Closed veranda interior decoration. Ways of inexpensive sheathing of an unheated veranda - nuances. Wall decoration of the veranda

It's great when there is an opportunity to add a porch or veranda to the house. This allows you to increase its usable area and organize a cozy place to relax closer to nature. However, in the preparation process, a number of questions arise. How to decorate a veranda or porch so that they are in harmony with the facade of the house? How to choose architectural solutions, materials and colors? Let's try to figure it out.

How to decorate the veranda outside?

The veranda can be open (summer) or closed (glazed), as well as combined - partially closed. The finish depends on the type chosen.

So, for an open veranda, finishing is not at all necessary - you can only limit yourself to the roof. If you plan to use the extension all year round, it must be closed. This means that you cannot do without finishing.

The most common materials for veranda cladding are wood, brick, stone, glass, plastic glass units, siding and facade panels. The choice depends primarily on the decoration of the facade of the house.

The optimal solution for a wooden facade is a veranda finished with wood.

Such a house will look harmonious. Sometimes a wooden porch or veranda is attached to houses decorated with other materials.

However, this cladding is not for the lazy homeowner. It needs to be handled regularly to keep out moisture, mold and pests.

The veranda, finished with brick or stone, looks solid and fundamental. It is perfect for a facade clad with the same material.

Advantages of stone and brick:

  • durability,
  • strength,
  • frost resistance,
  • moisture resistance.

However, do not forget that this is a rather heavy material. He needs an appropriate foundation. Before deciding on a brick or stone finish, consult with experts about the possibility of laying a suitable foundation.

Glazed verandas are a common and interesting option.

Glass is compatible with almost all materials. There are probably only two drawbacks to glass:

1. It is a fragile material. If boys like to play football in the yard, it is better to refuse such decoration.

2. The glazed veranda cannot be additionally insulated with heat-insulating materials.

The veranda can be faced with polycarbonate. It looks good as an open veranda roof. But it can also be used as a basic material for construction.

Such a veranda can be combined with different facade finishes, but not suitable for every architectural style. It is quite acceptable for modern houses, but it will not work for classic, Russian, Scandinavian and some other styles.

The disadvantage of a polycarbonate veranda is that in appearance it resembles a greenhouse.

Advantages and disadvantages of finishing the veranda with siding

The advantages of siding as a material for finishing a veranda and porch are many:

  • moisture resistance;
  • frost resistance and resistance to temperature extremes;
  • the possibility of additional insulation of the veranda;
  • unpretentious care;
  • simple and quick installation;
  • affordable cost.

In addition, it fits almost any facade, because in addition to traditional siding for finishing the veranda, you can use:

  • facade panels imitating natural brick and stone;
  • foam siding, repeating the shape and texture of the wood trim of the house;
  • block house, outwardly almost indistinguishable from the facade of the log house.

There is, perhaps, only one drawback. Vinyl siding will fade in the sun over the years. Depending on the additives that are included in the panels, color changes may be more or less noticeable, but they are. Therefore, the veranda, if added after a few years, may slightly stand out against the background of the facade. What to do?

Ideally, of course, it is better to immediately build a house with a veranda - then the color of the finish will be uniform. Also, there are no problems if the facade was faced with white (or very light, pastel) panels. The color of this siding will remain unchanged. The difference will be almost imperceptible if the house is faced with acrylic panels: even dark ones, they do not change their color over the years.

Although the area to be finished is small, be sure to use lathing. This will extend the life of the panels and walls below them. Thanks to the air gap under the finish, moisture and mold will not build up.

Not only exterior decoration

There are practically no restrictions in the choice of interior decoration of the veranda and porch. This can be wood, plastic panels, brick walls, or whatever you like.

What kind of flooring should I choose for my veranda and porch?

The wood looks beautiful, but its lifespan is limited, and the coating itself requires regular maintenance. A good alternative is. It is made of wood-polymer composite, thanks to which it combines all the best properties of wood and polymer. On the one hand, it is warm, cozy and beautiful, on the other hand, it is frost-resistant, is not afraid of moisture and temperature extremes, and does not require special processing and care.


Before starting the construction of a veranda or porch, think over whether it will be open or closed, what materials you will use, what colors to choose. Calculate how many panels you need. After that, you can get to work. And let your veranda and porch be cozy, beautiful and delight you for many years.

Immediately after the construction of the veranda is completed, many people think about finishing it. After all, it is not enough just to build it, you need to properly protect it in order to extend the operational life. And besides the protective function, high-quality finishing plays a decorative role. After all, you must agree that they are greeted by clothes. And the veranda is the hallmark of every home. Therefore, it is important to choose high-quality finishing materials that will cope with all tasks. But, you may face such a problem: there are a lot of materials for decoration, but only one is needed.

Let's look at how to sheathe the veranda from the outside, find out the advantages and disadvantages of this or that method, and also consider the technology for sheathing the veranda. This will help you choose the material and work with it.

Requirements for materials

Since we are talking about lining the veranda outside, it is important to understand the seriousness of the choice of material. It must meet some requirements. For example, have you seen that someone pasted wallpaper over a house or veranda? No? But why? The point is that the material is simply not made for outdoor use. The wallpaper will fade in a few days, peel off or get soaked in the rain. In this example, you can understand that the material for the veranda cladding must meet certain requirements. Here's the list:

  1. Withstand precipitation in the form of rain, fog or snow.
  2. Resist the influence of ultraviolet rays, do not fade or warp.
  3. Be resistant to sudden temperature fluctuations.
  4. To be frost-resistant and durable.
  5. Withstand various physical and mechanical damage.
  6. Be bio-resistant, not susceptible to mold, mildew or insects.
  7. Be aesthetically pleasing.

Only such materials for veranda cladding can serve you well, remaining durable, reliable and beautiful for many years. And what can you choose from? Let's look at a list of suitable materials, and video installation instructions for each of them.

Wooden lining

One of the most popular materials for interior and exterior decoration. The lining is made of wood, therefore it is environmentally friendly. In addition, the appearance of the products is simply gorgeous. As for the plating process, it is simple. It all comes down to creating a wooden frame and fixing the lining to it. Due to the locking connection, no seams are visible. The connections are hidden. But punks can be fixed in different ways. Often, clamps, nails, screws or staples are used for this.

Here are the benefits of the products:

  1. Great appearance.
  2. Ecological cleanliness.
  3. Ease of installation.
  4. With proper processing, the material will be protected from moisture and other atmospheric influences.
  5. The lining is strong and durable.
  6. Thanks to the product classification, you can choose products by price category for yourself, ranging from inexpensive to luxury.
  7. The ability to lay insulation under the lining.
  8. Versatility. Can be used both outside and inside.

The installation process itself is simple. You can see the technology from this video:

Siding for veranda cladding

It is a unique material that is designed for outdoor use. It has all the benefits we talked about above. At the same time, there are several types of siding:

  • metal;
  • cement;
  • wood;
  • vinyl.

Most often, the last two options are used in verandah finishes. The installation technology is somewhat reminiscent of lining, since here you also need to build a frame and fix the siding to it. But, in the work there are some details and subtleties that are different. The material itself is very decent and is widely used for cladding not only verandas, but also houses in general.

Here are the benefits of siding:

  1. Long service life (50 years minimum).
  2. Has an excellent appearance and a variety of colors.
  3. Simple to operate, easy to wash, no need to paint or repair.
  4. It is lightweight and flexible.
  5. It is versatile, you can choose the material of manufacture yourself.
  6. Installation is pretty straightforward.
  7. It copes well with temperature extremes and harsh weather conditions.
  8. It has openings for ventilation and condensation drainage.
  9. The veranda cladding material will not rot and be attacked by insects.
  10. Durable, practical and will not fade.

Due to its advantages, siding occupies a leading position among other cladding materials. Although, like everything, it has some disadvantages:

  • the material cannot be called environmentally friendly, although this is not so important for covering the veranda from the outside.
  • vinyl products burn very well, emitting harmful and toxic smoke;
  • vinyl products for the veranda become fragile at low temperatures;
  • metal siding is easy to damage. By bending it once, you will not return it to its former appearance;
  • wood siding has a short lifespan.

You can see the installation of siding from this video:

Other popular materials for veranda cladding

Most often, they resort to the materials described above for sheathing. Although, there are other options that are also in demand. One of them is facing brick. If your house is completely tiled with this material, then it would be foolish to use any other material for the veranda. Facing brick is quite expensive, but it has its own advantages. It can be noted reliability, strength, external beauty, durability, resistance to precipitation and temperature fluctuations. The material is not afraid of shocks and ultraviolet rays. Therefore, we can say that this option is a guarantee of reliability.

If we are talking about a wooden house, then the veranda for it can be made in this style. Many people sheathe the veranda with wood, and clapboard can also be attributed here. Nevertheless, often for this purpose a block house or imitation of a bar (false beam) is used. These are one of the varieties of lining, which differ in appearance and characteristics. A block house is a lining that imitates a rounded beam. The material has a convex shape, so after sheathing the veranda it may seem that it is entirely made of wooden beams. But the imitation of a bar creates the effect of an ordinary bar, has a rectangular shape. Take a look at the photo to understand the difference in the appearance of the materials.

You can decorate the veranda in one way or another. It's up to you to decide. It all depends on the desire, preferences and financial capabilities.

The veranda can not always be sheathed. There is another finish option, which is plastering. Often the house itself is finished using plaster, so the veranda can be made like this. In this case, you have the opportunity to insulate it from the outside. It is enough to sheathe the veranda with insulating material. plaster the surface using a reinforcing mesh, and then apply a finishing putty or plaster. At the same time, various options for plastering appear. It can be bark beetle plaster, fur coat, structural, decorative or textured plaster. There are a lot of options, and their choice depends on you. At the same time, the material will perfectly resist external influences and protect the insulation inside. So, you can kill two birds with one stone. Look at the photo of what the bark beetle looks like on the surface.

Let's summarize

As you can see from this article, lining the veranda outside is a responsible business and does not tolerate delay. Thanks to the variety of materials used for the treatment, you can choose the option that has sunk into your soul. You will not only protect the building material from which the veranda will be made, but you will also be able to insulate it and give it a beautiful appearance. Then everyone who sees your beautifully finished veranda will understand that respectable people live in this house. Do not forget about the requirements for the material, and when buying, consult with the sellers. In this case, you do not need to save money, since all efforts and funds can be wasted. Remember the main principle: quality comes first. Then your veranda will stand for many years.

A terrace in the country house or in a country house allows its owners at any time, regardless of the weather, to enjoy the beauty of nature, breathe in fresh air, admire the surroundings. And how nice it is to gather the whole family on the veranda for lunch or dinner in the warm season, enjoying the surrounding beauty!

Veranda finished with PVC Panels

But in addition to local landscapes, the appearance of the terrace itself also affects the aesthetic perception, so its decoration plays an important role. The choice of material often depends on the type of veranda (open or closed), the desired design and the financial capabilities of the owners. If you want, you can look in the article on the construction and decoration of outdoor terraces. Maybe there you will find many ideas for your summer cottage.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You, of course, have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, in the alley, and possibly on the neighbor's lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that this is a huge work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about an innovative tool - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

The veranda is a non-residential and unheated part of the house, therefore, its decoration should be carried out with materials that are resistant to temperature extremes, humidity, and cold. And for an open terrace, you need to pick up the upholstery even more meticulously, because it will be negatively affected by water and sunlight.

  • Lining is the most popular material for upholstery in such premises. Most of the current summer cottages in the vastness of our Motherland are covered with wood. And this is not surprising, because a well-processed wood looks luxurious, moreover, it is able to retain its original appearance for several decades. This is an environmentally friendly material with a unique pleasant aroma, and it is not so difficult to fix it. Clapboard is used to decorate the walls and ceiling, as you can see in the photo.

Lining for finishing the walls of the veranda

  • MDF is a fairly new finishing material that has already gained popularity. Its outer surface imitates wood, which is why such a wall decoration is practically in no way inferior to the lining, which will help to make sure the photo. But from high humidity, the upper film warps and swells, which is why MDF is not recommended for use in open areas, but in closed terraces it is widely used for cladding walls and ceilings.
  • PVC - polyvinyl chloride panels are an inexpensive, affordable finishing material, manufacturers offer a wide range of textures, which allows you to perform almost any terrace design. Its installation is also quite simple and quick, the only drawback is that the panels are quite fragile, they can break from a slight blow. Used for wall and ceiling upholstery, as shown in the photo.
  • Siding is an inexpensive, durable option for decorating the walls of closed and open verandas. This material can be easily applied in open areas, it is resistant to temperature extremes, ultraviolet light, humidity, decay and insects. The wide range of colors is also pleasing, which is why the decoration of the room with such panels can repeat almost any design.

Which wood to choose? Since natural wood has been and remains the most popular material for cladding a terrace, let's take a closer look at its types and the principle of selection. For the decoration of walls and ceilings, lining is often used - boards treated with antiseptics and antipyretics with special grooves for fastening.

We start with finishing the flooring

The lining can be conditionally divided into solid and glued. The first is made from a solid piece of wood, often has chips, knots and jags. The second one looks perfect, but the layers of wood glued together with an increase in humidity will gradually begin to exfoliate, and the finish will lose its original decorative effect. Many builders use timber in their work, you can see how to build a terrace from a timber with your own hands - this is an original and economical solution.

To decorate the walls of open terraces, it is better to use grades of panels of class A, B and C, they are made of solid wood, therefore they are resistant to temperature and humidity changes, cheaper options are also suitable for a closed terrace. When buying material, it is necessary to print packs and check the quality of individual boards inside, since sometimes manufacturers hide parts with defects in the middle or pack panels of different lengths.

Consider the main types of wood that are useful for work:

  • Soft varieties are cheaper, easier to work with, and their beauty is not inferior to harder breeds. These include birch, spruce, linden, aspen, pine, larch.
  • Hardwoods are used for wall and floor cladding of indoor and outdoor terraces. The most popular species are oak, ash, fir and bamboo.

Materials for floor decoration

Consider what material can be used to decorate the flooring:

  • Terrace board - made of natural wood, can be solid or spliced, that is, glued from separate layers of wood, the first is more durable and of high quality. Such a floor covering is perfect for wooden wall paneling or other materials that imitate wood, an example is shown in the photo.
  • Coating with ceramic tiles is an old, proven method of finishing a veranda floor, an example is shown in the photo. High-quality tiles retain their beauty for many years, and they need minimal maintenance. But the finishing of open verandas should be carried out with special floor tiles that can withstand temperature extremes and the negative influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Veranda floor made of ceramic tiles

  • PVC tiles are made of quartz sand, polyurethane and vinyl, it is shown in the photo. A floor covered with a similar tile is not afraid of frost, moisture and ultraviolet radiation.
  • Concrete screed - with the help of self-leveling mixtures, you can get a perfectly flat floor surface that is resistant to wear, moisture, acids. If desired, such a coating can be decorated with tiles.
  • Linoleum is a simple, affordable, proven option for flooring, but when heated, it tends to delaminate, so it is not recommended to use it on an open veranda.

Wall decoration technology

The cladding of the terrace walls is carried out using a frame made of wooden bars with a cross section of 20-30 mm (metal can also be used, but then special linings must be purchased for them, otherwise the fasteners will turn into cold bridges). To do this, a fastener is created at the level, perpendicular to the future direction of the boards, panels or slabs (for example, if the lining is located vertically, then the frame beams are installed horizontally with a step of about 50 cm), the finished frame is shown in the photo. After the completion of these works, all wooden parts are treated with antiseptics and antipyretics to prevent decay and ignition of the elements.

Veranda device diagram

If the veranda is internal, then it can be additionally insulated, and then it will be possible to use the room even in the cold season. For open terraces, only the walls adjacent to the main building are insulated. Mineral wool, polystyrene foam, expanded polystyrene or any other heat-insulating material is used as a heater; it is laid between the beams.

For high-quality heat and moisture insulation under the insulating layer, it is necessary to lay a waterproof film, all the joints of which are glued with special foil tape, cotton wool, foam or other material is laid on it, and on top of the heat reflector with the shiny side to the room, the joints are also fixed with tape. Veranda ceilings are also insulated in the same way. If you are an amateur, of a particular style in design, then in the article on how to choose a veranda design, you can see the option that suits you.

  1. For MDV and PVC panels, a mounting corner is attached to the corner of the room, the first panel is inserted into it, the free edge is screwed to the wooden frame with self-tapping screws, the technology is shown in the photo. The rest of the boards are fixed in the same way.
  2. The lining is fixed:

Wall decoration of the veranda

  • galvanized nails, for this they simply drive it into the center of the board and then sink it with a doboinik;
  • stapler - mounting brackets are driven into the edge of the panel using a construction stapler;
  • kleimers - they are attached to the grooves of the previous board, after which the panel is fixed with self-tapping screws and a kleimer, in this way the verandas inside the house are finished.

Wall decoration video

Terrace flooring technology with tiles

The glue is chosen depending on the type of tile, each manufacturer recommends certain adhesives. A notched trowel is used to apply the substance.

Laying the tiles is done as follows:

  • the floor surface is prepared, a concrete screed is made;
  • glue is applied to a tile or surface, achieving an ideal distribution;
  • the width of the joints depends on the size of the tiles and is approximately 3-7 mm .;
  • first, the tiles are installed along the center line, moving to the edges, as in the photo;

The result of the work in the picture

  • install all whole plates, and then proceed to finishing the sides of the room;
  • the tiles are cut with a special tile cutter or machine, cutting the material into a quarter of the thickness and then breaking it off by hand, the edges are sanded before laying;
  • seams are rubbed with special compounds.

The most favorite and most visited place in a private country house is often the terrace, and it is the right design that will give the room comfort, warmth and beauty. And at the end you can pick up any

A modern country house is designed to provide the best living conditions in it. At present, all the conditions have been created for this - an abundance of design solutions in housing construction, a lot of traditional and new proven materials.

Currently, one of the elements of private buildings is a terrace - a fully or partially open area equipped with a roof. It allows you to fully feel like a part of nature, practically without leaving your home. What materials and in compliance with what requirements can be used to decorate the terrace, and will be discussed in the future.

Users often search:

Classic terrace construction

Structurally, an extension to the house, called a terrace or veranda, is a podium raised above the ground on one of the types of foundation, and a roof made of any material, resting on several supporting beams. According to the design option, such structures are subdivided into:

  • open;
  • partially closed;
  • closed.

Open veranda

This species is good when located on the leeward sunny side. Due to the absence of fences, there are practically no boundaries between the veranda and the surrounding space. It is better if the floor height of such a structure is low. This is especially true when children live in a country house.

This option requires minimal construction costs. And finishing the veranda will not require large expenses. But it is necessary to impose maximum requirements on its quality, since the structural elements will be under the constant influence of excessive moisture, frost, winds, and temperature extremes.

Partially closed option

Such a terrace retains its airiness and openness, but ensures high safety for households and their guests. The main difference from the previous version is the presence of fences made of timber, in the form of a frame structure made of lumber, as well as from blocks or bricks, followed by finishing the walls of the veranda from the outside and from the inside.

Photo: 3D project of a country house with a veranda

Due to the lack of complete isolation from the atmosphere, the operation of structures of the first and second types is possible only in the warm season. It is impossible to insulate them with high quality due to the design features, and it is quite difficult to completely protect the visitors of such a terrace from the wind and raindrops flying inside.

Closed terraces

This type is most suitable for year-round use as an additional room. Even in winter cold weather closed from wind and frost, you can enjoy hot tea, admiring the beauty of nature. At the same time, it is better to combine the interior decoration of the veranda with the insulation of all its walls. This will minimize the cost of heating the house as a whole.

Finishing options for the veranda

The manufacturing process of the described structures is not complicated and is quite accessible with your own hands, as is the decoration of the veranda inside or outside. Since the topic of the article assumes a more detailed acquaintance with the second part of the works, we will consider them, focusing on the possible options, their features, advantages and disadvantages.

Currently, the veranda is lined from the inside using the following materials:

  1. wooden lining;
  2. plastic panels;
  3. MDF panels;
  4. cement plaster and cement-based artificial stone.

Decorating the veranda with wood

A classic option is the use of natural wood materials for decorating the walls not only of the interior of the house, but also of the outbuildings. The lining is distinguished by its good appearance, ease of installation and low requirements for the quality of base preparation.

It is mounted on a lathing made of 40x40 mm bars using special fasteners - clamps, which grip the panels by the groove and securely fix them. Finishing parts can be located vertically, horizontally or at an angle to the floor.

Thematic material:

For exterior decoration, the veranda can only be sheathed by installing the lining parallel to the soil with the ridges up to prevent water from accumulating in the grooves.

Plastic finish

Also a fairly common option. It is better to trim a closed veranda with such panels. In this case, temperature drops are less sensitive for the material, which contributes to an increase in its service life.

Unlike wood-based materials, plastic is practically not afraid of water. Modern retail chains offer many options for both color and textured design of plastic panels.

Installation of plastic trim is easier than wood trim. Thanks to the large width of the panels, the process is faster.

It is convenient to fasten trim parts to the lathing using a construction stapler, driving the staples into a wide shelf along the edge of the products. Plastic panels do not require further finishing of paintwork materials, they are well washed with a damp cloth, dust does not settle on them.

Interior decoration with MDF panels

Another common finishing material for interior work is MDF panels. Like the previous version, they have a large working width, which allows the sheathing to be carried out quickly enough. For fastening to a crate made of wood, clamps are used, similar to those used when installing a wooden lining.

Thanks to the large number of colors that imitate natural wood, stone and even leather, such an interior decoration of the veranda will have a very high-quality look. With all the advantages, MDF has a significant drawback - very low moisture resistance. In this regard, it is better not to use them for decorating open terraces. Otherwise, additional protection will be required in the form of varnishing on all sides of the panels.

Wall decoration of the veranda with cement materials

In the case of using cement-containing building materials for the manufacture of a terrace - blocks with one or another filling, or bricks, it is better to trim the walls with mixtures or details that are similar in composition.

Please note that gypsum-based plaster and artificial gypsum stone are not suitable for covering the walls of open verandas.

Often home owners are stopped by the high cost of cement finishing materials. At the same time, it is not difficult to make the required amount of the original artificial stone on your own in a home workshop. By adding aniline dye, you can get a unique interior in the finished room.

Polycarbonate in the decoration of terraces

As already noted, the materials listed above, used in finishing the interior space of verandas, have certain disadvantages that limit their use. In recent years, more and more external walls and roofs of terraces are covered with polycarbonate - an artificial transparent material that allows you to get a closed space while maintaining visual contact with the surrounding nature.

There are two main types of this plastic:

  1. Cellular. Differs in minimal weight, high light transmittance, durability, therefore it is often used for roofing terrace roofs.
  2. Monolithic. Its properties are close to real quartz glass, but unlike it, it does not have such high fragility. This determined its use in vertical frame structures - windows, doors, transparent walls.

Modern manufacturers are not limited to the production of colorless sheets. To create a soft shadow, we recommend using green, blue, red, yellow honeycomb polycarbonate for the roof. You can combine several colors, giving the whole design brightness and originality.

The wall cladding of the veranda with cellular polycarbonate is quite affordable for doing it yourself. To work, you need a minimum set of tools:

  • cutting knife - any construction knife will do;
  • screwdriver.

Polycarbonate installation technology involves the following list of works.

The installation of cellular polycarbonate on the roof of the terrace is carried out in the same way. If there is a ridge - the junction of two roof slopes, use a special ridge profile sold in organizations selling sheets.

In the absence of experience in cutting, cutting sheets to the required dimensions can also be performed by workers of construction bases.

As follows from our review, the amount of materials for cladding terraces is enough to make a unique structure. Before you decorate your veranda with any of them, carefully study all the features of operation in a particular case.

One of the most significant advantages of living in a private house is the opportunity at any time of the day or night to go out into the fresh air and enjoy the scent of flowers in summer or the enchanting smell of rotten foliage in late autumn. And how pleasant it is to sit with a cup of tea on an open veranda during the first May thunderstorm, when the air is filled with ozone and tender young greenery rustles under the elastic streams. A closed veranda in a country house can be easily turned into a dining room, where the whole family will gather for Sunday lunch: share impressions, make plans and just communicate. An important role in creating the necessary mood is played not only by the view opening from the windows, but also by the decoration of the veranda. It is she who will help you create an atmosphere of home comfort and peace.

Choice of materials

The choice of materials for finishing the veranda is not only aesthetic, but also practical. As a rule, the word "veranda" means an unheated room. In some cases, an open veranda looks more like a gazebo attached to the house, so that there is no question of heating at all.

This means that the decor should be not only beautiful, but also resistant to high humidity and temperature changes.

Protection of wooden structures and thermal insulation

The most popular building material for the construction of a veranda is wood. Before proceeding with the final finishing, all wooden structures must be worked out with a special antiseptic composition.

In addition, for glazed verandas, proper thermal insulation of the lower part of the walls (under the windows) and the ceiling is of great importance. The interior decoration of the veranda begins with her. If the insulation is done correctly, the room can be inhabited until late autumn.

You can insulate the ceiling of the veranda with almost any thermal insulation materials: mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam (EPS), foam or liquid sprayed polyurethane foam. Choosing foam, you need to be prepared for the fact that for high-quality thermal insulation you will have to lay a sufficiently thick layer of this material, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in the ceiling level by 10-15 cm. Sprayed polyurethane foam is an effective but expensive insulation. But EPS and mineral wool at a fairly affordable price can perfectly protect your veranda from the autumn cold.

Insulation is laid on the walls and ceiling according to the same scheme. First of all, it is necessary to provide waterproofing. To do this, a waterproof film is spread along the entire wall, and the joints between its sheets are hermetically glued with metallized tape. Then we install vertical wooden blocks at an equal distance from each other, and put insulation between them.

Important! It should be remembered that mineral wool is very afraid of dampness. Under the influence of moisture, just a few years later, such a heater turns into dust.

The last layer will be a heat reflector, which is placed inside the room with a metallized film and sealed with tape.

We insulate the ceiling in the same way.

Finishing the walls and ceiling of the veranda

When all the preparatory work is completed, it's time to think about the interior of your veranda. You can entrust its development to a professional designer, or you can cope with this task yourself. There are a lot of options for decorating open and closed terraces. Let's consider the most popular ones.

Finishing with PVC panels

The most budgetary option for finishing the walls of the veranda in recent years is plastic panels. This material is resistant to high humidity and temperature extremes. In addition, it is quite easy to assemble and clean. It will help you imagine how interesting a photo taken in one of the hardware stores made of PVC can be.

The disadvantages of plastic can be attributed only to low environmental friendliness and fragility - it is very easy to break it by inadvertently pushing back a chair or accidentally hitting the wall with your knee.

As a frame for PVC panels, wooden slats with a section of 30 * 20 or 30 * 10 mm or a metal profile for mounting drywall can be used. When using wood, it must be pre-treated with an antiseptic.

Helpful advice! On the walls of the veranda facing the street, it is better to use wooden slats for lathing. Fastening metal profiles can create "cold bridges" that significantly reduce the quality of thermal insulation. But for not too even internal walls, it is better to use a profile on special suspensions.

  • The slats must be fixed perpendicular to the direction of installation of the panels. So, if the plastic is placed vertically on the wall, then the slats are packed horizontally in increments of no more than 50 cm.

Important! The veranda walls are decorated with patterned panels from left to right. You can start the installation of plain panels from either side of the wall.

  • When the crate is ready, a starting profile or mounting corner is attached in the corner of the room with the help of nails or self-tapping screws. The first one is used if the adjacent wall is finished with a different material, and the second one will allow joining the PVC panels to each other.
  • Then the first panel is inserted into the guide profile so that the wide fixing shelf is directed towards the installation.
  • To fix the panel to the crate, you can use metal holders, or you can simply screw it to the rail with a self-tapping screw.

Important! If you do not use holders to mount the panels, do not over-tighten the self-tapping screw. Otherwise, the panel will "lead".

  • We insert the next panel so that there is no gap left, and fasten it.

Remember that PVC panels are subject to thermal expansion. To compensate for it, it is necessary to leave a gap of 2-3 cm at the top and bottom of the wall and close it with a plinth.

MDF - cheap imitation wood

Another popular finishing material is MDF panels. They are somewhat stronger than plastic, but less resistant to moisture. It is not worth using this material on open verandas, but for closed ones it is quite suitable.

MDF panels are installed in the same way as plastic ones.

Wooden lining - a classic of the genre

When listing the materials for finishing the veranda, it is impossible not to mention the most traditional of them - wood. Most often this is the so-called lining.

Lining - a cladding board, up to 22mm thick with special grooves that facilitate installation and joining.

This material is sheathed not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling of the veranda. After treatment with antiseptics, the lining will serve you up to 20 years. There is no need to talk about the advantages of wood over artificial materials for a long time. That there is only a delicious woody scent that will be felt on your veranda for many years.

The choice of wooden lining

First of all, it should be said that according to the method of production, the lining is divided into spliced ​​and solid. In the first case, the best quality pieces of wood are joined in a special way. Despite the fact that this material looks excellent - there are no knots, cracks and other putty defects on it - it is not suitable for finishing an open veranda. At high humidity, cracks may form at the splice, which will greatly spoil the appearance of the finish.

In addition, the lining is divided into 4 classes. The most expensive and high-quality - the "extra" class - almost always spliced. But the material of class A, B or C, as a rule, is made of solid wood. There are knots and potholes on such a lining. Most often, they are processed with putty during production.

Important! When purchasing material, be sure to unpack it. Very often there are defective or low-grade planks in the middle of the pack.

Preparation and installation of lining

Preparing the lining for installation comes down to treating it with an antiseptic and adapting the material. It is necessary to leave the lining in the room to be finished for several days, and then cover it with a protective compound.

When using lining, the veranda is trimmed with wood in almost the same way as with PVC or MDF panels. The lathing is done according to the same scheme, but there are several ways of fastening:

  • Fasteners with galvanized nails. This is the easiest way. The nail is simply driven into the center of the board, and then the cap is sunk in with the help of a doboiner.
  1. Fasteners with self-tapping screws. In this case, a hole about 10mm deep is drilled in the board from the side of the spike. The diameter of the drill should correspond to the diameter of the screw head. Then we fasten the lining to the crate, drowning the self-tapping screw into the hole, close it with a dowel and grind it. As you can see, the method is more laborious, but the fastening is not visible.

Important! With the help of clamps, only the veranda inside can be finished.

When the installation of the lining is completed, you need to close the corners and joints in the area of ​​doors and windows with a corner and proceed with the finishing. To give the wood a shade, colored varnishes or stains are used.

Important! Before starting work, cover the forcing cut with the chosen varnish and let dry. Sometimes, after drying, the color becomes completely different from when applied. It will be very difficult to remove the varnish you don't like from the walls. For the same reason, do not buy a large amount of varnish at once: buy a little, try it, and if you like it, buy it.

You need to apply varnish from top to bottom: first we cover the ceiling, and then the walls.

External finishing

So, we examined the main options for finishing the veranda from the inside. How to veneer it from the outside? In principle, you can use the lining here, but is it worth it? Despite all kinds of impregnations and antiseptics, the tree, which is constantly exposed to the negative effects of the environment, quickly loses its decorative effect. This means that you will have to re-process it annually.

If you nevertheless decide to choose wood, remember that you can only mount the wall paneling horizontally from the outside with a spike up. In this case, it must be fixed in two rows - from the side of the thorn and from the side of the groove.


In recent years, siding veranda decoration has gained particular popularity. Even if the house is tiled with bricks or covered with decorative plaster, you can easily choose a shade of siding that fits perfectly into the ensemble.

The most commonly used type of this material is vinyl siding. It owes its popularity to a fairly democratic price, good performance and ease of installation.

For facades, horizontal siding with a lock joint is most often used. We will consider the technology of its installation in more detail:

We proceed to the cutting and installation of panels. Cutting vinyl siding is easy enough. This can be done with metal scissors, a hacksaw, or a jigsaw.

Important! Vinyl is highly susceptible to thermal expansion. Therefore, each panel should be 5-7mm shorter than the wall.

  • Bend the panel slightly in the center and place its edges into the grooves of the corner profiles.
  • Align the panel and place its bottom edge into the starting bar.
  • We fix the upper edge of the panel with self-tapping screws through the prepared holes.

Important! You cannot press the self-tapping screw tightly to the crate. The oval hole for fastening is designed so that the material can move freely along the self-tapping screw during temperature fluctuations. The distance between the head and the lathing should be 1-1.5mm.

  • We also put the next bar into the corner profiles, snap it into the groove of the previous one and attach it to the crate.
  • Before installing the last plank on the level, we mount the finishing profile, cut off the required width of the siding strip, snap it into the previous plank, and simply insert the free edge into the finishing profile.
  • Here is a detailed video instruction for installing this material:

That's all. From the outside, your veranda looks perfect.

Finishing the veranda - photo selection

In order to make it easier for you to make the final choice in favor of one or another finishing material, we have prepared a small photo selection: