Soft-boiled egg. How to boil soft-boiled eggs

How many people, so many opinions.

It would seem, what could be easier than boiling eggs?

Chicken eggs are included in the diet of every person. More often they are eaten for breakfast or added to salads. They are rich in vitamins and minerals. You can boil them hard-boiled, soft-boiled, in a bag. Boiling time for eggs depends on what degree of readiness you want to get: someone likes half-baked, and someone only eats hard-boiled.

How to boil eggs

Every housewife should know how much eggs should be boiled. Cooking methods can be different: in a microwave, a slow cooker in the "steamer" mode, special devices, on a stove and even in an electric kettle. There are simple rules to follow, otherwise the product will be digested:

  1. To prevent the shell from bursting, let the products lie at room temperature (out of the refrigerator) for 10 minutes before cooking.
  2. The fresher the product, the longer it cooks.
  3. It is easier to clean the testicles that have lain down for two or three days than the freshest ones. So that the shells easily move away, immediately after cooking, dip them in ice water.
  4. Cook over medium heat in a large saucepan.
  5. To release air, make a puncture with a needle on the blunt part of the shell, this will prevent it from cracking.
  6. Decide how many minutes to cook the eggs, depending on how runny the yolk is.

Some people like boiled eggs with strong protein and tight yolk. Someone prefers that the protein keeps its shape well, and the yolk is liquid or slightly seized around the edges. There are lovers of tender poached eggs, cooked without shells.

In general, everyone has their own taste preferences. To get a guaranteed result, it is worth mastering the wisdom of boiling eggs. The pleasure of eating is a very important moment in a person's life. Especially if this person is a young wife who wants to please her beloved. Or the heiress of a rich uncle, brightening up the last days of a beloved relative. A rubbery, hard protein or insufficiently thick (liquid) yolk can ruin your mood.

General rules and secrets of boiling chicken eggs:

The size of the pan should be such that the eggs lie tightly. If they float freely, then when boiling, knocking against each other, they will certainly crack;

You need to cook eggs at room temperature, especially if they are laid in boiling water. The shell of cold eggs will crack, so you need to get it out of the refrigerator at least half an hour before cooking;

If you add a little salt to the water, the shell will not burst during cooking, as it will become harder;

Fresh eggs should be boiled for 3-4 minutes longer (the date of packaging should be indicated on the package);

To prevent air from escaping from the blunt end, you need to pierce the shell from this side. Otherwise, the air mass can crack the egg.

An egg cooked according to all culinary science will turn out exactly the way you want to see it on your plate. It will not crack in the pan and will not leak out, it will please you with a soft or dense consistency of protein and yolk. The nuances of boiling eggs make it possible to use them as a solid component of a salad or, on the contrary, a soft and liquid dressing for this dish.

How to boil eggs in a pan with a bookmark in cold water?

  • We wash the eggs in cold water, put them in a saucepan and fill with cold water so that the eggs are completely in the water.
  • Add salt to the pan (1 tablespoon) so that the shell does not crack during cooking.
  • We turn on the stove and bring the water to a boil, then reduce the cooking temperature and cook the eggs for 3-10 minutes, depending on which eggs you want to get: in a bag, hard-boiled or soft-boiled (how many eggs you need to boil is indicated at the beginning of the article).
  • As soon as the cooking time passes by the timer, turn off the stove and immediately transfer the boiled eggs with a spoon into a container of cold water and leave them to cool for several minutes (because of this procedure, the boiled eggs will be well cleaned from the shell).
  • Chilled eggs can be peeled (in whole or in part, depending on how they were cooked and for what) and eaten or added to salads and other dishes.

As you can see, boiling chicken eggs is not difficult, the main thing is to accurately observe the time of their cooking after boiling water. Let's consider further how much and how to boil eggs in a saucepan if they are put in boiling water.

How to boil eggs in a pan with a bookmark in boiling water?

  • Pour cold water into the pan so that after adding the eggs to it, they are completely in the water and add 1 tablespoon of salt.
  • We put the pan on the stove and bring the water to a boil, and at this time we wash each egg with warm water.
  • After the water boils, reduce the heat and alternately with a tablespoon carefully lower each egg into the pan (it is important that the eggs do not hit each other and the bottom and walls of the pan).
  • We note the time and boil the eggs (how many minutes to boil the eggs to the desired state is described at the beginning of the article).
  • After the eggs are cooked, we immediately transfer them to a container with cold water so that they cool faster and the shell is easier to peel off in the future.

Note: so that the eggs do not burst during cooking, it is better to take them out of the refrigerator in advance so that they warm up to room temperature, and you can also gently pierce each egg from the blunt end with a needle (there is an air sac in the egg on this side).

Raw eggs can be easily cooked in the microwave, but this method is more suitable for hard boiled eggs:

How to boil hard boiled eggs

Many people think they know how to boil hard boiled eggs. But in this case there are several subtleties that must be taken into account in order to get an excellent result.

Hard-boiled eggs can be boiled in two main ways, either in cold or boiling water. How long to cook hard-boiled eggs depends on their size and the initial temperature of the water.

You will need:

  • chicken eggs;
  • water; salt;
  • cooking utensils (pot);
  • timer (clock);


  1. Laying eggs in cold water. This method is preferable because it minimizes the number of eggs that burst during cooking. At the same time, it is difficult to calculate the total cooking time with it. Wash your eggs. Then put them in a cooking pot and pour in just enough cold water to just cover the eggs. In the water for cooking, you also need to add 1-1.5 teaspoons of salt. Salt is necessary in order to prevent the shell from bursting as much as possible and to raise the boiling point of water. Place a bowl of salt water and eggs on the stove. After the water boils, reduce the heat and boil the eggs for 7-8 minutes.
  2. Laying eggs in boiling water. Pour a small amount of water into the pan (as much as needed so that all the eggs are completely submerged). Add 1 - 1.5 tsp to water. salt. Put the pot on the burner and wait for the water to boil. Eggs must be washed before boiling. Carefully lower the chicken egg into boiling water with a spoon so that it does not hit the bottom of the dish. Note the time on the clock - hard-boiled eggs are boiled for 7-8 minutes.
  3. End of cooking. At the end of cooking, drain the boiling water and fill the container with eggs with cold water. Leave for a few minutes. Cold water will not only cool the finished eggs, but also make the process of further shelling easier.


Don't put the eggs on the stove immediately after taking them out of the fridge - let them "come" to room temperature.

Don't boil the eggs in high-boiling water to prevent them from bursting.

Now about the question "how much to boil hard-boiled eggs." Be sure to use the timer - do not cook hard-boiled eggs "by eye". The overcooked egg has a "rubber" protein, an ugly gray coating on the surface of the yolk.

The first way is laying in cold water. The sequence of actions is as follows:

Wash the eggs thoroughly under running water;

Place firmly in a saucepan;

Pour a small amount of cold water so that it only slightly covers the shell (eggs should not float freely);

Send to medium fire.

It is only possible to say in advance how much an egg will be boiled in cold water. It all depends on the initial temperature of the water, the strength of the fire, the features of the pan, and even how high the area is in relation to sea level. The higher the terrain, the lower the pressure of the atmosphere and, accordingly, the lower the boiling point of water (by adding salt to the water, we increase it).

Therefore, you will have to focus on the moment of boiling. How long to cook eggs after boiling water? In order to get a cool egg, you need to set the kitchen timer for 7-8 minutes.

The second way is laying eggs in boiling water. In this case, the eggs must be at room temperature, otherwise they will immediately crack. Put them in boiling boiling water carefully, using a tablespoon and immersing in it to the very bottom of the pan. It is important that the shell does not hit the bottom.

How long to cook hard-boiled eggs after the second boil? Small eggs need to be boiled for eight minutes, large eggs for ten minutes. Actually, the cooking time remains the same as in the cold method of laying. Remove boiled eggs from boiling water with a spoon and pour cold water over them. Forced cooling will help to peel off the shell more easily.

Hard-boiled eggs as an independent dish are served both cold and hot.

It is necessary to peel hard-boiled eggs from the shell only if they will be used as an integral component of a dish (salad, snack, hot). If the egg is served on its own, you do not need to peel the shell.

If boiled eggs are popular in your home, it makes sense to purchase a useful device called an egg cooker.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs

Soft-boiled eggs are not only tasty, but also healthy. They retain much more vitamins than hard-boiled eggs. There are two proven recipes for making soft-boiled eggs, according to which they turn out right.

You will need:

  • pot
  • cold or hot water.


  1. You need to pour hot water into a saucepan. Then gently, using a tablespoon, dip the eggs into the water.
    Put on the stove and cook for exactly one minute.
    Remove the pot from the heat and close the lid without draining the water. In order for the yolk to be liquid, and the protein to be slightly set, you need not to drain the water for six minutes. After the time has elapsed, drain the water and pour cold water over the eggs.

    To obtain a thicker consistency of protein and yolk, the eggs must be kept in hot water for seven minutes. Then fill with cold water.

  2. Place the eggs in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Put the pot on the stove and wait until the water boils. As soon as a strong boil of water begins, the fire must be reduced. In order to get a semi-liquid egg, you need to cook for another three minutes on low heat. Cook for four minutes if you want to get a fully cooked protein and liquid yolk.

If you want to get a boiled protein and almost completely yolk (when there is a liquid speck only in the very middle), you need to wait five minutes.

In order for soft-boiled eggs to be tasty and beautiful, they must be the freshest. The yolk with this method of cooking remains liquid. A stale dampish yolk is unlikely to be to the taste of true gourmets. In addition, very fresh eggs are easier to remove the shell.

To check the freshness of a chicken egg, you can use a simple folk method: put it in cold water.

1. For soft-boiled eggs, eggs that quickly sink to the bottom are ideal. They were demolished no later than six days ago, so they retained all the taste and freshness.

2. If the egg sank a little, but did not touch the bottom, that is, it floats in the middle of the water layer, it will also work. The age of such a product is from one to two weeks.

3. Unsuitable for soft-boiling eggs that remain floating on the surface of the water. They were demolished about a month ago. You can still use such a product (for example, in homemade cakes), but you should not cook soft-boiled.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs? There are several ways. It's still the same cold or hot bookmark.

First way

With the cold method, the washed eggs should be put tightly in a saucepan, pour cold water and put on high heat. As soon as the water starts bubbling, reduce the temperature to medium-low.

How much to cook eggs after boiling water also depends on their size and the desired result:

Usually, three minutes is enough to get a semi-liquid egg. The yolk will remain completely liquid, and the protein will thicken a little, but will not become very hard, like a hard-boiled egg;

If you want to make the yolk a little thicker, you need to continue cooking for four minutes. During this time, the protein will be completely cooked, and the yolk will thicken slightly;

Those who want to get a tender thick yolk with a raw center need to boil the eggs for five minutes after boiling water.

Second way

It is supposed to be placed in boiling water. Eggs of compact temperature are carefully, with the help of a spoon, sent to the bottom of the bubbling pan. Exactly one minute later, cooking should be stopped, and the eggs should be left in cooling boiling water for five or six minutes.

In a five-minute egg, the white will be liquid; in a six-minute egg, it will be semi-solid. If you leave it for another minute, that is, hold it in hot water for seven minutes, you will get an egg in a bag. By experimenting with time, you can achieve exactly the result that will bring pleasure.

After five to six minutes, the eggs can be poured with cold water to cool. To make the shells easier to remove, two minutes in a cold "bath" will be enough.

Third way

Hot bookmark according to a special scheme, without cooking at all. How to boil soft-boiled eggs in this way? The prepared product at room temperature should be tightly placed in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it. The water should just cover the shell a little. Close the pan tightly with a lid and leave the eggs for ten minutes.

Then the water must be poured out and the eggs re-brewed with a new portion of boiling water. Secondary filling is done for two or three minutes (depending on the desired consistency of the yolk). It remains only to take out the eggs and serve immediately (eat soft-boiled eggs hot).

Eggs cooked in this way are deliciously tender. Protein resembles an air mass, a cloud surrounding a semi-liquid yolk.

Many gourmets prefer this breakfast option, so you should know how much to boil an egg to make it delicious. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that with the most solid protein, the yolk remains semi-liquid. The energy value of one serving is 80 kcal. How much to boil eggs in a bag, every cook should know.

Here is a step-by-step description of the preparation of breakfast, supplemented by a photo:

  1. Wash the shell thoroughly.
  2. Drop into boiling water.
  3. Salt, otherwise they will burst. The time to boil them is 5 minutes.

There is another way to bring the protein to the desired consistency:

  1. Wash.
  2. Place in a container, fill completely with boiling water.
  3. After 10 minutes, replace the boiling water. Let it boil.
  4. After 3 minutes, lower it under cold water, otherwise it will be difficult to clean.

How to cook a poached egg

A traditional delicious French dish is served for breakfast along with toast or sandwiches. The density of the yolk depends on the duration of the product in boiling water. To achieve a creamy consistency, you need to cook for 3 minutes, for a denser one - about 5 minutes. If you leave it in boiling water for a longer time, the product will turn out to be hard-boiled.

Often, novice housewives do not know how to cook a poached egg, so a step-by-step description of the technology with a photo will come in handy. To properly poach, you will need:

  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • white vinegar - 1 tbsp;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Put a pot of water on the stove. Add vinegar.
  2. Pour the main ingredient into a bowl.
  3. Use a spoon to create a whirlpool in the pan.
  4. Pour the product sharply. With proper movement, the protein envelops the yolk.
  5. Cook for 3-5 minutes. The exact time depends on the desired yolk consistency.
  6. Carefully remove the finished dish, remove excess protein.
  7. Serve on a plate as breakfast or make a delicious sandwich with it. It can be used as a basis for preparing interesting dishes, for example, added to a warm salad.

Small quail eggs are a dietary product that is especially beneficial for the body of a child, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems. Try adding them to a dish instead of chicken. However, you need to know how many minutes to cook quail eggs. A step-by-step description of the process is supplemented with a photo for ease of perception: Pour quail eggs with water. Put on a strong fire. Wait for the boil. Turn off the gas. If you want to make hard-boiled, you need to cook for 5 minutes, if soft-boiled - two.

Quail eggs often used in baby food - after all, the likelihood of an allergic reaction in this case is much lower than when eating chicken eggs. It is best to start acquaintance with this product with hard-boiled eggs - first try introducing a small piece of yolk, then increase the dose.


1. Get the quail in advance eggs from the refrigerator - let them stand at room temperature for a while. Otherwise, during cooking, due to a sharp temperature drop, the shell may crack.

2. Wash properly eggs under a stream of lukewarm water, using soap and a soft sponge, cleaning them from dirt. Be careful - the delicate shell is easily damaged.

3. Place the quail eggs into a small saucepan and fill with cold water - so that it covers them completely, add a pinch of salt. Salted water boils faster and also increases the density of the water. Therefore, even if the egg cracks, the protein will not leak out of it.

4. Put on medium heat, bring to a boil.

5. Reduce heat. The water should not boil much - otherwise eggs will knock against each other and may crack.

6. If you want to weld eggs hard boiled - keep them on fire for 4-5 minutes, this is quite enough. If you increase the cooking time, the yolk will become hard, "rubber". For soft-boiled quail eggs, it is enough to boil them after boiling for a minute.

7. After the end of cooking, immediately place eggs in cold water - otherwise it will be very difficult to peel them from the shell. Leave them in the water until completely cool.

8. Lightly remember the cold and damp quail face in your hands, roll it on a plate or tap it on a hard surface - so that the thin shell cracks on all sides. Carefully peel the egg from the shell and film. Can be served!

Quail eggs- amazing in its composition and healing properties, nutritious and at the same time dietary product. Despite their miniature size, eggs quails are incredibly useful due to the high content of vitamins A, B1, B2, phosphorus, potassium, and iron. They are completely free of cholesterol. They are shown even to those who are chicken eggs prohibited. What can be prepared from this miracle of nature?


1. Snack from quail eggs. Cut lightly salted salmon into long slices. Marinated or boiled in the usual way (no more than 5 minutes), peel the quail egg and wrap it with a slice of salmon and stick a toothpick. You can decorate the tip with a stick olive.

It is best to eat quail eggs raw. Drink an egg half an hour before meals with water.


Quail eggs can be stored for up to 40 days at temperatures from 0 to 20 degrees Celsius, and at temperatures up to 15 degrees, their shelf life is two months. But, since the relative humidity of the air should be 75–85%, it is better to store quail eggs intended for baby food in the refrigerator.

Eggs and cooking gadgets

How to cook eggs in the microwave
Put the eggs in a mug, fill the mug with water, add a teaspoon of salt, microwave for 10 minutes at 60% power (about 500 W).

How to cook eggs in a slow cooker
Soft-boiled eggs are boiled for 5 minutes, in a bag - 5 minutes, in a steep - 12 minutes.

How to boil eggs in a double boiler
Boil chicken eggs in a double boiler for 18 minutes.

How to boil eggs in an egg cooker
Boil the eggs in an egg cooker until fully cooked, 7 minutes.

How to cook eggs in a pressure cooker
Boil the eggs in a pressure cooker for 5 minutes.

How to boil eggs without shell
Crack the eggs with a knife, pour the contents of the shell into a plastic egg container, close the egg container and place in boiling water. Boil 5 minutes.

How to cook eggs in an air fryer
To cook hard-boiled eggs, put them on the middle level, cook at 205 degrees for 10 minutes, turning them to the other side after 5 minutes.

How to boil eggs
If one egg is freed from the shell and it turns out that it is undercooked: return the eggs to the pan, pour cold water, and cook the missing amount of time after boiling (3-4 minutes after boiling). Then put in cold water, cool and peel.

The composition and benefits of chicken eggs
Cholesterol - 213 milligrams with a recommended daily cholesterol maximum of 300 mg.
Phospholipids are a cholesterol-lowering substance.
Fat - only in the yolk of an egg, 5 grams, of which 1.5 grams are harmful.
Amino acids - 10-13 gr.
13 vitamins - among them A, B1, B2, B6, B12, E, D, biotin, folic and nicotinic acids - and many minerals (especially calcium and iron).

How to crack a raw chicken egg?
- Chicken eggs are broken with a knife, lightly hitting them on the side of the egg. Next, the eggshell is separated by hands over the dishes (frying pan, pan, bowl), pouring out the contents.

What to do with eggs if not boiled?
In addition to boiling, you can fry chicken eggs and cook scrambled eggs.

How to eat boiled eggs
Slightly break the shells of hard-boiled eggs with a knife, peel, put on a plate, cut in half, arrange on a plate so that the eggs do not roll on a plate, and eat with a fork and knife.
Soft-boiled eggs are usually served in a poacher. Using a knife, cut off the top of the egg (about 1 centimeter from the top), salt and pepper the egg, and eat with a teaspoon.

How to reheat boiled chicken eggs
Chicken eggs can be reheated in 2 ways:
1) with boiling water: put boiled eggs in the shell in a mug / bowl and pour boiling water, leave for a minute, then drain the water and repeat the procedure;
2) in the microwave: peel and cut each egg in half, place in a microwave-safe dish, microwave 3 eggs for 1 minute at 600 kW (70-80% power).

How to boil eggs for salad?
Hard boiled eggs for salad.

How to boil eggs with the yolk out
As a rule, eggs are boiled with the yolk out in order to instill in children the habit of culinary experiments.
To boil an egg with the yolk outward, it is necessary to illuminate it with a flashlight (or by placing the egg on the lamp) - an egg ready for boiling with the yolk outward should be somewhat cloudier.
Put the egg in a nylon stocking - approximately in the middle.
Twist the ends of the stocking without letting the egg move.
Release the stocking at the location of the egg and stretch the ends - the egg should unwind the stocking with lightning speed.
Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
Re-illuminate the egg with a lamp or flashlight - the egg should be cloudy.
Boil the egg for 10 minutes in water, cool and peel.
Your eggs are boiled with the yolk out!

Newbies in the kitchen often ask: how to boil soft-boiled eggs with classic and non-standard recipes. This is especially true now, when most young people zealously monitor their own nutrition and include healthy food in their diet.

Soft-boiled eggs cook quickly, ideal for a loose, but very healthy and invigorating breakfast. Such a simple recipe, like boiled eggs, can be prepared according to all the rules, then:

  1. the shell will remain intact, and it doesn’t take much to crack;
  2. the squirrel will not leave its habitat;
  3. the yolk will have the desired degree of readiness (solid, liquid, semi-liquid and moderately liquid);
  4. protein will not turn into rubber.

I can't believe that boiled eggs have special cooking methods. There are hundreds of them. Thanks to the article, you will learn how easy it is to cook soft-boiled eggs at the level of Italian chefs.

How to boil soft boiled eggs

There is no limit to perfection in the culinary art: boiling chicken eggs seems like the simplest thing, but we will understand every nuance: from the temperature of the water to the number of eggs in a certain size of saucepan. Is it possible to achieve the perfect result at home, and not just dip a few eggs in water and take them out ready, if you remember, of course.

So what is the right way to boil eggs? To understand, we will take fresh products. That is, a dozen lying around in the supermarket should be left where it lay. It is better to find the market closest to the house and buy all agricultural products there.

Million Tip:
To understand how correctly the expiration dates are, we use a method that has been proven for more than a dozen years. Put the eggs in the water. Fresh ones sink, and stale ones will either hang out or float up.

A nuance that helps to recognize the freshest, village egg, even a child can be fed without fear: the less time has passed since the egg was taken, the more difficult it is to clean it boiled.

Already stocked with dozens of eggs taken from a chicken and we go to the kitchen to test our own significance, as housewives? The first thing to do is wash the eggs. Always try to wash any food before cooking, and it’s even better to wash eggs before loading them into the refrigerator cells.

Prepare the eggs before boiling by taking them out of the fridge ahead of time. It would be better to use a product whose temperature is approximately equal to room temperature (18-20 degrees). If time is limited, you can speed up the "heating" process by soaking the eggs in warm, but not hot, water for a few minutes.

How long to boil soft-boiled eggs

To understand how much time you need to mark on the timer for cooking, it is more convenient to count the time from boiling. After all, the stoves can be different: someone uses gas, someone uses an electric stove, and someone has rather weak burners. That is, for specifics, it is better to ask yourself how much to boil soft-boiled eggs after boiling water:

  • you need 50% penetration, set the timer for 2 minutes from boiling;
  • for a denser protein, but 50% yolk density - 3 minutes;
  • for an ideal, structured and ready-made protein and 20-25% liquid yolk, we mark 4 minutes.

It is important to note here that eggs will be cooked faster on gas (60% of the amount of cooking time on the burner).

Egg boil time: table

It is visually impossible to understand whether the eggs are cooked. In connection with this fact, it is customary to boil eggs only in time: you want a liquid yolk, so it’s worth detecting 4-4.5 minutes from the moment of boiling (depending on which electric stove the hostess cooks on). A simple sign will tell you. It is useful to print it and leave it in a conspicuous place, especially if the eggs are often boiled by a child or a relative far from cooking.

gas cooking

Cooking any food on a gas stove is much faster than on an electric one. Soft-boiled testicles are no exception and the total amount of time should be reduced by 30 seconds. Cooking after boiling water should be no more than 2.5 minutes.

Cooking on an electric stove

Fry, boil and bake eggs using an electric stove should be according to the standard time (see the table just above). You can boil ordinary eggs until cooked in 3 minutes, and quail eggs in 1 after the water has boiled well. If you have doubts about your own skills, you can buy and use thermal stickers. This is a convenient and practical thing that will be a reliable assistant in the kitchen of an inexperienced cook.

Should eggs be boiled in cold or hot water?

Eggs are an unpretentious product. It does not matter whether they are immersed in boiling water or cold water, the main thing is not to create a contrast “from the refrigerator to boiling water”. It is also not important on what fire in terms of power to boil the product, the main thing is to match the minutes of cooking with the degree of desired readiness.

How to boil eggs so that they do not crack or burst

Having figured out how much to cook eggs after boiling, you need to learn how to avoid self-destruction of the dish during the cooking process. So that our future delicious testicles do not crack, you need to choose the right pan. If you need to boil 4 eggs, you need to take a small saucepan in which the product will boil evenly, not float, not hit the walls, and the bottom should be filled.

Add 1-2 teaspoons of salt to the water before cooking. Thanks to this little secret, the risk of cracking the shell will decrease. If the eggs do crack, then the protein will not leak out due to salt water.

Eggs can also burst due to temperature contrast. After removing a cold product from the refrigerator, do not throw them into already hot water. A professional chef knows that when you boil eggs under the shell, an air bubble will form on top. Therefore, you can pierce the blunt end with something sharp and thin enough.

As for the microwave oven, it is impossible to boil eggs in the shell without a special egg cooker. They simply explode, and lunch turns into a half-hour washing the walls of the microwave oven from the remains of the dish. For the microwave, you can use the following options:

  1. in a bag (poached egg in a simplified version);
  2. baked egg (cook no more than 60 seconds, otherwise the cooking stages will end with an explosion of the yolk);
  3. boil using a microwave egg cooker.

To prevent the egg from bursting in a special form, pierce it from the side of the blunt end as mentioned a little higher and reduce the power to medium.

How to boil eggs so that the yolk is hard

To make the yolk hard, you need to boil the eggs according to all the rules, but a few minutes longer:

  • 7 min - the yolk is semi-solid, loose;
  • 8-9 minutes - the yolk is hard;
  • 9-10 minutes - hard boiled egg.

Eggs can be thrown into both cold and hot water. It is important that there is no sharp contrast: hold them in warm water after the refrigerator if you plan to cook in boiling water.

All ways to boil soft-boiled eggs

The ways to prepare egg dishes are almost limitless. Each recipe can be modified, customized, simplified, or, conversely, complicated. Now we can safely compete with the pros of culinary art on the question of how and how long to boil soft-boiled eggs correctly, therefore, we go to the kitchen and consolidate the acquired skill with practice. Finally, we suggest trying a very cool, simple dish - a poached egg. For a detailed recipe, see the video:

Who among us has not eaten chicken eggs? There is hardly a family that would not have this wonderful product in the refrigerator! Plus, it's easy to cook. Enough to know how long to boil eggs after boiling water, and even a child will cook a soft-boiled or hard-boiled egg. At the same time, eggs are not only tasty, but also a healthy product containing 12 vitamins and an abundance of trace elements. They are quite easily digested, completely digested in 2 hours. However, eggs contain cholesterol, so don't get too carried away with them. You can eat no more than 3-5 eggs per week. But sometimes it is permissible to treat yourself and loved ones to a delicious delicacy, the main thing is to cook it correctly.

How long does it take to boil hard boiled eggs?

Boiling time for chicken eggs can be from 2 to 10 minutes from the moment the water boils, depending on how you want to cook them: hard-boiled, or in a bag, or maybe soft-boiled. endure right time very important when boiling eggs.

What happens if you overcook an egg? Firstly, the longer it was cooked, the more difficult it is to digest. And, secondly, eating eggs boiled for more than 20 minutes is not considered good for health at all, if not harmful.

But remember that chicken eggs can be contaminated salmonella! However, if you wash their surface and boil well before cooking, then the risk will be minimized.

It is important that fresh “own” or “homemade” eggs should be cooked longer than store-bought ones! The size of the eggs also affects the cooking time. All recipes and terms in the article are given for eggs of medium size (category I). If they are large (selected) - 1 minute should be added to the cooking time. If the eggs, on the contrary, are small (II category) - the cooking time will need to be reduced by 1 minute.

How many minutes to boil hard boiled eggs? If on the stove, then exactly 10 minutes after boiling water. Fresh homemade eggs need to be boiled hard boiled longer - 13 minutes.

Boiled eggs are a great addition to any meal!

If you use a slow cooker, then hard-boiled eggs are boiled in water 12 minutes, and for a couple or in a double boiler - as much as 18 minutes. In an egg cooker, chicken eggs are cooked for 7 minutes, in a pressure cooker - 5 minutes.

Eggs can not only be boiled, but also or baked in the oven in the form of an omelet. Mogul-mogul is also made from eggs, they are pickled, added to dough, cocktails and meatballs. Throw in egg pie, salads, and egg rice. The possibilities of what to cook from eggs are the sea, you just have to show your imagination! And that's not to mention the egg mask.

A hard-boiled chicken egg according to all the rules has a homogeneous protein and a uniformly yellow yolk. An overcooked egg will be tasteless, with a hard "rubber" white and a greenish yolk.

How many minutes to boil eggs in a bag?

Not everyone likes hard-boiled eggs, preferring undercooked eggs in a bag or soft-boiled. It's also very tasty! The main thing is to thoroughly wash the egg shells so as not to pick up salmonellosis!

By the way, it is better not to wash the eggs before storing them in the refrigerator. If you have thought about how long eggs are stored in the refrigerator, then they can be stored there for up to 3-4 months (at a temperature of 1-2 degrees). But washed eggs are not recommended to be stored for more than 1 month.

So, how long to boil eggs in a bag? If on the stove 5 minutes after boiling water. In the egg, which has become familiar to many, they are boiled in a bag for 7 minutes (hereinafter with the “Steaming” mode).

Calorie content of chicken eggs- 155-160 kcal / 100 g. If an egg has an average of 55 grams of weight, then the calorie content of a boiled egg will be 85-88 kcal for 1 pc.

A properly boiled egg in a bag will have a dense protein, but a runny yolk. The French do cook traditional poached eggs without a shell, pouring their contents into highly salted water.

How long should you boil soft-boiled eggs?

How long to boil soft-boiled eggs? If in a saucepan on the stove, then 4 minutes after boiling water, over low heat (otherwise they will burst). Soft-boiled eggs are cooked in a slow cooker 5 minutes.

Interestingly, the shade of an eggshell has nothing to do with taste. Brown and white chicken eggs taste indistinguishable.

A soft-boiled egg boiled 4 minutes after boiling will have a delicate protein and a semi-liquid yolk. If you boil an egg for 3 minutes, the protein will be soft and the yolk will be liquid. And with two minutes of cooking, a soft-boiled egg will have a semi-liquid protein and a completely liquid yolk.

Soft-boiled eggs are served in special cups-stands, so that they can be conveniently eaten with a spoon.

Soft-boiled eggs are served to the table in special coasters and warm. The top of the egg is cleaned from the shell and eaten with a spoon.

How to cook chicken eggs on the stove?

We told how much, but did not explain how to boil soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs on a gas or electric stove. In fact, the process of boiling chicken eggs on the stove is extremely simple:

  • We thoroughly wash the eggs under the tap to wash off pathogenic microbes from the surface of the shell. If the eggs have just been taken out of the refrigerator, it is advisable to let them warm up a little;
  • put them in a saucepan and fill with cold water, completely covering the eggs. It is better to take a small saucepan so that the eggs lie in it exactly at the bottom, and not “floop” hitting the walls;
  • add salt (for 5 eggs and 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of salt is enough). This is not necessary, but eggs will not crack with salt;
  • put the saucepan on medium heat and wait until the water boils;
  • cook for the set time (as written above, from 2 to 10 minutes);
  • carefully remove the finished eggs from boiling water (you can use an ordinary tablespoon), transfer to a bowl and pour cold water. This is necessary not only in order to cool them, but so that later boiled eggs are easier to clean;
  • after 2 minutes, take the eggs out of the heated water and dry with a napkin or towel.

That's all. Chicken eggs, as a dish, are ready! Now you can serve them to the table, or make a delicious salad out of them.

How to cook eggs in a slow cooker?

How to cook chicken eggs in a slow cooker? Still easier:

  • thoroughly wash the eggs;
  • put the eggs in a slow cooker and fill them with cold water on top so that it exceeds them by 1 cm. If you are going to steam, then the eggs will need to be placed in a special container;
  • select the cooking mode and set the timer (for example, when cooking in water, "Steam cooking" - 12 minutes);
  • we shift the boiled eggs into a deep plate and pour cool water for a couple of minutes;
  • take out and dry the eggs.

Please note that both in water and steamed eggs in a slow cooker are cooked in the same mode - “ Steam cooking". But in the first version, the eggs are poured with water directly into the multicooker containers, and in the second, they are placed in a special container. Don't forget about different cooking times!

Today you learned how and how much to boil chicken eggs. But don't limit yourself to them alone. After all, quail, ostrich, duck, goose, caesar and turkey eggs are no less (and sometimes more) delicious in taste and healthy. You will learn how to cook and cook them next time. Bon appetit!

We have other interesting articles too!

Hard-boiled eggs are one of the easiest ways to make a quick and tasty breakfast dish or to spice up a salad with a new ingredient. Even a teenager can easily learn how to boil soft-boiled eggs until fully cooked. An adult will also need knowledge of how to cook delicious quail or chicken products, and cook dishes from them.

How to hard boil quail eggs

Cooking quail eggs can last 2-3 minutes. But if you are interested in how long to cook hard-boiled quail eggs, then it will take up to 5 minutes after boiling. This time is enough for complete cooking without losing the main consumer properties of a valuable tasty product. The shell does not crack, even if cooked for more than 15 minutes, but the protein and yolk will become tasteless. Steep boiling water very quickly begins to coagulate the protein and yolk inside the boiled egg. How to cook - compare the degree of readiness of the yolk with a photo from the Internet.

How to boil hard boiled eggs in a pan

Cooking a typical chicken product starts with a few precautions. If you know how long to cook hard boiled eggs, use the cold water method. This will prevent the shell from breaking and preserve the integrity of the product. Early laying in cold water is recommended for cases where it is important to maintain the integrity of the form for use in festive dishes. A product bursting during cooking can become shapeless and partially tasteless, and in the photo it looks unaesthetic.

When laying in boiling salted water, it is easier for the hostess to detect the time. Remember that in boiling water, the chicken product does not cook as quickly as the quail. As a result, protein and yolk become suitable for cutting into salads and other dishes or consumed separately with the addition of salt and spices. Cooking to a solid state of the protein guarantees protection against salmonella. Heat treatment in boiling water is the best way to prepare a healthy dish and protect the whole family.

How to boil hard boiled eggs for easy peeling

Housewives who cook regularly know how to make hard-boiled eggs and peel them easily. The difficulty of cleaning is due to the fact that the film under the shell is poorly separated from the bulk of the protein. This effect is completely avoided by cooling the boiled product in cold running water or in a container. Carefully drain the water from the pan, then pour cold tap water over the eggs. 2-3 minutes of cooling is enough to easily separate the shell and film from the protein.

How many minutes to boil hard boiled eggs after boiling

The main task of the hostess is to detect how long to boil hard-boiled eggs. When laying in boiling water, the cooking time will be from 6 to 9 minutes from the moment of boiling over medium heat. Choose the time according to your experience, focusing on the hardness of the protein and yolk you need in finished form. A photo or video demonstrating readiness will help you gain the missing experience. Do not exceed the indicated cooking time - as soon as you cook, immediately lay out the product in any convenient dish.

Video: how to cook hard boiled eggs

How long after boiling boil soft-boiled eggs?

  1. 2 minutes
  2. One minute after boiling if - the temperature of the eggs is room temperature and they are immersed in boiling water.
  3. Important points when boiling eggs

    Just before cooking, be sure to wash the eggs in warm water to remove all impurities. It is impossible to wash eggs immediately after purchase, because this will break the protective layer of the shell and the eggs will quickly deteriorate.

    Eggs sent straight out of the refrigerator for simmering may crack, so allow them a few minutes to acclimatize or rinse with lukewarm water. Also, piercing the egg from the blunt side with a needle will help to avoid cracking the shell.

    The water in which you are going to boil the eggs can be slightly salted, which will increase the boiling point and prevent even cracked eggs from leaking out.

    In order not to fool yourself and not miss the readiness time, use a timer. With a significant excess of the boiling time, the protein becomes like rubber, and the yolk begins to darken and a greenish tint appears on its surface.

    Very fresh eggs (less than 4 days old) should be cooked 2-3 minutes longer.

    Ready eggs must be placed in a saucepan of cold water, which will greatly facilitate the cleaning process. Remember: the fresher the egg, the worse it will peel. Therefore, it is better to boil eggs, from the time of packaging of which at least five days have passed.

    How to boil hard boiled eggs

    Hard-boiled eggs have a firm white and yolk. They can be served both hot and cold. It is this type of boiled eggs that is used for making salads.

    Immerse the prepared eggs in boiling water so that the water completely covers them and cook for 8-10 minutes. Do not exceed the allotted time so that the eggs do not become too hard and tight.

    How to boil soft boiled eggs

    The protein of soft-boiled eggs does not harden, but only thickens, resembling a delicate white mass in consistency, while the yolk remains semi-liquid.

    Immerse the prepared eggs in boiling water and cook at a rapid boil for three minutes. It is important that after immersion, the boil is restored after about half a minute. To do this, for every 10 eggs we take at least three liters of water and cook at maximum heat. Otherwise, with a smaller volume of water and a slower recovery of the boil, the eggs should be kept longer.

    Ready eggs must be immediately placed in cold water for several minutes to stop the cooking process, or simply pour cold water over them if you plan to serve them immediately. Serve hot or cold on a special stand or plate.

    Boil eggs in a bag

    Eggs in a bag, unlike soft-boiled eggs, have a denser consistency of protein, which, after being shelled, is able to hold a semi-liquid yolk inside.

    We cook eggs in a bag in the shell in the same way as soft-boiled eggs, but we increase the total cooking time by 1-2 minutes, based on the size of the egg.

    After cooking, be sure to pour cold water over the eggs and serve in the same way as soft-boiled eggs.

    Cooking poached eggs

    Poached or poached eggs are eggs that have been poached without the shell. Eggs are flattened with a soft, creamy yolk and fairly dense, slightly rough white. For this method of cooking, only the freshest eggs are suitable, not older than 4 days! You can cook such eggs not only in water, but also in broth. Poached eggs are sprinkled with herbs, grated garlic and served with soups or as an independent dish.

    For 6 eggs: fill a deep saucepan or stewpan halfway with water, add 50 g of vinegar and 10 g of salt per liter of water, bring to a boil. Before sending into boiling water, fresh, well-chilled eggs are broken one by one into a plate, and then carefully poured into a saucepan with water. Cover with a lid and heat for about three minutes over low heat. It is extremely important that the boil be weak, otherwise it will destroy the protein.

    With the help of a slotted spoon, we take out the finished eggs, place them for a few seconds in lightly salted cold water and serve.

  4. after boiling water exactly 30 seconds. Count to 30 and off.
  5. 3 min
  6. How to cook:
    1. Put eggs in boiling water
    2. After boiling water again (eggs will cool boiling water!) Cook for 3 minutes.

    Recently, I suddenly remembered: after all, you can make not only scrambled eggs from eggs and cook them hard-boiled! There is one more recipe - soft-boiled eggs! It was a personal insight - I haven’t eaten soft-boiled eggs, probably since childhood.

    If soft-boiled eggs are not in your diet, be sure to supplement it with them: they are so easy to cook and so delicious, so, after all, ergonomically! Sprinkle with salt and pick with a spoon -) And after the end of the meal, a neat shell will remain! Tsok-tsok-)

  7. The soft-boiled egg is cooked for exactly 2.5 minutes.
  8. less than 6 minutes if you like a soft center 10 minutes in a steep one