Muddy with garlic and onions. Treatment with onion and garlic juices - folk recipes. Mushroom and turkey cutlets with green garnish

Rocambol, also called hairstyle, Egyptian onions, Spanish garlic, onions and garlic, came to us from the Central Asian regions, where it grows freely even in the wild.

Bulbs can weigh up to 100 g with a diameter of 7 cm


Rocambol, or Spanish garlic, is a perennial plant in the onion family.

Rocambol is called garlic by many. In fact, rockumbol tastes and smells milder. At the same time, individual children may form in him.

Rocumball has light green leaves and a rough surface. They are wider at the base than at the top. The leaves have a slight bloom of wax and are folded slightly inward in the center. The leaves are flat, about 30 cm long and about 3 cm wide.

Rocumball leaves have a slight touch of wax

Rockumball babies and bulbs

Spanish garlic bulbs can grow even in not very fertile lands and can reach a weight of 100 g with a diameter of 7 cm.If the rocamboll is planted in good soil and provided with proper care, the bulbs can reach a weight of 0.3 kg with a diameter of 10 cm ...

Those bulbs and their babies, which were grown from cloves, are not divided into slices. Then the rockambol looks like a bow. A year later, large bulbs are formed, in which, on average, there are 5 cloves. Then the rocambol looks like garlic.

"Adult" onion of rockamboll with cloves

Where does it grow?

Spanish garlic originated from Central Asia, where it can be safely found in the wild. There is evidence that in some regions of Spain and Egypt, it also grows in the wild. It is grown by the Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese. It is also popular in the Caucasus and Europe. Rockambol also grows in Turkey, Egypt, Greece. Now it can be found in Russia.

Rocambol in Russian beds


Rocambol is currently grown in two different forms. The first is a variety of rockumbol, which was based on a hairstyle onion. Developing, such a rockambol gives small heads, and from them inflorescences of bulbs are formed.

The second is the rockamboll variety, which was derived from grape onions. He has rather heavy heads. Such rockambol reproduces vegetatively, without the formation of seeds.

Collection time

The crop is harvested at a time when the lower leaves begin to dry out gradually, and the upper ones turn yellow and sink to the ground. It is difficult to predict the exact time of the harvest, since soil, weather, fertilizers play a role here, but usually it is possible to harvest rockambol already at the end of September. Frosts are not particularly scary to him. When the bulbs are shaken off the ground, they are not beaten, but carefully cleaned, since they are highly sensitive to damage.

The tops are then not cut off, but simply tied the plants in bunches and dried in a dry room with good ventilation. Then the stems with roots are cut off, but not to the very base. Rocambol can be safely stored at standard room temperature and unchanged until next harvest.


The taste of rocumbole is similar to both garlic and onion. Only it has a softer taste and does not taste bitter. The cloves have a pronounced juiciness, and the bulbs have dense scales on top.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Nutritional and energy value per 100 gr. raw product

Chemical composition

How many grams of rocumball (grated) are in one spoon?

One teaspoon contains 5 grams

One tablespoon contains 18 grams

One glass contains 200 ml. - 135 grams

One glass contains 250 ml. - 170 grams

Beneficial features

The effectiveness of Rockumball is invaluable for:

  • heart, heart muscles and blood vessels;
  • protection against viruses and fungi;
  • digestive tract;
  • skin.

Infusion of rockambol helps to cleanse blood vessels

In relation to the cardiovascular system, rockambol has a number of important beneficial effects:

  • the chemical components of rockambol help to expand blood vessels and improve blood flow, which significantly reduces the likelihood of blood clots;
  • allicin in the composition of chemical components is an excellent antioxidant that reduces the amount of bad cholesterol;
  • fresh Spanish garlic contains a large amount of germanium, due to which the vessels become more elastic. This applies to the entire cardiovascular system as a whole.

The well-known antiviral properties of rockumbol are successfully used to protect against viral diseases and not only:

  • due to the phytoncides in Spanish garlic, the body strengthens its immunity, so it is not so easy for harmful bacteria to achieve their goal;
  • when using rockambol, you can very quickly recover from an illness;
  • egyptian onions can be safely used instead of other natural antibiotics. There are a lot of substances containing sulfur in it, so Rocambol is successfully used against many dangerous microorganisms;
  • rocumbol secretes essential oils, inhaling which can effectively get rid of nasal congestion.

Chopped rocumball, lemon juice and honey - will increase immunity

Rocambol not only improves digestion, but also helps in the following cases:

  • due to the high content of sulfides, Egyptian onions become a universal antidote that easily removes toxins from the body;
  • rocambol is able to improve appetite, activate the production of gastric juice;
  • spanish garlic helps the intestines work better;
  • rocumbol helps with irritations or ulcers in the digestive tract.

You can learn about all the qualities of rockumball from an excerpt from the program "Harvest beds".

Rocambol is beneficial not only for the skin, but also for the hair and even the gums:

  • baked rockambol will help strengthen the gums;
  • egyptian onion gruel added to the hair mask promotes hair growth and strengthening;
  • spanish garlic juice can be used to treat skin inflammations, abscesses, since Rocambol has a disinfecting effect.


Despite the fact that the vegetable is very useful, it also has its disadvantages and side effects:

  • rockambol helps a lot in the treatment of any disease, but it cannot be used as the main medicine;
  • due to the pungency, it is not recommended to consume the vegetable in large quantities;
  • headaches are possible;
  • the quality of vision decreases;
  • diarrhea is possible;
  • a burning sensation may appear in the chest area;
  • skin irritation, itching may occur.
  • in some cases, spasm of the cardiac and cerebral vessels is possible.

Rocambol should not be used if:

  • you have gallbladder disease;
  • you have a stomach ulcer;
  • there are pathological kidney diseases;
  • bleeding of internal organs occurs.

It is also better for pregnant women not to abuse rockumball. Children can be gradually taught to eat vegetables after three years. At first, it is not recommended to give pure rockambol to small children.


In cooking

Rocambol is a very popular vegetable. It is used in cooking in a variety of ways:

  • the vegetable is used as a seasoning with a pungent spicy taste;
  • the leaves of the bulbs can be eaten fresh or salted;
  • the Chinese season fish dishes with rockambole;
  • koreans cook kimchi with rockambol, and also use it to beat off the smell of fish from the dish;
  • rocambol is also used as a seasoning for baked meat and other dishes;
  • rocumball leaves are often cut into salads;
  • the cloves can be added to pickled vegetables as they add flavor to the marinade.

There are different recipes for making marinated rockumbol:

  • For example, rockambol is divided into cloves, filled with hot water, in which it is left for 24 hours. Then the vegetable is laid out in jars, poured with boiled marinade, and the jars are rolled up. In this form, it is stored in the refrigerator.
  • Rocambol is peeled from the husk, put in a 0.5 liter jar, filling it to the top. Then pour boiling water over the vegetable, add salt and sugar and put the jar in boiling water for 5 minutes. Such a container requires 1 tablespoon of vinegar 9%, 1 tablespoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt.
  • The vegetable is divided into wedges, poured over with hot water and left for 24 hours. Then they are laid out in jars, poured with boiled marinade, and the jars are rolled up. Rocumball is stored in this form in the refrigerator. In order to prepare a liter of marinade, you need: a glass of sugar, 1 tablespoon of salt (a little less), a few peas of black pepper, a few bay leaves, a glass of vinegar 9%.
  • The rockambol heads are washed and peeled, divided into cloves and put in jars. Pour it with brine. In this form, it is left for a month in a dark and cool place, covering the jars with lids. Then the vegetable is taken out and washed both it and the cans with cool water. Again they put the rockambol in them and pour the marinade. Jars are closed with lids and placed in the cold for 3 weeks. After that, the vegetable can be eaten.

Marinade can be prepared in two ways:

  1. For half a glass of water, take the same amount of vinegar 9%, 1 tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of salt;
  2. In a glass of water, take half a glass of fresh beet juice, 1 tablespoon of sugar and the same amount of salt, 1.5 cups of vinegar 9%. To prepare brine, 6 tablespoons of salt are taken per liter of water.

There is another interesting Spanish chicken recipe with the addition of rockambol:

  • take a chicken or its individual parts;
  • you also need 600 g of rocumball, 50 ml of soy sauce and the same amount of sesame oil and garlic vinegar. Measure a little less than a glass of port, and also take a small amount of sage and thyme, fresh or dry;
  • the chicken is cut and cut into pieces, the rocambol is also cut, the sage and thyme are chopped;
  • mix all the ingredients, salt the chicken and add a little ground chili to it;
  • in such a marinade, the chicken is kept in the refrigerator for about a day;
  • after 24 hours, the chicken is taken out, dried and fried in a pan until a crust forms;
  • transfer the chicken to a saucepan, add the remaining marinade and water (broth is possible);
  • stew the chicken for an hour and a half over low heat.

In medicine

For medical purposes, rockambol is used quite often, because it has a number of very useful properties:

  • rocambol improves blood flow, reducing the risk of blood clots;
  • the vegetable reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • rockambol is used as a prophylactic measure to protect against viral infections;
  • it is used in treatment as a natural antibiotic;
  • spanish garlic helps to treat the common cold;
  • it also removes toxins from the body;
  • rocumball produces bile;
  • the vegetable copes well with diarrhea and colitis, as well as worms;
  • he treats tumors in the digestive tract
  • rocambol is a natural antiseptic and has wound healing properties;
  • hematomas are lubricated with vegetable juice, as it helps in the healing of bruises;
  • egyptian onions do not allow fermentation and decay to occur in the intestines;
  • it is often advised to use rocumball for atherosclerosis and high blood pressure;
  • vegetables restore the vocal cords and clear the mucous surface of the throat;
  • rockambol saves with the appearance of pulmonary asthma, gout, flatulence;
  • with the help of it, you can fight diseases of the spleen.

For pharmacological purposes, the vegetable is not used in its pure form, but in the form of tinctures.


Rocambol can be grown with cloves. Disembarkation is best done in an area where a lot of sun gets in. The soil is pre-fertilized and cultivated. The most favorable time for planting rockambol is early spring, the soil must first be moistened. Previously, the beds are loosened up to 15-20 cm deep. The soil is supplied with humus or compost. In order for plants to grow evenly, bulbs and cloves are sorted according to size.

If the onion consists of many cloves, then it is peeled from the husk and divided into cloves. Before planting, the seeds should be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate overnight. There should be a distance of about 30 cm between the beds, and 20 cm between the seeds being planted.The seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of 10 cm.

When the rockambol begins to rise slowly, the earth will need to be carefully loosened. At the same time, the vegetable will need a lot of water. When the top layer of the earth dries up, the soil must be loosened. If the plants seem to be withering, then this means that the soil needs additional feeding and fertilization. When the first shoots appear, the soil is supplied with nitrogen fertilizers.

Rocambol needs to be planted in the fall

Young rocumball in the garden

It is necessary to dig up the rocambol in a timely manner, since the scales covering the bulbs will begin to collapse. The bulbs themselves can disintegrate into cloves. There is also the likelihood of rockumball rotting in the soil.

Winter onion-garlic should be planted in early October. It is not necessary to soak the cloves in potassium permanganate. The distances between the beds and the planted teeth are left the same as in the previous case. Planting depth is the same. When the first shoots appear, the soil is loosened both between the rows and around the stem, but with great care. In the hot summer, do not skimp on watering. It is said that the severity of rockumbol directly depends on the hot climate. Winter rockambol ripens faster, so you can harvest it in July.

Along with leeks, green onions and shallots, garlic and onions are members of the Alliums family. Western medicine prescribes certain beneficial properties of bulbous: in allopathy, garlic is considered a natural antibiotic. However, there is also a downside to the issue, which, perhaps, has not yet become widespread.

According to the classical Indian medicine Ayurveda, all foods can be divided into three categories - sattvic, rajasic, tamasic - food of goodness, passion and ignorance, respectively. Onions and garlic, like the rest of the bulbous, belong to rajas and tamas, which means that they stimulate ignorance and passion in a person.
One of the main directions of Hinduism - Vaishnavism - involves the use of sattvic foods: fruits, vegetables, herbs, dairy products, grains and beans. Vaishnavas avoid any other food, because it cannot be offered to God. Rajasic and tamasic foods are discouraged by those who practice meditation and worship for the above reasons.

Little known is the fact that raw garlic can carry extremely the dangerous bacterium botulism... Who knows, maybe the Roman poet Horace knew something similar, writing about garlic that it is "more dangerous than hemlock".
Garlic and onions are avoided by many spiritual and religious figures (knowing their property to excite the central nervous system), so as not to break the vow of celibacy. Garlic - natural aphrodisiac... Ayurveda speaks of it as a tonic for loss of sexual power (regardless of the reason). Garlic is especially recommended for this delicate problem at the age of 50+ and with high nervous tension.

Thousands of years ago, the Taoists knew that the plants of the bulbous family were harmful to a healthy person. Sage Tsang-Tse wrote about bulbous ones: “five spicy vegetables that have a negative effect on one of the five organs - the liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys and heart. In particular, onions are bad for the lungs, garlic for the heart, leeks for the spleen, and green onions for the liver and kidneys. "
Tsang-Jie said that these pungent vegetables contain five enzymes that cause "Bad breath, foul odor of sweat and feces, lead to lust, increase anxiety and aggression, especially when raw."
Similar properties are described in Ayurveda: “In addition to causing bad body and breath odor, bulbous ones stimulate irritation, aggression and anxiety. Thus, they are harmful both physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. "

In the 1980s, Dr. Robert Beck, while researching brain function, discovered the harmful effects of garlic on this organ. He found that garlic is toxic to humans: its sulfone hydroxyl ions penetrate the blood-brain barrier and are toxic to brain cells. Dr. Beck explained that as early as the 1950s, it was known that garlic weakened the reaction speed of pilots in flight tests. This was because the toxic effects of garlic desynchronized the brain waves.
For the same reason, garlic is considered harmful to dogs.

Not everything is clear about garlic in Western medicine and cooking. It is widely understood among experts that by killing harmful bacteria, garlic also destroys beneficial bacteria that are necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system.
Reiki practitioners list onions and garlic as the first substances to be eliminated, along with tobacco, alcohol and pharmaceuticals.
From a homeopathic point of view, onions in a healthy body cause symptoms of dry cough, watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and other cold-like symptoms.

As we can see, the question of the harm and usefulness of bulbous plants is very controversial. Everyone analyzes the information and draws conclusions, makes their own decisions that are right for him.

As is known from botany, onions, garlic, leeks, chives, shallots, wild garlic and others belong to the subfamily Onions (from Lat. Allium). Indian classical medicine Ayurveda divides food into three categories: sattvic (benevolent), rajasic (in passion) and tamasic (in ignorance). Onion plants fall into the categories of rajas and tamas, and hence these foods increase passion and ignorance.

Due to their rajasic and tamasic nature, garlic and onions are forbidden to yogis, as they root the consciousness even deeper in the body. (R. Svoboda)

Adherents of pure brahmana or Vaishnava food (followers of Lord Vishnu, Rama and Krishna) use only sattvic food, namely fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs, dairy products, grains and legumes. In the Vaishnava tradition, they avoid cooking with rajasic and tamasic foods, as they cannot be offered to God. Also, foods in these categories impair the ability to meditate and surrender. "Garlic and onions, due to their rajasic and tamasic nature, are forbidden to yogis, as they anchor the consciousness even deeper in the body," says renowned Ayurveda specialist Dr. Robert Svoboda.

In addition, the Vedic legend says that onions and garlic appeared from drops of blood of the demon Rahu. is he fraudulentlydrank the drink of immortality, for which he was killed. But since he still managed to take a sip of the magic elixir, his blood (and then onion and garlic) acquired useful substances with healing properties. However, according to this myth, all plants of the Onion family are considered part of the demon's flesh.

Several branches of Western medicine claim that onions offer specific health benefits. Garlic is respected in allopathic medicine as a natural antibiotic. In recent years, despite studies of the effects of onions on the cardiovascular system, the clinical effect of onions and garlic in this aspect has not been fully studied.

There are many unfavorable factors for onions and garlic. Little known is the fact that raw garlic may contain the harmful and life-threatening bacterium botulism (a severe infectious disease). Perhaps in connection with this, the Roman poet Horace argued that "garlic is more dangerous than hemlock herb."

It should be noted that devotees of the spiritual life avoid onions and garlic, as they stimulate the central nervous system and can interfere with vows of celibacy. Garlic is a natural aphrodisiac. Ayurveda claims to be a tonic for loss of sexual power for any reason: sexual weakness, impotence from abuse of sex, and nervous exhaustion from promiscuous sexual habits. It is said to be particularly beneficial for older men with high nervous tension and diminishing sexual vigor.

The followers of Taoism, thousands of years ago, determined that plants of the onion subfamily interfere with the healthy state of a person. In his writings, scholar Cang Jie describes onions as "having five flavors or spicy-smelling vegetables," each of which has destructive effects on five organs: the liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, and heart. More specifically, onions are bad for the lungs, garlic for the heart, leeks for the spleen, chives for the liver, green onions for the kidneys. Tsang Jie argued that these spicy vegetables, especially when raw, contain five different types of enzymes that lead to repulsive breath, smelly sweat and bowel movements, lustful tendencies, increased anxiety, agitation and aggressiveness.

Similar symptoms are described in Ayurveda. “These plants (onions) provoke bad breath and body odor, irritation, anxiety, agitation and aggression. Thus, they are harmful to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. "

Robert Beck discovered the negative effects of garlic on the brain in the 80s

In the 1980s. Dr. Robert Beck, in his research on the human brain, discovered the negative effects of garlic on the brain. He found that sulfanyl-hydroxyl ions penetrate the blood-brain barrier and poison brain cells.

Dr. Beck said that in the 1950s. Garlic was known to slow down reaction times in pilots during flight tests. This was because the toxic effects from garlic were desynchronizing brain waves. “The flight attendant came every month and reminded us: Don't dare to touch garlic less than 72 hours before departure, as this will slow down your reaction by half or three times. You will be three times slower than if you had not eaten a couple of garlic chunks. "

For approximately the same reasons, onion plants have been recognized as very harmful to dogs.

Even in Chinese culture, garlic, although used in cooking, is considered harmful to the stomach, liver and eyes, and also causes dizziness if consumed in excessive quantities. In Western cooking and medicine, garlic is not always considered a beneficial food either. It is widely believed among health professionals that, in addition to destroying harmful bacteria, garlic also eliminates the beneficial bacteria necessary for the digestive system to function well.

Reiki practitioners argue that garlic and onions should be the first to be eliminated from consumption, along with tobacco, alcohol and pharmaceuticals. The negative effect of onions on the human body and the fact that they should be avoided for the sake of maintaining health becomes obvious.

Homeopathic medicine reaches the same conclusions, claiming that eating red onions can cause dry coughs, watery eyes, sneezing, nasal swelling, and other similar symptoms commonly associated with colds.

How to prepare such unusual delicacies that will add variety to the menu and allow you to enjoy an incredibly exquisite taste will now be discussed.

Garlic Jam - Spicy

You will need:

  • Garlic - 500 gr.
  • Water - 100 ml.
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp.
  1. Garlic is peeled, washed and chopped using a meat grinder or blender.
  2. and the lemon is peeled, washed, the zest is grated, and the juice is squeezed out of the fruit.
  3. In a saucepan, mix chopped garlic, sugar, water, cinnamon, zest and juice and orange and leave it for 12 hours.
  4. After the indicated time, the mixture is brought to a boil and cooked over low heat for about half an hour.
  5. Ready jam is packaged in clean jars, covered with lids.
  6. Store in the refrigerator.
Important: Despite the fact that the ingredients of the jam are heat-treated, it is called medicinal. To increase immunity, use 2 teaspoons 3 times a week.

You will need:

  • Garlic - 4 large cloves.
  • Chili peppers - 4 pcs.
  • Coriander seeds - a pinch.
  • Zira seeds - a pinch.
  • Cilantro - 1 large bunch.
  • Olive oil - 75 ml.
  • Juice of half a lemon.
  • Salt to taste.
  1. Cumin and coriander seeds are fried in a dry skillet.
  2. The chili is washed, cut in half, and the seeds removed.
  3. Garlic is peeled and washed.
  4. Mix garlic, chilli, fried cumin and coriander seeds, cilantro and grind everything with a blender.
  5. Add lemon juice, salt (to taste) to the resulting thick paste, mix well, transfer to a sterilized jar and pour olive oil on top.
  6. Store in the refrigerator.
Harissa pasta is served as a condiment for meat and rice dishes.

You will need:

  • Garlic - 1 kg.
  • Vinegar 9% - 200 ml.
  • Soy sauce - 800 ml.
  1. Garlic is peeled, washed, placed in a clean jar and poured with vinegar. If there is not enough vinegar and it does not cover all the garlic, add water. Close the jar with a lid, put it in the refrigerator and leave the garlic in the marinade to infuse for a week.
  2. After the specified time, the marinade is drained, and the cloves of garlic themselves are transferred to sterilized jars, filling them to half the volume.
  3. The soy sauce is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and the jars of garlic are poured to the top, after which they are rolled up.
  4. Store the workpiece in a cellar or refrigerator. The snack will be ready about a month after cooking.
Important: You can serve not only the garlic itself, but also soy sauce.

You will need:

  • Garlic - 1 kg.
  • Water - 500 ml.
  • Wine vinegar - 300 ml.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Salt - 20 gr.
  • Bay leaf - 5 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  • Allspice peas - 2 pcs.
  1. Peel the garlic, wash it, put it in a saucepan and pour it with boiling water so that the water completely covers the garlic. Leave to infuse for a day.
  2. After the allotted time, the water is drained and the garlic itself is laid out in sterilized jars, filling them to the top.
  3. A marinade is prepared from wine vinegar, sugar, salt, bay leaves, black and allspice, brought to a boil and immediately poured with garlic, filling the jars to the top.
  4. The cans are rolled up, allowed to cool and stored in a cool room.
  5. After a week, the garlic will be ready to eat.

You will need:

  • Garlic (large heads) - 3 pcs.
  • Lemons - 5 pcs.
  1. Lemons are thoroughly washed and cut into large pieces together with the peel.
  2. Garlic is peeled and washed.
  3. Lemons and garlic and mince with a food processor or meat grinder.
  4. The mass of garlic and lemons is transferred to a 3 liter jar, filling the missing volume with water. The neck of the jar is tied with gauze and left so for 4 days.
  5. After the specified time, filter, pour into clean bottles.
  6. Store in the refrigerator.
Important: Tincture of garlic and lemon is taken to strengthen the immune system (1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach) and cleanse the blood vessels from cholesterol (50 ml in the morning on an empty stomach).

You will need:

  • Garlic (large heads) - 4 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Parsley - 1 large bunch.
  • Salt to taste.
  1. Garlic is peeled, washed and chopped using a meat grinder or blender.
  2. Parsley is washed and also chopped with a blender.
  3. The lemon is washed, wiped dry and the zest is grated, and the juice is squeezed out of the fruit itself.
  4. Add parsley to the minced garlic and mix well.
  5. Grated lemon zest and its juice, salt are added to the resulting mass and everything is thoroughly mixed again.
  6. The finished seasoning is laid out in clean jars, covered with lids.
  7. Store in a cool place.
Important: You can make the Italian Gremolata seasoning even more spicy and interesting in taste by adding a little basil or lemon to it. Seasoning is used as an addition to various sauces, meat, vegetable, fish dishes, cheese snacks, sandwiches, etc.

You will need:

  • Garlic (large) - 2 heads.
  • Vinegar 9% - 400 ml.
  • Sugar - 800 gr.
  • Fruit liquid pectin - 90 ml.
  1. The heads of garlic are divided into chives, peeled, washed and chopped in a blender, adding half the volume of vinegar there.
  2. The resulting garlic paste is mixed with the sugar and the remaining vinegar and brought to a boil over low heat, stirring frequently.
  3. As soon as the mass boils, pectin is poured into it, mix well and cook for about 1 minute more.
  4. Hot (straight from the fire) jelly is poured into sterilized jars and rolled up.

Secrets of garlic preparations

  • To clean the garlic easily and quickly, fill it with warm water for 20-30 minutes. Then rub the cloves between your palms - the husk will easily come off by itself, without additional effort.
  • For the preparation of sauces, pastes and various dressings, you can use garlic, which is not suitable for a long time, for example, slightly spoiled.
The theme of garlic blanks can be continued indefinitely) I hope that you will supplement this modest selection with your favorite recipes)