Afterlife: what awaits us after death. Afterlife - how our dead live

What is the afterlife, or what kind of life is it after death? Desiring to begin a feasible solution to this mysterious question, I remember Your words, Christ our God, that without You we cannot do anything good, but “ask and it will be given to you”; and therefore I pray to you with a humble and contrite heart; Come to my aid, enlightening me, like every person in the world who comes to You. Bless yourself and indicate, with the assistance of Your All-Holy Spirit, where we should seek the solution of our question about the afterlife, a question so necessary for the present time. We need such permission both in and of itself, as well as for shaming the two false directions of the human spirit, materialism and spiritualism that are now striving for domination, expressing a sick state of mind, an epidemic state, contrary to Christian doctrine..

Part 1


The afterlife of a person consists of two periods; 1) the afterlife before the resurrection of the dead and universal judgment is the life of the soul, and 2) the afterlife after this judgment is the eternal life of man. In the second period of the afterlife, everyone has the same age, according to the teaching of the word of God.

The Savior directly said that behind the grave souls live like angels; therefore, the afterlife state of the soul is conscious, and if souls live like angels, then their state is active, as our Orthodox Church teaches, and not unconscious and sleepy, as some think.

The false doctrine of a sleepy, unconscious, and therefore inactive state of the soul in the first period of its afterlife does not agree with either the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments, or with sound reason. It appeared in the 3rd century in Christian society as a result of a misunderstanding of some expressions of the word of God. In the Middle Ages, this false teaching made itself felt, and even Luther sometimes attributed to the souls behind the coffin an unconscious sleepy state. During the Reformation, the main representatives of this doctrine were the Anabaptists - the rebaptized. Further, this doctrine was developed by the heretic Socinians, rejecting the Holy Trinity and the divinity of Jesus Christ. False teaching does not stop developing even in our time.

The revelation of both the Old and New Testaments offers us the dogma of the afterlife of the soul, and at the same time lets us know that the state of the soul behind the grave is personal, independent, conscious and active. If it were not so, then the word of God would not represent to us sleeping people acting consciously.

After separation from the body on earth, the soul in the afterlife continues its existence on its own throughout the first period. The spirit and soul continue their existence behind the grave, enter a state of either blessed or painful, from which they can be delivered through the prayers of St. Churches.

Thus, the first period of the afterlife also contains an opportunity for some souls to get rid of hellish torments before the onset of the last judgment. The second period of the afterlife of souls represents only a blissful or only a painful state.

The body on earth serves as a hindrance to the soul in its activity, in the same place, behind the grave, in the first period, these obstacles will be removed by the absence of a body, and the soul will be able to act solely according to its mood assimilated by it on earth; either good or evil. And in the second period of its afterlife, the soul will act, although under the influence of the body, with which it will unite again, but the body will already change, and its influence will even favor the activity of the soul, freeing itself from gross carnal needs and receiving new spiritual properties.

In this form, the Lord Jesus Christ portrayed the afterlife and the activity of souls in the first period of the afterlife in his parable of the rich man and Lazarus, where the souls of the righteous and sinner are represented alive and consciously acting internally and externally. Their souls think, desire and feel. True, on earth, a soul can change its good activity to evil and, vice versa, evil to good, but with what it passed beyond the grave, that activity will already develop for an eternity.

It was not the body that quickened the soul, but the soul — the body; therefore, even without a body, without all of its external organs, it will retain all its strengths and abilities. And its action continues beyond the grave, with the only difference that it will be incomparably more perfect than the earthly. As proof, let us remember the parable of Jesus Christ: despite the immeasurable abyss separating heaven from hell, the deceased rich man, who is in hell, saw and recognized both Abraham and Lazarus who are in paradise; moreover, he talked with Abraham.

So, the activity of the soul and all its forces in the afterlife will be much more perfect. Here, on earth, we see objects at a distant distance with the help of telescopes, and yet the effect of vision cannot be perfect, it has a limit beyond which vision, even armed with lenses, does not extend. Behind the grave, and to fall does not prevent the righteous from seeing sinners, and the condemned - the saved. The soul, being in the body, saw a person and other objects - it was the soul that saw, not the eye; the soul heard, not the ear; the sense of smell, taste, touch was felt by the soul, and not the members of the body; therefore, these powers and abilities will be with her and beyond the grave; she is either rewarded or punished because she feels reward or punishment.
If it is natural for a soul to live in the society of such creatures, if the feelings of the soul are united on earth by God Himself in the union of undying love, then, according to the power of undying love, souls are not separated by a grave, but, as St. Church, live in the company of other spirits and souls.

The inner, personal activity of the soul consists of: self-awareness, thinking, cognition, feeling and desire. External activity is made up of many different influences on all inanimate beings and objects around us.


The Word of God has revealed to us that the angels of God do not live in solitude, but are in communication with each other. The same word of God, namely the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ, says that behind the grave, righteous souls in His kingdom will live like angels; consequently, souls will also be in spiritual communion with each other.

Sociability is a natural, natural property of the soul, without which the existence of the soul does not reach its goal - bliss; only during communication, interaction, the soul can get out of that unnatural state for it, about which its Creator Himself said: "It's not good for a man to be alone"(Genesis 2:18) These words refer to the time when man was in paradise, where there is nothing but paradise bliss. For perfect bliss, therefore, only one thing was lacking - he was a homogeneous being with whom he would be together, in cohabitation and in communion. Hence it is clear that bliss requires precisely interaction, communication.

If communication is a natural need of the soul, without which, therefore, the very bliss of the soul is impossible, then this need will be perfectly satisfied behind the grave in the society of God's chosen saints.
The souls of both states of the afterlife, saved and unresolved, if they were united on earth (and especially for some reason close to each other's hearts, sealed by a close union of kinship, friendship, acquaintance), and beyond the grave continue to sincerely, sincerely love: even more what they loved during their earthly life. If they love, it means they remember their remaining on earth. Knowing the life of the living, the afterlife take part in it, grieving and rejoicing with the living. Having one common God, those who have passed into the afterlife hope for the prayers and intercession of the living and wish salvation both for themselves and for those still living on earth, waiting for them every hour to retire to the afterlife.

So, love, together with the soul, goes beyond the grave into the kingdom of love, where no one can exist without love. Love, planted in the heart, sanctified and strengthened by faith, burns beyond the grave to the source of love - God - and to the neighbors who remain on earth.
Not only those who are in God - perfect, but also not completely removed from God, imperfect, retain love for those who remain on earth.

Only one lost souls, as completely alien to love, to whom love was also painful on earth, whose hearts were constantly full of anger and hatred - and beyond the grave are alien to love and to their neighbors. What the soul assimilates on earth, love or hatred, thus passes into eternity. The evangelical rich man and Lazarus testify that the dead, if they had only true love on earth, and after passing into the afterlife state, love us, the living. The Lord clearly states: the rich man, being in hell, with all his sorrows, still remembers his brothers who remained on earth, cares about their afterlife. Therefore, he loves them. If the sinner loves so much, then with what tender parental love do the migrated parents love their orphaned children left on earth! What a fiery love the spouses who have passed to the other world love their widowers who have remained on earth! What angelic love the children of their parents who have moved behind the grave love! What a sincere love the brothers, sisters, friends, acquaintances and all true Christians who have departed from this life love the brothers, sisters, friends, acquaintances and everyone with whom the Christian faith united them! So, those who are in Hell love us and care for us, and those who are in Paradise pray for us. He who does not admit the love of the dead for the living discovers in such speculations his own cold heart, alien to the divine fire of love, alien to spiritual life, far from the Lord Jesus Christ, who united all the members of His Church, wherever they are, on earth or for coffin, undying love.

The activity of a good or evil soul in relation to loved ones continues beyond the grave. A kind soul, thinks how to save loved ones and everyone in general. And the second is evil - how to destroy.
An evangelical rich man could know about the state of life of his brothers on earth from his own afterlife state - not seeing any afterlife consolation, as the Gospel narrates, he made a conclusion about their safe life. If they led a more or less pious life, they would not forget their deceased brother, and would help him in some way; then he too could say that he gets some joy from their prayers. This is the first and main reason why the dead know our earthly life, good and bad: because of its influence on their own afterlife.
So, there are three reasons why the imperfect dead know the life of the living: 1) their own afterlife state, 2) the perfection of feelings behind the grave, and 3) sympathy for the living.
Death at first produces sorrow - because of the visible radiation with the beloved face. They say that a grieving soul finds it much easier after shedding tears. Sorrow without crying greatly oppresses the soul. And by faith only abstinent, moderate weeping is prescribed. The one who leaves somewhere far away and for a long time asks the one with whom he is separated not to cry, but to pray to God. The deceased in this case is completely similar to the one who left; with the only difference that separation from the first, i.e. with the deceased, perhaps, is the shortest, and each next hour can again become an hour of a joyful meeting - according to the commandment given by God, be ready to move to the afterlife at any hour. Therefore, excessive crying is useless and harmful to those who are separated; it interferes with prayer, through which everything is possible for the believer.

Prayer and lamentation over sins are good for both those who are parted. Souls are cleansed from sins through prayer. Since love for the departed cannot fade away, therefore it is commanded to show sympathy for them - to bear the burdens of each other, to intercede for the sins of the dead, as if for their own. And from here is born lamentation for the sins of the deceased, through which God moves in mercy to the deceased. At the same time, the Savior brings bliss and intercessor for the deceased.

An immoderate cry for the deceased is harmful to both the living and the deceased. We need to cry not about the fact that our loved ones have moved to another world (after all, that world is better than ours), but about sins. Such weeping is pleasing to God, and it benefits the dead, and prepares a faithful reward for those who weep after the grave. But how will God have mercy on the deceased, if the living does not pray for him, does not be complacent, but indulges in immoderate crying, despondency, and perhaps even murmurings?

The deceased learned from experience about the eternal life of man, and we, who are still here, can only strive to improve their condition, as commanded by God: "Seek first of all the kingdom of God and His righteousness"(Matthew 6. 33) and "Carry one another's burdens"(Gal. 6.2). Our life will greatly help the condition of the dead if we take part in them.

Jesus Christ commanded to be ready for death at every hour. It is impossible to fulfill this commandment if you do not imagine the inhabitants of the underworld as well. It is impossible to imagine judgment, heaven and hell without people, among whom are our relatives, acquaintances and all those who are dear to our hearts. And what kind of heart is it that would not be touched by the condition of sinners in the afterlife? Seeing a drowning man, inevitably hasten to lend a helping hand to save him. Vividly imagining the afterlife condition of sinners, you involuntarily begin to look for means to their salvation.

Crying is prohibited, but greatness is commanded. Jesus Christ Himself explained why crying is useless, telling Martha, Lazarus' sister, that her brother would rise, and Jairus that his daughter had not died, but was sleeping; and in another place he taught that he is not the God of the dead, but God of the living; therefore, those who have passed into the afterlife are all alive. Why cry for the living, to whom we too will come in our hour? Chrysostom teaches that the deceased is honored not by sobs and cries, but by songs and psalmics and a fair life. Weeping inconsolable, hopeless, not imbued with faith in the afterlife, - the Lord forbade. But the weeping, which expresses sorrow from the separation of living on earth, the weeping that Jesus Christ Himself manifested at the grave of Lazarus - such weeping is not forbidden.

The soul is inherent in the hope in God and similar beings, with which it is in various proportions. Having separated from the body and entering the afterlife, the soul retains with itself everything that belongs to it, including the hope in God and on the people close and dear to it who remained on earth. Blessed Augustine writes: “The departed hope to receive help through us; for the time of doing has flown away for them. " The same truth is confirmed by St. Ephraim the Sirin: "If on earth, moving from one country to another, we have a need for guidebooks, then how will it become necessary when we pass into eternal life."

Approaching death, ap. Paul asked believers to pray for himself. If even the chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit, which was in paradise, desired prayer for itself, then what about the imperfect departed? Of course, they want us not to forget them, to intercede for them before God and help them in whatever way we can. They want our prayers in the same way as we, who are still alive, want the Saints to pray for us, and the Saints want salvation for us, the living, as well as for the departed imperfect.

The departing person, wishing to continue the execution of his deeds on earth and after death, entrusts the fulfillment of his will to another who remains. The fruits of activity belong to its inspirer, wherever he is; glory, thanksgiving and reward belongs to him. Failure to fulfill such a will deprives the testator of peace, since it turns out that he is no longer doing anything for the common good. The one who does not fulfill the will is subject to God's judgment as a murderer, as one who took away the means that could save the testator from hell, deliver him from eternal death. He stole the life of the deceased, he did not give his name to the poor! And the word of God asserts that charity delivers from death, therefore, the one remaining on earth is the cause of death of the one who lives behind the grave, that is, the murderer. He's guilty as a murderer. But here, however, a case is possible when the victim of the deceased is not accepted. Probably not without reason, everything is God's will.

The last desire, of course, if it is not illegal, but the last will of the dying person is fulfilled sacredly - in the name of the peace of the departed and his own conscience of the executor of the will. By the fulfillment of the Christian will, God moves to the mercy of the deceased. He will hear the one asking with faith, and at the same time will bring blessing and intercessor for the deceased.
In general, all our neglect regarding the dead does not remain without sad consequences. There is a popular proverb: "A dead man does not stand at the gate, but will take his own!" This saying cannot be neglected, for it contains a considerable part of the truth.

Until the final judgment of God's judgment, even the righteous in paradise are not alien to the sorrow that comes from their love for sinners on earth and for sinners in hell. And the mournful state of sinners in hell, whose fate has not been finally decided, is increased by our sinful life. If the dead are deprived of grace through our negligence or malicious intent, then they can cry out to God for revenge, and the true avenger will not be late. The punishment of God will soon befall such injustices. The stolen estate of the victim will not be used for future use. For the honor, property and rights of the deceased, many suffer to this day. Torments are infinitely varied. People suffer and do not understand the reasons, or, better to say, do not want to confess their guilt.

All babies who died after St. baptism will surely be saved by the power of the death of Jesus Christ. For if they are clean from common sin, because they are cleansed by Divine baptism, and from their own (since children do not yet have their own will and therefore do not sin), then, without any doubt, they are saved. Consequently, at the time of the birth of children, parents are obliged to take care: introduce through St. the baptism of new members of the Church of Christ into the Orthodox faith, thereby making them heirs of eternal life in Christ. It is clear that the afterlife fate of unbaptized babies is unenviable.

The words of Zlato-Usty, spoken by him on behalf of the children, testify to the afterlife of infants: “Do not cry, our exodus and the passage of air ordeals, accompanied by angels, were sorrowful. The devils found nothing in us and by the grace of our Master, God, we are where the angels and all the Saints are, and we pray to God for you. " So, if children pray, it means that they are aware of the existence of their parents, remember and love them. The degree of bliss of infants, according to the teaching of the Fathers of the Church, is more beautiful than even virgins and saints. The voice of infants beyond the grave calls out to their parents through the lips of the Church: “I died early, but I didn’t have time to denigrate myself with sins, as you did, and escaped the danger of sinning; therefore, it is better for yourself, those who sin, cry always ”(“ The Rite of the Burial of Infants ”). Love for dead children should be manifested in prayer for them. A Christian mother sees in her dead child her closest prayer book before the Throne of the Lord, and in reverent tenderness blesses the Lord both for him and for herself.


If the interaction of souls still in the body on earth with those already in the afterlife without bodies is possible, then how can we deny this behind the grave, when everyone will be either without gross bodies - in the first period of the afterlife, or in new, spiritual bodies - in second period? ..

Now let's start describing the afterlife, its two states: paradise life and hellish life, based on the teachings of St. of the Orthodox Church of the twofold afterlife state of souls. The Word of God also testifies to the possibility of the deliverance of some souls from hell through the prayers of St. Churches. Where are these souls until their deliverance, since there is no middle ground between heaven and hell?

They cannot be in paradise. Therefore, their life is in hell. Hell contains two states: unresolved and lost. Why are some souls not finally decided in a private court? Because they did not perish for the kingdom of God, it means that they have hope for eternal life, life with the Lord.

According to the testimony of the word of God, the fate of not only humanity, but also the most evil spirits has not yet been finally decided, which is evident from the words spoken by demons to the Lord Jesus Christ: "That before the time came to torment us"(Matthew 8.29) and petitions: "So that he would not command them to go into the abyss"(Luke 8. 31). The Church teaches that in the first period of the afterlife, some souls inherit heaven, while others - hell, there is no middle.

Where are those souls behind the grave whose fate has not been finally decided at a private trial? To comprehend this question, let us see what an unresolved state and hell mean in general. And for a clear presentation of this question, let us take something similar on earth: a dungeon and a hospital. The first is for criminals of the law, and the second for the sick. Some of the criminals, depending on the nature of the crime and the degree of guilt, are determined for temporary imprisonment in a dungeon, while others for eternal. It is the same in the hospital, which admits patients who are not capable of a healthy life and activity: for some the disease is curable, while for others it is fatal. A sinner is a morally sick person, a transgressor of the law; his soul, after passing to the afterlife, as a morally sick person, bearing sinful stains in itself, is by itself incapable of a paradise in which there can be no impurity. And therefore she goes to hell, as in a spiritual prison and as if into a hospital for moral ailments. Therefore, in hell, some souls, depending on the nature and degree of their sinfulness, stay longer, others less. Who is less? .. Souls who have not lost their desire for salvation, but have not had time to bring on earth the fruits of true repentance. They are subjected to temporary punishments in hell, from which they are freed only by the prayers of the Church, and not through the patience of punishment, as the Catholic Church teaches.

Those destined for salvation, but temporarily staying in hell, along with the inhabitants of paradise, bow their knees in the name of Jesus. This is the third, unresolved, state of souls in the afterlife of the first period, i.e. a state that should later become a state of bliss, and therefore not completely alien to the angelic life. What is sung about, for example, in one of the Easter songs: "Now everything is filled with light: heaven, earth and hell ...", and is also confirmed by the words of Apostle. Paul: "So that before the name of Jesus every knee of heavenly, earthly and hells may bow ..."(Phil. 2, 10). Here, under the word “Sheol” it is precisely necessary to understand the transitional state of souls, which, along with the inhabitants of heaven and earth, kneel before the name of Jesus Christ; they bow down because they are not deprived of the gracious light of Christ. Of course, the inhabitants of Gehenna, completely alien to the light of grace, do not kneel. Demons and their accomplices do not kneel, since they have completely perished for eternal life.

There is a similarity and difference between the dogma of the Catholic Church about purgatory and the Orthodox dogma about the unresolved state. The similarity of the teaching lies in the assessment of which souls belong to this afterlife state. The dissimilarity lies in the method, the means of purification. For Catholics, cleansing requires punishment for the soul after the grave, if it did not have it on earth. In Orthodoxy, Christ is the cleansing for those who believe in Him, for He took upon Himself both sins, and the consequence of sin is punishment. Souls of an unresolved state that are not completely purified on earth are healed and replenished with grace, at the request of the Church, triumphant and militant for the imperfect dead who are in hell. The Spirit of God Himself intercedes for His temples (people) with inexpressible sighs. He worries about the salvation of His creation, fallen but not rejecting its God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who died in St. Easter, one of its days, special mercy from God is received; if they repent of their sins, then their sins are forgiven, even if they did not bear the fruits of repentance.


A person, having a moral aspiration, while still on earth, can change his character, his state of mind: good for evil, or vice versa, evil for good. It is impossible to do this behind the grave; good remains good and evil remains evil. And the soul behind the grave is no longer an autocratic being, for it is no longer able to change its development, even if it wished, which is evidenced by the words of Jesus Christ: "Having bound his hands and feet, take him and throw him into the outer darkness ..."(Matthew 22-13) .

The soul cannot acquire a new way of thinking and feeling, and generally cannot change itself, but in the soul can only further open up what began here on earth. What is sown is reaped. Such is the meaning of earthly life, as the foundation of the beginning with respect to life after the grave - happy or unhappy.

Good will develop more and more in eternity. This development explains bliss. Those who conquer the flesh to the spirit, who labor in the name of God with fear, rejoice in unearthly joy, because the object of their life is the Lord Jesus Christ. Their mind and heart are in God and in the non-demonic life; for them everything earthly is nothing. Nothing can disturb their unearthly joy; here is the beginning, the anticipation of a blissful afterlife! The soul that finds joy in God, passing into eternity, has face to face an object that delights the senses.
So, on earth, one who is in love with neighbors (of course, in Christian love - pure, spiritual, heavenly) already abides in God and God abides in him. The stay and communion with God on earth is the beginning of that stay and communion with God that will follow in paradise. Destined to be heirs of the kingdom of God Jesus Christ Himself said that while they were still on earth, the kingdom of God was already within them. Those. in their bodies they are still on earth, but their minds and hearts have already assimilated to themselves the spiritual, dispassionate state of truth, peace and joy characteristic of the kingdom of God.

Isn't this what the whole world is expecting in the end: eternity will swallow up time itself, destroy death and reveal itself to humanity in all its fullness and limitlessness!

The place where the righteous depart after a private judgment, or their condition in general, has different names in the Holy Scriptures; the most common and most common name is paradise. The word "paradise" means the garden itself, and, in particular, a blessed garden full of shady and beautiful trees and flowers.

Sometimes, the Lord called the place of the righteous in heaven the kingdom of God, for example, in a speech addressed to the condemned: “There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom of God; and themselves driven out. And they will come from east and west, and north and south, and lie down in the kingdom of God "(Luke 13, 28).

For those seeking the kingdom of God, not much is needed on earth of the sensuous; they are content with little, and the apparent scarcity (according to the concept of the secular world) is perfect contentment for them. Elsewhere, Lord Jesus Christos calls the abode of the righteous the house of the Heavenly Father with many abodes.

The words of St. ap. Paul; he, ascended to the third heaven, heard voices there, with which it is impossible for a person to speak. This is the first period of the afterlife paradise life, a blissful life, but not yet perfect. And then the apostle continues that God has prepared for the righteous beyond the grave such perfect bliss that no man's eyes have ever seen or heard anywhere on earth, and a man on earth cannot imagine, imagine anything like that. This is the second period of the afterlife paradise life of perfect bliss. This means, according to the apostle, the second period of the heavenly afterlife is no longer the third heaven, but another perfect state or place - the kingdom of heaven, the house of the heavenly Father.

Most people, having reached a certain age, begin to think about the questions of whether there is an afterlife, how our dead live. Most religions preach a different world, where a person is delivered from all troubles and worries, but in order to get a place in Eden, it is necessary to earn it by pious behavior in earthly life. After atheism began to lose ground in recent decades, non-traditional scholars have proven that there is an afterlife. What is happening on the other side of visibility and what gave rise to such conclusions?

Is there an afterlife: evidence

Many seers (Vangelia Gushterovp - Vanga, Grigory Rasputin - Novykh, Tanzanian boy Sheikh Sharifu) did not doubt the existence of the other world and the fact that every person has a place there. Direct evidence of the posthumous existence of real, historical figures (mainly the Virgin Mary) can be considered Fatima Miracles (1915-1917) and Lourdes healings ... Some scientists who adhere to an atheistic worldview, when asked whether there is an afterlife, the evidence of which in most cases is indirect, answer in the affirmative.

Academician-neurophysiologist N.P. Ankylosing spondylitis , whose profession itself does not accept any mysticism, in her autobiographical memoirs tells that the ghost of her deceased husband has repeatedly appeared to her. At the same time, the spouse, who also worked in the field of medical physiology, consulted with her about problems unresolved during her life. If initially night meetings with a ghost caused a woman's concern, then after his appearance in the daytime, all fears disappeared. Natalya Petrovna did not doubt the reality of what was happening.

Known American visionary Edgar Cayce , introducing himself into a somnambulistic state, made about 25 thousand predictions, in one of which he indicated the time of his death with an hour's accuracy. When diagnosing diseases, E. Casey achieved an accuracy of 80% - 100%. He was deeply confident about his reincarnation and re-birth in a different image.

Some researchers, based on real events, phenomena and phenomena, read it as an indisputable fact that scientists have proven that there is an afterlife. However, contact with the other world is possible only with individuals - "guides": individuals in a stressful or borderline state, or people with extrasensory abilities.

The last evidence of the existence of an afterlife is the search for a resident of Novosibirsk M.L. Babushkina the grave of his father, who died during the Great Patriotic War. Maria Lazarevna found his grave as a member of the Poisk group. At the same time, according to the members of the expedition, she indicated the resting place with amazing accuracy. In an interview with television M.L. Babushkina convincingly explained to reporters that his voice was leading the search engines to the grave of her father, and he also indicated, to within a meter, the location of the veteran's remains.

Such cases were repeatedly reported by participants in search expeditions from Novgorod ... According to their reports, the souls of properly unsettled front-line soldiers go to lone search engines and report the coordinates of the burial. The largest number of contacts with representatives of the afterlife was noted in one of their natural boundaries Myasnogo Bor (Death Valley), where in 1942 the 2 shock army was surrounded by the fascists, most of the soldiers and officers died while trying to break through the encirclement.

Visions of the other world

  • Galina Lagoda from Kaliningrad during a clinical death, while on the operating table, she met a stranger in a white robe, who said that she had not fulfilled her earthly mission, but for its completion gave the deceased the gift of foresight.
  • Yuri Burkov after cardiac arrest, he did not lose touch with the outside world, and after returning to life, the first thing he asked his wife if she had found the lost keys, which the woman in panic did not tell anyone about. A few years later, being with his wife at the bedside of his sick son, who was diagnosed with a fatal diagnosis by doctors, he predicted that his son would not die now and he was given a year of life - the prediction came true with absolute accuracy.
  • Anna R. during clinical death, she observed a blindingly bright light and a corridor leading to infinity, into which the deceased was not allowed to enter successfully through resuscitation procedures.

Saints, prophets and martyrs who predict with sufficient accuracy not only global world events, but also the future of a particular person, can be spoken of as real facts. This gives reason to believe that the afterlife exists, how our dead live in it, the inhabitants of the material world remain unknown. This knowledge is beyond human understanding, and only isolated cases remind of the other world.

Probably, among the adult population of the entire planet, you cannot find even one person who, in one way or another, did not think about death.

Now we are not interested in the opinion of skeptics who question everything that they have not touched with their own hands and have not seen with their own eyes. We are interested in the question, what is death?

Quite often, polls cited by sociologists show that up to 60 percent of respondents are sure that there is an afterlife.

Slightly more than 30 percent of those surveyed take a neutral position in relation to the Kingdom of the Dead, believing that they will most likely face reincarnation and rebirth in a new body after death. The rest of the ten do not believe in either the first or the second, believing that death is the final result of everything in general. If you are interested in what happens after death to those who sold their souls to the devil and found wealth, fame and reverence on earth, we recommend that you refer to the article about. Such people gain prosperity and respect not only during life, but also after death: those who sell their souls become powerful demons. Leave a request for the sale of a soul so that demonologists will perform a ritual for you: [email protected]

In fact, these are not absolute numbers, in some countries people are more willing to believe in the other world, relying on the books read by psychiatry specialists who have studied the issues of clinical death.

In other places it is believed that it is necessary to live to the fullest here and now, and what awaits them later does not bother them much. Probably, the range of opinions lies in the field of sociology and living environment, but this is a completely different problem.

From the data obtained in the survey, the conclusion is clearly seen that the majority of the inhabitants of the planet believe in an afterlife. This is a really exciting question, what awaits us in the second of death - the last breath here, and a new breath in the Kingdom of the dead?

It is a pity, but no one has a full-fledged answer to such a question, except perhaps God, but if we recognize the existence of the Most High in our equation for faithfulness, then of course there is only one answer - the World to Come!

Raymond Moody, there is life after death.

Many prominent scientists at different times asked the question, is death a special transitional state between life here and moving to the other world? For example, such a famous scientist as an inventor even tried to establish communication with the inhabitants of the afterlife. And this is just one example out of thousands of similar ones, when people sincerely believe in life after death.

But if there is anything that can give us confidence in life after death, at least some signs that speak of the existence of the afterlife? There is! There is such evidence, say researchers and psychiatrists who have worked with people who have experienced clinical death.

As such a well-known expert on the issue of "life after death" Raymond Moody, an American psychologist and physician from Porterdale, Georgia, assures us, there is no doubt about the afterlife.

Moreover, the psychologist has many adherents from the scientific community. Well, let's see what kind of facts are given to us as proof of the fantastic idea of ​​the existence of an afterlife?

I will make a reservation right away that we are not now touching upon the issue of reincarnation, the transmigration of the soul or its rebirth in a new body, this is a completely different topic and God willing, but fate will allow, we will consider this later.

I will also note, alas, but despite many years of research and travel around the world, neither Raymond Moody, nor his followers, could find at least one person who lived in the afterlife, and returned from there with facts in hand - this is not a joke but a necessary note.

All evidence of the existence of life after death is based on the stories of people who have experienced clinical death. This is the so-called "near-death experience" for the last couple of decades and has gained popularity. Although a mistake has crept into the definition itself - what kind of near-death experience can we talk about if death did not actually occur? But well, let it be as R. Moody says about it.

A near-death experience, a journey to the afterlife.

Clinical death, according to the findings of many researchers in this area, appears as a reconnaissance path to the afterlife. What does it look like? Resuscitation doctors save a person's life, but at some point, death turns out to be stronger. A person dies - omitting physiological details, we note that the time of clinical death is from 3 to 6 minutes.

The first minute of clinical death, the resuscitator carries out the necessary procedures, and meanwhile the soul of the deceased leaves the body and looks at everything that happens from the outside. As a rule, the souls of people who have crossed the border of two worlds for some time fly up to the ceiling.

Further, those who have experienced clinical death see a different picture: some are gently but surely carried away into a tunnel, often a spiral funnel, where they gain crazy speed.

At the same time, they feel wonderful and free, clearly aware that a wonderful and wonderful life awaits them ahead. Others, on the contrary, are frightened by the picture of what they saw, they are not dragged into the tunnel, they rush home, to their family, apparently looking for protection and salvation from something bad there.

The second minute of clinical death, the physiological processes in the human body freeze, but it is still impossible to say that this is a deceased person. By the way, during the "near-death experience" or forays into the afterlife for exploration, time undergoes noticeable transformations. No, not any paradoxes, but the time that takes a few minutes here, in "there" stretches to half an hour or even more.

Here is what a young woman who had a near-death experience said: I had the feeling that my soul had left my body. I saw the doctors and myself lying on the table, but it didn’t seem like something scary or frightening to me. I felt a pleasant lightness, my spiritual body radiated joy and absorbed peace and tranquility.

Then, I went outside the operating room and found myself in a very dark corridor, at the end of which I could see a bright white light. I don't know how it happened, but I flew along the corridor in the direction of the light at great speed.

It was a state of amazing lightness when I reached the end of the tunnel and fell into the arms of those who surrounded me from all directions of the world ... the woman came out into the light, and it turned out that a long-dead mother was standing next to her.
The third minute of resuscitators, the patient was torn out of death….

“Daughter, it's too early for you to die,” my mother said to me… After these words, the woman fell into darkness and no longer remembers anything. She regained consciousness on the third day and learned that she had acquired the experience of clinical death.

All the stories of people who have experienced the borderline state between life and death are extremely similar. On the one hand, it gives us the right to believe in an afterlife. However, the skeptic sitting inside each of us whispers: how is it that “the woman felt her soul leaving her body”, but at the same time she saw everything? It's interesting, she felt or still looked, you see, these are different things.

Attitude towards the issue of near-death experience.

I am never a skeptic, and I believe in the other world, but when you read the full picture of a clinical death survey from specialists who do not deny the possibility of life after death, but look at it without liberty, the attitude to the issue changes somewhat.

And the first thing that amazes is the "near-death experience" itself. In most cases of such an event, not those "cuts" for books that we love to quote, but a complete survey of people who have experienced clinical death, you see the following:

It turns out that the surveyed group includes all patients. Everything! No matter what the person was ill, epilepsy, fell into a deep coma, and so on ... it can generally be an overdose of sleeping pills or drugs that inhibit consciousness - in the overwhelming majority, for a survey it is enough to declare that he experienced clinical death! Marvelous? And then, if doctors, fixing death, do it due to the lack of breathing, blood circulation and reflexes, then it is not important to participate in the survey.

And another oddity, which is little paid attention to when psychiatrists describe the borderline state of a person close to death, although this is not hidden. For example, the same Moody admits that in the review there are many cases when a person saw / experienced a flight through a tunnel to the light and other attributes of the afterlife are not the name of any physiological damage.

This is indeed from the realm of the paranormal, but the psychiatrist confesses that in many cases, when a person “flew into the afterlife,” nothing threatened his health. That is, the vision of a flight to the Kingdom of the Dead, like the near-death experience, a person acquired without being in a near-death state. Agree, this changes the attitude towards theory.

Scientists, a few words about the near-death experience.

According to experts, the above pictures of "flight to the next world" are acquired by a person before clinical death, but not after it. It was mentioned above that critical damage to the body and the inability of the heart to provide a life cycle destroy the brain after 3-6 minutes (we will not discuss the consequences of a critical time).

This convinces us that, having passed the mortal second, the deceased does not have the ability or way to feel anything. A person experiences all the previously described conditions not during clinical death, but during agony, when oxygen is still carried by the blood.

Why are the pictures experienced and told by people who have looked "on the other side" of life are very similar? This is fully explained by the fact that during the death throes, the same factors affect the work of the brain of any person experiencing this state.

At such moments, the heart works with great interruptions, the brain begins to experience starvation, surges in intracranial pressure complement the picture, and so on at the level of physiology, but without an admixture of the otherworldly.

The vision of a dark tunnel and flights to the next world with great speed also find scientific justification, and undermine our faith in life after death, although it seems to me that this only breaks the picture of "near-death experience". Due to the strongest oxygen starvation, so-called tunnel vision can manifest itself, when the brain cannot correctly process signals coming from the periphery of the retina, and only receives / processes signals received from the center.

At this moment, a person observes the effects of “flying through the tunnel to the light”. Hallucinations are rather well enhanced by a shadowless lamp and doctors standing on both sides of the table and in the head - those who have had such experience know that vision begins to "float" even before anesthesia.

The feeling of the soul leaving the body, the vision of doctors and oneself as if from the outside, finally coming relief from pain - in fact, this is the action of medications and a malfunction of the vestibular apparatus. When clinical death occurs, then at these minutes a person does not see or feel anything.

So, by the way, a high percentage of people taking the same LSD confessed that at these moments they acquired "experience" and went to other worlds. But not to consider this as the opening of a portal to other worlds?

In conclusion, I would like to note that the survey figures given at the very beginning are only a reflection of our belief in life after death, and cannot serve as proof of life in the Kingdom of the Dead. The statistics of official medical programs look very different, and may even discourage optimists from believing in the afterlife.

In fact, we have very few cases when people who actually experienced clinical death could tell anything at all about their visions and encounters. Moreover, this is not the 10-15 percent they are talking about, it is only about 5%. Among which there are people who have suffered brain death - alas, but even a psychiatrist with hypnosis will not be able to help them remember anything.

The other part looks much better, although of course there is no question of complete restoration of speech, and it is rather difficult to understand where they have their own memories, and where they arose after conversations with a psychiatrist.

But in one thing, the inspirers of the idea of ​​"life after death" are right, clinical experience really changes the lives of people who have experienced this event. As a rule, this is a long period of rehabilitation and restoration of health. Some stories tell that people who have experienced a borderline state and suddenly discover in themselves previously unseen talents. Allegedly, communication with angels who meet the dead in the next world radically change a person's worldview.

Others, on the contrary, indulge in such grave sins that you begin to suspect either those who wrote in distorting the facts and kept silent about it, or ... or some fell into the underworld, and realized that nothing good awaits them in the afterlife, that's what is needed here and now " get high "before dying.

And yet it exists!

As the ideological mastermind of biocentrism, Professor Robert Lanz, of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, said, a person believes in death because he is taught to do so. The basis of this teaching lies on the foundations of the philosophy of life - if we know for sure that life in the World to Come is happy, without pain and suffering, then why should we value this life? But this also tells us that the other world exists, death here is a birth in that world!

To the question A question to people who know: is it true they say that if you cry a lot for a deceased, then his soul toils from it? given by the author dewdrop the best answer is According to the Bible - not true. God, our Creator, knows the truth about what happens to a person after death. In his Word, the Bible, he explains the condition of the dead. The Bible teaches that when a person dies, he ceases to exist. Death is the opposite of life. The dead cannot see, hear or think. There is no immortal principle in a person that continues to live after the death of the body. Yes, we do not have an immortal soul or spirit.
Solomon said: "The living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing." He explained that the dead cannot love and hate, because “in the grave .... there is no work, no thought, no knowledge, no wisdom. ”- Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 6, 10. Also, Psalm 145: 4 says that with death "all thoughts" of a person disappear. People are mortal and cannot live after the body dies. Our life can be compared to a candle flame. If the candle is extinguished, the flame will simply disappear. It will not burn anywhere else.
This is what God's Word says:
Genesis 2: 7: "God formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and man became a living soul." Please note that it does not say that a person was given a soul, but it says that he became a soul, that is, a living being. The word “soul” here is translated from the Hebrew word néphesh.
Joshua 11:11: “They struck with the edge of the sword all souls [Heb. néphesh] that were in it. " If the soul can be struck with a sword, then it is not some kind of spiritual substance.
Ezekiel 18: 4: “All souls belong to me. Both the soul of the father and the soul of the son belong to me. The soul * that sins will die. " (* Heb. Néphesh. In the Modern Translation: "He who sins, he will die").
Regarding the cases described above - in such situations, Satan the Devil or his demons assume the appearance of the dead, thereby misleading people. And oddly enough, many believe them!
It is normal to grieve and cry over the death of a person. However, if the dead appear in a dream, an ardent, sincere prayer to God for help and protection from these spiritual evil personalities will come to help us.
The demons have another way to deceive people - this is "communication" with the dead. Often, people grieving over the death of loved ones succumb to deception: they believe that it is possible to communicate with the dead. Spiritual mediums can "transmit" special information from a deceased person or speak in his voice. This convinces many that the dead continue to live and communication with them is an opportunity to be comforted in their grief. However, this consolation is deceiving. Moreover, it is dangerous. Why? Because demons can imitate voices and give mediums information that was known to the dead (1 Samuel 28: 3-19). Moreover, as we have learned, with death, a person ceases to exist. --Psalm 113: 25. Therefore, those who “question the dead” are deceived by evil spirits and violate God's law. --Deuteronomy 18:10, 11; Isaiah 8:19. You have to be careful not to fall for this demonic bait.
But you should not be afraid of them, because our Almighty God provides protection if: 1. Get rid of everything connected with spiritualism; 2. Study the Bible; 3. Turn to God in prayer anytime, anywhere.
If you have any more questions, write to me in the mail, I will gladly answer them based on the Bible :-))

Answer from Rec.[guru]
I often heard this from them in the battle of psychics

Answer from compound[guru]
No one can ever answer this question. The Bible says - dead - dead, living - alive.

Answer from Neurosis[guru]
The deceased may then dream and ask them to stop crying for him.

Answer from bright[guru]
Toil, to put it mildly, maybe become a publican.

Answer from Ivarg[guru]
When her nephew died, her mother cried a lot --- he dreamed of her - she says that the work is heavy - carries water in buckets - she stopped roaring and he stopped complaining ---

Answer from man of the world[guru]
"soul" is a figurative-symbolic concept and dies with a person

Answer from Lika Sereda[guru]
We must try to let him go, not tie him up !! Although it can be difficult)) The soul of the departed does not understand why you are crying, because it is so easy and good for her !!!

Answer from Bird singing[guru]
The condition of the dead is clearly stated in Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 10: “The dead know nothing .... In the grave where you go, there is no work, no reflection, no knowledge, no wisdom. "
Therefore, death is nothingness. The psalmist wrote that when a person dies, “his spirit goes out and he returns to his land: on that day all his thoughts disappear” (Psalm 145: 4)
When the life force leaves a person, only God is able to return it to him again. Thus, "the spirit will return to God" in the sense that now the hope for a future life depends entirely on God.
People who are in God's memory will be resurrected because the Bible speaks of “the resurrection of the dead, righteous and unrighteous” (Acts 24:15)

Answer from Instigator[guru]
Until forty days is impossible. During this period, the soul does not belong to either one or this light, it is somewhere halfway. And sobbing knocks her off the road, which, entangled in throwing, then she will not be able to find. This belief is rooted in the mythology of the pagan Slavs.

Answer from Extinguere non spiritus[guru]
Not crying, but praying and giving alms for him. Everything that the Church has established (if he is Orthodox) must be done, and then the soul will receive relief in hell, or it can even be prayed for or pardoned at the Last Judgment. That is why it is so important for a person to die as an Orthodox.

Answer from Adventus[guru]
Am I the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. (Matt. 22:32) +++ The living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and there is no more reward for them, because their memory is forgotten, and their love and their hatred and their jealousy have already disappeared, and they no longer have a part for ever in anything that is done under the sun. (Eccl. 9: 5,6) +++ And no wonder: because Satan himself takes the form of an Angel of light, (2 Cor. 11:14)

Answer from Yovetlana Likhatskaya[guru]
Death is also a sacrament. During death (even in the last minutes of a person's life), one should not disturb the peace with screams and tears. At this time, the soul is shown the life he has lived and mistakes are pointed out. The soul is no longer here. And after death, she prepares for a new incarnation, she has her own affairs. You cannot pull it back, where it has no return.
So, people are telling the truth.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
Yes. Remembering and mourning, the person pulls the deceased out of his world and he must appear next to the one who remembers him, or rather, in his fields. Since the one who remembers constantly mourns the deceased and cannot let go, the deceased has no choice but to settle in the field of the one who remembers and feed on his energy. Anyone who cannot let go of the dead has kidney problems. Kidney stones are gravestones. On the other hand, the one who remembers can disrupt the new birth of this essence. It seemed like the essence came off, chose its parents, synchronized them, the woman became pregnant, and then the compassionate relative remembered again - he ran to the temple to put a candle for peace - the woman had a miscarriage. In principle, those who commemorate and mourn are essentially murderers. The church lobbies for this magic with a specialist, it is beneficial for it that those who are not recorded in the book of destinies come out into a new birth, it is easier to brainwash them. Well, in general, this story is long. People do not realize what they are doing, everything is hidden from them.

Answer from Alexander[guru]
“The soul that sinns, it will die ... (Ezekiel 18:20) How do you understand these verses?

Answer from Ludmila kkkkkkk[guru]
Rather, the mourner himself will fall ill, and is it not better to have the hope that God gives, that there will be a resurrection to life on earth in wonderful conditions.

Most people, having reached a certain age, begin to think about the questions of whether there is an afterlife, how our dead live. Most religions preach a different world, where a person is delivered from all troubles and worries, but in order to get a place in Eden, it is necessary to earn it by pious behavior in earthly life. After atheism began to lose ground in recent decades , parapsychologists, psychics , unconventional scholars have proven that there is an afterlife. What is happening on the other side of visibility and what gave rise to such conclusions?

Is there an afterlife: evidence

Many seers (Vangelia Gushterovp - Vanga, Grigory Rasputin - Novykh, Tanzanian boy Sheikh Sharifu) did not doubt the existence of the other world and the fact that every person has a place there. Direct evidence of the posthumous existence of real, historical figures (mainly the Virgin Mary) can be considered Fatima Miracles (1915-1917) and Lourdes healings ... Some scientists who adhere to an atheistic worldview, when asked whether there is an afterlife, the evidence of which in most cases is indirect, answer in the affirmative.

Academician-neurophysiologist N.P. Ankylosing spondylitis , whose profession itself does not accept any mysticism, in her autobiographical memoirs tells that the ghost of her deceased husband has repeatedly appeared to her. At the same time, the spouse, who also worked in the field of medical physiology, consulted with her about problems unresolved during her life. If initially night meetings with a ghost caused a woman's concern, then after his appearance in the daytime, all fears disappeared. Natalya Petrovna did not doubt the reality of what was happening.

Known American visionary Edgar Cayce , introducing himself into a somnambulistic state, made about 25 thousand predictions, in one of which he indicated the time of his death with an hour's accuracy. When diagnosing diseases, E. Casey achieved an accuracy of 80% - 100%. He was deeply confident about his reincarnation and re-birth in a different image.

Some researchers, based on real events, phenomena and phenomena, read it as an indisputable fact that scientists have proven that there is an afterlife. However, contact with the other world is possible only with individuals - "guides": individuals in a stressful or borderline state, or people with extrasensory abilities.

The last evidence of the existence of an afterlife is the search for a resident of Novosibirsk M.L. Babushkina the grave of his father, who died during the Great Patriotic War. Maria Lazarevna found his grave as a member of the Poisk group. At the same time, according to the members of the expedition, she indicated the resting place with amazing accuracy. In an interview with television M.L. Babushkina convincingly explained to reporters that his voice was leading the search engines to the grave of her father, and he also indicated, to within a meter, the location of the veteran's remains.

Such cases were repeatedly reported by participants in search expeditions from Novgorod ... According to their reports, the souls of properly unsettled front-line soldiers go to lone search engines and report the coordinates of the burial. The largest number of contacts with representatives of the afterlife was noted in one of their natural boundaries Myasnogo Bor (Death Valley), where in 1942 the 2 shock army was surrounded by the fascists, most of the soldiers and officers died while trying to break through the encirclement.

Visions of the other world

  • Galina Lagoda from Kaliningrad during a clinical death, while on the operating table, she met a stranger in a white robe, who said that she had not fulfilled her earthly mission, but for its completion gave the deceased the gift of foresight.
  • Yuri Burkov after cardiac arrest, he did not lose touch with the outside world, and after returning to life, the first thing he asked his wife if she had found the lost keys, which the woman in panic did not tell anyone about. A few years later, being with his wife at the bedside of his sick son, who was diagnosed with a fatal diagnosis by doctors, he predicted that his son would not die now and he was given a year of life - the prediction came true with absolute accuracy.
  • Anna R. during clinical death, she observed a blindingly bright light and a corridor leading to infinity, into which the deceased was not allowed to enter successfully through resuscitation procedures.

About numerous post-death phenomena saints, prophets and martyrs who predict with sufficient accuracy not only global world events, but also the future of a particular person, can be spoken of as real facts. This gives reason to believe that the afterlife exists, how our dead live in it, the inhabitants of the material world remain unknown. This knowledge is beyond human understanding, and only isolated cases remind of the other world.