Windows 7 does not see iPhone as a USB flash drive. iTunes (computer) does not see the iPhone. Troubleshooting on Windows and Mac. The main reasons why the computer does not see the iPhone

Instruction: This problem can be caused by various breakdowns, each of which involves a separate method of elimination:

  1. Most often, the answer to the question why this problem arose is a faulty cable. Due to the fact that they are bent or pinched, cables often fail. In this case, the solution to the problem is to purchase a new cable.
  2. The reason may lie in a faulty connector. Then it needs to be examined. If the connector shows signs of corrosion or mechanical damage, it will have to be replaced with a new one.
  3. The power control chip has failed. In this case, you will need to install a new one.
  4. A very common cause is the failure of PCB components as a result of shock or moisture. In this case, the device is subject to diagnostics.

Outcome: The first and second options suggest the possibility of repairing at home. In other cases, contacting a service center is necessary, since these malfunctions can only be eliminated through professional intervention.

We offer 2 solutions to the problem. Choose what is more convenient for you.

Repair at the Apple Telemama service center

Self repair

Our advantages

  1. Spare parts. During repairs, we install only original parts.
  2. Price. We purchase components for equipment in bulk and in large quantities, thanks to which we set the most reasonable prices.
  3. Repair time. It usually takes 20 minutes to replace speakers, displays, connectors, etc. For more complex breakdowns, a free 20-minute diagnostic is required.
  4. Guarantee. After repair, we provide a one-year warranty.

If your device is not recognized by the computer, we will be happy to restore its performance, since such a breakdown is often difficult to fix at home. If the client cannot arrive on his own, he can use the services of a courier.

During the free diagnostics, we determine what to do to fix the detected problems, agree with the client on the cost and directly start the repair. The quality conditions for us are the experience and professionalism of our employees, as well as original spare parts. Any repair ends with a long-term warranty.

You can personally pick up the repaired device from the service center, but it is also possible to call a courier at the address you specify. We will definitely issue a 1-year warranty after repair. In the future, you will have the opportunity to use a discount on repairs in our center. This feature will also be available to your friends, just tell them your order number and the discount will be given.

We have been repairing equipment and selling spare parts for it for many years. Feel free to contact us and you will receive comprehensive advice for self-repair. All prices for our services and details are given in the price list. We offer free device diagnostics. After it, you can already buy the necessary spare part and install it yourself. Regular customers of our center rely on discounts for our services. Also, keep an eye on our promotions and do not miss the opportunity to fix your smartphone at cost.

Probably, everyone who has ever dealt with Apple technology knows that it is possible to fully use the functionality of an i-smartphone only after mastering the iTunes program. It allows you to exchange between "apple" devices and a PC, as well as a number of other useful manipulations, and therefore if the computer suddenly does not see the iPhone, this turns into a real problem.

Unfortunately, the statistics of user requests are not comforting - the computer does not see the iPhone 5, does not recognize the iPhone 5S via USB, the laptop does not display my iPhone 6 - thousands of owners daily google similar queries in the hope of solving the problem on their own.

However, in most cases, it is possible to solve it and, however, you can do it yourself without the help of professionals. In this article, we will analyze the reasons - why the computer does not see the iPhone, and also tell you what to do if this situation occurs. The recommendations below will help users of all models of i-smartphones - and iPhone 6, and 4S, and any others.

In fact, to the question - why does the iPhone not connect to a personal computer - there are only 4 answers. Here they are:

  • There is a problem with the USB ports
  • The functionality of the connecting cable is broken
  • A software conflict has occurred
  • Broken iPhone

However, each of these situations may arise for different reasons and the options for solving the problem in one case or another will be different. So further we will take a closer look at each of the above reasons and tell you how to fix this or that problem with the synchronization of the i-device and PC.

Problems with USB ports

A problem with USB ports is one of the most common reasons why the computer does not see your iPhone. Especially if your PC, as they say, is not the first freshness. USB ports are not the most reliable part of a computer, and therefore often after 3-4 years of operation, when trying to connect one or another device to them, various problems appear - from a banal freeze to a complete failure to recognize the device.

How to understand that you are dealing with problematic ports? First, try connecting your iPhone to a different USB port - it often happens that one is already out of order, and the second is still working properly. No visible progress when connecting to a different port? Okay, let's explore the problem further - connect the i-gadget with another PC. Is he not around? Then we go the other way - we connect any other device to the PC via USB. It's like the iPhone is not displayed? Then, well, the answer is found - you have a problem with ports. Sometimes, by the way, you can revive them with a simple cleaning - take alcohol and a cotton swab and responsibly remove all dirt and dust. Perhaps this step will make the ports work and the synchronization will be successful. If that doesn't help, restart your PC. Also unsuccessful? Then, most likely, you will have to change ports.

The functionality of the connecting cable is broken

If USB ports are not the most reliable part of a PC, then the connecting cable for charging and connecting to a computer is not the most reliable part of the iPhone. Users have been scolding the "apple" giant for this problem for more than a year, and not unreasonably. The "native" cable is not cheap, but at the same time it quickly becomes unusable, while the Chinese one does not always "know how" to interact with iTunes. That is, it will charge the smartphone, but it will not establish a connection between the PC and the iPhone.

So if the iPhone does not connect to the computer via USB, and you have already checked the ports and they are working, it's time to start diagnosing the cable. Many people check the cable like this - they connect the iPhone to the charger and if the battery starts charging, they consider it to be in good condition, but such a diagnosis is not entirely correct. You see, the peculiarity of the structure of the iPhone cable is such that for connecting a PC and an i-device, the serviceability of all contacts is required, but not for charging.

The only way to check if the cable is the problem is to connect the iPhone to the computer in a different way. ORIGINAL cable through which another "apple" is perfectly recognized on your PC. And only after the success of this operation, we can definitely say that it is the cable that is to blame.

By the way, sometimes cleaning the contacts helps to make the connecting cable work, as is the case with USB ports. But in most cases it needs to be replaced.

Software conflict

Both the cable and the ports are working, but the iPhone does not connect to the computer? Consider the next problem - software conflict. Under this terrible heading, very banal reasons are hidden why it is not possible to connect an iPhone to a PC.

Firstly, it may be that iTunes has not been updated for a long time, in which case you just need to go to the official Apple website and download the current version.

Secondly, there is a possibility that the computer does not see the device due to an incorrectly configured antivirus or firewall. Perhaps the security program classified the iPhone as an unsafe device, or found it suspicious that iTunes tried to contact Apple servers to identify the i-gadget. To check the relevance of this communication problem, you need to disable the antivirus and / or firewall for a while and see if the situation changes. iPhone is showing up? This means that the point is precisely in security programs and they need to be reconfigured in such a way that they do not consider the activities of iTunes and iPhone suspicious.

Another software-related reason why the connected iPhone cannot be seen is the incorrectly functioning Apple Mobile Device Service. To solve the problem with it, restart it. Click the Start menu, go to Control Panel, then Services. In this section, find the Apple Mobile Device Service and double-click on it. A new window will open, in it click "Stop" and then "Start". And also check the "Startup type" parameter, it should be automatic. After the adjustments made, we restart the PC and check if our problem has been resolved.

Broken iPhone

And finally, about the saddest thing - all the ports are working and the cable too, iTunes is the latest, security programs are disabled, the AMDS service is working properly, but iPhone and PC synchronization still fails? Then the problem is in the i-smartphone itself. Perhaps a software failure and a simple restart of the iPhone will help - do it and try to sync with the computer again. Did not help? Then it’s already a matter of problems with the hardware, and in such a situation we recommend not to engage in self-diagnosis, the best solution is to take the iPhone to a service where they are guaranteed to find the problem and help fix it, and the device itself will not suffer.

Why does the computer not see my iPhone as a flash drive?

Beginners of the "apple" world often look online for the answer to the question: "Why does the computer not see the iPhone 5 (any smartphone model can be here at all) as a removable disk?" And if you have the same question, we hasten to please you - everything is in order with your device. The fact is that iOS - the platform on which all i-gadgets work - is closed, which significantly increases the security of "apples", but often negatively affects their ease of use.

In particular, the computer does not really see the iPhone as a USB flash drive - in Windows Explorer it is displayed as a portable device or is generally defined in the "Other devices" category. If you double-click on the iPhone icon, a folder with photos taken on the device will open and all the user can do is transfer them to a PC, and even the reverse operation will not be available. If you want to record a photo on an i-smartphone, welcome to iTunes.

Emphasize! This state of affairs is relevant for all PC operating systems and for all iPhone models - neither Windows 7 nor Windows 10 sees the iPhone as a removable drive - this is a feature of iOS. If on some portal you are given recommendations that supposedly will help you see the iPhone as a USB flash drive, you should not trust them!

Let's summarize

There are a lot of reasons why the PC does not see the iPhone 4 or any other, but in most cases the user can independently diagnose the problem and solve it. We hope this article will be of great help to you in this matter! However, do not overestimate your strength - if the matter is in the hardware of the iPhone itself, you are unlikely to be able to independently identify the cause of the problem and fix it. Of course, you can say - why can't I disassemble my device myself? You can, but what will it give you? Even if you see a damaged chip, would you dare to remove it yourself and install a new one? Not sure? Then there is no need to get inside such a complex device as the iPhone, it is better to trust the pros! However, we hope it doesn't come to that!

The problem “iTunes does not see the iPhone” is as old as the very first iPhone and sometimes even advanced users cannot solve it. However, often everything is solved very simply - just follow a few elementary steps.

You can find dozens of different ways on the Internet, half of which are either not relevant to the latest version of iTunes or are too confusing. In fact, everything is solved simply.

The first step is to make sure that each element is working:

    USB port. iTunes does not see the iPhone due to a failed USB port; connect your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to another USB port, preferably located on the back of the system unit

    USB cable. Use a different wire

    Computer. Apple Mobile Device failure causes iTunes not to see iPhone. Changing the computer, if possible in your situation, can lead to the resumption of functionality

    ON. Uninstall and reinstall iTunes by downloading the latest version of the distribution from the official website.

If primitive measures did not help solve the problem, it's time to understand the situation in the bud. Note: Instructions vary for Windows XP, Windows 7 and Mac.

What to do if iTunes does not see iPhone in Windows XP

    Go to Control Panel -> Administration -> Services

    Click on Apple Mobile Device and press Stop service

    start service

What to do if iTunes does not see the iPhone in Windows 7 and Windows 8

    Disconnect your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch from your computer and close iTunes

    Go to Control Panel -> Administration -> Services

    Select an item Apple Mobile Device and press Stop service

    After making sure that the service is stopped in the same window, click start service

    Wait for the full launch and connect your iPhone or other Apple device to your computer

    If everything went well, specify in the service properties Apple Mobile Device startup type " Auto

What to do if iTunes does not see iPhone in Mac OS X

  1. Disconnect your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch from your computer and close iTunes
  2. Delete by moving to shopping cart:
    2. 1. iTunes icon from the launchpad (Dock)
    2. 2. iTunes folder(Libraries -> iTunes)
    2. 3. File AppleMobileDevice.kext by finding it at System -> Libraries -> Extension
    2. 4. File AppleMobileDeviceSupport.pkg by finding it at Libraries -> Receipts
  3. Restart your computer
  4. Clear shopping cart and restart your computer again
  5. Download the latest iTunes distribution for Mac from the official website and connect your device with confidence

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in restoring iTunes to working order. Of course, there are rare exceptions, for example, if the problem lies in the hardware of the devices. In such cases, ask questions

While the iPhone and iPad can completely do without a computer, there are times when you might need one. Well, since Apple technology is also not perfect and it may have errors, one of which I will try to help you solve.

One of the most popular when The computer does not see the iPhone. There can be many reasons for this, but most often the cause of this error is the preserved keys from past connections. Usually, every time you connect, the question “Trust this computer” should appear or not, but it happens that it does not appear. You can solve this problem in a few simple steps.

macOS computer does not see iPhone or iPad

I'll start with the native Mac computer based on macOS for iPhone and iPad. Naturally, due to the fact that this is one "family", users are less likely to have a problem when the computer does not see the iPhone. But such cases do happen.

So, if your iPhone stubbornly refuses to see your Mac, try clearing the contents of a special system folder - Lockdown. To do this, follow my steps:

Step 2. Enter the program Finder and at the same time press cmd + shift + G
in the window that appears, enter /var/db/lockdown and click the go button.

Step 3. You will be taken to a folder with certificates of all devices ever connected to your Mac, you need to delete them

Step 4. Press the cmd + a buttons at the same time and move the selected files to the trash with the button "Move to Trash" or simple drag and drop

After that, connect the iPhone to the computer and when asked whether to trust or not, you answer trust. The Mac will now see the iPhone normally.

Windows 7, 8 or 10 computer does not see iPhone

Step 1: Disconnect all devices from your computer and close iTunes

Step 2. Simultaneously press the Ctrl + Esc buttons

Step 3. Click on the magnifying glass icon or search field and type in the %ProgramData% field and press Return

Step 4Double Click the Apple Folder

Step 5Right-click on the Lockdown folder and select "Delete"

Step 6Restart your computer and iPhone. If you don't, you might get error 0xE80003.

Update drivers for iPhone on Windows 7, 8 or 10

If the above method did not help, for Windows 7, 8 or 10 there is another way to solve the problem when the computer does not see the iPhone, but it is more difficult. You need to install drivers on the iPhone.

Step 1. Go to "Control Panel" on Windows 7, 8 or 10 and select "Device Manager"

Step 2. In the list, select the "Universal Serial Bus Controllers" section and find the driver Apple Mobile Device USB Driver

Step 3. Right click on it and select "Update driver"

Step 4. Now select "Search for drivers on this computer" and "Select a driver from the list of already installed drivers"

Step 5. Select "Install from disk" and select a folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers, in the folder select usbaapl and click "Open"

Step 7. Now you can open iTunes and check if it sees the device or not, if not, try restarting your computer.


I wish my advice will help you solve the problem when the computer does not see the iPhone or iPad. I advise you to regularly visit my section, you yourself will learn a lot of new things and help your friends solve problems with their devices.

Dear readers and buyers of Chinese phones, this article is written for the category of consumers who get confused in complex technical terms and need clear step-by-step instructions with photos to connect a Chinese smartphone to a computer or laptop. I note that the type of device to which the smartphone is connected does not affect the scheme. For you, advanced users and specialists in the field of mobile technologies, everything written will be very simple and primitive. Yes, and the question of this kind you will not arise. Therefore, comments on the article of a joke nature will be deleted.

So, how to connect a copy of the IPhone or any other Chinese phone to a computer or laptop (we are talking about Android mobile phones)

The phone comes with a USB cable. This is the cable you use when charging your smartphone. It is just what is needed to connect two devices. We take the cable and connect the iPhone and also connect the cable to the USB connector of the computer. The sequence doesn't matter. After that, the following pop-up window will appear on the computer display in the lower left corner. Its essence is the system detected a new device and says that it is ready to go or what needs to be done so that she can work with a new device. Usually, by default, the system automatically finds and connects two devices. Now, dear reader, the main thing begins. Please be careful!!! You need to activate the top popup menu. This is done simply: holding the mobile phone in one hand with the display facing you, swipe your finger from the top of the smartphone to the middle. Just casually swipe your finger. As a result, the following picture will appear on the display of the IPhone copy (this is the top bar of the smartphone or the pop-up menu).

You need to click on the “System GUI” option (in the photo it is the 3rd option with the red color icon typical for the IPhone). We press our finger on this option, it reports that the USB connection has been established. In general, there may be many notifications from the phone software on the display. For example: is the SIM active or not, how to enter letters on the keyboard, and so on ... You just look for the desired option and activate it. On the smartphone screen, we will see part of the cable that you connected to the computer and the inscription "Enable USB storage".

In the following photo, the software (software) notifies that some functions and applications will not be available until the USB drive is disconnected. You should not be afraid, it will not affect the performance of your smartphone in any way. The system simply notifies you of the consequences of further actions. Click "OK". The now familiar notification will appear on the display of the Chinese phone with the suggestion "Disconnect USB storage". This means that you have done everything correctly and you can start downloading files.

Now we go (click) through the "Computer" icon. The system notifies us that a new device with removable media has appeared, which is called iPhone.

Everything else is standard. We click on a new device on your computer and go to system files, where you can save the necessary information, create folders. For clarity, we saved one of the screenshots and moved it to the Chinese copy of the iPhone. (a screenshot is a snapshot of the monitor screen, a photo of the contents of the monitor at a particular moment).