The task is to play matches. Card file of games with matches card file on the topic. More difficult games

In this section of the site you are presented with a lot of interesting puzzles, tasks, riddles, rebuses, games, logical tasks with matches. They all have answers. To pre-hide all answers, click the Hide Answers button. Subsequently, to get the answer, you need to click on the word "Answer", located below the task.

Solving puzzles, tasks, riddles with matches develops logic, thinking, visual memory, imaginative thinking.

1) Move one matchstick so that the equality becomes true.

3) Move one matchstick so that the equality becomes true.

4) Move one matchstick so that the equality becomes true. There are two possible answers.

5) Move one matchstick so that the equality becomes true.

6) Remove two matches so that only three squares remain.

7) How to make this equation with Roman numerals correct, while not touching a single match (you can’t touch anything, you can’t blow either).

8) Move one match to make a square.

9) Move 4 matches to make 3 squares.

10) Try to lay out six matches on a flat surface so that each of the matches touches the other five matches.

11) Move one match so that the equality becomes true. In this equation, four and three sticks in a row are equal to four and three, respectively.

12) How can only three matches be placed on a flat surface so that by placing a glass on them, the bottom of the glass will be at a distance of 2,3,4 matches from a flat surface (i.e. matches should be between the bottom of the glass and the surface of the table )?


Three matches are laid out on the table in the form of a triangle, as seen below in the figure. The larger the triangle, the closer the bottom of the glass will be to the table and vice versa.

13) Move two matches to make four squares.

14) Think about it, is it possible to lift as many as 15 matches with one match? How can I do that?

15) Move 4 matches to make 15 squares.

16) How to make seven triangles with the help of nine matches, the ends of the matches can be fastened with plasticine, i.e. get a 3D model.

We have all tried to solve puzzles with moving matches. Remember those? Simple, clear and quite interesting. We invite you to remember how this is done and solve these 10 exciting tasks. There will be no examples and math here, you can try to think over them together with the children. Each riddle comes with an answer. Here we go? 😉

1. Expand the fish

Exercise. Rearrange three matches so that the fish swims in the opposite direction. In other words, you need to rotate the fish 180 degrees horizontally.

Answer. To solve the problem, it is necessary to move the matches that make up the lower part of the tail and body, as well as the lower fin of the fish. Let's move 2 matches up, and one to the right, as shown in the diagram. Now the fish swims not to the right, but to the left.

2. Pick up the key

Exercise. In this problem, the shape of the key is composed of 10 matches. Move 4 matches to make three squares.

Answer. The task is solved quite simply. Four matches that form that part of the key handle must be moved to the key stem so that 3 squares are laid out in a row.

3. A glass with a cherry

Exercise. With the help of four matches, the shape of a glass is folded, inside of which there is a cherry. You need to move two matches so that the cherry is outside the glass. It is allowed to change the position of the glass in space, but its shape must remain unchanged.

Answer. The solution to this fairly well-known logical problem with 4 matches is based on the fact that we change the position of the glass by turning it over. The leftmost match goes down to the right, and the horizontal one moves to the right by half its length.

4. Seven squares

Exercise. Move 2 matches to form 7 squares.

Answer. To solve this rather complex problem, you need to think outside the box. We take any 2 matches that form the corner of the largest outer square and put them crosswise on top of each other in one of the small squares. So we get 3 squares 1 by 1 match and 4 squares with sides half the match.

5. Hexagonal star

Exercise. You see a star consisting of 2 large triangles and 6 small ones. By moving 2 matches, make sure that 6 triangles remain in the star.

Answer. Move the matches according to this scheme, and there will be 6 triangles.

6. Cheerful calf

Exercise. Move only two matches so that the calf is facing the other way. At the same time, he should remain cheerful, that is, his tail should remain directed upwards.

Answer. In order to look in the other direction, the calf simply needs to turn its head.

7. House of glasses

Exercise. Rearrange six matches so that two glasses make a house.

Answer. From the two extreme matches of each glass, you get a roof and a wall, and you just need to move the two matches at the bases of the glasses.

8. Libra

Exercise. The scales are made up of nine matches and are not in a state of equilibrium. It is required to shift five matches into them so that the scales are in balance.

Answer. Lower the right side of the scale so that it is level with the left. The match-base of the right side must remain motionless.

On this page you are presented with an educational game for children - "Puzzles with matches". The game develops the child's ability to rearrange the elements of the object and plan their actions mentally.

Take a few sticks or matches and make a schematic image of an object out of them. After that, invite the child to mentally shift one or more sticks in such a way as to change this image to another or somehow change it.

According to the rules of the game, it is not allowed to actually shift the sticks, but if the child cannot complete this task mentally, let him try in practice. We advise you to make an effort so that the baby still learns to transform the object mentally, because. it is this form of the game that contributes to the formation of the ability to plan and test your thoughts without putting them into practice.

In the first picture, move one match so that the house turns in the other direction.

Move one match so that the cherry falls out of the glass.

Move two matches so that the deer turns around.

Move three matches to make four out of three squares.

Rearrange two matches so that the cherry is on the outside of the spade.

Rearrange two matches so that you get five squares instead of four.

Move four matches so that three squares come out of the key.

If during the game you came up with more puzzles with matches - write, it will be interesting!

Why did they come up with a puzzle with matches? Probably, many will agree that such games are very exciting. They help not only to distract from work, but also just “kill” time. In fact, matchstick puzzles are one of the quickest ways to raise your IQ. What it is?

IQ is the level of intelligence. In other words, the higher your IQ, the faster you will find a solution for any problem. Therefore, it is very important to improve it. To do this, you can use certain literature, special courses, or simply solve all sorts of puzzles, for example, a puzzle with matches.

This article presents five of the most popular puzzles that will help you increase your intelligence level, as well as have fun.


Of course, any puzzle requires perseverance and attentiveness from the participants, so you don’t need to worry if you can’t solve the task in a short time. Perhaps, to solve it, you need to approach it from the other side - be smart.

As a rule, the right solution can be somewhere nearby, but in order to find it, you need to turn on imagination and, most importantly, creativity. Before you start solving the match puzzle, remember a few simple but necessary rules that will help you cope with a particular task:

  1. Read the terms and conditions carefully. Perhaps there is some catch or ambiguous wording in it. It often happens that there is a hint in the condition itself, so you need to clarify what exactly is expected of you.
  2. You need to dive into solving the puzzle with matches, think logically and be smart, not hoping for a standard answer.
  3. Think deeper. Often, to solve a problem, you need to move the match correctly so that you get a certain number of triangles or, for example, squares, or several small squares can make up one large one.

If you follow these simple rules, then you can always find the right solution. The most important thing is to remain calm, and then you will succeed.

One of the first and simple tasks is “Correct equality”. For her, you will need 27 matches. It is worth noting in advance that this is one of the easy classic puzzles that can be solved in several ways.

Condition of the problem: it is necessary to move only one match so that, as a result of the arithmetic example, the equality is correct. No need to rush to find the answer by any means. This task can take you an average of seven to eight minutes. Therefore, think over each option in your head and try to come to the right decision on your own.

As mentioned at the beginning, this problem contains several solutions at once:

  1. From the number eight, take one match and put it in the center of zero. Thus, the number eight becomes a nine, and zero becomes an eight (9+3-4=8).
  2. From the eight, remove the top match and put on the number to get a nine (6 + 3-9 = 0).
  3. In the number 4, change the position of the match from horizontal to vertical so that you get the number 11 (8+3-11=0).

Also, this puzzle has another option - more creative. For example, pick up one horizontal match from the number 8 and put it at an angle on the “equal” sign (0+3-4≠0). Then it turns out that the sum of this expression is not equal to zero.

The next puzzle will be a little more difficult. You will need even more patience and care.

Condition of the problem: it is necessary to turn the direction of the fish by 180 degrees, using only 3 matches. In other words, the fish is swimming to the right in the picture, and you need to make it swim to the left.

To solve this problem, you need to swap the lower part of the fin, tail and body. That is, move three matches from the bottom of the fish to the top.

The next challenge is mindfulness. The picture shows a field for tic-tac-toe. You need to shift only three matches so that as a result you get three squares.

At the beginning of the article, it was said that games with matches (puzzles) increase the level of intelligence. Therefore, if you cannot solve a particular problem, you should not look for the answer somewhere on the Internet. You have to try to figure it out yourself.

In order to get three squares, you need to move the two lower vertical matches to the right and left sides, and the horizontal one to the very top. So you get exactly three squares.

As you can see in the picture, the monkey is inside a glass made of several matches. If you decide to show this problem to someone you know, then instead of a monkey, you can use any other object of the appropriate size.

The condition is as follows: using only two matches, it is necessary to move the glass so that the monkey is on the outside. In other words, it turns out: now the monkey is in the glass, and you need to take it out of the glass. It is worth noting in advance that the glass can be moved in any direction, but its shape must remain unchanged.

How to pass the match puzzle? It takes no more than 10-12 minutes to solve the task. All that is needed is to change the position of the glass: the horizontal match moves a centimeter to the right side, and the topmost vertical match on the left side goes to the lower right corner.

The last task is the hardest. You need to convert four squares into seven using only two matches.

To solve this problem, you need not only attentiveness and concentration, but also, most importantly, a lot of patience. At the beginning of the article, a small hint was given regarding this task (the third example).

Answer: from any corner, select two matches and place them in a square crosswise. So in one of the squares you will get an additional four squares.

This article provides several matchstick puzzles (with answers) and shows you how to solve them quickly. It is also worth noting that such games help not only to have fun in your free time or take a break from work, but also to increase your level of intelligence, which is important for every person.

Matchstick puzzles have long been used as tasks for the development of logic and. The popularity of such tasks is due to the ease of use and availability of the material from which entertaining geometric and arithmetic figures are composed. You can solve such puzzles at home, at work, on the street or on the road: just find a flat surface for laying out the necessary patterns from matches. Logic games for shifting matches are both simple and complex, so they are suitable for both primary school children (despite the fact that “matches are not a toy for children”) and adults. This page contains interesting tasks with matches of various difficulty levels. For convenience, each task contains an answer and a description of the correct solution, so you can even play online. In addition, at the end of the page there is a link where you can download all the tasks for free.

Rules and walkthrough

The rule of any such puzzle, problem or game is that you need to move one or more matches in such a way that the condition is met. However, it is often not so easy to come to the right decision. To do this, you need to show perseverance, attention and creativity. There are several general rules to ensure that the correct answers when passing match puzzles:

  1. Read the assignment carefully. Find out if there is a catch in it, ambiguous wording. Understand exactly what they want from you. Sometimes the task condition may contain a hint.
  2. Almost any task is aimed at logic and ingenuity, so immediately get ready to look for a non-standard solution, which may take some time for you. Note that lists can overlap each other, move in any direction, and also turn over, unless the opposite is given in the condition.
  3. Look at the figures more widely. Often in the condition of the problem you are asked to move the match so that you get a certain number of geometric shapes (triangles, squares). Please note that several small figures can make up one large one. For example, four squares placed in 2 rows form 5 squares: 4 small and one large.
  4. Try to solve the problem, keeping calm, not trying at all costs to find the answer. Look for the answer consistently, thoughtfully, gradually going through the possible options, trying not to miss the correct answer. Rushing can cause you to miss an answer that you were only one step away from.

Do you like such riddles, games, puzzles and tests? Get access to all interactive materials on the site to develop more efficiently.

Tasks with matches with answers

Below are some examples of popular matchbox problems. I tried to pick up the TOP 9 tasks that go in ascending order of complexity: from the simplest to the most difficult. These tasks are suitable for both children and adults.

To see the solution to the problem, click on the "Answer" button. However, we advise you not to rush and try to solve the puzzle yourself - in this case, you will get real pleasure and good brain training.

1. True equality

Exercise. It is necessary to move only one match in the arithmetic example “8 + 3-4 = 0” laid out with matches so that the correct equality is obtained (signs and numbers can also be changed).

Answer: This classic math matchstick puzzle is solved in multiple ways. As you may have guessed, the matches need to be moved so that other numbers are obtained.
First way. From the eight, we move the lower left match to the middle of zero. It turns out: 9+3-4=8.
The second way. From the number 8 we remove the upper right match and put it on top of the four. As a result, the correct equality is: 6+3-9=0.
The third way. In the number 4, turn the horizontal match vertically and move it to the lower left corner of the four. And again the arithmetic expression is correct: 8+3-11=0.
There are other ways to solve this example in mathematics, for example, with a modification of the sign equals 0+3-4 ≠ 0, 8+3-4 > 0, but this already violates the condition.

2. Expand the fish

Exercise. Rearrange three matches so that the fish swims in the opposite direction. In other words, you need to rotate the fish 180 degrees horizontally.

Answer. To solve the problem, we will move the matches that make up the lower part of the tail and body, as well as the lower fin of our fish. Let's move 2 matches up, and one to the right, as shown in the diagram. Now the fish swims not to the right, but to the left.

3. Pick up the key

Exercise. In this problem, the shape of the key is folded out of 10 matches. Move 4 matches to make three squares.

Answer. The task is solved quite simply. The four matches that make up that part of the key handle must be moved to the key shaft so that 3 squares are laid out in a row.

4. Field for

Condition. It is necessary to shift 3 matches so as to get exactly 3 squares.

Answer. To get exactly three squares in this problem, you need to move the 2 lower vertical matches to the right and left, respectively, so that they close the side squares. And with the lower central horizontal match you need to close the upper square.

5. Puzzle "glass with a cherry"

Condition. With the help of four matches, the shape of a glass is folded, inside of which there is a cherry. You need to move two matches so that the cherry is outside the glass. It is allowed to change the position of the glass in space, but its shape must remain unchanged.

Answer. The solution to this fairly well-known logical problem with 4 matches is based on the fact that we change the position of the glass by turning it over. The leftmost match goes down to the right, and the horizontal one moves to the right by half its length.

6. Five out of nine

Condition. In front of you are nine small squares formed by twenty-four matches. Remove 8 matches without touching the rest, so that only 2 squares remain.

Answer. For this task, I found 2 ways to solve.
First way. Remove the matches so that only the largest square, formed by the outer matches, and the smallest square in the center, consisting of four matches, remain.
The second way. Also leave the largest square of 12 matches, as well as a square of 2 by 2 matches. At the last square, 2 sides should be formed by matches of a large square, and the other 2 sides should be in the center.

7. Matches touching each other

Exercise. It is necessary to place 6 matches so that each match is in contact with the other five.

Answer. This task requires connecting your creative abilities, and going beyond the plane - after all, matches can be placed on top of each other. The correct solution looks like this. In the diagram, all the matches are really in contact with each other. I want to note that drawing such a figure online is much easier than laying out real matches like this.

8. Seven squares

Condition. Move 2 matches to form 7 squares.

Answer. To solve this rather complex problem, you need to think outside the box. We take any 2 matches that form the corner of the largest outer square and put them crosswise on top of each other in one of the small squares. So we get 3 squares 1 by 1 match and 4 squares with sides half the match.

9. Leave 1 triangle

Exercise. Move 1 matchstick so that instead of 9 triangles there is only one.

Decision. This puzzle is not solved in the standard way. To solve the problem, you need to contrive a little (again use your own). We need to get rid of the cross in the middle. We take the lower match of the cross so that it raises the upper one at the same time. We rotate the cross by 45 degrees so that it forms not triangles in the center of the house, but squares.
It is worth noting that it is very difficult to solve this problem online behind a computer screen. But if you take real matches, then the puzzle is solved much easier.


If you do not have time to solve puzzles with matches on our website, you can download all the tasks in the form of a presentation in one, which can be viewed on devices without Internet access or simply printed on several A-4 sheets.

You can download all tasks with matches by.


Despite the fact that matchstick puzzles are a great way to test your wit, they are less and less used every year. It can be said that the less popular matches become (which are replaced by more modern means of making fire), the faster match games and puzzles lose popularity.

However, recently they are beginning to gain their former popularity thanks to the Internet and online games. You can play several.