Fill in the waybill SP. Waybill of an individual entrepreneur

The waybill of a truck of an individual entrepreneur is drawn up for all available transport, and if several drivers are assigned to one unit of transport, then each person needs a document.

Registration of a waybill for transport is required for legal driving. It is for this reason that it is so important to indicate the necessary data, thanks to which the expenses for fuel and lubricants are taken into account, the driver's wages are charged and the payment is made with the customer. The documentation is drawn up for a period from one day to a month.

At the legislative level, it is allowed for the business owner to develop the form on his own. Thus, the businessman prepares the documents and subsequently approves them.

It does not matter whether the form is developed on its own or is taken ready-made, the forms in both versions are used as follows:

  1. 4-P - the car is used at a time-based rate.
  2. 4-С - work is paid at piece rates.
  3. PG-1 - is most often used by individual entrepreneurs in cargo transportation. This form is used to justify the fuel consumed; during the check, such documentation is requested by the tax inspector.

An example of filling out a waybill for an individual entrepreneur can be downloaded on the Internet, this option allows you to avoid mistakes in registration.

Many entrepreneurs are wondering whether a waybill is required for cargo transportation. Undoubtedly, the documentation must be present, otherwise a fine may be issued by a traffic police officer. You will have to pay for it if there is no documentation for the transported cargo, there are no stamps, dates, the conclusion of a medical worker, or an error was made while filling in the data, as well as when corrections are made.

A police officer has every right to:

  • if the driver is responsible for the vehicle, then a fine of 500 rubles is issued;
  • officials pay from 20 to 100 thousand rubles.

When the business owner cannot write out the form in person, then he draws up a power of attorney for any person or appoints a responsible employee. It does not matter who is filling out the document, the presence of errors is not allowed. Documentation is issued for each car and driver. To prevent receiving fines, it is worth entering the information carefully and in full. For example, for the absence of a medical certificate, an employee will have to pay about 5 thousand rubles.

The penalty for the absence of a waybill for an individual entrepreneur is taken as for the carriage of goods that do not have accompanying documents.

To fill in the waybill, you will need some details. Data is included without fail, regardless of the form.

The documentation contains:

  • the period of validity of the issued documents;
  • information about the car owner;
  • specifications;
  • information about the driver.

The required list of data is prepared in advance and only after that they start filling out. The waybill is issued for up to one month.

The form contains the following information:

  • place of registration of the entrepreneur;
  • personal data of the business owner;
  • contacts for communication;
  • information about the driver, including the driver's license number;
  • technical characteristics of transport (car brand, speedometer indicators before the start of the trip and after the end of the cargo transportation);
  • the conclusion of a medical professional;
  • be sure to indicate the route of movement, characteristics of the transported cargo, vehicle mileage.

After the provision of the service to the customer, the employee's remuneration is calculated. The waybills are registered in a special journal and then kept by the entrepreneur for five years. If you need to enter some values, then a table is provided for this. Often, it notes the mileage, the weight of the cargo, the time it took to complete the order. They immediately enter information about the issued fines, repair work, and downtime.

Do I need a waybill for an individual entrepreneur truck? Definitely yes. The availability of documentation will allow the entrepreneur to avoid penalties.

There are a number of rules that should be followed when preparing documentation to avoid punishment and fines.

It is important to know:

  1. Registration is made on an individual basis. When drivers work in several shifts, the waybills are issued for each employee.
  2. In order for the securities to be considered valid, they indicate the expiration date.
  3. If a driver is hired to transport cargo, then a responsible person is assigned to him, who controls not only the technical condition of the vehicle, but also marks the time of arrival of the car in the garage. Only after this procedure the documents are signed and stamped.
  4. In some cases, an entrepreneur has the right to issue a license card for cars and trucks.

All documentation is noted in the journal. Special programs that keep track of waybills make it easier for an accountant to submit reports to the tax service. Papers are added in any quantity.

The waybill necessarily corresponds to the activities of the entrepreneur, otherwise some problems arise. Regarding the primary documentation, a number of requirements are put forward to it at the legislative level. Papers are presented only in the original, copies are not allowed.

Has a waybill of a bus of an individual entrepreneur in the form of a PA-1 form, which is used to record work and pay the driver.

The documentation contains the following details:

  1. Number assigned during registration.
  2. Date of filling out the waybill, stamp of the organization that owns the transport.
  3. Vehicle specifications (fuel consumption, repairs, speedometer data).
  4. Information about an individual entrepreneur who is the owner of the vehicle.
  5. Task for the driver, with the content of the route.

The dispatcher or the owner of the business is responsible for the registration of the waybill. Such documentation is used to prove the use of the bus in the work, and also confirms the conduct of the entrepreneur's activities.

Many people ask: "Do you need a waybill if an individual entrepreneur is a driver himself?" The answer to this question is in the Federal Law, in Article 259, which clearly states that it is forbidden to transport goods by any means of transport without a waybill.

If it is absent, then the reports submitted to the tax service contain errors and it is impossible to track the entrepreneur's expenses.

An individual entrepreneur who owns a freight vehicle and uses it in work is obliged to issue waybills for all vehicles. They are issued for a period of 1 day to 1 month.

Most organizations are engaged in filling out the documentation for the transportation of goods every day, except for cases when the driver is on the road for a long time and does not return to the original place of departure. When several employees work at the same time on the same car, the waybills are issued for each driver.

There are times when the owner of the business is a driver and carries out transportation personally. Here the question arises: "Do you need to issue a waybill for an individual entrepreneur or not?" Undoubtedly, a businessman draws up the documentation for himself, with the content of all the necessary information, they must fill out the documentation correctly, errors and corrections are not allowed. The presence of a waybill is required to calculate the services provided for the carriage of goods, to calculate the remuneration of an employee.

The work of an individual entrepreneur is checked by the labor inspectorate. This is necessary to identify violations by the business owner in the labor legislation in relation to employees. In the process of checking, waybills are required for review. They are used to find out how the driver's wages are calculated and whether this is done correctly, whether payments for working time processing are observed when the driver delivers cargo over long distances.

Tax officials are also interested in such information. When checking the information, they find out the correctness of the calculations regarding the transportation costs.

The waybill is stored for five years. Both the entrepreneur and the driver are responsible for incorrect documentation, but penalties are provided only for the business owner.

If the car is stopped by a traffic police officer, then he is shown all the documentation for the cargo.

Individual entrepreneurs have the right to provide cargo transportation services using their own freight transport. Like any legal entity, they are required to form certain documents. Entrepreneurs should form the waybill of a truck using specials. shape.

Individual entrepreneurs who own freight transport and use it in their activities must form vouchers for each unit of transport. One voucher can be issued for a period of one to thirty days.

In most cases, IP truck waybills are generated every day. The only exceptions are those situations when the driver will fulfill the order for a long time without returning to the garage. If several drivers work on the same vehicle, a voucher must be formed for each of them.

If an entrepreneur who owns a vehicle is a driver, he must issue a voucher for himself. The voucher contains information about the distance traveled, as well as the dates of order execution. This information is required in order to calculate the price of the service provided, the amount of the driver's salary, as well as the cost of the fuel spent.

How to fill out a voucher

The waybill of a truck of an individual entrepreneur is filled in as follows:

  • Above, the number of the voucher is put down in order, as well as the period during which the truck will be operated.
  • Further information about the individual entrepreneur is entered: his full name; the address at which it is registered; contact phone number.
  • After that, information about the cargo vehicle is indicated: its type, brand, state number. registration. If the car has a trailer, then you must specify the data about it.
  • On the right, information about the driver is written: his name and driver's license number.
  • In some cases, entrepreneurs have to issue license cards for cars. Their details must be reflected in the voucher.
  • A note should be made below that the driver underwent a medical examination before the flight, as well as for checking the technical condition of the vehicle. The persons responsible for this must affix their personal signatures.
  • Lines "exit" and "return" are intended to indicate the time of departure of the driver and return to the place of permanent parking.
  • Upon departure and return, the speedometer readings must be taken and recorded.
  • The section "work of a driver and a truck" is intended to indicate information about the customer company (its name and location). Also, this section contains information about the place of destination and departure, as well as the distance traveled.
  • The table "results of using the vehicle" is intended to indicate the results of the work done - data on the weight of the cargo, the operating time and the mileage traveled are added.
  • The point of special marks is necessary to indicate information about the accidents that have occurred, repairs and forced periods of downtime.
  • The waybill of the IP truck must contain the personal signatures of the driver who received the truck for use; a mechanic who checked the technical condition of the vehicle; the dispatcher who gave the driver the task, as well as the entrepreneur himself.
  • At the very end, the entrepreneur's corporate stamp should be affixed.

The form and sample of filling out the waybill of a truck can be found in

The main primary document for an individual entrepreneur using motor vehicles is the waybill of a lorry of an individual entrepreneur. How and on the basis of what details the form is filled out? What legislative act approved the 2017 form? All the details are below.

Waybill IP of a truck for an individual entrepreneur

If an entrepreneur uses freight vehicles in his activities, he must keep records of fuel consumption, pay salaries to drivers and make payments for transportation with customers. Such tasks are solved by drawing up a waybill - for an individual entrepreneur, it is supposed to draw up a form for a period of 1 day to 1 month.

Note! The most common and convenient way to fill in waybills is daily. However, if the driver is not able to return to the garage every time after completing tasks, it is allowed to draw up a document for a long period with closure upon the provision of services.

Form PG-1, approved by the Ministry of Transport in order No. 68 of 06/30/00, can be used as a form of a waybill for a truck for an individual entrepreneur. It is now canceled - after the introduction of order No. 152 of 09/18/2008, this regulatory act became actual forms according to the decree № 78 - forms 4-C or 4-P. Since 2013, Law No. 402-FZ came into effect, which established the right of economic entities to develop and approve primary documentation themselves.

From now on, individual entrepreneurs can create forms of waybills on their own in compliance with the requirements of Law No. 402-FZ and Order No. 152. Or apply any of the existing forms, focusing on ease of use. It should be borne in mind that the 4-C form is recommended for working with special equipment; 4-P - for individual entrepreneurs who practice hourly payment with drivers; PG-1 - for individual entrepreneurs who independently perform cargo transportation services or use transport for their own production purposes.

IP waybill for a truck - required details

The form must contain all the necessary information, without which the document will not be considered valid. Issuance is allowed for a period not exceeding 1 month. In this case, the following data are required to be reflected:

  • Information about the entrepreneur - registration address, full name of individual entrepreneur, contact phone number.
  • Information about the driver of the vehicle - the full name of the citizen, the number of his driver's license, the data of the license card, if any, are indicated. If the individual entrepreneur works alone and is himself a driver, the data on the entrepreneur is entered.
  • Vehicle information - make, registration numbers, speedometer readings when leaving the garage / returning to the garage.
  • Vehicle suitability mark - affixed by an authorized employee.
  • The driver's health mark is also affixed by the responsible authorized person.
  • Information about the work of transport and the driver - section 1 is intended to reflect data on the route of movement, customers of services, the nature of goods. Separately, information is generated on the results of the driver's work, indicating the general data of the mileage, the transported weight of the cargo and the operating time.

After the services are completed, the waybills are handed over to the entrepreneur, who, independently or with the help of an accountant, calculates the driver's salary, writes off fuel and lubricants based on data on fuel consumption, arrives goods and materials, issues certificates of transport services to customers.

Important! Additionally, the registration of waybills is carried out in a special journal. The storage of the forms should be ensured for 5 years, as supporting primary documents of the IP activity.

Penalty for lack of a waybill for individual entrepreneurs

The size of the sanctions is established by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Traffic police officers have the right to apply penalties for transportation without waybills drawn up in accordance with the legal requirements. At the same time, a fine for the absence of a waybill for an individual entrepreneur is charged both for transporting goods without a document, and for filling out a form with errors (without seals, stamps, medical certificates, dates, etc.).

The size of the sanctions in 2017:

  1. According to Art. 12.3 Administrative Code h. 2 - 500 rubles. for the driver.
  2. According to Art. 12.31.1 Administrative Code h. 1 - 20,000-100,000 rubles. for individual entrepreneurs.

Individual entrepreneurs can provide services using their own trucks. Like any company, these people fill out the appropriate paperwork. The waybill of a truck of individual entrepreneurs must be drawn up using a specialized form, which is also a confirmation of the provision of the relevant services by them.

Filling in waybills is carried out either by the entrepreneur himself, or by the dispatcher or any other person authorized for this. The document is drawn up in one copy. It must be recorded in the appropriate ledger.

Then the form is certified by the entrepreneur with a personal signature and seal, and the waybill is handed over to the driver or he goes to the line himself. If the goods are transported, then a consignment note and other accompanying documents are attached to it.

An entrepreneur can use the PG-1 form, which was approved by order of the Ministry of Transport, as a waybill. On its basis, an individual entrepreneur has the right to develop his own form, which must meet the necessary requirements of this department and the law on accounting.

This form of waybill is used as a justification for the use of fuel on a car and is used in calculating salaries. The law obliges the entrepreneur to conclude contracts for pre-trip medical examination and maintenance, so the voucher must contain the appropriate stamps.

This form can be issued not only for one day, but also for a long period.

A sample of filling out the waybill of an IP truck

Let's consider how to correctly fill in the PG-1 waybill:

  • In the upper part, the serial number of the document is affixed, as well as the period during which the vehicle will be used.
  • Below, on the left, information about the entrepreneur is entered - his full name, registration address, contact phone number. Then the type and make of the car, the registration number are indicated, and when using a trailer or semitrailer, their corresponding details.
  • On the right, the personal data of the driver, the number of the driver's license are recorded. In the cases provided for by legislative acts, when carrying out activities, the individual entrepreneur must issue a license card for the car. Then in the waybill you need to reflect her registration data.
  • When using the labor of a hired driver, the entrepreneur must fill in the columns with his full name. and the driving license number.
  • Below is a mark of the driver's medical examination before the flight and the control of the technical condition of the vehicle, by signing the person in charge and affixing the appropriate stamp.
  • Then in lines "Departure" and "Return" the actual time of departure and return to the garage is affixed, as well as the speedometer readings are taken and recorded at departure and arrival.
  • IN section "Work of the driver and the truck" the data on the customer of the carriage (including his name and location), the point of departure and destination, the nature of the cargo and the distance traveled are indicated line by line. Multiple customers can be listed here. IN the table "Results of the use of a truck" the overall result of the work done is summarized - the data on the mileage, operating time and weight of the transported cargo are summed up.
  • The item with special marks reflects information about the downtime that occurred during the execution of the task, accidents, and repairs.

Then the entrepreneur certifies the data with a personal signature with its decryption, and puts a seal. A waybill sample of filling can be seen below.


The waybill in the PG-1 format is intended mainly for entrepreneurs who do not use hired driver labor. In this case, they are allowed to skip some sections of the voucher, which are marked with an asterisk.

The waybill of a truck of an individual entrepreneur is a document of a primary nature, filled out in accordance with the PG-1 form. It makes it possible to take into account the vehicle available to the IP. The functional purpose of the sheet is that on its basis the salary is calculated for the driver of the vehicle.

Document application

It is permissible for every individual entrepreneur to conduct a business related to road transport as legal entities. The state has not established any special conditions or rules in this regard. When using a vehicle for commercial purposes for profit, a businessman is obliged to draw up an accompanying paper for each car and for any transportation. An exception is a personal vehicle of an individual entrepreneur.

How to correctly draw up a waybill for an individual entrepreneur is described in a special law of the Russian Federation. The latter regulates the application of this document not only for businessmen, but also for enterprises (with the status of a legal entity). It is the responsibility of a private business entity to draw up an accompanying document. The individual entrepreneur must apply the required form for each transport trip for commercial purposes.

From the driver who drives the car, the employee of the state traffic safety inspectorate may require the presentation of the waybill. This is necessary to check the driver. When an individual (a driver of a car) has the right to drive vehicles that are not intended for regular passenger traffic, there is no obligation to issue waybills. However, the application of the document for the transportation of cargo and the implementation of passenger travel must be carried out constantly.

Waybills for individual entrepreneurs, as well as for other organizations, contain certain details that must be entered into the document. One of the most important types of information is the time during which the paper is valid. It can be 1 or 2 dates, one of which indicates the beginning of the operation of the truck, and the second - the end of use. At the legislative level, it is determined that the waybill is maximum valid for 1 month.

The use of these forms for an entrepreneur for 4 weeks is only allowed in relation to a passenger car. However, the condition that the individual entrepreneur is a carrier of passengers must be met and these actions are performed regularly. Important information displayed in the waybill is the last name, first name and patronymic of the entrepreneur, the address at which he is registered, and the contact phone number. If the sheet is drawn up by a legal entity, then information about the name of the organization is entered into the document, and the legal form must be indicated.

The waybill of an individual entrepreneur contains data about the vehicle. It is necessary to indicate its type (this applies to a car, truck, taxi or bus). In addition, it is supposed to enter data on the make of the car and its license plate. There is a specific procedure that is performed before each vehicle exits. So, the driver assigned to the car must record the time of departure, as well as register the odometer readings.

All the same information must be recorded when the vehicle arrives at a place designated as a permanent parking lot. These actions can be performed by the chief mechanic.

Information about the driver must be displayed in the waybill:

  • full Name;
  • driver's license number and date of issue;
  • information about the medical examination that must be carried out before each flight.

In addition to the details that act as mandatory for the waybill of the individual entrepreneur, there are additional data. These include:

  • the purpose of the vehicle leaving its permanent parking lot;
  • waypoints that are considered intermediate;
  • data on baggage that is transported using a particular truck.

Each individual entrepreneur has the right to decide what other additional information should be included in the waybill.

Paper decoration

In the process of registration of waybills, individual entrepreneurs should be based on a set of rules.

The form is filled out separately for each vehicle. It is unacceptable to violate the restrictions related to the validity of the document.

If the application of the waybill is revealed after the expiration of the date stamped in it, the paper is invalidated.

An individual entrepreneur has the right to draw up several documents. This is provided if he uses many drivers who work in shifts on a bus or car. There are some peculiarities in the personal performance of a business entity as a driver. The latter must accept an order in which a certain person is appointed to verify the odometer readings entered into the document (when entering, leaving a vehicle from a garage or other place that acts as a permanent parking lot). The responsible entity, appointed by the individual entrepreneur, is engaged in certifying information about the time of departure, the mileage with his own signature, then a special seal or stamp is put on the sheet.

Individual entrepreneurs who use vehicles in the course of their activities and issue waybills are required to keep records in a special journal. In the latter, information is recorded on the documents issued to drivers. Individual entrepreneurs must keep used waybills for 5 years. Each time a paramedic examines the driver before leaving. Medical staff enter the results into the content of the waybill, certify the testimony with a signature, personal seal. In this case, the surname and initials of the doctor must be indicated.

Additional information for individual entrepreneurs

Before the order of the Ministry of Transport No. 68 was canceled, all individual entrepreneurs who own the vehicle used the PG-1 form. The latter was approved by the relevant normative act. In 2011, a new federal accounting law was passed. Therefore, the obligation to apply this form has been canceled.

Entrepreneurs have the right to independently develop an appropriate form of primary documentation that meets the requirements prescribed in Order No. 152 and certain legislation. As a sample, you can use any of the provided design variations that were previously. For example, it can be a 4-C, PG-1 or 4-P form; based on the template, you can develop your own individual document scheme. In most cases, business entities are inclined to use the PG-1 form, since it contains a set of required requisites, is optimally simple and easy to understand.

When using special vehicles, the 4-C form is the best option. 4-P is convenient, because entrepreneurs can easily settle accounts with drivers on the basis of hourly wages. The document must be supplemented by a TTN, the number is indicated in the waybill. When the flight is completed, 1 copy of the waybill is attached to the issued document and the specified period is saved.

To fill in the waybill of a truck, you must use a sample, which will avoid mistakes. The fact is that previously there was a unified form that was used by entrepreneurs, but at the moment it has been canceled. In this regard, business entities face difficulties in the process of filling out the documentation. In addition, problems arise with the choice of the required form. In order to avoid difficulties, it is recommended to be guided by a special sample that corresponds to the PG-1 form.

The waybill of an individual entrepreneur of a truck is an important document, the filling of which is controlled by the entrepreneur himself. This helps to avoid mistakes when filling out. To ensure that the information is entered as correct as possible, it is recommended to use a sample.