Locking system just click reviews. How to lay laminate flooring with different types of locks. Which castle is better

At the turn of the 70s and 80s of the last century, laminate quickly burst into the "Premier League" of flooring and finishing coatings. Its history, known as Idea-77, is associated with the purchase of a compound coating plant by a Swedish company. The Swedes experimented with everything that came to hand: they laminated wall panels, countertops, window sills. Someone during the next "brainstorming" on the topic of laminating more, and came up with the idea to take up the floors. A couple of years later, IKEA stores introduced the Swedes to a novelty - laminate, which was a dizzying success, first in the Swedish, and then in the world market.

The name of the company-developer of the laminate is remembered only by specialists, the laminate itself has changed beyond recognition, but its popularity remains enormous. Affordable price, practicality, functionality, good noise and sound insulation characteristics, easy maintenance, a huge variety of patterns applied to the decorative layer of this floor covering by manufacturers in the struggle for a buyer - these are the components of the success of the laminate.

Today, laminate flooring is a multi-layer panel, each layer of which is "responsible" for solving different problems:

    The lower one protects against deformation.

    The carrier determines the noise and sound insulation qualities, moisture resistance and holds the panels together with a lock during installation.

    Decorative is made of PVC film or special kraft paper. A drawing is applied to this layer.

    The top layer of melamine or acrylate resin protects the flooring from damage. The resin can be applied several times, which directly affects the life of the coating.

The evolution of laminate over the years has also touched on the methods of joining panels when laying in a monolithic floor structure. The glue method practically "leaves the stage", today the castle method dominates the market. With the locking method of connection, the spike on the edge of the laminate panel enters the groove on the other panel. The advantages of this method in comparison with glue are obvious: the installation speed has increased, there is no need to prepare an adhesive composition, there are no glue odors in the room. The main advantage is that the locking method makes it possible to disassemble and install the floor covering 3-4 more times (Click locks). There are several types of laminate locks.

Lock Lock

The tongue and groove lock for laminate flooring is called Lock. A milling cutter cuts a thorn in one of the lateral sides of the bearing layer, on the other side - a groove with a comb. A piece of timber or a die is placed on the panel laid on the floor, and a spike is pushed into the groove with a wooden mallet until it is fully seated and the gap between two adjacent panels disappears. A comb in the groove will prevent the tenon from coming out. Therefore, this type of lock is also called a hammer lock. The Lock lock appeared earlier than other lock joints for laminate and today it is considered a less advanced solution in technical terms.

A relatively weak point is the comb in the groove, which, during operation, under the influence of periodically occurring loads, begins to wear off. The wear of the lock will lead to the appearance of a gap in this place. Such a defect cannot be repaired. In fairness, it must be said that accelerated wear of the comb occurs when the requirements for the base on which the laminate is laid are not met. And here a paradoxical situation arises between this problem and another "drawback" of the Lock-lock.

This "disadvantage" lies in the certain complexity of laying a covering with a lock of this type. It is recommended to entrust the installation work to professionals, because you should act with a mallet very carefully, adjusting the force of the blow. And at the same time, constantly monitor the joints of the panels. However, a professional, prior to installation, will inform the owner of the premises that the base for the laminate is of poor quality and problems will arise during operation. And with a properly arranged base, the service life of the interlock will approach the service life of the panels.

Click lock

Further development of laminate locks was marked by the appearance of the Click system. This lock differs from its predecessor Lock-lock in the form of a tongue-and-groove. The tongue in this case is also made by milling and has the shape of a flattened hook. The panels are applied to each other at an angle (usually the angle is 45 °, but this may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer). The tongue-and-groove panel is lowered, the tongue engages with the groove and a characteristic sound is heard. This sound gave the name to the castle - Click.

It is not required to apply large efforts when joining the panels; it is not required to knock the panels with a mallet. They are securely fixed, during the installation process the locks remain intact even if the person working with the coating is mistaken. Reliable connection of adjacent panels and the resulting constant voltage, protect the lock from abrasion during the entire service life. Accordingly, gaps between panels do not appear over time. The undoubted advantage of the Click locking system is the ability to disassemble the floor covering and reassemble. And so on up to 3-4 times.

T-LOCK and 5g locks

Manufacturers continue to improve laminate locks and are developing more and more modifications. Thus, Tarkett has patented a system in which the lock is cut by a cutter in the base layer of the panel using the Click technology. The principal difference lies in the presence of a lock on the long and end sides. The installation repeats the steps for joining the panels with the Click-lock - the new panel is brought to the already laid floor at an angle of 45 °, lowered and snapped into place.

The next improvement to the laminate lock is the 5g system. All leading manufacturers came to various versions of such a lock - the goal was to further simplify the installation process without losing the strength and quality of the connection. A movable tongue was installed in the end part of the panel, which ensured the simultaneous connection of the panel along the long and short sides. On the long side, the panel is brought in at an angle, and from the end side, it is simply superimposed on top and lowered until the tongue clicks.

Megalock Castle

A type of lock for 5g laminate is the system of the German company Classen. The first row of panels is laid in length, the next row is applied at an angle in order to insert the tongue into the groove of the laid panel, after which the panel is lowered and the lock is snapped into the end part. Disassembling the laid laminate, if necessary, is easy.

Aluminum locks

The Swedes invented laminate flooring, their neighbors the Norwegians developed an aluminum locking system for it. The traditional tongue-and-groove connection of the Lock-lock is complemented by a lock on the aluminum profile. The tongue of this lock fits into the second groove on the adjacent board. The aluminum profile can be located at the bottom of the board or located in the carrier layer. The double connection avoids deformation and the appearance of joints during installation and during operation. The aluminum lock can withstand tensile forces of one ton or more. In addition, these laminate locks provide additional moisture protection for the flooring.

Sealant treatment of locks during installation

Leading manufacturers produce a laminate with additional protection of seams from moisture with wax compounds. This applies to class 32 and 33 laminates. Protecting the seams during installation with a sealant should be done in cases where they are not coated with wax.

The correct choice of laminate locks determines the suitability of this flooring for use in the target area. The joints of the panels are both the strong and the weak side of this type of floor, and therefore you need to take this nuance responsibly. When choosing a floor covering, you will inevitably have to find out what kind of locks the laminate has. Having studied them, many inexperienced people are perplexed: why do you need such a large amount, if you can apply one, but the most convenient one. From this emerges the question "Which laminate lock is better than the rest?" Let's figure it out.

Several types of laminate locks have been patented by individual manufacturers. Among all the variety, one can single out the most popular lock connections, as well as several outdated ones. There are also modern connection systems, before using which a special molding of the panels is performed. If you plan to operate the laminate with a lock for a long time, it would be wise to provide for the possibility of dismantling.

The lock determines the quality of the flooring. It is on this component that the degree of surface flatness, the gap between the lamellae, the absence of squeak and the minimization of the likelihood of seams diverging over time depend. In addition, the durability of the entire structure depends on the quality of the manufacture of the locking joints and the laminate itself and the observance of the assembly technology. In order to properly lay the coating and avoid problems in the future, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the types of lamella coupling.

Types of laminate locks

The classification of locks begins with their division into main subspecies. Many people who are just planning to install this coating do not know what kind of locking systems are in laminate flooring, and therefore manufacturers like to invent their own lock schemes, and then present them as the most reliable on the market. All used laminate locks can be roughly divided into two large groups: lock and click.

Most Popular Laminate Locks

These two types of locks differ in the way the panels are joined.

Lock Lock

Laminate lock systems are renowned as the most economical option and have been used for a long time. The production of these joints is done by milling: the connecting piece looks like a tongue equipped with a tongue that fits into a groove on the other side of the panel.

Today lock is an obsolete laminate lock used only by companies that have old production lines at their disposal. It is difficult to disassemble it without damaging the protruding edges of the lock components, which, among other things, wear off over time from constant stress and friction. If you do not seal the gaps with a sealing compound (glue or mastic) during installation, then even a small amount of water can ruin the floor.

Ensure that the surface underneath is of good quality before snapping into a laminate with a lock. Laying on uneven floors may cause increased gaps between panels. Assembly is carried out by driving the spike into the groove with a wooden hammer until the gap disappears between the panels. You can use a regular metal hammer, but then you need a block of wood or a piece of hard rubber.

Experienced specialists, who have already laminated many apartments, talk about the need for constant control of the joints during installation and the overall laboriousness of assembling these locking systems. With external simplicity and reliability, lock-locks have one main drawback: they are non-separable and wear out at the location of the fixing ridge, which causes gaps between the panels. This indicates the unsuitability of these tool joints for many years of operation.

Click lock

Most modern laminate flooring collections have click locks, which are considered more modern and do not have the disadvantages of lock locks. They are made in the same way, however, the closing spike has the shape of a flat hook, and there are platforms for its entry in the grooves. This design allows the floor to be disassembled up to 3-4 times and reliably holds the panels, preventing the appearance of cracks even with heavy loads on the locking mechanism.

Click-click laminate is practical and versatile, as it implies the possibility of repeated disassembly. It is also called "just click". At its core, it is a modernized version of a lock-lock. Since the grooves follow the shape of the fastening hooks, a laminate with a click lock can be assembled even by a non-professional - it is enough just to follow the assembly technology in order to avoid damage and divergence of the panels.

Before assembling a laminate with a click lock, you need to understand the mechanics of the action. During installation, the panel is inserted into the groove at an angle of 45 degrees, after which the panel should be moved to a horizontal position with swinging movements. When the locking elements are coupled, a click is heard, thanks to which this locking mechanism got its name.

In addition to those described above, there are other types of laminate locks on the market:

  • uniclic;
  • aluminum locks;
  • megaloc;
  • t-lock.

UniClic lock

The uniclic laminate lock differs from others in the special profiles of the tenons and grooves. It can be assembled both by knocking down and by simple snapping at an angle. Due to the lower wedge-shaped edge of the groove, the load is distributed evenly throughout the structure. All components of the lock are made from the same material as the panels. This approach to manufacturing allows you to avoid deformation of the panels during installation.

Opinions differ as to how to properly latch uniclic locks. Practice shows that the optimal installation is at an angle. By joining the panels in this way, it is possible to do without a special tool, and also to complete the installation faster. It is necessary to fasten the short sides of the lamella first, and only then the long ones. To lay the last row, as well as to perform assembly in a hard-to-reach place, you need to have a hammer and a wooden pad.

This lock was invented and patented by the manufacturer Quick Step. Other manufacturers may have a different name for a similar type of lock. For example TwinClick, ProLock or SmartLock. However, the general principle of installing and fixing the panels remains the same.

Laminate, equipped with metal locks, is rightfully the most reliable. The clutch mechanism can withstand loads of up to 1200 kilograms per square meter. Laminate with aluminum locks can be installed without thresholds and disassembled up to 5 times without any damage or erasure of the protrusions in the grooves and on the spikes. Also, a laminate with aluminum locks does not deform over time and has the smallest gaps between the panels. An additional aluminum plate increases the strength of the joint and increases the protection against moisture penetration under the coating. Such a lock is used in its products by the Norwegian manufacturer Alloc, giving a lifetime warranty if the laminate is installed correctly.

5g lock

The design of this coupling mechanism includes an iron or plastic insert - a tongue. This element ensures tightness of joints in 5g laminate and reliable fixing of panels to each other. Like many other locking systems, the 5g lock snaps into place by inserting the panel vertically. When fixing, the insert is removed, after which a click is heard, notifying that the tongue has taken the right place and the panel is fixed. This lock allows the panels to be joined at the same time on the long and short side by simply pressing from above.

This type of connection has another name - 2-Lock, which is found at the manufacturer Tarkett.

MegaLoc lock

This system was developed by Classen based on a 5g lock. Reliability of fixation is achieved through the use of a special insert at the end of the laminate. When connected, the insert is folded back and then, with a characteristic click, snaps into place, fixing the panel. Laminate lock megaloc implies assembly from the front side. Upon completion of the assembly, the second is attached to the first strip with an offset. If we compare the assembly time with other types of locks, the megaloc is assembled as quickly as possible. It is possible to dismantle and re-install the covering with these locks up to 4 times.

A distinctive feature is the best tightness of the finished coating. Another advantage of this type of locks is that there is no need to use any tools when laying.


Created by Tarkett based on the positive aspects of the lock and click systems. Today this type of connection can be found in the assortment of dozens of companies. The T-lock can be disassembled four times without damaging components. The panels are joined at a very low angle and guarantee a firm contact without distortions of the lamellas and excessively large gaps. The disadvantage of the lock is that the joints are quite visible, especially on dark colors. Subsequently, the design of the castle was improved: the lower part of the castle became more concave, and at the junction, the side with the decorative layer became more massive. This is how the TC-Lock was born.

Which lock is better?

A good locking system is the key to a long service life of your laminate floor. When choosing, you should know in advance the conditions in which it will be operated. There are many opinions, but which locks are better - only practice always shows, because each type of connection has its own advantages that others do not have. Recently, there is a laminate with wax-impregnated locking systems, developed by Witex.

The presence of wax in the locking mechanism increases the protection against moisture penetration under the coating several times. In addition, wax-impregnated laminate locks make the floor more aesthetically pleasing due to the visual solidity of the floor. Also, the wax coating simplifies the assembly process and increases the resistance of the locking mechanism to external loads, increasing its durability.

Comparing lock- and click-locks, one can argue about the technological superiority of the latter. The length of their service life depends on many factors, so the best laminate is the one that has the minimum thickness of the seams and high-strength joint systems. Which manufacturer is better to choose is everyone's business, but experts are confident in the undisputed leadership of German firms.

Sometimes it happens that the lock on the laminate floor does not snap into place or opens spontaneously. In this case, it is necessary first of all to determine which of the factors does not correspond to the recommendations for the installation and use of floors. This will allow you to quickly determine what caused the discrepancy of the panels and understand what to do if the lock on the laminate is opened.


The choice of locks for laminate flooring is a responsible business that needs to be given due attention. In the case of the wrong selection of locking systems, you can only get disappointment in your decision to change the look of your home. To make the right choice, you need to clearly understand whether the laminate will lie for a long time or whether it will need to be dismantled, what loads it will experience and under what conditions it will be used.

We must pay tribute to modern manufacturers, they do not leave buyers to their fate, indicating on the stack of laminate which locks are used and how the panels should be fastened together.

Types of laminate locks, the main 6 types of locks. Which is better?

Laminate is one of the most popular floor coverings among buyers. This is due to its practicality, affordable cost, ease of care and installation. Even a person who does not have special skills and abilities can cope with the installation of a laminate floor.

An important advantage of the coating is the widest assortment presented in most hardware stores.

It will not be difficult to choose the right option, focusing on the price, color and quality of the laminate. Another advantage of the coating is its soundproofing properties. In addition, such a floor is multifunctional, as it is suitable for use in living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms, corridors and kitchens.

Every year the material is being improved and acquires new qualities. For example, the Belgian company Quick - Step has released laminate flooring that is suitable for use in bathrooms. Due to its water-repellent properties, the floor covering does not allow liquid to penetrate into the floor, and water remains on the surface. You can familiarize yourself with this and other Quick - Step products at http://dogvozdya.ru/napolnie-pokritiya/laminat/quick-step.

In addition to improving the flooring itself, manufacturers are introducing innovations in the locks that connect the laminate panels, and make them a monolithic structure. With this method of fastening, the panels are connected by inserting the tenon of one board into the groove of the adjacent panel.
There are several types of locks that differ from each other in the principle of operation and in the way of connecting the elements:

Lock Lock

The simplest type of locking fasteners, which is also called "driven". It is a fastening of a spike and a groove with a comb, by hammering the first into the second. To lay a laminate with a Lock lock, it is enough to attach a small block or piece of board to the panel laid on the floor and drive the spike into the corresponding groove with careful hammer blows.

If the action is performed with a wooden mallet, the block can be left out. When joining the boards, there should be no holes or gaps. The advantages of the lock include its reliability, ease of installation and economy. The disadvantages of the fasteners are the wear of the comb, which is fixed in the groove. Under the influence of loads, it is erased, comes out of the groove and a gap is formed at the junction of the panels.

Click lock

This is a more modern version of the lock compared to Lock. It is a spike made in the form of a flat hook on one side of the panel and a platform that engages with the hook on the other side. In order to lay the floor, it is necessary to insert the spike into the groove of the previous board at an angle of 45 degrees (for some manufacturers this figure is different), and lay the panel on the floor. When the spike and groove are engaged, a characteristic click is heard, indicating that the lock is engaged.

The advantages of the Click - lock are that it reliably connects the panels, and even with a heavy load, no discrepancies are formed. Such a coating can be assembled and disassembled about 3-4 times, while its performance will not deteriorate.

Lock T - Lock

Floor covering manufacturer Tarkett has developed a new version of the T-Lock, which uses Click technology. Fastening of the boards is carried out by snapping the spike into the groove of the adjacent panel not only on the long side of the board, but also on the end one. Laying takes place by cutting a tenon at an angle of 45 degrees into the groove of an already laid board.

The advantage of the T - Lock is its reliability and strength. Thanks to the double adhesion of the panels, the floor is able to withstand heavy loads, even with a long service life. The T-Lock does not wear out or break, and the boards fixed with it do not come apart. The breaking strength of this structure is 800 kg / m. NS.

5G Lock (2Lock)

The 5G lock combines Click and Lock technologies. With this grip, the board is secured along the long and short side with two types of locks. The long part is fixed at an angle, and the end part is superimposed on top of the lying panel and snaps into place, like in the Click lock, until a characteristic sound is produced.

The 5G lock benefits from unmatched durability. Thanks to the removable polymer flexible insert, which is located at the end of the panel, the boards fit tightly to each other, regardless of the size of the load. Laminate with a 5G lock can last for many years without losing its characteristics and advantages. Installation, as well as dismantling, of a floor covering with such a lock does not require special skills and abilities.

Megalock Castle

The Megalock, manufactured by the German company Classen, is an improved version of the 5G lock. Laying of laminate with Megalock fastening is carried out by joining the boards along the length. To the grooves of the row, which has already been laid, the spike of the long part of the board of the row following it is applied. The panels are connected at an angle, after which the applied board is lowered and a lock is snapped into its end part.

The Megalock lock guarantees reliable fastening of the boards in absolutely any conditions. Regardless of the loads and operating conditions, the flooring will remain perfectly flat. Another plus is quick and easy dismantling, which can be done even by an unprepared person.

Aluminum lock

The system is an aluminum profile located at the bottom of the panel or in the bearing layer, both on the long side and at the end. Thus, a double connection is formed, and the spike, which has fallen into the groove, is secured with light and reliable aluminum.

Aluminum locks are considered to be the strongest. The breaking force is about 12000 kg, which makes such a lock practically invulnerable to stress and abrasion. The joints between laminate panels are not visible, so the coating looks monolithic.

An important advantage of laminate flooring with an aluminum lock is that there is no need to use connecting thresholds during installation. When installing a floor with all other types of locks, thresholds are usually used. On the website http://dogvozdya.ru/napolnie-pokritiya/laminat/porogi you can find a large selection of thresholds that can be used with any laminate.

Other materials on the topic:

Laminate or parquet board?

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The joints of laminated parquet are at the same time the weakest and the strongest part of the coating. A carefully thought-out locking system ensures a tight connection of the lamellas, easy assembly and, of course, obtaining an even, durable floor covering.

In 1979, the Swedish company Perstorp AB (in the future Pergo) presented a new floor covering to buyers through the IKEA chain of stores - laminate. Since the technology was only being developed, the new items did not yet have locking joints and even tongue-and-groove edges. The breakthrough came in 1994 when Välinges took out a patent for a unique development - the world's first mechanical joint for parquet, parquet board and laminate flooring.

The actively developing giants of the woodworking industry have become interested in the innovative technology. The first to buy the license was the laminate manufacturer Alloc, who introduced the so-called 1G aluminum lock. The following year, 1995, the leaders of the Kahrs company became interested in the invention. It is the largest manufacturer of parquet boards, still holding the leading position in the market. The modified system of connections was named "2G lock". In fact, this is a prototype of a coupling kit under the modern name Lock. That is, the connection is based on the “tongue-and-groove” principle, but with a carefully designed sealed profile. When assembling the floor covering with the Lock system, a special elastic adhesive was used.

Diagram of the first interlocks for laminate flooring.

In the future, the structure of the connecting elements continues to be refined and at the end of 2001 a patent for a locking system was published, in which two adjacent plates close at an angle of 45 °, and after pressing (snapping in) a mechanically tight bond is obtained. It is thanks to this development that the laminate with the Click lock, so famous today, is produced. From here begins the era of glueless joining of floor slabs.

Such connecting kits are intended for implementation in multilayer thin floor coverings: parquet board, engineering massif, laminated HDF or PVC floor and others. For traditional parquet, vinyl or LVT tiles, solid planks, simple tongue-and-groove joints are used.

Manufacturers of laminate flooring in their advertisements emphasize the glueless locking system, which allows you to quickly, easily and easily assemble or disassemble the floor. Another advantage is that the special profile shapes form watertight joints without the slightest gaps. But, in fact, there are the following basic types of laminate locks:

  1. Tongue or Lock.
  2. Snap or Click.

All common names like T-Lock, Megalock, Click2Click, Uniclick and others are just a replication of the main types with their own modifications. Nothing fundamentally new or unique has yet been developed. The patents for these improvements are issued in order to avoid pirated copying of products of famous European factories by unscrupulous Asian compilers.

Laminate with an adhesive bonding system is no longer produced, although occasionally you can find handicrafts of Chinese "masters" on sale. Consider the most interesting options from such giants as Egger, Quick Step, Balterio, Alloc.

Just Click by Egger

Laminate locks from the Austrian manufacturer are a classic click system. The panels snap into place at an angle of 30-45 ° on four sides, and a sufficiently high ridge tenon ensures a tight joint and resistance of the joint to tensile and bending loads. The cover is available as a standard and complete with a Silenzio sound-scattering underlay. The shape of the ridge and groove remains unchanged.

Uniclic by Quick Step

The development of the Belgian plant is no less interesting. The engineering profile provides the possibility of both the classic snapping at an angle, and by the method of attaching or knocking the strips. This is the best solution for beginners.

The castle complex from Unilin is convenient for rooms with a complex perimeter, hard-to-reach places or various “obstacles” - pipes, podiums, low-mounted radiators, etc.

To understand the essence of the three-way build system, watch the video from the manufacturer Quick Step.

PressXpress by Balterio

Such interlocking laminate joints are called 3G, 4G or 5G. That is, an element is added to the structure of the Click-joint - a plastic "tongue", aluminum grips or protrusions, which provide improved adhesion, prevent the strips from diverging over time (the formation of longitudinal and transverse gaps). One of the brightest representatives of this group is Press Express from the Belgian Balterio plant. A well-designed "addition" to the main hitch eliminates even a hint of gaps between the lamellas and significantly strengthens the joint area. Thanks to this solution, the finished flooring will support a significant weight without the slightest damage.

Let's note one drawback. According to the reviews of the masters, plastic inserts, when reassembled, become an interfering element rather than an auxiliary one, so they are most often removed with pliers. And to obtain a tight joint, sealing gels or sealing masses are used.

4G and 5G-S Aluminum Locking System from Berry Alloc

Laminate with aluminum locks from Allock is unusual in itself. A very successful modification of the two basic types of joints, the metal "tongue and groove" increases the reliability of the grip and speeds up the assembly mechanism. In addition, this scheme allows you to reduce the weight of the floor covering, which is a significant plus for floors with reduced load-bearing capacity.

According to the manufacturer, an aluminum profile on the two long sides of the strip, supplemented with a stiffener, increases the tensile strength of the connection. The limit value according to the test reports is 1200 kg / r. That is why aluminum locks are used exclusively in class 33-34 floor coverings designed for places with heavy foot traffic. The floor covering can be disassembled and reassembled 3 times.

Which laminate lock is better

Let's dispel the most popular myth that the best floor is made from laminate flooring with a Click lock. In fact, flooring material with any type of interlock is designed in such a way as to end up with a perfectly smooth surface without protrusions, crevices and squeaks. Service life and build quality depend on:

  1. availability of original coating from well-known brands;
  2. professionalism of handlers;
  3. strict adherence to the instructions.

The Lock connection, in contrast to its analogue, does not stretch so much over time, therefore, the coating with a lock-lock is more convenient in re-assembly. The click-coupling is more rigid, but subject to the high density of the slab - at least 750 kg / m 3. Let's make the choice easier for our readers - in large shopping centers 85% of the assortment is laminate with the Click system.

Let's break another stereotype. Some masters claim that the click-lock allows you to lay the laminate on the floor with differences exceeding the permissible 2 mm per 2 linear meters of the surface. We will disappoint such would-be specialists - not a single type of connection is intended to smooth out significant irregularities, an even, solid foundation is always required. Only then will you get a smooth, beautiful and functional floor that will last at least two decades.

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What is laminate, I think everyone knows. This material is now very popular. Excellent appearance and quite affordable price are the main factors that people consider when choosing this floor covering for their house or apartment. How to lay laminate flooring- with this we will now try to figure it out.

As usual, we start with surface preparation. To begin with, our sub-floor needs to be examined for any unevenness. Basically, manufacturers allow unevenness up to 2 mm per meter of floor area. Those. You take a flat rail (level, usually) 1 meter long and apply it to the floor in different places and in different directions, determining the presence of depressions and bumps.

Differences on concrete floors are leveled by a thin screed made of self-leveling bulk mixes. If you have uneven plank floors, it is advisable to put chipboard or plywood on them. Well suited for laying laminate flooring. It is important to understand here that the more irregularities on the substrate, the more likely gaps will appear between laminate panels. When walking on the floor in places of unevenness, the panels bend relative to each other, the locking joints gradually wear out. And the lower the quality of the laminate itself, the faster the cracks will appear.

The next step is to lay the underlay. Its thickness is usually from 2 to 4 mm. It is not worth making the substrate thicker, this will again lead to wear of the locks. The choice of substrates is now very diverse. The cheapest are obtained from polyethylene foam (penofol, polyfom, isolon and many others).

Cork substrates are more environmentally friendly, but also more expensive. There are substrates made of extruded polystyrene foam, made in the form of rectangular sheets. One side is corrugated. It should be facing down when laying.

In general, the choice is large, and besides, it is constantly updated. Honestly, I cannot advise what to choose. I have never felt any tangible difference. As usual with every manufacturer, his product is the best. I will only say that the service life of all of the above types of substrates is much higher than that of the laminate itself, so any of them is quite acceptable.

When laying the laminate on a concrete base, additional waterproofing should be spread under the substrate. This can be, for example, a simple polyethylene film with a thickness of 0.2 mm or any other waterproofing film.

Before laying, the laminate must lie in the room for at least 2 days so that it adapts to the temperature and humidity of the room. It is recommended to lay along the direction of the sun's rays. When laid across, the joints give slight shadows and they become a little more noticeable, spoiling the integrity of the appearance.

In general, there are two ways to install a laminate:

  • glue;
  • castle.

The adhesive installation method has one good advantage - the joints are reliably protected from moisture penetration. In this regard, the service life of the coating increases. But the installation process itself is more complicated and time consuming (in comparison with the lock), besides, additional costs for glue appear. In rooms where a floor heating system is installed, this method is not recommended.

Glue-down installation is carried out with the application of a special water-repellent glue to the ends of the panels (sold together with the laminate). In no case should you use water-based glue (for example PVA). This will lead to swelling of the joints. The glue is applied to the groove of the panel along its entire length. Then the groove is joined with the tenon of the previously laid panel. The connection is sealed with light hammer blows through a wooden block. Wipe off excess glue with a damp cloth.

Having laid 3 rows of panels, it is better to give the glue a couple of hours to dry. Then we lay the floor to the end. You can start using the coating 10-12 hours after the end of installation.

The glue method of laying is now used less and less. There is practically no such laminate on sale. It is being driven out of the market by locking panels. This is due to the ease of installation of the latter. Moreover, the castle laminate covering can even be disassembled without damaging the panels and, for example, transferred to another room. Although, to be honest, I have never heard of anyone doing this.

Locks from all manufacturers of laminate have their own characteristics and differences. But in general, they can all be divided into 2 groups: Click and Lock.

When laying laminate with locks such as Lock one panel is driven into another with a hammer. Thanks to special combs, the spike is securely fixed in the groove without the use of glue.

Locks type Click appeared later and are considered to be of better quality and wear-resistant. They are mounted by leading one panel into another at an angle (30-45º). Then she is pressed to the floor and the lock snaps into place. On my own behalf, I will add that you still have to hammer the laminate with a hammer, although the manufacturers do not write about this for instructions.

The installation sequence for all types of laminate described above is practically the same. Laying starts from the left corner of the room. Before laying the 1st row, you need to measure the width of the room and calculate how wide the last row will be. Otherwise, it may turn out that you cover the whole room and at the end there will be a gap of 2-3 cm along the wall. You cannot close it with a plinth, but such a narrow strip of laminate will not hold well. The width should be at least 5 cm. To do this, you will need to cut the panels of the first row to length.

A gap must be left between the laminate and the walls for thermal expansion. Usually it is done about 1 cm. The main thing is that it is then covered with a plinth.

So we type the first row of laminate from left to right. The far right panel basically always needs to be cut (don't forget the gaps). With the remaining piece, you can start the next row, so we get the necessary spacing of the seams. It is recommended that this gap is at least 30 cm.

Having typed the first row between the laminate and the walls, we insert wedges to provide the necessary clearance, while you need to monitor the straightness of the row. True, I myself do a little differently. When hammering panels of subsequent rows with a hammer, the wedges often fly out, the straightness of the row is violated, in general it is inconvenient. Therefore, I fix the first row with self-tapping screws with washers (if we lay it on a wooden floor) or dowel-nails with washers (if the floor is concrete). I screw them in at the corners and in the joints of the panels of the first row. After finishing the installation of the laminate, I must unscrew it.

When laying laminate with the glue method and with hammer-in locks such as Lock each subsequent panel is first joined along the long edge and then along the end.

When laying laminate with a lock type Click first, a number of panels are recruited and then completely inserted into the previous one. With a large width of the room, it is inconvenient to do this alone, it is better to do it together.

When installing, it is convenient to use a special set of tools for tamping laminate panels. If this is not available, tap the laminate through a piece of panel (10-15 cm), inserting it into the groove with a tenon. When installing the extreme right panels of the row and the entire last row, you can squeeze it from the wall with a small nail pryer, only carefully, through the lining, so as not to damage the walls and the laminate.

After completing the installation, you need to install the skirting boards, and they can only be fixed to the wall, not to the floor.