Inflatable penoizol. The main pros and cons of penoizol - the latest material for insulation. We work with material according to this scheme

Penoizol is an advanced foam. It is used in the construction industry for the construction of houses, for filling hollow blocks, for insulating housing by pouring it into inter-wall voids.

Due to the simple technology of its manufacture directly at the customer's place and relatively inexpensive components, the cost of insulation is several times lower and faster than with external insulation with polystyrene foam or other insulation. Its unique properties are similar to those of expanded polystyrene.

Thermal conductivity

The first and main positive quality is the thermal conductivity of penoizol. It is quite low, ranging from 0.031 to 0.041 watts per meter. It is enough to apply such material to the surface of the wall with a layer of ten centimeters thick, and the house will become much warmer.

Penoizol will help to create savings in space heating, reducing the cost of it several times. Thanks to this, you can more than compensate for all construction costs for penoizol in just one maximum two winters.

It should be added that layers of penoizol can be used in different sizes - from five centimeters to a whole meter in thickness. It all depends on the decision and financial capabilities of the owner.

Combustion resistance

The second feature of the material is considered resistance to open flame. It manifests itself in the fact that penoizol is not only incapable of catching fire - it does not even melt in fire.

Such insulating material can be safely used in various temperature indicators - from minus sixty to plus eighty degrees Celsius. And even if a high temperature arises that can melt metal products, penoizol will only evaporate without emitting toxic substances.

Moisture resistance and hygroscopicity

The disadvantage of many insulation materials is mold. This does not apply to our sample at all. It is completely resistant to moisture and other microorganisms.

The composition of the material is perfectly capable of absorbing moisture, but its return occurs quickly, without consequences. This quality makes it one level higher than mineral wool, which gradually loses its properties from a humid environment.

After completely drying, it continues to keep warm. With the use of this material, you can completely protect your walls from dampness. The only condition is that it is necessary to arrange a gap for ventilation.

The positive qualities can still be attributed to the hygroscopicity of the material, the ability to pass air well, excellent strength and operational durability.

Rodents prefer to bypass this material, not arranging their secret passages in it. The foam-insulating material remains neutral to organic solvents and aggressive chemical environment.

Does not increase in volume

There are also certain negative aspects. The material poured into the cracks does not increase its volume, as careless masters try to say about it. However, it shrinks somewhat. And this must be taken into account when carrying out work. You can run into poor-quality material, which contains toxins that emit unpleasant odors during work.

Disadvantages of penoizol

Despite all the visible advantages, this material has significant disadvantages.

2. If applied incorrectly or when using low-quality components, penoizol shrinks and from this cracks form, which become cold bridges, nullifying all efforts for thermal insulation.

Penoizol - liquid foam

It is worth noting immediately that foam is a term that includes a large list of foam materials based on polymer resins.

The properties of all these materials can differ significantly, and they completely depend on such moments as the purpose of the material, that is, technical foam can have a significant excess in toxicity relative to materials used in everyday life.


Liquid foam is prepared immediately before starting work on applying it to a specific surface, this type of foam can release toxic substances during the work with it, until it completely solidifies.
Among all the variety of raw materials for the preparation of foam, the best is carbamide resin.


Any type of plate heat-insulating material appears as a result of solidification of foamed liquid raw materials. And if you apply this liquid raw material directly to the surface, then the adhesion of the material to it will be several times stronger than strengthening the slab. This has led to the fact that recently, mobile stations for the preparation of foam plastic are especially in demand.

For the manufacture of liquid foam, a hardener and resin are used. The curing process of the material is similar to polymer or epoxy glue, the only difference is in the form of resin. All components are mixed and whipped into foam using a special station, this foam is called liquid foam. Then, from the station, the foam under pressure is fed through the sleeve to the application space.

Penoizol is one of the cheapest insulation materials. At the same time, its functional characteristics, as a heat insulator, are quite competitive with other, more expensive heaters.

Liquid thermal insulation based on carbide resins has been used to insulate houses since the 70s of the last century; this material is known to the consumer as penoizol. In fact, this is another type of foam, but it is made and solidified directly on the construction site. Optimal applications include the filling of interior spaces in manhole and layered brickwork and frame structures. Reviews about this insulation and about the technology itself are ambiguous, they cannot be attributed to universal and unlimited. When choosing this method of insulation, it is important to use high-quality raw materials and equipment, work is carried out exclusively in the warm season.

Penoizol belongs to the group of foams with an open cell structure, which allows it and the insulated structures to breathe. The downside of the coin is its hygroscopicity: moisture is passed through, while limiting its use. The permeability of penoizol is confirmed by the reviews of private house owners, it is noted that it gets wet easily, but does not accumulate, but removes condensate. Useful properties include resistance to biological threats (decay, fungus and even rodents), safety and good adhesion.

The main performance characteristics of penoizol include:

  • The thermal conductivity coefficient is within the range of 0.028-0.04 W / mK.
  • The specific gravity is from 6 to 35 kg / m3.
  • Flammability group - G2.
  • Compressive strength - no more than 0.5 kg / cm2. In this regard, penoizol is inferior to ordinary and compacted foam, its bearing capacity is minimal.
  • Hygroscopicity - up to 10% per day.
  • Sound absorption - up to 65%.
  • Operating temperature range: from -50 to +120 ° C.
  • Shrinkage within 1-4%.

According to a statement from construction companies, in the first days of polymerization, the insulation releases a small amount of formaldehyde, after which it becomes completely inert. Reviews of the owners of private houses confirm this, the presence of a smell for more than 2-3 weeks is a sign of poor-quality thermal insulation.

Feasibility of use

In terms of fire safety, the insulation does not raise any questions: penoizol is charred under the influence of high temperatures, but does not melt, does not support combustion and does not emit smoke and toxins. But, despite the attractiveness of its use (non-combustible + light weight), it is poorly suited for thermal insulation of the roofing cake of private houses due to destruction under the influence of sunlight.

It is important to understand what penoizol is and in what cases it is used. An unambiguous limitation is areas subject to intense moisture exposure: basement, basement, foundation. There are two reasons: high hygroscopicity and low strength. Reviews show that penoizol itself withstands multiple freezing and thawing cycles without damaging the structure, but completely losing its insulating capacity. For the same reasons, it is not used on open and loaded structures: floors for screed or facades for plastering.

The best option is thermal insulation of the interlayer space, in this case, penoizol hardly shrinks (within 1%), is closed from rays, precipitation and groundwater. Good results are achieved when filling internal partitions or hinged facade systems with liquid foam (of course, subject to reliable hydro and vapor protection). When choosing this method for insulating a private house, it should be remembered that work is carried out exclusively at temperatures from +5 ° C and above. It is believed that if all the rules for the preparation of foam and pouring are observed, penoizol will retain its insulating properties for at least 70 years.

Review of material and technology reviews

“I ordered the service of insulating the inter-wall space with penoizol in a private house made of silicate bricks. Most of the time was spent on preparation, namely, checking and updating the state of the masonry, drilling holes. The filling itself took no more than 5 hours. Contrary to the reviews read, the insulation did not leak near the openings, the smell passed within the first week. I appreciate the insulating ability of this insulation. "

Pavel, Moscow region.

“I used Penoizol when insulating a wooden house, I am pleased with the result. The walls are sealed and warm, and heating costs have been significantly reduced. Of the minuses, I want to note the impossibility of controlling the volume of poured penoizol, the actual invoice for services came out 1.5 times higher than the preliminary one. I advise you to check the consumption or do the work yourself. "

Vladimir, Krasnodar.

“I do not advise you to insulate floors in the attic with liquid foam, since practice has shown that shrinkage does not stop after it has solidified. Perhaps I made a mistake and did not protect it enough from the sun's rays, but with mineral wool or expanded clay there would be no such problems. The only plus I noticed is the high speed of work. "

Nikolay, Moscow.

“I bought a sheet of foam insulation for insulating a garage, on average, 1 cubic meter costs 600 rubles. I chose it for reasons of fire safety, during the installation process I did not find any special differences from ordinary foam, except that in the density of the structure it is closer to extruded. I did not notice any shortcomings during the year of operation, I consider the cost acceptable.

Alexey, Voronezh.

“I insulated an old brick house with liquid penoizol, I did all the work myself. The equipment cost me 30,000 rubles, resin and hardeners - 20,000. I think that the investment paid off, according to my calculations, I even saved, plus I am completely confident in the quality of the insulation. Shrinkage in the interlayer space was minimal, the smell lasted for 1.5 weeks. "

Eldar, St. Petersburg.

“When choosing a company that pours penoizol, I advise you to check both the certificates and reviews of those who insulated their houses before, and the material itself. Two organizations refused to provide me with samples; in another, the test foam significantly decreased in volume. The quality of the chosen company suited me (the insulation did not settle and was white, did not paint after hardening), but the smell in the house remained not for 2 weeks, but for about a month.

Andrey, Nizhny Novgorod.

Pros and cons of penoizol

The obvious advantages of the material include: fire safety, low thermal conductivity, no load on the foundation, good soundproofing ability, resistance to biological influences, environmental friendliness and safety. The main plus is the high speed of work (inter-lining space or partitions in a private house of an average area are filled in 4 hours). The cost of filling services is considered affordable, in some cases it is negotiable.

The disadvantages of thermal insulation include an unpleasant odor during polymerization, the complexity of pouring with vertical insulation, shrinkage and the need for protection from external influences. The main problem is the need to use extremely good raw materials and equipment to ensure sufficient pressure. It is extremely difficult to determine the quality of the insulation at home, there is only one way out - checking the certificates and contacting a trustworthy company.

To minimize shrinkage, many companies add special mineral additives to the composition and pay more attention to preparation (checking for the integrity of walls or membranes, moisture removal). Rapid polymerization with vertical insulation is considered a gross violation of technology. Penoizol is applied in layers with an exposure of a clear period of time (it is definitely not worth counting on the completion of the process within 4 hours). Complete hardening takes 2-4 weeks. The best results are observed when filling the space between the main walls, in this case the pressure on the material completely eliminates shrinkage during polymerization, sometimes it even comes out through the openings.

In addition to liquid foam, penoizol insulation is produced in the form of sheets or crumbs, the latter type is made by crushing to fractions with a diameter of 1-, 5 cm.Filling such granules is considered a good alternative when erecting a building from scratch or major repairs, this building material fully retains its useful characteristics and qualities penoizol and falls asleep on its own. With thermal insulation of already operating structures, the crumb is blown out like ecowool. Granular penoizol is positively assessed by specialists, the optimal scope of application includes log floors, attic floors, and internal cavities.

The average price of crushed insulation is 580 rubles per 1 m3, sheet - from 600, installation or blowing services cost at least 50% of the cost of the material itself. The cost of insulating a house with liquid penoizol is usually negotiable; when preparing surfaces and structures on their own, the owner pays at least 750 rubles per 1 m3. The most expensive are the services for thermal insulation with the simultaneous placement of the frame - from 1400 rubles per 1 m3.

During the construction of houses or their reconstruction, the question often arises of effective wall insulation. For these purposes, a variety of materials are produced that differ in their technical characteristics, properties, performance and cost. Recently, penoizol or urea-formaldehyde foam plastic began to gain more and more popularity in the domestic market.

It allows you to quickly and inexpensively insulate almost any building structure.

What it is?

Penoizol is a modified foam. Its consistency resembles a marshmallow. The material is a foamed plastic with a cellular structure. Modified foam is a modern heat insulator for thermal insulation of building structures.

Often, the material is prepared directly at the construction site. With the help of specialized equipment, cavities in walls, ceilings, roofs and attics are filled with a liquid mixture. Thanks to the manufacture of insulation at a construction site, money, time and effort are saved for the delivery of a conventional thermal insulator and its handling. Additional space is not required for storing thermal insulation products.


In the manufacture of penoizol, inexpensive components are used, due to which the finished material has an affordable cost.

The production of this insulation requires:

  • urea-formaldehyde resin;
  • foaming component;
  • orthophosphoric acid;
  • water.

The dosed parts of these components are put into special equipment (foam generator), to which compressed air is supplied. Due to the use of such a device, a foamy mass is formed, intended for sealing voids.

The modified foam is white in color and has a jelly texture. With its help it is possible to quickly seal all air spaces. The applied foam hardens after 10 minutes. After 4 hours the mass becomes solid, and after 3 days it acquires “final” strength. 72 hours is enough for the final drying of the material.


Thermal insulation of structures is made by various types of penoizol. There are three types of them:

  • Liquid.The most commonly used type by builders. Its popularity is due to its ease of use. Such a heat insulator is prepared directly at the site using specialized equipment. The material can be purchased in cylinders for a small amount of work. Air gaps are closed with liquid foam during the construction, reconstruction or repair of various structures.

  • Sheet or in rolls.This insulation material is made by pouring liquid foam into molds. After the mass has hardened, it is cut into sheets of optimal length, dried and mechanically cleaned. Some manufacturers offer foil-coated foam sheets. Such materials cannot be glued. They should be fixed with dowels, and covered with cladding on top.

  • Chit. Penoizol granules are obtained by crushing solidified penoizol into fractions, the size of which does not exceed 15 mm. Granular insulation has a minimum density (up to 8 kg / m2).

Different types of liquid foam can be used for different construction purposes.

Where is it used?

Penoizol is widely used in private and professional construction. It is used not only as a heat-insulating material, but also as a sound-insulating component.

It is used for insulation:

  • external walls;
  • facades;
  • roofs;
  • pipelines;
  • vegetable stores.

The material is also intended for sandwich panels.Granular penoizol has found application in the insulation of horizontal structures: floor surfaces, attics and interfloor floors. Foil insulation can be used to insulate water pipes.

You should be aware that liquid foam has some restrictions on its use.For example, it is not recommended for use in areas subject to intense moisture. These include plinths, cellars, foundations. The reason is simple: penoizol is able to withstand multiple cycles of freezing and thawing, but at the same time it loses its thermal insulation properties.

Experts also do not advise using urea-formaldehyde foam for arranging a roofing cake. The fact is that the material quickly collapses under the influence of sunlight, which is why, soon after installation, it can lose its heat and sound insulation qualities.


By its technical parameters, penoizol is superior to many modern heaters.

The main characteristics of the material:

  • Excellent thermal conductivity. Indicators of this parameter range from 0.03 to 0.4 W / mK. To preserve heat and significantly save on heating, it will be enough to install sheets of foam insulation 10 cm thick on the walls.
  • Good noise absorption (over 65%).
  • Fire resistance.Heat-insulating products based on urea-formaldehyde resins belong to the flammability class G-1, and to the flammability group V-2. This means that the material will not catch fire in a fire or even melt. With prolonged exposure to a flame of fire, the insulation will evaporate without emitting toxic substances.

  • Moisture resistance.The heat insulator absorbs moisture well and gives it back without losing its performance. The insulation is able to absorb up to 1/5 of the moisture and soon evaporate it.
  • Strength.Compression under linear deformation is 0.25–0.3 kg / cm2, and under tension is 0.05–0.08 kg / cm2.

Penoizol can be operated in severe temperature fluctuations from -50 to +100 degrees, which allows it to be used in difficult climatic conditions.

Pros and cons

Liquid foam has numerous advantages that distinguish it from other types of heat insulators.

This material has the following advantages:

  • Low coefficient of thermal conductivity.
  • Elasticity and resilience. Thanks to these properties, the foam fills all cracks and voids, eliminating the formation of cold air bridges.
  • Resistant to mechanical stress.Under power loads, the hardened material is crushed, and after the pressure ceases, it quickly returns to its original position.
  • Persistenceto sudden changes in temperature and resistance to changes in humidity.
  • Excellent vapor permeability.Due to this property, condensation will not accumulate on the insulated wall surfaces.

  • Good adhesion. The foam quickly and reliably adheres to any of the bases, making it convenient for it to insulate buildings with a complex structure.
  • Excellent protection against mold and mildew.There is no need to be afraid that insects will start in the insulation or that rodents will spoil it.
  • Favorable price.Raw materials for the manufacture of penoizol are inexpensive, which has a positive effect on the prices of the finished material. Having completed the installation of a heat insulator with your own hands, it is possible to save a significant amount on house insulation.
  • Durability.Correctly installed thermal insulation material can last more than 50 years without changing its performance.
  • Environmentally friendly.During operation, the heat insulator does not emit harmful substances. It is safe for health.

Despite the above advantages, liquid foam is not an ideal insulation. It has some disadvantages. Reviews of those who insulated their home with penoizol indicate material shrinkage (approximately 5%). The disadvantages include the impossibility of preparing and applying a foamy mass without specialized equipment.

It can be rented or bought, and this leads to additional financial costs.

The disadvantages of consumers also include a high percentage of moisture absorption, low tensile strength and the inability to work with foam at temperatures below +5 degrees. In addition, during the installation of the material, there are risks of release of phenol-formaldehyde vapors hazardous to health. And yet penoizol is harmful or not, it is worth understanding in more detail.

Is it harmful or not?

According to numerous reviews on the network, most consumers of liquid foam complain about its toxic odor during installation and drying. According to experts, such situations are observed when purchasing a low-quality heat insulator. The fact is that some manufacturers, in order to save money, use cheap carbamide resin with numerous impurities.

A high-quality heat insulator can only give off an unpleasant odor during installation. This is explained by the fact that during polymerization, the substance begins to release formaldehydes. However, their number is insignificant. In comparison, many modern paint and varnish products emit much more harmful substances, while foam insulation made according to the standards ceases to emit formaldehyde already upon drying.

Comparing all the pros and cons, we can conclude that it is better to refuse cheap insulation from unfamiliar manufacturers. It is better to overpay and give preference to well-known brands that have won the trust of consumers.

Manufacturers overview

Penoizol is a trade name for urea foam and this mark can only be used by NST (New Construction Technologies). This material is produced abroad, in each country it has its own name:

  • in Great Britain - flotofoam;
  • in Germany - animotherm;
  • in Canada - insulspray;
  • in the Czech Republic - mofotherm.

The basis for the production of liquid foam in Russia is produced by the companies ZAO Metadynea, OAO Togliattiazot, OAO Akron and others.


For the manufacture of penoizol directly at the construction site and its supply, specialized equipment will be required. It includes gas-liquid installations, the function of which is to mix the components that make up the material and supply the finished foam to molds or places of insulation. In addition to mixing units, you will need an air compressor and reagent containers.

The principle of operation of such an installation is simple: all containers with the necessary components and a compressor are connected to the gas-liquid unit by means of hoses. After mixing the reagents, foam forms. Then it is fed into casting molds or air gaps at the construction site.

Before you buy penoizol, as well as purchase or rent all the necessary components for house insulation, it is important to familiarize yourself with some recommendations.

How to choose?

Consider a number of nuances when selecting equipment.

  1. To install liquid foam, two types of installations can be used: gas-liquid and pneumohydraulic technology. The first, budgetary, is advisable to use for insulating small objects, for example, a private house. The pneumohydraulic equipment is distinguished by its large dimensions, productivity and cost. It should be selected when large-scale work is required.
  2. It is recommended to give preference to installations with a built-in compressor and receiver.
  3. Pay attention to what the plunger pump is made of and its options. Choose a pump made of stainless steel or plastic. It must have a speed control function.
  4. It is not worth buying a unit with a foam generator attached to the pumping part.

  • be white in color;
  • do not decrease in volume immediately after leaving the installation sleeve;
  • withstand pressing with a hand after 15 minutes of solidification;
  • do not have large and heterogeneous pores;
  • recover quickly after clicking.

If the prepared mass meets these requirements, you can safely purchase it.

Among the many heaters that exist on the construction market today, sprayed materials stand out favorably, in particular, penoizol. Let's consider it from all sides and find out if it is possible to make thermal insulation with this substance on our own.

Penoizol - what is it?

Penoizol is a modified foam. In fact, this is a foamed plastic, the basis of which is urea - formaldehyde resin with the addition of phosphoric acid. The assembled insulation consists of:

  • 98% air;
  • 2% - forming foamed resin with additives.

Penoizol is highly effective due to the formation of countless air pores that prevent heat from penetrating through the walls to the outside of the building.


The main characteristics that professionals pay attention to when choosing a heater:

Material shapes

Penoizol is delivered to the construction site in different forms:

  1. Liquid... This is the most common form. For installation, special spray equipment for penoizol is required, which supplies the prepared solution under pressure. The setting of the applied foam begins in 10-15 minutes, the initial hardening occurs in 3 hours, the material finally hardens in 2-3 days. The finished insulation is an elastic substance of medium hardness, capable of recovering its shape after exposure to mechanical stress.
  2. Sheet... This is the second most popular type of penoizol. For the manufacture of sheets (plates), the same resin and acid solution is used. It is sprayed into molds, where it hardens to a working condition, after which it is attached to walls and ceilings like any plate insulation.
  3. Granulated... This is foam-ash crumb, obtained as a result of crushing sheet materials, often defective. The chip of crushing is to increase the volume of the insulation up to 3 times, while its technical properties do not decrease. Granules (crumb) have been used in basement and attic insulation, as well as interfloor ceilings.

Penoizol advantages

Why do professionals choose this insulation in different forms:

  • Low coefficient of thermal conductivity is the main advantage of the material. A 45 mm layer of finished insulation is equivalent in characteristics to a 75 mm foam layer or 125 mm mineral wool;
  • The elasticity of the hardened foam makes wall insulation with penoizol effective - the material fills the entire space between the structural layers, leaving no cold bridges;
  • High adhesion to any surface;
  • Vapor permeability: due to open pores, it does not retain moisture on the surface of the walls;
  • Fungi do not multiply on penoizol;
  • The insulation does not change its characteristics in severe frost or significant heating; when the temperature is normalized, the frozen foam remains elastic;
  • Raw materials for penoizol are inexpensive, therefore, insulation can be carried out saving the family budget.


Like any other material, penoizol has disadvantages:

  • With its elasticity, foam insulation still shrinks up to 5% if it is under pressure between the layers of the walls;
  • Vapor permeability with an excess of moisture can become a problem - the polymer does not allow water to pass through the walls, so its accumulation can reduce thermal efficiency, and moisture evaporates for a long time;
  • Warming a house with penoizol is impossible without a special installation - a spray. You will have to rent it or order work from professionals, which will cost a lot of money. Next, we will look at how to assemble the installation yourself;
  • Installation is possible only at an air temperature of 15 ... 20 ° C.

Comparison with PPU: which is better

Penoizol or polyurethane foam: which is better? At first glance, these materials are similar to each other. Let's compare the points in the table.

Criterion PPU Penoizol
Structure Polyol and polyisocyanate urea - formaldehyde resin with the addition of phosphoric acid
Water absorption,% 1-2 10-20
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W / (m * K) 0,021 0,031…0,041
Flammability, class G3, G4 G2
Safety Approved for worldwide use, no concern for human health and the environment. Formaldehyde compound causes controversy over material safety, banned in many countries in the USA, Europe).
Service life, years Outdoors - 15 years, indoor in structures - up to 50 years According to the manufacturer 50, according to some customer reviews, it collapses after a few years.
Price 1200 RUB / kg About 600 rubles / kg

Conclusion: PPU is in the lead by all indicators. It's warmer, drier, safer, but you have to pay for it all. Penoizol is inferior in performance, but it is much cheaper.

DIY penoizol: home laboratory

Finding a liquid polymer for spraying is not as easy as we would like, so consider a way to prepare a working solution yourself. What needs to be prepared:

  • Urea-formaldehyde resin;
  • Foaming agent;
  • Technical tap water;
  • Orthophosphoric acid.

Ingredients can be purchased at a hardware store or chemical department. Please note that the components have a short shelf life (only a few months). To get a normal working foam, you need to take only fresh raw materials. Otherwise, the insulation will turn out to be unstable, the layer will crack and give a large shrinkage.

The proportions of the components for making the solution, depending on the desired characteristics of the foam, can be different. If necessary, more resin and acid are taken in dense foam insulation, respectively, less material is taken for loose foam.

To prepare 1m3 of penoizol you will need:

  • Resins 6… 70 liters (more resin - denser foam). The material is heated to 20 ° C or more, there is no need to filter and control the viscosity;
  • The water is heated to 20 degrees or more. You can use regular tap fluid. Its amount is determined conditionally until the foam of the desired property is reached, the reference point is approximately the same volume as the resin;
  • Alkylbenzenesulfonic acid (ABS) foaming agent in an amount of 0.5 ... 1.0% of the total volume after mixing the resin and water;
  • The catalyst - phosphoric acid is taken in the amount of 0.2 ... 0.5% of the total volume.

For the manufacture of penoizol brand M15 take:

  • Resin \u003d 20 kg;
  • Water \u003d 24.5 kg;
  • Foamer \u003d 0.1 kg;
  • Acid \u003d 0.4 kg.
  • Additives to reduce cracking - resorcinol (50 g).

The components for penoizol are mixed and poured into the spray container.

How to build a working rig

Buying a spray installation for building a house is irrational. It is much cheaper to rent it or assemble it yourself if the following items are lying around in the arsenal:

  • Gas-liquid installation;
  • Compressor;
  • Transport platform for containers.

The installation and the compressor are connected in series. The solution is poured into the container, the machine is started and layer by layer, row by row, insulation layers are applied to walls, ceilings / floors or into molds.

If there is no experience in insulation with sprayed materials, you should seek help from professionals or check your strength in a separate area, for example, on an unnecessary board. It is important that the spraying is even, without spitting. If necessary, adjust the solution supply power.

Penoizol insulation of structures

When the spraying device is ready and the solution is mixed, you can start working.

  1. As already mentioned, the first step is to install the installation according to the instructions or sequentially for a homemade device.
  2. A solution of liquid penoisol raw materials is poured into the container of the device.
  3. A crate is installed on the prepared surface (if you need thick layers of insulation).
  4. Insulation is applied to the work surface. Movements should be accurate, average speed. Do not smear the solution or apply very thick caps.
  5. When the layer is laid out, it is left for 2-3 days until it solidifies completely, after which the excess is cut off with a knife.

Resin for penoizol is sold ready-made already in solution, so it is better to use it than to measure the proportions yourself.

A thick layer of foam insulation should not be laid between the walls, which will not be able to expand normally, and then will shrink.

For thick layers, it is advisable to equip the crate so that the foam evenly occupies the entire space allotted to it from all sides.

You can do the professional work of installing the foam yourself, saving you a significant amount of money.

Proper insulation of the house is of decisive importance in energy saving. The most common heat insulators in our country are mineral wool and expanded polystyrene. Relatively recently, the domestic consumer got acquainted with penoizol, which has high thermal performance. With the help of a cellular polymer, you can insulate an apartment or private house, a garage, a summer cottage - and this can be done quickly and at no extra cost. To begin with, it is advisable to get detailed information about the properties of the insulation, its pros and cons, find reviews from builders and homeowners.

The full name is urea-formaldehyde foam (UF). This universal heat insulator has been actively used in Europe for heat and sound insulation for more than 60 years, and it became known in our country about 20 years ago. Penoizol manufacturing technology is quite simple. A carbamide resin is placed in a container, acid, a foaming agent and modifying additives are added to it. Compressed air is pumped into the mixed solution, which makes it possible to obtain fluffy foam, which is fed through a hose to the right places. Primary polymerization occurs within 10-15 minutes, after 4-5 hours the material becomes elastic, and after 2-4 weeks the thermal insulation is gaining full strength.


Thermal insulation of houses is carried out using different types:

1. Liquid. It is the most common, manufactured directly at the construction site.

2. Sheet penoizol. The basis for it is a liquid semi-finished product, poured into the usual cubic form. After solidification, the massif is cut into sheets of the required thickness. Cutting is carried out manually (with a wire) or on machine tools. Then the sheets are dried, finishing machining is performed.

3. Granular (crumb, thermo wool). For its manufacture, polymerized penoizol is crushed to a fraction of 10-15 mm - this size allows you to maintain elasticity.

Outwardly similar to expanded polystyrene, it is a white material with a fine-mesh structure. But the technical characteristics of the two polymers differ significantly - this is clearly shown in the table.

Feasibility of application

Being a type of foam, penoizol has the same positive qualities, and in some areas is ahead of it. However, the area of \u200b\u200buse is somewhat narrower due to the less robust structure. Liquid foam is used in the process of building a new house and for repair purposes. Basically, foam is poured into closed volumes to create a middle heat and sound insulation layer in combined walls, reinforced concrete slabs, sandwich panels, frame houses. During the repair, any cracks, gaps and cavities are filled with foam.

Houses under construction are insulated with slabs. It is mounted with dowels from the outside of the walls, closing from above with cladding (for example, siding). Thermal insulation of the floor is also possible: sheets are laid between the joists. Feedback has been received that penoizol in sheets is not very practical: its price is high, and the quality is worse than that of counterparts made of expanded polystyrene.

The crumb is advantageous in that when grinding solid material, the volume of the balls doubles. So, from a cubic meter of carbamide foam, 2 cubes of granules are obtained. As a result, the cost of thermal insulation is halved. After examining the reviews of experts, we can conclude that the crumb is used for blowing into floors, attic floors, gaps between rafters and hydro-wind-vapor barrier films, inter-wall cavities, under any facades.

Reviews of those who insulated their homes with penoizol

“Our private house was built over 30 years ago. The builders left air gaps for thermal insulation between the internal and external brick walls, but the desired goal was not achieved. After reading the reviews, we decided to make insulation by filling the voids with penoizol. The foam was prepared by the craftsman on site (the equipment is compact but powerful). Holes were drilled in the walls (1 piece per square meter) and insulation was pumped there. The work lasted 4 hours. After a few days, the holes were cemented. The result is this: it's November outside, and we turn on the boiler only at night, the heat remains during the day. "

Sergey Paramonov, Moscow.

“I am a builder, and I will tell you this: each material is designed for its own purposes. I use Penoizol only for thermal insulation of brick walls. There he behaves perfectly - I specifically checked by taking apart part of the wall. The thermal insulation practically did not shrink. My composition of the foam solution is as follows: KMFT urea-formaldehyde resin, orthophosphoric acid and ABSK foaming agent. To remedy the overlap situation, a small layer of ecowool can be poured over penoizol. "

Peter Fomin, St. Petersburg.

“Our company was one of the first in Russia to start working with penoizol crumbs. I declare with full confidence: this is the best option for insulating a frame-type house. Granules must be absolutely dry, springy, 10-15 mm in size, with a density of 8 kg / m2. We set up the equipment for blowing so that the density of blown crumb corresponds to the same parameter of sheets. If this condition is met, the thermal insulation will be of high quality and durable ”.

Victor Meshkov, Rostov-on-Don.

“Several years have passed since I completed the thermal insulation of the attic floor with penoizol. Now I offer my conclusions: the shrinkage is very large and, apparently, it still continues. Huge gaps have formed between the penoizol plates. In addition, the material is dusty, and the dust irritates mucous membranes even more than glass wool. "

Dmitry, Krasnodar.

An overview of the pros and cons

Evaluating the quality characteristics of the material and reviews of homeowners, it is worth noting the advantages and disadvantages of penoizol in comparison with other heat insulators. Let's first focus on the positive features.

1. Non-flammability. Urea foam, unlike expanded polystyrene, does not melt during a fire, but decreases in volume. In this case, non-toxic substances are released into the atmosphere: carbon dioxide, water and nitrogen.

2. Durability. Retains its thermal insulation properties for 50-80 years - about the same as extruded polystyrene foam.

3. Versatility. Urea foam can be selected in the desired form of release, use insulation for any surfaces.

4. Vapor permeability of the material. Due to the capillary structure, the thermal insulation allows water vapor to pass outside the room. This is especially true for timber houses.

5. High adhesion. Thermal insulation adheres to almost any substrate.

6. Lack of joints (possible "cold bridges").

7. Biological resistance. Mold does not appear, mice do not gnaw it.

With all its advantages, penoizol insulation has a number of disadvantages due to the presence of formaldehyde in the material and a porous structure.

1. Allocation of toxic components during installation. During pouring, hardening and drying, a strong smell of gaseous formaldehyde is felt. With good ventilation, the concentration of harmful substances decreases to a minimum after 2-3 weeks.

2. Evaporation of formaldehyde by heat and sunlight. To avoid such phenomena, penoizol is not placed directly under the roof.

3. Low mechanical tensile strength of the material. Due to the low density, the thermal insulation is destroyed by shock and mechanical stress.

4. High level of water absorption. Urea foam absorbs water 2-5 times more than expanded polystyrene. If a private house is being built, you should not use a heater with a capillary structure in the underground part of the foundation, and also lay it under the screed. It is desirable that penoizol is inside building structures and does not have direct contact with water.

5. Shrinkage of liquid thermal insulation. This effect is only absent when pouring foam between the walls when it is under pressure.

Thermal insulation is safe only if the urea foam is made without breaking technology. Reviews of builders recommend buying components for the solution in special stores, check for a certificate for the material. But even under this condition, the likelihood of evaporation of formaldehydes remains, therefore, when laying, several rules must be observed:

  • if a private house is being insulated, select contractors with advanced equipment for pouring;
  • ensure ventilation of the area where the work is carried out;
  • install a vapor barrier on the inside of the wall;
  • use thermal insulation in the form of thermal wool and sheet.

In order for the thermal insulation after hardening to give less shrinkage, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions of the mixture in the manufacture of penoizol, apply it in one step, dry it gradually (under the film). Shrinkage is minimized by macro- and micro-reinforcement using special modifiers. To reduce water absorption, hydrophobic organosilicon additives are used.

An alternative are analogs with a higher strength - for example, omiflex, poroplast. They are poured over a concrete screed, fused onto a soft roof.

The cost

The cost of insulation depends on the consumption of polymer, composition of the composition, form of material release, quality of equipment. The cost can be reduced in the off-season (but remember that the air temperature during work must be at least + 20 ° C). Sometimes the company makes a discount by reducing the density of thermal insulation or using cheaper raw materials - these nuances should be clarified.

If the facility is remote, companies may charge a separate fee for the departure of the team. Extra charges are possible when installing at a height or in cramped conditions, if surface preparation is necessary. It happens that additional services are paid for at a separate rate.

Prices for installation work are shown in the table.