Summer assignments with your best friend. What can you do in summer

“It’s better to do it and regret it than not to do it and then regret it all your life” is a simple truth, but it turned out that I didn’t always follow it.

Now I am 25 years old and I understand that there are a lot of things in this world that I have never tried, or did them not consciously enough. Somewhere my modesty let me down, in some cases it was not possible, sometimes it was a pity for money and time, and sometimes there was simply no mood. In general, I always found an excuse to avoid some crazy acts or pleasant hobbies that my friends were into. And one day, when everyday life once again began to whisper in my ear that something needed to be changed, I decided to improve.

I made a list of 100 things to bring to life in the near future.

The idea is not new. The list is the main component of my favorite comedy series, My Name is Earl. A few years ago, I came across Leo Babauta's blog - every month he tried to get out of his comfort zone and give up the things he was used to. In "Life is interesting!" was also about lists and their miraculous property. Well, recently I saw a YouTube channel ProjectOneLife, where a young guy videotapes all sorts of crazy things that he decides to bring to life. The coolest thing, in my opinion, is Repetition of the dance from the movie "Napoleon Dynamite" :)

Inspiration is the mother of movement, so I created my own list at the beginning of the summer. Until the end of August 2015, I plan to do 100 things:

  1. Throw your shoes on the wires
  2. Ride on the roof of a vehicle
  3. Make a real tattoo
  4. Learn to skateboard
  5. Play at the casino
  6. Shoot in commercials
  7. three days without speaking
  8. Watch Star Wars
  9. Complete any game
  10. Look at the house where I spent my childhood
  11. Come up with a song on the ukulele
  12. Learn to ride a bike without hands
  13. Take part in sports competitions
  14. Take part in the development of the application
  15. Ride a motorcycle
  16. Walk down the street with a boombox
  17. Ride a snowboard
  18. Master the music program and record a beat
  19. Learn to knit
  20. Do not shave your beard for six months
  21. Walk 50 km in one day
  22. Master Photoshop / InDesign or another professional program
  23. Go to a striptease
  24. Go to ballet
  25. Read "War and Peace"
  26. Voice the series
  27. Learn to juggle
  28. Ride the roller coaster
  29. Hitchhiking
  30. Take part in the creation of graffiti
  31. Listen to the entire Beatles discography
  32. Be a donor
  33. Cycle for 75 km
  34. Learn to cook something
  35. Walk in shoes, jacket and trousers for a whole week
  36. Visit a major open air
  37. Survive a week without internet
  38. Come up with a project with foreigners I meet
  39. Go to your university
  40. Learn to drive
  41. bungee jumping
  42. Spend the night outdoors
  43. Write a letter to an idol
  44. Participate in a tea ceremony
  45. Go to a classical music concert
  46. Throw a party
  47. Learn to meditate
  48. Ride a horse
  49. Ride the surf
  50. Visit the birthplace or grave of a cult figure
  51. Travel with a backpack for several weeks in unfamiliar places and cities
  52. take a vacation
  53. Read a book on a topic you've never been interested in
  54. Launch a kite
  55. Try a raw food diet
  56. Be a vegan
  57. learn origami
  58. Tell five friends about the list and ask them to do the same
  59. Travel first class
  60. Learn Sign Language
  61. Participate in a costume party
  62. Wake up at five in the morning
  63. Stay under a waterfall
  64. Write a note, put it in a bottle and release it into the open sea
  65. Go to an unfamiliar city for the whole day
  66. Attend a football match in a giant stadium
  67. Ride a camel or an elephant
  68. Read the original "Harry Potter"
  69. Read the Bible
  70. Go for a massage
  71. Run on jollyjumpers
  72. Bathe in clothes
  73. Ride on a segway
  74. Watch Twin Peaks
  75. Go to the Bazhov Museum
  76. Try standing up
  77. Listen to a style of music you never liked
  78. Paint a picture
  79. Watch "The Godfather"
  80. pet the cow
  81. Make a bet
  82. Go to a concert by a musician you never loved
  83. Donate some of your belongings to the poor or needy
  84. Find an old photo with your friends, collect them again in the same place and make the same
  85. Live a day without electricity at all
  86. No alcohol for a month
  87. Shoot with firearms
  88. Learn to drum a popular song
  89. Swim in a boat
  90. Learn to bowl
  91. Try archery
  92. Learn to play poker
  93. Learn tricks
  94. Learn how to make a cocktail
  95. Taste three exotic fruits
  96. Play the lottery
  97. Solve the Rubik's Cube
  98. Launch an airplane from a high altitude
  99. Order your portrait to the artist
  100. Write a book.

To date, I have already completed 17 items from my list, you can see them on my blog. In the same place, I will report on all subsequent items in the “done-wrote” mode. And for the readers of "Life is interesting!" I will prepare monthly digests in which I will sum up the results for the “reporting period” accurately and in detail. Until we meet again, friends!

P.S. I hope you paid attention to point number 58. I'm waiting for your actions :)

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    Class! Some of the points you listed have become life-turning points for me. Many have changed perceptions and become big discoveries.

    PS Do you happen to have a blog broadcast in LiveJournal? Or maybe email subscriptions? I would love to read it, but stand-alone blogs are hard to follow without notifications.

    Lord, what's going on in your head

    We all have it going on in our heads. And, fortunately, only we ourselves can judge what will be and what will not be.

    Yeah? Well, those who intend to judge only themselves - do not put it out. And vice versa. If he decided that he needed to lay out, then he allowed others to judge.

    reminded the game "HappinessJoyPositive". Good luck in making your wishes come true!

    Um, thanks for the 100 crazy things to do list idea. From this angle, I didn’t think about the list of “100 of my desires-wants”. I'll start making my list
    PySy. You have a week without Internet and a month without electricity. And how will you watch the internet without electricity for three weeks? :)

    You have strange comments for this site.
    The person spoke about an interesting tool, citing his own case as an example.
    By and large, in Life is interesting, most of the materials are built on this principle - people share their experiences.
    And here, in my opinion, there is no right or wrong.
    There is "interesting" or "not interested"

    Oops. I confused a month without alcohol with a day without electricity.
    Although a month without electricity would be cool

    you have strange comments for this site :)
    the man told about interesting things - he is well done! (no sarcasm)
    the person wrote the list - well done! (no sarcasm and seriously)
    I read the list (well, probably well done too)
    I have my own opinion about the list - I said it. And pay attention:
    you put it in the sense that the list is good! - and you, too, well done!
    and I put it in the fact that no - do I have strange comments?

    Of course, it was curious that most of it was not implemented. The reasons were the internal "logical apparatus" that asked "why do you need this?" - in the end, I just sat out the evening behind the monitor. Strange choice in favor of the best action, isn't it?

    I also came to the conclusion that perhaps two months (weekends) would be enough to fulfill my list of 100 wishes. But as you correctly wrote at the beginning:

    “Somewhere my modesty let me down, in some cases it was not possible, sometimes it was a pity for money and time, and sometimes there was simply no mood. In general, I always found an excuse to avoid some crazy acts or pleasant hobbies ... "

    I found an unmeasured number of them, as a result, out of a hundred points, I sold only 15 in a year.

    Another interesting thing - I found that most of the points that were drawn up a year ago, after a couple of months lost their relevance due to the lack of interest in them. Although when the list was made - he was

    Sergey, hello,

    If you have not yet completed point 19, then we (I personally and the "Comfort" charity project) can teach you how to knit. We knit blankets and various other products for charity, and it turns out very beautifully. We have a cheerful team, and men have already begun to flicker there, who either knit, or decoupage, or draw with us. A man who knows how to knit or embroider or sew is cool (I have met a few of them in my whole life), much cooler than standing on his head or riding on the roof of a vehicle. Especially when you can help people in this way. Join us and you will have a dozen more ideas of what else to try. We also bake charlottes and make festivals, draw fish and owls, etc. etc.

    it seems that we can also help you implement paragraph 83, and we can submit an idea about paragraph 48

Top 100 best summer plans.

1. Draw your mood and hang it on the wall.
2. Get drunk with friends.
3. Buy a diary.
4. Stay up all night.
5. Compose a song.
6. Watch at least 10 films.
7. Have a picnic with friends.
8. Create your own blog.
9. Draw on asphalt.
10. Scare with a girlfriend or boyfriend of a man.
11. Make money online.
12. Take one photo every day.
13. Have a sleepover with lots of food, movies and a flashlight.
14. Shoot home videos with friends and edit them as a keepsake.
15. Order clothes in Say13Shop online store.
16. Start reading a book.
17. Go to the sea.
18. Go to the hairdresser.
19. Go to the forest on a bike.
20. Arrange kebabs, badminton tournament during the break.
21. Weave a bauble.
22. Go to a disco.
23. Catch a cat, put it in a minibus and say with a serious look: "Call me when you arrive."
24. Get a fish and arrange an aquarium.
25. Go to an amusement park.
26. Make a video with a girlfriend.
27. Go to an abandoned place and draw graffiti there.
28. Get a cool summer manicure.
29. Go outside with a "Let's hug" sign.
30. Make a collage of summer photos.
31. Sing karaoke.
32. Make a fruit smoothie.
33. Write some quotes from your favorite book on a sticky note and stick them on the wall.
34. Buy a lot of balloons and then distribute them to passers-by.
35. Eat ice cream with a friend - who is more.
36. Write a letter to yourself in the future.
37. Tidy up a room or rearrange it.
38. Learn a few foreign words that will be very important to you.
39. Keep a diary and write down your thoughts or dreams every day.
40. Start making pictures on the wall.
41. Dial a random number and try to make friends with this person.
42. Take pictures of passers-by.
43. Don't lie all day.
44. For a day, refuse all means of communication.
45. Nothing to eat all day.
46. ​​Meet 10 new people.
47. Buy a lot of helium balloons and release them.
48. Have three piercings in one ear.
49. Make a dream catcher.
50. Throw a pleasant message in the mailbox of a loved one.
51. Dye your hair a bright color.
52. Take 30 pictures of your breakfasts.
53. Go to the camp.
54. Learn a phrase in 10 languages.
55. Buy a stupid T-shirt or T-shirt. To make it cool, draw something on it.
56. Make a collage of magazines.
57. Arrange a photo shoot.
58. Spend a day shopping.
59. Meet 10 people.
60. Photograph 30 breakfasts.
61. Change room.
62. Read a book.
63. Make pizza.
64. Download some cool songs to your Ipod/phone.
65. Ride a bike.
66. Play twister with your friends.
67. Make a fruit salad.
68. Come up with your own holiday.
69. Eat something that you have never eaten before.
70. Order your portrait from an artist.
71. Give flowers to mom.
72. Stay overnight with a friend.
73. Ride a horse.
74. Go to the forest with an overnight stay.
75. Go to an amusement park.
76. Swim in the pool.
77. Launch fireworks.
78. Come up with unusual photo shoots.
79. Arrange a flash mob.
80. Watch your favorite cartoon.
81. Fall in love for real
82. Listen to a song played on the guitar.
83. Talk to a person in a foreign language.
84. Sleep more than 12 hours.
85. Take a photo underwater.
86. Go to the village.
87. Answer “no” to questions all day.
88. Compose a song.
89. Make a magazine on the Internet.
90. Try to write a book
91. Have a pillow fight.
92. Go to another city with a friend.
93. Get a tattoo.
94. Learn to cook a new dish.
95. Go camping.
96. Go for a walk at night.
97. Make cool makeup.
98. Try 10 types of cocktails.
99. Make a book about your summer trip.
100. Make a list of pleasant things to do in the fall.

The long-awaited ones are already approaching and each leaf of the calendar comes off with great impatience. Soon the rest, meeting new people, interesting and new experiences. And to make this period really bright, unforgettable and spent with benefit, it’s a good idea to make a list of 100 things to do in the summer for yourself.

Where to begin

  1. Should be written if needed. Because saving money will lead to an HR-initiated vacation in February.
  2. You should not lie in bed for a long time in the morning, because even a simple breakfast in the fresh air can be enjoyed. You should make it a rule to go out onto the balcony with a cup of aromatic drink and, for example, a bun, while the whole city is still sleeping. In these few minutes, you can imagine yourself as a resident of some hotel or a hero from a movie - and a great mood for the day is provided.
  3. Get your things in order. It is necessary to throw out unnecessary items accumulated over the year from the cabinets, and hand over the collected books to the library. If you have your own literature, which is no longer needed, then you can simply put it on the mailboxes in the entrance. A pack of scribbled paper can be handed over to waste paper collection points, old toys and teenage items of clothing can be taken to an orphanage or given away. More air and space at home will be added to carry out the other 100 things that a teenager needs to do in the summer.
  4. Sell ​​the items you don't need. For this there are special forums and sites.

Pleasant trifles

  1. During a warm summer shower, you don’t need to use an umbrella, but try to get new emotions. In addition, this is what all happy people do: let all the clothes get wet, and passers-by twist at the temple. After all, there is a list, so 100 things that need to be done in the summer must be completed. And if you also take pictures in the rain, you get wonderful shots.
  2. For the sake of interest, you definitely need to try something from exotic fruits that you have not eaten before: papaya, passion fruit, feijoa.
  3. Invent your own cocktail, name it after yourself and later consider it your signature drink.
  4. Meet the dawn on the roof of a high-rise building. This item is impossible not to include in the list of 100 things that must be done in the summer.
  5. Make a kite or buy a kite and release it into the sky.
  6. Blow multi-colored soap bubbles of different sizes. Fascinating, by the way.
  7. Bathe in clothes.
  8. Take a photo from a bird's eye view.

Personal care

  1. It is desirable for guys to perform a high-quality henna drawing on the body, because it is pleasant for yourself, and a stylish beautiful image will interest girls.
  2. Change your hairstyle by trying something new for yourself, but something you have long wanted.
  3. Go to the beach to get a beautiful and even tan.
  4. Clothing shopping should also be included in the list of 100 things to do in the summer. Moreover, there are summer discounts in stores, and girls like well-groomed young men.
  5. Trim old jeans into shorts, decorate completely to your liking.
  6. Buy something from winter or autumn things if you can see them in stores.
  7. Visit a second-hand store, because there you can buy things that are unaffordable in their new condition. You need to look fashionable, good, but at the same time save money, so the 100 things that you must have time to do this summer include such an item.

Attitude towards the computer

  1. Clean up your computer. Review the folders in it, organize them systematically, and delete everything unnecessary.
  2. Download programs to your computer that you have long wanted to install. Update everything you have.
  3. Leave only one page on the social network, and delete the rest. The day will soon become longer.
  4. And it is desirable to forget as much as possible about such advantages of civilization as a telephone, computer, TV, but simply rejoice and enjoy the good weather. It is not bad to spend the freed time on doing useful things.
  5. An exception may be the idea to chat with a foreigner. This can be done in a chat or social network, at the same time learn something new and improve your English.
  6. For a day, completely abandon all means of communication.

Increasing the intellectual level

  1. Speaking exclusively in a foreign language all day is one of the very useful 100 things to do in the summer, as it is great for improving skills.
  2. Watch a movie or read a book in the original language.
  3. Engage in reading for the soul or completing a literature assignment for the summer. Set aside at least two hours a day for exercise.
  4. To study the starry sky, looking for constellations from the atlas in it.
  5. Visit weekend courses: scrapbooking, interior decor, psychology, master class in photography. Such things are not studies in the usual form, because they are classes exclusively on very interesting topics. There are no grades or exams.
  6. Visit the museum, as it is interesting, informative, fraught with a likely acquaintance with interesting people. And just because in the summer it is cool and good.
  7. Read Osho, essays of the Buddha, notes of the Dalai Lama.
  8. Recall a subject that did not "settle" in the head, for example, geography or chemistry, and try to understand it.

Spending time with friends

  1. Arrange a competition with friends in basketball, swimming, football - whatever your favorite sport. And give the prize to the winner.
  2. Go to an amusement park, where to relax on cars and a Ferris wheel, shoot at a shooting range.
  3. It is worth taking a ride together on any water transport - and a positive charge is provided.
  4. In hot weather, you can shoot with water pistols or climb into the fountain (but unnoticed by law enforcement officers).
  5. Go to nature with friends, where to organize songs with a guitar and barbecue, and spend the night in a tent.
  6. Play a board game.
  7. Learn to swim if you didn't know how to do it before. Swim with friends further than ever, dive, jump off the pier.
  8. Organize a photo walk, namely, to gather like-minded people and arrange a quest. That is, disperse, and then get together in two hours with photographs of what they agreed to capture. View all pictures and decide on the winner.
  9. Scuba diving is also one of the top 100 things to do in the summer.


Relationships with loved ones and girlfriend

  1. Take photos with your parents.
  2. You can work half of the summer. Since constantly asking for money from parents is simply not serious.
  3. Help in the garden, dacha: pull out weeds, plant flowers, bring water, harvest. This should not be a one-time event, it is desirable to go to the country more often.
  4. Collect wild flowers in a bouquet and present to your mother or your girlfriend. Or you can just decorate a room with it, which sets you up for the summer and cheers you up.
  5. Call a girl on a date, where to charm her with your positive and politeness.
  6. Spend a night on the roof with your loved one. Take a blanket, a thermos and a movie on your laptop with you.
  7. If the relationship with the girl has already reached the intimate part, then you can try to organize sex in nature. Thus, some of the 100 things to do in the summer of a teenager help to form their own opinion about what is happening.

Develop positive qualities

  1. Put on a thin bracelet or elastic band on your left hand, wear it for 21 days. After your negative act (lie, gossip, whatever), change your hand. When you manage to carry it through the entire period without changing clothes, you can put yourself a fat plus, since now there is more than one kind and good person in the world.
  2. Walk the neighbors dog.
  3. Write a letter to a friend who lives in another city.
  4. Reconcile with whoever you need.
  5. See in reality with a pen pal.
  6. Become kinder, more tolerant, sign up for yoga, calm your nerves.
  7. Quit smoking, stop using profanity. Stop biting your nails.
  8. Smiling at people just like that, helping them, giving compliments.
  9. Fall in love, meet, communicate.
  10. Play a little with the children in the yard by drawing them a hopscotch or a snail.
  11. Spend the whole day with the child, going for a walk or doing an interesting workout. You can visit the park with swings.
  12. If you write something pleasant with colored crayons under a friend’s window, he will smile. And good deeds must be on the list of 100 things to do over the summer.
  13. Find out how you can be useful to other people, become a volunteer.
  1. Learn what always seemed interesting and attracted. This is playing poker, creating websites, drawing or playing the guitar. In addition, you can help a friend do something that he himself does just fine.
  2. A good idea is a collage, which is a large sheet on which magazine clippings of what you want to receive are pasted. This wish list needs to be fixed in front of your eyes and considered every day, experiencing
  3. Watch three movies every week that you haven't seen before. It's interesting, immediately there will be topics for conversation with other people.
  4. Attend a professional photo shoot.
  5. Learn how to do moss graffiti.
  6. Take part in a flash mob, information about which can be found on the social network.
  7. Meet 10 interesting people.
  8. Get an autograph of a famous person, since many artists go on tour in the summer, and you should not miss the chance to go to a concert or meet a famous performer.

Enjoy the little things

  1. Visit a friend, take a good look at a hammock, and then make the same one for yourself in a private house.
  2. Remember the taste of natural milk products and buy them in the village.
  3. Attend an outdoor concert. They are arranged in the cities by enthusiasts performing songs with a guitar.
  4. Treat yourself to something as simple as ice cream. You can also cook it yourself and enrich the taste with various syrups and fruits.
  5. Assemble a puzzle of 1000 pieces.
  6. Walk around the shops and look at what you have long wanted. It is not necessary to buy something, but just twist the item in your hands, examine it better, decide on its subsequent purchase.
  7. It’s not bad to go to a flea market: you might find something you need there.
  8. Write a story about summer, but do not treat it like a school essay, but do it for yourself. Then save the sheet to read what was written in a few years and get a share of the positive.

Love nature and take care of health

  1. Planting a tree is a noble and useful deed. It should also be included in the must-have 100 things a guy needs to do this summer.
  2. Take a picture of a wild animal.
  3. Feed the pigeons.
  4. Walk barefoot on the grass.
  5. The must-have 100 things to do this summer should include going mushroom picking or berry picking.
  6. In the dense forest, shout at full strength to defuse.
  7. For a feeling of unity with nature, swim naked. Just pay attention to the absence of someone else, otherwise they will be accused of violating moral standards.
  8. At home, it is quite possible to walk around without clothes if no one else is around. Such things liberate and allow you to love yourself more.
  9. Teach yourself to go to bed early and not stay up in the morning for a long time. Good health, good mood and a healthy complexion will be a wonderful bonus.
  10. Improve results in physical culture standards by 2 times.
  11. There are berries and fruits in preference to the rest of the food. Summer is a great time to get all the vitamins you need.

Keep the memories of summer

  1. Make a video of your movements, and then edit the film, while learning how to use the program for processing video recordings.
  2. Print the best pictures in the photo center and decorate the wall with them. It does not interfere with reliving positive emotions again. It brings a touch of positivity to every new day.
  3. Make a playlist about the summer, including in it those songs that remind you of the events that took place.
  4. In the evening of each day, write down the word that characterizes him.

If you take into service such 100 points, then summer will no longer seem something unknown and boring. The sad lengthy thoughts that it will take place behind a familiar computer will disappear. However, it is not necessary to use all the recommendations. You need to take this list and make your own, similar, guided by personal interests and preferences.

Hello everyone!

There is very little left before the summer, which means that it is time to think about how to make it bright and interesting.

To help you have an unforgettable summer, I have prepared a marathon " Bright summer with Club for Girls and a to-do list for every day of the summer.

I hope these ideas are enough for your bright and unique summer!

Things to do every day of the summer

1. Prepare a dessert with berries or fruits (hint - it can be ice cream, in which you add fruits or berries).

2. Make a list of movies you want to watch this summer

3. Make a list of places you would like to visit this summer

4. Make a list of books you want to read this summer

5. Make a list of habits that you would like to have before the end of the summer

6. Write a list of new things you want to learn this summer

7. Make your summer playlist

8. Blow up a balloon (you can have several) and go for a walk with it (you can give them to someone there).

9. Have a picnic (for friends or family)

10. Get out on the beach

11. Swing

12. Get out to the amusement park

13. Learn to cook a new dish

14. Ride a bike

15. Go to the movies

16. Eat ice cream

17. Make a bouquet of fresh flowers

18. Watch the sunset

19. Go to the zoo

20. Feed ducks/swans on the pond in the park (the easiest option is sparrows in the yard :)).

21. Go bowling

22. Throw a pajama party

23. Make breakfast in bed for parents, brother/sister

24. Make a fruit salad

25. Learn to do a new hairstyle

26. Admire the dawn

27. Go fishing

28. Make Lemonade or a Cool Fresh Cocktail

29. Learn how to fly a kite

30. Make a cucumber face mask

31. Write a poem or short story

32. Take a picture of a rainbow

33. Smile at passers-by on the street

34. Go to some interesting workshop or festival

35. Do a spring cleaning in your room

36. Do something with your hands

37. Print photos and make a photo album out of them

38. Sort out all your belongings and throw away / give away / sell the extra

40. Cook something with strawberries

41. Walk barefoot on the grass

42. Go on excursions in your city or a neighboring city

43. Buy or download and print the coloring book and color it in

44. Ride on a boat, speedboat or catamaran

45. Experiment with looks

46. ​​Tidy up your computer

47. Bake a fruit or berry pie

48. Call or write to people with whom you have not communicated for a long time (for example, your grandmother or a kindergarten friend :)).

49. Make a wishlist

50. Watch your favorite childhood cartoon

51. Look up at the sky and imagine as a child what the clouds in the sky look like.

52. Launch a sky lantern

53. Learn how to make a variety of vegetable salads

54. Build a sand castle or tower

55. Buy a can of soap bubbles (or make your own) and blow them up

56. Go for a walk in the park and buy yourself some cotton candy

57. Cook vegetables or meat on the grill (grill)

58. Spend an evening by the fire

59. Admire the starry sky and find some constellations

60. Draw something funny with crayons on the pavement

61. Make a wish when you see a shooting star

62. Buy a summer hat and go outside only in it to protect your delicate skin from the scorching sun.

63. Get a massage

64. Make jelly

65. Play badminton or tennis

66. Every evening write down 3 pleasant events of the day

67. Write a letter to your idol

68. Compliment someone every day

69. Have a spa night with your friends

70. Walk around the evening city

71. Write a letter to yourself ...-year-old (add, for example, 5 years - if you are 15, then this will be a letter to you 20-year-old).

72. Play beach volleyball

73. Sit in silence

74. Visit a water park or water slides

75. Jump on the trampoline

76. Get out of town with tents for at least one day

77. Go down the slide at the playground

What are your plans/ideas for the summer? I look forward to your comments!

Have you ever wondered why this particular time of the year - summer - causes so much delight in children and adults? Of course, everyone can say that for children, this is primarily a vacation! Well, what about adults? And adults are the same children! Summer in them evokes echoes of childhood and is associated with relaxation and ease. On the eve of summer, many people ask themselves the question: what to do during the summer? I offer you a list of things to do that will diversify your summer vacation and make it not only unforgettable, but also useful.

A carefree time for children that does not oblige you to study and worry about troubles at school. In the summer, you can do anything and not worry about unfinished homework at all. A carefree time for adults, when it seems to be boring in stuffy offices, and it seems that thoughts of warmed beaches are already overshadowing quarterly reports.

Summer season is a holiday for everyone

So, what to do during the summer:

1. Discover new taste qualities by tasting some exotic fruit.
2. Read at least a few works of art, developing literature.
3. Ennoble the area near your home, using tips for creating decorative landscapes.
4. Get a driver's license.
5. Take masseur courses.
6. Build a sand castle.
7. In June, draw up a chart of your mood and fill it out daily.
8. Learn the basic movements of oriental dances.
9. Get acquainted with the culture of some ancient civilization, for example, the Maya.
10. Visit or exhibit at an art gallery.
11. Learn to play the guitar.
12. Feed homeless animals.
13. Get rid of unnecessary things in the apartment.
14. Spend one day without the Internet.
15. Attend a mass event, feel the psychological state of the crowd.
16. Walk barefoot on the grass.
17. Include learning the word "thank you" in different languages ​​on your summer to-do list.
18. Change your image, but not radically, it will be enough to dye your hair a different color.
19. Kiss in the rain.
20. and distribute them to the children in the yard, feed all the friends.
21. Dine with your loved one on the roof of a building.
22. Spend a whole day outdoors.
23. Listen only to classical relaxing music during the day.
24. Holidays to spend in the camp.
25. Learn to distinguish birds by their singing.
26. Meet old acquaintances.
27. Study vexillology.
28. View your photo album.
29. Sing your favorite song in karaoke.
30. Fall asleep in the hayloft.
31. In 2016, take part in a charity event or volunteer.
32. Climb the mountains.
33. To please passersby by blowing soap bubbles from the balcony.
34. Collect forest mushrooms and berries.
35. To study the types of tourist knots and learn how to tie them.
36. Master one programming language.
37. Calculate the number of calories when compiling a diet.
38. Exercise regularly.
39. View a master class on needlework and do it yourself, for example.
40. Hang a hammock between the trees and, lying on it, admire the night sky.
41. Devote a vacation to travel, visit three cities.
42. Process your photos in Photoshop.
43. Try to read a book written in Braille.
44. Get acquainted with medicinal plants and methods of their use.
45. Start collecting something or vice versa: get rid of everything superfluous.
46. ​​Paint a picture.
47. Make decoupage of kitchen utensils.
48. Make new acquaintances.
49. Jump into the water with a running start.
50. Raise the level of intuition. For example, while in public transport, guess the profession or the name of a companion sitting next to you.
51. Make a dream catcher.
52. During the summer months, try five new refreshing cocktails.
53. Take a picture of a rainbow.
54. Throw a party.
55. In the summer of 2016, strive for self-improvement.
56. Buy what you always wanted, but felt sorry for the money.
57. Talk heart to heart all night.
58. Have breakfast in nature.
59. Collect mollusk shells, and then learn their name in Russian and Latin.
60. See a shooting star and make a wish.
61. Go to the zoo.
62. Find 5 points of interest within a 100 km radius of your city. Visit them all.
63. Launch a sky lantern.
64. Ride the Ferris wheel.
65. Take part in a flash mob.
66. In August, make a collage of summer photos.
67. Find a five-petalled lilac flower and eat it.
68. Walk at night by the light of the moon.
69. Go to an open-air concert.
70. See fireworks.
71. Learn a song that is associated with this summer.
72. Eat a whole watermelon alone.
73. Throw coins into the fountain.
74. Oversleep until dinner.
75. Sing songs by the fire.
76. Assemble a bouquet of wildflowers.
77. Rearrange the room.
78. Do not forget to get a bronze tan in the summer.
79. Order clothes in an online store.
80. Make a panel of cones.
81. Design an ecosystem in an aquarium.
82. Arrange a fasting day.
83. Chat with a foreigner.
84. Send a letter to a stranger.
85. Waltzing down the street with a random passerby.
86. Take a photo underwater.
87. Give a loved one a handmade gift.
88. Rest on the lake.
89. Draw an illustration for your favorite fairy tale.
90. Treat yourself to a bright summer manicure.
91. Go fishing.
92. Make a paper boat and launch it into the water.
93. Learn a poem.
94. Make a fruit salad.
95. Plant a tree or indoor flower.
96. Draw a bright picture with colored crayons on the pavement.
97. Roast the marshmallows on the fire.
98. In July, collect a herbarium.
99. Find the constellation Ursa Major in the night sky.
100. Think about what to do in the summer of 2017 and make a to-do list for the next year.

Write comments, make your own adjustments to this summer to-do list! Let your pastime be bright and unforgettable, because it is warm memories that warm us on long winter evenings!