Exhaust ventilation in a private house in the bathroom. Forced exhaust device in the bathroom and toilet of a private house. Which forced ventilation system to choose

At the time of planning the interior and finishing work in the bathroom, you need to pay attention to a very serious issue, this normally functioning ventilation device... Well-arranged ventilation in the bathroom and toilet performs not only the role of the main air exchange, but also guarantees the supply of fresh air into the room.

With the help of a well-equipped ventilation system, the nasty stench and excess moisture are eliminated from the bathroom and toilet. Therefore, due to a well-thought-out and clearly installed system of proper ventilation, the owners, in whose apartment such an air hood is installed, should not worry about the appearance of various mold and odors of dampness.

Ventilation system.

The building codes prescribed in the reference books clearly establish the necessary standards that must be followed in order to achieve a good result when ventilating bathrooms with a high concentration of humid air.

According to the norms, ventilation ensures the flow of fresh condensate in the amount of 25 cubic meters per hour for bath and toilet rooms, and for rooms with combined bathrooms, the rate will be 50 cubic meters per hour. These are the average standards for ventilation systems. Sometimes such rates may be recommended to be increased to 150 cubic meters per hour.

Depending on the type of air ventilation, ventilation can be divided into natural and coercive system ... In the first variant, the ventilation of the room is carried out due to the difference, which occurs due to the different air pressure outside and inside the room.

The air flows through doors and windows, as well as special ventilation openings in the toilet and bathroom. True, it should be noted that due to the special interior arrangement of the bathrooms, the use of a natural way of ventilating a room does not always make it possible to obtain the desired result. To arrange a natural way of ventilation in the room, you need to make an opening connecting the hole for natural ventilation in the house with the bathroom.

During the implementation of the forced or artificial method of ventilation of sanitary facilities, apply specialized fans providing an intense flow of fresh air, ensuring good air exchange.

Often, an electric fan directs air flows from the sanitary facility to the street, while fresh air enters the bathroom from the rest of the apartment.

Very often, the owners install a small one in the toilet with their own hands electric fan - an air vent, even considering that there is excellent natural ventilation in the house, this is done to speed up the cleaning of the air space in the room from disgusting odors.

If the owners fail to get good, natural ventilation in the bathroom and toilet, forced ventilation in the premises must be installed.

Types of ventilation.

Ventilation is subdivided, depending on its application, into:

  • Exhaust type of ventilation installed in premises.
  • Supply type of ventilation.
  • Indoor mixed ventilation.

Exhaust ventilation of premises , described by us earlier - this is when fresh air enters the room through external sources, squeezing out the old air mass due to the pressure difference.

Supply type of ventilation in the bathroom and toilet rooms it is performed in a different way, the air mass heated from the outside is squeezed out through special vents.

During operation mixed system for air ventilation, an adjustable air mass flow is used in rooms for various purposes.

The ventilation system may or may not have a duct for ventilation of the air flow, thus it is subdivided into channel and channelless.

If possible, duct ventilation should be avoided. The best way out in this case is to slightly widen the hole in the wall, which serves as an exit to the common ventilation duct of a multi-storey building, and mount a small fan in it to extract air.

In separate toilet and bathroom, if there is only one ventilation hole with access to general ventilation in the house, another hole with a fan is made between the bathroom and the toilet.

The installation of a special ventilation duct makes sense in those places where enhanced ventilation of the room from polluted or humid air space is required.

Diagnostics of the ventilation system.

Before you improve ventilation in the bathroom and toilet, you need to very carefully familiarize yourself with its device and diagnose its condition.

How to check ventilation in the simplest way, knowing if everything is in order with her. For this, first of all, it is investigated air draft, you need to bring a burning match or torch to the ventilation hole. Oscillations or displacements of the flame towards the ventilation duct are proof that everything is in order with the air draft. In hot or calm weather, air draft is significantly reduced compared to windy or cool weather. It is advisable to carry out such diagnostics with both open and closed doors to the bathroom, in addition, for a better effect, you need to open a window in the apartment overlooking the street. In the event of a decrease in the supply of fresh air, it is best to install means that complement the ventilation system. Usually, in this case, to improve the ventilation process in the doors in the bathroom and toilet, special grilles are mounted, due to which the normal supply of fresh air mass is carried out with tightly closed doors.

Even if there is good air draft in the system, it is not always possible to make a conclusion about the normal functioning of ventilation. How to make the ventilation in the toilet and bathroom work properly, the solution is quite simple. To do this, it is necessary to check the operating state of the air exchange channel, which may have ceased to function normally as a result of unprofessional repair work or due to some unknown reasons. By completely eliminating various blockages and blockages in the channel, it is possible to change the operation of the air ventilation system for the better.

Fan characteristics.

By purchasing vent fan , it is imperative to assess the noise that emanates during the operation of the device. Under normal operation, the amount of noise should not exceed 35 decibels. At the same time, in the room, as a result of air circulation, fresh air must renew the room from 5 to 8 times in one hour. To calculate the operability of the device, you need the space of the room, calculated in cubic meters, multiplied by 5, and the result obtained should be increased by 20%. Fans differ in the way of installation, devices of the same type are installed in the duct itself for ventilation, there are also radial devices mounted at the outlet of the duct. Such fans have a discreet appearance, as they are hidden from the inside. Radial-type models usually have a decent look in order to fit into the overall interior of the room.

Fan models can also have a strong difference:

  1. Conventional axial devices , the air mass is supplied along the axis of the structure using the blades used for channelless devices.
  2. V diametrical devices low productivity, a drum-type wheel is used.
  3. Centrifugal models have an increased coefficient of efficiency in work, as well as a high level of noise.
  4. Centrifugal Axial Fans make less noise, but give the same effect during operation as centrifugal models of devices.

Improving ventilation in the toilet and bathroom, in some cases timers and gyrostats are mounted on the fans, with the help of which it is possible to extend the operation of the device to achieve greater results.

Devices, whose power is extremely weak, cannot effectively remove odors and moisture, but it is also not desirable to operate high-power models. Devices with high power can produce such a high-intensity air flow that the air will not come from the outside, but from various ventilation openings, in which case the musty air will again enter the room.

Ventilation system device.

If, for some reason, there is no ventilation system in the room, it is necessary to immediately ventilate the bathroom, this is not a very complicated process.

High-rise buildings are designed so that the ventilation shaft is located behind the wall of the bathroom or toilet room. It is not very difficult to mount correctly forced ventilation in the bathroom and toilet. It is necessary to make a neat vent, if it was not there, then attach an axial-type radial fan from the inside of the hole, and connect it to electricity in compliance with all norms and requirements for the operation of electrical devices in high humidity conditions.

The aesthetic vent is covered with a beautifully crafted grille. If the living area has a divided sanitary unit and the ventilation opening is located on the wall between two rooms, the second fan is installed in the same way as described above. In some cases, it is very convenient to use decorative grilles specially designed for installing fans in them.

It is much more difficult to install ventilation in the bathroom and toilet when the ventilation shaft borders on another room; in this case, the installation of a duct hood is provided. To start work on the device, you need to find a place to vent the bathroom and in the toilet. After that, you need to think over the plan for the device of the ventilation box, along it the air masses will go into the mine.

Ventilation ducts differ in the following characteristics:

  • A rectangular or round box made of plastic.
  • Rigid and soft boxes made of corrugated iron.
  • Rectangular boxes made of ordinary or galvanized sheet metal.

Plastic products lightweight and very easy to use with forced ventilation in the bathroom. They are much more durable than metal products, have a lower price and are easier to maintain. For this reason, plastic products are actively replacing metal products in the building materials market today. With regard to the use of corrugated products, their use is extremely rare, and this does not have any effect on the overall picture.

The box is best installed before the start of the main repair work, but the installation of electrical equipment and grilles on the vent is carried out after the main finishing. At the final stage, the installed equipment is checked.

Errors that are possible with the ventilation device.

Sometimes it happens that a newly installed forced ventilation in the bathroom malfunctions and does not meet its requirements. This is a consequence of improper installation of the device and some mistakes made at the time of installation. Even before starting installation work, you need to clearly know how to make ventilation in the bathroom and toilet.

Here are some of the common mistakes in work:

  • The ventilation duct is not arranged correctly, this creates difficulties for the movement of the air flow.
  • Rupture of the sealed connections of the ventilation duct.
  • Fans installed incorrectly and making a lot of noise.
  • The ventilation duct runs through the rooms, creating unnecessary noise with its work.

Most of these unpleasant problems can be avoided. How to make ventilation correctly, for this you need to pay attention even at the stage of drawing up and thinking through a plan for the future installation of the structure. If all this was not done, and unpleasant problems arose already during the operation of the ventilation system, in this case, a complete rework of the entire structure may be required.

Another way to make the forced ventilation function properly is to use various noise absorbers and installation of a more powerful fan .

Today, the hood in the toilet is not a luxury at all, but the first necessity for equipping a bathroom. In most cases, this room has no windows, so there is no access to fresh air in it. In addition, an unpleasant odor and high humidity will constantly be present there, which will subsequently lead to the appearance of mold and various fungi. It is these problems that ventilation in the bathroom solves.

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    Types of ventilation

    The type of ventilation system plays a very important role in the arrangement of the bathroom. There are many manufacturers of such equipment that produce goods of different quality. In general, ventilation is divided into two types:

    • forced;
    • natural.

    If we talk about natural ventilation, then everything is simple here. Even at the time of the construction of the house, ventilation shafts are mounted directly in the walls or on them. Their main function is to ensure the flow of fresh air into the room and the output of the exhaust air to the street. In fact, this is the natural circulation of the room.

    As practice shows, in order to ensure a sufficient amount of oxygen and a good microclimate in the house or, more importantly, in an office building, forced draft must be used. For this, fans are mounted directly into the shafts. Depending on the type of device, the fan can be in the box or without it. If a high-quality forced draft hood is installed in the toilet, while its power is correctly selected, then there will be no problems with excess odors and strong humidity.

    Extractor hood in bathroom and toilet. Connection secrets from Alexey Zemskov

    The toilet room differs from the rest of the rooms in the house in that it is visited for a short time. In this regard, ventilation should also occur only periodically.

    For the correct selection of this time, you just need to observe the microclimate in the room. First, you should purchase ventilation with a timer, and then set the ideal operating mode, while the costs will be minimal. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that ventilation should work 20-30% more efficiently in summer.

    Surprisingly, unpleasant odors can also appear with a fan, which is facilitated by their penetration through ventilation shafts from other apartments in a high-rise building. This is especially noticeable on the first floors. The problem is solved simply - by purchasing a fan with a check valve.

    The principle of the system is also simple. When the fan is idle, the damper closes it, and after the start of operation, the air flow quietly pushes it aside and pulls out stagnant air from the room. After stopping work, the flap retracts.

    Device selection rules

    Today the ventilation equipment market is highly developed. There is a wide choice, and an ordinary user will not be able to quickly choose a decent model that would suit his needs and meet all the standards. Each individual product has its own functional features, power, equipment. To make the right choice, a person with no experience should simply heed a few tips and pay attention to the key characteristics of the device:

    • equipment performance;
    • safety in use;
    • noise level during operation.

    It should be noted that the hood is equipped with a protection against moisture penetration into the body. If this protection is not provided, it can lead to a short circuit, damage to the wiring and failure of the ventilation system. In this regard, it is worth paying attention to devices with strong protection against moisture, while the voltage should be 12 or 24 V.

    Performance level is also an important indicator when choosing ventilation equipment. To obtain an accurate figure for the required power of the equipment, complex mathematical calculations are required. But this can be done in simple ways. It is worth considering one rule - the hood should pump 12 volumes of the room in 1 hour. Only then can we hope for high-quality operation of the equipment and fresh air in the bathroom.

    If the calculations are made, then it is recommended to buy equipment with a capacity slightly higher than the figure obtained. This must be done so that the hood in the bathroom does not work at full capacity, but has a certain margin. The opposite situation can lead to the fact that the equipment simply burns out.

    Private house wall ventilation / for toilet odor control /

    On the market you can often find devices where the productivity is at the level of 100 cubic meters per hour. For an average bathroom, this will be more than enough.

    Any hood model will make noise even if the manufacturer positions it as silent. Sound can be either mechanical or aerodynamic. The first is due to the operation of the device's motor, and the second is due to the vibration of the blade itself.

    The maximum permissible noise level for such devices is 40 dB, and the normal one is 25 dB. These data must be indicated in the instructions for the device. But if you like the design, and the sound indicator from work is off scale, then you can additionally install special noise insulation.


    It is not too difficult to install a hood in the toilet yourself, especially if the option is an invoice and you just need to mount the device in the hole. But in any case, the work will consist of several key stages.

    Installation consists of the following steps:

    Do-it-yourself ventilation at no cost

    There are situations in which you cannot do without the help of specialists. For example, if there are several switches in the room or a hood for a toilet and a shared bathroom, then in this case, without work experience, you cannot figure it out on your own.

    Suitable place for extraction

    When carrying out the work on installing the hood in the toilet with your own hands, you should pay attention to several key factors and listen to the advice of specialists, otherwise you will not be able to do the work efficiently on your own. The device simply won't function efficiently.

    Things to consider:

    If the connection to the mains is shared, then you need to remember that the hood will not work with the lights off. This is not entirely convenient, so it is recommended to choose another option - installing a separate switch.

    Devices with additional functions

    If you install a separate switch for the device, then the model itself can be selected with additional useful functions. They will make your use more convenient.

    If the toilet and bathroom are separate in the house, then only one fan can be used. In this case, you just need to connect the fan with a corrugation in the wall. This will allow the ventilation of two rooms at the same time.

    For inexperienced people who have not previously encountered the installation of ventilation systems, it will be useful to learn a few tips from the masters.

    There is no need to buy expensive and large models. Overspending will not always lead to better results. The main thing here is to choose the right quality device with the required power. Even cheaper models can perform a basic function just fine.

    If an air conditioner, an ionizer, a humidifier and similar devices are already installed in the house, then you should not forget about ventilation. This is necessary because the above devices do not provide fresh air.

    You need to pay attention not only to the power of the device, but also to the manufacturer. Often, even inexpensive models from well-known manufacturers are of good quality.

    If the operation of the ventilation system with natural circulation is not enough, it is necessary to install devices for forced ventilation of the room. This will allow you to have fresh air at all times. When installing even the simplest fan, the indoor climate will become comfortable.

    Thus, it will not be difficult to install an exhaust fan, the main thing is to approach this issue with responsibility. It is worth remembering about the key factors for which you should choose a device, namely, performance, diameter, manufacturer and quality.

In a country house, as in any other building intended for a long stay of people, there are rooms with high humidity. You should pay special attention to them when arranging the air exchange system. Ventilation in a toilet in a private house has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account for the organization of effective air exchange, protection against unpleasant odors and excess moisture.

Private House Toilet Ventilation: Regulatory Requirements

The main indicator that is relied on when calculating ventilation is the amount of air passing through the pipe section in 1 hour. This is the so-called air exchange rate.

For a bathroom, the required value depends on the type and number of plumbing fixtures:

  • for a toilet, it is taken equal to 50 m3 / hour;
  • when placing a shower, bath or jacuzzi - 75 m3 / hour;
  • in the presence of a bidet or sinks, it requires 25 m3 / hour;

The values ​​given are needed to determine the total air exchange. But it must be borne in mind that, as a rule, plumbing fixtures are not used all at the same time. Therefore, when arranging forced draft, the fan power rarely exceeds 110 m3 / h.

Roughly for a combined bathroom, you can take the average value of the air exchange rate of 50 m3 / h.

Features of the ventilation device in the bathroom of a private house

The type of ventilation system is determined still on. There are two types of systems used in bathrooms:

  • natural;
  • forced.

With natural air exchange, air movement occurs under the influence of temperature differences. The work of forced ventilation in the toilet of a private house is provided by a special one - a fan installed in the air duct.

Natural ventilation

A 2-3 cm gap between the floor and the door leaf, which is provided when the door is installed, serves as an inlet opening. Sometimes for this purpose, special doors are used, which have ventilation holes or grilles in the lower part.

Exhaust channels are vertical ventilation shafts, to which ventilation is supplied in the toilet of a private house through the wall - in its upper part or through the holes in the ceiling of the bathroom.

When installing a natural air exchange system, the following recommendations should be observed:

Forced ventilation

Often, cottage owners are faced with the problem of an excess of humidity in the bathrooms due to insufficient natural ventilation.

This is especially true for the premises in which a shower stall is installed, since in this case an air exchange rate of more than 75 m3 / hour must be ensured. In addition, in summer, the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures is not great and there may be draft problems.

Therefore, most often, a forced system is used to ventilate a bathroom in a private house.

The inflow of fresh air can be organized in the same way as with natural ventilation - through the gap between the door and the floor. Air circulation is enhanced by the use of an exhaust fan.

There are many fans of different shapes and capacities, but they all work the same way.

When the installation of the ventilation system is over, you can check the efficiency of its operation. This can be done with a burning candle or a match: bring it to the ventilation hole and observe if the flame tilts, then the system is working.

Many people associate a street toilet in the country with an unpleasant smell, dirt and danger. But modern summer residents strive to make such a toilet the most comfortable and safe place.

The design is a small booth, wooden or brick, inside there is a toilet or a seat. There is a cesspool under the booth, it is she, or rather, the accumulation of waste in it, which are the causes of the unpleasant smell. In the process of decomposition, human waste releases a foul-smelling gas - methane, which, moreover, is also hazardous to health - when visiting the toilet, a person can lose consciousness.

Methane vapors penetrate the wood and destroy it, as a result the wooden floors deteriorate and there is a risk of collapse of the structure. Hence the conclusion: it is necessary to prevent the accumulation of gases and ensure their free exit. For this, ventilation in an outdoor toilet is needed.

How does a street toilet work?

The easiest way is to lay the ventilation system at the stage of toilet construction. It will be a little more difficult to equip ventilation in an existing booth.

The device of the toilet in the country is simple:

  • a booth is being built above the ground;
  • a cesspool is being dug underground.

The simplest option is when the sump is located directly under the booth. This is a common option and is easy to build with your own hands. But toilets are becoming more and more popular, the booth of which is remote from the pit, you can install a toilet in them, and organize the drainage of sewage through pipes. This is a much more complex structure, involving the supply of water supply and sewerage.

Description of the ventilation system in the toilet

For best results, ventilation should be provided in both the booth and the sump.

There are two types of hoods:

Diagram of a ventilation system for a toilet in the country
  • natural;
  • forced or mechanical.

Natural works thanks to the draft generated by the air flow. Warm air rises upward, and cold air accumulates below. If you make two holes: one on top, the other on the bottom, then the flow of cold air coming from the street will displace warm air with methane vapors through the upper passage.

To ensure the best traction, it is necessary to use a pipe with a diameter of at least 15 cm and a height of 2–2.5 meters. In general, it is considered optimal when the pipe protrudes at least 1.5 meters beyond the roof level.

Ventilation in the country toilet

Forced ventilation involves connecting a fan to circulate air inside the cabin. In order for the toilet to have fresh air, it is necessary to have a window for ventilation. It is possible to combine both types of hoods in a booth for best results, but it is strictly forbidden to install a fan in a cesspool - only an exhaust pipe.

What can you make a ventilation system with your own hands?

In order to equip ventilation in the cesspool, you will need the following materials:

  • pipe with a diameter of 110 mm and a length of 2.5 m;
  • fasteners - 2-3 pieces;
  • deflector - 1 pc.

For a ventilation system in the toilet you will need:

  • pipe, 110–115 mm in diameter, 2.5 m long;
  • connecting corner;
  • decorative grill for the ventilation hole;
  • clamps - 3-4 pcs;
  • umbrella or deflector.

If a forced system is used, then a fan is also needed.

As a rule, toilets in the country have a small area, so the most primitive fan, the power of which does not exceed 30 watts, will suffice. The form should be chosen depending on the place where it will be installed. It is most convenient to mount in a window. In this case, it is better to purchase a square model.

If you plan to install it in a wooden wall, then the easiest way is to cut a round hole. The fan will work for a long time, so it is better to choose a high-quality model that will last more than one year.

The fan will need electricity to run. As a rule, its cut is brought to the toilet to provide lighting. The socket must be located in such a place that moisture does not get on it, it can be mounted into the wall and closed with a box.

The fan has a protective grill, which tends to clog. Therefore, you need to remember to clean it regularly, not only to ensure the smooth operation of the device, but also so that fresh air flows inside, and not contaminated with dust.

How to make ventilation

Before starting work, you should prepare the necessary tools:

  • bayonet shovel;
  • drill - if the walls of the booth are wooden;
  • puncher - if brick walls;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • self-tapping screws.

Do-it-yourself cesspool ventilation system

Using a bayonet shovel, a hole is dug above the pit, the diameter of which should be slightly larger than the size of the pipe. Such a hole should be made near the rear wall of the cab so that the pipe can be conveniently secured with clamps. Lower the pipe into the pit to a depth that is less than the maximum filling level. That is, so that no waste gets into the ventilation shaft.

With the help of fasteners and clamps, the pipe is fixed to the wall of the booth. It is buried underneath with earth. A deflector or umbrella is worn on top.

The advantages of the deflector are that this device is able to increase the thrust by up to 30% due to the force of the wind. Therefore, if possible, it is worth giving preference to a deflector, rather than an ordinary umbrella, which only protects from precipitation.

Such a simple, self-made cesspool ventilation design will prevent an unpleasant odor in the toilet. If the cabin is not sealed, there are cracks, openings, opening windows, and the toilet bowl or seat has a tight lid, then only a pit hood will be enough. But, in this case, a mute unpleasant odor will still be present. If there is a need to get rid of it, then you should start equipping the ventilation system inside the booth.

Do-it-yourself ventilation in the toilet stall


  • from above, along the back wall of the toilet, a round hole is made along the diameter of the prepared plastic pipe. It should be as high as possible, but at a distance of at least 15 cm from the roof level. The hole is made with a drill or puncher;
  • an angle pipe is installed in the resulting opening;
  • cracks are blown out with polyurethane foam;
  • the main part of the pipe is attached to the corner element;
  • using clamps and fasteners, the pipe is fixed to the outer wall of the toilet;
  • an umbrella or deflector is worn on top;
  • the excess part of the pipe is cut off inside and closed with a decorative ventilation grill.

In the next step, you need to make a hole at the bottom to ensure the flow of cold air:

  • using a drill or punch, a hole is drilled in the lower part of the wall, at a distance of 20–30 cm from the floor. It is better to choose the opposite wall, the one in which the pipe is installed;
  • two decorative grilles are installed using self-tapping screws or other fasteners.

This is the final stage - the ventilation in the country toilet is ready.

If during the cold season it blows strongly from the lower hole, then you can close it with a barrier.

Video: How to care for an outdoor toilet in the country?

If the bathroom, which should be a model of cleanliness and comfort, is associated with heavy air, wet towels and mold hazardous to health, and smells from the toilet spread throughout the house, then it's time to think about forced ventilation at home. Simply put, forced ventilation is the installation of exhaust equipment into a ventilation duct. In addition, coolers can be installed in a hole in the wall, which will provide ventilation of rooms where initially there was no ventilation.

Features of ventilation of a bathroom in a private house

The air enters the bathroom and from other rooms. For ventilation, a small gap (2-2.5 cm) is left between the floor and the door leaf, or special ones are purchased, the leaf of which has round ventilation holes. Air escapes through the open ventilation duct. If the doors are solid, and a very responsible installer, moreover, did not leave a single gap, the bathroom will have to be left open for ventilation. The same goes for the toilet. With the doors ajar and air flowing in, unwanted aromas will leave the room faster than if it were blocked. This is how natural works.

A well-thought-out ventilation system is an integral part of a bathroom or lavatory

This system is as simple as possible, but unreliable. In modern houses and cottages, ventilation is increasingly failing. Complicate work:

  • Sealed doors and plastic windows;
  • Reduction of the channel lumen as a result of contamination with dust, dirt, cobwebs;
  • Incorrectly designed hood;
  • Windy weather;
  • An uninsulated duct, inside of which the air cools quickly and slowly rises.

Attention! When the fan is running, it is necessary to ensure the flow of air into the ventilated room. Otherwise, air exchange will be ineffective.

If the device removes 100 m3 of air per hour, at least the same amount must be supplied, which is impossible with hermetically closed doors.

Forced ventilation: DIY making

It is customary by building codes to separate the ventilation ducts of the kitchen and the bathroom, and the separate bath and toilet are usually combined with a common ventilation duct or hole in the adjacent wall, which is covered with a decorative grill. Less often, each room is equipped with a separate ventilation and its own exhaust "window".

Varieties of fans for arranging a ventilation system

Types of exhaust devices for bathroom and toilet:

  1. Axial fan (wall, ceiling) for channels 100, 125, 150 mm.
  2. Centrifugal fan (wall, ceiling) for channels 100, 125, 150 mm.
  3. Supply and exhaust recuperators, depending on the manufacturer and model, require one hole with a diameter of 215-225 mm or two holes 80-90 mm each with a distance of 200-350 mm between them. A device of this type provides supply and exhaust ventilation with the possibility of heating the incoming air.

Conversion of natural ventilation

If the bathroom already has natural ventilation, this will greatly simplify the work. It is enough to remove the grill, install a fan in the hole and connect it to the power supply.

Most often, it is necessary to equip ventilation from scratch when in a private house a bathroom becomes a room that was not previously provided for this. In this case, ventilation is done through a wall or ceiling (roof). Each method has its own nuances, advantages and disadvantages.

Advice. A check valve is a very useful thing when installing ventilation. It prevents air from the street from getting back into the house.

Ventilation through the wall

This option has undeniable advantages. Good air exchange can be done where there is no duct system or the ability to build one. The whole installation process is quite simple and relatively cheap. Saving space under the ceiling or in the attic. Of the minuses: natural ventilation is almost completely absent, since the blades overlap the channel; the likelihood of drips from condensation on the facade of the house; poor thermal insulation of the channel, which will be noticeable in severe frosts.

With a competent and careful approach, even a beginner will be able to mount a ventilation system

An exhaust hole is made on the wall opposite to the door using a hammer drill or a powerful impact drill. There is a lot of dust and debris during work, and the edges of the hole will most likely not be very even. Expensive, but almost perfect diamond drilling is another matter. The ventilation duct in the wall will be a plastic or stainless steel pipe of a suitable diameter. It is fixed around the circumference with polyurethane foam. Outside the house, it is impractical to bring the pipe a long distance from the wall. You can cover the canal from the street with an ordinary lattice with a visor or a check valve.

Attention! When choosing a place for drilling on the wall or on the ceiling, you should make sure that electrical wiring and other communications do not pass on the site.

Roof ventilation

Another option: make a hole in the ceiling, from it, through the roof, bring the ventilation pipe to a height of about 3 m. It is recommended to use galvanized or plastic ones. Preferably no turns. Less drag, better traction and better ventilation. A diffuser is installed on the roof. A deflector is not needed as ventilation is forced. The pipe is insulated with foil-clad mineral wool with a diameter of 50 mm. Seams are glued with foil tape. If this is not done, condensation cannot be avoided in cold weather.

Homemade ventilation duct is attached strictly vertically with clamps to the rafters, or other durable structures available in the attic. From the side of the bath, ventilation equipment is installed in the hole.

How long should the fan run

Usually the fan is associated with light. The light turns on - the fan is on, the light turns off, the device, accordingly, too, and the air movement stops. This may not be enough for normal air exchange. Moreover, it is not always convenient.

  • There are several main ways to connect exhaust equipment:
  • Simultaneously with the light. When connected to the light circuit, the device starts working at the moment the light is turned on;
  • Simultaneously with the light with the possibility of manual shutdown. If necessary, you can disconnect ventilation and lighting, if the device is equipped with a key or cord on the case to turn off the power;
  • Simultaneously with the light with automatic shutdown of the fan through the humidity sensor and / or timer;
  • Autonomous connection to a separate switch.

The operating time of the fan depends on the temperature and humidity conditions and the power of the device, and therefore in each case individually. Experts say that the best solution is to install a model with a timer and a humidity sensor. That is, every time after visiting the bathroom, the device works for some time. How much, it is better to calculate individually. For example, the volume of a sanitary unit is 16 m3, and the productivity of the device is 120 m3 / hour. It turns out that it takes 8 minutes to update the entire volume of air. The humidity sensor will not allow the device to turn off if the microclimate has not had time to return to normal during this time.

DIY fan installation

Immediately before installing the device, it is necessary to complete the preparatory work: equip or clean the ventilation duct, supply power. The next key point will be familiarity with the instructions.

Ventilation system device diagram

The device is installed in the following sequence:

  1. Remove the front cover.
  2. Mark the abutment to the wall and drill holes for the screws. Also, fans can be mounted on liquid nails, polymer glue, silicone.
  3. The device is installed in such a way that its working part is completely drowned in the channel.
  4. They are fixed on the surface of the wall or ceiling.
  5. Connect to power supply. The standard wiring diagram for a model with a timer and a sensor looks like this: N to zero, L to a phase, Ls to a phase that comes to the light bulb after the switch.
  6. Fasten the front cover, which snaps into place or screwed on with self-tapping screws.
  7. The last step is to check if the ventilation is working properly.

Advice. Natural and forced ventilation can work at the same time. For this, a special fan model is installed in a wide ventilation duct. In addition to the electric part with blades, it is equipped with a grate for free air movement.

In general, it is not difficult to organize forced ventilation based on natural ventilation. Ventilation equipment from scratch will become more labor-intensive, but even it is quite possible to do it yourself.

Video: Installing a fan in a bathroom or toilet