Yuri Borisovets, deputy of the legislative assembly of the Perm region, general director of the Rial management company: “There is no such case in which I would not be successful. Borisovets Yuri Lvovich

Borisovets Yuri Lvovich, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation (2007-2011), General Director of ZAO Investment Management Company RIAL.

From 1981 to 1986 he studied at the Perm Polytechnic Institute, specializing in automobiles and automotive industry.
In 1997 - graduated from the correspondence postgraduate study at the St. Petersburg Forestry Academy, defended his thesis and received the degree of candidate of technical sciences.
Candidate of Science (Engineering).

Professional activity:
In 1986 he worked at the Perm experimental mechanical plant of the Permlestekhnika association as an assistant foreman of the experimental section of the assembly shop, then became a foreman of the same section.
1989 - Chief Mechanic of the Permlestekhnika plant.
In 1991 he was the chief engineer of the Permlestekhnika plant.
1992 - General Director of AOZT TEKTO.
In 1995 - President of the Russian Industrial Alliance Association.
In 2000 - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Chairman of the Public Council of the City Charitable Foundation.
In 2001, he was elected a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm region and headed the committee on regional policy.
In 2002 he was elected Chairman of the LC Committee on Regional Policy.
In 2006, he was elected as a deputy of the regional parliament and heads the committee on policy for the development of territories and public infrastructure.

2007 - 2011 - Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation.

From 2011 to the present - General Director of CJSC Investment Management Company RIAL.

From 2011 to the present - Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory, member of the Committee for Infrastructure Development.

From 15.08.2012 - Head of the "UNITED RUSSIA" faction in the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory.

He is married and has a son.

Income data:
Name of organization - source of payment of income, total income (rubles)
CJSC "TrustInKom-Group",
LLC "TrustInKom",
Association "RIAL",
CJSC "Management company" RIAL ",
CJSC Investment Management Company RIAL,
lease of property 2,139,901.0
Land plots (sq.m)
Perm Territory 1019
Residential buildings (sq.m)
Perm Territory 429.1
Apartments (sq.m)
Perm Territory 116.4 (cumulative)
Garages (sqm)
Perm Territory 24
Other real estate (sq.m)
3 non-residential premises Perm Territory 308.5 (1/8 share) 3.1 273.1
Vehicles (type, make, model, year of manufacture)
trailer MZSA-817711-8177-0000 (2004)
tIKI-TREILER-X300L trailer (1997)
snowmobiles, snowmobiles TETI PRO V-800 (2006)
T2 Snowmobile V-1000 (2004)
Yamarin 5220 (2001) (motorboat)
Funds on accounts with banks and other commercial organizations (name of organization, account balance (RUB)
Joint stock bank Ural FD 5519.06
Sberbank 6292536.14
NB Trust 6101.2
Shares and other participation in commercial organizations (name and organizational and legal form of the organization, number of shares, share of participation (%)
Green Duck Bear LLC, 15%
LLC "Intergaz-P", 24.5%
LLC "Gas station", 45%
LLC "TrustInKom", 99.55%
JSC "Khleb", 365820
LLC "Administrator", 55%
LLC "Savva", 50%
OJSC "Parus-plus", 88200
OJSC "Construction company" Austrom "1271881
CJSC "Business Center" Colosseum ", 550000
CJSC "Management company" RIAL ", 100
CJSC "TrustInKom-group", 100
LLC "Green Duck", 5%
LLC "Legal agency" Lex ", 33.3%
CEC data for 2007.

Perm is developing by leaps and bounds: the appearance of the city is changing, new houses, shopping centers, restaurants and coffee houses appear. The political life of the Kama region does not stand still, one of the first persons of which is Yuri Lvovich Borisovets - not only a politician, but also a prominent figure in the construction and restaurant business of the city.

General Director of the Management Company "Russian Industrial Alliance" ("RIAL"), deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory, head of the committee on policy for the development of territories and public infrastructure, Yuri Borisovets appeared before me as a serious, accomplished person in whom at the same time something slips perky, boyish. Most strikingly, he lacks the feigned pathos that is characteristic of people who have achieved success at his level.

Yuri Lvovich Borisovets was born on January 30, 1965 in the village of Kerchevo, Cherdyn District, Perm Region. In 1981 he graduated from the Perm school №84, entered the Perm Polytechnic Institute, specializing in "Automobiles and Automotive Industry". Five years later, he graduated with honors and qualified as a mechanical engineer.

In 1986 he started to work at the Perm experimental mechanical plant of the "Permremlestekhnika" association as an assistant foreman of the experimental section of the assembly shop. In 1990, at the age of 26, he became the chief engineer of the plant. In 1991 he created his own company, becoming the General Director of JSC "TEKTO".

Since 1995 he has been the CEO of the RIAL Management Company. The company has united a number of large industrial enterprises to solve general issues of management and investment, for the development of production and technical re-equipment.

In 1997 he graduated from the correspondence postgraduate study at the St. Petersburg Forestry Academy, defended his thesis and received the degree of candidate of technical sciences.

Since 2001 - deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region, since 2006 - deputy of the regional parliament, head of the committee on policy for the development of territories and public infrastructure.

- At the moment you are a member of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory and a member of the United Russia faction. Will you be included in the regional list for the upcoming elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation?

- I was originally on the regional list, but then mysteriously disappeared from there. However, I do not exclude possible participation in these elections, if the party deems it necessary.

- What is your main direction of activity at the moment as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the region?

- In general, I would not classify the deputies of the Legislative Assembly as politicians - deputy activities can be called more economic. Now, based on the goals and objectives of the territorial development committee, I am mainly engaged in the development of the territory of the region.

- Over the past month, a series of prosecutor's checks took place in the Kama region, criminal cases were opened against the ministers of the Perm Territory, there is constant talk about the resignation of the governor and Mr. Pokhmelkin's statements regarding new candidates for the post of head of the region. Can this be called election fraud?

- Everything can be viewed through the prism of the upcoming elections, but what it really is is difficult to say. As for Viktor Valerievich's statements, it is certainly important for him now to stay in the political process, not to disappear into oblivion. In my opinion, he should now perform as often as possible, and the sharper the better for him. Regarding the inspections of the prosecutor's office: I personally believe that they are based, first of all, on economic disputes.

- If, after all, Oleg Anatolyevich is removed, who do you think can become the new governor?

- Governors are the same officials, with a certain term of office, appointed from above, so someday we will undoubtedly have another governor. After Oleg Anatolyevich Nikolai Petrovich, after Nikolai Petrovich Igor Nikolaevich, and so on ... But, if we think from the point of view of common sense, no resignations should occur within a year, any changes can be expected only next summer. First, elections to the State Duma should be held, then presidential. After that, the new President of the country will begin to form his team, his own deputy corps. And only then, when he has dealt with all the affairs in Moscow, he will take care of the governors in the localities.

- At the moment, four programs are being implemented in the region aimed at improving the living conditions of citizens, obtaining apartments by means of a mortgage, but the latter still remains inaccessible to most residents of the region. How to deal with this?

- No way. Why fight it at all? There are the concepts of "affordable housing" and the program of the same name, but at the moment it is virtually impossible to say that they are performing their functions. There is a national project on housing, but not on affordable. The authorities and builders do not care about making housing really affordable - even the municipality, advocating affordable housing, is trying to sell land at a higher price. This way we will never reach the goal.

In addition, there are programs that are being implemented for part of the population. For example, a program for young families - we immediately said that it is not for everyone: there are a lot of young people, but a certain segment was singled out from it (for example, those who are under thirty, and even have a child).

The same mortgage, by and large, was not needed by anyone. And thank God that the category of people with income, who can use a mortgage, now have a real opportunity to participate in construction. Nobody even thought about it before. However, this is still only a very small part of the population.

- And does the RIAL company participate in housing construction?

We position ourselves in different ways, but every year we commission 30-35 thousand square meters of housing. In the structure of RIAL, the company "Austrom" is engaged in the construction of residential real estate, there is a company "FGC", and in the near future there will be a company "RIAL-Construction". This is our joint organization with a Turkish company. All these companies are engaged in different segments of real estate: "Austrom" - only housing, "FGC" - commercial real estate and large housing projects, "RIAL-Contraction" will deal with projects outside Perm.

- The construction of the Coliseum is going on very actively, and, as you know, this project will be implemented in four phases. Tell us more about it.

- The first stage of the Colosseum is already functioning, the second building was also recently commissioned, and the official opening will be soon. Between the first and the second there will be a third, also a shopping complex. Behind them will be the fourth building of the complex - a hotel and office. This will be a unique complex that will decorate our city, its buildings will be connected by air passages. Colosseum, by the way, is one of my favorite places in Perm.

- And besides him?

Legislative Assembly. And, although this may seem traditional, I like Komsomolsky Prospect. There is something so solid and fundamental in him.

- Among other things, you are a major figure in the restaurant business. How developed is it in Perm?

- At the moment it is at the stage of extensive development: there is quantity, but so far there is no transition to quality. I think it will soon be there - in about five years, but for now, local restaurants are, first of all, not a cuisine, but rather a hangout, glamor.

- you areA VIP in our city, and such persons are usually closed, do not like to comment on journalists. By contrast, your phone number is known to many media representatives. Do you treat us so well?

- As there are deputies who consider themselves politicians, so there are people who consider themselves to be VIP-persons. But, in fact, neither one nor the other are such a priori. I believe that we need to be simpler and treat people in the same way, including journalists. After all, we all worked for a socialist society fifteen years ago for a modest salary.

- In childhood, who did you want to become?

- As a child, I wanted to become a military man, but at VKIU ( ed. - Perm Higher Military Command and Engineering Red Banner School of Strategic Rocket Forces named after Marshal of the Soviet Union Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov) did not enter because of his age, he was very young, for which now fate and grateful.

- Who would you be if you did not become who you are at the moment?

- Anyone. I do not exclude that I could be a good doctor, for example. There is no industry in which I am not successful.

- Yuri Lvovich, you are a very busy person, but you still allocate time for rest. How do you like to relax? And what is your ideal vacation option?

Ideal rest - for me, definitely, outdoor activities: hunting, including underwater, fishing and the like. Stages of vigorous activity must necessarily be replaced by rest.

- Do you do sports?

Yes, of course - tennis, for example. If I didn’t go in for sports, the fitness club at the Coliseum would not exist.

- You have probably been to different cities. Probably, the difference between Perm and them is immediately apparent? What is it?

Probably, other cities differ from Perm in spirit. In terms of the rhythm of life, by the way, Perm qualitatively differs from many cities in Russia for the better - the city has some kind of slowness, fundamentalness. Unlike, for example, from Moscow - if you do not have two suitcases in your hands, then it is not clear what you are doing there at all. The same is with Yekaterinburg. Moscow - Yekaterinburg: it was the Yekaterininskaya road, and the cities remained similar. And Perm is, rather, St. Petersburg: during the war, not only industry was evacuated here, but also the intelligentsia, part of which settled here. Meanwhile, Perm is still more of an industrial city, and this predetermines its development. Development requires a lot of work - first of all, the administration. The city must be dealt with, and then in five years it will be an ideal place to live. In the meantime, Perm is a good city, I like it, but it is not suitable for living.

- If you compare our city with Europe?

- To be honest, I don't really like Europe. You can go there to relax, but after seven days you no longer understand what you are doing here and why you came.

- And what, in general, is your favorite city?

- St. Petersburg. I go there from time to time.

- Your idol. Does he exist at all?

There is no such.

- Tell about your family. Do you want your kids to follow in your footsteps?

I have a wife and a son. Let my son follow in my footsteps, but the feet will certainly be different. Now life is changing very quickly, and I can't even imagine what humanity will come to when my son grows up, what values \u200b\u200bwill be in society.

- What is the symbol of the family hearth for you?

- Difficult question. Actually, I am not a home person, I only come home to sleep.

- Do you consider yourself a rich man?

Yes, because for me money is not a matter of food for a long time - it's a matter of business. It is often in business that money is needed.

- Can you call yourself a fashionable person?

- Of course, I am a secular person, I am in society, I go to parties, I respect cigars, restaurants.

Elected from single-mandate constituency number 11

In 1981, Yuri Borisovets, after graduating from the Perm School No. 84, entered the Perm Polytechnic Institute, specializing in "Automobiles and Automotive Industry", and in 1986 he graduated with honors, receiving the qualification of a mechanical engineer.

In 1986, he began work at the Perm experimental mechanical plant of the Permlestekhnika association as an assistant foreman of the experimental section of the assembly shop, then became a foreman of the same section.

In 1989 he was appointed chief mechanic of the plant.

In 1991, at the age of 26, Yu. L. Borisovets became the chief engineer of the plant.

In 1992, he created his own company, becoming the general director of AOZT TEKTO.

By this time, he took place as a serious production organizer, head.

Since 1995 Borisovets has been the President of the Russian Industrial Alliance Association. The Association has brought together a number of large industrial enterprises to solve general issues of management and investment, for the development of production and technical re-equipment.

In 1997 - graduated from the correspondence postgraduate study at the St. Petersburg Forestry Academy, defended his thesis and received the degree of candidate of technical sciences.

In 2001, he was elected a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm region and headed the committee on regional policy.

In 2006, he was elected as a deputy of the regional parliament and heads the committee on policy for the development of territories and public infrastructure.

in 2007-2011 - deputy of the State Duma, since 2011 - deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory, head of the United Russia faction.

He is married and has a son.

Member of the United Russia faction.

Member of the permanent working group to consider issues of legal regulation of the organization of local self-government in the course of the reform of local self-government.

Publications with mention on fedpress.ru

PERM, September 12, RIA FederalPress. The Arbitration Court of the Perm Territory satisfied the claim of the FSUE Machine-Building Plant named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky "about the return earlier ...

PERM, October 24, RIA FederalPress. At a plenary session of the Legislative Assembly held on Thursday, the deputies considered the sensational bills on the abolition of tax benefits for ...

PERM, November 13, RIA FederalPress. The bill on the abolition of tax benefits, adopted by the regional legislative assembly in the first reading in October, was decided to be finalized next year, ...

PERM, November 19, RIA FederalPress. At a meeting of the Legislative Assembly Committee on Economic Policy and Taxes, the government presented a new version of the tax law, ...

PERM, December 2, RIA FederalPress. Perm plant named after Dzerzhinsky intends to send bailiffs writ of execution on the forced return to the enterprise ...

PERM, December 18, RIA FederalPress. In Perm, at a regular meeting of the club of deputies, designers Daina Casson and Gary Shelley from the design bureau Casson Mann Designers ...

PERM, April 16, RIA FederalPress. At the plenary session of the regional legislative assembly taking place in Perm, the deputies did not support the government's proposal to revise the list ...

PERM, April 16, RIA FederalPress. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory adopted in the first reading amendments to the budget, implying a serious reduction ...

PERM, May 21, RIA FederalPress. The deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory supported the government and approved in the second reading the reduction of the regional budget by ...

PERM, June 2, RIA FederalPress. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory reported on income and property for 2014. Most of the legislators earned ...

In 2016, Yuri Borisovets declared an income of 69.2 million rubles. The declaration lists the ownership: two apartments of 130 and 64 sq. M, 11 non-residential buildings and shares in them, more than 30 land plots with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 90 thousand sq. M, three caravans, a motor boat, and a snowmobile. The income of his wife Tatyana Borisovets amounted to almost 594 thousand rubles, she also owns an apartment of 116 square meters, shares in non-residential premises and a Lexus-RX-270 car.

In terms of personal declared income, Yuri Borisovets is one of the five richest deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory. The businessman owns assets in the chemical industry, construction and development, and the food industry. According to a rough estimate of the site, the total turnover of its companies in 2016 (before the sale of the First Bread software) was approximately 3.5-4 billion rubles.

Timber rafting

Yuri Borisovets was born in 1965 in the village of Kerchevsky, Cherdyn district, Perm region (56 km from Solikamsk, 250 km from Perm). In Soviet times, it was the largest mechanized log raid in Europe, part of the Kamlesplav timber floating trust, which he was appointed to lead in 1979 Lev Borisovets, father of Yuri Borisovets. After the appointment, he moved the family to Perm.

In Perm, Yuri Borisovets graduated from school №84. After an unsuccessful attempt to enter the PVKIU (according to him, he wanted to be a military man), he entered the Perm Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Automobiles and Automotive Industry. In 1986, he graduated with honors from the university, received the qualification of a mechanical engineer, after assignment he got a job as an assistant foreman at the Permremlestekhnika plant, which was part of the Kamlesosplav system. At 23, he became chief mechanic, and at 26, chief engineer of the plant.

In 1997, Yuri Borisovets graduated from the correspondence postgraduate study of the St. Petersburg Forestry Academy, defended his thesis on "raft rafting" and received the degree of candidate of technical sciences.

Yuri Borisovets does not consider himself either a “Komsomol member” or an “athlete” who came to power and business in the 1990s. He describes his development as a businessman and politician as follows: “ Am I a businessman of the so-called Komsomol wave? Let's see how this first wave came about. The CPSU and the Komsomol are over. The Komsomol members who worked on a freed basis remained out of business. it Yuri Trutnev and his galaxy. They had nothing to lose, so they plunged headlong into the cooperative movement that was the harbinger of today's business.

And I worked at the factory for two more years. He was engaged in his career growth, wrote a dissertation. So I consider myself to be in the second wave, when the management of factories went into business after the Komsomol members."(From an interview with Zvezda, 2005).

Rifkat Ibragimov's partner

In 1991, Yuri Borisovets organized AOZT "TEKTO", becoming its general director. The abbreviation stands for "technology, economics, creativity." The controlling stake in TEKTO at that time belonged to an authoritative businessman from Perm Rifkat Ibragimov.

Since 1992, Yuri Borisovets has been actively involved in privatization: first, small trading enterprises (Surprise cafe, Grif store), then industrial (Permremlestekhnika, an experimental mechanical plant, hereinafter PEMZ OJSC). PEMZ was registered in 1993, its founders were the Borisovets company "TEKTO" - 29%, Yuri Borisovets himself - 20% and the workforce - 51%). Together with his father, Yuri Borisovets is engaged in the privatization of timber industry enterprises.

In 1994 the Uralintersvyaz company appeared (founders of TEKTO and Noosphere). Noosphere belonged to an entrepreneur Valery Zakoptelov, who became a partner of Borisovets in many projects.

Valery Zakoptelov is the founder and head of the Noosphere research and production company. He was the CEO of the Russian Soda Company and the director and founder of 22 more legal entities. Lives in Moscow. According to kartoteka.ru, today he is the founder and head of six enterprises and organizations, including the Russian Soda Trading House. In 2008, businessmen parted ways and assets were divided.

In 1997, the newspaper "Zvezda" published an article "Your own dragon is better than someone else's" ("Zvezda" 12/04/1997), which quoted a certificate from an FSB officer - in it, Yuri Borisovets and Valery Zakoptelov were associated with reputable businessmen Vladimir Plotnikov and Rifkat Ibragimov.

Later Borisovets himself commented on this information in an interview with Zvezda: “ Of course, we took part in the privatization of enterprises and the purchase of shares. And they acted quite actively. And why we got into the FSB reports is also completely clear to me.

This was due to the Ordzhonikidze plant, which today is called "Kamteks". When this enterprise was privatized, we bought twenty percent of the shares. Came to Valentin Zenkovich, then director, with an offer of cooperation. Since we became major shareholders of the plant, they demanded that we be included in the board of directors so that we could participate in the strategic management of this business. He answered us with a categorical refusal and threw us out the door, which was his big mistake. Because after a while we had 51 percent of the shares in our hands<...>

At that time we were from a different generation, a stranger. We were opposed by the administrative and legal diaspora, which at that time personified the power of the city of Perm. There was a director Valentin Zenkovichassisted by the head of the city ATC Nail Salakhov and the head of the city Vladimir Fil... Their attitude towards us was primitive: where did they come from and what do they want here ?! Where did they get their money ?!
I will note that there has never been anything close to crime in my life. I have never done this and will not do it. I'm not interested in this

The emergence of the company RIAL

On the basis of the enterprises owned and controlled by Borisovts and Zakoptelov, RIAL (Russian Industrial Alliance) is being created. In 1995, Yuri Borisovets became president of the Russian Industrial Alliance (RIAL).

In 1996 RIAL became the Ural branch of the RUSKHIM financial and industrial group. At the presentation of the Ural branch of Ruskhim and RIAL Borisovets and Zakoptelov said that about two dozen enterprises of the timber and chemical industries would be admitted to RIAL.

In 1998, all enterprises controlled by Borisovets-Zakoptelov could be divided into five conditional groups: 1. management group (RIAL, Tekto, Noosphere) 2. credit and financial institutions (Capital-Invest, Real- invest ") 3. group of trade enterprises (TD" Soda ", shops" Dolina "," Grif ", cafe" Suprise ") 4. group of industrial enterprises (" Kamteks "," Soda "," PEMZ "," Stekloton ", "Erson"). 5. group of scientific and industrial enterprises ("STEMP", Leten ").

"Soda" and "Kamtex"

40% of the authorized capital of Soda JSC was purchased from Bank Menatep by RIAL for 2 billion rubles. A loan was obtained from Ecoprombank for the purchase of Soda, and funds were issued against the bank's promissory notes from Soda to pay off tax and other fiscal debts. One billion went to the Gubakhinsky Coke Plant to pay off Soda's debt. The second billion was deposited with Permkombank for the Soda investment program.

In 1999 JSC Soda split into two JSCs - JSC Soda, a company with debts, and JSC Bereznikovsky Soda Plant (BSZ), an enterprise with assets. The bankruptcy manager of Soda JSC was Alexander Nudelman, who was involved in the bankruptcy of Musulmanbank JSCB (controlled by Rifkat Ibragimov).

Several enterprises have emerged on the basis of Soda JSC, of \u200b\u200bwhich only LLC "Soda-chlorate" and the Bereznikovsky Soda Plant, which is currently 99.9% owned by the Bashkir Soda Company. One hundred percent founder of "Soda-Chlorat" - LLC "Cargo" (director and co-founder of LLC "Cargo" - Marina Medvedeva, top manager and co-founder of a number of companies of Yuri Borisovets).

Establishing control over the Kamteks JSC plant was the first large and successful operation of the Borisovets-Zakoptelov tandem. Valery Zakoptelov by that time was the founder of several commercial enterprises, including research and production.

JSC "Kamteks" was established in 1992 on the basis of the Perm Chemical Plant. S. Ordzhonikidze, produced chemical products for industrial and technical purposes. In 1994 Borisovets and Zakoptelov bought out a controlling stake in the enterprise with the support of a businessman Vladimir Nelyubin and a loan from Ecoprombank.

Later the company was transformed into OJSC "Kamteks-Khimprom", one of the shareholders became Vladislav Shinkevich, his company Remikon LLC owns 33 percent of Kamtex shares. There is no information that Borisovets and Zakoptelov have sold shares in Kamtex-Khimprom. Among the founders of the enterprise, according to kartoteka.ru, today are: "Rosplast", "Remikon", three citizens of Russia and another 20% belongs to "other issuers".

Interros - ONEKSIMbank - RIAL

In 1997 JSC "Perm Motors" was created by Interros, a holding Vladimir Potanin, based on a machine-building enterprise JSC "Perm Motor Plant" (PMZ) and KB Aviadvigatel. More than 50% of Perm Motors' shares belonged to the holding structures, 20% - to the state, 25% - to the American company Pratt & Whitney.

In 1998, another structure of Vladimir Potanin appeared in Perm. A branch of the Moscow ONEKSIMbank ("United Export-Import Bank"), from which Vladimir Potanin and Mikhail Prokhorov started their business, is located in the building of the RIAL Association.
Vladimir Potanin continued to strengthen his position in Perm, in 2000 Perm State University was included in the list of ten universities selected to participate in the Potanin Foundation scholarship program.

In 2003, the Novogor-Prikamye company was created, to which the water supply and sewerage networks of Perm were transferred for a long-term lease. The agreement was signed by Vladimir Potanin, President of the Interros holding, and Yuri Trutnev, Governor of the Perm Region.

Yuri Trutnev

So Yuri Borisovets is associated with Yuri Trutnev, among other things, because they contributed to the appearance of Vladimir Potanin's structures in Perm.

In an interview with Zvezda, Yuri Borisovets spoke about his relationship with Yuri Trutnev and his assistance to Trutnev in the governor's elections: “ I helped Yuri Petrovich because we have friendly relations. I am impressed by people who are not changed by the amount of money in their pockets or the height of the chair they occupy. Trutnev is just that! Status, of course, imposes a certain stamp, but his life principles remain unchanged.

Of course, the risks in elections are always high. If I then became the governor Gennady Igumnov, it is possible that the issue with our business would not have been at all. He would simply be gone over time. This is perfectly understandable. But I can take risks. And I don't expect a political "protege" from the authorities, including Trutnev. And I think it is not entirely correct to receive some kind of dividends here. Business-friendly should be under any leadership.

The governor, the mayor must build relations with the elites in such a way that business does not leave us. Business should be comfortable. In order not to interfere and provide assistance in the implementation of global projects. We must not scare investors, but run after them, lure».


According to Kommersant-Prikamye, the initiator of the Velta plant was the governor of the Perm region, Yuri Trutnev. Arbitration manager was appointed Maria Leonhardt, considered a person of the "group of Yuri Borisovets". Prior to Velta, Ms. Leonhard was the bankruptcy trustee at Soda JSC in Berezniki.

OJSC Velta was liquidated as a legal entity in 2006. In the same year, the structure of Yuri Borisovets (company LLC "Center-Stroy") bought a plot on st. Serpukhovskoy, 6 (across the street from the plant).

In 1999, by a resolution of the Perm administration, this site was transferred to Velta OJSC on the right of permanent (unlimited) use for a club building and a mini-market (the total area of \u200b\u200bthe site is 6.7 thousand square meters).

In 2000, between OJSC Velta and LLC Kvinto (the company was registered in 1992 belongs to Vyacheslav Zubkovand Sergey Musorov) a lease agreement was concluded for a land plot with an area of \u200b\u200b1.7 thousand sq. m, located at the address: Perm, st. Serpukhovskaya, 6.
In 2006, by its order, the Department of Property Relations of the Perm Region provided the same land plot to LLC Onyx (the former co-founder of IC Austrom), and LLC Kvinto refused to lease. The company "Quinto" was suing, but lost the court.
« Liquidation of a legal entity entails its termination without transfer of rights and obligations by way of succession to other persons, - appears in the court decision. - Transfer of rights and obligations under the terminated lease is not possible».

The director of Center-Stroy is Marina Medvedeva, financial director and co-founder in many companies of Yuri Borisovets. The construction of a ten-story residential building on the Center-Stroy site (“a house with a cat” at the Velta bus stop) was carried out by another company related to Yuri Borisovets, RIAL-UPR LLC.


The construction of the Rodina cinema and concert hall was frozen in 1987, the unfinished project was popularly called the Colosseum and became a haven for drug addicts and homeless people. And in 1992 the object was sold at auction to the owner of the company "Lot" Mikhail Ryabchikov for 170 million rubles. His plans for the reconstruction of the building were not destined to come true - in 1997 a businessman was shot dead in a parking lot on the street. Plekhanov.

In open sources there is no information, how and for how much, but in 1999 the owner of the object was the firm "Austrom" Yuri Borisovets. In 2003, construction of a shopping and entertainment center began, and in 2005 it was completed.

Initially, it was planned to build four stages (the third stage between the existing two colosseums, and the fourth behind the Colosseum-Cinema), between them air glass passages were to appear. As Yuri Borisovets and Marina Medvedeva later explained, the crisis intervened in the plans of the developers.

The construction of the second stage was augmented by the noisy case of the demolition of a valuable 19th century environmental object, the house of a Perm merchant Nikolai Andrianovich Tonchenko(Bolshevistskaya street, 110).

According to the media and the regional center for the protection of monuments, the construction firm “B.S. T. " (according to some sources, the abbreviation stands for "Borisovets-Sukharev-Trutnev") the demolition of the archpriest's estate is listed Dobronravova (street Gazeta "Zvezda", 25), houses of the last mayor Ryabininon the street Soviet, 47.

In 2001, the B.S. T ”acquired from the Perm administration the building of the Izhevsk brewery located on the street. Sibirskaya, 35. The building of the escort team (Krasnova, 14) "B.S. T. " bought out at auction in 2004 for 21.5 million rubles, now there is a shopping center "Gallery". The shopping center is managed by the company "Trumens Group", the founders and CEO Elena Denisova.

In 2015, JSC “B.S. T ”was reorganized into LLC“ BT15 ”, in 2016 the company“ BT15 ”was declared bankrupt. In 2017, the building of the Izhevsk Brewery was purchased by JSC Permglavsnab for 45 million rubles at the auction, which took place on the electronic site of the Russian Auction House.

Green Plaza

According to the sources of the site, the site on the street. Kuibyshev, 95 and the structures on it (old tennis courts, premises) were given to the structures of Yuri Borisovets for the development of sports infrastructure. As a result, in 2001 the sports and entertainment complex "Zvezda" (including the Green Duck restaurant, bowling, gym and courts) appeared.

In 2007, Yuri Borisovets announced that it was planned to build a high-rise administrative building with a total area of \u200b\u200b46 thousand square meters on the site of "Zvezda". The total cost of the project was estimated at $ 60 million. The first floor was supposed to house a fitness club with a swimming pool, tennis courts were liquidated.

The construction of Green Plaza was originally a joint project of the companies of Yuri Borisovets and a Turkish company CJSC "Renaissance Construction"... The Permians bought their share from the Turks.
Construction was suspended due to public discontent.

In 2009, the Perm prosecutor's office revealed gross violations of town-planning regulations during the construction of Perm-Construction of the 20-storey shopping and office center Green Plaza. The building entailed a distortion of the perception of the cultural heritage object "Palace of Culture. Sverdlov ".

The new building, according to the supervisory authority, rises above the roof of the palace, violates the unique view of the building and the surrounding area. The building permit was issued despite the negative opinion of the regional center for the protection of monuments.

In 2010, Perm-Construction opened a credit line in Sberbank for the construction of a complex of multifunctional public buildings Green Plaza (Kuibysheva st., 95 b).
The Perm Regional Center for the Protection of Monuments did not approve the construction of a 20-storey shopping and office complex, but the Department of Planning and Territory Development issued a construction permit. LLC "Perm-Construction" through the court, it was possible to abolish the boundaries of the protection zones of monuments in Perm, under which the land plot with the business center fell.


Yuri Borisovets entered the Perm bread market in 2004 under the mayor Arcadia Kamenev... By the time he rented bakery №1 from the municipality, he already owned JSC "Khleb", which included the capacities of the former fourth and ninth Perm bakeries.

In 2006 it was established JSC "First Bread" to manage the group's assets in this area. The main competitor of "First Bread" - OJSC "Pokrovsky Bread" RIAL also had a 12.5 percent stake. Yuri Borisovets parted with this asset in 2011, sold it Alexey Surulev, owner OJSC "Pokrovsky Bread".

In 2017, according to Kommersant-Prikamye, Pervy Khleb refused to lease the municipal bakery No. 1, although the contract provided for a period until 2019. At the beginning of 2018, Yuri Borisovets completely sold the First Bread company to Alexei Surulev.

Yuri Borisovets has LLC "Khlebny house", a wholesale company for the sale of bread and bakery products, revenue in 2016 11.6 million rubles.

Hippodrome and stud farm

In 1998, the Perm hippodrome was transferred from federal to regional ownership, and in 2002 it was incorporated. In 2003, 74.9 percent of the shares were acquired by the capital-based company Unistate. And in 2005 the regional block of shares (25 percent) was acquired by the group of companies "EKS" of the former governor Oleg Chirkunov.

In 2005, Yuri Borisovets and Alexander Fleginsky purchased shares of the racetrack from Unistate and EKS for 90 million rubles.

In 2006, the co-owners of the racetrack sold the asset to the Macromir company (St. Petersburg) for $ 128 million.

Makromir planned to build up the site with housing, but the project was frozen. In 2009, the former CEO of Macromir Igor Shablovsky died suddenly on the train en route from St. Petersburg to Nizhny Novgorod, heart attack at the age of 37. Bankruptcy proceedings were launched at the racetrack.

The territory was resold, and in 2011 the asset went to La Terra LLC (affiliated with Roseurodevelopment) for 1.3 billion rubles, in 2017 a Leroy Merlin shopping center was built on part of the land.

In 2005, a bankruptcy procedure was introduced at the Perm breeding stud farm No. 9, but in June 2007 it was terminated, since a certain Moscow company repaid the entire payables of the stud farm in the amount of 41.3 million rubles LLC "Avtoresurs"... The debt to Avtoresurs was paid by the structures of the RIAL group of Yuri Borisovets, thus excluding Avtoresurs from the struggle for property.

In 2009, the bankruptcy procedure was resumed at the suit of the construction company "Transstroy". Maria Leonhardt was appointed as the liquidator. In 2010 JSC "Perm pedigree stud farm No. 9" was sold at auction to the enterprise LLC "Selhoztsentr" for 137.5 million rubles. The company "Selkhoztsentr" is registered at 38 Lenin, and 60 percent belongs to the structures of Yuri Borisovets.

4.5 thousand hectares of land of the stud farm were divided and sold, the new owners were both construction companies and private individuals.

Verkhnyaya Kurya

In 2011, residents of the Verkhnyaya Kurya microdistrict protest against the illegal sale of a plot of urban forests at ul. Lenskaya, 7, ended with shooting. The fire was opened by employees of the private security company "Alpha" hired by the firm "StreetStroy", affiliated with Yuri Borisovets. Later on merging LLC "StreetStroy" and LLC "Colosseum-Consult" educated (owner Arthur Vasiliev).

The residents of Verkhnyaya Kurya were outraged by the fact that a significant plot of pine forest with a glade with a total area of \u200b\u200b23 thousand square meters, where they rested, was resold to OOO Istochny. The story in 2013 ended with the victory of the local residents. The Perm Mayor's Office bought the infamous forest area from the owner.


Plant them. Dzerzhinsky, unlike Velta and other enterprises, is still working. The history of his bankruptcy lasts more than 12 years.

An active sale of ZiD property as part of bankruptcy took place in 2007-2008. Then the creditors' committee ZiD controlled Gran LLC, an affiliate of Yuri Borisovets, and in fact was managed by the team of the executive director of the plant Denis Bronnikov, Borisovets' companion. Among other property, the Dzerzhinets stadium was sold to RIAL in 2007 for 24.1 million rubles. Resold by KD Group OJSC in 2012.

As a result of the implementation of a complex scheme, a group of persons, practically without costs, or with minimal costs, turned into their ownership a significant part of the plant's assets, including production site No. 5, subsequently the plant sued and returned it back.

In 2012, searches were carried out in the offices of RIAL, Inkom-Invest, which is co-owned Vladislav Shinkevich and at Denis Bronnikov... A criminal case has been initiated on the theft of plant property in the amount of over 1 billion rubles. Suspects: Vladislav Shinkevich, Denis Bronnikov, Evgeny Lysov(bankruptcy commissioner) and Arthur Vasiliev (owner LLC "Universal Service Company", mentioned above). In December 2017, the Dzerzhinsky District Court of Perm returned the case for further investigation to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Perm Territory.

Assets to date

According to kartoteka.ru, Yuri Borisovets is the founder and / or head of 19 organizations.

The companies whose names include the name of the holding are RIAL: Real-Finance, Real-Audit, Real-Consult. Almost all of them are registered at st. Lenin, 60.

Investment and management company "RIAL", the CEO of which is Yuri Borisovets, in 2016 registered 0 rubles in revenue.

LLC UK RIAL, founded by Marina Medvedeva and the firms Real-Finance, Trastinkom, was established in 2014. In 2016, the company's revenue amounted to 10.1 million rubles.

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1. Factories

LLC "Mining and Chemical Company" is the founder of BTS Trust LLC, is engaged in the extraction and primary processing of limestone and gypsum stone, located in Berezniki, at Churtanskoe shosse, 3, revenue for 2016 amounted to 142 million rubles, profit 21.2 million rubles. Yuri Borisovets sold this asset Vladimir Matytsin. Assignee of the Gorkhim company - LLC "Nadezhdinskoe", one of the largest producers of trachybasalt crushed stone in the Perm Territory, the company's revenue for 2016 - 488 million rubles.

The revenue of the Soda-Chlorate enterprise in 2016 amounted to 2.4 billion rubles. The plant belongs to LLC "Cargo", whose members Marina Medvedeva and Gennady Shutikov.In 2018, Borisovets announced the upcoming mass reductions in LLC "Soda-chlorate", it is assumed that almost half of the workers will be laid off, about 700 people out of 1.5 thousand.

The Bereznikovsky Soda Plant, despite the fact that 99 percent belongs to the Bashkir Soda Company, is a member of the RIAL association, whose president is Ilya Barshevsky. Revenue for 2016 amounted to 5.6 billion rubles.

A similar situation with OJSC "Kamteks-Khimprom" - As mentioned above, there is no information that Borisovets and Zakoptelov sold shares in Kamtex-Khimprom and left the number of co-owners. The plant's revenue in 2016 amounted to 1.2 billion rubles, the company managed to pay off serious debts and increase production volumes, the profit for 2016 was 60.4 million rubles.

2. Construction and development

JSC "Construction company" Austrom " was registered in 2002, the owners were the structures of Yuri Borisovets and Valery Zakoptelov. The legal entity has been reorganized several times. The developer himself says this about himself: “ Its history "Austrom" dates back to April 1956, when by order of the director of the Perm plant. Ya.M. Sverdlov, a construction and assembly workshop No. 69 was created for capital construction of housing and plant infrastructure. More than 50 years have passed since then, transformations have taken place, the names have changed several times, but one thing has remained unchanged - the main activity».

The General Director of SK "Austrom" is Marina Drozdova. 50% of shares of IC "Austrom" belong to Yuri Borisovets and the company "First Bread", another 50% belongs to LLC "Business-Contact"close to the ex-governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh.

At the end of 2016, the company's revenue was 0 rubles, net profit was 436 thousand rubles. The developer has built residential complexes on the street. Architect Sviyazev in the Industrial District, in the Sadovy-IV microdistrict, 9 residential buildings with built-in and attached premises. The construction of the residential quarter of the Gromovsky microdistrict in the Sverdlovsk region is underway.

Yuri Borisovets' existing business connections, infographics kartoteka.ru

In 2017, "Austrom" received from "Kamskaya Dolina" construction sites on the street. Reshetnikov, 17, 19, and Leonova, 45B (there is a building permit). The companies affiliated with Borisovets had mortgaged apartments in the Vesna residential complex for 200 million rubles, since the structures of Borisovets own a land plot under the residential complex. The apartments were returned in exchange for two completed construction sites. Construction on Reshetnikov and Leonov streets will be carried out by SK Kvadrat LLC (founders - SK Austrom and Boris Nikolaev).

IC "Austrom" is the founder of the non-profit association "Perm Fund for Assistance to HOA", a number of HOA, LLC "Austrom". The chairman of the board of the HOA Gazeta Zvezda, 58 was Tatiana Borisovets, among the founders Svetlana Zakoptelova, Artur Vasiliev, Andrey Shurygin, founder of the cooperative "U Lukomorya" (chairman of the board of the cooperative Oleg Syuzev, top manager and business partner of the speaker of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory Valeria Sukhikh).

99% owned by Yuri Borisovets LLC "PGS" (PermGradStroy), as well as the head offices of IC "Avstrom", "First Bread" are located in a 10-storey building at st. Kuibysheva, 101. The Financial Support Center of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Perm Territory is also located here. The enterprise "PGS" is engaged in real estate transactions, is the founder of five companies: "Horse-breeding plant No. 9", "MegaStroyproekt", IUK "Real", "Zhelezobeton", brick factory "Russian field" (KZRP). Proceeds of "PGS" in 2016 - 3 million rubles.

3. Commercial real estate

Borisovets is the general director and founder of TrustInKom-Group, a company engaged in the purchase and sale of real estate. The company is the founder of a number of firms, including LLC "Realt", which bought the assets of the Plant im. Dzerzhinsky. The authorized capital of TrustInKom-Group is 10 thousand rubles, revenue for 2016 is 24.6 million rubles.
"TrustIncom-Group" is the founder of four companies "Center for Technical Diagnostics and Expertise" (revenue for 2016 3.2 million rubles), the company is in the process of liquidation, "BTS Trust", revenue for 2016 0 rubles, the company is preparing construction sites , "Realt" (in the process of liquidation), LLC "Khlebny house"... BTS Trust is the founder of the following companies: LLC KVART (revenue in 2016 0 rubles), SelkhozCentre (revenue 4.1 million rubles), Mining and Chemical Company and AgroPlus.

The businessman owns a number of the largest shopping and business centers in Perm and the region: Greenplaza, two stages of Coliseum, Lyubimov, Domino shopping center and Orange Mall in Berezniki.
LLC "Business Center" Colosseum " in 2016 registered revenue of 0.5 billion rubles. CEO and Co-Founder - Marina Medvedeva... The total area of \u200b\u200bshopping centers is more than 134 thousand sq. M. Some of the premises in the shopping center have been completed, some are leased by the structures of a businessman.

The businessman also owns premises in the building of Heroes of Hasan, 7a and other commercial real estate objects. Commercial real estate is also handled by IUK Real LLC, where Yuriy Borisovets is the CEO and founder. The company's revenue for 2016 is 0 rubles.

4. Land and agricultural assets

100% owned by the deputy LLC "PSU" (Perm Construction Department) is the founder of LLC "Permkhleb" and LLC "AgroPlus". AgroPlus is one of the agricultural assets of Yuri Borisovets, registered at st. Kuibyshev, 85, the company is engaged in the cultivation of vegetables, revenue for 2016 - 2.3 million rubles, profit - 4.5 million rubles.

Another agricultural asset, IntellectAgro (co-owner Alexei Yuzhakov) has two greenhouses: in the village of Ustinovo, Perm region, in the village of Pakli, Osinsky region. They produce vegetables and grow roses (brand Freska Roza).

5. Catering

Among the assets of Yuri Borisovets there have always been catering enterprises, cafes restaurants.
LLC Lyubimov belongs to Yuri Borisovets and Oksana Polyakova, operates restaurants and food delivery services. Oksana Polyakova is the wife of the Perm restaurateur Oleg Polyakov, director and co-founder of Khutorok LLC (manages a chain of cafes and restaurants).

Yuri Borisovets is also directly related to another restaurant business, a large network of fast food Skovorodka and Gvozd bars, owns 50% of Green Duck LLC along with a businessman Maxim Maksimovich, the company's revenue for 2016 is 21.9 million rubles. The trade mark "Nail" is registered on LLC "Green Duck Bir", which belongs to Yuri Borisovets and spouses Maxim and Maria Maksimovich. The company's revenue in 2016 was 12.8 million rubles.

On the site of the Green Duck restaurant, the Greenplaza rises. However, the "Skovorodka" pancake chain (the first was opened in 2003) is developing, now there are about 20 of them in Perm, there are pancakes in Krasnokamsk and Lysva.

At various times, the structures of Yuri Borisovets showed interest in such objects and projects as the "Permsky" pig farm in the village of Maysky, the construction of a pig farm on Mulyanka, the purchase of "Tovarny Dvor" from Russian Railways (the area in front of the railway station).

Business partner Nikita Belykh

With Nikita Belykh, Yuri Borisovets has a long-standing partner and even friendly relationship (according to Yuri Borisovets, Nikita Belykh taught him how to smoke cigars).

In 2010, in the Lyubimov business center at the opening of the GallaDance Lyubimov dance club, Nikita Belykh's wife, Ella Belykh, held a loud party, which was attended by Oleg Chirkunov (former governor of Prikamye), Yuri Borisovets, Igor Shubin (now a deputy of the State Duma). The guests were entertained Ksenia Sobchak and Andrey Malakhov.

Political biography

Yuri Borisovets - Deputy Secretary of the regional branch of the United Russia party in the Perm Territory, member of the regional political council, the presidium of the regional political council. Since the fall of 2016, he has been the head of the United Russia faction in the legislative assembly of the Perm Territory of the third convocation.

Yuri Borisovets's political career began with the 2001 by-election to the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region. By-elections were held in three districts, Borisovets ran as a candidate for deputy in the Sverdlovsky district. In the spring, two-thirds of the voters who came to the polling stations voted for him, but the elections were declared invalid, since the turnout was low (less than 25% of the voter list). The repeated elections took place in winter, Yuri Borisovets was elected a deputy of the legislative assembly of the Perm region.

Yuri Borisovets propaganda newspaper, 2001

In 2006, Yuri Borisovets entered the legislative assembly of the Perm Territory according to the lists of United Russia. And in 2007 he was also elected a deputy of the State Duma on the list of United Russia. In 2011, Yuri Borisovets was expelled from the Perm list of candidates for State Duma deputies from United Russia, passed through the lists of United Russia to the regional legislative assembly.

In 2012, the then head of the governor's administration Grigory Kuranov(a man of Yury Trutnev's team) managed to lobby for the appointment of Yury Borisovets as head of the United Russia faction in the region's legislative assembly.

Now Yuri Borisovets is a member of the Committee on Industry, Economic Policy and Taxes, a working group on the consideration of issues of urban planning, construction and land use, a working group on public safety and law and order in the Perm Territory and a member of the temporary working group on the development of legislation in the field of the agro-industrial complex and sustainable development of rural areas of the Perm region.

Among the latest initiatives in which the deputy is taking part is to allow the extraction of widespread minerals in water protection zones.

Family and interests

The brother of the deputy, Konstantin Borisovets, is the director of JSC Kamlesosplav (Gazeta Zvezda St., 12) and the consumer cooperative of developers "IVA-5".
Wife Tatyana Borisovets was at one time the chairman of the board of the HOA Gazeta Zvezda, 58, but left it, now, according to available data, no enterprises are registered on it. The son of Yuri Borisovets is 17 years old.

Yuri Borisovets is fond of hunting, fishing, tennis. Owns LLC "OkhotKhozhdestvo" Rozhdestvenskoe "... According to him, he is a hunter and fisherman, and "there is more excitement than in a casino." In an interview with Zvezda, Borisovets talked about who he goes hunting with: “ We have our own hunting brigade. San Sanych Zotov from Rostek, my father, me and the huntsmen. Alexander Kondalov was with us hunting this season only a couple of times». Alexander Kondalov - Former prosecutor of the Kama region, former head of the West Ural Department of Rostekhnadzor. Alexander Zotov (died 2014) was the CEO OJSC "Russian Fuel and Energy Company" ("ROSTEK"), business partner Alexey Lukanin.

The article uses data from kartoteka.ru, Kontur Focus, Kommersant-Prikamye, arbitration case files, photos from social networks, google maps.

Borisovets Yuri Lvovich was born on January 30, 1965 in the village of Kerchevo, Cherdyn district, Perm region.

In 1986 he graduated from the Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Automotive and Automotive Industry, and received the qualification of a mechanical engineer.

In 1986, he began work at the Perm experimental mechanical plant of the Permlestekhnika association as an assistant foreman of the experimental section of the assembly shop, then became a foreman of the same section.

In 1989 he was appointed chief mechanic of the plant.

In 1991, at the age of 26, Yu. L. Borisovets became the chief engineer of the plant.

In 1992, he created his own company, becoming the general director of AOZT TEKTO.

By this time, he had taken place as a serious production organizer, head.

Since 1995 Borisovets has been the President of the Russian Industrial Alliance Association. The Association has brought together a number of large industrial enterprises to solve general issues of management and investment, for the development of production and technical re-equipment.

In 1997 - graduated from the correspondence postgraduate study at the St. Petersburg Forestry Academy, defended his thesis and received the degree of candidate of technical sciences.

In 2001, he was elected a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm region and headed the committee on regional policy.

In 2006, he was elected a deputy of the regional parliament and headed the committee on policy for the development of territories and public infrastructure.

In December 2007 he was elected to the State Duma on the federal list of candidates nominated by the All-Russian political party "United Russia". Member of the United Russia faction. Member of the State Duma Committee on Construction and Land Relations.

In December 2011, he was elected a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory of the second convocation on party lists from the regional branch of the United Russia party.

In September 2016, he was a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory of the second convocation on party lists from the regional branch of the United Russia party.