Locking system uniclic reviews. Types of laminate locks: which is better? Lock connection Connect System

In the modern world, laminate flooring is popular. A special system of stacking laminated panels, snapping them together with a lock, allows you to update the floor quickly and easily.

The service life of the flooring directly depends on the quality of the locks and the observance of the technology of laying the panels.


Laminate locking technology was developed not so long ago, but it has already earned the love and recognition of people related to the repair. There are several reasons for this:

  • Laminate locks make it easy to install the flooring. No additional fasteners or glue are required for installation. The latching device is already installed in the panel.
  • If the panel is damaged, the broken part can be easily replaced. This increases the lifespan of the laminate.

  • The locking system for fastening laminate panels allows you to lay the most neat flooring without protruding or depressed areas.
  • The sides are specially shaped, which, when snapped in, connect the panels without gaps and do not allow moisture to pass through. This reduces the likelihood of mold growth under the flooring.

Variants and Description

First, let's look at the basic types of locks:

  • Locke locks appeared much earlier than other types and are considered more budgetary. This mechanism works on the principle of "thorn-groove", that is, on one side, the laminate board is equipped with a thorn with a comb for fixing, and on the other side it is a groove. Installation of lamellas with the Lock system is carried out by driving the spike into the groove cavity using a wooden mallet or a hammer with a rubber striker until complete connection. Unfortunately, during operation from the load on the panels, the combs wear out, so gaps may form in the floor covering.

  • Click-locks, which are also used for joining lamellas are considered more modern and made taking into account past mistakes. The name of Click locks comes from the characteristic click that is usually heard when closing panels. The technology for the production of panels with a click-lock is similar to the previous type. However, the side with the tenon is in the form of a hook, and the groove is designed so that the hook is hooked. Assembling a floor covering with such a fastening system does not require much effort and is done quite quickly. To do this, the side with the hook is inserted into the other with a groove at an angle of 45 °. Then the panel should be lowered. Then a click will be heard, indicating the entry of the spike into the groove.

Unlike the lock system, click-locks are not afraid of heavy loads, and are also easy to disassemble.

In addition to basic locks, many companies, using their own technologies, produce laminate flooring with patented locks. Among the existing proprietary developments are:

  • Just Click from the Austrian company Egger can be called a classic example of locks with a click system. The panels are closed at an angle from 30 ° to 45 ° along the entire perimeter, due to the high tenon, tight joints are obtained, which makes the laminate resistant to serious loads. Some Egger justlicks come with a special Silenzio backing to help soften the sound of footsteps.

  • Uniclic is an achievement of the Belgian company Quick Step. A special feature is that it can be snapped in both at an angle and when the strips are attached and even knocked out. This variety will suit inexperienced users. Laminate with the uniklik system is perfect for finishing the floor in rooms with a non-standard shape, various obstacles and hard-to-reach places - a multi-level floor or a low-lying battery.

  • ProLoc and SmartLock are the developments of the Belgian company Prego. The first type is represented by a fastening system of three components, which increases the resistance of the laminate to heavy loads and allows you to repeatedly disassemble and reassemble the floor covering. The second type refers to simpler fastening systems that can be easily mounted at any angle and can easily transfer loads.

  • Another company Berry alloc manufactures its products in Belgium and Norway, and the Norwegian laminate is produced with aluminum locks. The patented names of the locks of this company are of two types - 4G and 5G-S Aluminum Locking System. These locks successfully combine all the best qualities of the two main types of locks, and the metal spike and groove system increases the strength of the fastening and makes the installation process faster.

Aluminum locks allow laminate flooring to be used in places with high traffic and high foot traffic. According to the manufacturer, the panels can be disassembled 3 times and reassembled without losing the quality of the flooring.

  • Also meet 5G locks with a plastic insert that resembles a tongue. A distinctive feature of this type of locks is the assembly of panels in a horizontal position, which allows even a beginner to install the coating.

  • Laminated panel snapping system T-Lock is a development of the Tarkett company. This type of locks allows you to snap the spike into the groove of another panel at an angle of 45 °, not only along the length of the laminate, but also from its end side. Such a system is distinguished by its reliability and firmness of the connection. Double-clutch laminate flooring can withstand heavy loads and last a long time. During operation, T-Lock is not erased, does not break or disperse.

  • Another popular lamella lock ClickXpress equipped with a rounded bottom part on the side of the tongue and groove, there are no plastic parts in the model. The possibility of assembling and disassembling such a coating comes up to 4 times.

Which is better?

It is rather difficult for a person who is not engaged in professional repair work to choose a suitable laminate among the variety of lock joints.

According to most experts, the most practical design is a floor covering with Click-locks. And although Lock locks are less susceptible to stretching over time and are easier to disassemble as needed, and the price of such a laminate is more democratic, they are still a more outdated modification. Over time and under the influence of heavy loads the joints at the joints wear out, forming gaps between the panels.

The Click system, in turn, guarantees maximum strength of the joints when repeatedly assembled and disassembled and without damaging the lock system. It is very easy and quick to install such a covering, even on a floor with slight irregularities.

And although more money will have to be paid for such a laminate, the quality of the coating will remain at its best for more than one year.

How to connect correctly?

The way laminated panels are laid and connected to each other depends on the type of laminate. Before laying the lamellas anyway it is necessary to eliminate the difference and unevenness of the floor with a screed, and then lay the underlay.

There are two options for connecting panels when installing a laminate. The glue method, due to a special technology, protects the joints between the panels from moisture penetration. Therefore, the lifespan of the floor covering is significantly increased. But this method has many negative aspects. For example, spending additional funds on the purchase of a special anhydrous adhesive, besides, it is always more difficult and longer to glue the laminate. Underfloor heating is absolutely incompatible with the adhesive method of laying the laminate.

In order to lay the laminate in this way, it is necessary to apply glue to the groove part of the panel and insert a spike into it. Then, using a hammer with a wooden head, you need to press the slats together as tightly as possible. Excess adhesive solution must be removed with a cloth. First you need to lay out three rows of lamellas and wait a few hours for the glue to take. Then you can fill the rest of the room with lamellas.

It should take at least half a day to completely dry the floor covering.

However, due to the ease of installation, hardware stores are increasingly offering laminated panels with different locks. Assembly of laminate with Lock-locks is carried out by hammering one panel into another. Most Click-mechanisms are connected at an angle, and when the panel is lowered to the floor, the lock is closed. If necessary, the panels can also be knocked out with a hammer.

Laminate with a lock has approximately the same assembly algorithm. Before laying, you need to measure the width of the room so that there is at least 5 cm in length for the last row. If necessary, the lamellae of the first row must be shortened. In addition, it is necessary to leave gaps for thermal expansion.

When laying the panels with the glue method or using Lock-locks, the panels must be joined first along the length, and then along the end side. For Click-locks, it is characteristic to collect the entire row of lamellas at once and attach it with a whole canvas to the previous row.

Therefore, for a large area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe room, it is better to enlist the support of an assistant.

Why does it diverge?

Sometimes, even a flawless floor like laminate can come loose. Then it is necessary to determine the cause of damage to the coating and, if possible, eliminate it.

The reason for the failure of the laminate can be dry air, which causes the panels to shrink and crack. To avoid this, you need to constantly ventilate the room, or install a humidifier.

Neglecting the screed before installing laminate flooring leads to the fact that the laminate on an uneven floor opens up, squeaks or sways when walking on it, and locks become unusable.

If the panel lock breaks very quickly, it may be due to the poor quality of the product. There is no need to chase cheapness and choose models from unknown manufacturers.

Failure to comply with the laying technology laminate flooring also often leads to coating problems. Often, during installation, they forget to leave gaps, and when the boards swell, the laminate cracks. Do not forget to remove construction waste from the floor, since even a small stone can disrupt the operation of the highest quality lock.

At the turn of the 70s and 80s of the last century, laminate quickly burst into the "premier league" of flooring and finishing coatings. Its history, known as Idea-77, is associated with the purchase of a compound coating plant by a Swedish company. The Swedes experimented with everything that came to hand: they laminated wall panels, countertops, window sills. Someone during the next "brainstorming" on the topic of laminating more, and came up with the idea to take up the floors. A couple of years later, IKEA stores introduced the Swedes to a novelty - laminate, which was a dizzying success, first in the Swedish and then in the world market.

The name of the company-developer of the laminate is remembered only by specialists, the laminate itself has changed beyond recognition, but its popularity remains enormous. Affordable price, practicality, functionality, good noise and sound insulation characteristics, easy maintenance, a huge variety of patterns applied to the decorative layer of this floor covering by manufacturers in the struggle for a buyer - these are the components of the success of the laminate.

Today, laminate flooring is a multi-layer panel, each layer of which is "responsible" for solving different tasks:

    The lower one protects against deformation.

    The carrier determines the noise and sound insulation qualities, moisture resistance and holds the panels together with a lock during installation.

    Decorative is made of PVC film or special kraft paper. A drawing is applied to this layer.

    The top layer of melamine or acrylate resin protects the flooring from damage. The resin can be applied several times, which directly affects the life of the coating.

The evolution of laminate over the years has also touched on the methods of joining panels when laying in a monolithic floor structure. The glue method is practically “leaving the stage”; today the castle method dominates the market. With the locking method of connection, the spike on the edge of the laminate panel enters the groove on the other panel. The advantages of this method in comparison with glue are obvious: the installation speed has increased, there is no need to prepare the glue composition, there are no glue odors in the room. The main advantage is that the locking method makes it possible to disassemble and install the floor covering 3-4 more times (Click locks). There are several types of laminate locks.

Lock Lock

The tongue and groove lock for laminate flooring is called Lock. A spike is cut in one of the lateral sides of the bearing layer with a milling cutter, and a groove with a comb on the other side. A piece of timber or a die is placed on the panel laid on the floor, and a spike is pushed into the groove with a wooden mallet until it is completely seated and the gap between two adjacent panels disappears. The comb in the groove will prevent the tenon from coming out. Therefore, this type of lock is also called a hammer lock. The Lock lock appeared earlier than other lock joints for laminate and today is considered a less advanced solution in technical terms.

A relatively weak point is the comb in the groove, which, during operation, under the influence of periodically occurring loads, begins to wear off. The wear of the lock will lead to the appearance of a gap in this place. Such a defect cannot be repaired. In fairness, it must be said that accelerated wear of the comb occurs when the requirements for the base on which the laminate is laid are not met. And here a paradoxical situation arises between this problem and another "drawback" of the Lock-lock.

This "disadvantage" lies in the certain complexity of laying a covering with a lock of this type. It is recommended to entrust the installation work to professionals, because you should act with a mallet very carefully, adjusting the force of the blow. And at the same time, constantly monitor the joints of the panels. However, a professional, prior to installation, will inform the owner of the premises that the base for the laminate is of poor quality and problems will arise during operation. And with a properly arranged base, the service life of the interlock will approach the service life of the panels.

Click lock

Further development of laminate locks was marked by the appearance of the Click locking system. This lock differs from its predecessor Lock-lock in the form of a tongue-and-groove. The tongue in this case is also made by milling and has the shape of a flattened hook. The panels are applied to each other at an angle (usually the angle is 45 °, but this may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer). The tongue-and-groove panel is lowered, the tongue engages with the groove and a characteristic sound is heard. This sound gave the name to the castle - Click.

It is not required to apply large efforts when joining the panels; it is not required to knock the panels with a mallet. They are securely fixed, during the laying process, the locks remain intact even if the person working with the coating is mistaken. Reliable connection of adjacent panels and the resulting constant voltage, protect the lock from abrasion during the entire service life. Accordingly, gaps between the panels do not appear over time. The undoubted advantage of the Click locking system is the ability to disassemble the floor covering and reassemble. And so on up to 3-4 times.

T-LOCK and 5g locks

Manufacturers continue to improve laminate locks and develop more and more modifications. Thus, Tarkett has patented a system in which the lock is cut by a cutter in the base layer of the panel using the Click technology. The principal difference lies in the presence of a lock on the long and end sides. The installation repeats the steps for joining the panels with a Click-lock - the new panel is brought to the already laid floor at an angle of 45 °, lowered and snapped into place.

The next improvement to the laminate lock is the 5g system. All leading manufacturers came to various versions of such a lock - the goal was to further simplify the installation process without losing strength and quality of the connection. A movable tongue was installed in the end part of the panel, which ensured the simultaneous connection of the panel along the long and short sides. On the long side, the panel is brought in at an angle, and from the end side, it is simply superimposed on top and lowered until the tongue clicks.

Megalock Castle

A type of lock for 5g laminate is the system of the German company Classen. The first row of panels is laid in length, the next row is applied at an angle in order to insert the tongue into the groove of the laid panel, after which the panel is lowered and the lock is snapped into the end part. Disassembling the laid laminate, if necessary, is easy.

Aluminum locks

The Swedes invented laminate flooring, their neighbors the Norwegians developed an aluminum locking system for it. The traditional tongue-and-groove connection of the Lock-lock is complemented by a lock on the aluminum profile. The tongue of this lock fits into the second groove on the adjacent board. The aluminum profile can be located at the bottom of the board or located in the carrier layer. The double connection avoids deformation and the appearance of joints during installation and during operation. The aluminum lock can withstand tensile forces of one ton or more. In addition, these laminate locks provide additional moisture protection for the flooring.

Sealant treatment of locks during installation

Leading manufacturers produce a laminate with additional protection of seams from moisture with wax compounds. This applies to class 32 and 33 laminates. Protecting the seams during installation with a sealant should be done in cases where they are not coated with wax.

Nowadays, adhesive laminate has practically disappeared from hardware stores and markets. , stacked in a floating way, is presented in a huge number of options. When you are trying to navigate this abundance, do not forget - you need to pay close attention to the quality of the locking system. After all, it depends on it how your floor will withstand constant loads, how long it will retain the look that it had the first time after laying. Let's list the most outstanding locking systems - developments of leading manufacturers of laminate flooring.

The Uniclic lock is the most advanced patented lock system created by the developers of the world famous Quick-Step concern. The lock is clickable. When laying the laminate, there is no need to use any tools. The design of the tongue and groove located on the sides of the panel allows for two mounting methods. Two adjacent panels can be joined at a slight angle - even less than the standard 45 degrees. Or, in its almost complete absence - that is, one panel seems to slide into another. This ensures the elementary nature of assembling the laminated coating - you yourself choose in what way it is more convenient for you to connect the panels in this particular case. Laying can start from anywhere and proceed in any convenient direction. The Uniclic lock is located on all four sides of the panel, so that the joining force of the panels will be the same both along their longitudinal sides and at the end. The connection looks almost seamless. There is no gap between the panels, since there is simply no room for them to move. Only for this locking system, the manufacturer gives an unlimited guarantee (during the initial installation, the safety of the quality of the lamella connection and the absence of cracks and divergence of the panels are guaranteed). The T-Lock (Tarkett Lock) is an exclusive development of the TARKETT company, for which a patent has been received. This type of locks belongs to the category of Click-connections, the most progressive today. In general, it has a well-deserved reputation for not too expensive, but extremely high-quality products. In Europe, it is the most popular laminate in the mid-range. This popularity is largely due to the quality of the locking system. Wide locking elements are connected when approaching at a slight angle, without deformations and distortions. At the moment of connecting the panels, a characteristic click is heard. A secure fixation occurs. In this case, if desired, the connection can be disassembled - without deformation of the lock, and assembled again (up to 3-4 times). The small angle of connection is convenient because the laminate is very easy to install in hard-to-reach places (under batteries, doors, etc.). After snapping, a constant voltage level is created, which prevents the panels from diverging even under significant and irregular load. The quality of the lock is ensured by ultra-precise milling. The breaking strength of the T-Lock (Tarkett Lock) is normatively defined in the European standards ISO / DIS 24334 and is 800 kg / m.

The LOC-TEC lock is a proprietary "accessory". The required force that can cause rupture of the assembled Loc-Tec locking system must be greater than 1100 N / m. Thus, Vitex laminate will be good in rooms with the most intensive traffic. For decades, the lock ensures maximum stability of the laid laminate, no distortions and deformation of the seams.


When you plan to renovate your home, you want to do it in such a way as to ensure the maximum level of comfort for yourself and your loved ones. And what could be more comfortable than being able to walk barefoot at home - and keep the floor warm under your feet? If you choose laminate flooring, then this task is quite simple to solve. You just need to attend to the installation of the floor heating system. Of all types of flooring, it is the laminate that is most often laid in conjunction with systems of "warm floors".

Perhaps one of the main advantages of laminated parquet over natural is its resistance to moisture. Natural wood is frankly "afraid" of contact with water, and the owners of luxurious parquet or democratic parquet boards have to make constant efforts to prevent prolonged exposure to moisture on the floor covering.

The topic of this article is clearly indicated in its title. Renovation in a city apartment or a country house, and the purchase of building materials as one of the stages of the process, is an extremely troublesome business. We offer you the opportunity to ease these hassles. And also to minimize your costs. Isn't this an attractive opportunity?

    Before purchasing plumbing equipment for a new or renovated apartment, it is worth taking a closer look at the topic. Of course, to study the range of plumbing fixtures from A to Z, you need to spend a lot of time. But you can find some useful information from our article.

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Laminate is a modern, durable, durable and comfortable floor covering. Installation of the flooring can be done without special skills. The amount of effort will depend on what types of laminate locks are used by the manufacturer on the product used when decorating the apartment. Some of them do not provide for disassembly and reassembly of the coating. Others speed up the work. Still others are most convenient if you need to minimize the displacement of the lamellas.

Why do we need different types of locks

Considering the prices and analyzing the proposals of the laminate, the average user does not understand why there are different types of castle zones. It would seem that it is more rational to use only one, the most convenient one. In practice, this is not the case.

Some laminate locks are outdated and are only used by manufacturers with older production lines. Others appear as the most common. Still others are patented by individual companies. Some belong to the latest technological solutions, such locks on the laminate require a special approach to the formation of lamellas.

The following types of docking mechanics systems are found on the modern market:

  • the simplest option is Lock;
  • widespread Click;
  • the patented Tarkett T-Lock brand;
  • 5G using a plastic or metal fixation piece;
  • Megalock, such locks on the laminate have an end jointing zone on the tongue;
  • ClickExpress, this system is slightly better than the popular Click;
  • Unicklick locking system, which not only provides convenient assembly of the covering and maximum adhesion strength of the lamellas, but also guarantees the assembly and disassembly of the flooring up to 4 times without damaging the laying elements.

Closing the list is a special class of laminate docking areas where aluminum parts are used. Such laminate locking systems guarantee resistance to the force of separation of the lamellas up to 1200 kg per square meter, as well as invisibility of the joining lines between the laying elements.

When choosing a specific type of laminate slats for home decoration, it is useful to immediately assess whether or not disassembly and subsequent assembly of the coating is necessary. If you are purchasing a budget segment product that will wear out during the time between repairs, you can save money by choosing a product with a Lock lock.

For a deck designed to last for decades, it is helpful to consider disassembling and reassembling the deck. For such a case, manufacturers will offer different types of laminate locks.

In order to understand exactly which locks on the styling elements will be most convenient in a particular apartment, we will take a closer look at the properties of each of them. Laminates from different manufacturers, of the same strength class and thickness, may have different joining systems. The final price of the products will depend on their complexity, so you should carefully choose a specific product when buying.


The Lock-type area is considered obsolete. Its thesis description looks like this:

  • on one side of the lamella along the length there is a groove, on the other - a thorn;
  • the spike has a serrated shape;
  • the laminate is laid by hammering one lamella into another with a rubber or wooden hammer.

With the help of lock joints of the class Lock, it is easy to obtain a durable coating. It can be sealed with a wide range of adhesives and mixtures. But the lock laminate of the Lock class does not provide for the dismantling and reassembly of the coating. It is almost impossible to do this without damaging the styling elements. In addition, if even a small amount of water gets into the joint line unprotected with glue, the deformation of the base of the laminate board will quickly spoil the flooring.

There is also the problem of long-term use of flooring made of elements with Lock locks. Over time, due to mechanical deformation of the lamellae under load, the connecting line loses its strength. The material is simply abraded, the lock spike is depleted. To keep the process of destruction to a minimum, the surface under the decking must meet strict requirements, 2 mm height difference per square meter. Actually, the industry standard was developed specifically for the laminate with Lock locks.


The most common, fairly simple and durable lock. It uses the same tenon and groove technology as the Lock connection. However, clogging is not required. Working with the Click lock can be described as follows:

  • the spike of the lamella has a hook-like bend at the end and a protrusion on the reverse side;
  • the profiling of the groove corresponds to the spike configuration;
  • the installation of the laminate with the Click system is carried out by inserting the tenon of one lamella into the groove of the other and light pressure with swaying.

When the lock is locked, a characteristic click sounds, which gave the common name to the class of docking zones. The Click system is convenient, simple and durable. The cover can be disassembled and reassembled up to 4 times. However, one of the disadvantages of Lock locks has been preserved. The tongue-and-groove wears out over time and the connection is weakened.


Tarkett has carefully considered the benefits of the aging Lock and the popular Click system. T-Lock's patented design takes advantage of the two systems' most notable benefits. The lamellas are connected at a low angle, almost horizontally (unlike the Click, where the initial parking angle can be 40 degrees), and are fixed to ensure the strength of the connection. At the same time, laying is quickly done without distortions and cracks (which is why the Lock system is attractive).

Today the Tarkett company is not a monopoly and T-Lock locks offer dozens of brands in their products. The laminate covering of lamellas equipped with such a system allows disassembly and re-laying of the flooring without damaging the joint area up to 4 times.


In a laminate equipped with a 5G locking scheme, the lamellae are connected not only along the length, but also in the area of ​​the end part. When laying, the board is fixed easily, literally with one click. There is a slight drawback to this connection system. It necessarily uses an aluminum or plastic retaining tab that cannot be repaired. Its failure means that the laying board will have to be replaced.

5G is not widespread. The development company patented its invention, so other brands were forced to follow their own path.


This is the very own path that companies have taken in trying to offer customers the functionality of a patented 5G system. Megalock provides fixing of the board from the end and along the length, but provides for a special order of assembly of the covering.

  1. The first row of lamellas is laid with the connection of the ends. It passes by inserting special grooves into the grooves of the laying elements, which can be purchased as ordinary consumable hardware.
  2. The second row of panels is mounted offset.
  3. The connection along the length is carried out in the usual way, each of the lamellas to be laid is fixed in place with a light hand pressure.
  4. In each row, the boards are connected by end zones using tongue-and-groove piles.

The tongue-and-groove connection of the lamellas made it possible to achieve high maintainability of the coating, to provide many cycles of assembly and disassembly of the flooring, when processing the joint zones with special impregnations, it is possible to achieve complete protection of the lock connection from moisture.

The advantages of various locking joints can be enumerated for a long time. There are many names and subspecies in the list, most of which belong only to individual brands. The listed types of connections are enough to understand how this or that laminate with locks works. It is an excellent floor covering with durability, excellent aesthetics and a solid lifespan. And the lock joints, which simultaneously speed up the assembly and improve the quality of the flooring, will allow you to do all the work on decorating a house or apartment on your own.

One of the most popular and demanded floor coverings of our time is laminate. And this is not surprising, because its use allows you to give a room a completely different look in a short period of time. Today there are a large number of manufacturers who make it in different colors, styles, textures, and more. The laminate is famous for being very easy to assemble. The days when everything was fixed with glue are over. Now there is a glue-free technology. Special locks are used in the laminate. It is noteworthy that there is a great variety of them. In this article, we will introduce you to all the existing types of laminate locks. We will compare them with each other and discuss which one is better.

Why do we need different types of locks

Someone may object, but why, in fact, complicate everything and come up with a large number of lock connections? On the one hand, it may seem that it is best to rivet everything according to the standard and then the installers do not have to bother at all. However, as practice shows, it is during installation that it is often necessary to have different laminate lock systems.

Already now we can safely say that some types of laminate locks are clearly outdated. They are used by the manufacturer only because he has old equipment. Some laminate locks are considered the most popular and demanded. Others belong exclusively to one of the many companies, that is, they put a patent on their development on the laminate lock, and no one can copy them.

So, if you look at the modern market, then you can find the following types of laminate locks on it:

  1. Lock is the simplest of all.
  2. Click - this type of laminate lock is the most common.
  3. Tarkett T-Lock is a patented type of lock for laminate flooring.
  4. 5G - This system uses a metal or plastic fixation piece.
  5. Megalock - this type of laminate lock is distinguished by the presence of a butt joint on tongue-and-groove piles.
  6. Click Express - in terms of prevalence it can be compared to another Click system.
  7. Unicklick - This laminate lock features the ability to reassemble and disassemble at least four times.

Among other things, there are locking systems with aluminum, plastic and other elements. In more detail about all this, we will present you in this article. However, now we will give an answer to the question, why are there so many varieties of locking systems. For example, locking systems with an aluminum system are designed for a load of up to 1.2 tons per square meter. Plus, after editing, a seamless effect is created.

And what if you need to disassemble the floors, for example, you live in a house where flooding often occurs. And if you disassemble the laminate in time, it will not be damaged. There may be other cases as well. So, you can choose a system that allows you to disassemble the laminate.

Moreover, the presence of one or another lock for the laminate also means the cost of the product. For example, the Lock system is characteristic mainly of budget laminate. Plus, some locks can create an original picture on the floor during installation, whether it is a beautiful seam or a complete absence of a seam. So, now we propose to directly start comparing and studying different locks for the laminate.

Lock system locks

This type of laminate lock is created by milling the lock part. The thickness of the locking element is equal to the thickness of the MDF board. So, on one side of the laminate panel there is a special groove, and on the opposite side there is a spike. A retainer is built into them, which holds the laminate together while walking on it. This laminate lock system has the following advantages:

  • Although difficult, it is possible to disassemble the laminate in order to re-lay it or replace individual strips. But damage to the castle is indispensable.
  • A relatively simple design, which is located directly on the panel itself.
  • Laminate with this type of castle has a relatively low cost, which significantly affects the family budget.

For the sake of objectivity, we also note the disadvantages. If the floors are overloaded, friction will form at the joints. For this reason, the retainers in the groove will begin to wear off, as a result, the connection will become fragile. This is one of the reasons why gaps often appear between the planks.

Click system locks

Unlike the laminate lock system described above, Click has more advantages. The laminate assembly process is carried out at an angle of 45 degrees. And at the same time, one should not make titanic efforts. If the previous lock can be damaged during installation, then these are not. Moreover, the docking is very tight and reliable. As a result, such a connection will cope with high loads.

Important! A number of well-known and expensive manufacturers produce such a laminate where, after installation with the Click system, the joints of the lamellas are absolutely not visible. Certainly such laminate locks create a beautiful effect.

There are a number of positive aspects of this system:

  • Double mount at a 45 degree angle.
  • After the installation is completed, the flooring has sufficient strength.
  • During operation, the risk of deformation is practically reduced to zero.
  • If you have certain skills, then you can disassemble up to six times.
  • Even a non-professional in this field can handle the installation process.
  • No special building material is required for installation.
  • According to the information provided by the manufacturers, a floor difference in the plane of up to 3 mm per square meter is allowed.
  • It is impossible to damage the laminate during the installation process.

Which is better Click or Lock?

So, having considered the main features of these two systems, let's compare them with each other and immediately determine which laminate locks are better. If we speak for Lock, then this lock connection has proved itself positively over the years. This castle is considered the most affordable and inexpensive. After all, the lock is formed by milling directly on the lamella itself. For installation, a lot of physical effort is required, since a mallet / hammer and a wooden stand are used. Otherwise, the connection will not be committed.

Important! This installation method requires special skills of the master, since if you put a little more effort, the laminate lock can be damaged. There were often cases when the master missed the hammer and hit the thorn directly. The consequences are not very bright.

Click, in turn, is a more modern locking system for laminate flooring. It completely lacks the disadvantages described above. The process of making a groove is the same, by milling. But as for the shape of the thorn, it looks like a flat hook. The groove, in turn, has a kind of platform where this spike enters. As practice shows, the assembly process is very fast. It is necessary to bring the bar to the groove at an angle of 45 degrees. Insert the groove into the tenon. And with a smooth movement, simultaneously pressing and lowering, a strong connection is formed. As a result, you can hear a characteristic click.

So, from this description and comparison, it becomes obvious which of these two laminate lock systems is better. Although you will have to overpay for the latter, the end result will be much more effective.

Castle systems

Lock with plastic plate

After a while, the manufacturers decided to improve the lamella joining system and added plastic to the laminate locks. This technology has characteristic differences and is divided into two features:

  1. Springy. The main difference is that it can be snapped in literally in one movement. This plate has an important advantage - the speed of installation work. However, there are often clear barriers to quick installation. This is explained by the fact that the floors are always flat. As a result, the lamella begins to give in to deformation, which leads to difficulties.
  2. Tough. The snap-in design is the same, but the panels must be inserted in a longitudinal motion to connect. All this greatly complicates and delays the installation process. Apparently, this lock system is capable of withstanding a heavy load, there is no exact information.

But it is important to understand that plastic is used as the connection. And this material tends to break at the most inopportune moment and in the most inappropriate place. Therefore, this type of lamianat lock is not very popular.

Click with aluminum plate

This method of joining the laminate has its own distinctive features and now we will present them to you:

  • Easy installation of the cover.
  • Due to the presence of aluminum in the grooves, a very strong connection is formed that can cope with high loads.
  • This type of joining is able to survive 6 cycles of installation and dismantling of the coating for various reasons.
  • The ability to create an airtight coating. So moisture will definitely not get under the laminate.
  • Installation can be carried out on completely different surfaces, for example, concrete screed, wooden floor, etc.

Important! According to the manufacturer, this coating is capable of handling loads from 850 to 1200 kg per square meter.

Tarkett T-Lock

As already mentioned, this is a lock patented by the manufacturer, developed using a special technology. This docking method can be safely attributed to the most progressive. The locks have relatively wide special elements, which, when approached, are joined without distortions and deformations. In this case, you should not give a large slope angle.

When docking, a characteristic click is heard, indicating reliability and complete fixation. Without deforming the lock, the laminate can be disassembled and reassembled up to four times. An important advantage is that this coating is convenient when laying in rooms with confined dimensions.


When using this technology, the joining process takes place not only from the longitudinal side of the lamella, but also from the short end sections. At the same time, there are no difficulties during installation work. The lamellas snap into place very easily. But there is one significant drawback here. In such systems, there is always a plastic or aluminum locking tab. If it is accidentally damaged during installation, then it cannot be repaired, as a result, the laminate board will automatically become unusable.


In this case, the docking is carried out not only along the long side, but also on the short one. The principle of the connection is reduced to the use of tongue-and-groove technology. Due to this, it became possible to repair the coating if necessary. Moreover, it can be disassembled and reassembled several times without the risk of damaging the coating.

Important! The Megalock lock system achieves complete isolation from moisture penetration. That is why these locks are used in combination with moisture resistant products.

Systems from other manufacturers

So, we discussed with you the most common technologies that are most often found on the domestic market. Now let's turn our attention to the lock systems that are patented by different manufacturers.

  1. Uniclic. Laminate with uni click locks has an original click system. Docking takes place using the thorn-and-groove method, but without any additional tools. The result of joining the laminate with uni-click locks is a complete absence of cracks, the divergence of the panels after a while, the absence of a visible seam.
  2. ProLoc and SmartLock. As for ProLoc, this locking system has found its application in rooms where laminate flooring is installed over a large area. Also in those places where there will be a serious load on the coating. The styling method does not have any problems, everything is simple. If there is high humidity in the room, then the SafeSeal system is preferred. If we talk about SmartLock, then its joints are treated with a special moisture-proof impregnation. It is important to observe the correct angle during installation, in which case no special problems should arise.
  3. Pro Click. The laminate installation process is carried out according to one geometry. Additionally, it is recommended to use special sealants to improve the joint properties. Even under surface tension conditions, Pro Click will not create crevices or other imperfections.
  4. Click Xpress, DropXpress and PressXpress. All these locks are inherent in one manufacturer - Balterio. Each of them has its own characteristics. Click Xpress allows you to achieve a seamless finish. Disassembly is allowed. DropXpress is U-shaped and resembles a 5G system. For PressXpress, docking is done by pressing. Visible seams are excluded.
  5. Classen. This type of laminate lock is a representative of a German manufacturer. We can safely say that this is one of the most reliable and strongest locks. The joining process is accompanied by a tongue-and-groove.
  6. Witex. According to the manufacturer, this lock has a tensile strength of up to 1100 Nm / r.m. As a result, it is characterized as reliable and durable. However, there is an important difference and it boils down to the fact that the joint is treated with paraffin.


So, here we have considered all the important features and types of laminate locks. As you can see, they all have a variety of types and technical characteristics. We hope that this material has provided you with a lot of useful food for thought. After reading this article and watching the video at the end of the article, you can arm yourself with the necessary knowledge and boldly go to the store. This will ensure that you make a quality purchase.