Slimming conspiracies: the strongest and effective prayers. Reviews about slimming conspiracies

Today, one of the ways to combat extra kilograms are magic for weight loss.

How to lose weight with magic

In order to lose weight with the help of magic, it is necessary to find patience, to believe in the magical power of self-sustaining and find the source of faith and hope for a favorable outcome. It should be clearly put in front of us and present the desired result in all the trifles. It is necessary so that a person has a motive that will encourage action.

There are the following types of witchcraft, with which you can fight obesity:

  • conspiracies and love spells;
  • mantras, prayers and whispers;
  • rites and rituals;
  • runes;
  • ancient magic Voodoo;
  • magic Aztec;
  • amulets and talismans.

Before choosing a method of witchcraft for weight loss, it is primarily necessary to identify the cause of excess weight. If a cause is a disease, the use of magic will be ineffective. Witchcraft aimed at losing weight does not save the body from diseases that directly affect the state of the human body (for example, diabetes, kidney disease, various heart disease). In this case, you should consult a doctor or use special care magic.

There are some rules that need to be remembered and applied using magic to lose weight:

  1. It is necessary to try to apply any varieties of witchcraft only during the period of decreasing moon. The moon does not directly affect the state of a person, and the period of its decrease is a suitable time to use all body capabilities. This time is best suited for cleansing the body, since the person decreases the traction to the fat and sweet, the metabolism is improved and the appetite is dulled.
  2. It is necessary to tune in to a positive result. The human body is designed so that any changes must be approved by its consciousness, which is a mental reflection of reality. Therefore, it is important to achieve interaction of mind and body. And only reaching this harmony, you can count on the desired result.
  3. You should use magic only on an empty stomach. This will help faster to get rid of negative energy in the human body and will strengthen the impact of magic to all energy centers in the body.
  4. It is necessary to strictly comply with all the recommendations in the conspiracy and attractions used, do not change the text in mantra and prayers, carefully examine the selected Magic methods. Missing errors and mistakes during witchcraft can lead to irreparable consequences in the future.

For the use of magic for the purpose of weight loss, it is not necessary to contact practitioners of sorcerers and priests, whose services will be expensive. You can fight obesity and at home. The main thing is to comply with all the rules for using magic.

It is important to consider that if the desired weight result was achieved with the help of witchcraft, then the new state of the body should be maintained for a long period and in no case resort to the use of magic again. Reuse of charms can bring harm to the health and body of a person.

Example of magical action on video:


In order to lose weight with the help of Magic at home, many people read magic conspiracy. Conspiracies are the strongest spells that directly affect the human brain and are aimed at achieving the goal.

For the optimal effects of whispers, a number of rules must be observed:

  • selling words are clearly and quiet (whispering on masks, bath and honey);
  • read the words about yourself (whispering on herbs, apple and);
  • believe in magic words.


Runes are special magic symbols affecting a person. Each symbol has its meaning. Therefore, with different combinations, weight loss magic can be applied and act differently.

The combination of runes aimed at losing weight is best to apply on the stomach, as this is the human energy center responsible for desire.

You can both in the line and in the column. It is important to consider that each rune has its own period of magical impact. Therefore, before applying such elements, it is best to know the use of one or another symbol.


To combat extra kilograms, this type of witchcraft can also be applied as, when using which a number of rules should be followed:

  • the spell must be carried out only for yourself;
  • suitable time for this type of witchcraft is midnight;
  • the actual action will increase if the place of its holding will be a small dark room in which there are no unauthorized persons and all electrical devices are turned off;
  • the spell should only be on an empty stomach.

This type of witchcraft can be carried out at home.

Magic Voodoo.

The ancient magic Voodoo on weight loss is the most powerful rite, which is directly directed to the state of the spirit and human body.

Before the start of this ritual, it is necessary to clean your body. For this follows a few days to fast. There are a number of compliance rules:

  • exclude meat products from the diet;
  • abandon alcohol;
  • do not use oil when cooking dishes;
  • eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible.

After cleansing the body, it is necessary to knead the dough and add hair into it or an eyelashes of a person suffering from obesity. From the resulting mass, the full figure should be made in the form of a doll and dry it in such a way that it gains a solid shape. It is important to remember that before the moment of the ritual, no one should see it.

This rite Voodoo for weight loss should be carried out exactly at midnight. It is necessary to take a pre-prepared figure from the dough in advance and pronounce the following conspiracy:

EST Excessus Ponderis Amissa, Pingues Unquam Discederet Saecula.

After reading, you need to fill with doll small pieces of dough from those places where extra fat is located. They symbolize those extra kilograms from which you should get rid of.

The pieces separated from the figure must be wrapped in a red fabric. The resulting convolution should be burned immediately. The faster the bundle burns, the faster the human body will acquire the desired forms.

Inexperienced and beginner magicians should not conduct witchcraft rituals Voodoo on their own at home. Voodoo magic is a powerful tool in overweight, therefore, a clear observance of all subtleties and rules for the execution of this rite are required. In this regard, it is better to seek help from practicing sorcerers and shamans.

In the first days after the ritual, the rapid weight loss should not be expected. Excess weight will leave gradually. If all the rules of the rite were observed, then for 2-3 months the figure will be slim and desired weight in kilograms will be achieved.

Magic Voodoo on weight loss is considered the most efficient Witchcraft method of combating obesity. With it, you can get the desired results. The main thing is to use it correctly.

Magic Aztec

Aztec is an ancient Indian people who have rich mythology and cultural heritage. By influencing the inner world, the Indians committed all their rites and rituals. The source of their magic is the places of energy concentration in the human body. Interacting with such energy centers, Aztecs sent their spells to improve the health of the body's health and spirit of people.

The magic of the Indians of this ancient genus can be directed to weight loss. Aztecs believe that if a person has overweight problems, it means that he has health problems that can be solved by conducting a special magical ritual.

This rite implies work with human energy centers. To do this, it is introduced into the state of the trance, which allows the MAGA to freely direct its magic to the following energy accumulation centers:

  • liver area;
  • pancreas area;
  • kidney region;
  • head area.

The magician who will affect all these areas will be able to bring the body to the state of harmony, and therefore, and return the health of the person.

Aztecs also believe that the source of human impairment is the worldview of a person. If you do not change your views on life, the violation of the energy centers will be constantly.

It should be noted that it should be used for weight loss in the magic of ancient Indian peoples, only in cases where other witchcraft methods of overweight do not bring the desired results.

Amulets and talismans

From ancient times, people believed that various amulets were able to influence the body and human health. Therefore, the way to get rid of excess weight with the help of magic amulets and talismans is popular and in our time.

Ways to seize such chambers of people different. Some try to buy them from shamans and sorcerers, whose activities are aimed at assisting people by magic. Others seek to make such amulets themselves. They believe that the charm made with their own hands will have a more powerful energy force, which will allow its owner and at the same time the Creator to achieve its goals.

For the manufacture of the magic chaff, you can apply any technician materials. To begin with, decide on its shape. Since the talisman will be sent to weight loss, it can be done in the form of an oval or rhombus. These figures symbolize the harmony and healthy body state.

The amulet can be made of any material. But it should be remembered that a tree talisman will be possessing the greatest force.

To increase the force of impact on the amulet, various magic symbols can be applied. The most popular of them:

  • socuil - depicted in the form of lightning;
  • dagaz - is a sign of infinity;
  • kano - similar to the corner of the triangle;
  • yera - depicted in the form of two characters, which are similar to the sharp corners of the triangle, looking at different directions;
  • isa - is a horizontal line.

Various combinations of these characters will strengthen their magic properties of the amulet. For example, the owl, Dagaz and Isa for a long time delivered from the feeling of hunger, the runes of Yera, Kano and Dagaz improve the metabolic processes in the human body and help the figure to become beautiful.

In order for the charm began to act, it needs to be charged with energy. First you need to put it in a small box, fall asleep with salt and put in the refrigerator for 2 days. Then you need to take an amulet in the hands, tightly squeeze it and make a desire. Thus, the Creator of Amuleta charges him and will send all the energy of this magical guard to the exercise of its goals. Wearing this talisman follows the neck.

If everything is done correctly, the magic talisman will begin to act the next day, and the figure of the owner of this charm will acquire the desired forms.

The magic of the word has a strong impact on a person. And the words embedded in prayers, conspiracies, spells, are able to create a true miracle if they are put on faith. This feature is used not only to acquire love, health, money and well-being, but also to get rid of excess weight. Today, the problem of obesity is relevant equal to both men and women. There are many magical rites based on prayer appeals to the saints, on conspiracies and challenges. For effective weight loss, we will use those of them that scored the greatest number of positive feedback and impressive results.

Strong conspiracy of weight loss from Vanga

Bulgarian provincial, helping people, paid their attention to the fact that any problem can be eliminated by the true faith and power of his own spirit. She gave healing conspiracies and prayers, but also was convinced that words to appeal to the highest forces can be made by himself. The main thing is that the soul responds.

Together, she advised to listen to her body to liness to listen to her body, to believe in him, clean thoughts from desolonging and reading a special conspiracy at midnight at a decreasing moon: "In the ocean-sea sleeps hunger on constipation. It is not allowed by three whales. Will not find a slave on the Lord (name) Hoddough Maata. Scary trouble, in the fog morning dissolve. In the ocean, go, gentlemen to slave (name) slim leave. The eyes are sleeping, do not stroke on food. Nights to the morning to melt, and the hunger from the body to fall behind, not to wish him, do not break. Specified in the night: Holoughness is silent! Amen!"

Food grade

It is believed that the term "weight loss" carries a negative charge, since in our genetic memory this word is displayed, as a derivative of the old designation of all the bad - "Hood". With it, cursed and caused damage. Therefore, you should be careful in uttering the goal of conspiracy or prayer to subconsciously not harm health and body. The most effective are those verbal appeals that are designed to get rid of excessive appetite:

Conspiracy from appetite (on water)

"The Beauty of Heaven, good you're day from day. Do not drink, do not eat, and you please all the red! And help me. From the appetite to get rid of the wolf, lisha goose gait, bear fighters. Delay and take my delicate with you! And the redness of his beloved! Amen!"

Words are pronounced seven times on a glass with water lit by the moon. Copy water put in the refrigerator and drink in front of meal. The ritual with water is repeated until the extra kilograms begin to go.

Magic talismans for harmony

Conspiring weight loss. For example: Balance, Comb, Soap, etc.

Lunar conspiracy on the belt: "My sister is my round, I need to strive for her. She goes to the loss, I hurry for her. She is good, I will become more painful. The moon cherished words whisper, she knows: I want the Osin Talia. Sister in growth will go, and I am not a year harmony, and forever gives. Do not deceive! Amen!"

The ritual is held at midnight on the last day of the full moon. The conspiracy belt must be worn every day before the expiration of the lunar month, and then the ritual repeat again.

Lunar conspiracy on clothes: "Tsaritsa Heavenly I spend take a gift from me. I give (so much) kilogram. Let him take the one who needs. And I'm waiting for a different reward. The body is slim like birch trees. The figure is elegant, like Lani, beauty, not earthly. Amen!"

It is also read under the light of the full moon. If necessary, repeat several times.

Prayer for getting rid of extra kilograms

Christians who are even afraid of the white rites of magic can use in the fight against interfering health and beauty weighing the prayer "Our Father". Here you need to sincerely surrender to the Lord, rely on the strength of your own faith and the powerfulness of the sacred text. Start a prayer to read in the first night of the new moon, and complete the last night before the full moon offensive. "Our Father" read three times to the moon. After the third time the body strokes in those places where overweight was gathered. Touch must be accompanied by arbitrary words that emphasize the desire to lose weight. For example: "What I touch, is to decline, but what I look - is added and rounded."

Today I want to tell you about my personal experience, as I lost 10 kg after the birth of a child. In principle, after giving birth, I was in good shape, but I kept it with breastfeeding. Probably all you know how many calories are needed by a nursing mom on the production of her milk organism. Therefore, until my daughter turned almost 2 years old, I was calm for my figure.

I started to gain weight when finished feeding the child. All those buns that I ate for lunch instead of soup, homemade sour cream instead of kefir and seeds instead of fresh fruit downtown on my waist and hips. Accustomed, there are many and calories, it was very difficult to refuse to themselves in anything. The husband, of course, did not say anything to me, he is generally very delicate in this matter. But I regret noted that some skirts are no longer fastened on the waist, and in the dress in which I was discharged from the maternity hospital after childbirth, I was already closed.

Everything changed when I went to work. No, of course, the work itself did not help me, helped meals. Get out first for a full time, I started for fun days. I had time to eat only at work, because at home I had no time to do it at all! I will not bother you with details, but I will go to the main one.

Experimed, purely intuitively, I managed to bring my successful preservation points of the maiden figure:

1. Tightly breakfast.

For breakfast, you can eat even an elephant. In the evening, after the working day, the cleaning and home affairs, I did not want anything other than sleep, so I'm putting on the morning namaz, after prayer, while the whole house was sleeping, I eaten my dinner. At first I thought that after a rich breakfast would become fat, but every day I was convinced that kilograms leave, and without my efforts on my part.

2. Drink more vegetables and fruits.

It was helped by the fact that near my job was not at all stores, where I could buy buns and buns for lunch. And near my house, just one store worked for a fruit and vegetable. It was there that I purchased a snack for the next working day. Any fruits and vegetables. It was them that I eaten before dinner at work. Well, of course, I drank tea as the day in the office without this drink. I always saw tea without sugar, so it probably also played a role. By the way, I also did not forget about clean water, but about it later.

3. Do not dine as it should.

Here the dining room was helped, which was next to my office. Since there was no meat there, I ate fish every day with some side dish and took vegetable salad. By the way, at home I almost can't cook fish, since none of her home eats it, but kinging almost a year every day for a piece of different fish (the head of the dining room, every week I tried to buy different varieties of fish, sorry me), probably got a stock of phosphorus for 10 years forward!

4. Do not forget about the afternoon.

At about 16.30-17.00 I drank tea with baking purchased at lunch in the dining room (I could not deny yourself completely in this) or snacking yogurt.

And that's it. After 17.00 I no longer eaten. Because the first time was once, and then I got used to such a regime. For the year I had 10 kg, and without any diets and exhausting physical exertion (I just tried to walk more on foot and once a week I visited group classes with dancing, but it is more for the soul, and not for the body).

1. Drink a lot of water. I drank 5-6 glasses per day. Clean and non-carbonated. Every day, not missing not one day. It is possible more, but no less.

2. Power Mode. I wrote about him above. I understood it, cellulite goes with weight. It is easier to win if you add the correct power mode.

3. Massage. And I made it myself for all distressed places. Vacuum massage. And the whole course cost me 150 rubles. I bought vacuum rubber banks in a pharmacy (special for massage for massage) for 60 rubles. Like these ones:

All bought in a pharmacy. Sisters, I want to warn you that it is a painful procedure, and there may be bruises. I made two courses for 10 days with a break per week. Alhamdullille, everything went!

Sisters! Our direct duty look good for our husbands. Yes, and we ourselves nice to look at our slim bodies in the reflection of the mirror.Those who think they will not succeed, then, in my opinion, we need to be patient and hope for success (with faith in the Most High). No need to think negatively, always remember one ancient proverb: "We sing a thought - you will get a degree, lay a deed - get the habit, lay the habit - send the handkerchief, lay the harakter - you will get fate!" Absolutely correct statement.

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author

Each person sees various drawbacks in himself, it seems to someone that he has the nose of the wrong shape, someone that his ears stick out too, and someone is overweight. The latter worries almost every second person. Modern medicine has advanced far in this matter, plastic surgery, torpedoes and many other things. But what to do a person who does not fit traditional medicine?

There are many methods to lose weight without traditional medicine, many of them are even dangerous to your health. But did you ever hear about white magic ever? Everyone knows that there is some power out of out, and it is simply not reasonable to deny it. If you decide to resort to magic, you can not treat it skeptical, because much depends on whether you believe in it, or not.

There are many options to lose weight with white magic, in this article we will publish the most faithful and effective ways in our opinion. You must remember that for all the consequences in case of incorrect use of this information, you are responsible.

Voodoo Doll"

You probably heard about Voodoo doll, most people have negative associations, because the generally accepted opinion is that such dolls are used to cause damage to the health of another person. In this African cult, a lot is invented for healing and healing from various kinds of diseases. To lose weight, so you have to make a doll from the dough, or clay. The assembly figurine should be similar to you only in a reduced form, it is very important in order to better establish a connection between you. After the ritual himself occurs, pronounce a conspiracy, you must inspire from the doll on a small piece of precisely in those places wherever you want to lose weight. Having finished, it is necessary to collect all the torn pieces, wrap them in the rag and burn. The doll itself hide into a secluded place and store. You do not have to tell anyone how you lose weight, and even more so show a doll, it can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Conspiracy to pronounce:

"Himself a pin - fat burning, curvogo expellation - fat campui"

Conspiracy on a decreasing moon

All actions should occur on a decreasing moon. For this rite, you must take coconut and make a hole in it. The contents of the coconut should be drunk, write a conspiracy on a piece of paper and put it in a nut, in the morning fill the nut fresh urinous, plus a hole tightly and bury in a dry place. The text of the conspiracy written on paper should be as follows: "Young I am beautiful, without surplus and flawed, too much I drove all, I have gained beauty!". After the rite works, you need to dig a coconut and score it.

Slimming through water

Type the bathroom in the evening with warm water, you can either lie, or sit in water and wash your body with water with a hand or washcloths to pronounce a plot. This rite should be performed several times, the instantaneous result will not be, but, over time you will throw a few kilograms. Conspiracy sounds like this: "I drown an evil water - I wash off everything too much, wash the water - I try to be slim"

Appeal to the Moon

Queen of the night is, of course, the moon. All sorcerers and magicians appeal to the night luminaries with their requests. There are many conspiracy that are pronounced exclusively at the light of the moon, there is also a conspiracy for weight loss. To do this, you need to go to a clean even place, preferably on the field, in the days when the full moon is just beginning to decline, and pronounce a conspiracy three times, and for three days. The text of the conspiracy is:

"Beautiful moon in the night of the night sky, I will see me, hear my words. You make the night clear: how day, take my surplus with you when you leave. You will decline, I will not forget my request. Let the gravity go away, and the joy will come. "

Pork grass

The rite itself is not pleasant, but this is a personal matter of everyone to conduct it or not. To fulfill the root, you will need direct contact with a pig. The ritual is that as soon as the moon begins to decrease, you need to pull a little herb from the mouth of the pig, while saying: "I lose weight." After you need to flood the bath, or gain a bathroom of hot water and throw this grass there, it is very important not to use any detergents, soap, shampoo, or other hygiene products. Take the grass and rub all the body, saying a plot:

"The moon is on wage - my weight will take, my fat is left - I will go on a pig, so it will be so."

This procedure can be repeated as many times as you consider it necessary.

Slimming stones

This option will not only help you remove fat, but also acquire yourself a beautiful ornament-charm. You will need a decoration with amethyst or sapphire, before that it should not have belong to someone, the stones are well tolerated negative energy. Take the stones, and rinse them under running water, after Saturday you need to choke a special conspiracy over them:

"The strength of the stones to me go, from excess weight to get rid of help"

Lock these stones problem areas, and you will see how cellulite and fat slowly go.

Secrets of Eastern Magia

Everyone knows about sages and magicians from the East, this rite is held at midnight for the full moon. You need to enter the river, to plunge on your head three times pronouncing the following words: "San Siya Nah Pai Dow" After, without wiping to dress and go to bed. Repeat follows 9 nights in a row. The result will not make yourself wait.

So, we listed you the most effective ways to lose weight with the help of white magic:

  • Voodoo Doll";
  • Conspiracy on a decreasing moon;
  • Weight loss through water;
  • Appeal to the moon;
  • Stones charged on weight loss;
  • Secrets of eastern magic.

All the ceremony data was checked for centuries, and were transmitted from generation to generation. In turn, we want to warn you that magic is a very serious thing, you can not only benefit your body, but also cause considerable harm. Therefore, we carefully examine all the rituals, and act strictly according to the instructions that we provided to you. We wish you to lose weight faster and never return to this issue.

Video with a powerful magic ritual for weight loss and harmony

Traditionally, we understand under the amulet some kind of mystical thing, which carries a special charge of the mysterious force that can protect the amulet owner from negative external influences. And most importantly, such amulets are always surrounded by a halo of mystery, made by wizards or sorcerers and are endowed with a certain irrational, mystical force. The finding amulet really carries a huge charge of magical power and can protect his owner from many troubles.

Our task is easier and clearer - create an amulet who will help us in solving their local, individual tasks, including in the fight with its weight, dimensions, appetite and other problems. We will show on the example how to create a real key to the internal psychological programs for the correction of weight and shape. It is easy to make it, especially since this amulet may well be your favorite trinket or some thing, which in your mind is associated with something pleasant.

Of course, you can make a special amulet, such as an obsidian plate with a slimming symbol inlaid. Then this plate is specially charged and works as an active assistant in strengthening the internal programs of psychocorrection. But to create such amulets, a lot of time and the intense work of one or group of specially trained people is required. But the amulet from his beloved bauble can do any specially for themselves. And according to the effectiveness of individual influence, such a talisman will not give way to a specially created amulet.

Production technology is simple. To charge it with a special psycho-energy program, take advantage of the already known finger bookmark (to familiarize yourself with or refresh in memory - see the school of a beautiful figure - articles of the Schechennikov - 3-meter finger bookmark).

Bend your hands in the elbows, palms are turned up and connected by a brush. To the surface of the palms put your future amulet. I repeat: it can be a favorite trinket, some kind of pleasant little thing or another material object. The only condition - it should be pleasant for you.

Create an ideal symbol or image of what you want to get in the end: yourself, beautiful, for example, and mentally place him a little behind to the right of the body and, tuned, take a step back and right. Step so that in the final phase of the movement to get into the color field of the character of the ideal image. Entering him, wait, listening to your feelings. There is something in the body. There is a feeling that the external covers of the body are torn, change, adjust to some new standards. It is a correction of deep psycho-energy programs that determine the accumulation of excess weight or getting rid of it. At this moment, and begin the charging of your personal talisman. So, the thing lies on the palms. Count up to five and sew your little men to your palms on both hands. Then count to five again and adjust the nameless fingers. Then consider to five and adjust the middle fingers. At the expense of "five", adjust the index fingers. Stores retranged on the sides on both hands. The thing that was chosen for himself as a talisman is already tightly wrapped in his fingers, it is inside a compressed fist. Now at the expense of "five" dramatically press the thumbs, and they finally close your amulet from the outside world. The sensations that accompany this finger bookmark may be similar to what happened when we formed a bookmark with an ideal way. (See the book of Schesthennikov, chapter creating an ideal image).

Remember when thumbs were pressed, the hands began to be involuntarily tightened and gradually the voltage reached the limit, and then slowly down and the hands were relaxed slowly. Almost the same feelings will appear this time. The difference is that inside the fists of folded hands there is your amulet, and at the time of the highest voltage we do not expect passively when the peak effort will pass by itself, but we present that all the power of the molded in the tight node of the muscles and fists is absorbed by the subject we keep in hand. It would seem, how can a solid subject to absorb ephemeral power of compressed fists? How can I! After all, this is not so much power as energy information. And she finds her niches in the structure of the amulet, settles in them and at any moment it can be in demand by the person himself.

When the procedure is completed, you need to leave the amulet for some time - several hours. He must be closed. But then it is enough to take it in hand and think about your desire to lose weight, as a mental team will be perceived by the amulet and it will begin to act. Most often, a person feels his action as a wavy heat, emanating from the subject and spreading first by hand, and then throughout the body. But little to feel warm, you need to listen to it even carefully to feel how it spreads through the body, activates the process of internal changes. I fix our attention all the deep sensations and note for yourself that, for example, in the abdomen there is an inner movement and the belly itself is slowly drawn. Then we feel that fat deposits on the sides are filled with deep inner rugs, as if through them the flow of air bubbles flows. There is a feeling of movement in the whole body, the large masses are moving inside. This reacts unconscious psyche. Programs of deep weight correction and figures are included and gradually change internal subconscious installations. And as a result, the effect of which we are waiting are achieved.

In order for the amulet to earn and launch a weight loss program, you just need to take it into my hands and cause the desire to become slim or just pronounce a formula: "I want to get rid of excess weight and become slim and tightened." The amulet is charged with the activation of domestic psycho-energy programs of weight loss and will immediately respond to an ideal wish. The use of a special amulet further simplifies the psychocorrection of weight and shapes and allows a person to fully use the reserves of the unconscious psyche to get rid of themselves from the excess weight and forming the figure.

Similarly, you can charge the amulet on any of your desire. It will be your magic wand that will perform any of your desire. Charge a lot of amulets with various desires - and become wizards themselves. May it be so!