High strength wood adhesive. What are the types of glue for wood. Traditional wood glue

This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Gluing wooden products is often necessary not only for professional carpenters, but also for home craftsmen. In some cases, neither nails nor screws can cope with the task. Then you have to choose the right wood glue. In domestic stores, a wide range of both domestic and foreign formulations is presented. They seriously differ both in price and in their qualities. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is important to consider a few nuances.

Criteria for choosing glue for wood

    When buying, you must determine purpose of glue. There are universal products that are able to connect wooden elements to each other, as well as to other materials (metal, glass, plastic). This is a great choice for hobbyists or furniture makers. But carpenters prefer to use narrowly targeted adhesive mixtures, they work best on wood and its derivatives.

    Having defined the tasks, it is worth take into account the features of the tree. Not all types of wood adhesives are able to work with damp or resinous wood. Much depends on the density of the material.

    It is important to look a little into the future. If the glued product will be in a dry room, then almost any glue will work. But at high humidity or low temperature, only a narrow range of products can provide the strength of the connection.

    The strength of the seam is determined in different ways. It is one thing when a part can only support its own weight. Quite different properties are required from the adhesive under constant shock loads.

    Environmental friendliness is also an important factor. If the smell can be dealt with by airing or using ventilation, then the contact of the adhesive with the products can be hazardous to human health.

    Few craftsmen continue to cook wood glue according to old recipes. Today, manufacturers offer compositions based on PVA, organic resins and polyurethane. All of them are suitable for wood, but have limitations for other materials.

Our review includes the best wood glues. When choosing products for the rating, the following criteria were taken into account:



    chemical composition;

    expert opinion;

    consumer reviews.

Advantages and disadvantages of various types of wood adhesives

Glue type



Affordable price

Environmental friendliness


Ease of use

Insufficient strength

Afraid of moisture

Destroyed at high temperature (+60°С)


High resistance to dynamic loads

Inert attitude to temperature changes

Moisture resistance

Withstands UV exposure

High price

Strong smell

Based on organic resins

Connection strength

Application versatility

Resistant to water and aggressive compounds

Acceptable price

Skin protection required

high consumption

Precise mixing required

Rating of the best adhesives for wood

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best wood glue based on PVA 1 291 ₽
2 129 ₽
3 490 ₽
4 149 ₽
5 205 ₽
The best polyurethane adhesives for wood 1 385 ₽
2 477 ₽
3 450 ₽
The Best Resin-Based Wood Adhesives 1 503 ₽
2 480 ₽
3 250 ₽
4 590 ₽

The best wood glue based on PVA

One of the most environmentally friendly wood adhesives is an aqueous emulsion of polyvinyl acetate. During operation, there is no toxic smell, so the presence of ventilation is not a mandatory requirement for a carpentry workshop. The availability of the product allows it to be widely used. Experts drew attention to several models.

German wood glue Kleiberit 303.0 has a lot of advantages. But experts focused on such quality as water resistance. It was this fact that became the key in determining the winner of the rating. This PVA glue is also the leader in sales in our country. Consumers managed to appreciate the versatility of the adhesive composition. It can be used to connect different types of wood, fiberboard, chipboard, veneer, etc. Some craftsmen admire working with hardwoods. The gluing process itself does not cause difficulties. It is enough to press the connected parts for 6 ... 10 minutes to get a single whole.

In addition to moisture resistance, users note resistance to low temperatures (up to -30 ° C). White color after drying also does not cause discomfort.



    ease of use;

    resistance to low temperatures;

    moisture resistance;


  • not detected.

The high performance properties of ULTIMA WORKER PVA glue were highly appreciated by workers in the printing and woodworking industries. They account for the lion's share of sales in Russia. Manufacturers, as well as experts, speak flatteringly about the extraordinary strength of the seam (0.9 kgf / cm). Therefore, it is possible to glue parts that are subsequently subjected to high dynamic loads. For excellent strength, fast setting time and transparency, the material was awarded the second line of our rating.

Striking adhesive and resistant to low temperature. It is able to maintain its working properties after 4 cycles of deep freezing (down to -35°C). Master finishers have found another use for this PVA-based adhesive. They glue the reinforcing tape, glue the wallpaper, seal the joints.




    frost resistance;

    transparent seam;


  • dries for a long time.

The domestic wood glue Moment Super PVA D3 is moisture resistant. It can be used for bonding a wide range of natural wood, veneer and materials containing wood inclusions. The product is somewhat inferior to the leaders in the duration of pressing (15-20 minutes) and final drying (24 hours). The glue does not leave marks on the parts after drying, for which it deserves the third line of the rating.

PVA water dispersion keeps working capacity within the temperature range from +5 to +30°С. This feature is often indicated by the masters in reviews as a minus of the adhesive composition. But users have no complaints about strength, transparency, accessibility.


    affordable price;


    lack of smell;

    versatility of application;


  • prolonged drying.

A wide range of materials can be bonded with TEX PVA Joinery Professional. This is not only wood, cardboard or paper, but also leather, linoleum and tiles (not ceramic). Such unique properties are achieved due to excellent adhesion. At the same time, the seam has high strength and elasticity. The composition itself has a white color, which should not frighten users. After drying, it becomes transparent and externally does not spoil the formed knot. Masters mention the convenience in work, the absence of an unpleasant odor. The adhesive composition has earned a place in our rating.

The reliability of the clutch does not cause any complaints from professionals. The consumption of glue is somewhat high (1 kg per 4-7 sq. M), and it dries for a whole day.



    environmental friendliness;

    high strength;


  • high consumption of material.

If it is necessary to glue the parts so that the seam is not visible, the craftsmen prefer the Krass PVA PVA D3 composition. The material will not spoil the appearance of the most noble wood, which is often important in the manufacture of luxury furniture, doors or when laying parquet. The adhesive has good moisture resistance, this quality greatly expands the scope. The experts included this PVA-based product in our rating for the elasticity and strength of the seam. The manufacturer managed to dispense with the creation of glue without organic solvents, so the mixture turned out to be environmentally friendly.

Professional carpenters and furniture makers note such a feature of the adhesive composition as the possibility of application to a damp surface. And the properties of the seam are preserved in a very wide temperature range (0-100°C).


    transparent seam;

    water resistance;

    strength and elasticity;


  • long drying time.

The best polyurethane adhesives for wood

Polyurethane adhesives are highly durable. Bonded parts can be subjected to both static and dynamic loads. The seam is not afraid of moisture, sunlight, temperature changes. Our review presents the best polyurethane products.

A real breakthrough in the field of adhesive technology was the development of Titebond Polyurethane Wood Glue 2300, a polyurethane composition for wood. Experts unconditionally gave this product from the USA the first place in the rating. The manufacturer managed to find the optimal balance between the pressing speed (45 min) and the retention time of working properties (20 min). Glue perfectly connects any wood-based materials, from natural wood to wood chip products. At the same time, the scope of application does not end there, metal, plastic, ceramics, stone and a number of other materials can be tightly glued.

The product is water resistant, but it is not recommended to keep the formed knots in conditions with constantly high humidity or under water. The composition is not afraid of frost, but before use it should be warmed up to + 12 ° C.


    fast bonding;


    high seam strength;


  • high price.

Not inferior to the winner in versatility and German adhesive Kleiberit 501.0. It can also be used to connect wooden, ceramic, and polymer parts in various combinations. In addition, this polyurethane composition compares favorably with heat resistance and moisture resistance. Experts put the glue in second place for impeccable quality, but the long curing time (24 hours) did not allow it to become a leader. Bonded parts can be used in the sun or rain, not to mention the space inside buildings. The strength of the seam is not satisfactory even among professionals.

Masters note the ease of use and predictability of the glue. The disadvantages they include only corrosive smell and adhesion to human skin.



    weather resistance;

    heat resistance;


    dries for a long time;

    corrosive smell.

The adhesive composition for wood from Belgium SOUDAL 66A has excellent adhesion. In this component, he has practically no competitors. Therefore, it is possible to connect wood not only among themselves, but also with various building materials (with the exception of polyethylene and polypropylene). Experts also gave him the third place in the rating for high water resistance. Parts can be wet, the glue will do its job without problems. The mixture perfectly fills any irregularities due to foaming. But a strong expansion did not allow the product to take a higher position.

Masters note a wide temperature range (from -30 to 100 ° C), in which the strength of the connection is maintained. Therefore, it can be used to work both inside buildings and outside.


    excellent adhesion;


    excellent water resistance;


    high price;

    drying expansion.

The Best Resin-Based Wood Adhesives

Adhesive compositions based on organic resins remain in demand. Their strength and resistance to moisture, oil products, aggressive substances is beyond doubt. The most popular of these is epoxy. Only the master needs to ventilate the room and protect the skin of the hands. Here are the best resin based adhesives.

Chemists from Germany have managed to create the most durable wood glue based on epoxy resin. The composition of UHU PLUS ENDFEST 300 is a two-component product. With it, you can connect a variety of materials. It is not recommended to use glue only for working with polyethylene, polypropylene and glass. For super strength, experts gave this product the first line of the rating. The adhesive solution is prepared quite simply, and the setting time is 90 minutes. The seam is completely polymerized in 12-24 hours.

Of the advantages of glue, professionals note moisture resistance, high impact strength and durability of the seam. But in order to get the whole set of these properties, proportions should be observed when mixing.


    high strength;

    seam durability;


    moisture resistance;


  • high price.

TITEBOND ORIGINAL WOOD GLUE one-component wood glue received a lot of accolades from joiners and furniture makers. It is an emulsion based on aliphatic resin. Experts call this composition the best specialized product for professional activities. Particularly strong is the connection of parts with spikes and grooves. After drying, the emulsion becomes moisture resistant, the seam perfectly withstands shock loads. Due to the deep penetration of the adhesive, it is possible to bind the structure of both natural wood and chip-fiber elements.

Professionals speak flatteringly about the ease of use, fast curing of the seam. Only the consumption of the emulsion is quite large (180 g / sq. M), and the working time is only 5-10 minutes. The material deserves the second place in the ranking.


    high quality;

    moisture resistance;



    high consumption;

    little working time.

EDP ​​EPOXY wood glue is sold on the domestic market at the most attractive price. This is one of the most popular compositions among amateurs and professionals. With it, you can create new units or repair old furniture. The characteristic features of the popular epoxy are good adhesion, high strength, and moisture resistance. The resinous base allows you to add various fillers. No shrinkage occurs during the polymerization process. The composition is not recommended for those items that will come into contact with food.

Experts gave the glue tested over the years only the third line of the rating due to the long drying time. In addition, the ease of use leaves much to be desired.


    affordable price;

    no shrinkage;

    moisture resistance;


    dries for a long time;

    not convenient to use.

The best professional wood glue

In professional activities, wood glue is required not only for a strong connection of wood, but also for ease of use and fast setting. The seam must retain its qualities even with atmospheric exposure. From the variety of proposals, experts have chosen the most popular model.

Titebond III Ulimate 1416 one component wood adhesive provides an extra strong bond. The product meets the stringent requirements of the ANSI/HPVA Type I standard, which indicates a high water resistance of the joint. In addition, experts call it the first adhesive that can be cleaned with water. Among competitors, this composition is distinguished by a strong initial setting. The dried seam can be sanded, the manufacturer allows it to come into contact with food. Another important advantage of the adhesive is the possibility of application for outdoor work.

Professional carpenters are completely satisfied with the quality of gluing different types of wood, laminate, paper, plywood, chipboard, fiberboard and MDF. Glue is very popular in Russia and is a real bestseller.


    super strength;

    environmental friendliness;

    water resistance;

    fast grasp;


  • not detected.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Carpenter's glue is often used. The tool provides a quality connection and has an affordable cost. It is used for reliable gluing of wood, wood, as well as chipboard and fiberboard. The main component of the solution is the protein component, the specific properties of the adhesive depend on the additives, which make it suitable for various cases. Before use, the adhesive mass must be properly prepared at home, its quality and properties depend on it.

Glue Features

The main advantage of the adhesive material is its good strength. Even if the tree begins to collapse, the adhesive layer remains intact. The disadvantages include an unpleasant smell, as well as inconvenience in storage. If you keep the product in liquid form, then it can become moldy. Use the adhesive mass in construction work only in a heated form. A water bath is ideal for this purpose. It is not recommended to heat the glue directly, as it may lose its unique features.

Giving preference to dry glue, you need to pay attention to its appearance. Most often it is sold in the form of yellow-brown granules. High grain transparency indicates excellent product quality. The consistency of the adhesive may vary. Some types of glue should be diluted with boiled water. It all depends on the type of material.

Cooking method

To work with wood, the adhesive composition is recommended to be preheated (up to 60-70 degrees). Water is added to the glue and heated in a water bath. The mixture is brought to a homogeneous mass similar in consistency to cream. During the cooking process, the composition must be constantly stirred so that the mixture does not have time to burn.

There should be no lumps or other defects; the adhesive should be uniform in density. After cooking, the mass is poured into a plate standing in a water bath. Gradually, the composition cools down, forming the correct consistency. On a plate, the sticky mass is cut with a knife into separate strips, which are later used in carpentry (preheating).

Which glue is better to choose?

Each type of wood glue has its own special qualities. When buying, it is important to take into account light fastness, adhesive strength, biological stability of the composition, etc. Having familiarized yourself with the characteristics of the various types of wood glue listed below, it will be easier to make the right choice.

In the assortment of each hardware store you can find wood glue of this type:

If there is a need to restore furniture, then it is better to take this particular adhesive. It is made on the basis of an air bladder and fish fins. Outwardly, fish glue looks like scales with a transparent and elastic structure. It does not need preheating. Fish wood glue is used at a temperature of 20 degrees.

It is recommended to use it for gluing materials with different rigidity. The disadvantages of fish glue include a high price. It should not be used in a humid environment: under such conditions, the unique properties of the composition are lost.

PVA glue is ideal for working with porous woods and materials containing essential oils. The seam will be as strong as possible if additional efforts are applied during gluing, pressing and fixing the parts with force. It is not necessary to preheat or prepare polyvinyl acetate glue, as it is already sold ready-made. The adhesive has a long shelf life.

The main advantages of PVA:

  • seam stability;
  • resistance to sunlight;
  • elasticity.

Before use, such adhesive material should be prepared by heating to 50 degrees. It goes on sale in the form of plates or granules. You can determine the quality of the glue by color: the lighter the composition, the better. To prepare the adhesive, dry material must be poured with water in the proportions indicated on the package. Within a few hours, the granules should swell, and after that the mixture should be stirred and heated in a water bath. The whole process will take several hours.

It is necessary to use bone glue hot, while it must remain liquid: it is desirable that it flow from the brush in a continuous stream. In the case when the bone glue turned out to be too thick, it must be diluted with hot water.

Has high strength; made from leather. It contains gelatin and oligopeptides. It is the latter component that contributes to increased strength when connecting parts. In the assortment of a hardware store, you can find skin glue in the form of powder, flakes and tiles.

Before use, the adhesive composition is diluted with water, left for several hours (the mixture should have time to swell) and then melted in a water bath. Mezdrovy glue has a light shade, and also has a high viscosity. When working with this variety, it is important to take into account the latter fact, since this feature can lead to the destruction of the tree.

Before using the product, it must be prepared (according to the scheme given above), then let it brew for 10 minutes, remove the foam, and only after that should you proceed to use. sold in powder form.

A mixture of this type is rather fragile, and its volume after application may shrink. This feature somewhat complicates the gluing process. Casein wood glue should be used carefully if the tree contains tannins. The use of glue in this case may lead to loss of color of the wood.

After preparing casein glue, it must be used immediately. Unlike other types of wood glue (which can stand ready for several days), casein glue will lose its properties after a few hours. If during the preparation of the product in a water bath it turned out to be too thick, then it is not recommended to dilute it with water.

Application rules

When working with the composition, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. It is better to apply the mixture with a bristle or bast brush.
  2. One layer of glue is applied when it is necessary to glue the part along the grain of the tree. Two layers are distributed on the ends, a second layer should be applied only after the first has dried.
  3. After a few minutes, when the wood glue dries, the parts must be carefully compressed and aligned. Remains of excess glue are removed, and the parts are fixed with a bandage or twine for several hours until completely dry.

By adding ammonia, borax or phenol to the adhesive, you can increase the resistance of the mixture to mold. It will not be difficult to get putty paste if you add ash or chalk to the glue.

By giving preference to proven wood glue, you are almost guaranteed to make the highest quality furniture or repair it yourself without almost guaranteed. Carpentry work will progress productively if you follow important rules in the preparation and use of the adhesive mass.

Wood in our life.
Nature has endowed wood with such a unique set of qualities that no other material on earth has: environmental friendliness, wear resistance, richness of textures, etc. It is impossible to list all the areas of its application. Here is just a short list:
paper production;
musical instruments;
Despite the fact that this material is quite durable, it also tends to break, crack and split into pieces. In order to resurrect a damaged thing to life, gluing a tree is necessary.

Factors influencing the choice of wood glue.
Mankind has invented a considerable number of adhesive compounds for woodworking. To know how to glue a tree with the best result, you need to have information about the range and features of adhesives.
When deciding which glue to use, you need to take into account a variety of factors that may affect your choice. For example:
type of operation (glue a broken stool or connect thin carved fragments);
a set of connectable textures (glue wood to wood or fix it to metal, fabric, leather, etc.);
the conditions under which the glued objects will be used;
expected connection reliability;
the time required for gluing;
Master's advice: no matter what composition you use, in order to achieve a strong setting, you must follow the general rules: thoroughly clean in advance, degrease well and dry the areas to be joined. And one more thing: the thinner the adhesive seam is, the stronger the joint will turn out.

An overview of the types of glue.
Under this brand, several formulations are produced, which differ in digital marking. The larger the number in the marking, the higher the ductility and the lower the strength. BF-2 is suitable for fastening rigid structures that are not subject to bending and vibrations. BF-4 is more elastic, but the strength of the glue joint is somewhat lower than that of BF-2. Which type is better to use depends on your tasks.
Technology: 1 hour is given to dry the first layer. Then a second layer is applied, allowed to dry for 10 - 20 minutes and both parts are pressed tightly against each other. Note that BF glue is functional and resistant to high humidity and most chemical influences. Disadvantage: contains aldehydes and phenol, therefore it is not allowed for use in the production of dishes and children's toys.

Polyvinyl acetate (PVA):
This species has long been widely known; has various modifications. To work with wooden products, you can use PVA-MB (universal) or PVA-M (super glue). The latter is considered the highest quality due to its greater viscosity. Suitable for expensive and responsible operations.

The main advantage is fire safety. Days are given for drying. The surfaces to be bonded must be thoroughly degreased.

"Moment" is known as a universal strong glue. Among its varieties there is a specialized one - "Moment Joiner". The salient features of this brand are:
quick setting - 10 -15 minutes at room conditions;
heat resistance (for example, you can fix the veneer to the base with heating with an iron);
special strength;
color invariance.
The disadvantages include insufficient water and frost resistance.

There are two types - bone and mezdrovy. The first is made from animal horns, the second is made from the wrong side of raw animal skin. Of the two varieties - bone is considered the best. It goes on sale in the form of granules, grains or flakes.
During preparation, the dry fraction is soaked in cold water, then boiled in a water bath at a temperature of about 70 degrees, stirring thoroughly until complete dissolution occurs. It is applied in the form of a warm liquid mass. Better to use immediately after breeding.

Made on the basis of epoxy resins, and consists of two components - resin and hardener. Suitable for any material, fills cavities well and smooths out irregularities. Therefore, it is especially suitable for restoration work. It is a dielectric. It is not affected by water, grease, oil, or surfactants found in any cleaning products. It hardens very quickly, and it will be impossible to fix something after hardening.

It is resistant to moisture and high temperatures. It has a natural origin (it is based on milk protein), does not contain any harmful impurities. Fully sets in 20 hours.
The disadvantages include the ability to change the color of glued wood. Sometimes there are spots that darken over time. The finished solution can be stored no longer than 2 - 4 hours, and it cannot be reanimated.
Advice of the master: The degree of water resistance of the glue is easily determined by the packaging markings. It is indicated by the letter "D" and a number: 2 - low, 3 - good, 4 - very high. However, the D4 class is very expensive, and its use should be justified.

Very good, but the most expensive choice. Indispensable in cases where you need to provide a critical connection or create a multi-layer structure. The adhesion will be extremely strong, resistant to sea and chlorinated water.
Polyurethane glue for gluing wooden objects does not react to aggressive chemical environments and ultraviolet. In short, if you need to operate in extreme conditions, including significant mechanical stress, this is the best option.

Heat resistant:
It is necessary in cases where a wooden product will be fired; such as a gas burner. The use of an adhesive with improved thermal properties is a guarantee that the surfaces connected with it will not disintegrate even under the influence of very high temperatures.

As you can see, even such a detailed review of all kinds of adhesive compositions is unlikely to give an unambiguous answer to the question: “Which glue is better for wood?” Probably the one that is better than the rest to cope with a specific task in a specific case, and at the same time will be available to you at a price. If possible, get two different types of glue and try each one in turn. So you can choose the most suitable option for your carpentry work.

All photos from the article

The thorn + groove connection is a wonderful invention of mankind, thanks to it, it does not lose its functionality for decades. But there is one "but"! Wood is a natural material, therefore, it has the ability to shrink.

As a result of this, the parts quickly leave their nests and strive to fall off at every inconvenience. To prevent this, man invented adhesive compositions. Moreover, there are so many of them that it is sometimes difficult to choose. Today's instruction is about adhesive mixtures.

Glue - principles of choice

When choosing an adhesive, a very important role is played by where and with what loads this or that part will be used, what are the operating conditions. For example, in the kitchen, the glue must be resistant to moisture and steam; in the furniture in the rooms, this condition is not necessary.

The selection principles can be summarized as follows:

  • a minimum set of preparatory actions;
  • glue should be easy to use;
  • the effect of gluing and the possibility of use comes quickly.

Our Help! The preparation of the surfaces to be glued is the same for the application of any type of glue, and the full operation of the product is possible after 24 hours after gluing.

Part preparation

Regardless of the choice of glue, the preparation for the process is the same everywhere.

The instruction says:

  • surfaces to be glued must be sanded to eliminate streaks of old glue;
  • after sanding, the surfaces are degreased with any solvent;
  • after drying the parts, you can apply the adhesive composition.

That's all the instructions. It remains only to choose the glue and carry out the process itself.

Choosing glue

When visiting a store, the main criterion for choosing glue, like any product, is the price, but in this case we will be interested in other components of success - reliability, application technique, working conditions:

  1. PVA wood glue is an emulsion that contains polyvinyl acetate, some water and additional additives. The mixture is non-toxic, and is used even in the food industry. Schoolchildren use this particular composition for the design of applications and the production of papier-mâché.

The film formed by PVA has a good strength, is not brittle, although it is washed off well by many solvents. The application technique is simple: the composition is applied with a brush to one of the surfaces to be glued, then the parts are pressed and left under compression for a while. Works are carried out at an air temperature not lower than 6 degrees Celsius, humidity - not higher than 80%.

  1. Quick Dry Compounds. There are a lot of them. The positive qualities of this composition is that at the usual recommended consumption during application, the parts to be glued are pressed with force for 45-60 seconds. Hardening occurs in an hour or two. But there are reservations right there - if the gaps are minimal, if the ambient temperature is not lower than 6 degrees Celsius, etc.

Advice! When choosing a quick-drying wood glue, keep in mind that the compositions themselves are quite aggressive and, in addition to general safety precautions when working with these products, be prepared for the fact that many products of this line change the color of the wood at the points of application and joining.

  1. Epoxy resin. This set is very revealing. If you want a good result, with a guarantee that the products can be used even outdoors, then use a two-component wood glue. Two components of the composition - resin and hardener initially come in two different containers, since their mixture is able not only to harden, but also to withstand temperature fluctuations in the corridor of 180 degrees Celsius, from -30 to +150 degrees.

Note! The hardened resin does not react to technical oils and solvents, it is removed only mechanically, therefore this composition does not accept a second chance. And one more thing, the instructions for use describe the proportions of the use of ingredients.

In order to verify their viability, conduct a small experiment: in a small container, for example, a cap from a plastic bottle, add both compositions according to the described method. If curing occurs as described within the specified time, then the mixtures can be used.

  1. Separately, I would like to highlight contact glue for wood. Its main application is gluing wooden lamellas to the floor. Other types of adhesive mixtures can be used, but the contact mixture was designed in such a way that the seam between the parts was elastic, and the wooden parts did not tear apart under different loads in different areas, and the single coating was not broken.

Considering that this composition is applied over large areas, the developers have provided for the possibility of applying glue with their own hands, as well as using sprayers.

  1. Pros and cons. There are two criteria on the market today that are designed to attract a buyer: super glue for wood and professional glue for wood. It is assumed that these compositions do not just connect parts in the minimum time with the maximum warranty period, they are used specifically for professional, almost conveyor use. Practice often shows the opposite effect, and wood glue, without any advertising, copes with the task much better.

  1. Silicone glue for wood. To be more precise, it is, which is intended for external and internal use. The composition is applied using a special gun by extrusion. These compositions have a stated period of use of up to 20 years.


Joiner's glue involves not just connecting parts, but also the possibility of using the item for its intended purpose. The video in this article has prepared an overview of these mixtures, if you have questions, you can ask them in the comments.

From this article you will learn:

Very often, during the repair, repair of furniture or the manufacture of any items, you have to resort to using a variety of adhesives. Today there is a wide choice of them for wood products: from products that have long earned the trust of consumers, to innovative compositions created using modern technologies. The adhesive composition for wood can be used for different purposes, for example, for fixing or combining different structures, and thanks to it, safe, insulated joints are formed that are not afraid of moisture. In order not to make a mistake when choosing an adhesive, you need to know exactly the purpose of its use. Next, we will talk in detail about waterproof wood glue.

What is waterproof wood glue

Waterproof wood glue can be used for both outdoor and indoor use. The difference is that in the first case, wood glue must be both waterproof and frost-resistant, because in our country one cannot do without resistance to cold.

If the composition does not meet such requirements, then it can only be used for work in rooms where the positive temperature is always maintained.

Any waterproof glue has increased hydrophobic properties, fixes objects more firmly. These characteristics are important if you are facing a room in which, for example, water containers are installed or simply high humidity always remains.

If your waterproof wood glue doesn't respond to cold temperatures, it's great for both outdoor and indoor applications. Due to the frost resistance and heat resistance of these compositions, you can always decorate open structures that can be frozen and flooded from time to time.

Waterproof adhesives have high adhesion, therefore they are suitable for any surfaces. So, there is a waterproof adhesive for fixing natural stone slabs, ceramics, ceramic granite products. As you already understood, such adhesives have a wide range of applications, since, in addition to the above, they cope with wood, ceramics, leather, vinyl, glass, plastic, cardboard in various combinations.

Do-it-yourself waterproof wood glue

There are several ways to prepare wood glue at home, but they are all based on the general principle - soaking and boiling in water.

To make waterproof wood glue, we need:

  • yellow granules or solid glue plates (the quality of the finished composition depends on how light the material is);
  • boiled water;
  • tile;
  • glue stick for cooking.

Recipe for making waterproof glue:

Option #1:

  1. Wrap the adhesive tiles in cloth, then smash them with a hammer.
  2. Pour the resulting crushed material with cold, always boiled water so that it completely hides the dry glue. After 4-12 hours you will get a gelatinous mass.
  3. Put the resulting mixture in a water bath and cook for about 15 minutes at a temperature of + 60 ... + 80 ° C. Don't forget to stir constantly. As a result, all lumps should dissolve, that is, the glue will become homogeneous and liquid.
  4. To make the composition more convenient to cook, we recommend using a special oilcloth made of two vessels. The larger one is for water and the smaller one is for glue. A small container is placed in a large one, they are put on fire together and the mixture is boiled.
  5. You can add hot water during cooking to get the right consistency. Remember that tenon or end joints require a thicker adhesive than plywood and other flat materials.
  6. The readiness of waterproof wood glue is evidenced by a film that has appeared on the surface. The resulting composition should drain from the stick in a trickle, and not drip.

The oilcloth is able to maintain the temperature of the glue at +30 ... +70 ° C for one and a half to two hours without additional heating - this is very important, since wood glue is used only in a warm state. As it cools, it loses its properties, after which it may become moldy or begin to rot.

Option #2:

  1. Mix glue and water in equal proportions.
  2. Boil the composition, then rub the resulting mass.
  3. Put the mixture on a plate and cut into pieces.
  4. Before starting repair work, dissolve the resulting workpiece in a mixture of water and vodka and boil.
  5. There is another option: in the process of preparing the composition, add table vinegar to the water and glue, and when the powder is completely dissolved, pour in vodka.

To achieve new properties, various components are introduced into the waterproof wood glue. So, if you mix the dry powder with linseed oil or drying oil, it will be possible to increase the resistance of the glue line to moisture. If it is necessary to glue leather elements, glycerin is added.

Remember that at room temperature, the glue retains the required consistency for up to two hours, after which it gradually thickens. Although this is not scary - the composition can be heated. However, we advise you to prepare exactly the amount of wood glue that you need, so you will greatly simplify your work.

How to choose ready-made waterproof wood glue

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of adhesive compositions with different properties: water resistance, heat resistance, slow / fast hardening, long shelf life from the moment of preparation, etc. There are also such adhesives, thanks to which the adhesive layer is so resistant that it turns out to be stronger than wood. Let us dwell on the most popular types of adhesive.

  • Animal glues have traditionally been favored by carpenters and have been used in carpentry for a long time. As the name implies, such compositions are made on the basis of animal skins and bones.
  • Hot melt adhesives look like cylindrical sticks designed to be used in special hot glue guns. Such compositions are indispensable when working with templates and models, because they need no more than a few seconds to harden.
  • PVA is a polyvinyl acetate emulsion that hardens when dried or penetrates deep into the wood. The positive features of this adhesive are non-toxicity, unlimited shelf life, moisture resistance and transparency after drying. Furniture manufacturers appreciate PVA, so they often use it in production.
  • Urea-formaldehyde adhesives are also waterproof formulations. They fill the cavities well and harden as a result of a chemical reaction. Glue is sold in the form of a powder, which must be mixed with water and applied to the required areas. Another subspecies of such adhesives is two-component formulations that use a liquid hardener. Then, when gluing, one surface is smeared with a hardener, and the second with glue combined with water.
  • Contact types of glue form a thin seam between the parts. First, such a composition seizes two surfaces, after which it quickly connects them together. This variety is convenient for sticking melamine coating on table tops, while other types are used for working with veneer. The only downside is the bad smell.
  • Epoxy adhesives consist of a pair of components: resin and hardener, which must be mixed in a certain ratio. After the mixture hardens, durable insoluble transparent seams are obtained. Such compositions can be attributed to waterproof wood adhesives, so they are chosen if the product to be glued is constantly exposed to high humidity.

Modern waterproof wood adhesives have many advantages and can be used in various areas. Thanks to the extensive range, you can always choose a product of excellent quality that is suitable for your needs. If we compare the adhesive compositions on the market today with those that were sold before, then the first ones have greater resistance to temperature extremes, air humidity, harden faster, are more durable - and these are only their main advantages.

In Europe and Russia, the DIN EN 204 standard is used to determine the water resistance of adhesive joints. It assumes the following classification and operating conditions for adhesive joints:

  • D1 - indoors at temperatures up to +50 °C (short-term increase is acceptable). Glue D1 is designed for wood with a moisture content of up to 15%.
  • D2 - for operation in rooms with short exposure to water or condensate, due to which the moisture content of the material increases to 18%.
  • D3 - For outdoor use with short exposure to water. Adhesives of this category are not afraid of fluctuations in humidity levels.
  • D4 - for indoor and outdoor use. The adhesive seam is able to cope with the destructive effects of the external environment, however, manufacturers recommend covering it with an additional protective layer if the product is intended to be used outdoors.

The table below will help you choose an adhesive for specific tasks:

How to work with waterproof wood glue


Before gluing any lumber, make sure the surface is smooth and free of dust, dirt or grease.

There are two ways to clean up a wooden surface: for the first, you will need sandpaper with grains of different fractions (depending on the state of the surface), and for the second, ordinary glass.

Emery must be wound on a wooden block or, as it is also called, a “cracker” - it is convenient to hold such a home-made tool in your hand, which makes grinding parts easier. However, it should be understood that this method is intended for relatively smooth elements. If you need to remove a thicker layer, a piece of glass with a smooth edge will come in handy, because the latter perfectly removes a layer of wood.

If the lumber was stained with oil, grease or paint, then after scraping they are treated with any solvent. It is worth noting that it is better not to glue the part into which the oil has strongly eaten, as you will not achieve normal adhesion.

Another rule that is important to consider when using waterproof glue for wood, namely PVA: the moisture content of the wood at this moment cannot be more than 12-14%. The fact is that water reduces or even nullifies the adhesion of elements.

Regardless of which waterproof wood glue you choose, it is necessary to press the parts after gluing. However, not with any shape of the elements, it is possible to use a press, therefore, clamps are used for compression. They can be made of metal or plastic, and their arms are made of a material similar to parachute lines. Their help is often resorted to during the manufacture of frames.

In fact, pressing parts is not such an easy task. After all, wood is capable of deforming, and it may take much longer to ensure a snug fit than all sorts of instructions promise. So, a wooden tabletop must be kept in a compressed state for at least five hours, otherwise the deformed board will destroy the connection.


1. Cold bonding of wood.

With this method, the mixture does not heat up. You will need:

  • glue;
  • clamp;
  • wims;
  • special clamps.

Let us immediately clarify that clamps are cold pressing equipment designed for gluing parts from a bar, frame, panel. For cold bonding, adhesive compositions based on PVAD are used. Since this adhesive is water-based, it does not take long to soak into the material, as a result you quickly get a reliable connection. Such a waterproof wood glue hardens in 15-25 minutes, after which the product must be kept under pressure for an hour.

2. Hot bonding of wood.

This technology is best suited for bonding thin sheets. The adhesive is heated by electricity or steam, and then hardens after 30-40 seconds.

The presses used for gluing wood are divided into the following types:

  • by the location of the shield: inclined, horizontal, vertical;
  • according to the drive used: electromechanical, manual, hydraulic, pneumatic;
  • according to the mode of operation: positional and through-type;
  • by type of heating: steam, electric, HDTV, water.

For hot gluing, glue is applied to the parts, they are placed in presses, where wood elements spend no more than five minutes. Note that the glue completely hardens already outside the pressing equipment.

To achieve a high-quality, reliable connection of wooden elements, both inexpensive PVA (you can even work with them at home) and professional polyurethane waterproof wood adhesives of well-known brands are quite suitable. With the help of the latter, it is possible to achieve a strong and durable connection of parts on an industrial scale, and such compositions also make it easier for craftsmen to create furniture and other wooden products.

Where to buy quality waterproof wood adhesives

JSC Raduga has been operating since 1991 (former Tsentrmebelkomplekt, Decor-1). The company was organized to supply raw materials to enterprises that are part of ZAO Tsentromebel.

Today, the company's permanent business partners are not only Russian manufacturers, but also leading companies from Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Switzerland, Finland, Poland, and Sweden. Our office is located in the center of Moscow, as well as our own warehouse complex with an exhibition hall of 200 m².

In our warehouses, located in the near suburbs of Moscow, there is always a large selection of raw materials, materials and components for the production of furniture and joinery. The assortment includes more than 300 types of varnishes and 400 types of dyes, emphasis is placed on the sale of varnishes and dyes with a dry residue.

At the request of customers, our team produces polyurethane enamels in almost all colors in one or two days. We offer adhesives from five leading European manufacturers, natural veneer and lumber - more than 60 types of common, exotic and exclusive species. Front and mounting accessories are constantly available - more than 4000 items from manufacturers from Europe: Austria, Poland, Germany, etc.

Every month we process requests from more than 1800 clients. These include both large furniture factories and private entrepreneurs.

Deliveries of goods are carried out throughout Russia. Our company delivers goods in Moscow free of charge. Products are shipped by road to all regions of Russia.

Our firm takes the training of its own specialists seriously. Managers systematically undergo internships in companies engaged in the production of finishing materials in Germany, Italy, Austria, and Finland. Employees of our company provide technical assistance to customers.

We invite you to cooperate on mutually beneficial terms! We value our customers and try to find an individual approach to each customer.