberries both outdoors and in a greenhouse, where, with the creation of heating and lighting, they can grow and produce crops all year round. The horizontal position of the pipes, in contrast to the vertical position, allows moisture and nutrients to be equally distributed throughout the garden.

Structure construction technology

To build a suitable structure, you will have to work hard, but later on this will significantly reduce the labor and effort costs for growing strawberries. What you need to build:

  • the required number of PVC pipes with a diameter of 150 mm;
  • two plugs for each segment;
  • irrigation pipes with a diameter of 30 to 40 mm, they should be 150 mm longer than thick products;
  • one plug for each thin tube;
  • water tanks;
  • pump with time relay;
  • tools, soil, drainage.

A single pipe - a bed can simply be fixed on the sunny side of the fence, and if we are talking about creating a complex, then you need to start with the construction of the foundation. It can have a gable or pyramidal shape, and pipes that are in a horizontal position can be mounted one above the other.

Remember! A two-meter pipe filled with wet soil has a weight of approximately 25 kg.

The next steps are:

  • in a thick pipe, “windows” 150 mm in size are cut into one at intervals of 150 mm;
  • small holes are drilled in the irrigation pipes for irrigation;
  • the watering pipe is wrapped in burlap so that the holes are not clogged with soil. Burlap can be successfully replaced with old tights;
  • the bottom of the thick pipe is covered with a drainage layer 25 mm thick;
  • holes for irrigation pipes are made in the plugs in the center;
  • thick pipes are closed with plugs and irrigation pipes are threaded into the holes of the plugs;
  • thick products are attached to the base and stuffed with soil through the "windows";
  • a hose from the pump is connected to the end of a thin tube that is not closed with a plug, and test watering is performed. If a complex of several pipes is being built, then all irrigation pipes are connected by hoses, then their ends are not drowned out. If this is one pipe, then drainage holes must be made in its bottom.

The tank is installed above the level of the beds to create pressure.

It is possible to significantly reduce the cost of the system, this makes sense for small designs. You can refuse irrigation pipes, and water through the "windows" under the root, then a pump with a timer and a water tank are not required. You can cut wooden plugs yourself and put them on glue, or wrap the ends with foil and secure with wire.

This option is suitable for amateur gardeners, and for the mass cultivation of strawberries in a pipe horizontally, it is not worth saving on automation.

When growing on an industrial scale, the hydroponic method is used, in which the pipes are filled not with soil, but with hygroscopic material, the plants are fed by a fertilizer liquid supplied through the pipes. This method completely eliminates weeds and diseases, and its disadvantage is the need to flush the system.

Varieties of strawberries and the rules for its cultivation

Remontant varieties are suitable for growing strawberries in a pipe horizontally:

  1. Gigantella Maxima.
  2. Mount Everest.
  3. Queen Elizabeth 2.
  4. Yellow wonder.
  5. Wim Zenta.

All these varieties are resistant to diseases and uncomfortable growing conditions, at the same time they are productive and tasty.

Planting dates for summer cultivation are spring, when persistent warming sets in. For year-round cultivation, it can be planted in spring and autumn.

When growing strawberries using soil, it must be calcined and treated with disinfecting solutions. Given that the consumption of soil for strawberries growing horizontally in a pipe is small, it is easier to buy ready-made soil for strawberries.

Important! It is worth paying special attention to the preparation and disinfection of the soil, because, in case of infection, it will be necessary to change all the soil in the pipes, and this is a laborious procedure associated with disassembling the structure.

In order to once again play it safe, even ready-made soil mixtures should be disinfected. Self-grown seedlings should be used to avoid the risk of buying infected plants.

Landing is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. In each "window" a hole is made about 10 cm deep.
  2. Seedling roots are soaked in a root-stimulating solution.
  3. Strawberry bushes are planted in the holes. Make sure the roots don't curl. The longest ones are best cut off.
  4. Plantings are watered and shaded until the period of good rooting of the bushes.

This video will tell you more about the features of growing strawberries in PVC pipes horizontally:

With the hydroponic method of growing, strawberry roots are placed in expanded clay chips. Since expanded clay tends to give off salts that strawberries do not like, the pebbles are soaked in a weak solution of vinegar before grinding. In the process of growing hydroponically, regular acidification with nitrogen fertilizers is carried out.

Rules for the care of strawberries

Strawberries growing horizontally in PVC pipes are not attacked by pests living in the ground and weeds, the soil in the pipes does not need to be loosened. Nevertheless, it is prone to disease, and the soil in the pipes, due to its small volume, loses moisture and nutrients faster. Therefore, when growing strawberries horizontally, the care will be different from caring for strawberries in the open field. Care features:

  • maintaining constant soil moisture, automated drip irrigation can be ideal here;
  • feeding strawberries twice a month;
  • careful removal of diseased bushes along with the soil under them;

In the absence of a heated greenhouse, the big difficulty is wintering strawberries in PVC pipes. In our climate, such pipes will freeze, so they must either be well insulated or removed for the winter in the basement.

To insulate the structure, you need a spunbond, which wraps each pipe in two to three layers from the time the first frost begins. When the frosts intensify, you need to wrap again, but not individually, but the whole complex.

According to amateurs, growing strawberries in PVC pipes horizontally has found its supporters. They even make adjustments, namely: the gardener suggests filling the pipes with peat instead of soil. It holds water better, and before winter storage and after watering stops, peat pipes will weigh less and be easier to carry.

Another amateur suggested laying the pipes in trenches before winter and insulating them with straw. This is a great way out if there is no basement. Some advise simply lowering the pipes from the supports to the ground and insulating them with any means at hand. In places where in winter the snow cover is stable all winter, this method is especially suitable.

The disadvantage is the need for frequent watering, but when installing a drip irrigation system, this is not a problem. In any case, it is easier to water compact beds than to drag hoses all over the site.


After analyzing all the reviews, we can say that the technology of growing strawberries in pipes horizontally has the following advantages:

  • the possibility of placing landings anywhere, even on the balcony and loggia;
  • the ability to move the structure at the request of the gardener;
  • in the presence of a heated room, the ability to harvest all year round;
  • no need for weeding and slugs control;
  • berries do not get dirty with earth, they can be eaten immediately.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • monetary costs for the construction of the structure;
  • the need for frequent watering and fertilizing;
  • the need for insulation for the winter.

What will outweigh - the pros or cons, it's up to everyone, but to decide this, you should at least try. Dare, and luck will not leave you!

To get a good harvest of strawberries in the country or in the garden, you should make more than one bed where this delicious berry will be grown. As a result, a fairly large area of ​​​​the site is occupied. You can increase the yield per square meter of land if you start growing strawberries in barrels, PVC pipes, and bags. A berry growing in a container can be placed not only in the garden, in the greenhouse, but even on the loggia in the apartment.

Recently, a method of growing crops in PVC pipes, which can be installed both vertically and horizontally, has become very popular among gardeners. This technology has its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of the method:

  1. The placement of pipes and compact planting saves usable land on the site.
  2. In winter, the structure can be moved to a room where the berries of the plant will not freeze and can produce a crop.
  3. For this process, you can use unnecessary PVC pipe cuts.
  4. The applied fertilizers are maximally absorbed by the plants.
  5. Strawberries grown in a container are resistant to many diseases and are not affected by pests.
  6. The fruits do not come into contact with the ground, so they do not require washing.
  7. The plant grows in specially prepared soil and does not absorb chemicals, toxins and other hazardous substances from the soil in the garden.
  8. The design can become a decoration of a garden or summer cottage.

Negative aspects of growing strawberries in pipes:

  1. The soil dries out quickly, so its condition must be carefully monitored. At the same time, with excessive watering, the roots of the berry can rot.
  2. The cost of a special nutrient soil for planting strawberries in pipes.
  3. Culture in containers tolerates lower temperatures worse. With a sharp cold snap, the roots may freeze slightly, as a result of which the plant will die.
  4. In winter, pipes should be insulated.

Strawberries in pipes - it sounds strange, but growing berries in this way is a very convenient way to get a high yield and please yourself with goodies, especially if there is not much space on the plot, and all the beds have long been occupied by other plantings.

Planting strawberries in pipes horizontally, vertically, or even in a greenhouse is different. For this, not only slightly different technologies are used, but also special varieties are selected to get the best possible result.
Only certain varieties are chosen for planting strawberries in pipes.

They must meet the following characteristics:

  • fruitfulness throughout the year;
  • frost resistance;
  • good adaptation to the conditions in which they grow;
  • good taste and beautiful appearance.

Let's consider each type separately.

In PVC pipes horizontally

This method involves placing seedlings horizontally in specially prepared pipes. In this way, you can save space and conveniently place the plant on the site. In addition, beds in horizontal pipes look very aesthetically pleasing.

For growing strawberries in a horizontal pipe structure, the following varieties are suitable:

  • Honey is an excellent variety with large and sweet fruits;
  • Elephant is a frost-resistant variety with large berries and outstanding taste;
  • Queen Elizabeth - bears fruit from May to October, gives a large harvest, has a high taste.

The main problem that can arise during cultivation is fungus. In closed systems, he is a frequent guest, so it is better to initially protect yourself and thoroughly disinfect the seedling roots and the soil directly before planting.

The soil must be disinfected, even if you bought a ready-made substrate.

in the greenhouse

Growing strawberries using PVC pipes in a greenhouse has several advantages. Firstly, it will bear fruit for almost the entire year, which, of course, is very beneficial if you are going to do this as your own business. Secondly, the pipes perfectly save space, which allows you to place quite a lot of seedlings on a relatively small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greenhouse. The crop in the greenhouse is always high and stable.

In plastic pipes vertically

This method differs from the horizontal one, as the name implies, by the way the beds are placed and, accordingly, the seedlings in it.

In a vertical bed, the earth will dry out very quickly, so it is very important to keep an eye on this and not lose sight of moisture fluctuations. If you overdry, you can lose the crop, which is unpleasant for any farmer.

But excess moisture in vertical beds can also be detrimental to plants, because in this case the roots rot very quickly.

For this method, the varieties most often used are:

  • Alba - early, curly, perfectly tolerates even low temperatures;
  • Ostara is an ampelous, compact variety with delicious berries;
  • Queen - withstands temperatures up to -15 degrees in winter, has juicy beautiful berries;
  • Homemade delicacy - early, with dark red berries and a slight sourness in the aftertaste.

As well as in the cultivation of the horizontal method, in this case it is worth fearing plant diseases and fungi. Take care of the soil and plant roots in advance.

How to grow strawberry seedlings in PVC

Planting in this way is only becoming more popular with each season. The most important thing is to properly configure the entire system. Why system? Because the pipe construction, which we will talk about a little later, is not just a container with holes, but a system in which favorable conditions are created for growing plants.

Growing horizontally may seem like the most convenient way. Seedlings are placed at a distance of about 20 cm from each other. You can make holes in the pipe with a diameter of about 13 cm, or you can just carefully cut off its upper part.

The edges of the pipe are closed with plugs, but in the lower part there will be a hole for excess water. We will talk more about the preparation of pipes a little later. Next, a favorable growing environment is prepared, soils are selected, and an irrigation system is installed. Drip irrigation will be the most convenient for strawberries.

Strawberries in PVC pipes are planted vertically in a slightly different way. The holes should be staggered in the same proportions as in the horizontal method. The distance between the cells must be at least 20 cm.

A plug is placed at the bottom of the pipe, and then drainage is filled up. In order for irrigation in this method to be uniform, and water not to flow to the bottom of the structure, it is necessary to place an additional pipe of a smaller diameter, in which holes are made, and it itself is wrapped with geotextile. Such a pipe will be higher than the landing one. The holes in it will need to be located 30 cm from the ground so that there is no stagnant water.

Preparing pipes for planting

We have reached one of the main steps - the preparation of pipes.

For the system we need:

  1. PVC pipes with a diameter of 15 cm.
  2. End caps corresponding to the diameter of the pipe.
  3. PVC pipes with a diameter of 3-4 cm for water supply, 15 cm longer than the main pipe.
  4. Plugs for thin pipes with the appropriate diameter.
  5. Hose (required to drain water).
  6. A container to hold water.
  7. Self watering pump.
  8. Expanded clay (will serve as drainage).
  9. Drill with crown diam. 10 cm
  10. Roulette
  11. Hacksaw.
  12. Priming.

For comfortable growth of strawberry roots, it is better to beat expanded clay with a hammer in advance so that it breaks into small pieces.

The place should be chosen sunny. Therefore, before assembling the structure, think carefully about where it will be located and decide on the dimensions. If this is a single bed, then you can place it on the sunny side of the fence. If, however, large-scale cultivation of strawberries is planned, then it is worth considering how and where the beds will be located.

If you settled on a large-scale cultivation of strawberries, then take care of the supports. They can be built, for example, in the form of a pyramid. But the material must be durable. Please note that a PVC pipe with soil and a size of only 2 meters will weigh as much as 25 kilograms.

Let's start preparing the pipes. At a distance of about 20 cm, make holes with a diameter of about 13 cm. In a thin pipe, prepare many small holes with a drill. Wrap a thin pipe with geotextile (agrofibre is also suitable), and then secure everything using wire so that the covering material does not unwind or slip.

In the plugs from a wide pipe, you need to make a hole that will match the diameter of a thin tube. At the bottom of a wide pipe, we pour expanded clay by about 2-3 cm, evenly distributing it over the surface. Then we put the prepared thin pipe so that its edges go into the newly drilled holes in the plugs of the large pipe.

In the slot of a large pipe, fill in the soil, tamp it down, and then pour it. On the one hand, you will need to connect the hose of the irrigation system with a timer or a container that will be located above the level of the seedlings. On the other hand, a hose for draining water will be placed.

The vertical design differs in that it is located differently. Holes are drilled at the same distance, with the same diameter. The only thing is that they will be done in a checkerboard pattern. The design principle remains the same.

The bed from the pipe is ready, you can start planting!

Soil requirement and preparatory measures

Strawberries will grow well in soddy soil. Drainage should be present in all options for planting seedlings. Its thickness should be somewhere around 2-3 cm.

The soil during its placement in the pipe should not only be filled up, but well compacted. There should not be a loose layer, because in the process of watering, it will be compacted and voids will appear that we absolutely do not need.

Strawberry roots can be processed before planting in a special mash, which is made from equal parts of manure and clay.

How to plant strawberries in pipes with soil

The success of the work done also depends on whether the plants were planted in the ground correctly. In this case, it is worth considering a number of details.

For planting, it is worth choosing those bushes whose roots have grown to about 10 cm. If it is longer, it is worth trimming the root system a little. It is necessary to lay the root so that it does not bend, otherwise the plant will disappear. After the plant is covered with soil on top.

The core of the bush should be located above the bush. If she speaks too strongly, adaptation will take longer. If you fall asleep strongly bush, then it may not take root at all.

Watering and feeding

Strawberries love acidic soils. Therefore, after planting, the soil must be acidified. Take about 10 g of vinegar per liter of water, dilute and water the plants.

Thanks to the drip irrigation system, water will be supplied little by little, without critically moistening the soil and preventing the root system from rotting. Do not forget that the earth dries up in the pipes very quickly, so it is important to find a middle ground, do not overfill the water and do not forget to water the plant in general.

It is also necessary to think about fertilizer, because strawberries do not grow in their natural environment and they simply have nowhere to take useful substances from. All of them are administered only in liquid form. It can be urea, ammonium nitrate, etc.

Cleaning the soil from weeds and insects

Sometimes strawberries are affected by a variety of pests. It can be:

  • slugs
  • ants;
  • ticks.

If a tick has struck the plant, you can use karbofos. Snails and slugs can be removed with metaldehyde. Aphids are destroyed with soapy water.

The soil must be processed before plants can be planted in it. It is the processing that allows you to get rid of the pests that may be in it. Also, one of the advantages of growing strawberries in this way is the absence of weeds.

Features of post-harvest care

After harvesting, closer to September, it will be necessary to carry out mulching. Sawdust is perfect for this purpose. They prevent rotting and perform their functions perfectly.

A few days after the last fruiting, dried leaves must be carefully removed from the plant. They die off and continue to take strength, and strawberries do not need at all to be weakened by winter.

If planting bushes is planned to increase the yield, all young tendrils should be removed and only the longest one should be left. He will become a new bush when the time comes.

Particular attention should be paid to the land. After fruiting, it must remain moist so that the plant gains new strength and can delight in the next season with delicious fruits. To avoid burns on the leaves, it is better to water in the morning or evening.

Summarize. A pipe bed is a very profitable and convenient way to grow strawberries, both for yourself and for commercial purposes. This design takes up little space. In the greenhouse, you can place a fairly large number of seedlings, whether vertical or horizontal planting. Strawberry varieties are used unpretentious, but at the same time high-yielding.

First of all, strawberries in pipes save space in the garden. If there is not enough space ... How to grow strawberries in PVC pipes. I think many of you have heard about such an unusual method of growing, but did not dare to do this business yourself. I hope this article will help you understand this issue and you will approach this method of cultivation with enthusiasm.

So, for starters, I propose to learn about some of the benefits of growing strawberries in PVC pipes.

Strawberries in pipes: the benefits of technology

- first of all, strawberries in pipes save space in the garden. If there is not enough space, but you want to plant a lot, growing strawberries in pipes vertically is the best fit in this case.
- mobility (the structure can be moved and rebuilt)
- tillage is reduced to a minimum
– harvesting without sand
- strawberries in PVC pipes will please both you and your neighbors in the country with their attractiveness, this design will become the "highlight" of your site

Strawberries in pipes are grown both vertically and horizontally. However, in both the first and second cases, we need a "device" for growing - a PVC pipe. It should be prepared in advance. Next, I propose to learn how to make the design we need.

What will be needed to make the structure?

- pieces of PVC pipes (preferably wide in diameter)
- narrower PVC pipe (needed to supply water to the roots of the plant)
- plugs
- electric drill with a nozzle for wide holes
- cork, knife
- burlap
- twine
- fasteners
- expanded clay
- soil mixture
- strawberry seedlings

Strawberries in PVC pipes: pipe preparation

First of all, it is necessary to determine the height of the PVC pipes. Measure the length you need and cut it off, install a plug on one side of the pipe. In a narrow pipe, using a drill, we make holes every 8-10 cm in 3 rows. It will be located inside a wider one and will act as a "watering hose".
The pipe must be wrapped with burlap and secured with twine. This is done so that the water is dispersed during irrigation. The lower part (the one where there are no holes) is closed with a cork and secured with tape.
We make holes in a wide pipe with a special large nozzle for a drill. These holes must be made on the side that will be facing the sun. The lower holes should be located at a distance not lower than 20-25 cm from the ground.
Next, vertically expose the PVC pipes. They must be exposed and fixed steadily, this is done immediately in the place where strawberries will be grown. A narrow pipe is inserted into the center of the wider one. To balance a narrow pipe, coarse gravel and soil must be immediately filled into a wide pipe.
PVC pipes are installed with holes facing the sunny side and fixed with any fasteners.

Strawberries in PVC pipes: planting and care

Growing strawberries in PVC pipes will be better if you choose the right strawberry varieties. Growing strawberries in pipes involves the use of high-yielding varieties that are resistant to diseases and pests. It can be a variety of strawberries "Gigantella", "Bogota", "Zagorye", "Pomegranate", "Desnyanka" and others. Growing strawberries in pipes is a fairly simple process, the main thing is to follow the rules for planting strawberries.
As for the soil for growing strawberries, you need to take care of it in advance: purchase it in a specialized store or prepare it yourself. The soil should consist of ordinary garden soil, peat, ash, sand and sawdust for air exchange, humus or manure can also be added.
It is better if, when planting strawberries, you plant flowers in the lower parts of the pipes that will prevent pests from reaching the strawberries (for example, marigolds). Strawberry seedlings are planted in holes, making small indentations in the soil with your fingers.
If you plan to plant strawberry varieties that propagate by tendril retraction, then it is better to plant them through one hole, so that later these tendrils can be passed into free holes, where they will take root.

Growing strawberries in PVC pipes does not require any specific care. Strawberries in pipes, like usually grown strawberries, need timely watering, feeding and preventive actions aimed at combating possible diseases and pests.
Strawberries in PVC pipes do not tolerate drying out of the soil. You can determine the condition of the soil by simply "probing" it with your finger through the holes. Watering occurs in this way: the inner pipe is filled to the top with water, and then gradually gives water to the plants.
As for top dressing, strawberries in pipes need outside top dressing. As a mixture for top dressing, a mixture consisting of manganese sulfate, zinc, cobalt nitrate and boric acid is used. All components are taken in equal proportions and mixed with water in an amount of 0.025%.

If we talk about pests of strawberries, then strawberries in pipes are subject to attack by the Colorado potato beetle, strawberry mites, slugs and snails. To combat pests such as slugs or snails, they most often use a tool called "Metaldehyde", a solution of karbofos is used to combat strawberry mites, but it is not recommended to fight the Colorado potato beetle with any chemicals, tk. they are long-acting and not suitable for berries that ripen quickly.
It turned out that growing strawberries in PVC pipes is not only quite simple and convenient, but also a practical way to grow strawberries. Many gardeners, having tried once to grow strawberries in this way, no longer return to the traditional way of growing berries in open ground. I hope that growing strawberries in pipes will become your favorite growing technology.

Instructions for growing strawberries in PVC pipes.

Growing strawberries in PVC pipes is one of the unusual and interesting ways to get a good harvest of berries. It is worth noting that many summer residents use this method if there is not enough space in their own dacha and all the beds are occupied, but they want to enjoy a delicious, sweet berry.

Growing strawberries and wild strawberries in PVC pipes: a list of productive varieties

The simplest option for making strawberry plantings in PVC pipes is the base of the beds on stands. Some summer residents install PVC pipes with strawberries directly on the fences, or under it. It's not the best place though. Since the berries love heat and a lot of light. In this case, they turn out bright, juicy and tasty.

It is worth noting that not all varieties are suitable for growing in pipes. It is best to choose early species. They take root as quickly as possible and do not require serious and painstaking care.

List of varieties:

  • yellow wonder
  • Pomegranate
  • Desnyanka
  • Troubadour
  • Baby elephant

In order to acquire such beds with strawberries, it is necessary to equip the pipes. That is, places to plant strawberries, as well as purchase seedlings or seeds. You can use the propagation of roots or antennae. The fact is that not all types of strawberries are suitable for planting in pipes, but only remontant ones. Therefore, only some varieties will be ideal. Hybrid varieties are not suitable for growing.

Planting strawberries in a PVC pipe

Choosing a place for vertical and horizontal planting of strawberries, strawberries in PVC pipes: tips, recommendations

The place for growing strawberries should be bright and have good air circulation. Quite often, berries are grown in greenhouses in this way. This method saves soil and simplifies plant care. They are also often installed in special supports along fences or directly on them. Often make beds with other plants by installing pipes with strawberries around the perimeter.

What pipe diameter to choose for planting strawberries, strawberries in a horizontal and vertical way?

For growing strawberries, pipes with a diameter of 10 and 15 cm are used. You can use not only new pipes, but also old pipes that were removed during the repair.

Planting strawberries in PVC pipes

Preparing PVC pipes for planting strawberries and strawberries in PVC pipes: description, tips

Well, some sensors say that this cultivation technique is quite expensive. In fact, there are many options to reduce the cost of growing strawberries and not use drip irrigation.

In order to grow strawberries in pipes, you need to prepare them properly.

Tools and materials:

  • Pipe plugs
  • Special cutter
  • Pipes for drip irrigation
  • Drainage systems
  • PVC pipes


  • In order to prepare the pipes, you need to cut round holes in them for the bushes. The diameter of these holes is 15 cm. It is in these holes that strawberries will be planted.
  • Next, you need to install a drip irrigation system with a thin water pipe, having previously made several holes in it with a drill. Further, the irrigation pipe is inserted into a large PVC pipe and closed with plugs.
  • There are many ways to reduce the cost of the system and therefore sometimes drip irrigation is ignored and each bush is watered directly on its own. This helps to significantly reduce construction costs.
  • Not special ones are used as plugs, but ordinary wooden mugs are clogged. Several holes must be made at the bottom of the pipe so that excess water does not accumulate, and the roots do not rot, fungus, powdery mildew, and root rot do not form.
  • After the holes are cut, the pipe itself is closed with plugs and filled with soil. After that, the soil is moistened and the strawberry bushes themselves are planted.
  • Holes must be made at a distance of 20 cm from each other. As for preparing the pipe for vertical planting of strawberries, in PVC pipes, it is necessary to make holes in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, their diameter should be approximately 10 cm. In this case, drainage should be installed before the irrigation pipes. After that, the pipe is filled with soil.

What should be the composition of the soil for growing strawberries and strawberries in PVC pipes with soil?

It is worth noting that the soil for growing strawberries in PVC pipes should be light, soddy. A prerequisite is drainage, its layer should be 2-3 cm. Pebbles or expanded clay are used as drainage. After filling each hole, a drainage layer of about 2-3 cm is filled up. You must remember that such land will be poor, because there are no natural elements and the strawberries themselves will not be able to take nutrients from the soil. Therefore, fertilizing and watering with special fertilizers, as well as growth stimulants, will be necessary quite often.

You can prepare the soil from a mixture of garden soil and peat. Only after cooking, it is necessary to pour boiling water over the soil and treat it with some kind of fungicide so that pathogenic microorganisms and pests do not multiply and grow.

How to lay the earth in a pipe for growing strawberries and strawberries in a vertical and horizontal way?

Backfilling soil into pipes is a lengthy and complex manipulation, because you need to constantly compact the soil and avoid a thin or loose layer. Because in the process of watering this layer is compacted, voids are formed that will adversely affect the yield of strawberries.

How to plant strawberries, strawberries in a PVC pipe with soil: step by step instructions, tips

Below in the video you can learn more about how to properly plant strawberries in a PVC pipe with soil.

VIDEO: Planting strawberries in PVC pipes

Strawberry irrigation system in a vertical and horizontal pipe: device diagram, tips

There are several options for watering strawberries planted in PVC pipes. The fact is that many gardeners save money and do not care about drip irrigation at all. Therefore, the plants are watered directly under the bushes, into the holes where the strawberries are planted. But you can do things a little differently.


  • To do this, take a pipe of small diameter for cold water. Holes are drilled in a checkerboard pattern, they are wrapped with agrofiber or fabric that passes water well.
  • Next, the pipe is placed in a larger diameter pipe with holes, which will serve as the frame of the structure. If this is a vertical planting method, then the irrigation pipe is placed clearly in the center.
  • If this is a horizontal position, then the pipe is placed from below, directly on the drainage layer, that is, you first need to fill in the drainage layer, place the pipe and only then fill in the prepared soil.

Strawberries in PVC pipes

How to do drip irrigation of strawberries, strawberries with your own hands?

You can see more about drip irrigation of strawberries in PVC pipes in the video.

VIDEO: Drip irrigation of strawberries in PVC pipes

Top dressing of strawberries, strawberries planted in pipes through drip irrigation: description, composition

The soil must be regularly watered, as well as apply mineral fertilizers. Since there is no direct access to the soil, all fertilizers and top dressings are introduced in liquid form along with irrigation. For this, additives such as boric acid, cobalt nitrate, manganese sulfate, ammonium nitrate, and urea are used. You can also feed strawberries with organic fertilizers. This is a solution of chicken manure or mullein. Top dressing is carried out directly several times before flowering. There is no need to fertilize during flowering. Already as the berries ripen, mineral and organic fertilizers can be applied.

Growing strawberries and strawberries in PVC pipes vertically and horizontally in hydroponics: a description of planting, watering

It is possible to grow strawberries in PVC pipes using a hydroponics system.


  • To create it is necessary to fill the pipes with the substrate. Use expanded clay or coconut fiber. Next, you need to prepare a nutrient solution in a separate container, which will circulate through the substrate.
  • To do this, 1 g of a substance prepared from potassium nitrate, superphosphate, magnesium sulfate, zinc sulfate, ammonium nitrate, copper sulfate, ferric chloride, boric acid is dissolved in one liter of water. All this is mixed and 1 g of dry powder is diluted in a liter of water.
  • You will also need an aquarium pump to set up the system, which will pump the nutrient solution through the fill layer.

What should be the composition of the compost for growing strawberries and strawberries in hydroponics?

It is also recommended to carry out watering with compost, for growing strawberries and strawberries in hydroponics. Please note that feeding is carried out infrequently. If you use complex fertilizer and minerals, then in principle it is not necessary to supplement or feed with compost. A ten percent solution is usually used. Feeding can be done about once every 3 weeks.

What should be the composition of the nutrient solution, what should be the fertilizer for growing strawberries and strawberries in hydroponics?

If you don't want to prepare your own nutrient solution, you can buy ready-made ones. They are called Yara, Kristalin. They contain different amounts of nitrogen and potassium. They must also be dissolved in an amount of 1-1.5 grams per liter of water.

Growing strawberries and wild strawberries on a balcony, in a greenhouse, on the street: features

You can grow strawberries in PVC pipes not only on the street, but also on a balcony or in a greenhouse. This requires constant temperature conditions and high humidity. From time to time, before flowering, it is necessary to spray strawberries from a spray bottle with clean water at room temperature.

It is worth paying attention that it is not necessary to lower the temperature to a level below 20 degrees Celsius, because the growth of bushes slows down and the formation of berries stops. Therefore, the optimal temperature is 23 and 25 degrees. If cultivation is carried out in winter, then for a good harvest, it is necessary to additionally illuminate the plants. Often, a sodium lamp is used for these purposes, which is installed above pipes with strawberries.

strawberries on the balcony

Strawberries, wild strawberries in PVC pipes horizontally and vertically: how does it winter in a pipe?

If you grow strawberries in open ground, then in winter you need to transfer beds with strawberries to a balcony or cellar. Exactly the same processing is carried out as strawberries in the garden. It is necessary to trim the bushes and water them, treat them from pests. Then the pipes are removed into the cellar. Needs to be watered from time to time. The optimum temperature at which cut strawberries hibernate is 4-5 degrees. But if you constantly maintain such a temperature in conditions of high humidity, the development of fungal diseases is possible. Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate the cellar from time to time, and also carry out antifungal treatment, just before you take out the beds with strawberries on the open ground.

Beds, flower beds for strawberries, strawberries made of PVC pipes for horizontal and vertical planting: ideas, photos

Growing strawberries in PVC pipes is not only a way to get a good harvest of berries, but also to decorate your backyard. For this, various decorative techniques are usually used. Below are photos showing how strawberries can be grown in horizontal and vertical PVC pipes.

Flower beds for strawberries

Strawberry beds

Growing strawberries in PVC pipes is a rather complicated and painstaking process that requires some skills and experience. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask and ask questions of experienced gardeners, as well as consult with them, about fertilizing, pruning and watering strawberries.

VIDEO: Strawberries in PVC pipes