Growing greens hydroponically. Hydroponic plants for growing greenery at home and in the greenhouse. The essence of the flow hydroponics method

Hydroponics is a collection of different methods of growing crops without the use of soil and artificial substrates of various origins. Thanks to this system, greens that are grown at home receive the necessary dose of mineral fertilizers. As a result, the root system is strengthened and growth is noticeably increased.

The essence of the method of growing greens in hydroponics at home

Many even the most experienced gardeners cannot understand what hydroponics is all about. For them, it is unclear how a plant can exist and still develop without soil, how it receives all the trace elements necessary for its life.

With hydroponics, you can grow onions, parsley, lettuce, dill, and many other types of greens.

But all these questions will become clear if we consider the main advantages of hydroponics. When greens grow in this way, there is no need to worry about protecting the plant from pests and diseases. In addition, the need for hilling and the introduction of mineral fertilizers into the soil automatically disappears.

If we talk about the necessary vitamins and elements, then in this case the nutrient solution will contain all the necessary microminerals in the amount that will be enough for the correct and fast growth of greens.

On the video - hydroponics at home, greens:

Since the process of growing the plant will take place under ideal conditions, the greens will become much juicier and healthier. As for the yield, it will increase several times. Cultures grown in this way will not contain more harmful components that most often get there from the soil. This way, the greens will contain only those components that you introduced yourself. And now I will move more specifically to the technology of growing plants, based on the method of hydroponics.

As a rule, the root system of the plant will be found not only in the nutrient fluid. For their active growth, it is necessary to use an artificial substrate. It is brought into the chamber, where the solution is located. In this case, vermiculite, fine expanded clay, coarse sand can take on the role of a substrate.

To ensure the normal and active growth of greens, its good nutrition, it is worth introducing a nutrient mixture in the water. It is obtained on the basis of mineral and organic components. There are two options here - use an expensive installation or use the services of a budget option. Many gardeners choose the second option in the first stage of their acquaintance with hydroponics.

It is necessary to take one end of the pipe and bend it with the letter U. It is also necessary that the arc does not reach the edges of the container by 5 cm. One of the ends must be long, it is installed in the lower container, and the other is placed on the bottom of another container. The liquid is drained in the same way as a siphon. When the water level in or rather the container reaches the arc of the tube, the air lock will be pushed out of the U, and the liquid will go to drain.

The video shows hydroponics at home for growing greenery with your own hands:

After that, the pump will start pumping the upper reservoir again and the whole cycle will be repeated. In this case, the water will drain much faster than pumped in. A mixture of mineral wool and vermiculite should be placed in the top container. And only then proceed to planting plants.

Correct planting of greenery

Considering the type of crop you are going to grow, you need to carefully consider the installation. If we are talking about green onions (for example), then it is much simpler and more efficient to grow them using the Chudorost installation.

To create it, you need to take a regular onion container and pour water into it. Place small units that will blow air. Bubbles will begin to form on the surface of the liquid. Thus, the root system will breathe, and the onion will actively grow and develop.

The process of growing greens using hydroponics follows the following analogy:

  1. Take small plastic cups and make a large hole in the bottom.
  2. Place any substrate in a glass.
  3. Send seeds there, and then add warm water. Cover everything with foil and set in a warm place.
  4. When the plants have already grown, you need to remove the film, create proper lighting.
  5. The culture must be constantly irrigated with a nutrient solution. The main condition for the full growth of greens is a moist substrate.
  6. When 1-2 weeks have passed, the cups can be sent to the hydroponic plant.

Nutrient formulations

Nutrient liquids are prepared by dissolving chemical salts in reins. Thus, the plants receive the necessary food. These fertilizers are based on nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

When preparing the nutrient solution, it is necessary that the water is clean and free of impurities. Distilled water is considered the most suitable option. If such was not found, then it is allowed to use rainwater, as well as liquid purified by exposure to household filters.

To soften hard water, special filter cartridges and tablets are available. Peat is also actively used to soften water. You need to take 10 liters of water and 700 g of peat. Leave the resulting mixture for 10-12 hours. The purified water can be used to obtain a nutrient solution or to water greens.

The storage of the salts used to prepare the nutrient solution is carried out separately in a closed glass flask. Iron salts are an exception. They are stored in a dark glass container. And the dissolution of salt is possible only before direct use.

How to make a solution with your own hands

You can get a hydroponic solution at home. Even the most inexperienced gardener can do this. To do this, you will need the following materials:

  • 50 liter plastic jar and tight lid;
  • 12 plastic cups;
  • expanded clay and mineral wool;
  • air pump with 6 channels and the same number of hoses for it;
  • 6 aerator stones, fertilizers.

Take the lid and make 12 small holes in it. Their size should correspond to the size of the cup. If the cover is light-transmitting, then before installing it, you should glue it with a special film. This is necessary so that liquid bloom does not occur inside the tank. All the largest varieties of tomatoes are described by.

The video shows growing greens in hydroponics:

Take the cups, fill them with expanded clay, but not completely, since there is still mineral wool left. Make a hole for the hose in the lid, and place the pump slightly higher. Then water will not be able to enter the device through the hoses.

Place aerator stones at the bottom of the container. On this, your own hydroponics is ready. All that remains for you is to fill in the water so that it does not reach the cups by 5-10 cm.

As for the solution, it is also very simple to prepare it. You need to take purified water, which has a pH of 5.5 - 6.5. In turn, apply a complex of mineral fertilizers (nitrogen, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and others).

In this case, you need to stir everything after adding each ingredient. It is imperative to check the conductivity to ensure that the concentration of the resulting solution is satisfactory. Store the liquid in a dark and cool place.

Growing greenery using hydroponics is very simple, fast and inexpensive. All that is required of you is to correctly build the installation and prepare the nutrient solution. If necessary, apply the necessary fertilizers 2 times a week and monitor the growth and development of the crop. Find out how to grow greens at home.

Is there a hydroponic plant for growing greenery at home? Is it difficult to grow greens hydroponically?

In recent years, a new and interesting technology called hydroponics has gained significant popularity. The method is based on the system of growing almost any green garden plants without the use of soil substrates and soil. Mineral and other substances necessary for growth and development, which are obtained by crops from the soil, are supplied to the root system in the form of special solutions.

Hydroponic plant for growing greenery at home

It is generally accepted that a hydroponic plant for indoor use exists and is widely used. Of course, such equipment for growing greens at home can hardly be classified as public and budgetary. However, if it is impossible to purchase a factory product, such an installation can be done fairly easily on your own.

Factory version of a hydroponic plant

The DG1 hydroponic plant, popular in indoor cultivation of greens, is equipped with a support, irrigation and drainage systems, a water tank, a special germination tray, a pair of end caps, an adhesive, a timer, a pair of work gloves, a level and a brush.

The acquired structure makes it possible to implement the following irrigation options for cultivated green plants:

  • way of ebb and flow;
  • backwater method;
  • drip irrigation method;
  • the technique of nutrient layers.

Assembled in accordance with the attached instructions, the structure has a length of 180 cm, a width of 40 cm, and a height of 48 cm. The weight is about 6 kg, which allows the installation to be placed on a standard window sill.

Self-made hydroponic plant

To create an installation yourself, you should purchase:

  • a plastic container with double walls or two plastic containers of different sizes and the same shape;
  • plastic bucket;
  • standard aquarium pump;
  • the simplest timer;
  • drainage tube;
  • large-fraction expanded clay.

A versatile design for growing greens indoors is made in accordance with the following instructions:

  • make holes in a plastic container to ensure the flow of water to the root system of plants;
  • install the overflow tube 3 cm lower than the level of the container, which will ensure the drainage of the nutrient solution;
  • mount a pump for an aquarium in a plastic bucket;
  • place a plastic container on the lid of the bucket and put expanded clay drainage in it;
  • plant the plants prepared for growing greenery on the drainage in a container.

With the help of the timer, the necessary mode is set, which will ensure the uninterrupted supply of the nutrient solution through the pump. The standard system assumes 15 minutes of pumping operation followed by forty-five minutes of aeration of the plant root system.

Features of growing greens in hydroponics

The use of hydroponics allows you to grow not only greens, but also vegetable crops by immersing the plant's root system in nutrients dissolved in water. Mastering the technology of hydroponic cultivation is not difficult. The main growing algorithm is presented:

  • selection of plants needed for growing;
  • determination of a variant of an artificial substrate, which can be used as large expanded clay or high-quality perlite;
  • the purchase of special plastic planting containers;
  • sowing seed;
  • selection of the correct concentration of nutrients in the fertilizer;
  • regular monitoring of the liquid level.

Hydroponics from scrap materials (video)

As it grows and develops, greens cultivated in indoor conditions absorbs water with nutrients, which implies its timely refilling, and, if necessary, replacement. All that remains is to trim the greens regularly and enjoy fresh, sustainable produce from your own home garden.

To get all the vitamins a person needs, it is important to include salads and fresh herbs in the diet. In order not to buy parsley and dill in stores, you can use the popular technology. The hydroponic plant for growing herbs provides lettuce, celery, onions and other crops throughout the year.

Method essence

The word "hydroponics" refers to the fact that the plant requires water to function. It is saturated with nutrients and used instead of conventional soil. Many people think that the hydroponic system is a modern innovative technology, forgetting that greens were first grown in this way in England in the early twentieth century.

The convenience of this method is that it allows you to forget about regular weeding, pest control and provides plants with the necessary conditions for rapid growth and development:

  • water;
  • light to carry out the process of photosynthesis;
  • optimal acidity level, preserving all the valuable substances in the greenery.

As a result, it grows large, juicy, and is not affected by pests. Dill, cilantro, lettuce can be cut 3-5 weeks after planting and quickly re-harvest. This is why hydroponics is a well-deserved popularity among those who grow greenery for sale.

To enrich water with nutrients, those elements are used that the plants planted in the garden receive from the soil. The plant functions perfectly in automatic mode, so the plants do not need daily care. The main thing is to change and add the nutrient solution in time. This is the main condition for growing seedlings and greenery.

Installation selection

There is a large selection of hydroponic systems in stores. There you can choose a unit for large-scale operation and for use in a small apartment.

Modern hydroponic equipment comes in several types, differing from each other in the way water is delivered.

  1. With drip irrigation, the nutrient solution enters the plant roots through a thin tube, washes them and pours out of special holes.
  2. With tidal irrigation, the root system is periodically filled with a solution, which is removed after a few minutes.
  3. With capillary irrigation, the roots are in the substrate, which is saturated with nutrient fluid.

The problem is, a store-bought hydroponic plant isn't cheap. Before deciding on such a solid acquisition, it is advisable to understand the principle of the system and find out exactly what result you can count on. The best option is to make a plant for growing greenery yourself.

At home, it is easier to use capillary irrigation. It does not require complex expensive automation, and the design itself takes up little space.

Home Installation Requirements

Before starting work, you need to prepare everything you need. You will need a resealable water container. Its volume depends on how many plants you will be growing. On average, one root system requires 2-3 liters of nutrient fluid. The container must be dark in color, otherwise the water will quickly deteriorate and "bloom" under the influence of sunlight.

  1. Be sure to get a dedicated aquarium pump. With its help, the liquid is enriched with oxygen. To make it better suited for a hydroponic system, it is advisable to replace its tubes with silicone ones.
  2. Buy a stone that sprays oxygen bubbles in water. For growing greenery, it is recommended to use only a new stone in order to prevent pathogenic bacteria from contaminating the liquid, which leads to the death of the plants.
  3. You will need pots. Regular plastic cups or small plastic pots are suitable for seedlings. Make sure they are no higher than the prepared solution container.

When the main ingredients are ready, take care of the substrate. His choice is wide enough. This can be coconut fiber, rock wool, perlite, expanded clay, or any specialized filler purchased from a store.

At the end, you need to pick up the nutrients. The market sells ready-made concentrates intended for seedlings of vegetables, indoor flowers and herbs. Instead, it is allowed to use complex fertilizers.

Manufacturing instruction

First of all, you need to prepare cups for seedlings. In them, you need to make small holes on the bottom and grooves on the sides with a red-hot awl. Then you should remove the lid from the water container, put the glasses upside down on it and circle with a chemical pencil. The distance between the glasses should be at least 10 cm. Cut holes in the lid along the outlined contour and insert the pots there.

  1. In the upper part of the container, make holes for the hoses of the aquarium pump. Prepare the air atomizing stones according to the instructions and place them inside the tank.
  2. Fill the container with filtered water more than half and connect the compressor. For convenience, it is advisable to install the device next to the hydroponic installation. If the system works without interruption, turn it off and take care of the pots.
  3. Fill them with the substrate soaked in water, close the tank with the lid and slide the pots back into place. Their bottom should be immersed in liquid.
  4. Plant 3 seeds of the desired seedling in the substrate, cover each pot on top with an empty plastic cup to create a greenhouse effect, and wait for the seeds to germinate.
  5. Then add the nutrient solution to the water tank, strictly following the manufacturer's instructions, and remove the empty glasses from the seedlings.

The nutrient solution should be topped up twice a week. Its concentration should be 15 times less than the initial one. The pump for enriching water with oxygen can be left on all the time, but it is more convenient to purchase a timer that is used for aquariums and program it to turn on for fifteen minutes 4 times a day.

It is recommended to completely change the water in the container once a month. To make it convenient to do this, a special drain valve can be installed at the bottom of the tank. Do not pour out the used liquid. It is useful for irrigating garden plants or flowers.

For the cultivation to be successful, it is advisable to sow simple, unpretentious crops for the first time. Dill, parsley, lettuce, cilantro, basil grow quickly and do not require maintenance. Vegetables are more demanding. They need a large tank for the nutrient solution, special props and artificial lighting.

Before using the container, where you need to pour water, it is advisable to disinfect. The procedure should be carried out with chloramine.

  1. It needs to be diluted at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. 10 liters of water.
  2. Pour the solution into the tank, close it tightly with the lid and leave for half an hour.
  3. Drain the liquid, wait for the container to dry completely, and only then fill the container with the growing liquid.

The rapid growth of plants ensures that the optimal temperature is maintained in the container with the nutrient solution. It should vary between 24-30 degrees. If this cannot be achieved under natural conditions, you need to purchase an apparatus that heats water in aquariums.

If the greens are grown in winter when the daylight hours are too short, additional lighting should be used. Purchase special phytolamps and turn them on every day for several hours. This will help speed up plant growth and increase yields.

Hydroponics is becoming more and more popular every day. The simplicity and efficiency of the technology gives it every chance to supplant the traditional cultivation of young greens. Once you've built a simple DIY installation, you'll quickly see the benefits. You will definitely want to make a more complex and powerful machine in order to test its great capabilities.

Hydroponics will allow you to get fresh vitamins from lettuce, dill, onions and other greens even in winter. Enterprising people can even turn this building into a source of permanent income.

What is hydroponics for?

Surely every summer resident remembers the cases when you need to till the soil all day in order to get the long-awaited harvest after a while. Growing lettuce hydroponically saves you the hassle of crawling through the beds. At the same time, you will not be deprived of the pleasure of watching the growth of the salad and will be able to consume fresh herbs almost all year round.

Hydroponics is a structure in which lettuce grows not in the ground, but in the water. There are many types of such systems, from the simplest to the most complex. As a rule, simple variations are used at home, the creation of which does not require a significant investment of money, effort and time. At the same time, even such a device will have the following advantages over growing lettuce in soil:

  1. Less labor intensity. The lack of soil allows you not to waste extra time on loosening, removing weeds and regular watering. You will not be annoyed by pests that live in large numbers in the earth.
  2. Very small landing area. Plant roots will be able to grow without large containers, which are used for planting in the ground. This significantly saves room space.
  3. More plentiful and more frequent harvests. Plants do not need to have a developed root system in order to receive all the nutrients. Namely, the formation of roots takes most of the time when growing lettuce in the ground.

Despite these undeniable benefits, hydroponically grown foods have a slightly different taste than conventionally grown foods. That is why many summer residents use the modern method of growing only in winter, when it is impossible to get a crop from the land.

Making hydroponics at home

The structure will consist of the following elements:

  1. Dense plastic container.
  2. Styrofoam sheet.
  3. Specialized hydroponic pots (reminiscent of the miniature urns seen in the office). Disposable cups with all-over slots can be used instead.
  4. Air aquarium compressor.

In addition to its direct function, the container must protect the solution from heat and sunlight, since under such conditions algae will multiply abundantly in it. For this task it is necessary to use a black (or dark colored) container made of dense plastic. The lid should also fit very tightly. In order to secure the plants, you can make holes for the pots in the lid itself, or use a foam sheet. The first option is much more convenient, but it is not suitable for those who plan to reuse the container with a lid for other purposes.

The holes for the pots should be spaced at some distance so that the tops of the grown plants do not interfere with each other.

Preparation and supply of the solution

When creating DIY hydroponics at home, you need to ensure that there is a sufficient amount of oxygen in the nutrient solution. An aquarium compressor with spray stones is ideal for this purpose. If the tank is small, 1 stone can be used. The number of nozzles should increase in proportion to the increase in the size of the container.

The oxygen supply will be carried out through a special hose, for which you need to make a hole exactly in the center of the lid. One end of the hose is connected to the compressor, the other to the spray stones, which must be spread evenly on the bottom of the container.

Tank filling

The first step is to fill half of the container with the solution. After that, you need to put on the lid and insert the pots into it. Then the solution is topped up to such a level that it reaches the bottom of each pot. This way the salad can get enough oxygen and minerals.

The final stage is turning on the compressor. If everything was done correctly, small bubbles should appear in the solution. If you have them, you can relax and wait for the harvest. If the water remains calm, you need to check the reliability of the hose attachment (both to the compressor and to the spray stones), as well as the performance of the compressor itself.

This hydroponics is optimal for growing lettuce and some other greenery. More capricious crops require a sophisticated grow box.

Industrial plant for growing greenery indoors.

The plant is designed for growing the following crops in plastic pots with a peat substrate: lettuce, dill, parsley, basil, mint, lemon balm, cilantro, celery, sorrel, rucola, onions for greens from seeds, turnip onion feathers, radishes, strawberries. All of the above crops are grown under agricultural conditions in the city of Krasnoyarsk. It is possible to visit the production.

The plant can also be used for growing seedlings, undersized tomatoes and cucumbers, hydroponic feed and other crops.

Installation characteristics:

Sown area 60 sq. m. (6 tiers of 10 m2)
Installed electrical power - 5.4 kW (LED lighting - 90 W / sq. M.)
Water consumption - 4.8 cubic meters. m / month
Overall dimensions 10300Х1150Х2600
On the installation, in one month, you can grow 3600 pots of green crops in the proportion of 50% salad, 50% herbs (dill, parsley, basil, mint, lemon balm, cilantro, celery, arugula, etc.)
Installation is possible in multiples - 2 meters and a height of up to 8 tiers.
The cost of installation is determined depending on the location of the Customer and the number of installations.

An example of the placement of installations in a closed room with an area of ​​108 m2:

Calculation of the main economic indicators of Moscow State University - 6 in a closed room.

1. Cost per unit of production:
- a pot - 0.48 rubles.
- peat - 0.52 rubles.
- seeds (for example, dill - 0.54 rubles / pot)
- label 0.58 rubles.
- consumer packaging - 2.00 rubles.

Total: 4.12 rubles. / pot

2. Operating costs (per month):
- electricity - 5.4 kW x 16 hours x 30 days x 4.06 rubles. = RUB 10,524.00
- thermal energy - 1320.00 rubles.
- water - 4.8 kb. mx 23.8 rubles. = RUB 115.00
- ingredients of the nutrient solution - 670.00 rubles.
- the salary of the plant breeder is 15,000.00 rubles. x 0.5 people = RUB 7,500.00
- taxes on wages (42%) - 3150.00 rubles.
Total: 23,279.00 rubles.

When growing 3600 pots, 6.47 rubles per pot.

Total unit cost (4.12 + 6.47) = 10.59 rubles. (for greenhouse cultivation, the cost price is 14-16.50 rubles)
The average purchase price for one pot of greenery in retail chains in Krasnoyarsk is 37.35 rubles.

Net profit of MGU-6 per month (37.35 rubles - 10.59 rubles = 26.76 rubles x 3600 pcs.) = 96 336.00 rubles.

We offer full agricultural support for your business.

The cost is negotiated individually - depending on the consultation (arrival of a specialist, remote consultation)

It is possible to visit a production facility in Krasnoyarsk.

Launch of a multi-tiered hydroponics project in Anadyr

Installation description:

The installation is assembled from several sections, two meters long and one meter wide. Each section can contain up to twelve tiers... The number of sections and tiers is determined by the wishes of the Customer and the characteristics of the premises.

The sections are rigidly connected to each other and form a single structure. The length of the plant is ten meters, the width is one meter (the occupied area is 10 square meters, the sown area is 60 square meters - six tiers of 10 square meters). On the upper tier of each section (plant), from 5% to 15% of the total sown area is occupied by the seedling department.

Each tier of the section (2 sq.m.) is equipped with economical LED lamps with a special spectrum. The lighting is switched on / off automatically in accordance with the selected start time and the duration of daylight hours.

A tank with a nutrient solution is located at the bottom of the unit. The volume of the tank is 2.5 cubic meters. (Each section accounts for approximately 0.5 cubic meters). Water consumption for preparation of the nutrient solution is 4.5 - 5 cubic meters. m / month depending on the crops grown. The installations have watering by flooding method. Watering is done automatically at the set time. The irrigation system is included in the delivery set, but (at the request of the Customer) it can be made independently according to the attached diagrams.

Installation dimensions (number of tiers and number of sections) are calculated individually for each room.

The productivity of the installation depends on the type of crops grown, on their varietal characteristics, temperature and humidity conditions in the room, water quality, adherence to agricultural technology of cultivation and ranges from 2800 to 5500 pots per month for installation.

Contents of delivery:

The delivery set includes: structural elements and accessories (as agreed with the Customer) for growing plants and maintaining the installation, an LED lighting system with a control cabinet, an irrigation / drainage system for nutrient solution, nutrient solution ingredients, consumables for monthly operation of the installation.

Attached is a tooling for the manufacture of consumer packaging. The equipment allows you to quickly and inexpensively produce consumer packaging, without investments commensurate with the cost of the installation itself, when ordering packaging in specialized enterprises.

Also, a detailed agrotechnological instruction for cultivation is attached, based on the practical experience of using installations in the agricultural sector of the city of Krasnoyarsk. We provide consultations on the launch of the installation into production. It is possible to carry out commissioning works.
Calculation of the installation parameters (the maximum number of sections and tiers) for a specific room, performance depending on the crops grown, are performed free of charge.

The cost of commissioning (if desired by the Customer) is determined depending on the location of the Customer, configuration and number of installations.

Technological cycle.

The technological cycle consists of several stages. Planting crops, growing and harvesting, seasonal disinfection and preparation for the new season. To ensure a daily harvest, green crops are sown daily in accordance with growing technology.

For the cultivation of green crops in the total sown area from 10% to 15% (depending on the crops grown) is a seedling department. In the seedling department, the seedlings are up to two weeks. Then the pots with sprouted plants are rearranged into the working compartment until the presentation is reached. The rest of the area is the work department. The density (quantity per 1 sq. M.) Of pots in the working compartment is determined by the type of culture and ranges from 38 (salad) to 60 (for example, basil) pieces. The growing season depends on many factors and averages 37 days. Depending on the crops grown, the proportions of sowing, the output of finished products from 1 sq.m. can be from 47 to 72 pots per month. The offered equipment and technology allow to grow: leaf lettuce, dill, leaf parsley, basil, mint, lemon balm, cilantro (coriander), leaf celery, leaf mustard. The seeds of these crops must comply with GOST 52171-2003.

Requirements for the premises.

!!! Important. Before proceeding with the preparation of the premises for the installation of equipment, it is necessary to determine the possibility of meeting the requirements below. All work related to power supply, water supply and sewerage, water treatment, redevelopment and decoration of the premises, the device of the ventilation system should be carried out by specialized organizations.


The room must be equipped with a forced supply and exhaust ventilation system with at least 10 air changes per hour with filtration, heating of the incoming air and its disinfection using ultraviolet radiation. Exhaust ventilation is designed to maintain the required humidity, supply ventilation - to create a temperature regime. The capacity of the air heater for heating the incoming air must be determined on the basis of the minimum outside temperature and the required room temperature, and to exclude the formation of condensation in the room. If the relative humidity of the outside air is high (more than 80%), it may be necessary to install a dehumidifier. The ventilation system must be controlled by a dedicated controller.

In accordance with the technological process, the ventilation system must maintain the temperature in the range from 12 ° C to 19 ° C and humidity from 60% to 80%. It is advisable that the air intake by the exhaust ventilation system be carried out at a height of 1.5 to 2.1 meters from the floor level with grilles or diffusers directed downward. Supply ventilation grilles or diffusers must be located at a height of at least 3 meters and directed upwards.

When designing a ventilation system, it is necessary to take into account that at least 50% of the electrical power consumed by the luminaires is spent on heat generation.

Water supply and sanitation.

The cultivation technology provides for daily correction of pH and EC of the nutrient solution and its periodic change (up to 2 times a month). To prepare the nutrient solution, water with the parameters pH= 7 - 7.5 and EC ≤ 0.2 mS / cm... Water consumption for technological needs is determined by the number and type of MMC installations.

In the absence of a centralized drainage network in the room, it is necessary to equip a septic tank.

Power supply. Heating.

For space heating, it is advisable to use electric heaters with automatic maintenance of the set temperature. To ensure the technological process of growing berries and greens, a three-phase AC network is required. The installed electrical power is determined by the number and type of installations. To determine the total power consumption, it is necessary to additionally take into account the power of the supply ventilation heater, the power of heating devices (about 1 kW per 30 cubic meters of room volume), lighting and other electrical equipment necessary for the work of personnel.

General construction requirements.

General construction and finishing work inside the premises must be carried out in accordance with SNiPs by specialized organizations. When selecting materials for interior work, it is necessary to take into account the temperature and humidity conditions inside the room. Materials of ceilings, walls, floors should provide for regular wet cleaning. Ceilings and walls should be painted with light-colored waterproof paint that can be repeatedly exposed to detergents. The floor must be smooth, level and waterproof. The use of polymer floors is desirable.

Infrastructure premises (zones).

Infrastructure rooms (zones) are a necessary component of the technological process. These are premises (zones) for changing clothes of service personnel, storing consumables, cleaning equipment, eating, jobs for stuffing pots with peat, sowing seeds, packaging finished products. The allocation of these zones is possible in the room where the technological equipment is installed.