Windows 10 lags. Why the laptop slows down, how to fix it. Influence of visual effects

For many, after updating Windows 10, the computer slows down. Mostly laptops. First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to the video card: its correct display in the Device Manager, correct installation and freshness of the driver. Users testify that automatic search is not always suitable, you should download the software from the manufacturer's official website, for example, NVidia and select manual installation (through a right click in the manager). This error is common, moreover, it also manifests itself on a PC, where, in general, no problems are observed. It can be caused either by system errors or by hacker software. For example, the authors recently launched something similar for testing (a dubious kind of tweaker for a dozen), and although the system was rolled back by a restore point, the problem manifested itself.

From time to time, trouble is observed on a PC with a game center But to say exactly what exactly is the cause is difficult. They say that many games have been hacked by hackers, and maybe the crooks are somehow trying to track down the players with a completely understandable purpose. The end result is profits from selling illegal software like cheats. A simple removal of the center does not always help; you still need to manually remove it from the firewall permissions. And in general, the less there is software that requires work over the network, the fewer failures will be. We won't be mistaken if we say that games hang themselves from time to time, and with some probability the system crashes.


The fewer permissions there are in the firewall, the smoother the operation. Remember that not only is big brother watching us, but also various crooks pursuing their own goals. For example, many of them dream of software that will collect 1 kopeck from each banking transaction. In order not to be unfounded, we will give an example (screen) from a PC where the game center has retired, but for some reason the permission to access the network remains. Disconnected manually, the work became more stable.

Please note that the software did not stint with the rights, installed a daw for both the home and external networks. In this case, click Change parameters and cut off the left column with the mouse. Do you think network software, such as browsers, won't work without it? Not at all. Remove Google Chrome tolerances and check: all sites are displayed unchanged. Why then are permissions needed? We don’t know and don’t want to know, we just removed it and don’t rack our brains (although some functions might have suffered, to be honest, we never regretted it).

More to the point, network threats account for approximately 95% of failures. Systems with virtual machines are especially susceptible to them. For example, among authors, about 70% of cases (two-thirds) account for WMWare Player. Why, we do not undertake to say, we just give statistics. At the moment, we are trying to limit the program's interaction over the network, but, apparently, not entirely successful. Do not forget to actually turn on the firewall, otherwise its rules will not work at all, while any hacker can easily enter the machine.


Many users note that most of the problems are in those PCs where there are several hard drives. We will add that one of them is probably old and broken. This is the problem. In particular, we give a case from practice: one of the HDDs, after being restored by third-party software, acquired write protection. Then the PC began to freeze every 20 minutes. Moreover, there were no direct calls to this backup hard drive. Apparently, the system was doing something on its own.

So, think about better quality hard drives. Authors prefer Western Digital.

How to turn on firewall

The firewall works with its rules only if it is enabled.

System image

There is a known case on a low-power PC, when the braking reached tremendous values, and the hard drive was constantly being accessed, which was not difficult to determine through the Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc). Not that playing, even navigating the system was difficult. After some comprehension of the situation, the memory came that, through negligence, the button for creating an image of the system was pressed. The one shown in the screenshot.

The joke is that it is not clear how the archiving started right on the hard drive where the system is located. After that, the PC was rebooted (without waiting for the creation of an image that was not needed), but since then it has been hanging heavily and has been turning to the hard disk a lot. Only the system rollback to the restore point helped.


Many processes hang up the system a lot. Try using the Autoruns utility available on the official Microsoft website at The download link is on the right side of the page, under the advertisement. The tool does not require installation, just run it from the folder.

You will need to give permission, and the archiver will ask you to extract everything? The latter is not required, click start. In the program interface, in order not to make trouble, make sure that there are jackdaws marked on our screen. This removes all system entries from the startup list.

Many occurrences can be disabled. Do not forget to create a system restore point every time so as not to break the wood. The fact that games lag on Windows 10 is not a reason to break the last computer.

Why games lag

There are several rules to help you get out without losses:

  1. Do not swear with anyone, because in the games there are not only informers, but also provocateurs. If the admins do not want to ban, they can enter "special" account settings. In addition to reducing the accuracy of weapons and incomprehensible deaths, difficulties with the entrance, it can be lag.
  2. If games are slowing down, the first thought is the enemy or ally of the hackers. Cracked software uses network traffic in a special way and may even intentionally interfere with other players. This is a confirmed fact.
  3. Downloading an update to a toy (or its package) greatly slows down the Internet. The authors know a case when sites in the browser did not open at all. Until updates are delivered. The PC itself usually runs at a tolerable speed.
  4. The game world is full of battles that last, if not for days, then for hours. Try not to get involved with such spectacles. Because the big reward also lures hackers who may try to kick the leading players off the server.
  5. Sometimes the toy starts up, but lags terribly. What to do in this situation. Try to check for updates. They are not always set on schedule.
  6. The server crashes from time to time. Then in the chat, the players ask each other if everyone is slowing down after the update. It is clear that updates have nothing to do with it. You just need to wait: take a walk, do homework, and more.
  7. Some game clients are naughty when paired with iron. This is especially true for video cards. What to do? The technical support of the server should fix this, but in practice, not every game wants to meet halfway and do something.

External factors

It may seem like an excerpt from a fantastic book, but today is the era of the change of the Earth's poles. The network has published materials on the study of equipment for erasing information. Here is a screen with the conclusions.

The publication is called Experimental Investigations of the Parameters Determining the Stability of Magnetic Properties of HDD Materials. For us, the conclusion is simple: you can make the hard drive damaged. We'll skip the question of know-how, but it's not uncommon for a computer to slow down after an update, and the real reason is damage to the tracks on it. There are special utilities for checking access times. Not every hard drive can be fixed. Overwrite sectors is a very powerful method of harm.

Why is someone doing this? The reasons can be different, and guessing about them is not the best thing to do. Although the authors have some assumptions, we will keep them to ourselves. One of the probable reasons, for example, may be the desire to force you to buy an SSD that cannot be damaged in this way. Because before the hard drives worked for decades, and since 2015 they have literally been breathing hard. They break one by one.

We believe that in this case it is useless to swear at the update. It is not directly related to the problem. What to do? Spend 2000 rubles on a new hard drive with a capacity of 250 GB, where to put the OS, and use the old hardware only as storage. Why is there no recovery software? Because nobody needs it. There are other options for solving the problem, such as booting the OS from a USB flash drive. This doesn't suit players, but clerks will appreciate Knoppix.

A laptop with Windows 10 makes a person mobile and at the same time takes full advantage of a desktop PC. But unlike computers, these devices are more likely to fail. If you do not know why the laptop slows down, what to do to make Windows 10 work efficiently, use the tips described in this article.

Why the laptop slows down

The developers are trying to make Windows 10 as feature-rich and productive as possible. But sometimes, after upgrading to "ten", the laptop starts to slow down. It interferes with work and play. This also happens with devices on which the OS is initially installed. Causes:

  • not optimized;
  • incompatible drivers;
  • overheat;
  • the hard disk is full;
  • incompatible programs.

Viruses are a problem for all devices running different versions of Windows. We have written many times about how to clean your PC from malware ("", "", "", "", "", it will also be interesting to read ""), so this topic is not touched upon in the article.

Weak computer

The main reason a laptop with Windows 10 starts to slow down is its "weak" technical parameters. Manufacturers are trying to adhere to Microsoft's recommendations regarding the minimum technical requirements for devices on which the "ten" will work. When an ordinary user updates or installs a new OS on his own, he rarely looks at the recommendations.

Windows 10 minimum system requirements:

  • processor with a clock speed of 1 GHz or higher or single-chip system (SoC);
  • rAM: 2 GB for new devices, 1 GB (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit) when upgrading;
  • free disk space: 16 GB (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit);
  • screen resolution 800 × 600 pixels;
  • video adapter supporting DirectX9 or higher or WDDM version 1.0.

If the laptop does not meet the minimum requirements or is close to them in value, Windows 10 will slow down and work incorrectly.

What to do if your laptop slows down

Optimization of startup

A user who buys a new laptop may have a huge number of additional programs from the device manufacturer installed by default. They run automatically along with the OS and mostly run in the background.

Good to know! Utilities for speeding up and optimizing Windows 10 often act the other way around - they slow down the system, regardless of the "name" of the manufacturer.

Downloading the correct drivers

The problem faced by many users of laptops with Windows 10. Creation of drivers for the gadget should be handled by the company that collected it. But a year after the release of the "dozen", many manufacturers still have not provided actual drivers, or they release them only for new laptop models.

If your laptop slows down after upgrading to Windows 10, download and install drivers for your device.

On the manufacturer's website

In Device Manager

Helpful! It is better to use the first method, because if the OS says in the Device Manager that the device is working normally, this may not be true.


Modern games and programs use large resources of the laptop, which is why its components (processor, video card) overheat. Due to its compact size, a powerful cooling system cannot be installed in the device. As the temperature inside the case rises, the laptop starts to slow down and may turn off (automatic protection).

How to find out the temperature of the processor and other components of the device, you will learn in the article "". If at idle it does not drop below 50-60 degrees, clean the laptop from dust. You can do this yourself or at a service center.

Important! Do your own laptop dust cleaning only if you have experience and relevant knowledge.

If that doesn't work, purchase a dedicated laptop cooling pad. This is a platform with built-in fans. They create a directed air flow to the bottom of the gadget and additionally cool it.

Cleaning the hard drive

After upgrading to Windows 10, files of the old OS version remain on the system drive. They are used if the user decides to "roll back", but because of them the hard disk becomes full. If you are confident that you will not be returning to an old OS, delete these files. How to do this is described in the article “

Incompatibility with programs

If the device slows down when starting a program or utility, but otherwise works normally, then the problem is in compatibility with Windows 10.

Old programs do not support the new OS (even in), so they either do not work at all, or work incorrectly. The solution to this problem is to find an alternative replacement.

Other cases of incompatibility.

  1. Installed two antiviruses that interfere with each other's work. Solution -\u003e remove one of them.
  2. The downloaded program is "curve", it lacks drivers for correct operation, it is not compatible with the device. Solution → download software from the official website or find other software.
  3. In browsers instability is caused by extensions and plugins installed by the user. Solution -\u003e disable / remove unnecessary components.


More general reasons are discussed in the video.

Is your browser slow on windows 10? You cannot open more than several pages at the same time and the video in adobe flash player slows down - why? Attempts to speed up have come nowhere? This may mean that it's time to reboot.

The web browser is the application that we use most of the time while working on a computer or laptop.

Thanks to him, we can search for information on the Internet, use web applications, listen to music and work using useful extensions and plugins.

Therefore, it is important that the web browser always acts like a well-oiled machine. But there comes a time when, for some reason, our beloved browser can start to run slowly.

In this case, most users usually start with traditional solutions, i.e. reboot, update, clear cache, delete cookies and disable plugins starting with recently installed ones.

Unfortunately, these methods fail sometimes. In this case, it is recommended to perform a reset and start from scratch.

This post takes you step by step on how to fix problems in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer and Edge installed on windows 10 without losing important data, so that they stop slowing down.

NOTE: I experimented on windows 10 with all web browsers and settled on IRON - it is the only one that does not slow down for me immediately after installation.

Why Google Chrome browser slows down on windows 10

A lot of Windows 10 users complain about problems with 64-bit Google Chrome. Fortunately, a solution has been found and is worth trying.

If you're running a 64-bit version of Google Chrome and a build of Windows 10 that Microsoft recently released, then you've probably noticed browser issues.

Some pages won't load and give an error message. Google will probably provide us with an appropriate fix shortly to resolve this issue, and you can now try a workaround.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Create a Google Chrome shortcut on your desktop (if not)
  • Right-click on it and select "properties"
  • A new window will launch and you will be taken to the shortcut bookmarks.
  • Now add a space at the end of the phrase, write the word -no-sandboxand confirm with OK.

This simple trick fixes Chrome problems in Windows 10 build 10525. The solution works with 64-bit version of Google Chrome stable and beta.

It's worth noting that this isn't a very secure solution because it disables network threat protection. You will see a warning message when you launch your browser. Another way is to install the 32-bit version of Google Chrome where there is no problem.

Then, again, go to the bottom of the page and click the "factory reset" button. Click Reset. This will save all your bookmarks and saved passwords. Installed extensions and themes will not be removed either.

Although Google is working hard on the Chrome browser, more and more users are complaining that it starts to slow down on windows 10.

From what it was originally - a very fast and light design, little is left. Currently, this application is characterized by mostly poor performance and a lot of unexpected crashes.

Recently, information appeared on the network that Chrome has become useless - it seems to me that the developers are integrating new features into it too quickly, without proper testing.

Chrome is capable of consuming huge amounts of RAM today, especially if you are working with multiple tabs at the same time.

Many people point out that over the past year the browser has changed beyond recognition and there was no need to install new add-ons in order to get lower performance.

Everything indicates that everything worked out exactly the opposite. The reasons for such situations are manifested in the heavy use of accelerated graphics (which are heavily influenced by GPU drivers).

Why does the Opera browser slow down on windows 10

Opera still cannot boast of significant success, although it continues to try to be out of competition. Soon, this browser should reduce memory usage.

Few people know that her engine is not developed by one company and she has an average load when opening websites.

Opera and Chrome will be much less slow if they are cleaned of unnecessary data: extensions and plugins that very often integrate themselves. At least when it comes to sites with a rendering engine.

Then the braking is reduced significantly. The latest version of Opera, in the test version, consumes 2.3 MB of RAM instead of 6.8 MB so far. For example, the Wikipedia site uses 2.4 MB instead of 4 MB.

Why does the Mozilla Firefox browser slow down on windows 10

Firefox starts to slow down? Use a new reset button. All in all it is undoubtedly a great browser. It is simple and highly configurable when using themes, extensions, plugins and other add-ons.

Unfortunately, each item consumes a huge amount of unnecessary data. Therefore, after several months, Mozilla Firefox may start to slow down - it will work unbearably for a long time and give the impression that it is very cumbersome.

How can you fix this problem? The solution is a new Firefox Reset button that appears after clicking on the menu and then selecting information for technical support.

Launching a new function will clear the profile, and once launched, the browser will run as fast as if it had just been installed. However, in order not to lose all data, Firefox saves cookies, history, form data, passwords and bookmarks.

Now Mozilla is preparing a new version of the Firefox browser specifically for Windows 10. (at the time of reading it may be available for installation). This is a release that will be prepared specifically for Windows 10.

What to expect from him? The answer to this question is difficult, because the manufacturer has not provided details yet. The most likely development of events suggests that it will indeed be a nearly unchanged browser, except that it will be adapted to the so-called -multiplatformowości.

Windows 10 drives not only computers and laptops, but tablets and smartphones as well, and Mozilla probably wants to be a versatile product.

Let's hope that this time the manufacturer will do all the work well. The latest statistics show that Firefox is very popular, and of course there will be many people wanting to use this browser also on the new windows 10 system.

Why Internet Explorer slows down on windows 10

Restoring Internet Explorer defaults is straightforward. Press Alt on your keyboard to activate the menu.

Now go to Tools\u003e Internet Options\u003e Advanced\u003e Reset.

Resetting disables but does not remove the extension. By checking the appropriate box, you can decide if you want to delete temporary files, cookies, browsing history and passwords

NOTE: on older versions of Internet Explorer, a more variable worked, but after the release of the anniversary 1607 it slows down at every step. What to do? I think just wait for fixes from Microsoft

Why is the Edge browser slow on windows 10

With the Edge browser in windows 10, the situation is exactly the opposite of the Internet explorer. On older versions of windows 10, it slowed down terribly - in the new jubilee it seems to be more or less stable and extensions appeared.

Only extensions are not that few (about a dozen), they terribly slow down. What to do? Probably, wait again - over time, everything should stabilize.

A significant minority of people who have installed Windows 10 use the Edge browser. According to various estimates, the program is now used by only between 1/3 and 1/6 of the users in the “dozen”.

In light of the above, it seems that Microsoft may have problems with Edge - the company has invested a lot of time and financial resources in creating a new, better browser.

Edge is positioned as an alternative to the somewhat archaic, but still necessary in many organizations, Internet Explorer, and a worthy competitor to Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

The first tests show that the program works very well in this role - it is fast, easy to use and has some interesting, unique solutions.

Of course, we must remember that this situation may change over time - perhaps with the rapid popularization of Windows 10 (this process is going well enough), a lot of users will start using edge, especially if Microsoft manages to solve some of the problems of "childhood".

How to quickly speed up the browser in windows 10 if it suddenly starts to slow down

Nobody likes it when the browser slows down the computer. Even super-fast internet access can't handle if our web browser loves to hang.

Browsers can slow down for several reasons: insufficient memory, congested cache, and slow add-ons (extensions). Fortunately, there are some easy ways to speed up your browser immediately.

The first step is to set the home page blank. If you are not satisfied, you can skip this step. If not, congratulations on your choice. Long home page loads are the most common reason for slow performance.

The second step is to delete temporary internet files. This is a very good solution because it makes the page load faster. If you visit many pages, the cache becomes congested and the browser slows down.

The third step is to disable add-ons (extensions). If there are too many of them, the browser starts to slow down. This can speed things up by disabling unnecessary add-ons, in particular toolbars.

The fourth step is to update your browser to the latest version. Updates include patches fixing problems that appeared in previous versions of the browser.

It greatly improves stability, security and speed. Most browsers will automatically detect updates, so every time you are prompted to update your browser to the latest version, be sure to click Yes.

Fifth step - don't overload your browser. Don't open many tabs at the same time. Opening a large number of bookmarks at the same time is a heavy burden on RAM.

This will slow down not only the browser, but the entire computer. So, if you notice that the browser starts to "hang", close the tabs and enjoy surfing online again. Good luck.

Watching videos is one of the most common types of leisure time spent in front of a computer. The most serious discomfort is caused by the unstable operation of the player or other program playing your favorite movie or TV series. In this article we will talk about what to do if the video on your computer is played with "brakes" or other unpleasant effects.

We've all come across "bad" effects when watching videos - low frame rate, which is expressed in jerky playback, freezing, horizontal stripes on the screen with fast camera movement (tearing). The reasons for this behavior of the footage can be divided into two large groups - software and hardware.

The former include outdated codecs and video drivers, as well as high consumption of system resources due to a large number of background processes or virus activity. The second - the weak "hardware" of the computer and the increased load on it.

Reason 1: Visual effects and tearing

As mentioned above, tearing is horizontal stripes on the screen caused by tearing frames. The most common reason is disabling visual effects in system settings. At the same time, the video driver works in a mode in which the functions designed to smooth the picture are simply not used.

  1. Right-click on the computer shortcut on the desktop and go to the system properties.

  2. Then follow the link "Additional system parameters".

  3. In the block "Speed" push the button "Options".

  4. We put the switch in the position indicated in the screenshot and press "Apply".

  5. If problems are observed in Windows 7, then you must additionally go to "Personalization" from the desktop.

  6. Here you need to select one of the Aero themes, with transparent effects.

In most cases, these simple manipulations get rid of the tearing. Next, let's talk about the main reasons for the "brakes" of the video sequence.

Reason 2: Video card and processor

The main reason for slow playback is the weak hardware of the PC, in particular the processor and graphics adapter. They are the ones who are involved in video encoding and decoding. Over time, video content becomes "thicker" and "heavier" - the bit rate increases, the resolution increases, and the old components can no longer cope with it.

The processor in this bundle acts as the main encoder, so if problems arise, it is worth thinking about replacing it.

The video card only "helps" the processor, so its replacement is advisable only in case of hopeless obsolescence, which is expressed in the lack of support for new standards. If you only have a built-in video adapter, you may need to purchase a discrete one.

Reason 3: RAM

The amount of installed RAM directly affects the performance of the computer, including when playing video. When there is a lack of RAM, excess data is transferred to storage on the hard drive, which is the slowest device in the system. If the video is rather "weighty", then there may be problems with its playback. There is exactly one way out: add additional memory modules to the system.

Reason 4: Hard drive

The hard disk is the main data storage on the PC and it is from it that videos are downloaded. If there are malfunctions in its work, there are broken sectors and other problems, then the films will regularly freeze in the most interesting places. With insufficient RAM, when data is "flushed" into the paging file, such a disk can become a major obstacle to normal operation and entertainment.

In the event that there is a suspicion of incorrect operation of the hard disk, it is necessary to check its performance with special programs. If there are "bad" sectors, it should be replaced with a new one. It is simply necessary to do this, since you can lose all the data located on it.

The ideal option is to purchase a solid state drive. Such disks are characterized by high speed of working with files and low delays of data access.

Reason 5: Overheating

Overheating is one of the main causes of problems when it comes to computer components. It can cause malfunctions, as well as enable CPU and GPU protection mechanisms to help them cool down by dropping frequencies (throttling). In order to find out if your hardware is overheating, you need to use special programs.

If overheating is detected, it should be corrected immediately to avoid more serious problems. This is done by cleaning the cooling systems from dust and replacing the thermal paste.

Reason 6: Software

We will also divide this paragraph into two parts - problems with codecs and drivers. The mechanism of both problems is very similar: these are missing system components responsible for encoding and decoding the video stream.


Video codecs are small libraries with which video is processed. Most videos are compressed to optimize size, for example using H.264. If the corresponding decoder is not present in the system or is outdated, then we will get a lot of problems with playback. Installing fresh codecs will help fix the situation. The package is great in all situations. It is enough to download it, install it and perform a few simple settings.

If you are still using Windows XP, you will have to use another set of libraries - the XP Codec Pack.

Video driver

Such drivers allow the operating system to "communicate" with the video card and make the most of its resources. In the event of its incorrect operation or obsolescence, the problems that we are talking about today can be observed. To eliminate this cause, you must update or reinstall the video driver.

Reason 7: Viruses

Strictly speaking, viruses cannot directly affect video playback, but they can damage or delete the files necessary for this, as well as consume a huge amount of system resources. The latter affects both the overall performance of the PC and the processing speed of the video stream. If you suspect a virus activity, you need to scan your computer with special programs and remove the "pests".


As you can see, there are quite a few reasons causing "brakes" in video playback. They can be both minor and very serious, requiring a lot of time and effort to eliminate them. We hope that this article will help you cope with all possible problems and avoid them in the future.

Greetings, readers.

Laptops have long been devices that make a person mobile, while offering almost all the capabilities of a desktop computer. But at the same time, this equipment often fails. And this usually manifests itself in a slowdown in overall work. In the article below, I will tell you why Windows 10 slows down on a laptop, what to do with it, and how to cope with the disease on your own?

Despite the fact that the Windows 10 system is considered to be productive and maximally optimized for different devices, it can still work unstable. And there are several reasons at once explaining this:

    insufficient device parameters;

    incorrect drivers;


    busy hard drive;

    inappropriate software;

    viruses (can be caught using Comodo Internet Security).

Weak device performance( )

The main and most common reason due to which speed problems begin on a laptop is insufficient technical parameters. Usually, before selling equipment, manufacturers choose a suitable OS for the technical capabilities of the device. But when users decide to reinstall the operating system on their own, they usually do not look at the minimum requirements:

If a Lenovo, Asus or any other laptop does not fit the above parameters or is close to them, most likely it will not work correctly.

( )

If all of a sudden you decide to install Win 10 on your device, and it starts to slow down over time, you shouldn't be upset - there is a way out, or rather even several. How to fix this situation?

Let's start with autorun applications, which occurs during the start of the operating system. The fact is that when buying new equipment, a lot of additional software can be installed on it, which the client does not need. But at the same time, there will always be less free resources. To get out of this situation, you need to perform several movements:

    Call the context menu to " Taskbars».

    Go to " Device Manager"And then to" Startup».

    Important! Apps that are specific to this account are shown here.

  1. Find unfamiliar software in the list, press RMB. We are interested in "".

You can select "" for details. There is also a column " Impact on launch". It shows how the utility affects the startup speed of the operating system.

In this case, the laptop may not work correctly because of the above tool. So why is it slowing down? Let's go further.

Drivers( )

Fortunately, most laptop computer manufacturers today, regardless of the assembled company, Acer or Samsung, provide accompanying software. But still, sometimes there are situations when, after an automatic update, the unit starts to work incorrectly. This is due to the use of inappropriate drivers.

In this case, in addition to braking, the cursor may not move, the keyboard or any other important elements may not work.

The solution is to install the right software. To do this, we perform a number of actions:

Due to incorrect software, sometimes even the screen is rotated, like a tablet. If you don't know the model or manufacturer, try another method:

Overheat( )

In most cases, the fresher a game or program is, the more laptop resources it consumes. Because of this, overheating of the system often appears. This is directly related to the small size of the devices, because it is simply impossible to accommodate a powerful system that provides maximum cooling. Therefore, as the temperature rises, the computer can not only start to slow down, but also turn off, since the overheating protection is triggered.

The solution will be to clean the inside of the dust, lubricate the cooler, apply new thermal paste to the processor and purchase a special stand with additional cooling.

If all this does not help, it may be worth replacing the programs you are using. So, for example, Yandex browser can be safely removed and start using Opera or Chrome.