The height of the Ural mountains and interesting facts

According to the encyclopedia, it is a mountain system between the East European and West Siberian plains. Its length is more than two thousand kilometers, and according to some data, more than two and a half thousand (if we count together the Pai-Khoi ridges in the north and Mugodzhary in the south). The width of the system ranges from 40 to 200 kilometers.

One of the most ancient mountains on our planet (only the mountains of New Zealand are older). That is why they are not as high as the same Tibet or the Andes. The age of the Ural Mountains is more than 600 million years, and during this long time the mountains managed to collapse thoroughly under the influence of winds, rains and landslides. It has already become a common place to claim that the Ural Mountains are very rich in fossils. Indeed, in the Urals one can find deposits of copper, magnesium, titanium, coal, oil, bauxite, etc. In total, experts have more than fifty-five of the most important minerals and ores.

The history of the discovery of the Ural Mountains

The history of the discovery of the Ural Mountains begins in antiquity. It would be more accurate to say that this is a history of discovery specifically for our civilization, and in general, people settled in the Urals at much earlier times. We meet the first written records of the Ural Mountains among the Greeks. They talked about the Imaus mountains, the Riphean (Riphean) mountains and the Hyperborean mountains. Now it is very difficult to establish which part of the Ural Mountains the learned men of ancient Greece and Rome spoke about, because their narratives are very abundantly supplied with legends, fairy tales and outright fables. It is clear that they themselves have never been to the Urals and heard about the Ural Mountains from the third or even the fourth and fifth lips. A little later, already from Arab sources, more detailed information about the Ural Mountains could be gleaned. The Arabs talked about the country of Yugra, where the Jura people lived. In addition, the descriptions of such countries as Vis, the country of Yajuj and Majudzha, Bulgaria, etc. are probably related to the Urals. All Arab sources agree on one thing: the territory of the Ural Mountains was inhabited by a fierce people and therefore was closed to travelers. Also, they all speak with one voice about the harsh climatic conditions, which in fact allows us to assert that they mean the Urals. But, despite these facts, their attention was still riveted on the Ural Mountains, tk. it was here that the source of the two most important currencies of the Middle Ages - furs and salt, which were quoted no less than gold and precious stones, was located. Starting from the 13-14th centuries (according to some data, even from the 12th century) Ural and Ural mountains began to be mastered by Russian pioneers. At first, the Ural Mountains were known under the name Stone. So they said, "Follow the Stone", that is, to the Urals and Siberia. Already starting from the 17th century, largely thanks to Vasily Tatishchev, the territory of the Ural Mountains was called the Urals. Ural, in fact, is translated as a mountain or a stone belt from the Mansi (sometimes they talk about the Turkic, namely the Bashkir origin of this word).

Water resources of the Ural Mountains

In the Urals, there is simply a huge number of lakes, rivers and streams. There are 3327 mountain lakes (!). The total length of the rivers is over 90,000 (!) Kilometers. Such rich water resources are associated with a large catchment area, which, in turn, is due to the characteristics of the landscape. Most of the rivers are mountainous, which means they are very rapid, relatively shallow and transparent. Siberian and European grayling, taimen, pike, pike perch, burbot, perch and other fish are found in the rivers. Thanks to all this, they are simply ideal for boating and sport fishing for grayling, taimen and whitefish.

The main peaks of the Ural Mountains.

The highest peak in the Urals is Mount Narodnaya (1894.5 meters). By the way, it is necessary to pronounce it with an emphasis on the first syllable, because the name comes from the word "to make people" and is associated with the Mansi legends, which say that it was from here that they went, i.e. were born, Komi-Perm. In addition to Narodnaya, there are several more "branded" and significant peaks in the Urals. In the Southern Urals, these are the Yamantau Mountains (1640 m), Bolshoi Iremel (1582 m), Bolshoi Shelom (1427 m), Nurgush (1406 m), Kruglitsa (1168 m) and Otliknaya Ridge (1155 m).

The comb is responsive. Photo by Maxim Tatarinov

In the Middle Urals, it should be noted the Oslyanka mountains (1119 m), Kachkanar (878 m), Starik-Kamen (755 m), Shunut-Kamen (726 m) and Belaya mountain (712 m). In the Northern Urals, the highest peaks are near Konzhakovsky stone (1569 m), Denezhkina Kamen (1492 m), Chistop mountains (1292 m), Otorten mountains (1182 m; famous for being near the Dyatlov Pass), Kozhim-Iz (1195 m ) and Telposiz (1617 m). Speaking about the mountains of the Northern Urals, you cannot bypass the famous Man-Pupu-Ner - these are remnant stones near Mount Koyp.

Manpupuner. Photo by Sergey Ischenko

The most significant peaks of the Subpolar Urals: Mount Narodnaya, already mentioned by us, Mount Manaraga (1820 m), Mount Kolokolnya (1724 m), Mount Zashchita (1808 m), Mount Mansi-Nier or Mount Didkovsky (1778 m), etc. it is the mountains of the Subpolar Urals that are the highest.
Well, in the Polar Urals it is necessary to highlight the Payer Mountains (1499 m) and Ngetenape (1338 m).


Such a large number of mountains of different heights, caves (which naturally exist in the mountains), rivers and lakes has become the main reason for the development of active tourism in the Urals. The arsenal of Ural (and not only Ural) tourists includes hiking routes, mountain trekking, river rafting, combined tours, and ethnographic tours, as well as sport fishing and hunting.

Ecology of the Ural Mountains

The issue of ecology in the Urals is very acute. originally served as a kind of storeroom for the state. Industry has always been developed here and anthropogenic pressure on nature has always been felt. Today, the most pressing problems include deforestation, the consequences of mining underground minerals, dams on rivers (hydroelectric power stations), the operation of hazardous chemical, cellulose and metallurgical industries. In order for readers to get an impression of the Ural Mountains as a kind of industrial colony, we note that work is underway to improve the environment in the Urals. There are already a very large number of nature reserves, parks and sanctuaries on the territory. The largest of them are: the Vishersky Reserve, the Yugyd Va National Park, the Denezhkin Stone Reserve, etc. In addition, with the development of the tourism business in the Urals, private fishing farms, recreation centers and recreational areas with ecological routes and trails are increasingly appearing. All this together allows us to hope that the ecology of the Urals will not be disturbed and will allow many more tourists to rest and even improve their health in the Ural Mountains.

The highest mountain in the Urals - Narodnaya - is the brightest gem in the natural crown of Russia. This peak now attracts thousands of travelers from Russia and Europe.

In addition to Narodnaya, in the Ural mountain system there are several more majestic peaks, each of which has unique features given by Mother Nature.

The following lines tell in detail about the geography of the Urals and its peaks, which are worth climbing, a description and a photo are given, the history of their discovery and names, features of tourist routes and equipment that is necessary to conquer the peaks are told.

In contact with

Geography of the Ural Mountains

The East European and West Siberian plains are notable for the fact that it is between them that the Ural mountain system is located. It crosses Russia from north to south at approximately 60 east longitude.

Geographers distinguish 5 zones of the Ural system:

  1. Polar Ural- occupies the north of the mountain system. Administratively divided between the Komi Republic and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. It is characterized by low passes and deep valleys that dissect the ridges crosswise.

    The Polar Urals is a mountainous region in the north of Eurasia, in the territory of Russia, the most northern part. The northern border of the region is considered to be Mount Konstantinov Kamen, and the Khulga River separates the region from the Subpolar Urals.

  2. Subpolar Urals- perhaps the highest part of the system. Mount Telposiz is located on the southern side, and the Lyapin River on the northern side. Glaciers in this area are common. Part of the zone is included in the Yugyd Va National Park.

    The Subpolar Urals is a mountain system in Russia, stretching from the headwaters of the Lyapin (Khulga) River in the north (65º 40 'N) to Mount Telposiz ("Nest of the Winds", height about 1617 m) in the south (64º N) ...

  3. Northern Ural- a zone bounded by Telposiz mountain in the north and Kosvinsky stone in the south. The Ural ridge in the territory of the zone is divided into several parallel ridges. The total width of the system in the region is 50-60 km.

    Northern Urals, part of the Urals from the Shchuger River in the north to Mount Oslyanka in the south. The length is about 550 km. Height up to 1617 m (Telposiz). Flattened peaks and dissected relief are characteristic. On the slopes - taiga forests, higher - mountain tundra and rocky placers

  4. Central or Middle Urals- the lowest part of the mountain system. 6 ridges pass along it. Their total width, together with the foothills, reaches 90 km. River valleys in the Middle Urals are wide enough. On the eastern slopes of the zone, there are karst landforms: craters, hollows, wells.

    Middle Ural - the lowest part of the Ural Mountains, limited by the latitudes of Konzhakovsky Kamen in the north and Yurma mountains in the south

  5. Southern Urals- the widest (250 km) and southern zone of the Ural Mountains. The South Ural is bounded by the Yurma mountain and the Mugodzhary ridge. Administratively located on the territory of the Russian Federation and. It is characterized by dissection of ridges by deep depressions and valleys.

    The South Ural is the southern and widest part of the Ural Mountains, stretching from the Ufa River (near the village of Nizhny Ufaley) to the Ural River. From the west and east, the South Ural is bounded by the East European and West Siberian plains


Yamantau is the highest place in the Southern Urals (1640 m). Peaks near the mountain 2: Big Yamantau and Small Yamantau. The peak has been known to settlers from Russia since the 17th century. It was first described by P.I. Rychkov in 1762 in his book "Orenburg Topography". Climbing the mountain goes along its western or northern slopes, through the villages of Revet or Sosnovka.

View of Yamantau from the southern slope of Mount Kuyantau

To see Yamantau, you first need to get by train from Ufa, Nizhnevartovsk, Adler or Moscow to Beloretsk. From there, by bus or intercity taxi, you need to get to the villages of Tatly or Kuzelga, which are located at the foot of the mountain.

Note: to climb Yamantau, you do not need to use climbing equipment. But taking alpenstocks, wearing helmets, trekking boots, knee pads and elbow pads will not hurt.


Telposiz is a massif that consists of two peaks (h = 1617 m), located on the border of the Northern and Subpolar Urals. This mountain is called differently. The main name, translated from the Komi language, means “mountain of the nest of the winds”. There is also the Nenets "Ne-Khekhe" translated as "mountain-baba". The last name, according to legend, was given due to the fact that at one of the peaks a woman was turned into an idol, who had turned over to her husband.

Telposiz (1617 m) is the highest peak in the Northern Urals. It is located near the conditional border of the Northern and Subpolar Urals on the left bank of the Shchugor River. The Telposiza area is known for the prevalence of bad weather

According to some historians, Semyon Kurbsky discovered the mountain. But studies of the natural object began only at the end of the last century, when a gas pipeline was laid not far from it. Popular routes for tourists include visiting the South Glacier, Lake Telpos and rafting down the Shchugor River.

The foothills of Telposiz are not inhabited. The nearest village, Kyrta, is 75 km away from it. The best way to get to the mountain is to first reach Syktyvkar and from there fly to Vuktyl. From the last mentioned city, you can order a car for transfer to the foothills of the mountain, or at least to Kyrta.

Good to know: Telposiz is a summit that is easy to conquer. In the summer, a group of unprepared tourists, "armed" with alpenstocks, climb it. Only for a winter hike up the mountain requires special equipment in the form of snowshoes.


Oslyanka is the highest peak of the Middle Urals (1119 m). Its name, translated from Old Russian, means "river whetstone" or "log". The mountain has been known since the 17th century. Complex investigations of the summit were carried out in 1940 by the Ural expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences. At the same time, rock crystal was discovered on Oslyanka.

The Oslyanka Ridge is located in the east of the Kizelovsky District of the Perm Territory, west of the main watershed ridge of the Urals. Oslyanka is a 16 km long mountain range stretching from north to south

The routes offered by tourist organizations pass through the villages of Uspenka and Bolshaya Oslyanka. They include dinners, campfire gatherings and a visit to the bathhouse.

The city of Kizel, closest to the mountain, is located 50 km away. You can get there by bus or train through. There are no roads leading from this city to the foothills of the mountain. To get as close to the top as possible, you need to agree on the transfer in advance with the drivers of off-road vehicles from Kizel.

Do you know that: climbing Oslyanka does not require any climbing equipment.


Payer is the highest point of the Polar Urals (h = 1499 m). Payer was discovered and mapped in 1847 by an expedition of the Russian Geographical Society.

Payer, the highest peak of the Polar Urals. It is composed of quartzite, shale and igneous rocks. There are snowfields

Interesting fact: according to the head of the campaign - Ernst Hoffmann, the name of the mountain in the Nenets language means "Lord of the mountains".

Several streams flow near the mountain, which flow into amazingly beautiful lakes. Most tourist groups make routes past these bodies of water, as the flat areas near them are great for parking.

You can come to Payer only by off-road vehicle from the village of Eletsky in the Komi Republic. Locals willingly take tourists to the mountain for a small fee. Trains from Labytnanga, Vorkuta and Moscow run to the railway station in Yeletskoye.

Climbing Payer is best done in the last month of summer. On the hike, you need to take safety systems, climbing ropes, zhumars and other items necessary to overcome small (up to 6 meters) vertical ascents.

Folk - history of discovery and description

Narodnaya is the highest peak of the Urals (1895 m). It does not stand out against the background of the rest of the Ural peaks. It is distinguished by the presence of bowl-shaped depressions with small lakes, glaciers and snowfields.

The coordinates of the highest point of the Urals are 65 ° 02 ′ N, 60 ° 07 ′ E.

Mount Narodnaya is the highest point of the entire Ural ridge. There are winter roads and glaciers on the mountain. On the northeastern slope there is the "Blue Lake", a high-mountainous reservoir, the purest water basin at an altitude of a kilometer above sea level. From the north-east and south-west, the ascent will be especially difficult, there are a large number of rock formations and sheds

Narodnaya was discovered in 1846 by A. Reguli, surveyed in 1927 by the geologist Aleshkov. From him the peak got its name. On the maps of Reguli, the peak was named Poen-Urr.

It's important to know: climbing the mountain is carried out along its northern, gentle slope. They pass through the Kar-Kar pass with an overnight stay near a mountain lake. Before the hike, you need to register with the administration of the Yugyd-Va National Park. An application for the ascent must be submitted at least 10 days prior to arrival at the foot of Narodnaya.

How to get there

To get to Narodnaya, you need to get to Inta-1 station by trains that follow to Vorkuta or Labytnanga. Then you need to get by car to the Zhelannaya quartz mining base.

General view of the base. The Zhelannaya base was created for ore mining. Mine workers live here. Quartz is mined. At the base, you can rent a room for 500 rubles per person per day

From this point you should walk 15-18 km to the mountain along the Balabanu river.

What equipment to take

There is no need to rent climbing equipment for hiking, but it is advisable to wear trekking boots, elbow pads, knee pads and a helmet.

Equipment for a beginner climber: carabiners with a clutch - 5 pieces, harness, self-belaying mustache, belay device, 2 prusiks, rope ascent device - jumar, backpack for 60-80 liters, sleeping bag, cushion cover, mountain boots, crampons, ice ax, helmet , sticks telescopic, headlamp flashlight.

In the absence of a tourist experience, it is worth taking a guide.

Mineral resources of the Ural mountains

The Urals are an inexhaustible storehouse of natural resources. It develops and produces 48 types of minerals. Of these, the most important for the Russian industry are copper pyrite and skarn-magnetite ores, bauxite, potassium salts, gas, oil, and coal. Also, the Ural subsoil is rich in minerals. More than 200 types of natural precious and semi-precious stones have been discovered in the mountains, which are used in various industries and in the decoration of various buildings.

The Ural Mountains amaze with the wealth of their bowels. "Underground storeroom of the country." The main wealth of the Urals is ore

Take a note: jasper and malachite, mined in the Urals, were used to make the Hermitage bowls and the altar of the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood.


Each of the zones of the Urals has unique and beautiful mountains. Most of them can be climbed without special training. Travel companies, clubs and centers regularly conduct group hikes to the Ural peaks.

The Ural Alpine Club invites you to take part in the summer-autumn training camp for the preparation of climbers in the "DUGOBA" gorge

Some companies organize trips on bicycles, ATVs, and horses. Hiking expeditions are delivered to the foothills of the mountains in off-road vehicles.

Participation in climbing any of the Ural peaks is the best opportunity to get acquainted with the largest mountain system in Russia. Small Ural stones brought from a trip will be great gifts for friends and family.

Watch a video in which climbers and geologists talk about the highest mountain in the Urals - Narodnaya:

The Ural Mountains are located on the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan and are a unique geographical feature dividing the continent of Eurasia into two parts.

The direction and extent of the Ural Mountains.

The length of the Ural Mountains is more than 2500 km, they originate from the coastThe Arctic Ocean and end in the sultry deserts of Kazakhstan. Due to the fact that the mountains of the Urals cross the territory of Russia from north to south, they pass through five geographical zones. They include the vastness of the Orenburg, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Aktobe, Tyumen and Kustanai regions, as well as the territory of the Perm Territory, the Republic of Komi and Bashkortostan.

Mineral resources of the Ural mountains.

In the bowels of the Urals, untold riches are hidden, known to the whole world. This is the famous malachite, and gems, colorfully described by Bazhov in his tales, asbestos, platinum, gold and other minerals.

The nature of the Ural mountains.

This land is famous for its incredible beauty of nature. People come here to look at the amazing mountains, plunge into the clear waters of numerous lakes, go down into caves or raft along the turbulent rivers of the Ural Mountains. You can travel to colorful places both by measuring the expanses of the Urals with a backpack on your shoulders, and in the comfortable conditions of an excursion bus or your car.

Ural mountains in the Sverdlovsk region.

The beauty of these mountains is best seen in natural parks and reserves. Once in the Sverdlovsk region, you must certainly visit the "Oleniy Ruchyi". Tourists come here to see the drawings of an ancient man carved on the surface of the Pisanitsa rock, visit the caves and go down to the Great Gap, being surprised at the strength of the river that made its way into the Dyrovaty Stone. For visitors, special paths have been laid in the park, observation platforms, cable cars and places for recreation have been arranged.

Park "Bazhovskie mesto".

There is a natural park in the Urals "Bazhovskie mesto", on the territory of which you can go hiking, horseback riding and cycling. Specially designed routes allow you to explore picturesque landscapes, visit Talkov Kamen lake and climb Markov Kamen mountain. In winter, you can travel here by snowmobiles, and in summer, go down the mountain rivers by kayak or kayak.

Rezhevsky nature reserve.

Connoisseurs of the natural beauty of semi-precious stones should definitely visit the reserve of the Ural Mountains "Rezhevskaya", which includes several unique deposits of ornamental, precious and semiprecious stones. Travel to the places of extraction is possible only if accompanied by an employee of the reserve. The Rezh River flows through its territory, formed by the confluence of the Ayat and Bolshoi Sap rivers. These rivers originate in the Ural Mountains. The famous Shaitan stone rises on the right bank of the Rezh River. Locals consider it a repository of mystical power.

Ural caves.

Fans of extreme tourism will be happy to visit the numerous caves of the Urals. The most famous of them are Kungur Ice and Shulgan-Tash (Kapova). The Kungura Ice Cave stretches for 5.7 km, although only 1.5 km of them are accessible to tourists. On its territory there are about 50 grottoes, more than 60 lakes and many stalactites and stalagmites made of ice. There is always a subzero temperature here, so you need to dress appropriately to visit it. To enhance the visual effect, special lighting is used in the cave.

In the Kapova cave, scientists have discovered rock paintings that are more than 14 thousand years old. In total, about 200 works of ancient artists were found in its open spaces. In addition, you can visit the numerous halls, grottoes and galleries located on three levels, admire the underground lakes, in one of which the inattentive visitor risks swimming at the entrance.

Some of the sights of the Ural Mountains are best visited in winter. One of these places is located in the Zyuratkul National Park. This is an ice fountain that arose thanks to geologists who once drilled a well in this place. Now a fountain of underground waters gushes out of it. In winter, it turns into a bizarre icicle, reaching a height of 14 m.

Thermal springs of the Urals.

The Urals are also rich in thermal springs, therefore, in order to undergo healing procedures, there is no need to fly abroad, it is enough to come to Tyumen. Local thermal springs are rich in trace elements useful for human health, and the water temperature in the spring ranges from +36 to +45 0 С, regardless of the season. Recreation centers have been built on these waters.

Ust-Kachka, Perm.

Not far from Perm there is a health-improving complex "Ust-Kachka", which is unique in terms of the composition of its mineral waters. In summer, you can ride here on catamarans or boats. In winter, ski trails, ice skating rinks and slides are available to the guests.

Waterfalls of the Urals.

For the Ural Mountains, waterfalls are not common, and it is all the more interesting to visit such a natural miracle. One of them is the Plakun waterfall, located on the right bank of the Sylva River. Fresh water rushes down from a height of more than 7 m. Local residents and visitors consider this source holy and gave it the name Ilyinsky.

There is also a man-made waterfall near Yekaterinburg, nicknamed "Roar" for the roar of water. Its waters fall down from a height of more than 5 m. On a hot summer day, it is pleasant to stand under its jets, cooling down and getting a free hydromassage.

In the Perm Territory there is a unique place called the Stone City. This name was given to him by tourists, although among the local population this miracle of nature is called "Devil's Settlement". The stones in this complex are arranged in such a way that the illusion of a real city with streets, squares and avenues is created. You can walk through its labyrinths for hours, and beginners can even get lost. Each stone has its own name, given for its resemblance to some animal. Some tourists climb the tops of the rocks to see the beauty of the green surrounding the City.

Ranges and cliffs of the Ural Mountains.

Many cliffs of the Ural ridge also have their own names, for example, Bear Kamen, which resembles from afar the gray back of a bear that flashed among the green trees. Climbers use a 100-meter steep cliff for their training. Unfortunately, it is gradually deteriorating. In the rock, archaeologists have discovered a grotto in which the camp of ancient people was located.

Not far from Yekaterinburg in the Visim reserve there is a rock outcrop. An attentive eye will immediately discern in him the outlines of a person whose head is covered with a cap. He is called the Old Man Stone. If you climb to its top, you can admire the panorama of Nizhny Tagil.

Lakes of the Urals.

Among the numerous lakes of the Ural Mountains, there is one that is not inferior in glory to Baikal. This is Lake Turgoyak, fed by radon sources. The water contains almost no mineral salts. Soft water has healing properties. People from all over Russia come here to improve their health.

If you appreciate the virgin beauty of mountain landscapes untouched by civilization, come to the Urals, to the Ural Mountains: this region will surely give you a piece of its amazing atmosphere.

The Ural Mountains are a unique natural site for Russia. Why? This will become clear to everyone who ponders this question. Primarily because they are the only mountain range that crosses Russia from south to north, while serving as a border between two parts of the world, as well as large parts of our country - Asian and European.

Features of the relief of the Urals

Any geologist would agree that their structures are complex. They include breeds of different ages and types. Through the mountains, you can trace the history of many eras of the Earth. There are not only deep faults here, but also areas of the oceanic crust. The base of the Ural Range is a stone belt, a natural border dividing Europe and Asia, Sverdlovsk and Perm regions.
But the Ural Mountains cannot be called high. Basically, there are low and medium peaks. The highest point is Mount Narodnaya, located in the Subpolar Urals. Its height reaches 1895 meters. But Mount Yamantau - the second highest point in the Urals - is located at the southern end of the ridge.

Along the profile, the mountains resemble a depression. The highest peaks are located in the north and south, while in the middle part, their height rarely reaches 400-500 meters. Therefore, when crossing the Middle Urals, only an attentive tourist or traveler will notice the mountains.
The beginning of the formation of the Ural Mountains coincides with Altai. But the further fate developed in different ways. Altai often experienced strong tectonic shifts. As a result, Belukha, the highest point in Altai, has an altitude of more than 4.5 kilometers. On the other hand, in the Urals it is much safer for life - earthquakes, especially strong ones, occur here much less often.

Sights of the Ural Mountains

Mount Manaraga (Bear's Paw) is not included in the list of the highest. But, of course, it is the most beautiful. Its top is a series of steep peaks, which is why from a distance the mountain really looks like a raised paw of a bear.

The highest point of the Urals is Mount Narodnaya, the top of which is located at an altitude of 1985 meters.

In general, it is rather difficult to list all the sights that the Urals can boast of. Although it will be useful to cite a few of the most interesting:

  • mountain Konzhakovsky stone;
  • rocks Seven brothers;
  • national parks Zyuratkul and Taganay;
  • Denezhkin stone reserve;
  • Deer streams natural park,
  • Chusovaya river;
    mountains Chistop and Kolpaki.

And this is only a small part of the most beautiful places located in the Urals.

Rivers and lakes of the Ural mountains

The Ural also boasts many beautiful rivers with crystal clear water and fast currents, dangerous rapids and picturesque rifts. It is no coincidence that many routes have been laid here, both for families and for sports rafting.

There are many beautiful stones and rocks on the banks of the rivers, and the endless Taiga will not leave indifferent any nature lover.

These rivers have seen a lot and keep many secrets to this day.

The rivers of the Ural Mountains belong to the basins of three seas: Caspian, Kara and Barents. The total number of rivers flowing here exceeds 5 thousand! Only in the Sverdlovsk region there are about a thousand, and in the Perm region - more than two thousand. The approximate annual flow of these rivers exceeds 600 thousand cubic kilometers.

Alas, today many of these rivers suffer from industrial waste. Because of this, the relevance of river water purification and conservation is becoming more and more important.

But there are not many lakes here, and their sizes are not large. The largest lake is Argazi (belongs to the Miass river basin). Its area is just over 100 square kilometers.

"The stone belt of the Russian Land" - this is how the Ural Mountains were called in the old days. Indeed, they sort of girdle Russia, separating the European part from the Asian part. Mountain ranges stretching for more than 2,000 kilometers do not end on the shores of the Arctic Ocean. They only plunge into the water for a short time, then to "emerge" - first on the Vaygach island. And then on the Novaya Zemlya archipelago. Thus, the Urals stretches to the Pole for another 800 kilometers.

The "stone belt" of the Urals is relatively narrow: it does not exceed 200 kilometers, in places narrowing to 50 kilometers or less. These are ancient mountains that arose several hundred million years ago, when fragments of the earth's crust were soldered with a long, uneven "seam". Since then, the ridges, although renewed by ascending movements, were still more destroyed. The highest point of the Urals is Mount Narodnaya - it rises only 1895 meters. Peaks over 1000 meters are excluded even in the most elevated parts.

Very diverse in height, relief and landscapes, the Ural Mountains are usually divided into several parts. The northernmost, wedged into the waters of the Arctic Ocean, is the Pai-Khoi ridge, whose low (300-500 meters) ridges are partially submerged in the glacial and marine sediments of the surrounding plains.

The Polar Urals are noticeably higher (up to 1300 meters and more). Its relief contains traces of ancient glacial activity: narrow ridges with sharp peaks (carlings); between them lie wide deep valleys (troughs), including through ones. According to one of them, the Polar Urals is crossed by a railway going to the city of Labytnangi (on the Ob). In the Subpolar Urals, which are very similar in appearance, the mountains reach their maximum heights.

In the Northern Urals, there are separate massifs - "stones", noticeably rising above the surrounding low mountains - Denezhkin Kamen (1492 meters), Konzhakovsky Kamen (1569 meters). Longitudinal ridges and depressions separating them are clearly expressed here. Rivers are forced to follow them for a long time before they gain strength to escape from the mountainous country along a narrow gorge. The peaks, in contrast to the polar ones, are rounded or flat, decorated with steps - mountain terraces. Both the tops and the slopes are covered with debris of large boulders; in some places above them there rise outcrops in the form of truncated pyramids (in the local tumpa).

In the north, you can meet the inhabitants of the tundra - reindeer in the forests are found bears, wolves, foxes, sables, ermines, lynxes, as well as ungulates (elks, deer, etc.).

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Scientists do not always manage to establish when people settled in a particular area. The Ural is one such example. Traces of the activities of people who lived here 25-40 thousand years ago are preserved only in deep caves. Several sites of ancient people have been found. North ("Basic") was 175 kilometers from the Arctic Circle.

The Middle Urals can be attributed to the mountains with a great degree of convention: a noticeable dip has formed in this place of the "belt". There are only a few isolated gentle hills no higher than 800 meters. The Cis-Urals plateau, belonging to the Russian Plain, freely "overflow" over the main watershed and turn into the Trans-Ural plateau - already within Western Siberia.

In the southern Urals, which has a mountainous appearance, parallel ridges reach their maximum width. The peaks rarely overcome the thousand-meter line (the highest point is Mount Yamantau - 1640 meters); their outlines are soft, the slopes are gentle.

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The mountains of the Southern Urals, to a large extent composed of readily soluble rocks, have a karst relief form - blind valleys, craters, caves and sinkholes formed during the destruction of arches.

The nature of the Southern Urals differs sharply from the nature of the Northern Urals. In summer, in the dry steppes of the Mugodzhary ridge, the earth warms up to 30-40'C. Even a weak wind kicks up whirlwinds of dust. The Ural River flows at the foot of the mountains along a long depression in the meridional direction. The valley of this river is almost treeless, the current is calm, although there are also rapids.

In the southern steppes, bobak gophers, shrews, snakes and lizards are found. Rodents (hamsters, field mice) have spread on the plowed lands.

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The landscapes of the Urals are varied, because the chain crosses how many natural zones - from the tundra to the steppes. Altitudinal belts are poorly expressed; only the largest peaks differ noticeably in their bareness from the wooded foothills. Rather, you can catch the difference between the slopes. Western, still "European" - relatively warm and humid. Oaks, maples and other broad-leaved trees grow on them, which no longer penetrate the eastern slopes: Siberian and North Asian landscapes dominate here.

Nature, as it were, confirms the decision of man to draw the border between the parts of the world in the Urals.

In the foothills and mountains of the Urals, the bowels are full of untold riches: copper, iron, nickel, gold, diamonds, platinum, precious stones and gems, coal and rock salt ... This is one of the few areas on the planet where mining originated five thousand years ago and will exist for a very long time.


The Ural Mountains were formed in the area of ​​the Hercynian folding. They are separated from the Russian platform by the Cis-Ural foredeep, filled with sedimentary strata of the Paleogene: clays, sands, gypsum, limestones.

The most ancient rocks of the Urals - Archean and Proterozoic crystalline schists and quartzites - make up its ridge.

To the west of it lie sedimentary and metamorphic rocks of the Paleozoic, crumpled into folds: sandstones, shales, limestones and marbles.

In the eastern part of the Urals, among the Paleozoic sedimentary strata, igneous rocks of various compositions are widespread. This is associated with the exceptional wealth of the eastern slope of the Urals and Trans-Urals in a variety of ore minerals, precious and semiprecious stones.


The Ural lies in the depths. mainland, distant a great distance from the Atlantic Ocean. This determines the continentality of its climate. Climatic heterogeneity within the Urals is primarily associated with its great length from north to south, from the shores of the Barents and Kara Seas to the dry steppes of Kazakhstan. As a result, the northern and southern regions of the Urals find themselves in different radiation and circulation conditions and fall into different climatic zones - subarctic (up to the polar steep) and temperate (the rest of the territory).

The belt of mountains is narrow, the heights of the ridges are relatively small, therefore, their own special mountain climate is not formed in the Urals. However, the meridionally elongated mountains have a rather significant effect on the circulation processes, playing the role of a barrier on the path of the dominant western transport of air masses. Therefore, although the climates of the neighboring plains are repeated in the mountains, but in a slightly changed form. In particular, at any crossing of the Urals in the mountains, the climate is observed in more northern regions than on the adjoining plains of the foothills, that is, the climatic zones in the mountains are displaced to the south in comparison with the neighboring plains. Thus, within the limits of the Ural mountainous country, the change in climatic conditions is subject to the law of latitudinal zoning and is only somewhat complicated by altitudinal zonality. There is a change in climate from tundra to steppe.

As an obstacle to the movement of air masses from west to east, the Urals serves as an example of a physico-geographical country where the influence of orography on the climate is quite clearly manifested. This effect is primarily manifested in the better moistening of the western slope, which is the first to meet cyclones, and the Cis-Urals. At all intersections of the Urals, the amount of precipitation on the western slopes is 150-200 mm more than on the eastern.

The largest amount of precipitation (over 1000 mm) falls on the western slopes of the Polar, Subpolar and partly the Northern Urals. This is due to both the height of the mountains and their position on the main routes of the Atlantic cyclones. To the south, the amount of precipitation gradually decreases to 600 - 700 mm, again increasing to 850 mm in the highest part of the Southern Urals. In the southern and southeastern parts of the Urals, as well as in the far north, the annual precipitation is less than 500 - 450 mm. The maximum precipitation occurs during the warm period.

In winter, snow cover is established in the Urals. Its thickness in the Cis-Urals is 70 - 90 cm. In the mountains, the thickness of snow increases with height, reaching 1.5 - 2 m on the western slopes of the Subpolar and Northern Urals. Snow is especially abundant in the upper part of the forest belt. There is much less snow in the Trans-Urals. In the southern part of the Trans-Urals, its thickness does not exceed 30 - 40 cm.

In general, within the Ural mountainous country, the climate varies from severe and cold in the north to continental and rather dry in the south. There are marked differences in the climate of mountainous regions, western and eastern foothills. The climate of the Cis-Urals and the western slopes of the rop in a number of ways is close to the climate of the eastern regions of the Russian Plain, and the climate of the eastern slopes of the rop and the Trans-Urals is close to the continental climate of Western Siberia.

The rugged topography of the mountains is responsible for the significant diversity of their local climates. Here the temperature changes with altitude, although not as significant as in the Caucasus. In summer, temperatures drop. For example, in the foothills of the Subpolar Urals, the average July temperature is 12 C, and at an altitude of 1600 - 1800 m - only 3-4 "C. In winter, cold air stagnates in intermontane basins and temperature inversions are observed. As a result, the degree of continentality of the climate in the basins is significant. higher than on mountain ranges, therefore mountains of different heights, slopes of different wind and solar exposure, mountain ranges and intermontane basins differ from each other in their climatic features.

Climatic features and orographic conditions favor the development of small forms of modern glaciation in the Polar and Subpolar Urals, between 68 and 64 N latitude. There are 143 glaciers here, and their total area is just over 28 km2, which indicates the very small size of the glaciers. It is not for nothing that when speaking about the modern glaciation of the Urals, the word "glaciers" is usually used. Their main types are steam (2/3 of the total) and leaning (sloping). There are kirovo-hanging and kirovo-valley. The largest of them are the IGAN glaciers (area 1.25 km2, length 1.8 km) and Moscow State University (area 1.16 km2, length 2.2 km).

The area of ​​distribution of modern glaciation is the highest part of the Urals with a wide development of ancient glacial carriages and circuses, with the presence of trough valleys and peak-like peaks. Relative heights reach 800 - 1000 m. The Alpine type of relief is most typical for the ridges lying to the west of the watershed, but the kars and circuses are located mainly on the eastern slopes of these ridges. On these ridges, the greatest amount of precipitation falls, but due to snowstorm transport and avalanche snow coming from steep slopes, snow accumulates in negative forms of leeward slopes, providing food for modern glaciers that exist thanks to this at altitudes of 800 - 1200 m, i.e. e. below the climatic border.


The rivers of the Urals belong to the basins of the Pechora, Volga, Ural and Ob, i.e., respectively, the Barents, Caspian and Kara seas. The river runoff in the Urals is much higher than in the adjacent Russian and West Siberian plains. Mountainous relief, increased precipitation, lower temperatures in the mountains favor an increase in runoff, therefore, most of the rivers and rivers of the Urals are born in the mountains and flow down their slopes to the west and east, to the plains of the Cis-Urals and Trans-Urals. In the north, the mountains are a watershed between the river systems of the Pechora and Ob, to the south - between the basins of the Tobol, which also belongs to the system of the Ob and Kama, the largest tributary of the Volga. The extreme south of the territory belongs to the basin of the Ural River, and the watershed shifts to the plains of the Trans-Urals.

The rivers are fed by snow (up to 70% of the discharge), rain (20 - 30%) and underground waters (usually no more than 20%). The participation of groundwater in the feeding of rivers in karst regions significantly increases (up to 40%). An important feature of most of the Ural rivers is the relatively low variability of runoff from year to year. The ratio of the runoff of the most abundant year to the runoff of the most dry year usually ranges from 1.5 to 3.

Lakes in the Urals are distributed very unevenly. Their greatest number is concentrated in the eastern foothills of the Middle and Southern Urals, where tectonic lakes predominate, in the mountains of the Subpolar and Polar Urals, where tarry lakes are numerous. Suffusion-subsidence lakes are widespread on the Trans-Ural Plateau, and karst lakes are found in the Cis-Urals. In total, there are more than 6,000 lakes in the Urals, each with an area of ​​more than 1 ra, their total area is over 2,000 km2. Small lakes prevail, there are relatively few large lakes. Only some lakes of the eastern foothills have an area measured in tens of square kilometers: Argazi (101 km2), Uvildy (71 km2), Irtyash (70 km2), Turgoyak (27 km2), etc. In total, more than 60 large lakes are concentrated in the Iset river basin. with an area of ​​about 800 km2. All large lakes are of tectonic origin.

The most extensive lakes on the water surface are Uvildy and Irtyash.

The deepest are Uvildy, Kisegach, Turgoyak.

The most capacious are Uvildy and Turgoyak.

The purest water is in the lakes Turgoyak, Zyuratkul, Uvildy (the white disc is visible at a depth of 19.5 m).

In addition to natural reservoirs, there are several thousand reservoir ponds in the Urals, including more than 200 factory ponds, some of which have survived from the times of Peter the Great.

The water resources of the rivers and lakes of the Urals are of great importance, primarily as a source of industrial and domestic water supply for numerous cities. A lot of water is consumed by the Ural industry, especially metallurgical and chemical, therefore, despite the seemingly sufficient amount of water, there is not enough water in the Urals. A particularly acute water deficit is observed in the eastern foothills of the Middle and South Urals, where the water content of rivers flowing from the mountains is low.

Most of the Ural rivers are suitable for timber rafting, but very few are used for navigation. Partially navigable are Belaya, Ufa, Vishera, Tobol, and in high water - Tavda with Sosva and Lozva and Tura. The Ural rivers are of interest as a source of hydropower for the construction of small hydroelectric power plants on mountain rivers, but so far they are little used. Rivers and lakes are great places to relax.


Among the natural resources of the Urals, a prominent role belongs, of course, to the wealth of its subsoil. The most important mineral deposits are ore deposits, however, many of them have been discovered for a long time and have been exploited for a long time, therefore, they are largely depleted.

The Ural ores are often complex. Iron ores contain impurities of titanium, nickel, chromium, vanadium; in copper - zinc, gold, silver. Most of the ore deposits are located on the eastern slope and in the Trans-Urals, where igneous rocks abound.

The Urals are, first of all, vast iron ore and copper provinces. More than a hundred deposits are known here: iron ore (Vysokaya, Blagodati, Magnitnaya mountains; Bakalskoe, Zigazinskoe, Avzyanskoe, Alapaevskoe, etc.) and titanium-magnetite (Kusinskoe, Pervouralskoe, Kachkanarskoe). There are numerous deposits of copper-pyrite and copper-zinc ores (Karabashskoye, Sibayskoye, Gayskoye, Uchalinskoye, Blyava, etc.). Among other non-ferrous and rare metals, there are large deposits of chromium (Saranovskoye, Kempirsayskoye), nickel and cobalt (Verkhneufaleyskoye, Orsko-Khalilovskie), bauxites (the group of deposits "Krasnaya Shapochka"), Polunochnoe manganese ore deposit, etc.

Placer and primary deposits of precious metals are very numerous here: gold (Berezovskoe, Nevyanskoe, Kochkarskoe, etc.), platinum (Nizhnetagilskoe, Sysertskoe, Zaozernoe, etc.), silver. Gold deposits in the Urals have been developed since the 18th century.

Of the nonmetallic minerals of the Urals, there are deposits of potash, magnesium and sodium chloride (Verkhnekamskoe, Solikamskoe, Sol-Iletskoe), coals (Vorkutinsky, Kizelovsky, Chelyabinsky, South Ural basins), oil (Ishimbaiskoe). There are also known deposits of asbestos, talc, magnesite, diamond placers. In the trough at the western slope of the Ural Mountains, minerals of sedimentary origin are concentrated - oil (Bashkortostan, Perm region), natural gas (Orenburg region).

Extraction of minerals is accompanied by the fragmentation of rocks and atmospheric pollution. The rocks extracted from the depths, getting into the oxidation zone, enter into various chemical reactions with atmospheric air and water. The products of chemical reactions enter the atmosphere and water bodies, polluting them. Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical industry and other industries contribute to the pollution of atmospheric air and water bodies, therefore, the state of the environment in the industrial regions of the Urals causes concern. The Urals are the undoubted "leader" among the regions of Russia in terms of environmental pollution.


The term "gemstones" can be used extremely broadly, but experts prefer a clear classification. Gem science divides them into two types: organic and inorganic.

Organic: Stones are created by animals or plants, for example, amber is fossilized tree resin, and pearls mature in shellfish shells. Coral, jet and turtle shell are also examples. The bones and teeth of terrestrial and marine animals were processed and used as material for making brooches, necklaces and figurines.

Inorganic: Strong naturally occurring minerals with a permanent chemical structure. Most of the precious stones are inorganic, but of the thousands of minerals extracted from the bowels of our planet, only about twenty are awarded the high title of "gem" - for their rarity, beauty, durability and strength.

Most gemstones occur naturally in the form of crystals or debris. To get to know crystals better, just put some salt or sugar on a sheet of paper and look at them with a magnifying glass. Each grain of salt will look like a small cube, and each grain of sugar will look like a miniature sharp-edged tablet. If the crystals are perfect, all of their faces are flat and sparkle with reflected light. These are typical crystalline forms of these substances, and salt is indeed a mineral, and sugar belongs to substances of plant origin.

The facets of crystals form almost all minerals, if in nature they had the opportunity to grow in favorable conditions, and in many cases, purchasing precious stones in the form of raw materials, you can see these facets in part or in full. The facets of crystals are not a random play of nature. They appear only when the internal arrangement of atoms has a certain order, and they give a lot of information about the geometry of this arrangement.

Differences in the arrangement of atoms within crystals determine many differences in their properties, including such as color, hardness, ease of cleavage, and others, which the amateur should take into account when processing stones.

According to the classification of A.E. Fersman and M. Bauer, groups of precious stones are subdivided into orders or classes (I, II, III) depending on the relative value of the stones combined in them.

Precious stones of the 1st order: diamond, sapphire, ruby, emerald, alexandrite, chrysoberyl, noble spinel, euclase. They also include pearls - a precious stone of organic origin. Pure, transparent, even thick stones are highly valued. Poorly colored, muddy, with cracks and other imperfections, stones of this order can be valued lower than precious stones of the II order.

Gems of the II order: topaz, beryl (aquamarine, vorobyevite, heliodor), pink tourmaline (rubellite), phenakite, demantoid (Ural chrysolite), amethyst, almandine, pyrope, uvarovite, chrome diopside, zircon (hyacinth, yellow), green zircon noble opal. With their exceptional beauty of tone, transparency and size, the listed stones are sometimes valued along with precious stones of the 1st order.

Gemstones of the III order: turquoise, green and polychrome tourmalines, cordierite, spodumene (kunzite), dioptase, epidote, rock crystal, smoky quartz (rauchtopaz), light amethyst, carnelian, heliotrope, chrysoprase, semi-opal, agate, feldspars (sun stone , moonstone), sodalite, prehnite, andalusite, diopside, hematite (bloodstone), pyrite, rutile, amber, jet. Only rare species and specimens are of high value. Many of them are so-called semiprecious in their use and value.

The Urals have long amazed researchers with the abundance of minerals and their main wealth - minerals. What is there in the underground storerooms of the Urals! Hexagonal crystals of rock crystal of extraordinary size, amazing amethysts, rubies, sapphires, topazes, wonderful jasper, red tourmaline, the beauty and pride of the Urals - a green emerald, which is valued several times more than gold.

The most "mineral" place in the region is Ilmeny, where more than 260 minerals and 70 rocks have been discovered. About 20 minerals were discovered here for the first time in the world. Ilmenskie Gory is a real mineralogical museum. Here you can find such precious stones as: sapphire, ruby, diamond, etc., semi-precious stones: amazonite, hyacinth, amethyst, opal, topaz, granite, malachite, corundum, jasper, solar, moon and Arabian stone, rock crystal, etc. .d.

Rock crystal, colorless, transparent, usually chemically pure, with almost no impurities, a kind of low-temperature modification of quartz - SiO2, crystallizing in a trigonal system with a hardness of 7 and a density of 2.65 g / cm3. The very word "crystal" comes from the Greek word "crustalloss", which means "ice". Scientists of antiquity, starting with Aristotle and including the famous Pliny, were convinced that "in the hot Alpine winter, ice turns to stone. The sun cannot then melt such a stone ...". And not only the appearance, but also the ability to always remain cool contributed to the fact that this opinion held out in science until the end of the 18th century, when the physicist Robert Boyle proved that ice and crystal are completely different substances, measuring the specific gravity of both. The internal structure of ROCK CRYSTAL is often complicated by twin intergrowths, which significantly impair its piezoelectric homogeneity. Large pure single crystals are rare, mainly in cavities and cracks of metamorphic shales, in cavities of various types of hydrothermal veins, as well as in chamber pegmatites. Homogeneous transparent single crystals are the most valuable technical raw material for optical devices (spectrograph prisms, lenses for ultraviolet optics, etc.) and piezoelectric products in electrical and radio engineering.

Rock crystal is also used for the manufacture of quartz glass (raw materials of the lowest grades), in artistic stone-cutting art and for jewelry. The deposits of rock crystal in Russia are concentrated mainly in the Urals. The name of the emerald comes from the Greek smaragdos or green stone. In ancient Russia it is known as smaragd. Emerald occupies a privileged place among precious stones, it has been known since ancient times and was used both as decoration and for religious purposes.

Emerald is a type of beryl - a silicate of aluminum and beryllium. Emerald crystals belong to the hexagonal system. The emerald owes its green color to chromium ions, which have replaced some of the aluminum ions in the crystal lattice. This gem is rarely found in flawless crystals, as a rule, emerald crystals are badly damaged. Known and valued since antiquity, it is used for inserts into the most expensive jewelry, it is usually processed with step cutting, one of the varieties of which is called emerald.

Quite a few very large emeralds are known that have received individual names and survived in their original form, although the largest known emerald weighing 28,200 g, or 141,000 carats, found in Brazil in 1974, as well as the one found in South Africa weighing 4800 g, or 24,000 carats, was sawn and cut for inserts into jewelry.

In ancient times, emeralds were mined mainly in Egypt, at the Cleopatra mines. Gems from this mine were deposited in the treasuries of the richest rulers of the ancient world. It is believed that the Queen of Sheba adored emeralds. There is also a legend that the emperor Nero watched the battles of gladiators through emerald lenses.

Emeralds of significantly better quality than stones from Egypt were found in dark mica shales along with other beryllium minerals - chrysoberyl and phenakite on the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains near the Tokovaya River, about 80 km east of Yekaterinburg. The deposit was accidentally found by a peasant in 1830, having noticed several green stones among the roots of a felled tree. Emerald is one of the stones associated with the Supreme Spirit. It is believed that he brings happiness only to a pure, but illiterate person. The ancient Arabs believed that a person who wears an emerald does not see terrible dreams. In addition, the stone strengthens the heart, eliminates troubles that have a beneficial effect on vision, protects against seizures and evil spirits.

In ancient times, the emerald was considered a powerful talisman of mothers and sailors. If you look at a stone for a long time, then in it, like in a mirror, you can see everything secret and discover the future. This stone is credited with a connection with the subconscious, the ability to turn dreams into reality, to penetrate secret thoughts, it was used as a remedy for the bites of poisonous snakes. He was called "the stone of the mysterious Isis" - the goddess of life and health, the patroness of fertility and motherhood. He was a symbol of the beauty of nature. The special protective properties of the emerald are an active fight against the deceit and unfaithfulness of its owner. If the stone cannot withstand bad qualities, it can crack.

DIAMOND is a mineral, a native element, found in the form of eight and twelve-sided crystals (often with rounded edges) and their parts. Diamond is found not only in the form of crystals, it forms intergrowths and aggregates, among which are distinguished: the board - fine-grained intergrowths, ballas - spherical aggregates, carbonado - very fine-grained black aggregates. The name of the diamond comes from the Greek "adamas" or irresistible, indestructible. The extraordinary properties of this stone have given rise to many legends. The ability to bring good luck is just one of the countless properties attributed to a diamond. The diamond has always been considered the stone of the victors; it was the talisman of Julius Caesar, Louis IV and Napoleon. For the first time, diamonds came to Europe in the 5-6 centuries BC. At the same time, diamond gained its popularity as a precious stone relatively recently, only five hundred and a half years ago, when people learned to cut it. The first resemblance of a diamond was possessed by Karl the Bold, who simply adored diamonds.

Today the classic brilliant cut has 57 facets and provides the famous "play" of the diamond. Usually colorless or painted in pale shades of yellow, brown, gray, green, pink, extremely rarely black. The brightly colored transparent crystals are considered unique, individually named and described in great detail. Diamond is similar to many colorless minerals - quartz, topaz, zircon, which are often used as imitations. Differs in hardness - it is the hardest of natural materials (on the Mohs scale), optical properties, transparency for X-rays, luminosity in X-rays, cathode, ultraviolet rays.

Ruby got its name from the Latin rubeus or red. The ancient Russian names for the stone are yahont and carbuncle. Rubies range in color from deep pink to deep red with a purple tint. Most highly valued among rubies are stones of the color of "pigeon blood".

Ruby is a transparent type of corundum mineral, aluminum oxide. The color of the ruby ​​is red, bright red, dark red or violet-red. The hardness of ruby ​​is 9, luster is glass.

The first information about these beautiful stones dates back to the 4th century BC and are found in Indian and Burmese annals. In the Roman Empire, the ruby ​​was extremely revered, and was valued much higher than the diamond. In different centuries, Cleopatra, Messalina and Maria Stuart became connoisseurs of rubies, and the ruby ​​collections of Cardinal Richelieu and Maria Medici, at one time were famous throughout Europe.

Ruby is recommended for paralysis, anemia, inflammation, fractures and pain in joints and bone tissue, asthma, weakness of the heart, rheumatic heart disease, inflammation of the sac, inflammation of the middle ear, chronic depression, insomnia, arthritis, diseases of the spine, chronic inflammation of the tonsils, rheumatism. Ruby lowers blood pressure and helps heal psoriasis. Helps with exhaustion of the nervous system, relieves night fears, helps with epilepsy. Has a tonic effect.


The flora and fauna of the Urals is diverse, but has much in common with the fauna of the neighboring plains. However, the mountainous terrain increases this diversity, causing the appearance of high-altitude belts in the Urals and creating differences between the eastern and western slopes.

Glaciation had a great influence on the vegetation of the Urals. Before the glaciation, more thermophilic flora grew in the Urals: oak, beech, hornbeam, hazel. Remains of this flora have survived only on the western slope of the Southern Urals. With the advancement to the south, the altitudinal zonation of the Urals becomes more complicated. Gradually, the boundaries of the belts rise higher and higher along the slopes, and in their lower part, when moving to a more southern zone, a new belt appears.

To the south of the Arctic Circle, larch predominates in the forests. As it moves south, it gradually rises along the slopes of the mountains, forming the upper border of the forest belt. Spruce, cedar, birch join the larch. Pine and fir are found in the forests near Narodnaya Mountain. These forests are located mainly on podzolic soils. There are a lot of blueberries in the herbaceous cover of these forests.

The fauna of the Ural taiga is much richer than the fauna of the tundra. Elk, wolverine, sable, squirrel, chipmunk, Siberian weasel, flying squirrel, brown bear, reindeer, ermine, weasel live here. Otter and beaver are found in river valleys. New valuable animals are settled in the Urals. In the Ilmensky Reserve, the acclimatization of sika deer was successfully carried out; muskrat, beaver, red deer, desman, raccoon dog, American mink, Barguzin sable were also settled.

In the Urals, according to the difference in heights, climatic conditions, several parts are distinguished:

Polar Urals. Mountain tundra is a harsh picture of stone placers - kurums, rocks and outliers. Plants do not form a continuous cover. Lichens, perennial grasses, and creeping shrubs grow on tundra-gley soils. The fauna is represented by arctic fox, lemming, white owl. Reindeer, white hare, ptarmigan, wolf, ermine, weasel live both in the tundra and in the forest zone.

The Subpolar Urals are distinguished by the highest mountain ranges. Traces of ancient glaciation are visible here more clearly than in the Polar Urals. On the ridges of the mountains there are stone seas and mountain tundra, which is replaced by mountain taiga below the slopes. The southern border of the Subpolar Urals coincides with 640 north latitude. A natural national park has been formed on the western slope of the Subpolar Urals and adjacent regions of the Northern Urals.

The Northern Urals have no modern glaciers; it is dominated by medium-altitude mountains, the slopes of the mountains are covered with taiga.

The Middle Urals are represented by dark coniferous taiga, which are replaced by mixed forests in the south, and lime trees in the southwest. The Middle Urals is the kingdom of mountain taiga. It is covered with dark coniferous spruce and fir forests. Below 500 - 300 m, they are replaced by larch and pine, in the undergrowth of which rowan, bird cherry, viburnum, elderberry, honeysuckle grow.


Ilmensky ridge. The highest height is 748 meters, it is unique for the wealth of its bowels. Among the nearly 200 different minerals found here, there are rare and rarest, not found anywhere else in the world. To protect them, a mineralogical reserve was created here in 1920. Since 1935. this reserve has become complex, now all nature is protected in the Ilmensky reserve.

The Kungur Ice Cave is a magnificent creation of nature. This is one of the largest caves in our country. It is located on the outskirts of the small industrial town of Kungur, on the right bank of the Sylva River, in the depths of a stone mass - Ice Mountain. The cave has four tiers of passages. It was formed in the mass of rocks as a result of the activity of groundwater, which dissolved and carried out gypsum and anhydrite. The total length of all surveyed 58 grottoes and the passages between them exceeds 5 km.

Environmental problems: 1) The Urals are in the lead in terms of environmental pollution (48% - mercury emissions, 40% - chlorine compounds). 2) Of the 37 polluted cities in Russia, 11 are located in the Urals. 3) Man-made deserts have formed around 20 cities. 4) 1/3 of the rivers are devoid of biological life. 5) Every year, 1 billion tons of rocks are extracted, of which 80% goes to the dump. 6) Special hazard - radiation pollution (Chelyabinsk-65 - plutonium production).


Mountains - a mysterious world and still little known, uniquely beautiful and full of dangers. Where else can you get from the scorching summer of the desert into the harsh winter of snow in a few hours, hear the roar of a furiously roaring stream under the overhanging rocks in a gloomy gorge into which the sun never looks. The pictures flashing outside the window of a carriage or car will never let you fully feel this formidable splendor ...

One-week tour, one-day hiking and excursions in combination with a com fort (trekking) in the mountain resort of Khadzhokh (Adygea, Krasnodar Territory). Tourists live at the camp site and visit numerous natural monuments. Rufabgo waterfalls, Lago-Naki plateau, Meshoko gorge, Great Azish cave, White River Canyon, Guam gorge.