Dig a pond in the area with an excavator. A pond in the country for fish farming and swimming. Video - interesting design solutions for the construction of a reservoir for fish

In this article, we will talk about how much it costs to dig a pond on the site: the price of work, materials and what will be done in general. You will also be able to gain information on what natural features of the site can be used to reduce the final cost of the pond. At the end of the article, the factors affecting the price of work will be described, and prices for the main services of construction firms will be given. All this will help you not to overpay for a pond in your country house.

A beautiful pond is a good decoration for any personal plot

Stages of digging a pond on the site

To have an idea of ​​how much it costs and how a pond works, it is worth first of all to study the sequence of actions for creating such an artificial reservoir in a private area. There are now many companies offering their services for planning and digging small ponds. Such organizations most often have qualified surveyors, draftsmen, managers and other specialists on their staff, therefore, if you decide to supplement your personal plot with a reservoir, then the best solution would be to contact such a company.

The location and shape of the pond, the choice of materials

When choosing the location of the pond, it is important to consider for what purposes you plan to use the reservoir. If its primary purpose is in fish farming, then a large area should be allocated for the pond, which allows you to create a pit of sufficient size. A small decorative pond will fit even on a small patch of land.

A decorative pond can easily be placed in the garden.

It is important that at noon the water surface is covered from the sun by some natural barriers, for example, planted trees. In the morning and in the evening, the pond must be well lit. This is also worth considering when choosing a place for a reservoir.

If you plan to create a pond for swimming or for decorative purposes, then it should not occupy more than 3% of the site. Also, the location and shape of the reservoir should be in harmony with the landscape and vegetation around it.

The pond must be inscribed in the design of the site

By depth, ponds are usually divided into three zones:

    Coastal zone


    Winter pit(if you plan to breed fish)

In this case, the bottom of the wintering pit should be 150 cm below the level of soil freezing. It is better that the area of ​​this part of the reservoir is approximately 20% of the total area of ​​the pond.

Now about the materials. To create a pit can be used:

    Layer waterproof concrete

    Finished plastic container

    Moisture resistant film for ponds

Plastic pits are often used to create ponds.

After the dimensions of the reservoir and the materials for its creation have been determined, you can roughly calculate how much it costs to dig a pond on the site.

Digging a pit

In order to dig a large pit, a special technique is usually used. For small decorative ponds, the foundation pit can be dug with a shovel. It is better if the entire pond has a rounded shape without corners. This is due to the fact that angular artificial reservoirs look very unnatural, because in nature the shores are always smooth. In the warmest regions of Russia, the depth of the wintering pit can be 150 - 160 cm. The coastal areas should have gentle slopes, smoothly turning into deep-water zones. Then the reservoir will be easier to care for.

However, you can make transitions between zones in the form of terraces. This technique is used to make the water surface look more natural.

This is how the right pit for a fish pond looks like

If we talk about the price of digging a pit, then it is impossible to name a specific amount. Most often, companies calculate the volume of the entire reservoir and multiply it by the cost of a cubic meter. In the Moscow region, a cubic meter of a foundation pit costs about 200-300 rubles.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Laying geotextiles

This is a very important step in the construction of a membrane pond. After the pit has been dug and all stones, roots and other foreign objects have been removed, you can start laying geotextiles. It is not recommended to skip this procedure and immediately lay the film on the bare ground. Indeed, at any time, the roots of trees and shrubs can break through the cover. Also, such a protective layer will protect the reservoir from rodents living on the site.

The edges of the canvas usually lead to the shore. Geotextiles are laid carefully so that many folds and creases do not form. It is recommended to use a material with a density of 150 g / m².

It is very important that the installation of geotextiles is done efficiently and correctly.

A roll of geotextile 1.5 * 25 m with a density of 100 g / m³ costs about 1100 rubles. The price for laying such material is usually small: about 1000 rubles will have to be paid for a rather large pond.

Laying waterproofing

Waterproofing is an indispensable component of any artificial reservoir. The fact is that very rarely the hydrogeological characteristics of the soil make it possible not to use this part of the structure.

Previously, pond waterproofing was done from clay, because there were no polymer materials. By the way, this technology is still used to create environmentally friendly reservoirs. Also, clay is good if the pit is large and it will be too expensive to cover it with a film. Usually, in order to scare away the inhabitants of the soil when applying the first layer of clay, soot is sprinkled on the ground. In total, you need to apply three layers.

The waterproofing of this pond is made using the "clay castle" technology.

Artificial waterproofing can be made of geomembrane or concrete. The most readily available polymer for a pond is high pressure film. It is also quite good in terms of resistance to mechanical damage. Here are some more waterproofing options for an artificial reservoir:

    PVC foil... Service life from 10 to 15 years.

    Butyl rubber film... It can successfully perform its functions for 50 years. Well suited for bodies of water over 3m deep. It can stretch without losing performance.

    Liquid waterproofing has a service life of 35-40 years. It is resistant to temperature extremes and completely eliminates the possibility of cracks and defects.

Video description

This video introduces liquid rubber waterproofing:

On our site you can find the most. In the filters, you can set the desired direction, the presence of gas, water, electricity and other communications.

The arrangement and installation of waterproofing should be entrusted to professionals, because this is a rather complicated and time-consuming process with a lot of subtleties.

It is quite difficult to properly equip the waterproofing of the pond on your own.

Now a little about prices. PVC foil it costs only about 40 rubles per square meter and you can buy it in almost any hardware store. Butyl Rubber Film Roll 20 meters long costs about 1600 rubles. Laying such waterproofing will cost about the same cost as laying geotextiles. Whether it is a clay castle and liquid waterproofing. These types of work will need to fork out. If we talk about the first option, then a square meter of the bottom, coated with three layers of clay, costs 250-300 rubles. Now about liquid rubber: 10 kilograms of such waterproofing for pools will cost 300-500 rubles. The cost of the work depends on the construction company. In the Moscow region, it is in the range of 150-200 rubles per m².

Methods for creating natural ponds

In order to create a good and large pond on your site, you can take as a basis some feature of the landscape or hydrology. For example, if there is a lake or river nearby, then there is an option to equip a dam. A well or a quarry can also serve as a base for a future reservoir. We will consider the technologies for creating such structures and talk about how much it costs to build a pond in the country in this way.

Creating a pond with a dam

The fact is that it is much cheaper not to dig a pit, but to use a ready-made catchment area. It can be a ravine or some kind of hollow, a previously dug hole or any other hollow. In order to fill such a reservoir, it is worth building a dam on a nearby river or stream.

In this way, you can create a small reservoir for fish farming.

A variety of materials are commonly used to create a small dam. These can be large stones, piles, concrete and even thick logs. The ridge of the structure must rise above the water level by at least a meter. The embankment width can be from 0.5 to 4 m. The dam should be built only when the dam is stable.

When creating a concrete dam, reinforcing screeds must be included in the structure. For the mixture, only waterproof cement is usually used, and the sand content is reduced as much as possible.

If we talk about the price of the dam, then it consists of the cost of materials and the cost of work. If you take a structure made of concrete slabs, then to create it you will need cement (30-350 rubles a bag), sand (in Moscow 3 rubles a kilogram) and gravel (130 rubles per 40 kg). The forest is quite expensive nowadays. A 6 m long larch log will cost at least 5,000 rubles. The cost of work on the construction of the dam depends entirely on the specific case.

The construction companies represented at the exhibition regularly hold promotions for their clients, which help to significantly save money. On our website you can find. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Ravine pond

The ravine on the site can be easily turned into a body of water. At the same time, it will be a plus if a small stream flows along its bottom. Then all that needs to be done is to block it from one bank to the other with the help of an embankment. Gradually, water supplied by the stream and sediments will accumulate in the depression. Over time, a reservoir will be created on your site for technical purposes, for example, watering the beds. But, by the way, if you work on the design, you can create a decorative pond. Moreover, its arrangement will cost much less than any other.

Ravine Pond can be designed to create a decorative pond

Here is a description of the technology for creating an artificial reservoir from a ravine:

    Dug out bypass, into which the stream is temporarily directed, so that it does not interfere with the work.

    From planks shields are made, which are upholstered on top with roofing material or foil.

    In the ravine gaps are made into which these shields are inserted. The dam is lined with stone, and a dam is obtained.

    To the bottom of the ravine waterproofing is laid... It is advisable to cover it on top with a layer of fine sand. It is better to lay out the walls of the reservoir with a stone.

    To keep the water at a certain level, an overflow pipe is installed... Excess flows through the canal into a pre-prepared sump, which is located below the pond level.

To build such a pond, you need a minimum of financial investments.

Video description

This video will tell you about how artificial reservoirs are created in place of ravines:

Pond at the site of the well

The easiest way to feed a reservoir is a well. With proper arrangement, you can create a system from a pond and a source in which water will circulate at a low flow rate.

It is very convenient to feed the pond from an underground source.

To create such a complex, you need:

    At the bottom of the pond was filter installed, performing, including the role of a skimmer, into which water will drain.

    Powered from the source small waterfall which will supply oxygen-enriched water to the pond. In this case, the pump should be turned on only if there is a need to raise the water level.

    It was relay installed, which will turn on the pump in order to pump water out of the pond when it is overflowing.

In terms of cost, this is one of the best options. After all, you do not have to pay for digging a foundation pit. All that needs to be done is to spread geotextiles and create waterproofing. The price for such procedures is indicated above.

Quarry pond

In professional terminology, such artificial reservoirs are called quarry ponds or gravel pits.

In place of the pond, you can create an extensive fish pond

A common occurrence is old quarries used for peat or coal mining. The water in them usually stagnates, while only small fish are found. To use such reservoirs for breeding valuable species, they must be provided with a constant flow of water. By the way, with proper use of the quarry, it is possible to collect up to two centners of fish per hectare of surface. Most often, such ponds are used by entrepreneurs.

Video description

This video tells about the pond at the Kurlevskiy quarry:

To grow fish in a quarry pond, you need large and powerful filters, the cost of which depends on the volume of the reservoir, water quality, climate and other factors inherent in a particular region.

How much does it cost to dig a pond on the site

The price of building a pond in the country is influenced by many factors. For example, an important component of the cost is the delivery of equipment to the site. On average, in the Moscow region, 40 thousand rubles are charged for this service. If the distance is short, you can hire a wheeled excavator. This option will be cheaper.

First you need to solve the issues of delivery of earthmoving equipment to the site

The working time depends to a large extent on the size of the pond. So a medium-sized pit can be dug in 8 hours.

Now it's worth figuring out what else affects the cost of work:

An important role is played by where the excavated soil will go. The cheapest option is to arrange a dump on all sides of the reservoir. If you make a dump on 3 sides, then the price increases due to the throwing of the soil. It is even more expensive to concentrate all the land on one or two sides of the pit.

If you do not intend to save money, then you can pay for the soil to be evenly distributed throughout the entire territory of the site. This option is more expensive because it requires the use of additional equipment.

Here is an example of a pond with a dump on one side

Now about what parameters the price of work depends on. The length, width and depth are needed in order to calculate the cubic capacity of the pit. If we talk about the price per cubic meter, then it is about 200 rubles in the Moscow region. Prices may vary due to soil conditions or season. Further, it is very important that the ways of approaching the site where the work will be carried out are thought out. A plus in terms of price will be if you can provide an overnight stay for the staff. You will also have to organize the protection of equipment at night. This can be done for an additional fee.

Hence, it follows that before starting work, it would be better to invite a company specialist to the site, who will be able to assess all the factors and roughly calculate the price of digging a pond in the country.

In general, you can talk about the price only knowing what the structure will ultimately be like. But if in general form, then a small pit will cost about 14 thousand rubles. A medium-sized pond dug by an excavator will cost 39-40 thousand rubles, taking into account the removal of garbage and earth. For the complete design and arrangement of an artificial reservoir, you will have to pay about 70 thousand rubles.

Most often, ponds are dug with the help of special equipment.

It is worth saying that many companies also offer their services in pond design, arrangement of a water purification system, as well as fish stocking. For many, the latter type of work is of interest. The price for it consists of the price for the total weight of the fish and the cost of the work itself. On average, a kilogram of live carp can be bought for 200 rubles, a kilogram of tench - 400, golden carp and bream - 500, grass carp and silver carp - 450 , permissible for a given pond and feeding regime.

Video description

about stocking the pond:


Now you know how much it costs to dig and equip a pond on your site. This is a very important issue that worries many owners. Indeed, often a lack of information about the price of certain materials or work leads to the fact that the construction of a structure stops at some stage due to a lack of funds. With this information, you can proceed to planning the reservoir and calculating the budget.

Any landowner would like to have a body of water on his site. A small pond creates a special microclimate, serves as a source of irrigation, collects excess water from the site, and finally becomes a place of rest and relaxation. Avid anglers will be happy to dig a pond for fish breeding, especially since it is not technically difficult, although it requires a lot of work. Such an event must be taken with full responsibility, because the pond created by you will need constant care, without which all its advantages will quickly dry out and it will swamp and dry out.

Fish ponds are:

  • growing up;
  • wintering;
  • feeding;
  • spawning.

Distinguish between ponds with artificial and natural bed (bottom).

Artificial bottom ponds are reservoirs that are built in areas with sandy soil that does not retain water well. In such a situation, after the excavation of the pit, it is necessary to waterproof it, and then form an earthen cushion of the bottom. Ponds with a monolithic or prefabricated reinforced concrete bottom are more often made.

Ponds with a natural bottom usually do not need additional manipulations with the arrangement: for their construction, it is enough to dig a pit and strengthen the slopes. This option is possible on soil with loamy, clayey and sandy loamy soils that do not conduct much water.

The simplest type of fish pond with a natural bottom in the device is digging.

A suitable fold of the terrain is selected and expanded, or a pit is dug out under the reservoir. The excavated soil is used to fill a dam or dam to collect sediments and melt water.

When groundwater is close, within 2-3 meters, the digging is additionally equipped with a special drainage trench (also called a "castle"). It prevents water from leaking out of the pond.

When constructing ponds in floodplains, old and dry riverbeds and streams, two dams are built, thereby filling the reservoir.

When building ponds with an artificial bed, preference is given to channel or bunded ponds. Such a fish pond can be made with a spillway.

The pit is being dug one to two meters larger than the one announced in the project being developed before the construction of the fish pond. A clay layer is arranged along the bottom and compacted, or a waterproofing film is used. The formwork is being built and the reinforcing mesh with cells of 30 * 30 cm is laid. At this stage, the drain pipes are fixed. The whole "cake" is filled with concrete. After that, the soil layer of the pond is arranged. Also, approach the choice of soil responsibly: when breeding carp, it is worth making it more dense, since it loves to dig the bottom in search of food, making the water cloudy.

Before pouring, the artificial reservoir is kept for two to three weeks and washed several times (up to five times), leaving the water for two days. After that, you can plant the plants, fill the pond with water and start the fish.

photos of fish ponds

How to plan a pond and choose a location

To create a do-it-yourself fish pond, there are a few conditions that will help you achieve the best results.

You can build a natural reservoir if there are natural depressions on the site (ravines, stream beds, including dry ones), lowlands and places near rivers are also suitable. If all of the above is not there, then it doesn't matter: you can always dig a pond.

When planning the location of the pond, keep in mind that it should be well lit in the morning - until 11 o'clock. From 11 to 15 o'clock, it is better to place it in the shade or partial shade, because algae multiply faster in warm water, and the fish may suffer from a lack of oxygen.

Calculate the size of the fish pond depending on the total area of ​​your plot, as well as your personal goals. So, for amateur fishing, a lake with a diameter of a water mirror of 5-10 m is suitable, but for fish farming on an industrial scale, lakes of much larger size are used - up to 200 meters in diameter.

The most important thing when building a pond is the availability of the required land area and a water source (a nearby stream, nearby groundwater, an artesian well).

The water must undergo a series of preliminary tests for its suitability for breeding fish in it. They can be done in sanitary and epidemiological services or in fishery laboratories. It should not contain harmful chemicals (such as methanol, bleach, etc.), duckweed and other contaminants.

The water supply is arranged depending on the type of water supply chosen: through pipes or channels by gravity using slopes or a pump. A good option would be to place a pond in the center of the site's drainage system.

The pond should be not too far from the house, but not very close either - this indicator should be calculated based on the functions laid down in the device of the reservoir.

Before construction, it is necessary to examine the soil on the land plot allocated for the reservoir for its ability to conduct water. This analysis is carried out in this way: soil samples are collected from the entire surface of the area where the pond is planned, then placed in containers and filled with water. After that, the mixture is shaken and defended, and according to the ratio of sand and clay, conclusions are drawn about the water resistance of the soil. If the proportion of clay or loam in the sample is 30% or more, then this soil will serve as a good bottom for the pond. Such indicators should be over the entire surface of the future bottom, otherwise it will be necessary to build artificial waterproofing, strengthen the slopes and build dams. Another aspect of this study is to inspect the thickness of the clay layer and its proximity to the surface. The layer thickness should be at least half a meter, and the bedding should be as close to the surface as possible.

Clay, as a natural waterproofing agent, is very good for the construction of the bottom of the reservoir. For these purposes, you can use clay produced by an industrial method. This natural material will help prevent water leaks and balance the temperature and nutrients in the pond.

The only thing to do when using industrial clay is to compact it while laying it on the bottom.

fish pond diagram

Tips for fish pond design and use

Ornamental ponds differ from fish ponds in the requirements imposed not only on their design, but also on the structure of the bottom and placement. Fish ponds are often not distinguished by sophistication of decoration, their main role is to create comfortable conditions for growing and catching fish.

  1. To avoid overflowing the reservoir, take care of the construction of a drainage channel, which is arranged on the gentle bank of the pond. Its bottom should be at the mark of the normal water level in the pond, and its width should be 0.5 m on average. Slopes are strengthened with turf, crushed stone, and sometimes covered with concrete slabs (depending on the size of the reservoir).
  2. A pit for the pond is dug with a maximum depth of 3 meters, which is optimal for both wintering fish and bathing people. In addition, the most comfortable water temperature for fish is maintained at this depth.
  3. In a fish pond, there is no need to arrange a multi-level bottom, as in a decorative one, but a third of its area should be a sandbank, with a depth of 0.5 meters to 1.5 meters. Its function is to provide the pond with a place for feeding and spawning fish.
  4. Gentle banks are a priority, but if there is no possibility, then try to make at least one such. The presence of banks of different slopes is useful for the diverse world of aquatic plants and for fish and its capture.
  5. When building a fish pond, give preference to types with the ability to drain the water. To do this, make a depression in the center of the bottom. It will also serve for quick catching of fish.
  6. Periodically (in the spring before the flood) clean the bottom of silt using a spillway. In natural ponds, water can be pumped out with a pump, leaving a small amount at the bottom, and silt can be collected with a shovel. Silt is a useful fertilizer for a land plot.
  7. Along the entire perimeter of the reservoir, it is necessary to carry out work to remove old stumps and clean the banks.
  8. The soil taken out of the dig can be used to raise the banks. Fertile soil is removed from them and an embankment is made, on which the removed soil is returned.
  9. In case of dry summers, try to keep the minimum water level in the pond below 1.5 meters.
  10. It is better to make a pond of an irregular oval shape. For cages, a regular rectangular shape is preferred.

Dams and dams

If there are suitable lowlands or ravines on the site, then a pond is built by expanding the existing depressions and constructing a dam or dam.

Principles for the use of dams and dams

Dams are built to retain melt and sedimentary water and thereby fill the pond with water. They are also arranged to block the channels of streams or small rivers to create a dam. The entire area of ​​the pond is enclosed by dams, its main function is to accumulate precipitation and control the water level.

These dams are made trapezoidal in shape, and they are located in the narrowest part of the dam.

For the purpose of protecting and filling ponds, these structures are built from soil, clay is best suited.

Construction of dams and dams

Clay is used for the body of the dam, and sandy loam and loam are suitable for covering. Dam and dam slopes are reinforced with turf, gravel or concrete slabs. You can plant moisture-loving shrubs and plants on them. When dams are built on sandy soils, they are additionally waterproofed. The soil is backfilled in layers and compacted every 20 cm.

The height of the structures is at least one meter above the surface of the pond.

Taking into account the strong settlement of the dams in the first year after construction, it is made 10-15 percent higher.

The ridge is arranged in the area of ​​4 meters, and at the dams it is already within two meters.

Dam construction video

Spillways and spillways

Both those and other structures, in fact, protect the reservoir from overfilling with water as a result of floods and excessive precipitation, and also serve to quickly release it from water for catching fish and preserving the pond for the winter.

Weirs are structures that drain excess water in an open way - through canals. These are drops and currents. They are built in the form of wooden or concrete stairs and channel trays.

Spillways - they use closed reinforced concrete pipes with socket connections. In fish farming, they are installed at the bottom of the pond, covering the entrance with a net.

How to make a pond with your own hands video

Your own little pond at a summer cottage is beautiful, unusual, and also a kind of symbol of well-being, which, with a reasonable approach, will give joy for many years. An important aspect of construction is the preparatory phase. Before digging a pond, you need to find the optimal place on the site, decide on the size and shape, choose the design and type of waterproofing.

Step-by-step guide to creating a pond at a summer cottage

The most accessible for self-construction is a small landscape-style pond with a film type of waterproofing. For such a reservoir, a natural round, oval, or slightly curved "bean" shape is suitable. Before digging a pond with your own hands, you need to prepare everything you need: a shovel, rake, scissors, thick rope or hose, limestone, sand, large stones, waterproofing film, geotextiles.

Step 1: contouring and digging out a pit

Before digging a pond, you need to free the area of ​​land on which it will be located from vegetation. It is convenient to use a rope or hose to find the shape. By placing them in different ways, you will be able to assess which outlines of the reservoir look the most natural. You can trace the contour with sand, pebbles or limestone.

If the soil on the site is soft, then digging a small pit will not be difficult - you will need an ordinary garden shovel for this. For solid ground or a large reservoir, it is better to use an excavator. Several depth levels will make the pond look more like a natural pool of water. The land that you dig can be left for the floristic arrangement of the coastal zone or an alpine slide in the garden area.

Step 2: sand bed and additional insulation

After the pond has been dug, you need to remove the stones and plant roots from the walls and bottom. Then you should fill the pool with sand and level its surface with a rake. A layer of sandy embankment for a small reservoir should be at least 4–5 cm thick, for a large one - 15–20 cm. In order for the waterproofing film to last longer, it is worth covering the sand layer with geotextile. This synthetic material will prevent germination of plants and protect the film from scratches and tears.

Step 3: Sizing and Securing the Waterproofing Film

Since polyethylene waterproofing is a vulnerable and short-lived material, it is better to use a film with a high strength - polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or synthetic rubber. To calculate the required dimensions, it is convenient to use a simple formula:

  • Length = pit length + double depth + 60 cm (or 100 cm for a large reservoir).
  • Width = width of the pit + double depth + 60 cm (or 100 cm).

If the reservoir has an irregular shape, the maximum measurement values ​​must be taken in the calculation.

The waterproofing film must be laid out on a layer of sand (clay, geotextile) and tamped well - its edges should evenly extend beyond the boundaries of the pit.

The easiest way is to cover the surface of the pool with stones. However, if you intend to use underwater plants in the design of the pond, you should cover the waterproofing material with sand, then soil, gravel or pebbles.

Step 4: Masking the edge of the waterproofing film with primer and stones

Before fixing the edges of the film, you need to fill the pit with water - so the base will finally take the desired shape. Then you should dig a narrow trench around the reservoir and fill the edges there, sprinkling with stones. Or a more difficult option - carefully remove a layer of earth (along with grass) 5-10 cm thick and 30-50 cm wide around the pond, straighten the edges of the canvas in place of the removed layer, and then lay the soil back.

To securely fix the waterproofing, heavy flat stones must be laid around the perimeter of the pond. If desired, you can place a special installation with a pump in the reservoir to simulate a waterfall. In this case, the pump itself will be at the bottom, and the waterfall installation connected to it should be disguised under stones at an elevation of about 50 cm above the water surface.

Before you start working on a pond on your site, make sure that you have mastered all the intricacies of this process by watching how to dig a pond with your own hands in the video.

Video: Guide to Creating a Pond

Options for waterproofing a pond at a summer cottage

Since it is possible to correctly make a pond with your own hands not only with the use of film, it is worth considering other options for a waterproofing coating. The waterproof layer is made from clay, a special plastic mold, asphalt pavement, stone, brick or concrete blocks. For pools of especially large sizes, it is advisable to use reinforced concrete structures.

All insulating materials have certain disadvantages. Even a seemingly reliable concrete pit is quite vulnerable at low temperatures - water that has penetrated into the pores of the concrete, when frozen, can lead to cracking of the surface.

For self-waterproofing, clay is suitable - for reliability, you need to apply an elastic clay mass to the walls of the pit in three layers with a total thickness of about 20 cm.However, tree roots and rodents can damage even such a layer.

By investing your labor in a summer cottage, you expect that all efforts will "pay off" by the transformed landscape and a good mood from its contemplation. Unfortunately, the process of creating a reservoir is not as easy as we would like - pitfalls, both literally and figuratively, can interfere with plans. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities to the end and have no idea how to dig a pond in the country with your own hands and make it the way you intended, it is better to entrust the embodiment of the pond of your dreams to professionals.

Immediately you need to warn those who want to have a fish and swimming pond at their dacha. This is a rather complex structure, you should take on its construction carefully, the desire to "create a magnificent landscape design" is not enough. This refers to a rather large reservoir, not decorative.

What is needed for construction?

  1. Availability of special earthmoving equipment and trucks for transporting land. There will be a fairly large number, specific volumes depend on the size and depth of the pond. For swimming and fish farming, the depth should be at least two meters, multiply this figure by the length and width and find out the volume of the soil.
  2. The ability to continuously supply fresh water to the pond and think over a way to drain the stacks. Without a constant change of water, the most beautiful pond in a few years will turn into a green fetid puddle, it is a big problem to clean it out or, in extreme cases, fill it up.
  3. Significant financial resources. They will be needed not only for the construction of the reservoir, but also for maintaining it in proper condition.

If you have no problems on all points, you can start construction. We will tell you in as much detail as possible about all the existing rules and requirements, each owner of a suburban area must independently decide what to do: take into account the existing requirements and guarantee to have a real functional pond or act at your own peril and risk, build "at random."

The pond at the dacha for fish farming and swimming is rather large, and this is already a real hydraulic structure in its complexity, requiring a competent approach.

Before the immediate start of construction work, you need to solve the following problems:

When the preliminary questions are clear, you can begin to sketch the reservoir, draw up a diagram of the water supply and drainage.

How to draw a sketch

When you do not have the slightest experience and knowledge, it is better to seek help from specialists. Their services will cost significantly less than correcting mistakes.

Film pond scheme
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If there is some preparation, then with the help of our tips, you can make a sketch yourself. What should be indicated in the picture?

FOUNDATIONS OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. S V O D P R A V I L SP 22.13330.2011. SNiP 2.02.01-83. Download file

Water treatment measures, filtration prevention

Filtration protection is carried out when the pond is digging in light soils. In addition, it is necessary to resolve the issue with the drainage of melt water, if they can fall through the sides or from a spring at the bottom. The internal surfaces of the reservoir can be protected with traditional compacted clay screen or concrete with special additives. Today, there are newer materials in implementation: rubberized films, synthetic mats with dry clay powder inside, etc. The specific choice must be made taking into account the financial capabilities and characteristics of the soils.

Over time, the water in the reservoir becomes contaminated with various mechanical deposits. The maximum damage is caused by clay particles entering through the active water-bearing pores of the soil. In the most difficult cases, silting can be up to ten centimeters per year. To eliminate such negative consequences, gravel-sand cushions or non-woven synthetic filter materials can be used on the bottom.

The percentage of oxygen in the water is very important; to maintain the values ​​in the recommended parameters, aeration should be used (if there is no other way of exchanging water). There is another option for aeration - to make a decorative fountain, but this method can significantly increase the estimated cost of construction work.

Additional structures for water replenishment of the pond

For reservoirs that are built on a river or stream, this problem has been solved by nature. It will only be necessary to build a small dam to retain the water flow and discharge the excess. To prevent pollution from the river from getting to the surface, ordinary lattice filters should be installed. If there is fish in the pond, then the same grates must be installed on the drainage system, they will prevent the fish from leaving. Dams simultaneously discharge maximum flows of water during floods or spring snowmelt. Metal or concrete pipes can be used as spillways, the diameter is selected taking into account the maximum debit of the water flow.

Significant problems can arise when it is necessary to clean the bottom of the pond. It will not be possible to completely drain the water; you will have to pump it out with powerful pumps. Again, issues with a challenge need to be addressed. The pumped-out water should not heat up the buildings and neighbors existing at the summer cottage.

An important characteristic for any pond is the rate of water exchange. Indicators depend on hydrological features. Scientific data indicate that for large reservoirs, the rate of water exchange can be reduced, the system is able to cope with cleaning on its own. No effort is required for reservoirs into which water comes from a river or stream (dam). For all other ponds, it will be necessary to make forced water exchange systems with pumps or purify water by biological and mechanical methods. The power of the pumps and the amount of water depends on the volume and purpose of the structure.

Water exchange coefficient table

When it is impossible to provide a natural change of water for various reasons, then mechanical and biological methods of water purification will have to be used, we will talk about them below.

How to purify water without water exchange

If the pond is quite large, then the water purification mostly occurs naturally by microorganisms and plants. But there are times when these cleaners do not have time to cope with the tasks set, the owners have to solve the issue by other methods.

  1. Mechanical filters. The most common and cheapest way. In most cases, they can be cleaned in several stages from various types of contaminants. They consist of washed crushed stone and several fractions of quartz sand.

  2. Chemical filters... Modern devices that absorb chemical compounds unusual for ponds. Additionally, a special installation for saturation of water with oxygen can be used, it provides an increase in its amount in water. And already oxygen accelerates the processing of organic pollutants by bacteria.
  3. Sterilizing water... The UV irradiation unit treats water and destroys all types of bacteria. For fish ponds, it is used only as a last resort when pathogenic bacteria are found in the water.

  4. Microbiological method... Bacteria specially inhabited in the pond accelerate the decomposition of organic impurities at times.

If you do not follow the requirements for maintaining water in proper condition, then in a few years a beautiful stocked pond will turn into a pit of fetid water.

Special hydraulic structures

At the beginning of the article, we already said that the exclusion of flooding of the foundations of existing buildings must be provided even at the stage of planning the location of the pond. But there are cases when the peculiarities of the landscape of the summer cottage, the physical characteristics of soils or the proximity of groundwater do not allow to avoid flooding with "little blood", it is necessary to build special hydraulic structures.

The maintenance of the water regime of the summer cottage and the diversion of filtration water outside the site is done by drainage - a rather complicated structure from a technical point of view. Ponds can have a low water level (the mirror is located below ground level) or high. In the first case, the drainage water can be diverted back into the pond, and the surplus is removed using an ordinary catchment. Disadvantages of this method: rather large distance between ground and water level and very extended systems. The issue can be resolved by installing intermediate wells. In the second case, you need to make a separate ring drainage of the pond, it will intercept filtration water and drain them into the collection. It is used on heavy, highly waterlogged soils.

We have specially tried to give the most complete information on the construction of ponds in compliance with all the requirements of building codes and regulations. Each developer has the right to independently decide whether to build a pond taking into account the developed recommendations and not worry about its functionality or simplify some technologies.

Information on construction technology is available, there is no problem to choose and get acquainted with the desired pond option. We will give some general practical tips that will come in handy in all cases.

We strongly recommend that you build a pond even before the start of the construction of the main summer cottages. First, the fertile layer of land can be usefully used on another site. Secondly, the work of earthmoving equipment and trucks will cause less damage to the landscape.

If the land is sandy, then the bottom is better to be concreted; flexible waterproofing materials do not have sufficient physical strength and cannot prevent the banks from crumbling. During concreting, it should be borne in mind that two types of efforts will act: from the outside the earth will crumble, from the inside the bowl will be bursting with ice in winter. It is highly advisable to use metal mesh reinforcement during concreting.

The place for swimming should have a reinforced shoreline. If various films are used for waterproofing, then they can be damaged by bathers. At the points of entry / exit from the water, special ladders must be installed.

Provide places for the installation of additional equipment and drains should be during work with the bowl. Exits are installed in technological places, more thorough waterproofing is done, etc.

The fish in the pond will have to be fed, natural food is not enough for it. Top dressing is an unnecessary load on the ecology of the pond; it will not be possible to accurately calculate the amount of feed. This means that water purification systems must be more powerful and efficient.

Video - How to build a pond yourself

A pond with fish on the territory of a garden or a summer cottage has long ceased to be a wonder. The instructions for creating it and the necessary materials are now quite available. This detail is good not only for the possibility of growing fish, but also for its pleasing aesthetic properties.

Do you have free space on the site, desire and time? Then you can get down to business, taking into account the recommendations and step-by-step techniques.

It is necessary to select a site where a miniature reservoir will be located, not only taking into account your own preferences. Here are the basic principles for choosing a place for a pond:

  • Look for higher ground. If you ignore this recommendation, you risk getting a pond with rainwater and mud flowing into it.
  • Avoid places near trees and bushes. Fallen leaves will provoke the process of decay, which will negatively affect the inhabitants of the reservoir.
  • Pick a spot where there may be shadow. It is desirable that it appears with the help of artificial fences. There should be enough light, but not too much.
  • Look for soil that is free of clay and stones. Of course, a pond can be located on it, but you will have to spend a lot of time and effort.

Pond for fish farming on the site - photo

How can a pond be made?

There are several variations of fish ponds in a garden or summer cottage:

  • Without finishing (without concreting)... Everything is simple here - you just need to dig a pond and overlay the borders with clay and turf.

    Dug pond for fish at their summer cottage - photo

  • With PVC foil... The bottom line is creating a depression and covering it with a film. This option is suitable for those who are ready to replace the coating after ten years.

  • Plastic... A plastic frame is inserted into the dug recess. Only small decorative fish can be bred in it, because there are restrictions on the size of the fish.

  • Concrete... The most practical and durable option, but it takes time and effort. It is very resistant to damage and unpretentious.

Remember to choose the right parameters. The optimum depth is no more than two meters, but not less than half. Choose an area based on the number of fish and the size of your own plot.

Required tools and materials

To make a pond with a concrete bottom, you need:

  • shovel;
  • crushed stone and sand (if the land on the site is soft);
  • two pipes (for draining and collecting water);
  • waterproofing film;
  • containers for diluting concrete solution;
  • cement;
  • filler (crushed stone, sand, etc.);
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • putty knife;
  • water.

The process of creating a reservoir involves the following stages:

  1. Mark the boundaries. You can draw them on the ground using a sharp object. The form depicted depends on your preference.
  2. Make a groove according to the borders with a shovel. Remember that space is required for a layer of concrete and the angle of inclination of the side areas should be twenty degrees.
  3. Dig holes to drain and collect water. Insert tubes into them.
  4. Make the soil harder by tamping. You can tamp it either with your feet or with an apparatus. If it is soft, you need to apply rubble and sand. Scatter a thin layer of crushed stone, and then sprinkle it with a centimeter layer of sand. Only then carry out tamping.
  5. Take a large piece of waterproofing tape and spread it on the bottom, and then press it against the walls. Secure its edges to the top with sharp pegs.
  6. Prepare the concrete mix. To do this, take one part of concrete and three parts of filler, add water until a thick mixture is obtained.
  7. Apply concrete to the waterproofing membrane. Pour in the solution, let it set, and then build up a layer again. You need to do this until you get a layer ten centimeters thick.
  8. While the concrete layer is not completely dry, apply reinforcement mesh to the walls. It's easy to do - attach it and lightly press down. Don't ignore the process, as the mesh will be a good support.
  9. Place the tubes in the drain and water addition holes.
  10. Create a concreting mix according to the previous instructions. Apply a thin layer (five centimeters) to the reinforcement.
  11. Apply the remaining concrete mixture as plaster, masking all irregularities and errors with a spatula.

Technology for creating a pond without concreting

  1. Mark the boundaries with a sharp object.
  2. Dig a hole by keeping the boundaries in mind.
  3. Make holes for the tubes and insert them.
  4. Mix turf with clay in a 1: 1 ratio. Add water to the mixture for a thick consistency.
  5. Coat the bottom and walls with the mixture.

A pond without lining is much easier. Here is a list of the required materials:

  • clay;
  • turf;
  • water;
  • tubes;
  • putty knife;
  • shovel.

Video - Making a pond in a suburban area without concreting

Fish pond from a plastic container

Have you got a plastic frame? The technology of its application is simple:

  1. Calculate the dimensions of the plastic base. You need to find out its height and diameter (if it is rectangular, measure the width and length).
  2. Draw boundaries on the ground to match the dimensions of the bottom of the frame.
  3. Dig a hole for the frame (make a 5 cm allowance on each side).
  4. Dig holes for the tubing.
  5. Place the frame in the pit and insert the tubes.
  6. Fill the gaps between the soil and the plastic base with earth.

To make a pond with a film, detailed instructions are not needed. Dig a hole and holes for the pipes, stretch the film, secure it at the top with sharp pegs or bricks, make holes for the pipes in it and insert them.

Video - interesting design solutions for the construction of a reservoir for fish

What conditions do fish require?

The main condition in this case is the presence of oxygen in the water. Without it, the inhabitants of the reservoir will die. Any decay negatively affects the presence of oxygen, so remove foliage, grass, and the like from the water in a timely manner.

Oxygen is emitted by aquatic plants. You can plant water lilies, water walnut, water hyacinth and other similar flora. It is advisable to purchase them in specialized stores, since plants brought from a natural reservoir are capable of dying in new artificial conditions. All this must be done before starting the fish.

If you are determined to populate the pond with plants, take into account the table. It indicates the types of representatives of the flora and methods of their placement.

Video - choosing plants for a pond with fish

At an inappropriate level of acidity of the water, the fish die. The optimal level is neutral.

An important condition is the presence of useful elements in the water. Iron, potassium salts, phosphorus, nitrogen compounds - all this is required to saturate the reservoir. It is recommended to purchase specialty supplements sold in specialized stores.

Water temperature is an important factor. Before starting fish, it should be warmed up to about twenty-four degrees.

After the water is poured, you should wait for the formation of a sludge layer. This usually takes thirty days. When it appears, it is recommended to change the water without cleaning the silt from the walls and bottom.

The new water should settle a little. After that, you can let the fish into the new "dwelling". You do not need to launch all acquired individuals at once. Start with four to five fish, and then gradually continue to bring in the rest.

What is the best fish to breed in your home pond?

Don't skimp on fish - this is a very important rule. Representatives of the fauna from natural water bodies can be contaminated. It is worth noting that the purchased sick fish must be caught.

First, you need to prioritize. Are you looking for aesthetics or getting a food product? If you prefer the first option, consider some ornamental fish:

Video - what kind of fish to breed in a pond at a summer cottage

Looking for an edible and unpretentious fish? Pay attention to the crucian carp. Even if your pond is not very large, fifteen individuals will definitely feel comfortable there. He does not need certain temperatures, as well as a high concentration of oxygen and many useful substances.

Crucian carp is not demanding in terms of nutrition. He is able to live by consuming any fish food. Even slices of bread, he does not disdain.

If you do not have the opportunity to acquire an aeration device, consider breeding a tench. He is able to feel great even in an oxygen-unsaturated environment. The tench quickly gains a good mass, especially if the reservoir was large in area. Width and height matter here.

The only difficulty that can arise when breeding this representative of the fauna is its thermophilicity. The water temperature in a home reservoir should not even drop to twenty-three degrees.

Carp is a fish that grows fast under good conditions. She does not need depth, but more than two fish should not be located on half a square meter. Carp treats cold water badly. If her temperature drops to ten, he will simply stop eating.

Carp can develop a reflex by placing food in the same place. He prefers legumes, cereals, and regular feed.

Carp is a great fish to breed in your home pond

Pike perch grows rapidly, since the body length of young fish usually reaches thirty centimeters. Consider his appetite. To grow an individual to medium size, you will need at least two hundred small fish.

If you are worried that the fish may be hungry due to the small amount of your free time, you can start perches. They are unpretentious and not too gluttonous. It is enough to feed them well during the day.

Pike perch is an interesting fish for breeding

Ruffs and gobies have a similar advantage. They can be left without feeding for a long time, especially if there are plants in the pond.

Can an artificial home pond be productive?

This question is of interest to those who want to grow fish not just to admire it. A pond on the territory of its own plot can be profitable from the sale of ornamental and river fish. There are several basic principles for successful breeding:

  • If you are going to acquire several types of fish, consult about their compatibility. Even cute colorful fish can turn out to be insidious predators, so find out about their properties in advance so that your money is not "eaten" by predatory individuals.
  • Prepare in advance for the wintering of heat-loving fish. Here we are talking about decorative types. Colds can come unexpectedly, and the fish will die instantly. Prepare an aquarium at home so that you can urgently transfer the fauna to a warm room.
  • Follow all the rules for care if the fish are whimsical. This is exactly the case when a business requires not only financial, but also time investments.
  • Don't overfill the pond. If you want to get the maximum profit, it is better to take the time and effort to create a new reservoir. Space is a requirement for most fish species.