Leveling the ceiling under painting: rules, stages, nuances. How to level the ceiling. Preparation of the foundation, removal of old paint, sealing interpanel seams. Alignment with mixtures. Finish finish Leveling the ceiling with your own hands with a small drop

To eliminate the irregularities of the ceiling, you can use several different ways. The most popular options are plastering and mounting drywall design. With the implementation of the planned events, you can easily cope with your own hands. Familiarize yourself with the features of existing methods, select the appropriate level of alignment and proceed to work.

A somewhat outdated, but rather relevant and extremely simple method. Easy performance in combination with low cost makes this method of alignment of the ceiling very popular.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • the layer of plaster practically does not take away the height of the room;
  • plaster allows you to get a classic white ceiling, which is especially valued by lovers of traditional finishing options. If desired, of course, the plastering can be analyzed (use the decorative composition);
  • low cost of performance;
  • ecology. The ceiling, trimmed by plaster, can "breathe", which is favorable on the microclimate indoors.


  • the process is quite laborious and dusty;
  • on the full drying of each coating layer takes quite a long time;
  • to equalize large drops, you have to spend a lot of material and buy additional devices (grids);
  • it is necessary to spend time to prepare the foundation;
  • errors in the arrangement of the finish, as well as the sediment of the building, lead to the appearance of cracks in the coating.

Finishing Guide

First step. Get rid of the old finishing material, if any. Any old finish will significantly worsen the adhesion of putty with the base. Already in the near future, the coverage will begin to fall off from the ceiling with pieces.

You can delete the old finish manually using a spatula or use an electric door with a special wire nozzle for this. The second method is simpler and fast, but very dusty.

Before starting work, put on safety glasses and a respirator for the sake of your own security and convenience.

The surface should be cleaned until the "naked" base.

The second step. Clean the surface from dust with a wet washcloth and cover the universal primer. Also, a well-fastened means of deep penetration.

Third step. If there are large cracks, close them with a starting putty and creek a special plaster grid.

If there are no big cracks, simply apply a layer of starting putty on the surface or plaster and crumple the coating using the rule.

Give the starting layer to dry and re-check it with even the rule. Equity eliminate with the help of sandpaper, recesses to cover.

Fourth step. Lightly stick the surface and thoroughly add it to either wipe with a damp washcloth.

Fifth step. Apply the finish putty on the ceiling. Depending on the surface of the surface, apply the finish remedy with a single or double layer. The new layer is allowed to apply only after complete drying of the previous one, otherwise the coating will be cut off and fall off.

The dried surface is staring with a shallow sandpaper and clean from dust using a vacuum cleaner or a moistened sponge.

Plasterboard sheets are fixed to a special suspended system from profiles and guides, which allows you to hide even very large surface defects without the need to pre-prepare the ceiling. Additionally, under the plasterboard, you can hide the electrocabels, elements of the ventilation system and other communications.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • plasterboard allows you to hide any ceiling height differences;
  • the material is environmentally friendly and safe;
  • with the help of drywall, various communications can be hidden;
  • the material is extremely easy to process and use, which allows you to create designer structures from it any level of complexity.


  • the framework of profiles reduces the height of the room;
  • for installation require additional power tools;
  • frame requires additional cash investments;
  • for installation, you will have to find at least one helper.

Montage Guide

First step

On the perimeter of the room at the selected height (it is selected individually in accordance with the desired view of the finish design), attach the guide profile to the walls. Use dowels for fixation.

It is important that all profiles are fixed on the same level. To do this, find the lowest angle of the room, postpone from it down the required distance, then transfer by the level of the point to all the remaining corners and connect them with straight lines.

For line application, use thread moistened in any paint. You can use the chalk cord. Tension the thread (chalk cord) between the printed points, slightly pull it away from the wall and release. On the surface will remain straight lines markup.

Second Step

Attach direct suspensions to the draft base. Fix with dowels. Confasing the suspensions with self-draws to the wooden ceiling. In the case of concrete overlap, the holes under the dowel will have to pre-prepare with the help of the perforator.

Third Step

Insert the carrying plasterboard profile in the guide profile, align the products and screw them to the suspension. Bearing profiles Place with a pitch of 400 mm.

Fourth Step

Machine communications if their installation is scheduled under a plasterboard design. After fixing sheets of access to the inner space, you will no longer get.

Route the electrocabilities for future lamps and make sure that they are working. In the absence of skills, it is better to consult a professional electrician.

Fifth Step

Start screwing the sheets of finishing to the frame. Pre-remove a chamfer from the transverse joints with a knife.

Secure all scheduled sheets in accordance with the selected decoration scheme.

Sixth Step

Fill the joints of sheets with putty and further strengthen them using the sickle grid.

Seventh Step

Calculate the surface (there will be a sufficiently thin layer) and pass the dried putty with sandpaper.

In complete, apply the finish putty, paint the ceiling or perform another finish at your discretion.

Other ceiling leveling methods

Plastering and installation of plasterboard design are not the only methods of alignment of the ceiling. So, modern tension and suspended systems can be used to level irregularities.

The suspended ceiling is mounted in almost the same manner as a drywall structure:

  • suspensions are fixed to the overlap;
  • frames made of metal products attached to the suspension;
  • decorative panels are attached to the frame.

The panels themselves can be made from a variety of materials: chipboard plate, minvolock, metal, etc. When choosing a specific material, focus on your personal requirements regarding the following parameters:

Take into account the fact that the standard suspension design reduces the height of the room on average by 150-200 mm.

An excellent, but rather expensive method of aligning the ceiling is the installation of the stretch system. This is a modern and very effective option, requiring an artist's presence of at least minimal handling skills with special tools (heat powder).

Installation of the system is performed in such a sequence:

In the process of its cooling, the canvas will be stretched, becoming more elastic and durable.

The stretch ceiling can have any color, which allows to implement a wide variety of design ideas.

Thus, the ceiling can be aligned using several methods. You must decide which method is most suitable for you. Deciding with the optimal option, do everything in accordance with the above recommendations, and you align the ceiling of your housing is no worse than a qualified repairman would do.

Good job!

Video - how to align the ceiling with your own hands

The condition of the surface of the ceiling depends on many factors, but close to ideal it happens only after recent repairs. In all other cases on the ceiling - the most viewed base of the room - there are defects that housing owners strive as quickly as possible and better eliminate.

The main criterion for the quality of the design of the ceilings is their evenness, if not to take into account some original methods of finishing, for example, a wooden bar. Only on the aligned basis or the lefts of a defective surface under a disguise shell can be made of decorative or, at a minimum, the classic finish of this structural element of the room. Consider several of the most common ways how to level the ceiling with your own hands depending on the significance of its defects.

Types of ceiling grounds

In modern housing construction, the most common beam or snowless reinforced concrete floors, which may be the following execution:

  • monolithic;
  • prefabricated;
  • collected-monolithic.

There are other technological solutions - arched brick, tent, wooden and other structures, but with the problem of aligning such bases the owner of housing faced much less frequently.

Monolithic floors are made by the fill of concrete into the formwork with the reinforcement installed on the place in the inter-storey plane.

Prefabricated coating designs are performed from finished reinforced concrete slabs (hollow or monolithic), mounted butt on beams or bearing walls.

Collected-monolithic floors - relatively new technology consisting in the installation of the jack between the beams of extractive aerated concrete blocks, on top of which the cement mortar is performed connecting the design to one unit.

Each of the methods has both definite advantages and disadvantages that need to be neutralized.

Defects Ceilkov

The degree of need to equalize the ceilings after the ceiling device depends on many factors, but even with a flawless performance of the base, it is largely due to the installation technology.

The smallest correction require ceiling surfaces of monolithic reinforced concrete coatings - they are located in one horizontal plane and do not have joints.

Otherwise, it is the case with teams and team-monolithic structures.

On the precast floors there are differences in the location of the plates, which can also be located at some low angle to the horizontal. In addition, along the seams to mask such installation defects or cracks, the builders are often cut into rusts, which over time are destroyed and require repair or sealing.

The collection-monolithic design of the overlap has a smooth surface of the ceiling base, on top of which plastering is performed to hide the joints of the blocks. But the difference in the materials of the manufacture of blocks, the assembly solution and the leveling composition causes cracking in the plaster.

The ceilings of any constructive design need current care and repair, but the list and volumes of the finishing works necessary for the fulfillment may differ significantly depending on the types of defects that require a specific elimination technology.

The complex of finishing work to eliminate the defects of the ceilings can be combined by the generalizing definition of "alignment", which, depending on the execution method, will include certain operations.

Methods of alignment of ceiling surfaces

In essence, the methods of alignment of ceilings can be divided into wet and dry. Leveling with the help of various hardening mixtures, dry-mounted plasterboard, suspended and stretch ceilings.

Wet and dry alignment methods, naturally, differ in the composition of the necessary work.

Generalized wet alignment methods include:

  • removal of poor quality or worn coating;
  • sealing old or cutting new rusts;
  • filling the chipping and cracks;
  • removing the base of the ceilings into a single horizontal plane;
  • finish surface alignment.

Dry methods consist of the following main operations:

  • installing a frame with levelation;
  • installation of the ceiling.

Consider these methods equally widely used when repairing ceilings.

Repair ceilings with leveling mixtures

If the ceiling base is concrete, the height of the premises in the area is 2.5 meters, and there are no large differences in the level of the surface, the most rational repair method will be the ceiling leveling with special mixtures, since the installation of the frame will significantly reduce the height of the room.

Surface preparation

Preparatory work is particularly important, since the strength of gravity will continue to operate on the leveling layers.

If the ceilings are separated by water-level paint, then it must be completely removed. Poons are wetted and impregnated with water with a painting roller, after which it is easily removed by a narrow spatula.

If the finishing material is oil paint or enamel, then the amount of work on its removal depends on the state of the base. If the ceilings are smooth, the surface is closed with a hammer, and the paint along with the plaster is removed only where the plaster solution was peeled.

When drops in height or deviations from horizontal plates, when they have to apply aligning mixtures, oil paint from the ceiling must be deleted completely. It is performed by a grinder with a steel disk-dryness - a layer of paint is embedded from the surface along with part of the plaster, irregularities in the form of small convex sites can also be removed by the grinder.

Important! Work Grender (Bulgarian) is performed in protective glasses and respirator.

Cleans from the fillers also joints between the plates - damaged rusts are knocked off by a manually with a chub and hammer.

After cleaning the construction garbage, the room is ventilated and treated with a vacuum cleaner, and then the ceilings are priming the ceilings with a ready-made hydrophobic primer composition or prepared by an independently aqueous latex solution of the proportion of 1: 4. The coating of the primer in this case is convenient to produce a spray gun.

After a day, the surface is ready to impose aligning mixtures.

How to align a defective concrete ceiling?

Alignment of the ceiling with their own hands starting with the sealing of rusts. The slots in the joints of the plates on the maximum depth are filled with the mounting foam, the excess after curing is cut off by a stationery knife, deepening in the seam by 2-3 cm. A layer of basic leveling mixture based on the cement is applied on top of the mounting foam. If the ceiling plane is smooth, does not have drops, then after curing the composition in the sealed rusts, the ceiling waterproofing is performed, and then the finishing replacement composition on a plaster basis is desirable - with a preliminary reinforcement over the seams with a serpanka ribbon.

The number of layers depends on the qualification of the performer, two layers are usually applied - the second after curing the first. The surface is then polished, cleaned from dust with a vacuum cleaner and is covered with primer composition.

If the ceiling plates have drops in height, the volume of work on alignment increases significantly. In this case, the range of valves values \u200b\u200bis important, since it depends on the solution of the issue than exactly what a mixture to align the ceiling.

It is necessary to proceed from the fact that the ceiling alignment is made with a wet method with an altitude of up to 50 mm - a layer of plaster even a smaller thickness, made with violations of technology, during detachment and collapse is dangerous to life.

Plastering ceilings with cement-sandy solution requires professional skills - apply a freshly prepared solution on the ceiling base with its fixation on it is difficult, and the slightest deviation from the formulation or correctness of the performance technique leads to a drop in the mixture. Therefore, to take on the independent execution of this work without the presence of practical experience - an empty undertaking. And with the height of up to 30 mm, the ceiling alignment with their own hands is quite real - the characteristics of special mixtures based on cement or gypsum simplify this operation.

Horizontal markup ceiling plane

Under the ceiling surface, you need to designate a horizontal plane, to the level of which it is necessary to lower all points of the base. For this, first of all determine the lowest corner of the ceiling. It is easier to perform with a laser level - the device is exposed to the center of the room, level and, rotating it in the horizontal plane, is applied to the vertical angles of the walls of the room at one mark. Then distant distances from these marks to the ceiling and choose the smallest value - at this level there should be a new ceiling plane after alignment.

For the absence of a laser level, the horizontal marks around the perimeter of the walls under the ceiling can be set using a transparent flexible hose with water - if it is filled with water, then, according to the law on the reporting vessels, the liquid levels at the ends of the hose will be located at one height.

On the perimeter of the walls, the holes are drilled at the top and screw the screws in increments of 0.5 m, along which there are control cords that form the plane of the future ceiling are stretched along and across the room.

Important! If some section of the ceiling surface is below the level of the cords, then it must be placed with a grinder with a disk-dryness or omit all the control cords on the required value.

Having an outline of the future area, the maximum thickness of the layer required to be imposed for leveling the base is measured. If this value is from 30 to 50 mm, then, as mentioned above, it is better to entrust this work to professionals, which will actuate the ceiling ceiling with cement-sandy mortar. If the layer does not exceed 30 mm, then align the ceiling in the apartment can be independently using cement and gypsum mixtures.

Construction of control beacons

A layer with a thickness of 20 to 30 mm is better to perform from a mixture on a cement basis, putting it on the reinforcing steel grid, which is scheduled to the ceiling by brackets or fixed with self-draws. The armature will exclude the collapse of the layer even if it is detached from the ground due to some factors.

On top of the grid, lighthouses are set - rows of cones from the cement mixture with a height equal to the distance to the cord in this place. After curing the cones, they perform their connection to the same mixture in such a way that it turns out to be smooth and smooth guides for the rules that the excess composition applied subsequently will be removed.

The equalizing composition prepared according to the instructions is applied to the base with a wide spatula, if necessary, is in layers, after curing and drying the mixture of previous application. At the same time, the surface of the previous layer before setting is to "be exceeding" - to carry out a gear spatula to create a profile to which the next layer is stronger.

Important! It is impossible to speed up the process of curing and drying the plaster or the creation of a draft or an increase in the room temperature.

After continuously filling the gaps between the guides, the excess plaster is removed by holding the rule on fresh, slightly grabbed a layer - the device leads along the guides, pressing them and at the same time performing movement in transverse directions. The sinks remaining after the rule are filled with the same solution and drag.

The ceiling alignment is completed by applying the finish shtlock - it is performed in two or three layers with intermediate drying and removing convex traces from the movements of the spatula. Then grinding the surface of sandpaper, fixed on a flat bar or a special holder. The ground base is grounded with one of the hydrophobic compositions, after drying the surface or finishing the surface with decorative tiles.

Leveling ceilings of plasterboard

This method of repairing ceilings less labor-intensives and, unlike plastering, does not require strong practical skills, although this technology has enough rules, the non-compliance with which is fraught with a damage to the coating shortly after the finish end.

Preparation of the foundation

With the ceiling, the peeling rustling and plaster is removed, the ceiling rusts are released from old filling materials and close after the primer together with significant potholes. Then a solid waterproofing of the ceiling is made - it will reduce the consequences in the case of flooding from above, as drywall, even moisture-resistant, is not intended for direct contact with water.

Marking of the frame of the frame

Consider the design of the simplest, smooth ceiling of plasterboard, as many other, more complex types of design are used.

On the perimeter of the room at a certain distance from the ceiling (depends on the selection of the future finishing design) with a level of a starter level - a horizontal line on which the boundary profiles will be configured.

The ceiling makes the layout of the location of the framework parts, which can be two types:

  • a solid drying with cells with a size of 60x60 cm - the joint of two adjacent GLCs should be located on one profile, along it;
  • the linear arrangement of profiles - for longitudinal installation of HCL with a distance between parallel guides of 40 cm, and the transverse jumpers are mounted only under the joints of sheets.

Calculation of consumption of material

Both framework designs are reliable, so the one is selected, which, with specific dimensions, will require a smaller consumption of materials.

For the markup performed the calculation of the need for material:

  • uD profile - along the perimeter of the room plus 20%;
  • cD- profile - the total length of the jumpers on the ceiling plus 20%;
  • the suspensions - from the settlement of the step of 60 cm.

The standard dimensions of the leaf of plasterboard are 2.5 x1.2 (m). With a simple configuration of the ceiling (flat, single-level) draw sketch with dimensions and component on it HCL taking into account the design of the selected frame.

The number of self-tapping screws for mounting plasterboard is taken for 100 pieces per sheet.

Screws with wipes - twice the number of suspensions plus consumption on the installation of the UD profile with a step of 40 cm.

Montage Karcasa

Work starts with the installation of UD profiles around the perimeter of the room along the start level. Then the suspensions are fastened to the ceiling on the frame markup, which, after installing CD profiles, will be bent for attaching jumpers to them.

The compound perpendicularly located frame elements is performed using a special crosset - "crab". To increase the profile in length, a special device is also applied, but you can do without it - to perform a lining on the item of the next fragment with a launch of 10 cm and the side fastening with self-draws.

In the room with an even, but not smooth ceiling, metal profiles can be replaced by wooden bars, but they need to be treated with antiseptic and primer nitrolek to protect against moisture.

Laying plasterboard

Installation of GLC is better to perform together so as not to make special T-shaped backups.

The cutting of the sheets are performed by the product with an end of the product on one side by the stationery knife according to the ruler, followed by a breakdown towards the cut.

If the humidity in the room is increased, then the moisture-resistant plasterboard is used - with the marking of the G Clac and the shell of the green color. In addition, the surfaces of the sheets of sheets are covered with primer nitrolecom - gypsum gygroscopic. It will not be superfluous and the coating of the HCLV layer of hydrophobic composition from the inside - it will save sheets of deformation with a slight leakage on top of the stone base.

Basic rules for mounting drywall on the frame:

  • between the sheet and the wall leave the gap in 2-3 mm;
  • installation of elements is performed in a checker order so that the transverse joints of the GCL did not coincide;
  • fixed screws are screwed in a step of 15-20 cm also in a checker order, deepening a hat into a sheet for 1 mm to conceal it subsequently with the putty;
  • from the ends of the sections of the GLC in the fields of the joints, the chamfer is removed at an angle of 30-40 degrees (with a nyrolomic processing) to be able to fill the mixture to the entire depth.

Platkeeper ceilings from GLK

Mounted from the GLC ceiling using a paint roller or spray painting is stuffed with a layout composition based on latex.

During the day after the priming, it is necessary to perform plasterboard shtlings, starting with the filling of the seams along the perimeter of the walls and between the sheets, on which the chamfer was removed before assembly. The joints with a narrow spatula are filled with a special mixture, for example, "fugenfuller", simultaneously covering the splock recessed in the sheet of the hats of the screws. On top of the layer of freshly placed spit, along the seams, the reinforcing sickle ribbon is laid, which is taken with a spatula into the mixture and additionally coil from above the same composition.

The ceiling give time to dry (1-2 days), after which sandpaper is treated with splock over the sickle on the seams and on other sites where it was used. The ground base is ground throughout the area, and the ceiling is ready for painting or other form of finishes.

Plastic Tile Leveling Plastic Tile

Another way to equalize the ceilings is the installation of a strip or rectangular plastic tile. The essence of the principle is the same - the creation below the ceiling of an additional shell, which will hide the defects of the bearing base.

Tile laying technology resembles plasterboard mounting:

  • preparation of the foundation;
  • mounting frame;
  • laying tiles.

At the same time, the edges of the tile are performed with a locking device that eliminates them to put them after mounting.

Lining an uneven ceiling by plastic tiles is not difficult even alone - by analogy with drywall, a frame is mounted, which is more convenient to perform from wooden bars - the tile is fastened with small nails clogged into it.

The advantages of this method are that the PVC tile is not afraid of water, simple in everyday care and is available in the entire price range.

Dropped ceilings

This type of work can be considered not only as a method for aligning ceilings, but also as an independent finish form, the main purpose of the execution of which is the artistic cladding of the ceiling base, while the passing result is also alignment.

The method is not always budget, except to consider the type of suspended ceilings performed from plasterboard. Suspended structures require a significant height of the ceilings, as well as the presence of professional skills, as, depending on the characteristics of the room, the finish frameworks may differ and the material of the execution and the installation method.

Therefore, universal instructions, how to align the ceilings in the way of mounting the suspension finish, can not be - each specific case needs an individual approach.

Stretch ceiling

This is another technology that allows you to hide an inesthetical ceiling base for a decorative shell. Stretch ceilings differ in manufacturing material (elastic, fabric), fastening to base and artistic design.

Without the presence of professional skills, it is not reasonable without professional skills with the use of this material - the correction of errors made in the installation process reduces the aesthetics of execution, and the cost of such a cladding is sufficiently high.


So how to make an uneven ceiling can be smooth in many ways, when solving, perform it with your own hands, you should choose a technology close to the existing skills. Even being far from the production of painting works or plastering, it is possible to align the ceiling by imposing monotone, often spaced shovels, which will hide defects that are noticeable before on a relatively smooth surface. Consequently, if desired, you can find the correction method available both in the technical performance and in terms of costs.

The main essence of the article:

  1. Ceilings - an integral factor when assessing the aesthetic content of the housing.
  2. Analysis of surface defects are needed when choosing a method of alignment.
  3. Concrete ceilings are the most common design of overlaps.
  4. Budget technologies for aligning concrete grounds.
  5. A variety of ways of leveling of ceilings allows you to perform it even nonprofessionals.

An uneven ceiling is one of the main problems of both old and new apartments. The main reason for this is poor-quality laying of plates or uneven sealing of seams. Most families themselves are taken this problem, but due to lack of information and skills, it is not all possible to do work qualitatively.

There are some ways to level the ceiling, the use of which will give the desired result. When using any option, it is worth holding a number of rules and recommendations. Then the ceiling will look neat and stylish for many years.

In the construction market there is a large amount of putty, with which you can perform high-quality finish.

Types of spacing for ceiling leveling:

  1. Start. The mixture is used to align the surface.
  2. Finish. It is used to make a color and smooth ceiling.
  3. Universal. Used both for alignment and at the final stage.
  4. Specific. Applies only for some types of draft works.

Depending on the composition of the putty, we are cement-limestone, sandy cement, gypsum and polymeric.

  • Cement-known. Such a putty is used in rooms where high humidity constantly holds. Due to the fact that the tool is inelastic, small cracks may appear on the surface, after its complete drying. Therefore, on such a ceiling, it will be necessary to re-finish to smell defects.
  • Sand-cement. It is used for ceilings that have small differences. The mixtures of this species have good water resistance.
  • Gypsum. The tool is intended for the final ceiling finishes. The peculiarity of such a putty is that it does not sit down like other species.
  • Polymer. High quality putty, with which you can quickly and easily achieve perfect evenness. The disadvantage of the means is a high price.

Tip! To make the mixture of mixtures, it is worth using one brand means.

There is a dry and ready-made composition. Each of them has its advantages and minuses. Dry mixes are easy to transport, but before applying they must be prepared. To do this, it will be necessary to stir the powder with water at the specified proportion on the label.

Methods of surface leveling

There are several options how to make a smooth ceiling. All of them are combined into two groups - "wet decoration" and "dry finish".

The wet method is the use of powder mixtures, which before the start of work is bred by water. A dry method is a fastening of plasterboard or plastic plates, as well as the use of stretch structures.

The choice of method of finishing depends on the availability of communications on the ceiling. If there are cables, pipes, wires, or ceiling drop on the surface, more than five centimeters, then it is necessary to use drywall structures or stretch ceiling. When irregularity, which does not exceed 5 cm, you can apply plaster. If laying of concrete slabs can be returned less than 2 cm, then the sections can then align the curves by applying two types of putty.

In order to make the surface whore strong and reliable, it is worth using a reinforced grid.

Preparatory work

Before aligning any ceiling, it is necessary to conduct preparatory surfaces of the surface. To do this, you need to remove all the old plaster with a spatula. Then you need to wash off the remaining chalk.

To quickly cope with the draft work, before the start of the removal of the plaster, it is worth putting out your spatula.

To remove the water-based paint from the ceiling, you can apply a solution with iodine. In 10 liters of water, you need to stir one bottle of this substance. The resulting fluid must be good to impregnate the ceiling. To do this, it is better to use a roller or a wide brush. After complete surface cleaning, it is necessary to proceed to the sealing of interpolesale seams.

Sequence sequence of seams:

  1. The space must be filled with the mounting foam and leave until complete drying.
  2. Excess material must be cut off using a building knife.
  3. The seams are well launched with grounded solution.
  4. The deepening between the panels to close with the help of "Rothmanda".
  5. On top of the mixture lay a layer of sickle grid.

Important! For large and uneven seams, it is better to apply plastering glass instead of a grid of sickle.

In order for the putty to bed well and kept, the ceiling in the apartment must be covered with a layer of primer. When choosing a fluid, you need to pay attention to the type of surface and the level of moisture indoors. Bathroom and kitchen should buy primer with waterproofing.

Less with drywall

Dry alignment of the ceiling with your own hands - the process is simple. The main thing is to comply with the sequence and rules of installation. This method is indispensable in the case of large drops. The advantage of this design is that after complete installation of plasterboard plates, you can immediately get a perfectly smooth surface.

Plasterboard does not require additional work. At the end of the attachment, the surface can be immediately covered with wallpaper.

Ceiling alignment sequence:

  1. Surface markup, where there will be a plasterboard design.
  2. Selecting the attachment points of the guides.
  3. Mounting frame made of metal profile.
  4. Styling inside the design of communication.
  5. Cutting drywall at the required dimensions.
  6. Fastening sheets to the previously installed frame.

This design can be mounted in any room. For rooms with high humidity it is worth buying a material that is saturated with a special means. He is able to repel the water and not lose its qualities for a long time.

Alignment of the surface with a stretch ceiling

This type of finish is effective, but expensive. Before aligning the ceiling in this way, you need to have special skills. With insufficient experience, it is better to contact the specialists.
Installation of the design lies in the fastening around the perimeter, the so-called frame. It is the basis for which the material from PVC is attached.

The film is installed using a special device - heat gun. Only in this way can be achieved perfectly smooth surface. With this type of alignment, you can get not only the perfectly smooth ceiling, but also give the room of uniqueness and style.

Putty to help

Before aligning the ceiling with your own hands using a putty, you need to gain not only experience, but also correctly pick up the mixture. For a drop in three - five millimeters, you must use beacons.

Their installation should be carried out in such a sequence:

  • First you need to take a thread and make the control level. The main thing is that the thread distance from the ceiling was equal to the future layer of putty.
  • Then putty need to make tracks in the specified direction.
  • It is necessary to put an aligning beacon on the applied mixture and leave for 4 to 12 hours.

After the remedy can dry, you can start aligning the "start". For work it is necessary to have two spatula of different sizes. One must be a length of 40 - 50 cm, and the second is 15 cm.
All work is carried out by a large tool, small is needed in order to adjust the substance on a long blade. The putty must be applied with a uniform layer in the direction of "on itself". If the reinforced grid is used in the process, then the thickness of the putty should not exceed 1 mm.

Important! It is also possible to align the ceiling by the Rotband, but provided that it will be small sections.

After a complete drying of the putty "Start", you need to proceed to the next stage. It lies in the leveling of the surface "Finishe". Such a means is applied in two layers. For the first - you can use a foam roller.

Sequence of work:

  • First you need to divide the dry remedy in the water. It is best to use a slightly warm liquid.
  • Then the thin uniform layers must be applied to the ceiling. You need to move only in one direction. It is forbidden to return to the raw plots.
  • After applying, it will take the surface to align the long spatula.

After complete drying of the first layer, you must apply the second. They should cover the ceiling with a special dispenser.

As soon as the finishing layer is dry, it is necessary to carry out a grinding. Since there will be a lot of dust in the process of work, you need to wear glasses and a respirator. To make the surface of ideal evenness, you can use sandpaper shallow crumb paper or.

After a complete slicer, the surface must be projected once again. Only after that you can proceed to painting or salary by wallpaper.

Align the ceiling is independently easy. The main thing is to choose the right method and high-quality materials.

Repair of ceilings in an apartment or private house is the first stage of finishing work. In most cases, pre-alignment of surfaces is required, and then applying a decorative layer: paints, structural or textured plaster, wallpaper and so on. Black works can be carried out using different materials.

Different types of this material are used for different purposes. Gypsum species are more suitable for finishing coatings. To align the draft layer, a solution based on cement or lime is perfect. Starts with surface preparation.

Surface preparation

First of all, it is necessary to remove the old coating, if any. After that, it is necessary to remove all oil spots, residues of paint and so on with a solvent. Next, it is necessary to remove all the fasteners, as they can subsequently rust under the coating. If fittings stick out of the ceiling, it is necessary to cut it as much as much as possible with the grinder and treat the residue by the anti-corrosion composition.

After that, it is necessary to stall the coating with machinery or sandpaper, remove the resulting dust using a vacuum cleaner or simply brush it from the ceiling. Then, using a roller or brush, you need to apply a primer with an antiseptic effect. After 4 hours, the surface of the primer of deep penetration should be covered. This is done to improve the adhesion of the ceiling with plastering.

Careful preparation is a deposit of success at the finish.

The technology of installation of stretch structures is simple, but this work requires experience, so the home master is better not to take

For installation it will be necessary:

  • Construction hairdryer with gas cylinder.
  • Spatula, drill, screwdriver.
  • Level, roulette, square.
  • PVC film and special baguettes for installation.

Installation of canvas

The first thing is mounted baguette. To do this, drill the hole drill and consolidate the products on the dowel-screws. Then the wiring is paved and equip the places of fastening the lamps. After that, it is necessary to decompose the cloth on the floor and alternately fasten with the clamps each angle. Turn on the gun and warm the cloth. It will start climbing. At this time, you need to fix it with a spatula in the baguette. At the very end, ceiling plinths are installed to hide baguettes.

The ceiling finish can be performed by various methods, each of which is characterized by complexity and duration. If there is at least a small doubt in your own, it is better to entrust the finish to those skilled in the art that you should not pay twice.

Some people, making repairs, for some reason align or only walls or walls and floor, without producing this procedure with the ceiling. Whether this is done in order to save money on repair, or because of the fact that few people pay attention to the ceiling, but, nevertheless, if you decide to make overhaul in the apartment, then the ceiling leveling is an integral part of it. In this article, we would like to tell about the methods of leveling the ceiling, as well as tell some of them best to use in a particular situation.

Than you can align the ceiling

Before aligning the ceiling, you need to solve which way and what material you will do it. To start, you must represent the design and interior of the room after repair, as well as the degree of irregularity of the ceiling. Based on what, and it will be necessary to choose what exactly to level the ceiling.

Today, the following methods of alignment of the ceilings are most often used:

  • Alignment of shp can
If you want to paint the ceiling or shove the wallpaper, while the degree of irregularity of the ceiling is completely insignificant, then for this will suit the putty. If you need to level the surface of the ceiling plate, from minor roughness and irregularities, then this is done using a putty. The method is very simple and at the same time not too expensive.
  • Stucco alignment
In order to level significant irregularities of the ceiling plate or if it has an uneven plane, that is, it goes into one of the sides, then for this it is necessary to align the ceiling slab with a large layer of solution, for this it will suit the plaster. If the plate goes too much to one of the parties and you need to align the plane throughout the plane area, then it uses a method for aligning the ceiling for beacons using plaster.
  • Alignment of plasterboard
If you want to quickly align the surface of the ceiling - then for this you can build a ceiling of plasterboard, it is also called a suspended ceiling. Another option of alignment of the ceiling with the help of drywall is the installation of a multi-tiered curly ceiling, which today is very popular. The advantage of such an alignment of the ceiling by plasterboard is that you not only align the surface of the ceiling, but at the same time, we will decorate it. Align a much uneven ceiling is much easier and faster than plasterboard than the catching layer of plaster or align it in light rooms.
  • Alignment using stretch ceiling
The last popular type of ceiling leveling is a stretch ceiling. By and large, the stretch ceiling is a way of decor ceiling, this can be attributed to the alignment indirectly, it seems to mask his irregularities. Installation of the stretch ceiling is as follows: the ceiling perimeter is mounted, the slats are mounted on which the material of the stretch ceiling is mounted. Stretch ceiling is the most expensive type of ceiling decoration and, of course, the most expensive kind of alignment. The advantage of this method is that the installation process produces a master, and in a few hours you will get a beautiful and even ceiling.

How to align the ceiling under painting and under the stick of wallpaper? In order to produce one of the listed types of decorative ceiling finishes, it is not necessary to level the ceiling plane, it suffices to align its surface. As a rule, the surface of the ceiling slab can be aligned with a putty, if the surface of the plate has significant irregularities, especially in the places of their joints, then use the plaster to withdraw its level on zero.

Based on the outlined information, choose the type of ceiling leveling, which is most suitable for your financial capabilities and under the design of the room. Next, we want to briefly tell about how to solve the ceiling by each of these methods.

How to align the ceiling in the apartment

How to align the ceiling with putty

Now consider directly: how to correct the ceiling with putty. As we have already said earlier, it is possible to align the ceiling with a putty, only if its surface has minor irregularities, since the shtlock must be applied to the surface not the thickness of the millimeter layer, otherwise it will begin to crack.

Before aligning the surface of the ceiling plate - clean it from old finishing materials: wallpaper or paint, and then apply the primer layer. Then, when the primer dried, proceed to apply a mixture on the ceiling. Try to smooth out the irregularities at once, which are on its plane.

After you have driven the putty, and it dried, with the help of a manual grinder you need to sand a sharp surface. It must be done so that the plastered surface is perfectly smooth. Then brush to consider the ceiling from the axial particles of the putty. After that, the surface of the ceiling is ready to apply finishing material.

How to align the ceiling plaster

If the ceiling plane strongly goes to the side or the surface of the plates and joints between them have significant irregularities, then the plaster is used, which can be applied with a layer of 2 cm.

There are many contradictions on which layer of plaster can be applied to the ceiling slab, and we believe that this layer should be no more than 2 centimeters. Why?

To align the wall, manufacturers of plastering make their mixtures into several layers, almost 10 cm wide, but note that the plaster is applied to the ceiling, and not on the wall, so there is a big degree of probability that it can disappear, while well, if floor. With very significant irregularities - build a plasterboard suspended ceiling or tensioning.

As for the alignment of the ceiling by plaster, this procedure is similar to the previous one: the surface of the ceiling plate is cleaned, grounds and after that, the layer of plaster is applied to it. Then, when the plaster dried, it grinds the hand grinder and cleaned with a brush. After that, the surface of the ceiling is ready for further finish.

How to align the ceiling by plasterboard

Now let's look at how to align the ceiling with drywall. In our opinion, this method is the best to align the ceiling in the apartment. For the construction of a plasterboard ceiling, you will need metal profiles, plasterboard sheets, suspensions, dowels, screws, roulette and level.

First you need to measure the level of irregular ceiling to determine how much to make an indent from the ceiling. Then the ceiling surface is preferably cleaned and brew, but you can skip it. On the side walls, on a distance marked from the ceiling, guides are mounted. After that, the ceiling in a step of 60 cm in width, the suspensions are attached. The distance of the fastening of the suspensions must be determined based on the height of the sheets of plasterboard, so that 2 sheets are stronged in the center of the profile. Note that the center of the plasterboard sheets should also be recorded by "+" in a figurative way. Profiles, as a rule, are attached to the transversely room on the dowel. The profile is inserted into the side guides and is fixed on the suspensions with the help of self-tapping screws, exhibited by level. After that, the repellent parts of the suspension bend up.

The next stage of installation of the suspended ceiling is the fastening of plasterboard sheets with self-draws, with a step of 5 cm around the perimeter, and as mentioned above "+" in a handy. Then the joints of the sheets are ground, and the self-adhesive grid passes on them, after that the seams are embarrassed by a thin layer of the putty, so that they subsequently did not crack. On the surface of plasterboard sheets, we apply a layer of putty to prepare a new ceiling to decorative trim. If you want a multi-level ceiling with curly inserts, then this procedure is somewhat more complicated.

How to align the ceiling by stretch ceiling

The last way to level the ceiling is a stretch ceiling. We will not stop the procedure for the installation of stretch ceilings in detail, because professional installers should be done by this issue.

The material of the stretch ceiling must be carefully heated in order not to properly. In addition, a heat gun is used to stretch the ceiling, fed from a cylinder with propane, which is a source of increased risk. In practice there is a lot of cases when the explosions of cylinders with gas in houses occurred when installing stretch ceilings. It is for these reasons that the installation is best to entrust professionals.

As for the installation procedure in short, then it is as follows: around the perimeter of the room, at a distance of approximately 15 cm, the fastener rails are mounted, in which the tensile ceiling fabric will be fixed. By itself, the tensioning tissue size is small and reaches the desired size when heated. With four corners, the fabric is attached to stretch marks and in the process of stretching is fixed in fastening rails, as shown in the photo.