Omar Khayyam's statements about the meaning of life are short. Excellent selection of immortal quotes by Omar Khayyam

Giyasaddin Abu al-Fath Omar ibn Ibrahim al-Khayyam Nishapuri (Omar Khayyam) - born on May 18, 1048, Nishapur, Iran. Outstanding Persian poet, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher. The author of a special poetic style "rubai". The author of the works - "Treatises", "On the Straight Kustas", "Speech about the births that are formed by a quart", etc. Died on December 4, 1131, Nishapur, Iran.

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases Omar Khayyam

  • The discouraged person dies ahead of time.
  • Don't complain about pain - this is the best medicine.
  • It is better to be alone than with just anyone.
  • It is a crime to cultivate an escape of despondency in the soul.
  • Where, when and who, my dear, managed to please themselves before the loss of desires?
  • To keep your ears, eyes and tongue intact, you have to be deaf, blind, dumb.
  • Evil is not born from good and vice versa. Human eyes are given to us to distinguish them!
  • You find a reason for each step - Meanwhile, it is a foregone conclusion in heaven long ago.
  • If the vile medicine pours you, pour it out! If the wise pour you poison - accept!
  • Those who did not seek the way are unlikely to be shown the way - Knock - and the doors to fate will open!
  • Passion cannot be friends with deep love, If it can, then they will not be together for long.
  • Better to gnaw bones than to be seduced by sweets at the table of scoundrels who have power.
  • Life is a desert, on which we wander naked. Mortal, full of pride, you are simply ridiculous!
  • We change rivers, countries, cities. Other doors. New Years. And we cannot get away from ourselves anywhere, and if we do, we can only get nowhere.
  • From feigned love - there is no satisfaction, No matter how rotten shines - there is no burning. Day and night, a lover has no peace, For months there is no moment of oblivion!
  • You say this life is one moment. Appreciate her, draw inspiration from her. As you spend it, so it will pass, Do not forget: she is your creation.
  • Although a sage is not a miser and does not save up good, It is bad in the world and a wise man without silver. Under the fence, a violet from begging hangs, And a rich rose is red and generous!
  • Communicating with a fool, you will not end up with shame, Therefore, listen to Khayyam's advice: Accept the poison offered to you by the sage, Do not take balm from the hands of a fool.
  • No one beheld either heaven or hell; Has anyone returned from there to our perishable world? But these ghosts are fruitless for us And the source of fears and hopes is unchanging.
  • He is too zealous, shouts: "It's me!" In a wallet he strumbles like a gold: "It's me!" But as soon as he has time to arrange things - Death knocks at the window to the braggart: "It's me!".
  • I have made knowledge my craft, I am familiar with the highest truth and base evil. I unraveled all the tight knots in the world, Except for death tied in a dead knot.
  • One is always a shameful work - to exalt oneself, Are you so great and wise? - be able to ask yourself. Let the eyes serve as an example - seeing a huge world, They do not grumble because they do not see themselves.
  • Someone wise inspired me to doze off: “Wake up! You cannot become happy in a dream. Give up this occupation, like death, After death, Khayyam, you will sleep off completely! "
  • Than for general happiness to suffer uselessly - It is better to give happiness to someone close. Better to bind a friend to yourself with kindness, Than to free humanity from the fetters.
  • In order to live your life wisely, you need to know a lot, Two important rules to remember for a start: You better starve than just eat anything, And it is better to be alone than with just anyone.
  • Since the truth eternally leaves the hands Do not try to understand the incomprehensible, friend! Take the cup in your hands, remain an ignoramus There is no point, believe me, in learning the sciences! I don't remember who translated it, honestly.
  • If I had dominion over this evil heaven, I would crush it and replace it with another, So that there are no barriers to noble aspirations And a person could live, we do not languish with anguish.
  • You are an atheist soul with Scripture in hand, Though you memorized letters in each line. Uselessly you hit the ground with your head, Hit the ground better with all that is in your head!
  • Love is a fatal misfortune, but misfortune is by the will of Allah. Why do you condemn what is always - by the will of Allah. There was a succession of good and evil - by the will of Allah. Why do we need the thunders and flames of the Judgment - by the will of Allah?
  • It is better to drink and caress cheerful beauties, Than to seek salvation in fasting and prayers. If a place in hell is for lovers and drunks, then who will you order to be admitted to heaven?
  • You, the Almighty, in my opinion, are greedy and old. You strike slave after blow. Paradise is a reward for sinless people for their obedience. Would give me something, not as a reward, but as a gift!
  • If a mill, a bathhouse, a luxurious palace Receives a fool and a scoundrel as a gift, And a worthy one goes into bondage because of bread - I don't care about your justice, creator!
  • If you recognize the superiority of others, it means that you are a husband, If you are the master in your actions, then you are a husband. There is no honor in humiliation of one who is defeated, Good to those who fell in their misfortune, which means - a husband!
  • It ought not to offend good people, It ought not to growl like a predator in the desert. It is not clever to boast of the wealth gained, It is not proper to honor oneself for a title!
  • Only the essence, how worthy of men, speak, Only answering - the words master - speak. There are two ears, and one language is not given by chance - Listen twice and only once - speak!
  • I know this kind of pompous donkeys: Empty as a drum, and how many big words! They are slaves to names. Make yourself just a name, And any of them is ready to crawl before you.
  • Don't let the scoundrel go to the secrets - hide them, And keep the secrets from the fool - hide them, Look at yourself among the people passing, Keep silent about the hopes until the end - hide them!
  • How long will you please all the cattle? Only a fly can give its soul for grub! Feed on the blood of your heart, but be independent. It is better to swallow tears than to gnaw on leftovers.
  • The one who, from his youth, believes in his own mind, Became dry and gloomy in pursuit of the truth. Claiming from childhood to the knowledge of life, without becoming a Grape, turned into a raisin.
  • Nobility through suffering, friend, born, To become a pearl - is it given to every drop? You can lose everything, save only your soul, - The cup will be filled again, there would have been wine.

Omar Khayyam is rightfully considered one of the greatest scientists and philosophers of the medieval East. This, truly, a multifaceted personality, who was glorified in the centuries not only by wise aphorisms about love, happiness, and not only, but also by scientific works in mathematics, astronomy and physics.

And this makes Omar a very significant figure in the arena of human achievements for many centuries: not every person could boast of such talents: very few people like Omar Khayyam or Leonardo Da Vinci were born when a person is talented in everything, a kind of pearl of humanity.

Most often, Omar Khayyam made out his statements in rubai - quite complex poems for composing, consisting of four lines, of which three rhymed among themselves (and sometimes all four). The poet in the very real sense of the word was in love with life, with the diversity of its forms, and therefore his witty aphorisms are filled with deep meaning, which the reader is not able to understand from the first time.

Who wrote Rubai in the medieval East, where blasphemy was severely condemned, up to the death penalty, Omar Khayyam, despite the danger of persecution, clothed his wisdom in writing, and, according to researchers, under the authorship of Omar it was written about three hundred to five hundred rubles.

Just imagine - aphorisms about life, happiness, witty quotes, and just oriental wisdom, relevant even now for each of us.

Although everything remained in order five thousand rubles, allegedly under the authorship of Omar Khayyam, most likely, these are statements about happiness and not only, his contemporaries, who were afraid to unleash severe punishment on their heads, and therefore, attributing to the poet and philosopher their creations.

Omar Khayyam, unlike them, was not afraid of punishment, and therefore his aphorisms often ridicule the gods and power, belittling their importance in the life of people, and he did it right. After all, the same happiness does not at all lie in blind obedience to theological books or the dictates of kings. Happiness is to live your best years in harmony with yourself, and quotes from the poet help to realize this simple, but such an important fact.

The best and most witty of his statements are presented to you, and framed in interesting photos. After all, when you read a text with a meaning not just in black and white, but elegantly designed, then it is remembered much better, which is an excellent training for the mind.

In a conversation with an interlocutor, you can always effectively screw in witty quotes, flashing your erudition. You can instill in your child a love of poetry by showing him a few photos, where the most beautiful rubyas about friendship or happiness are beautifully decorated. Read together these wise sayings by Omar Khayyam, imbued with every word.

His quotes about happiness amaze with such a clear understanding of the world and the human soul as a person. Omar Khayyam seems to be talking with us, his aphorisms and quotes seem to be written not for everyone, but for each individually, reading his statements, we are involuntarily amazed at the depth of the images and the brightness of the metaphors.

The immortal rubyes outlived their creator for many centuries, and despite the fact that they remained in oblivion for a long time, until, by a lucky coincidence, in the Victorian era, a notebook was discovered containing statements and aphorisms that Omar wrote, clothed in poetic form, in the end, they gained wild popularity, first in England, and a little later in the whole world, when his statements scattered all over the world like birds, bringing into the house of everyone who read the poet's quotes a little bit of Eastern wisdom.

Omar probably did not even suspect that for most of our contemporaries he would be known precisely as a poet and philosopher, rather than a great scientist. Most likely, both of these areas of his activity were the passion of his whole life, Omar showed real life by his example, when, if you wish, you can manage to do everything.

Often people, in whose minds a lot of talents are invested, remain alone - their activity takes too much energy, but the poet ended his life with a large family and close friends. He did not ossify and did not go entirely into science and philosophy, and this is worth a lot.

His quotes in the form of a photo can be viewed on our website, and perhaps the most liked

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

As soon as you went out into the garden, the scarlet poppy was embarrassed,
Will not calm down from envy in any way.
Why didn't the cypress bow to you?
I saw a marvelous camp, he got tetanus!

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

To the glow of the moon, beauty of the night,
I will add the warmth given by the candle,
Glittering sugar, the posture of the cypress,
The murmur of the brook ... And your appearance will come out.

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

What a temptation, what a temptation, Allah keep! ...
Your face and day and night reigns in dreams.
That is why there is pain in the chest and trembling in the heart,
And dry lips, and wet eyes, and trembling in the hands.

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

Only your face is a sad heart.
Except for your face - I don't need anything.
I see my image in you, looking into your eyes,
I see you in myself, my joy.

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

He wore many women in brocade and pearls,
But I could not find an ideal among them.
I asked the sage: - What is perfection?
- The one next to you! - He told me.

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

Torment makes beauties old. Get rid of trouble
The one whose eyelids are transparent and the lips are hard.
Be more tender with your beloved: beauty slips away,
Leaving traces of suffering on the face.

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

To the world - the haven of a few of our days -
For a long time I fixed the inquisitive gaze of my eyes.
So what then? Your face is brighter than a bright month;
Than a slender cypress, your wonderful body is straighter.

Mahmoud Farshchian (c)

One will not understand what roses smell like ...
Another of the bitter herbs will extract honey ...
Give someone a trifle, they will remember forever ...
You will give your life to someone, but he will not understand ...

Dear friends! The wisdom of life from talented people is always interesting, and the wisdom of life from Omar Khayyam is doubly interesting. Persian poet, philosopher, astrologer, mathematician ... Omar Khayyam is famous in the mathematical world for creating a classification of cubic equations, his calendar, created several centuries ago, surpasses the ancient Roman Julian calendar from an astronomical point of view, and the European Gregorian in accuracy.

You can talk a lot about Omar Khayyam, and I may decide to tell you about the biography of this extraordinary person, but my today's post is about his literary heritage. Omar Khayyam became famous in our time, first of all, as the author of the famous wise quatrains - reflections - rubai. Rubai - bright, emotional, written with brilliant wit, at the same time musical and lyrical - conquered the whole world. Much of the rubai is meditation on the Qur'an. How many quatrains were written by the poet? There are now about 1200. According to the Indian scientist and poet Swami Govinda Tirtha, up to 2,200 quatrains have survived in our time. In fact, no one knows how much was written in total, because over the past nine centuries, many rubais have been lost forever.

Were the wisdom of life from Omar Khayyam?

The controversy about the authorship of "Rubayat" continues to this day. Someone believes that Omar Khayyam has no more than 400 original texts, someone else is stricter - only 66, and some scholars claim - only 6 (those that were found in the most ancient manuscripts). Everything else, according to the researchers of Khayyam's work, all these wise sayings and poems are the authorship of other people. It is possible that other people's quatrains, whose authorship has not been established, were attached to the manuscripts that were passed down from generation to generation. Someone wrote down their own rubays in the margins, and after centuries they were considered missing inserts and entered into the main text.

Osman Hamdy Bey (c)

Perhaps the most laconic, daring, witty and graceful quatrains in all centuries have been attributed to Omar Khayyam. The search for reliable rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam is a hopeless task, since today it is difficult to establish the authorship of any quatrain. Therefore, we will trust ancient and not very ancient manuscripts, we will read wise thoughts and find the quatrain to which our soul responds at the moment. And then say thank you to the author (regardless of who he is) and the translator.

Osman Hamdy Bey (c)

Learn all the secrets of wisdom! - And there?…
Arrange the whole world in your own way! - And there?…
Live carelessly until a hundred years old, a lucky ...
You will miraculously stretch up to two hundred! ... - And there?

"Rubayat Omar Khayyam" by E. Fitzgerald

The wisdom of life from Omar Khayyam became known thanks to Edward Fitzgerald, who found a notebook with quatrains and translated them first into Latin, and then - in 1859 - into English.

These poems amazed the English poet with their wisdom, deep philosophical implications and at the same time lyricism and subtlety. “After several centuries, old man Khayyam continues to ring like real metal,” Edward Fitzgerald said admiringly. Fitzgerald's translation was arbitrary, in order to connect the quatrains he made his inserts, and as a result he created a poem similar to the fairy tales of "A Thousand and One Nights", the main character of which constantly feasts and periodically utters truths over an unchanging cup of wine.

Thanks to Fitzgerald, Omar Khayyam gained a reputation as a joker, a joker who loves wine and encourages to catch a moment of pleasure. But thanks to this poem, the whole world learned about the Persian poet, and aphorisms, poems, parables and other wisdom of life were circulated in quotes throughout all countries. The most famous

To live life wisely, you need to know a lot,
Remember two important rules to start with:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it is better to be alone than with just anyone.

The lower man soul, the higher nose up.
He reaches with his nose where his soul has not grown.

in hearing or in the language of many.

The emergence of the wise sayings of Omar Khayyam in Russia.

The first publication of Omar Khayyam into Russian appeared in 1891. The translator was the poet V.L. Velichko. He translated 52 quatrains. These were rather translations, paraphrases, since the poet did not set himself the task of reproducing the original. Only 5 sayings were made in the form of a quatrain.
In general, more than 40 names are known in Russia who translated Omar Khayyam. Some of the most famous are the translations of V. Derzhavin, A.V. Starostin, G. Plisetskiy, N. Strizhkova, G.S. Semenova. I deliberately dwell on these names, because I give the quatrains below without specifying the name of the translator (I did not find it, alas). Perhaps it is these poets who are their authors. To date, more than 700 Khayyam rubles have been translated.

We have already said that translations reflect the essence of the translator, because everyone brings into the translation not only their talent, but also their understanding of the quatrain (by the way, I "fell ill" with the subject of the word-for-word afterwards, which simply stunned me with her conversation). Therefore, the same lines can be interpreted in different ways. I liked the comparative translation of this original text (interlinear) by Omar Khayyam.

Be cheerful, for the end of suffering is not foreseen
More than once again the luminaries in the sky will converge in one sign of the zodiac,
[being the predestination of rock].
The bricks that will be molded from your ashes
Will be put into the wall of a house for other people

Mahmoud Farshchian (c)


Translated by K. Guerra (1901):

Surrender yourself to joy! The torment will be forever!
Days will change: day - night, day - night again;
Earthly hours are all small and fleeting,
And soon you will leave us from here away.
Mingle with the earth, with lumps of sticky clay
And the bricks will be smeared with you at the stoves,
And build a palace for the low beast,
And a series of speeches will be given on that bookmark.
And your spirit, perhaps, a former shell
Back to yourself again, it will be in vain to call!
So sing it, have fun while the respite is given
And death has not yet come out to visit you.

Translated by G. Plisetskiy (1971):

Have some fun! The unhappy go mad.
Eternal darkness shines with eternal stars.
How to get used to what is of thinking flesh
Will the bricks be made and laid at home?

Unfortunately, I cannot cite (because of the blog format) 13 more variants of this translation. Some rubyas have 1 translation, and some (the most popular) have up to 15!

But let's just read and enjoy these poetic lines as we receive precious advice and guidance. Despite the fact that ten centuries separate his work from us, the wise thoughts of Omar Khayyam are still relevant and close to everyone. Indeed, in the quotes of Omar Khayyam about life, about love, about wisdom, the truth that all people of the world are looking for is revealed. Despite the fact (or perhaps precisely because of) that the statements of his poems are sometimes opposite and contradictory, his rubai - conquer people of any age.

Osman Hamdy Bey (c)

Young people, thanks to the wisdom of his poems, have the opportunity to avoid some mistakes. Young people, just entering a big life, learn worldly wisdom, because the poems of Omar Khayyam provide answers to different life situations. Elderly people, who have already seen a lot and are themselves able to give advice for all occasions, find rich food for the mind in his quatrains. They can compare their life wisdom with the thoughts of an extraordinary person who lived a millennium ago.
Behind the lines one can see the searching and inquisitive personality of the poet. He returns to the same thoughts throughout life, revising them, discovering new possibilities or secrets of life.

Osman Hamdy Bey (c)

For many years I have pondered over earthly life.
There is no incomprehensible thing for me under the moon.
I know that I do not know anything, -
Here is the last secret I have comprehended.

Quotes by Omar Khayyam are an opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle and look into yourself. Even after a thousand years, the voice of Omar Khayyam carries a message of love, understanding of the transience of life and respect for every moment of it. Omar Khayyam gives advice on how to succeed in business, how to raise children, how to live in love and peace with your husband, how to build relationships with people around you. These tips are presented beautifully, gracefully and expressively. They conquer with their brevity and depth of thought. Every moment of life is priceless, the poet never tires of reminding us.

Osman Hamdy Bey (c)

Wisdom of life from Omar Khayyam

You say this life is one moment.
Appreciate her, draw inspiration from her.
As you spend it, it will pass,
Do not forget: she is your creation.

Everything is bought and sold
And life openly laughs at us.
We are indignant, we are indignant
But we buy and sell.

Do not share your secret with people,
After all, you do not know which of them is mean.
How you yourself do with God's creation,
Expect the same from people.

Don't let the scoundrel go to the secrets - hide them,
And keep secrets from a fool - hide them,
Look at yourself among the people passing by
Keep silent about your hopes until the end - hide them!

All that we see is only one appearance.
Far from the surface of the world to the bottom.
Consider the obvious in the world unimportant,
For the secret essence of things is not visible.

We change rivers, countries, cities ...
Other doors ... New Years ...
And we can't get away from ourselves anywhere,
And if you get away, only nowhere.

Hell and paradise are in heaven, ”the bigots say.
I, looking into myself, was convinced of the lie:
Hell and heaven are not circles in the palace of the universe,
Hell and heaven are two halves of the soul.

Mahmoud Farshchian (c)

We do not know if life will last until the morning ...
So hurry up to sow the seeds of good!
And take care of love in a perishable world for friends
Every moment is greater than gold and silver.

We went to look for You - and became an evil crowd:
And the beggar, and the rich, and the generous, and the stingy.
You talk to everyone, none of us hears.
Before everyone you appear, any of us is blind.

Topic of the issue: sayings, sayings of Omar Khayyam, quotes about life, short and long. Reading the famous sayings of the great philosopher is a great gift:

  • I know that I do not know anything, -
    Here is the last secret I have comprehended.
  • Silence is a shield from many troubles,
    And chatter is always harmful.
    A person's tongue is small
    But how many lives did he break.
  • Consider the obvious in the world unimportant,
    For the secret essence of things is not visible.
  • How long will you please all the cattle?
    Only a fly can give its soul for grub!
    It is better to swallow tears than to gulp down leftovers.
  • Day to day on New Year's - and Ramadan has come,
    He forced me to fast, as I put him in chains.
    Almighty, deceive, but do not deprive the feast,
    Let everyone think that Shawval has come! (Muslim calendar month)
  • You rushed to me like a hurricane, Lord,
    And he knocked me a glass of wine, Lord!
    I indulge in drunkenness, and you do atrocities?
    Thunder strike me, if you are not drunk, Lord!
  • Do not boast that you do not drink - a lot for you,
    Buddy, I know much worse things.
  • As a child, we go to teachers for the truth,
    After - they follow the truth to our doors.
    Where is the truth? We emerged from a drop
    Let's become - the wind. This is the meaning of this tale, Khayyam!
  • For the one who sees the insides behind the exterior,
    Evil with good is like gold and silver.
    For both are given for a while,
    For soon both evil and good will end.
  • I unraveled all the tight knots in the world,
    Except for death tied in a dead knot.
  • For the worthy - there are no worthy rewards,
    I put my belly for a decent glad.
    Do you want to know if hellish torments exist?
    To live among the unworthy is real hell!
  • One is always a shameful labor - to exalt oneself,
    Are you so great and wise? - be able to ask yourself.
  • Give free rein to all heart movements
    Don't get tired of cultivating the garden of desires,
    Bliss on a starry night on silk grass:
    At sunset - lie down, at dawn - get up.
  • Although the sage is not a miser and does not save up good,
    Bad in the world and wise without silver.
  • Noble people, loving each other,
    They see the grief of others, they forget themselves.
    If you desire the honor and shine of mirrors, -
    Do not envy others - and they will love you.
  • You can lose everything, save only your soul, -
    The bowl will fill up again, it would have been wine.
  • More than anything else is love
    In the song of youth, the first word is love.
    Oh, ignorant in the world of love of a wretched man,
    Know that our whole life is based on love! (wise sayings about the life of Omar Khayyam)
  • Feed on the blood of your heart, but be independent.
    It is better to swallow tears than to gnaw on leftovers.
  • Than for general happiness it is useless to suffer -
    Better to give happiness to someone close.
  • O cruel sky, merciless God!
    You have never helped anyone.
    If you see that your heart is charred with grief -
    You immediately add the burn.
  • You'd rather starve than eat anything
    And it is better to be alone than with just anyone.
  • Look at yourself among the people passing by
    Keep silent about your hopes until the end - hide them!
  • The dead do not care: what is a minute - what an hour,
    That water is that wine, that Baghdad is that Shiraz.
    The full moon will give way to a new moon
    After our death a thousand times.
  • There are two ears, but one language is not given by chance -
    Listen twice and speak only once!
  • The big masters in office
    There are no joys in life from many worries,
    Go on, they are full of contempt.
    To all whose souls the worm of acquisition does not gnaw. (Sayings of Omar Khayyam about life)
  • Wine is prohibited, but there are four "buts":
    It depends on who, with whom, when and in moderation drinks wine.
  • I endure the bullying of the sky for a long time.
    Maybe patience is a reward for it
    Send me a beauty of light temper
    And the heavy jug will send down at the same time.
  • There is no honor in the humiliation of one who is defeated,
    Kind to those who fell in their misfortune, which means - a husband!
  • There is no nobler plant and sweeter
    Than black cypress and white lily
    He, having a hundred hands, does not poke them forward;
    She is always silent, having a hundred languages.
  • Paradise is a reward for sinless people for their obedience.
    Would [the Almighty] give me something not as a reward, but as a gift!
  • Love is a fatal misfortune, but misfortune is by the will of Allah.
    Why do you condemn what is always - by the will of Allah.
    There was a succession of good and evil - by the will of Allah.
    Why do we need the thunders and flames of the Judgment - by the will of Allah? (Omar Khayyam quotes about love)
  • If a place in hell is for lovers and drunks
    Whom do you order to be admitted to heaven?
  • Give me a jug of wine and a cup, oh my love
    Let's sit in the meadow with you and on the bank of the stream!
    The sky is many beauties, from the beginning of life,
    It turned, my friend, into cups and jugs - I know.
  • If I had dominion over this evil sky,
    I would crush him and replace him with another ...
  • On the green carpets of the Khorasan fields
    Tulips grow from the blood of kings,
    Violets grow from the ashes of beauties,
    From the captivating moles between the eyebrows.
  • But these ghosts are sterile (hell and heaven) for us
    The source of both fears and hopes is unchanging.

Topic of the collection: wisdom of life, about love for a man and a woman, Omar Khayyam quotes and famous sayings about life, short and long, about love and people ... Omar Khayyam's ingenious statements about various aspects of a person's life have become famous all over the world.