The curtains are lilac. Modern curtains in the bedroom lilac, green, red, photo examples. Purple curtains in different styles

All shades of color have their own effect on the state of a person and his nervous system. A lilac bedroom design will help you relax and unwind after a hard day.

How to properly design a bedroom so that the color contributes to a good mood, and not annoying? With the help of an appropriate selection of photos, we will help you understand this issue.

By choosing the right tone, you can get both dark and light interiors. And in order to maintain a balance, you need to know exactly how the shades of the violet spectrum look and are called, to which the lilac belongs.

Consider all shades of purple:

Advice. Violet is cold, intense and aggressive. It is not advised to use it for finishing large surfaces. A diluted purple color with the addition of a pink tint acquires the tenderness and softness characteristic of the bedroom interior. It is associated with spring and blooming lilacs.

Creating a lilac bedroom

The interior of the bedroom in lilac color will add the necessary volume to the small space (see). But the main scale should be light - as a result, there is a feeling of mystery and purity.

With the right shades, they will give you a good rest during the night and recharge with sufficient energy the next day.

Combination of shades in a lilac interior

Purple shades look great in any design.

But most often they are used in such styles:

  • Minimalism.
  • Art Deco and Art Nouveau.
  • Pop Art.

Advice. You can independently plan the design of a lilac bedroom, as well as make repairs yourself. In this case, the cost of transforming your bedroom is significantly reduced.

Lilac and white interior:

  • This is the best solution for a bedroom. It is liked by people who prefer the classic style.
  • If you decorate the walls in lilac color, the rest of the surfaces should remain white.
  • A lilac bedroom with white furniture is one of the most successful solutions. In this case, you can choose lilac or white fabrics.
  • It is important that the shades contrast well. If you like the avant-garde style, you can add some black details to purple and white.
  • It is better if they are small and presented as decorative elements. Below you will see the corresponding photo example.

Monochrome interior:

  • To create a monochrome interior, add other shades of purple to the lilac color, among which the following can be distinguished: blackberry, plum, lilac.

Advice. But it is important to be especially careful, because with a significant preponderance towards cold colors, there is a risk of getting a room that is too gloomy and deprived of comfort.

  • For wall decoration in the bedroom, it is better to choose soft lilac shades. And textiles and accessories should have richer colors.
  • The best choice would be a combination of lilac with pink (see).
  • This color scheme is typical for the bedroom of young couples and couples of the middle age group.

Lilac color combined with neutral shades:

  • Lilac works well with neutral shades such as light brown, gray and pale cream.
  • But as a result of inept actions, the interior can turn out to be blurry.
  • To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to use a contrasting gamut.

Lilac color combined with contrasting shades:

  • Lilac looks great with shades of gold, yellow and orange.
  • It also works well with green, and the result of this combination creates a feeling of closeness to nature.
  • Interior design typically uses three primary colors. If one of the lilac shades is used, it should dominate the interior.


It is important to take care of the lighting in the bedroom. Currently, a multi-level lighting system has become popular, when not one chandelier is installed, but spot lighting, "scattered" throughout the room - on the walls and ceiling.

The overhead chandelier should not create blinding rays. The best option for a bedroom would be one that has a lot of small bulbs pointing upwards, then the light will be perfectly diffused. The light from a chandelier with large downward-facing lamps can be uncomfortable.

Special attention to window design

If your bedroom has large windows and the room is always lit with light, then it will be much easier for you to create a pleasant atmosphere in the bedroom. But what should apartment owners do with small windows or windows into which too little light enters, if they dream of a lilac bedroom?


  • The instructions for this case are simple - you will have to forget about heavy curtains of dark colors, which look very beautiful, but will be extremely undesirable in your already dimly lit bedroom.

Advice. Give preference to just white tulle, because in this way you will kill several birds with one stone: firstly, this way the room will become lighter and even more spacious, and secondly, you will get rid of the feeling of isolation in space, and the bedroom will become more comfortable.

Lilac details. How to choose them correctly?

It is not always possible to decorate the room in lilac tones, but you can always purchase accessories and decorative elements of lilac color, which will give the bedroom a special mood.

For example:

  • Flowers and photo frames... There is nothing more suitable for a bedroom decor than flowers. Moreover, it can be live bouquets, and decorative flower pots, and other details with a floral motif in lilac tones. Pillows in lilac color with ornaments or photo frames that can be placed on a free wall in a whole composition will look very impressive.
  • Blankets on the bed. Since the bed is the centerpiece of your bedroom, you can add purple to your room simply by purchasing a beautiful blanket. Warm, soft, it will make any apartment more comfortable, you will be pleased to come here, just read a book or be alone with your loved one. In addition, today the price of such blankets is more than affordable.
  • A lilac-framed mirror and lilac table lamps. If a large mirror in a lilac frame is opposite each other, and lamps with a lilac lampshade are placed on the bedside tables, it will also look very impressive. A few more small details in the same color scheme, for example pillows, and your room will be transformed beyond recognition.

Choosing a lilac wallpaper

Thanks to the right choice of wallpaper, it becomes possible to get a pleasant lilac interior. Lilacs are selected taking into account the brightness of the lighting and the size of the room. A variety of prints are used. Floral prints and geometric patterns look equally good.

A few tips:

  • You can buy wallpaper with contrasting patterns. But the wallpaper, made in soft and delicate purple shades, looks even better. You may prefer a wallpaper of a different shade.
  • But in this case, it is necessary to use purple curtains and decorative elements. But the drawing should be light and graceful. For a small bedroom, it is better to choose a lighter shade than in a spacious room.
  • Lilac wallpaper for the bedroom, in which oriental motifs are present, will turn the room into a fabulous tent.
  • If the bedroom is made in a classic style, give preference to a geometric pattern. And the golden ornament will give the bedroom the lack of sophistication.
  • Against the background of such wallpapers, expensive furniture and materials, as well as high-quality decorative elements, look good.

Wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom is lilac, can correct the parameters of the room. Wallpaper in a lilac-beige vertical strip of sufficient width will look good in any room. This is the most appropriate solution for rooms with low ceilings.

How to use photo wallpaper?

Unlike standard wallpapers, they won't be simple backgrounds. This is a kind of room decoration. But it is important to choose the right ones, taking into account the overall interior design.

Let's take a closer look:

  • As a rule, they are used at the head of the bed or on the opposite wall. A lilac bedroom needs accessories in other shades. This dilutes the color saturation.
  • Photo wallpaper must fully comply with the overall composition of the interior. However, they should not look like an annoying spot on the surface (see).
  • They trim not only the entire surface of the wall. Often they are placed in the form of a panel in the middle or at the edge of the wall.
  • Their location will depend entirely on the placement and number of pieces of furniture.

Advice. Natural landscapes are one of the best solutions for the interior of a lilac bedroom. Sunrise and sunset images can be colored in a variety of purple tones and midtones.

Curtains in the lilac bedroom

Curtain color. What curtains go well with the purple interior? The choice is largely determined by the intensity of the interior colors. Lilac curtains in the bedroom are suitable if the main interior is made in neutral or light colors.

But it is important to consider the size of the room and its general style solution:

  • So, if the area of ​​the room is large, you should choose saturated colors. If the room is small, give preference to curtains in a light lilac shade.
  • Type of curtains. Of no small importance is the type of curtains used in the lilac bedroom. Its choice depends on the height of the ceilings and the area of ​​the room, as well as on the chosen style solution.

Let's take a closer look:

  • Heavy curtains look perfect in antique or classic interiors. Such curtains are appropriate in a spacious bedroom with large windows and high ceilings. If the bedroom is covered with bright lilac wallpaper, give preference to beige curtains in combination with silver elements. This will create a festive look for the lilac bedroom interior.
  • Fabric blinds are lightweight. They are ideal for a small bedroom or a child's bedroom. If you want to visually expand the room and bring light into it, choose blinds in a light range. For a room with a predominance of lilac on the wallpaper, blinds of coral, muted yellow and mint shades are suitable. They will not only harmoniously fit into the surrounding space, but are also relevant this year.
  • Roller blinds are also suitable for lilac interiors. They look great in a bedroom with multiple windows. They can be not only lilac, but also mustard, pinkish, turquoise, beige or aquamarine.

They are perfectly combined with shades of lilac, prevailing as accessories and decoration.

And now a small instruction on the selection of curtains:

  • The smaller the room, the less lush and sophisticated curtains you should choose. In a small room, it is better to install roller blinds attached directly to the window frame. And textile draperies will additionally load a small space.
  • To make a dark room spacious and light, give preference to curtains in several light shades. These can be shades such as light yellow, powder, aquamarine or light coral.
  • It is important to choose lightweight materials. Such curtains will visually unload the bedroom and make it lighter.
  • To soften the southern room, you can choose cool shades. So, against the background of lilac wallpaper, lilac curtains or curtains of blue ice will look good. They will make the room cooler.

Advice. If you do not want to use plain textiles, give preference to curtains of the same colors, but with yellow or salmon patterns.

  • Sunny yellow and orange curtains reduce the size of the room. But they make it cozy and warm, so this solution is ideal for a spacious bedroom.

Textiles are considered one of the key decorative elements of any interior. Its main task is to create an original and complete living space. After reading this article, you will learn how a room can be transformed with purple curtains hanging on its windows.

Features of this shade

Purple is considered one of the most controversial and controversial colors. This is due to the fact that it has combined two completely incompatible shades - hot red and cold blue. Therefore, not many people decide to use such a "explosive mixture" in the decoration of their apartment. An excess of saturated can provoke constant fatigue and bouts of unexplained anxiety.

However, our distant ancestors believed that the dosed presence of this shade has a therapeutic effect and even helps to get rid of insomnia. Purple has long been attributed to mystical properties, so it was considered the color of sorcerers and sorcerers. In ancient times, it was widely used in spiritual practices.

When is it better not to use this shade?

Suppressive properties are inherent. Therefore, most designers do not recommend combining it with any dark shades. Otherwise, you will not be able to avoid constant sleepiness and fatigue. In addition, this color visually narrows the surrounding space. Therefore, do not place too many purple details in a small or narrow room.

In addition, professionals do not recommend using textiles of this shade when decorating a nursery and office. In the first case, purple curtains will be tiresome for the child, in the second - too catchy, and, therefore, inappropriate in a business interior. In general, it is important to competently and tastefully use decorative elements in this color scheme.

Variety of shades

Elegant purple curtains, photos of which adorn the pages of specialized publications, will become a worthy decoration of any room. The main thing is not to be mistaken with the choice of a suitable shade. In order not to miscalculate, you can use the general recommendations of leading designers, which are applicable to other colors.

For premises of any size and style, light-colored textiles, including lilac, violet and lavender, are ideal. Curtains of these colors will visually enlarge a small room and give airiness to the room filled with furniture.

Darker options like purple, blackberry, or indigo require a more serious approach. Curtains of such shades are not suitable for too small rooms, because they will only emphasize the limited space. Deep purple textiles are suitable for spacious rooms. It perfectly emphasizes the severity and nobility of the interior.

With what such textiles are in harmony?

Professional designers offer several acceptable options for using solid purple curtains in combination with other shades. Thanks to the creation of such combinations, any room can be radically changed.

The combination of purple and white can be called truly successful. This clean and new way reveals the depth of purples and violets, giving them a unique flavor.

The combination of purple and green looks very natural. Especially advantageous in this tandem will be lavender and violet shades. An interior in this color scheme will always look energetic.

Purple curtains with silver or gray color look no less successful. These calm shades lend restraint to a deep and vibrant blueberry color. This combination is perfect for teenage bedrooms and offices.

The combination of purple and pink looks quite unusual. However, many designers believe that a delicate feminine tandem of two such close shades is not appropriate in every room.

Purple curtains in the interior

Textiles in this shade are quite versatile. It can be used in almost any interior. But such curtains will look most successful in rooms designed in the neoclassical style. For such interiors, you can pick up dark purple curtains, sewn from expensive heavy materials.

Such textiles will look good in rooms decorated in the best traditions of minimalism. In such an interior, you can pick up purple curtains of any shade, from light to deep dark. The main thing is to use a very simple and multifunctional window decor.

Similar curtains look great in rooms made in one of the most modern styles. Simple dark purple textiles will fit perfectly into the hi-tech concept. For such premises, it is advisable to choose a window decor made of natural rough fabrics.

Purple curtains in the bedroom

In order not to cross the fine line between sophistication and tastelessness, it is important to choose the right textiles in a suitable shade. To prevent the bedroom from losing its primary purpose, curtains of light and delicate colors should hang on its windows. The most appropriate for this room would be dense textiles of violet, lavender or lilac shades. More saturated colors should only emphasize the lightness and tenderness of the main ones.

It is important to be very careful when choosing bright decorative elements. Don't buy purple or purple curtains for your bedroom. Such decor will constantly annoy you, not allowing you to relax.

Purple textiles in the kitchen interior

Many designers recommend using bright curtains in rich colors in this room. It is such textiles that can give a charge of vivacity in the morning and energetic cheerfulness in the afternoon. To create a festive atmosphere, purple curtains in the kitchen can be supplemented with the same napkins or utensils. In addition, these textiles are in perfect harmony with the chrome and metal elements that are abundant in any modern kitchen.

Purple curtains in the living room

It is in this room that many of us often arrange friendly gatherings and receive guests. Therefore, as a rule, special attention is paid to the design of the living room. If you do not want purple to overshadow the entire surrounding space, then it is better to opt not on plain textiles, but on curtains decorated with an original purple ornament. It can be chaotic patterns, all kinds of curls and flowers. Looks good in the living room and window decor in vertical or horizontal stripes. Combined curtains will become a worthy decoration of a window opening.

In order not to be mistaken, you can follow one simple design advice, according to which in a room decorated in light warm colors, you need to use curtains in dark shades, and vice versa. As for the choice of materials, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the interior. But most often, heavy lush curtains made of expensive fabric are purchased for living rooms.

Should you pay attention to purple when choosing a shade of curtains, or pass by, fearing a mismatch error? In this article, we will analyze all the advantages that purple curtains bring to the house, methods of combining and working with this color.

Characteristic of purple

The violet color organically combines two tones that are opposite in their energetic and psychological coloring. Blue is cold calculation, calmness and poise. And red, on the contrary, symbolizes impulsivity, action, hot temper. A person who likes purple is able to create harmony out of contradictions. This is, undoubtedly, a creative and non-standard person who has a subtle sense of the world around him. Since ancient times, this color has been associated with mystery and enigma, a world of fantasy. The mysteriousness of purple lies in creating something new and creative.

Silk purple curtains on the curtain tape

Purple color in the interior of the apartment

Purple carries shades of elegance with hints of mystery. This color is usually used in the design of elegant curtains for luxurious halls or bedrooms, but amateurs use it extremely rarely and in small quantities. For some people, it even seems heavy in its incomprehensibility. And it is completely in vain - if used correctly, tulle or purple curtains in the interior have a positive effect on the psyche and improve mood. As with all non-basic, bright colors, it needs support in the form of interior elements, wall and floor finishes.

Purple coral curtains in the office of a creative person

The effect of purple on the human psyche

The abundance of purple, according to psychologists, has a fairly strong effect on the human psyche - therefore, you need to observe the measure. Purple as individual decoration elements of the hall, bedroom, kitchen - curtains, partial decoration of wallpaper, rugs and rugs, flowerpots or drawings, on the contrary, will help reduce psychological stress and improve emotional state, free from internal fears.

Purple tends to calm down - under its influence, people learn to accept everything that happens to them calmly and judiciously. Directly in the interior, it is better to abandon the dark and saturated shades of this color, preferring lighter ones: lilac, lilac, lavender, purple tones. The combination of purple and gold, yellow, orange or green colors looks organic in the atmosphere of the hall.

Meditative purple color allows portraying medieval images in decoration and decoration

Purple in the nursery

Purple curtains and accompanying adjacent shades of textiles in children's rooms are quite justified, because this color contributes to the development of creativity. Delicate shades of purple and white tulle look very good in a girl's room. This is a great alternative to the popular, but somewhat luscious pink color, which is usually loved to saturate a girl's room.

The consolidation of these two shades is also popular - a pink-purple combination. Violet combined curtains, lilac tulle are suitable for both a baby and a young lady.

Roman purple curtains as a bright spot along with the color of the chest of drawers and ottoman

In the boy's room, it is also permissible to use deep or bright purple, somewhat diluted with blotches of contrasting colors - orange, white, steel. Contrasts will accentuate the highly technical style of the space and give the interior a masculine feel.

Purple in the bedroom

Curtains of dark color will look very good in the interior of the bedroom, giving it a romantic character, a deep mystical mood. Another option is to use diluted tones, a less passionate and dramatic mauve.

Purple voile curtains in a small room in low light

Light tones of purple tune in to calmness and relaxation. It is important not to oversaturate the bedroom with textiles of this color, thereby not making it cheaper.

Give preference to roller blinds - and there will be a little color, and high-quality blackout for the bedroom will be provided. Hang white-boiled tulle in the frame - and a harmonious combination is guaranteed.

Purple curtains in the hall

Purple accessories look great in the living room or hall. Standing out against a background of calmer tones, they give the room a chic look.

Purple purple curtains for a white living room

For the hall, purple is rarely used as the predominant color. Most often, these will be some kind of individual interior items, be it curtains, tulle, chandeliers, sofa cushions, and more.

Purple and its shades are an integral part of the following styles suitable for the hall:

  • rococo;
  • Art Deco;
  • classicism;
  • baroque.

Perhaps, in the modern art deco hall, this color is simply a must. Basic shades of beige and tulle in the background color allow a rich color to play in the room, similar to the setting of a celebrity's apartment.

Of course, for the hall in each style, characteristic shades of varying degrees of saturation are chosen, in addition, the color is complemented with gold and silver notes.

Purple in the kitchen

Is it acceptable to use this color in the kitchen? There are suggestions that it reduces appetite. Because of this, it is best not to saturate the kitchen with a dark purple color. But it would be wrong to completely abandon this color in the kitchen. In rooms designed in a modern style, where glossy surfaces prevail, this color looks very organic.

Purple vegetables and fruits in kitchen design

It is not recommended to decorate the kitchen mainly in purple tones, but as a complex of individual elements, this color is quite suitable. Eggplant-colored curtains will resemble this hearty vegetable, tart lettuce onions, shiny skin of ripe legumes, juicy flesh of quiche-mish grapes. Of course, this color looks juicy, and has no direct oppositions to the kitchen theme. You should not buy purple tulle - it will not express the above idea, since it is too transparent.

Purple in the bathroom

A lot depends on the choice of a shade of purple for bathroom curtains. If the curtain is bought to match the bathroom, then using it in conjunction with the furnishings will undoubtedly bring an unforgettable experience. It is still advisable to dilute this color with shades of pink, beige, lavender. It is important to consider how such a stylish curtain will be combined with the overall background of the bathroom.

Purple gradation in the bathroom

Since this shade absorbs color, the correct lighting should be chosen, possibly adding additional light sources.

The small size of the bathroom will allow you to use expensive warm colors - beige wood, Venetian plaster in golden shades. The curtain itself for the bathroom can be combined in harmonious beige and purple tones.

The combination of purple with other colors

The harmony of white and purple looks perfect. This is the most advantageous combination of curtains and tulle. These colors complement each other organically. White refreshes purple and lightens its gloom - which is important for a kitchen or bedroom.

Natural shades of purple and natural combinations

Purple and green look good, this harmony was created by nature. The combination of these shades will fill the apartment with freshness and natural beauty. They combine well with purple with yellow or orange.

Purple curtains in different styles

Purple curtains are used in a variety of styles. They accentuate the style of the room and give it a finished look. This interior element looks good in the following styles:

  • neoclassicism (soft, velvet fabrics);
  • French style (floral pattern);
  • hi-tech (rough natural fabrics);
  • minimalism (a combination of dark and light shades);
  • art deco (thick fabrics).

Lilac color is the choice of refined, delicate, sensitive natures. It symbolizes detachment from the earthly, a tendency towards a philosophical perception of life. This is what psychologists say.

If you don't notice anything like that, but you like the lilac color more than others, perhaps you are just a creative person. And it is likely that you have been thinking about decorating your window with lilac curtains for a long time. Let's consider various options for implementing this idea.

Ideas for the kitchen

In the photo, curtains-threads in a modern kitchen interior.

Snow-white glossy white facades of kitchen furniture, beige countertops and walls, bright lilac curtains on the floor of light translucent. In such an interior there is something cosmic, so mesmerizing, it looks unusual.

The photo shows an art deco interior with a chic window drapery. Elegant curtains and light awnings create an aristocratic atmosphere in the kitchen.

Cool white forms a very effective combination with all shades of purple. If you want to design a window using these colors, there are several options to consider:

  • Cafe-style curtains for a small square window, made of natural fabric with lilac ornaments or floral prints on a white background.
  • Roman translucent curtains in one of the shades of your favorite color scheme, which is ideally combined with snow-white window frames and slopes.
  • Lightweight voile curtain up to the middle of the window.
  • Elegant white Austrian curtains with drapery at the bottom and accessories in the form of large lilac bows and lambrequins.

Any of these options will brighten yours if the rest of the interior is designed in pastel shades. Flower pots, a bowl or a vase in the color of the curtains will support the main color and give liveliness to the atmosphere.

Ideas for the bedroom

The interior of the bedroom with a predominance of calm gentle tones will be decorated with lilac curtains of a rich shade. For example, it can be two light curtains made of stripes of different tones of the same color. Or a heavy velvet curtain descending in soft folds to the floor. The purple color of the curtains in the bedroom can be supported by the same shade of the bedspread and headboard.

Tips for the bedroom:

  • If you have a small bedroom in which only a bed and a small wardrobe can fit, lilac can be made the main color by including its various shades in the design of not only windows, but also walls, decorative pillows, and accessories.
  • For a spacious room, you can choose curtains in darker, deep colors. A lavender carpet on the floor and pastel walls blend harmoniously with bold, eye-catching curtains.
  • Young girls like very delicate tones of a violet shade. For a room of a young romantic person, you can decorate the window with monochromatic curtains without a lambrequin and overlays. And put two small pillows of the same shade on the bed. It is better to make all other surfaces light, then the room will turn out to match its owner.
  • Fans of color contrasts can be advised to dilute their favorite color scheme with yellow. For example, instead of curtains, install a lemon-colored roller blind.
  • In addition to yellow, you can choose two more colors in the bedroom textiles for the violet window. It is blue and deep pink. Small inclusions of these colors will not violate the color harmony of the interior, but, on the contrary, will decorate your bedroom, make it elegant.

Living room ideas

In the interior of the main room of the house, the lilac color can be found infrequently. Therefore, if it is chosen as the main color scheme, then the originality of the furnishings will be ensured. , as a rule, they select more expensive textiles, think over to the smallest detail all the details of the interior. Guests are welcomed in this room, so I want all objects, furniture, decoration to look perfect. How to choose lilac curtains for the living room? If you have chosen this color for decorating windows, there are a few tips to consider.

The photo shows an example of curtains with a delicate and elegant combination of purple and white.

The combination of lilac and white will make the interior delicate, "sweet", that is, feminine. If you want to achieve this effect, you can safely combine these two colors.

For a men's room, it is better to choose a deeper shade, close to purple, and add gray to the main color scheme. Alternatively, cover the walls with dark graphite wallpaper without a pattern. The combination will turn out to be somewhat brutal, but we are talking about a men's living room.

Of the dark colors, not only gray, but also blue, brown and black go well with purple.

If you want to highlight an area for an office or bedroom in a large living room, then the lilac color of the curtains can be made a unifying component of two differently functional parts of the room. To do this, decorate the wall in the additional area with inserts of the same shade, decorating them with white moldings.

To create a vintage interior, you can use the play of shades as the main stylistic device. In the case of our color, this will look especially exquisite. Curtains of two tones, one of which resembles spring flowers, and the second is closer to lilac, look charming.

Various shades of purple are often used in art deco interiors. Curtains of this color look favorably on the dark gray and brown background of the walls and beautifully set off the silver and gilded accessories that decorate the window.

The minimalism style also does not reject bright colors, making only requirements for their saturation. Cool juicy purple, snow-white and white is an acceptable combination for decorating a room window with a minimalist design.

What colors can not be combined with lilac color

This color is interesting because it "withstands" the neighborhood of a fairly large range of other colors. Therefore, it is quite easy to list the colors with which lilac is "not on friendly terms". These include:

  • burgundy,
  • Red,
  • terracotta.
  • brick brown
  • marsh green

You can check the color matching when choosing fabric for curtains by applying them to each other. Disharmonious combinations will immediately reveal themselves.

Lilac curtains in the interior always occupy one of the central places. They attract the eye with their unusual color, drawing attention to themselves even with the simplest design.

When decorating a room, special attention is paid to the selection of colors and shades. Violet and all its shades are especially popular in fashion, jewelry, and interiors. Due to the huge variety of tones, designers choose from thick and dark purple to delicate and weightless lavender.

Each color has an impact on the atmosphere in the room and the mood of the residents of the house. The saturation of colors can visually change the size of the room. Designers report that lilac color has a relaxing effect and is perfect for decorating a sleeping area, that is, a bedroom. This article will discuss how lilac curtains in the bedroom affect the design and how to use this element correctly to transform a room.


Curtains and curtains in lilac colors are a very popular decorative element, which not only looks stylish, but also has many advantages. This color creates an atmosphere of magic, miracle in the room. He is often chosen by dreamy, creative people. Shades of violet can be used in apartments of various sizes. If you correctly combine color with textile material, you will end up with a stylish accessory for the room.

The beauty of lilac curtains can be made more expressive with the help of other decorative elements, such as pillows, rugs, bedspreads, and more. They will also go well with a lilac carpet. When choosing a shade, do not forget about the size of the room. Thicker and darker colors can be placed in a spacious room, and for a compact bedroom, it is recommended to choose light options.


In order for the above element to make the bedroom more beautiful and in no way harm the interior, you must adhere to advice from specialists:

  • Despite the fact that the lilac color is very stylish and attractive, with its quantity, you must be careful. If you overdo it with it, the interior will turn out to be cheap.
  • Don't forget about harmony with other colors and shades.
  • If the room does not have enough sunny color, it is better to choose lightweight material for window decoration, which will not particularly impede the penetration of sunlight into the bedroom.

Experts say that the lilac color is the personification of the unusual and unearthly. Organza, muslin, nylon and a veil for curtains are ideal for decorating small bedrooms as a material for curtains.

Stylishly and colorfully, you can frame the window opening with curtains. When used correctly, you can achieve the following results:

  • The room will reign soft and pleasant atmosphere.
  • Such decoration in an instant will cheer up.
  • Lilac color is perfect suitable for a room in which a person plans to do yoga, meditation.
  • The sun's rays passing through the textile material will gently scatter and fill the room with light.

If you want to decorate window openings with light curtains, then organza is ideal. With its help, you can create an elegant and stylish design. Designers note that this textile material can be used as independent curtains without curtains and other things. Curtains can be straight or gathered waves. Organza has a light and pleasant sheen.


Combination with furniture

If the bedroom has classic white upholstered furniture, it will be in perfect harmony with lilac curtains. This combination will create an atmosphere of romance and tenderness in the room. Ideal for a bedroom. Sliding curtains will look great in this color scheme.

Except curtains or curtains lilac wallpaper is suitable for a compact bedroom. If you need to arrange a room for a romantic and sensual girl, then it is recommended to opt for violet curtains. The textile material used for curtains can be not only plain. Lilac curtains with purple, lilac, blue and pink lines or patterns will be a colorful decoration.

Interior styles

Designers note that curtains in lilac tones harmoniously fit into such styles and colors:

  • Classic. For this direction, a combination of a light lilac color with such light shades as cream, ivory and cream is ideal. It is recommended to choose natural fabrics as textile materials: linen, silk or cotton. If you want to add a touch of luxury and sophistication to the room, use silk.
  • "Minimalism". For a room decorated in a minimalist style using blue or light green, light curtains in delicate lilac tones are perfect. Designers advise against combining lilac with burgundy, brown, red and marsh green.
  • "Art Deco". In this style, the curtains in the above range will look great together with a dark brown color. Lilac shade is in harmony with gilding, and lavender - with silver.

Color combination

The interior design specialists compiled set of colors, with which lilac curtains are wonderfully combined.

  1. White. A versatile color that is perfect for all rooms in the house.
  2. Black. This color is in harmony with all colors and shades. In a compact bedroom, it is recommended to use black only as an additional one.
  3. Gray. When decorating a bedroom with lilac curtains, designers are advised to choose a light shade of gray.
  4. Pink. This color goes well with various shades of purple. This kind of blowing is ideal for decorating the bedroom of a girl or a young girl.