We find out: which bath is better - cast iron, acrylic or steel. Which bath is better: acrylic or cast iron? A steel or cast iron bathroom is better

If you have already decided to accomplish a feat and are ready to start repairing your bathroom, then you need to first determine the plumbing. A properly selected bathtub is a guarantee of health and comfort for many years. Let's try to analyze and learn how to choose the right one, without a doubt, the most important piece of the bathroom.
Now in stores there is a very large selection of bathtubs for every taste.

Price, manufacturer, body materials, color, etc. Eyes run wild with such abundance. So how do you make sense of this variety of shapes, colors, functions, sizes, components and accessories? If we discard all the noodles that sellers hang on our ears, then the most important criteria are quality, price and advantages or disadvantages of various materials.

Bathroom material is the main thing that interests us, as a buyer, at the initial stage of selection. Let's try to structure information about different types of baths, find out their advantages and disadvantages.

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Description: Which bath should you choose? How to choose and which bath to buy? Steel, cast iron and acrylic bathtubs are in dispute.

Photo of a "antique" bathroom with gilded legs and deep blue color

Bath choice: acrylic, steel or cast iron

If you have decided to buy a new bathtub, you will certainly be faced with the question: which model to choose? What material is in vogue now? Which bath has proven itself best during operation: cast iron, steel or acrylic? You need to figure out what undeniable advantages and disadvantages each material of manufacture has.

Old acquaintances - cast iron baths

Cast iron has been known for a long time. Many people read that the cast-iron model will serve for at least 50 years faithfully, and there is no better material for such an important product. Is it so?

  • Good stability. You can easily sit on the edge without fear of swinging it. Cast iron is heavy, so the products are stable, but rather heavy. Cast iron baths, which are produced abroad, are made of lightweight material
  • Long service life. If the cast iron is of good quality, the service life can be practically unlimited. The main thing is not to damage the enamel. Avoid dropping heavy objects onto the surface
  • The product is easy to keep clean. The material is not afraid of various powders and cleaning agents
  • Water poured into such a bath retains its original temperature for a very long time. Heat retention in a cast iron bath is the highest possible among different materials
  • When filling a cast iron bath with water, the noise is low, such as in a bath made of sheet steel,
  • The cast iron product is installed in the usual way. No special knowledge needed
  • The interior of the room where the cast-iron bathtub is installed can be simply luxurious, because bathtubs from this material are often made in a palace style, with inlay, gilding, noble silver or blackening.

Photo of a steel bathroom in high-tech style

  • Quite an expensive pleasure
  • Massive design and rather heavy weight create some inconvenience during installation
  • Difficulty restoring the bath surface after damage

Bathroom sinks are also made from different materials. For example, made of stone. You can find an article about them here.
A glass sink in the bathroom can be an original and attractive solution.

Photo of a white corner bath

Available steel baths

Many people choose steel models, as their cost suits the general population. Imported products are much more expensive than domestic ones, take this into account. Besides the low price, there are also some positive aspects. There are not many of them, but still.

  • Sufficiently light weight of the product. You don't need a lot of helpers to install a new or replace an old bathroom
  • High-quality enamel, which can be easily replaced in case of damage. Bathtub restoration specialists will cover the unsightly surface of your bathtub with a layer of new enamel in a short period of time

The disadvantages of a steel product are much more. It is worth considering that, being tempted by the low cost of the product, you may soon be disappointed in it. Find out what are the disadvantages of buying a bathtub made of steel:

  • Steel is a rather thin material, so stomping, jumping, dropping something in the bath is strictly prohibited. You can try, but it's better not to experiment. The enamel will receive microcracks, and the process of destruction of the coating will begin. Chips, dents can be of different sizes. The stronger the blow, the more significant the damage
  • The water in such a bath cools down pretty soon, you constantly have to add hot water. The steel surface never gets warm, so on cool days it is unpleasant to lean your back against the side of the bathtub
  • If you fill a steel tub with water, the crash of falling water is heard to your neighbors. This is due to the thin walls of the product.
  • It is lightweight and therefore unstable. It is impossible to become, sit on the edge, otherwise you may turn over with the bath. The injuries are real

Acrylic familiar stranger

Today many people argue that acrylic models are the best of all types of products. Perhaps they are right in many ways. But only a few know what this miracle material is.

An acrylic sheet is made as follows: a different number of layers of acrylic of a lightweight, durable, shock-resistant material is applied to a layer of durable plastic. European manufacturers guarantee the presence of at least 5 acrylic layers. The Chinese samples, of course, are not of such high quality.

Then, on special equipment, a product of the desired shape is squeezed out of the prepared sheet. For the strength and rigidity of the structure, a fiberglass layer is attached from the plastic side, and a wooden board on it. The structure is attached to a strong metal frame. The bath is completely ready for use.

Photo of a white rectangular high-tech bathroom

  • The plastic base allows you to make products of the most incredible shapes: angular. with uneven walls, asymmetrical, convex and concave, with panels for massage devices, notches and protrusions
  • Beautiful, shiny surface is perfectly smooth
  • Excellent heat retention (much better than cast iron models)
  • Easy to clean with non-aggressive detergents
  • No bacteria colonies appear on the surface
  • Are not afraid of strong detergents
  • Large selection of models

What conclusion can be drawn? If you are a little on a budget, buy a steel bathtub. Perhaps, after a while you will replace it with cast iron or acrylic. If finances permit, take a closer look at acrylic or cast iron products. Their service life is much longer. And acrylic baths often perform additional functions (massage, relaxation, jacuzzi bath).

Photo of a white steel bathroom in a store

Beautiful bathtub interior highlight

Sparkling with cleanliness, with a perfectly smooth surface and an interesting design, the bath will certainly decorate the interior. Notice how varied the bathroom designs are.

Photo of the bathroom in the interior of the bathroom

Source: vododelo.ru

Which bath to choose

Cast iron bath: reliability and long service life

The invention of cast iron is not an innovation. But admirers of this material cannot be considered antiques lovers either. Here, the choice is determined according to the most important criteria - durability and strength. The price may seem overpriced, but the 50-year lifespan pays for the acquisition costs. Another advantage is that cast iron keeps warm for a long time. Of course, it takes a long time to warm up, but it will not take 2 hours to add boiling water to the volume of water. And this is enough to rest and relax.

Photo of a very beautiful acrylic bathtub

The acrylic bathtub competes with the cast iron product. Form is of decisive importance when choosing. There are no round or triangular cast iron baths, but in polymer products there are enough all kinds of bulges and angles. In addition to this criterion, owners who change plumbing in the bathroom will think very hard about weight.

Lifting 120 kg of cast iron into an apartment on the top floor, the movers will not be happy, but the owners will be happy. The cast-iron bathtub is stable (due to its weight) and the possibility of flooding the residents of the lower floors due to the breakdown of the tank is zero.

What to look for when choosing a cast iron bath? There should be no chips on the sample surface. You should be aware that the enamel coating is fragile, and if a heavy object falls on the bottom of the container, damage cannot be avoided. Cleaning abrasives also have a negative effect. If you pay due attention to this coating, then do not be too lazy to inspect the uniformity of color, the absence of smudges, roughness and other defects.

If you choose the perfect enamel on the bathtub, then it will not only last a long time, but will also delight the owners with shine. The same cannot be said about the acrylic surface.

Photo of a cast iron bath: white inside, red outside

Most Popular - Quality Acrylic Bathtubs

A huge plus of polymer baths is all kinds of shapes and sizes. Manufacturing technology is simple and allows you to dress up for every taste. It's okay if your bathroom is small. And for such a room, you can pick up a suitable synthetic specimen. In a large bathroom, the same choice can save space for a washing machine, cabinets, shelves or something else.

What is acrylic? An ordinary and familiar plastic, which is reinforced in several layers for the strength of the material. It is not required to paint products from this raw material, because color is added at the ebb stage. This gives the color stability, it will not fade or change the shade. The reinforced coating becomes resistant to mechanical stress. All damage and abrasions are simply smoothed out with fine sandpaper.

Not all specimens are sufficiently reinforced with multiple protective layers. Pay attention only to the presence of a metal mesh and fiberglass in the base. The more of these layers, the stronger the walls and bottom of the bath. European manufacturers do not neglect this criterion, therefore, professionals advise relying on the price and the manufacturer when choosing. Buying from an unknown manufacturer without a guarantee and at a low price would be a mistake.

The layer thickness should not be less than 6 mm. Better than 8 mm. This parameter is observed mainly by British firms. Europeans also use thick-walled seams in their products, for example, companies such as Ravak, Bas, Riho and some others. Plumbing from these manufacturers are in great demand in the CIS.

Which bath is better: cast iron or acrylic?

Cast iron and acrylic bathtub

  • A container made of acrylic is cheaper and easier to care for (helium detergents are enough).
  • The fungus on the synthetic surface does not multiply and does not appear, therefore, the safety and ecology of the advantages of an acrylic bath.
  • The lightness of the case, which makes the delivery and installation of the polymer bath easier, but also makes it less stable.
  • Retains heat for longer than a cast iron body.
  • Cast iron takes a long time to heat up, and polymer quickly.
  • The acrylic bathtub can be completed with hydromassage and other shiny things.

It can be concluded that the synthetic material is better. But there are also some weaknesses here. For example, the service life of an acrylic bathtub is up to 10 years, but a cast-iron analogue will become unusable only after 50 years. You can make a discount on the fact that a synthetic invention has recently entered the plumbing market. Therefore, the actual service life is not yet known, but nevertheless it requires more maintenance than cast iron.

Bathroom and shower cabin in the interior of a bright bathroom

Steel bath - economy option

Between all the bathtubs: cast iron, acrylic and steel, the latter have become the most profitable purchase. Their low cost is the strongest argument. And positive feedback after installation speaks of reliability years later. Outwardly, the steel case looks like a cast iron, and the weight is no more than 30 kg, like a polymer container.

Photo of a chic bathroom with transparent windows

You will still have to pay special attention to some of the shortcomings - these are thin walls that can bend under the heavy weight of water and body. As with the cast-iron body, enamel is applied to the surface. And the price for this convenience is simply surprising - from 3000 rubles. What can be said about the other side of the medal:

  • The steel structure does not differ in the variety of forms - the corner version is very rare.
  • When you wash in such a bath, you can hear a stream of water falling to the bottom. If this starts to bother, then the problem is solved if you expand the rubber mat.
  • Another not very good quality is rapid heat loss. Taking a bath can freeze if you do not add hot water.
  • Care for metal plumbing should be delicate so as not to damage the enamel.

Or maybe we can put a bath in the hall? If you suddenly do not climb into the bathroom ...

There are many drawbacks to metal options, but there is always a way to smooth them out. In general, steel is stronger than acrylic, lasts longer and costs less. Damage to the enamel surface, thanks to new inventions, it became possible to correct (restore). The technology for restoring old coatings uses an acrylic element, and it is cheaper than buying a new product.

All the advantages and disadvantages of this or that material for the bath can be found out when using them for quite a long time. And in order to make the right choice in the supermarket, there is enough information specified in the article. Having studied it, you will achieve your goal: efficiency, comfort, durability, or all in one bottle!

Related videos: LESSONS OF REPAIR. "Choosing a Bath".

Bathroom in the interior. French style

Source: tutknow.ru

Which bath is better cast-iron acrylic or steel

If the design of a bathroom with a shower is not for you, then you should take care of the selection of a really high-quality bath. The choice of a bath, like any other choice, is accompanied by weighing all the pros and cons. Today, there are only three basic bath materials. But so much controversy is built around them that there is a need to devote a separate article to the bath review. Surely you yourself wondered - which bath is better cast iron or acrylic? if so, the text below is just for you.

Related videos: Which baths are better cast iron, steel, acrylic

Description: Which baths are better - cast iron. steel. acrylic ???

How to choose an acrylic bathtub

Acrylic bathtub is a great option for those who want beautiful and not expensive
Acrylic bathtubs came to our market recently. Their characteristic features include a low price, rather graceful forms, and difficulty in installation. Unlike other materials, acrylic is more susceptible to chemical attack and does not tolerate pressure well. An acrylic bathtub is more difficult to repair, but, in fairness, it is worth noting that such a bathtub breaks less often. The main advantages of such baths include:

Decorating a white corner bathroom with mosaic tiles

  • Low price
  • Variety of models
  • Light weight of the product

The disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs, alas, are much more. It is worth highlighting the following:

  • Easily bursts from pinpoint impacts.
  • Cannot withstand strong pressure at one point
  • Short term of use in comparison with steel and cast iron
  • Acrylic can turn yellow over time
  • Poorly tolerates boiling water
  • It is necessary to wash with special chemicals

In general, when choosing an acrylic bathtub, you should be guided by the following principles:

Don't choose a bathtub that is too intricate. Armrests, head bends, and other orthopedic textured protrusions look beautiful and may be useful. However, damage occurs most often at such bends.

A common problem in bathtubs is acrylic drips on the sides of the bathtub. Such a problem cannot be immediately identified by eye, but it can be checked well by touch. Before buying, be sure to feel the bathtub. It should be perfectly smooth, without waves. In addition, the bath should be inspected for mechanical damage. Acrylic bathtubs can burst easily if mishandled in a warehouse. You must make sure that there is no defect before buying. Otherwise, after - it will be difficult to prove that it was not you who broke the bathtub.

Photo of a white bathroom in a blue frame

How to choose a steel bath

The steel bath is the golden mean. Such a bathtub has a number of advantages over acrylic, and a number of disadvantages over cast-iron bathtubs.
Steel bathtubs have a number of advantages over acrylic ones, but also a number of disadvantages. With proper thermal insulation, they retain heat on a par with acrylic competitors, and during proper use, they go far ahead in terms of wear. The pluses of steel baths include the following points:

  • Does not require special means for sanitization.
  • Acceptable price
  • Pressure resistant

In turn, there are also disadvantages:

Photo of a cornflower-blue bathroom in the interior

  • Unpleasant rumble during filling with water
  • Suffers from pinpoint bumps (a bottle of cologne that falls off the shelf can damage the enamel)
  • Stamped design, small variety of models.

When choosing a steel bath, pay attention to the condition of the enamel. The coating should be free of the slightest cracks. If the seller assures that nothing terrible will happen from a small deformation, do not believe it.

Even a small crack in a steel bath can turn into substantial corrosion. The coating rots very quickly and the product becomes unusable. When choosing a bath, calculate the size correctly. Indeed, under a seemingly thin steel bathtub, you will have to fit a thick enough layer of thermal insulation so that the bathtub does not cool down quickly.

Thermal insulation is also used for noise absorption. A well insulated steel bathtub will not rattle under the tap.

White corner bathtub framed by blue mosaic

How to choose a cast iron bath

Long service life, good heat capacity, high weight and expensive price
Cast iron bathtubs appeared earlier than others, and keep the quality bar to this day. The cast iron bath has a high heat capacity. Although it heats up for a long time, it will also cool down for a long time. This is a quality product, the impression of which, however, can quickly deteriorate by lifting the bath to the 13th floor. Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of these baths.
Of the advantages of cast-iron bathtubs, one should highlight:

  • Cast iron bathtub keeps warm well
  • In case of damage, the bath can be restored. For this, the bath is coated with acrylic.
  • Cast iron bathtub looks really solid and expensive
  • Does not rattle when filled with water
  • Handles high pressure point very well. Such a bathtub will not burst, like an acrylic one, in case of strong pressure on it.
  • Unlike acrylic bathtubs, it does not need to be treated with special cleaning agents.
  • Not afraid of strong blows, does not lend itself to deformation.
  • Does not need additional insulation
  • The bath is stable due to its weight.
  • Not afraid of sudden changes in temperature

Despite the huge number of advantages, cast-iron bathtubs also have disadvantages:
Before choosing a cast iron bath, make sure that it has no visible defects and damage. While it is almost impossible to break a cast iron bathtub, there is a high risk of damaging the enamel. In case you buy a bathtub with even the smallest cracks, there is a high probability that these scratches will significantly spoil the overall appearance later.

Photo of a steel bath with hydromassage

Where to choose

Cast iron or acrylic bathtubs have their own advantages, which is better - you choose. An acrylic bathtub is a great economy option for those who want a beautiful piece at a low price. With a cast iron or steel bath, it is much easier. They are not difficult to use, they are easier to wash, and they are less likely to break. And even if the cast iron or steel bathtub breaks down, they can be repaired, unlike the acrylic version, which is virtually indestructible. However, the choice is yours. All baths have positive and negative sides, and now you know about them.

Decorating a white bathroom with wood

Source: provannu.com

Which bath should you choose?

Cast iron bath: pros, cons, standard sizes and weight of cast iron baths

Photo of a white bathroom surrounded by yellow and green flowers

For many years, cast iron baths have been the most familiar to our compatriots. Until today, one can hear that cast iron baths are the best. Indeed, a cast-iron bath is distinguished by its strength, heat capacity, resistant coating, and stability without the use of additional fasteners.

Related videos: Bathroom interior design. The choice of material for the bath.

Description: This video will help you decide which material is better to buy a bathtub from - cast iron, steel, acrylic, quaril. I will tell you about all the advantages and disadvantages of a steel bathtub, cast iron, acrylic and quaril. Which bathtub is better for bathing the child. In which bath the water cools faster.

The standard dimensions of cast iron baths are as follows: 170 × 70 cm and 150 × 70 cm (there are exceptions: 75 and 80 cm width). There are also shortened models: 120 and 105 cm, which are available straight or seated.

Imported cast iron baths are made of thinner cast iron (wall thickness no more than 5 mm). They look much sleeker, and some models have comfortable handles.

Bathtubs with a container tapering at the foot end are installed on screw legs that allow you to adjust their height.

How much does a cast iron bathtub weigh?- From 80 to 150 kg!

Cast iron bathtubs of French, Spanish, Italian production are of very high quality and can be equipped with gilded or chrome fittings, a semi-automatic drain system, and a massage block.

If the listed qualities are important to you, then, perhaps, having taken care of which bathtub is better to choose, you will stop at this option. However, it does not hurt to get acquainted with baths from other materials.

Steel bath: pros and cons

Steel is more ductile than cast iron, which makes it possible to create products of any shape and size from steel.
The surface of cast iron has a porous structure, therefore, over time, particles of rust and dirt accumulate in these pores, which is almost impossible to get rid of. Steel baths are devoid of this drawback, since the pores on the enamel are smaller.

But due to the small thickness of the walls, steel baths ring when water is collected. To increase the soundproofing of a steel bathtub, it is immersed by a third in a box filled with sand.
Or you can fill the outer surface of the bath with foam, which solves the problem of not only sound insulation, but also stability. And the water will cool more slowly.

Poor quality water can leave a yellow coating on the walls of the bathtub, which is difficult to remove. However, there are bathtubs originally coated with a special compound that makes dirty water curl up into drops. These drops roll down the drain and the bath stays clean.

Light purple color and snow-white bath

Steel baths are much lighter than cast iron ones. When installing a bath, this is an undoubted plus, since it can be manipulated alone. However, the stability of the steel bathtub is worse precisely because of the lower weight, so it only needs to be installed against the wall. Due to the less massiveness, steel baths warm up faster when pouring hot water into it. But because of the same, the water cools down faster. So, when thinking about which bathtub is better to choose, take into account all of the above.

Acrylic bathtubs: pros, cons, features of acrylic bathtubs care

Acrylic is a reliable and durable synthetic material. Due to its properties it is deservedly recognized all over the world.
Acrylic, like any polymer, is plastic, so acrylic bathtubs are available in different shapes, colors and sizes. The wall thickness of the acrylic bath is from 7 to 9 mm.

The glossy, shiny front of the bathtub is the result of the properties of the acrylic itself.
An important indicator when choosing an acrylic bath is environmental friendliness: this material corresponds to the metabolism of the human body. Acrylic is the most hygienic of all materials.

The lack of acrylic as a material is insufficient rigidity. The rigidity of the products is given by several reinforcing layers (a mixture of epoxy resin and fiberglass). The greater the number of reinforcing layers, the higher the quality of the bath.

To see the number of reinforcing layers, you need to look at the edge of the bath rim - here the layers are clearly visible. Also, the number of layers can be determined by the sound: the more layers, the more muffled the sound. The subtlety and sonorousness of the product speaks of its low quality.

To increase rigidity and to distribute the load evenly, the bottom and sides of the bath are reinforced.
Frames for acrylic bathtubs, which have from 8 to 10 points of support and from 3 to 5 stiffening ribs, can significantly increase the strength and stability of the bath itself. A layer of polyurethane foam, applied additionally to the reinforced covering, provides thermal insulation of the bath.

The structure of the frame legs compensates for unevenness in the floor.
There are special holes in the legs that allow you to securely fasten the bathtub to the floor with screws.

Acrylic has a smooth, non-porous surface that is pleasant to the touch.
In an acrylic bath, the temperature of the water is maintained for a very long time. If in a cast-iron bath the water cools down by 1 degree in five minutes, then in an acrylic bath in 30 minutes by 1 degree.

Bathroom with hydromassage for two

The disadvantage of an acrylic bathtub is that its surface is easily scratched. Therefore, bathing pets in them is not recommended. And for cleaning, do not use abrasive powders and pastes, aggressive cleaning emulsions, which contain alcohol, white spirit, etc. thinners. It is better to use special compounds for acrylic surfaces. And wipe with a soft cloth and liquid detergent.

Ancient bathrooms appeared many thousands of years ago. In ancient times, they were made from a wide variety of materials, such as bronze, ceramics, copper or wood. After a long time, mankind came to the conclusion that there is no better raw material than cast iron! Therefore, today it is the main type of bath, where many people relax and bask in hot water.

Currently, plumbing manufacturers do not want to be satisfied with their laurels. The modern market offers a large number of bathtubs of various shapes and sizes, made using a variety of materials. In addition, every year new developments appear, offering customers the best opportunities in terms of comfort and operation. However, cast iron and steel baths remain the leaders in many respects. Which one is better?

general characteristics

Most often used in the original design of the shower room. First of all, this is due to the external appearance of the product, its lightness, as well as pleasant tactile sensations. This material has an affordable price, it is very durable and, in addition, has the patronage of many famous manufacturers. The main disadvantages include poor temperature retention, sagging under weight, unpleasant sound when the surface comes into contact with water under pressure.

Which bathroom is better? Cast iron products have excellent performance characteristics, they are durable, reliable, and resistant to wear. Their classic design allows them to be used in both modern and antique interiors. In some cases, cast iron bathtubs are considered a real rarity and are valued to match the works of art. However, there are also weaknesses in the material. Firstly, a significant mass of the product, and secondly, a considerable price, and otherwise - some advantages.

Today, the variety of plumbing allows you to choose a bathroom to your liking. Modern materials open up new possibilities for the shower room. But the same question arises, which bath will be better? It is quite difficult to answer it unequivocally, since each case is individual. Different products from different materials are suitable for different requirements that must be taken into account.

For example, the most common material after steel and cast iron is acrylic. He has a good set of strengths. Moreover, each property has similarities with the strongest characteristics of steel and cast-iron structures, not having their disadvantages, but at the same time having their own.

Thus, the pluses and minuses are inherent in any material, so let's deal with them.

Cast iron

Recently, the demand for products from this material is gradually increasing, despite the fact that the process of its manufacture is rather complicated. In addition, there are not so many enterprises engaged in the production of cast-iron bathtubs. However, the steady growth in volumes shows that people remember the superior qualities of cast iron. It is a reliable and durable material with a long service life.

The standard coating thickness is 0.8–1.2 mm, which provides good protection against accidental shock, high mechanical stress and other negative factors. The surface in the form of liquid enamel is applied first, and then reinforced with special powder substances. Today, cast iron baths can be made in various shades - matte, glossy or colored. Depending on the need, the protective mixture may contain silver ions.

They have a beneficial effect on human skin, its general condition, as well as on the functionality of cast iron products. This material perfectly resists the annoying many vibrations created by the powerful stream of water in contact with the surface of the bath. In this case, you can only hear the muffled and very pleasant sound of the liquid pouring into the container. Other positive aspects of cast iron:

  • High strength allows the material to serve for a sufficiently long period of time, while not wearing out and not reducing its performance.
  • What products are suitable for cleaning? Anyone! Cast iron is not afraid of even the strongest detergents, except for acid, which makes it very convenient to care for.
  • The absence of pores allows the bath to independently and successfully resist various types of pollution. The owner will only need to occasionally wipe the bath with a regular sponge.
  • The ability to retain heat is a very important factor for a product that wants to soak in hot water.
  • Cast iron material is very difficult to bend and almost impossible to break. Therefore, here you can safely accommodate even people who are overweight.

Weaknesses of cast iron baths

The obvious disadvantages of cast iron include its sluggishness and bulkiness. A lot of weight is a really tangible problem, however, it is also a definite advantage. Of course, in the process of transportation, installation or dismantling, this manifests itself especially strongly, but modern technologies, due to the thinning of the walls, have made it possible to somewhat reduce the total weight of the products.

In addition, cast iron is covered with special enamel, which can break off when hit by a heavy object. It is not possible to reapply the protective layer with your own hands. Separately, it should be noted that with long-term use, the enamel itself is erased and partly begins to darken. The production of these products is rightfully considered labor-intensive, as a result of which it is very difficult to design bathtubs in different styles. The variety of product choices suffers from this.

Usually manufacturers make bathing suits in a classic or avant-garde style. In addition, these plumbing fixtures are often made only abroad. Installation is carried out in the presence of specialists, and one can only dream of supplying hydromassage and other modern additions. Other weaknesses are also worth noting:

  • Cast iron heats up much longer than other materials, which can cause certain difficulties over time.
  • The large weight of the plumbing will become a real headache with the modest dimensions of the shower room.
  • There is nothing to stop the abrasion of the enamel coating, and when you receive chips and cracks, you will have to be content with the not very pleasant appearance of the bath.
  • Non-originality and uniformity of product forms will become a real stumbling block in front of people who follow fashion trends.

Steel products

What bathroom, if not steel, can best compete with cast iron? These products are in slightly less demand than cast iron structures. Usually, buyers pay their attention only to material flaws, which is fundamentally wrong! Steel has a large number of advantages that will open up new possibilities for its application.

Quality steel products are characterized by durable enamel that does not flake off over time. Which is much better in comparison with cast iron bathtubs. This is possibly due to careful heat treatment in special ovens, since the surface of the steel actually merges together with the enamel itself.

In addition, during long-term use, the appearance of the bathhouse remains the same, and cracks appear only when the walls are deformed.

Steel products are distinguished by their lightness, which makes them relatively easy to install and transport. On average, the difference between a cast iron structure and a steel structure is about 4 times. In addition, steel is more malleable than cast iron, which allows you to vary the variety of products depending on the needs of the customer or the size of the shower room. Other advantages:

  • The low price of the material, first of all, attracts many buyers.
  • The low weight of the structure allows the delivery and installation of the product quite simply.
  • The absence of pores allows the material to be highly hygienic.
  • An extensive selection of various types of shapes and sizes of the product.

Weaknesses of steel baths

Better than any characteristics for the material, its shortcomings will say. It should be noted that each product made from any raw material has not only its own advantages, but also weaknesses. A striking example of steel bathtubs is the insufficient thickness of the walls, which can deform under heavy load. This will undoubtedly affect the enamel surface, where cracks or chips will inevitably appear.

The price of steel products is quite low, however, this does not guarantee their quality at all. For a reliable bath that can withstand the load and has sufficient wall thickness, you will need to spend enough money. Thicker walls from 3 mm do not lend themselves to deformation, which is why the service life of the steel font is significantly increased. In addition, steel does not retain heat well, i.e. the filled container cools down quickly enough.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the problem that worries many - a set of water. Usually the tap is turned on and the water fills the bath under pressure. However, the sound generated by the flow hitting the surface of the steel product produces an unpleasant and even annoying noise. In order to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, foreign companies offer to use special gaskets, but they do not help well enough either.

This problem can be partially or completely eliminated by cardinal rearrangements. For example, it is best to try to install the hot tub on a base lined with ordinary bricks and tiled with tiles. With this option, it will be possible to get rid of annoying noise, but new disadvantages will be added. The steel bathroom will become quite heavy and less maneuverable, which will affect when it is dismantled. Other disadvantages:

  • Unstable position on the floor surface.
  • Mandatory grounding of steel products.
  • Unpleasant noise when drawing water.
  • Poor heat retention.

Video instruction

At present, a bathtub that has already served its own is, on the one hand, easy to change, since a large assortment of them allows you to choose any bathtub necessary in terms of design, color and set of functions. On the other hand, it is easy to get lost among all this variety and make up your mind. How to make the right choice?

Bathtubs come in a wide variety of colors, and sometimes you can even custom-paint the bathtub in your own way. It should be borne in mind that if a bathtub of a certain color is purchased, then it is advisable that all plumbing fixtures be made in the same color located in the bathroom.

Bath shapes are also available in a wide variety: oval, round, rectangular, triangular. Sometimes in stores you can find completely unusual bathtubs: for two, with different handles, ladders and armrests for greater comfort.

You can choose a bathtub model for yourself, which will have an anti-slip coating on the bottom. The size of the bathtub is also very important: the main thing is that it fits perfectly into the bathroom.

The material from which the bathtub is made can also be varied: copper, steel, cast iron, acrylic, and so on. And to say unequivocally that cast-iron or acrylic bathtubs are better, it is difficult without having basic knowledge about them.

Before buying, which should last for many years, you need to arm yourself with the knowledge of the various bathroom materials and their properties.

How to choose an acrylic bathtub

Acrylic bathtubs have recently replaced steel and cast iron. Before you buy an acrylic bathtub, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what acrylic is in order to know.

In simple terms, acrylic is something like plastic. The acrylic sheet is heated, and it becomes plastic. It is at this moment that the bath is “blown out” of it. After the product has cooled down, it is reinforced.

If you choose which bath is better iron or acrylic, then when choosing an acrylic bath you need to pay attention:

  • to the thickness of the manufactured bathroom: the thicker the acrylic sheet from which it is made, the stronger it is, respectively (the strongest bathtubs are 5-6 millimeters);
  • by the number of layers of reinforcement: the more there are, the stronger the bathtub will be (the layers of reinforcement are easy to see by looking at the side of the bathtub. They look like rings on a tree trunk);
  • on the price of the product: the underestimated cost of the price may indicate that this is a bathtub made of ordinary ABS plastic, covered on top with only a thin layer of acrylic (1-2 mm);
  • for a glossy shine, since baths made of real acrylic have it;
  • on the flexibility of the bath(you can press a little on the bottom of the bath: if the bath is made of plastic, not acrylic, then it will bend under the weight);
  • on the transparency of the product: acrylic itself is an opaque material, therefore, if you look at the light, the bath rim should not show through;
  • on the shape of the bathroom: the simpler it is, the better (it is easier for manufacturers to blow bathtubs of non-standard design from thin sheets of acrylic);
  • on a smooth bath surface: if there are roughness and dents, then the bath is not of high quality;
  • on the color of the product: it must be uniform, since acrylic is actually plastic, and plastic with various stains is a bad plastic.

Acrylic bathtubs, thanks to the modern technologies with which they are produced, are of good quality: they are resistant to abrasion. Thus, a good acrylic bathtub will last for many years, and being able to use it at home will only make it more enjoyable.

If there is a need for a really high-quality acrylic bathtub, then you should not skimp on it: the stronger the bathtub, the more expensive it is.

Therefore, you need to decide for yourself: either quality, or a low price, but - readiness to the fact that, perhaps, at one moment such a bath may not withstand the pressure of water or temperature and burst.

In addition to acrylic bathtubs, there is also a wide variety of other materials from which bathtubs are also quite successfully made, for example, steel. To decide for yourself: which bath is better steel or acrylic - you need to get information about the properties of steel baths.

How to choose a steel bath

At a price, steel bathtubs are cheaper than all their other counterparts, therefore they are in great demand. But this does not mean that the steel bathtub is worse than all the others and it has no advantages.

Steel is a non-porous lightweight material. Thanks to these properties of steel, a thinner layer of enamel can be applied to the bathtub. During drying at high temperatures, the enamel penetrates 1/3 into the micropores of a product made of steel, which makes such enamelled steel subsequently resistant to various acids and abrasive substances. Also, such a bath will have increased wear resistance and impact resistance.

If we proceed from such considerations: which bath is better than acrylic or iron, then in order to choose a good steel bath, you need to check it on several points:

  • bath wall thickness on average 3-4 mm (if the steel from which the bathtub is made is thinner, then there is a possibility of its deformation under the weight of a person's weight);
  • steel bath weight about 30 - 40 kg (if the bathtub weighs less, then, most likely, it will sag from the severity, and the enamel will begin to crack);
  • coating quality;
  • bath guarantee (on average 10 years);
  • the depth of the bath: the depth of 50-60 cm is considered optimal, since it is low enough to get into it and deep so that you can wash while half-sitting;
  • bath length: 160 - 170 cm is considered optimal, but everything, of course, depends on the height of the person himself.

The steel bathtub also has an attractive appearance due to the enamel coating and outwardly such a bathtub looks like a cast iron one, sometimes it is even difficult to distinguish them. If we compare which bathroom is better than steel or acrylic, then steel bathtubs are much stronger than their counterparts made of acrylic.

How to choose a cast iron bath

Cast iron bathtubs are still considered the best option for the average customer who prefers a regular bathtub with a regular shape.

But still, when buying even the simplest bathtub, you need to be careful and pay attention to everything:

  • the dimensions of the purchased bath must necessarily correspond to the dimensions of the bathroom, therefore, before buying, it is necessary to take the necessary measurements;
  • the width of the bath should be such that it can easily pass through the opening of the bathroom door, otherwise partial dismantling of the door is inevitable;
  • the depth of the bath is also important: especially in old small apartments;
  • the enamel coating must be shiny without scratches which in the future may cause deformation of the protective layer;
  • if a bathtub is purchased for a disabled person or an elderly person, it is better to look after a bathtub with an anti-slip coating and with all kinds of handrails in advance;
  • adjustable feet the bathtub is important for those bathrooms where there is an uneven floor;
  • you must also pay attention to the bathroom manufacturer, which has worked well for a long time.

Cast iron bath

Cast iron bathtubs look great thanks to good enamel. Also, cast iron bathtubs practically do not scratch, and you can take care of them with any detergent.

Cast iron baths are made by casting, as a result of which the product is heavy, but durable, which guarantees the preservation of the shape of the bath under high loads. Due to its high corrosion resistance, a cast iron bath can easily live for 50 years.

If you ask the question: which bath is better cast-iron or steel, then a steel bath is lighter, but a cast-iron bath has the property of keeping heat longer. And the question "which bathroom is better cast iron or acrylic" can be answered as follows: acrylic bathtubs wins in strength, since they have elasticity, and cast iron is a fragile material and upon impact, the product may be damaged.

In order to decide which bath is better, you need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of different baths.

Why baths are good:

  • acrylic (the plasticity of the material allows the manufacture of products of various shapes. Also, such baths are very light, retain heat well, are durable and can easily eliminate scratches);
  • cast iron (often has screw legs, which allows you to adjust its height, keeps heat well);
  • steel (lightweight, low cost).

Based on the advantages of baths, by weight, we can say that an acrylic bath or a cast iron bath is better to withstand high temperatures if possible.

Disadvantages of baths:

  • acrylic (if the bathtub is made of thin acrylic, it will spring under your feet. It is strictly forbidden to clean the acrylic bathtub with abrasives. You must use only liquid cleaning agents and soft sponges);
  • cast iron (heavy, also modern baths are made of thin cast iron, the surface is porous and, as a result, collects dirt and rust well, it is difficult to remove the resulting chip);
  • steel (they do not keep heat well, are not stable, water is collected in them with noise.)

Based on the disadvantages of various baths, we can conclude the following question: which bath is better than acrylic or cast iron. In terms of surface hygiene, an acrylic bath is the best, but cast iron in terms of strength.

And the question of which bathroom is better than acrylic or steel can be answered as follows: a steel bathtub costs less, but it is easier to eliminate scratches on an acrylic bathtub.

Despite the presence of drawbacks in each type of bath, some of them, nevertheless, can be eliminated.

In order to correct the poor sound insulation of steel baths, as well as to reduce the cooling time of the water in it, several tricks are used:

  • At one time, a special polymer coating for bathtubs appeared on the market, which reduced the noise level of water in the bathtub. However, unfortunately, its price was so high that steel bathtubs with such a coating from the economy class group began to move to a more expensive one.
  • When buying a steel bath, some sellers recommend placing it in a container with sand when installing it, immerse it by about 1/3.
  • There is also such a way as to install additional supports under the bottom of the bathtub, for example, made of bricks, and fill the free space between the bathtub and the bathtub with polyurethane foam. True, this will require at least 4 cylinders of polyurethane foam.
    After that, you have to work hard on decorating the coasters and foam using plastic panels or ceramic tiles.
  • In European steel tubs, special rubber gaskets are attached to the bottom.

Thus, we can say that everything depends not only on the bathtub itself, which you have chosen: expensive acrylic or cheap steel. Much also depends on the correct installation of the selected bathroom. And to judge which bathroom is better than acrylic or cast iron can only be based on your own needs.

Choosing a bathtub for a bathroom is the most important task when arranging a plumbing unit. It is necessary to take into account many factors: ergonomics, durability, care features. Only on the basis of a comparative analysis of these and some other parameters, it is possible to determine which bath is better: cast iron, acrylic or steel.

The most durable material presented in the review is cast iron. This is a metal that has high resistance to prolonged exposure to aggressive environments. At the same time, it is susceptible to destruction under shock loads. A well-enameled cast iron bathtub will last for many years with careful use, but one blow will be enough for a crack to appear in the bottom.

Steel is more flexible than cast iron, but at the same time it corrodes. Considering that the enamel tends to thin out over time, a steel bathtub can begin to rust after 7 years of use. Of course, at first this does not cause any inconvenience, except for aesthetic ones. But in the future, the bottom may leak and the bath will begin to leak.

Acrylic is a plastic that is processed under heat (up to 1250 degrees Celsius). There are two types of acrylic used to make bathtubs:

  • Combined. Certain synthetic components are added to this plastic. This approach can significantly reduce the cost of manufacturing baths, but affects their strength;
  • Pure cast acrylic. If you take an acrylic bathtub, then only from pure acrylic. It does not rust, it tolerates temperature extremes and is known for its lightness. But even this does not save the plastic from wear and tear. The average life of such a bath varies from 5 to 10 years (for example, HusKarl, Triton or Aquanet Libra). After that, you will need to change the top layer of enamel or apply an acrylic liner.

Bathtub cover

This item directly affects the previous one. Depending on the coating of the bath, its service life may vary. Steel and cast iron are covered with enamel. It is a liquid mass consisting of glass, dyes and synthetic additives. Possesses a characteristic glossy shine and has the ability to glaze the surfaces of metal products.

Advantages of enamelled bathtubs:

Plastic bathtubs are covered with acrylic. Liquid acrylic is a highly viscous material based on plastic. It liquefies under the influence of high temperatures and is applied to the bath by rubbing or spraying.

Previously, masters actively used the technique of spraying acrylic on enamel (when restoring metal baths) or a plastic insert. This is an affordable and simple method of application that can be easily implemented at home. But it has its drawbacks - the spraying technology does not allow the introduction of plastic into the deep layers, as a result of which the diffusion is incomplete. Over time, such acrylic flakes and crumbles, which is why ugly "cobwebs" form on the walls.

Rubbing in is a more practical, albeit costly, exercise. During this application of acrylic, specialists achieve a protective layer thickness of 1 to 2 mm. Three of these layers are sufficient for long-term protection of the bath from rusting and cracking.

Advantages of acrylic bathtubs:

  • Acrylic care is easier than enamel. Most modern cleaning products are designed specifically for cleaning plastic. For example, the formic acid used in the vast majority of bath cleaners is harmful to enamel. Not to mention alkalis;
  • Almost any cracks in acrylic can be cleaned with your own hands. You will not be able to cope with enamel on your own;
  • The plastic cover also shines and shines. In addition, outwardly, these bathtubs look richer than cast iron.

Thermal conductivity

Another important indicator when choosing the material from which the bathtub will be made is its thermal conductivity.

Thermal conductivity is the ability to give off heat. There are no competitors in this parameter for cast iron baths. Thick metal keeps the temperature perfectly, but precisely because of this, it heats up for a long time. This parameter does not change, even if they are placed in a cold room (without heated towel rails and batteries).

Steel baths heat up a little faster than cast iron ones, but they give off heat much better. To increase their thermal conductivity, experts recommend additionally insulating them with casings or boxes. Nowadays, the method of protecting the walls with the help of insulating foam is also actively practiced.

Acrylic bathtubs are insulated directly in production. The plastic insert is formed, cooled and removed from the mold (template). After that, a thick layer of heat-insulating foam is applied to its inner side, of the type, assembly, but lighter and more resistant to moisture. So that this layer does not embarrass future owners, it is closed with a second liner.

Care features

The most important parameter on which the durability of the bath depends is proper care. This includes not only cleaning, but also periodic inspection and repairs (sanding cracks, restoration).

Consider the features of cleaning cast iron, steel and acrylic bathtubs.

To choose the right cleaning agent, you need to carefully study its composition. If the composition contains chlorine or any acids, it cannot be used to clean cast-iron enameled bathtubs. Such products contribute to the thinning of the enamel. As a result, it loses its luster and becomes fragile. Likewise with alkaline compounds and acrylics.

Expert advice on how to properly care for cast iron and steel bathtubs:

  • Microcracks and chips must not be allowed to form. This is especially true for Soviet baths. In the USSR, it was customary to combine enamel with zirconium salts. This allowed for faster coating, but reduced the corrosion resistance of the vitreous coating. Therefore, when cleaning cast iron, it is not recommended to use hard brushes or abrasive products;
  • The best option for cleaning a cast-iron enamel bath is dust or laundry soap. It will help remove greyness and rust marks on the surface and give it a shine.

With acrylic-coated baths, things are not much better. First, they can be cleaned with acidic agents. Plastic is not afraid of formic, low-sulfur and other "soft" acids. But, at the same time, you need to avoid alkalis, salts.

  • Citric acid is ideal for cleaning. It is able to remove limescale quickly and without harm to plastic.
  • It is advisable to use either natural brushes or medium hard sponges. Naturally, metal brushes and other sharp cleaning devices that could damage the protective layer should be avoided;
  • This is the only type of coating that is allowed to be cleaned with abrasive products. These can be specialized pastes or powders.

Video: Which baths are better cast iron, steel or acrylic

Comparative analysis

Expert advice - which bath is better: cast iron, acrylic or steel, cannot be decisive without analysis. Therefore, we have collected the main parameters in one table and visually compared them.

Sometimes visitors to our store share their thoughts on the advantages or disadvantages of products, and in particular, cast iron and steel bathtubs, which they "read on the Internet". Since the assortment of the "San Premium" store has both those and other variants of baths, our specialists decided to express their opinion on this topic. Confusion about where the strange thoughts of buyers come from can melt in a matter of minutes if you google, for example, the phrase "cast-iron baths". On the first page of the search results, you can get a link to one of the websites of sellers of bathtubs with the subtitle "The main advantages of enamelled cast iron bathtubs".

  • "High level of strength and resistance to various deformations. The highest quality cast iron and modern enamel coating are used in the production."

Cast iron is a rather fragile material, and it is inappropriate to call it "resistant to deformation". Part of the cast iron obtained from iron ore cannot even be cut, because it crumbles heavily. It is usually used as a raw material for steelmaking. It can be conditionally said that cast iron is one of the stages of obtaining steel from iron ore. If, of course, steel is the goal. But in many cases, cast iron is quite suitable for direct use.

The phrase "highest quality cast iron" raises the question - what quality? Strength, ductility, carbon content? Indeed, if you measure such a quality of cast iron as the percentage of carbon, then the cast iron of "superior quality" with a minimum percentage will approach steel in composition. With the same success, the relative purity of unfiltered water can be considered its advantage, although the filtered one will be even cleaner.

  • "High noise insulation and excellent thermal capacity."

The fact that there is more carbon in the structure of cast iron than in steel, in practice, manifests itself in the fact that a vessel made of more fragile cast iron should have thicker walls than a steel analogue. Thicker cast iron walls with a higher carbon content in the structure are, figuratively speaking, much more "porous" than thin steel walls. Carbon scattered in the metal mass creates a certain structure with frequent changes in heat capacity at the micro level, allowing heat to linger longer and sound dissipate more. Therefore, we essentially agree with this advantage if we consider the situation that soundproofing elements are not attached to the steel bathtubs in the kit, and these vessels will be used in an unheated room during the cold season. But even in this case, the question arises: what about the heat leaving through the surface of the water, bypassing the walls of the bathroom? After all, warmer air will carry up the warmth of the water poured into the bath, no matter what it is made of.

And this heat outflow can be much more significant than the difference between the heat capacity of the bathroom walls made of cast iron or steel.

By the way, some types of soundproofing sheets suitable for fastening to steel bathtubs can also serve as thermal insulation.

  • "Saturation and depth of color. Cast iron bathtubs do not tarnish at all, retaining their original color and shine. No other enamel bathtub looks so impressive."

This is a very strange statement considering that we are talking about enamel baths. For example, the quality and technology of applying enamel to steel bathrooms allows the company's management to declare a 30-year warranty for their products without hesitation.

No less confident in the quality of their coating technologies are the enamels and the leaders of the German company (Bette), who guarantee three decades of impeccable service for steel baths of this brand.

25 years warranty for cast iron baths ("Jacob Delafon") is also an excellent indicator of quality, but the authors of the claims about the superiority of cast iron baths, apparently, do not correlate their words with these facts.

There is a possibility that they are comparing cast-iron baths to some kind of bath-like objects made of steel that is too thin with an unsuitable enamel coating technology. And if for some reason such a bath is deformed, then the enamel coating may lose its integrity. But in this case, the authors could also consider the option of a thin-walled cast iron bath, which can be broken along with low-quality enamel.

This is another reason why, when choosing a bath, you need to be more careful about the qualities that are directly related to the function of the product. For example, the thickness of the walls of the bath (which can be judged by the relative weight). A simple "formula" is to find out the name of the material, and rely on a preconceived opinion - with the current level of technology development, it is unlikely to be more reliable than tossing a coin or fortune telling on coffee grounds.

  • "Cast iron is resistant to scratches and damage from aggressive agents."

There are steel grades with similar and even greater degrees of stability, but it is not clear who is interested in this "advantage" in a situation where the metal from which the bathtub is made should be hidden under the enamel.

  • "Thanks to the excellent combination of enamel and cast iron, modern bathtubs have a smooth surface."

The word "cast iron" can be replaced by the word "steel", and this advantage will disappear, as if it were simply contrived.

  • "Enamel cast iron baths are easy to clean, as there are no pores on their surface, preventing the accumulation of dirt."

Again, we are talking about the quality of the enamel, which can be impeccable even with manufacturers of steel bathtubs.

  • "They have a long service life - over 20 years."

We have already given an example with warranty periods. It only remains to add that our specialists, in principle and carefully, choose for the range of the "San-Premium" store only those goods, the reliability of which is beyond doubt. Accordingly, all sorts of disputes "which product is better" with this approach lose their practical meaning, because if a bathtub is not the best among other bathtubs with similar parameters, then it simply does not fall into the number of products in our store.

And in conclusion of this analytical work on one of the sources that overly gullible visitors can use, we give a commentary on the general description of cast iron found on the same site:

"Cast iron is an alloy of iron with carbon and is quite heavy. Although cast iron baths are made thin, the weight of the average product exceeds 100 kg. At the same time, the large weight ensures the stability of the bath during operation."

Steel also consists of iron and carbon, only there is less carbon in it. But it is less fragile, and therefore its walls are made even thinner than cast iron. Still, a cubic meter of steel weighs about 7800 kg, and a cubic meter of cast iron weighs from 6800 to 7300 kg, therefore it is absurd to call cast iron "heavy" in relation to steel. The fact that steel baths are lighter is due to the significantly smaller volume of material than in the case of cast iron. Well, for stability during operation, modern manufacturers include comfortable, reliable and easily height-adjustable legs in the set of steel bathtubs.

Conclusion: steel and cast iron baths are all iron

Comparing with steel, regardless of the conditions and purposes of use, this is about the same "useful" activity as comparing diesel fuel with gasoline, regardless of who, for what, and how will use them. Therefore, if it is necessary to choose the best bathtub, and there are no measurable parameters by which one can understand that one bathtub is "better" than another, then there is no point in even starting a search. It is enough to buy the first one that comes across.

Whether it will be a high-tech bathtub with a built-in music center and hydromassage or a simple but high-quality enamelled container, in any case, one of them will be somewhat "better" than the other. Someone is most worried about the price, and someone is the trade mark. This is not difficult to understand, as well as the fact that the sellers of bathtubs may not know more about them than their manufacturers, and experienced buyers of different products can sometimes know more than the sellers of one. But those, and others, and still others can learn and share knowledge with other people, creating new opportunities and embodying new ideas for a better future.

We wish you a successful purchase of a high quality bathroom, selected on the basis of the knowledge you have acquired.

P.S. If it seemed to someone that the purpose of this article was propaganda, then it really "seemed", since the trade in both types of bathtubs makes it unnecessary to unnecessarily emphasize the good properties of any one.