Foreign detective bestseller. Foreign detectives. The voice of the night bird

Detectives are a trend in books about investigating a wide variety of crimes. Few people have not read the stories about Sherlock Holmes, Nero Wolfe, and also have not heard about the famous writer Agatha Christie with her adorable Miss Marple. All these books have become classics, which fascinated us even in childhood and to this day we are attracted to pick up our favorite edition and become a real detective and detective.

Foreign detectives are very popular. It is always interesting to learn about how crimes are investigated in other states, and it is even better that all this happened in the past, where we can visit only thanks to books.

Our literary portal contains the best books by foreign detectives from around the world. You can read online or download them for free and without registration in formats that are suitable for any gadget: epub, rtf, fb2, txt, pdf. Here you will find both classic detective stories and modern ones.

The detective story has been a favorite trend in literature with readers from all over the world for a long time and remains so to this day. The genre itself has not changed over the years, but the characters, places, era and the psychology of history itself have changed. Previously, detectives were very meticulous and accurate. Modern main characters usually act more unexpectedly, hot-tempered, plunging deeper and deeper into the abyss of crime. In any case, the meaning of the story will not change, and everywhere there are irrefutable merits.

Today, American detectives are very popular, where action is often present, unpredictable events, bright and extraordinary main characters. But whichever book you choose, from an American writer or an English one, you will always have a lot of reading pleasure.

The main task of a foreign detective is to force the reader, together with the main character, to begin an investigation of a crime. It is necessary to gradually collect evidence, observe the people around, see what is hidden from the eyes of an ordinary person. Here justice and lawlessness always clash.

And if earlier writers tried to end with a work with the victory of good over evil, today more and more often a book can end with impunity for the criminal. And this was done for a reason, but in order to show readers the realities, to make them think about the kind of world we live in and how it can be changed.

Foreign detectives remain the most demanded and popular books today. Our site contains the best collection of publications in this genre. You can download it for free or read it online, but in any case, you will enjoy it, your nerves will be tense from experiences and emotions, and you will spend an unforgettable time in the world of crimes and mysteries.

The choice was not easy. Selecting the best detective authors, we had to hold a tough competition, during which very worthy people were left behind: Gilbert Keith Chesterton with his stories about Father Brown, Graham Grinn, and even some Japanese man who draws detective cartoons (in the sense, anime).

Since the number of voters exceeded a hundred, and the incomprehensible nervousness of those who disagreed with the results led to broken windows of my house and three arson attacks (and this is only in the last month), it was time to reconsider my attitude towards the masters of the detective genre. The latter will be the first, won't they, Mr. Chase? At the same time, the rating has been expanded to 15 positions - so meet newcomers 🙂

So, the best detective authors!

  • The poll at the bottom of the article now counts 21 writers. When voting, you can choose from 1 to 7 options. Perhaps, by joint efforts, we will be able to make this rating more objective.
  • Year of birth: 1964;
  • Popular novels: The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons;
  • What is interesting: the book Angels and Demons says that Raphael was originally buried in Urbino and not in Rome. Although this is just a fantasy of the writer, due to the popularity of the novel, a plaque had to be installed in the Pantheon (where Raphael is buried) explaining that the artist's ashes have always been here, and Brown can go much further.

Dan Brown does not write much, but he is successful: everyone has heard about the sensational novel "The Da Vinci Code". In total, the writer has published 6 novels, 3 of which are filmed ("Inferno" is coming out this year). His books are characterized by conspiracy theories, Masons, Illuminati and other mysteries. At the same time, Dan Brown is not always historically accurate and can give facts that do not correspond to reality.

The funny thing is that some of his fans forget that they are reading a work of fiction and, faced with a discrepancy between the next creation of the writer and secular sources, rush to see this as a kind of conspiracy from the series "the authorities are hiding."

14th place. Stig Larsson

  • Years of life: 1954 — 2004;
  • Popular novels: the Millennium trilogy;
  • Popular character: Mikael Blomkvist;
  • What is interesting: the photo above is a letter from 1972, in which "experts" from the Stockholm College of Journalists explain to Larsson that he is not good enough and that he will not make a journalist.

During his life, Stig was able to prove that “experts” should not be trusted - he not only became an excellent journalist, but also a pretty good writer. True, apart from the aforementioned trilogy due to an early death from a heart attack, Larsson did not have time to write anything else. Alas, this tragedy can hardly be called accidental - the writer's acquaintances say that he smoked about 60 cigarettes a day. But the Ministry of Health warned ...

The Millennium trilogy was published after Larsson's death. In 2009, the Swedish film adaptation of all 3 novels was released, and in 2011 a more famous Hollywood version of one of them appeared: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

13th place. Raymond Chandler

12th place. Dashil Hammett

The heroes of the new genre relied not only and not so much on a sharp mind, but also on a revolver - detective novels became more action-packed, and the murders of counts and barons with the help of poisoned strawberries and cream have sunk into oblivion.

11th place. William Wilkie Collins

Since there are not so many good detectives written (after all, he lived not only as detectives, but also short stories, short stories and opium), he occupies only 12th place in our rating.

10th place. John Grisham

  • Year of birth: 1955;
  • Popular novels: The Firm, The Pelican Case, The Client.

John Grisham was an ordinary lawyer who tried to make ends meet in the 80s. Things weren't going well - there weren't many clients. One day, while in the courthouse, John heard about the case of the father of a 12-year-old girl, who killed his daughter's rapists. Out of curiosity, the lawyer remained at the hearing, which inspired him to write his first book, Time to Kill. The book came out in small circulation, but nevertheless it was the beginning.

Since the lawyer had enough time, he took up the second book - "The Firm". Unexpectedly for everyone, it became a bestseller - 1.5 million copies were printed in 1991.

Grisham ended his career as a lawyer and focused on writing detective stories. He is currently working on a series of teenage detectives, where Theodore Boone is the main character. The circulation of all Grisham's books is about 300 million copies, which is a very solid indicator.

9th place. Ian Fleming

  • Years of life: 1906 — 1964;
  • Popular character: James Bond.

English writer Ian Fleming gave the world agent 007 James Bond, who, with his inherent aristocracy, emerges victorious from any trouble. In total, Ian wrote 12 Bond novels, as well as 2 collections of stories dedicated to this hero. Nevertheless, twice as many films have been filmed based on these books - today 25.

And perhaps the only thing that can confuse an astute reader is the absence of detective stories in his books. Bondiana is an adventure thriller, a spy thriller, but a detective? .. However, fans of the genre claim that Fleming's novels are full of political intrigue, so that they can be viewed as representatives of a certain political detective.

8th place. Earl Stanley Gardner

7th place. Boris Akunin

In the harsh 90s, publishers unanimously disowned stories about Fandorin, but at the beginning of the 2000s, detectives in the spirit of Conan Doyle's romance went off on a "Hurray!" This is confirmed by several successful film adaptations, which, oddly enough, can also be called successful - which does not often happen with modern Russian cinema.

Today it has become popular to traditionally declare that Akunin is not the same. But let's not rush - time will tell.

6th place. James Heidley Chase

It's no secret that my subjective attitude towards Chase prompted me to send this writer to the margins of our rating of detective authors - as for me, his novels are quite the same type. But admirers of James stood up for their favorite and, willingly, not willingly, I had to glaze the broken windows and raise Heidley to 6th place. Although, according to the vote, he deserves the best. But let's not rush - maybe it is one of his grandchildren who "winds up" the vote? I see no more logical explanation.

At one time, the Riga Film Studio created a fairly tolerable screen version of his novel "The whole world in your pocket."

This selection contains the best foreign detective stories - books by famous authors. In the list, you will find the bestsellers that have become famous due to their adaptations in films and TV shows.

Donato Carrisi. Prompter

The main character of the novel is Mila Vasquez. She is a detective who must, together with her team "Albert", look for six girls who are not related to each other in any way. The heroes managed to find a burial with five left hands, which means that the last victim can still be saved from death ...

The novel tells about the police academy of Quebec, which has a notoriety. Corruption and illegal acts of the teaching staff reign here. The main character is a retired senior inspector who became the head of the Academy. His name is Armand Gamache. After a map was found in the wall, Armand instructed the cadets to deal with this, but the matter took an unexpected turn. Farther

Camilla Parker works as a journalist for a small Chicago newspaper. The girl was instructed to write an article about a maniac who takes the lives of schoolgirls by pulling out teeth from victims. In the course of the investigation, it turned out that all city dwellers keep terrible secrets. Farther

People are in mortal danger in the form of wasps, which are capable of taking away human life with just one bite. With all this, they lay eggs in the bodies of their victims. To understand this, the Sigma detachment gets down to business, because only they can prevent this terrible catastrophe that can destroy humanity. Farther

Donato Carrisi. Girl in the fog

The detective story "Girl in the Fog" will focus on the disappearance of a young person named Anna Lu. She went to church, but never made it to her destination. To figure this out, Detective Vogel gets down to business. It was he who attracted media workers to cooperation. But will this help the investigation? Where has Anna gone? Farther

Yu Nesbo. Thirst

Detective Harry has always sought to eliminate crime and bring order to this world. He returned to work in Oslo to catch a serial killer who preys on dating site dating. This brings the hero back to his dark past. Farther

Peter James. Jump over the abyss

Vera Ransom is married to a plastic surgeon. They have a son, Alec. Thanks to her husband, Vera looks great, but for what reason did she have a deep depression? Perhaps it's all about the spouse, who controls every step of the faithful? Farther

Megan Miranda. All the missing girls

Psychologist Nicoletta Farrell is based in Philadelphia and is leading wedding preparations. She left her native land after the disappearance of her friend Corinna. After her brother's call, the girl returned to her father's house, because her father lost his mind, and again repeats about the disappeared friend. In his words, the police find new facts about the missing girl. Soon everything will be revealed, but is the heroine ready for this? Farther

Dan Brown. Lost symbol

Robert Langdon prepares to give a lecture at the National Statue Hall of the Capitol, but suddenly hears a scream. Rushing, he sees a severed hand with a ring on a pedestal. She symbolizes the "Hand of the Mysteries". The main thing is that the owner of the hand is a longtime friend and mentor of Robert, whose name is Peter ...

Joel Dicker. The truth about the Harry Quebert case

Markus Goldman suffers from the fact that his muse has not visited him for a long time, so he goes to his friend, the successful writer Harry Quebert. Harry is accused of long-term murder. Marcus starts his own investigation, and unexpectedly gets advice on how to write a bestseller. Farther

Once again, readers will find the continuation of the adventures of the detective Cormoran Strike and his assistant Robin Ellakot. This time the heroes will be looking for a psycho who kills victims with a machete. In this book, the author will reveal the secrets of the heroes' former lives, so the reader will be able to understand what contributed to the fact that Cormoran and Robin became such personalities. Farther

A group of girls receives a message from their friend Kate, which is exactly the same as 17 years ago when Kate's father died. The heroines have always been inseparable, but got a bad name because they lied to others, but did not lie to each other, playing the game. Now they must come together again to realize that the main rule of their fun has been broken. Farther

Richard always wanted to get into the closed club of the class of ancient culture, but getting here is not so easy. Over time, his dream came true. And so, one day a student of this closed club died, but the perpetrators escaped punishment. Now hard-hitting secrets begin to emerge, turning into a series of tragedies. Farther

Stig Larsson. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

For 40 years now, the elderly tycoon has been worried about the secret disappearance of his relative. He asks for help from a journalist - Mikael Blomkvist, who takes up this case in order to distract himself. But, when he comes close to the solution, the life of a man is in danger. The investigation leads to a quiet town in which hell reigns. Farther

Mayfly. James Hazel

Charlie Priest is a lawyer and former police officer who was assaulted at his own home. The offender demanded what the hero did not have, then the enemy left the house. Very soon they found him impaled. Charlie cannot leave the case without investigation, so he conducts his own investigation. Farther

Jonathan Kellerman. Daughter of a murderer

The main character of the novel is Grace Blades. She is a successful psychotherapist who approaches each patient. The girl has a hobby - casual relationships with strangers. Everything changes when one of her patients turns out to be one of her casual lovers. He was found dead, and the police had a lot of questions for Grace. Farther

Liana Moriarty. Big little lies

The book will tell about three mothers whose children are studying in the same educational institution. Everything is fine in their families, but everyone keeps an impartial secret. How to overcome difficulties in families? What is the cause of domestic violence, misunderstandings and disrespectful behavior? Will these secrets become the subject of everyone's attention? Farther

Robert Bryndza. Dark waters

In this novel, Erica Foster continues her detective investigations. This time the heroine will deal with the case of the girl who disappeared 6 years ago. Recently she was found dead, and Erica gets down to business. Gradually, new facts about the family of the deceased are revealed, and the woman herself fears for her own life ...

Gillian Flynn. Dark secrets

Libby lost all her relatives in early childhood, except for her brother. The girl grew up and turned into an egoist who does not take into account other people's opinions. It was her brother that she blamed for the death of loved ones, but is he guilty? Will Libby be able to accept the truth about the nightmarish event that happened 24 years ago? Farther

The story will tell about a psychiatrist named Mathias Frere. His life was changed after one patient with patient without baggage syndrome. Now the hero is forced to collect crumbs of memories to become what he was before. In addition, several events contributed to the fact that Matthias was accused of murders. Farther

These were the best foreign detectives - books from the most popular world-famous authors. If you've already read something from our list, tell us about your impressions. 😉

Contemporary Australian detective

To say that the Australian detective is little known in our country is to evade the truth that we can only guess about his existence. Meanwhile, the detective genre in Australian literature has ...

Peer reviewed

Cake in a hat box . Arthur Upfield
As it sank into the water . Peter Corris
Sad harvest . Jennifer Rowe

Modern American detective

Rex Stout - one of the oldest and most popular representatives of the detective genre in modern America - was born in 1886. He served in the navy, then changed many professions, began to write in 1912 ...

Peer reviewed

Doorbell . Rex Stout
A sweltering night in the Carolina . John Ball
Last look . Ross Macdonald

Modern English detective

Peer reviewed

Death under sail . Charles P. Snow
Favorite . Dick Francis
Gentleman's Murder . John Le Carré

Modern Bulgarian detective

Contemporary Hungarian detective

It just so happened that books of an action-packed, adventure genre are popular with a wide readership primarily due to their entertainment. Indeed, it would be difficult to dispute that the books of this genre are dynamically narrative, dramatic, unexpected ...

Peer reviewed

Agent # 13 . Andras Berkesi
Black Rose . Tibor Cheresha
Death on the banks of the Danube . Laszlo Andras

Modern Greek detective

It was a cold October 1987. Moscow saw off the plane with truly London fogs, and after a few hours Athens greeted us with a dazzling sun, which was no longer dreamed of after a rainy Moscow summer. In a short ...

Back in Moscow, getting ready for a business trip, I decided: I will definitely find time and meet with the authors of: Modern Greek detective story. And right by the laws of a detective, on the very first evening in the Society of Greek Writers to me ...

In conversations with Ravanis-Rendis about the Greek detective, of course, the name of Yiannis Maris could not but arise. Unfortunately, you will not be able to see Yannis. He died in the seventy-ninth year ... Dimitris pauses for a minute, and ...

I shared my thoughts on the hero of Maris with Antonis Samarakis, the author of the famous Slip, translated into more than three dozen languages ​​and withstood over eighty editions abroad. We met for the first time ten years ago, ...

Modern Spanish detective

The Spanish detective is very young. He is so young that it was not difficult for researchers to determine the date of his birth with an accuracy of a year. The episode about the search for the metric of the firstborn of this genre is interesting ... In the fall of 1981 in ...

The year 1962 ... In the novel of Manuel de Padrolu, Barcelona will appear before us, in which the unbridled repression of Francoism, hunger and poverty, the overwhelming fear, despair and hopelessness of the first years of the fascist regime have already been left behind. The souls of people begin ...

The year 1967 ... García Pavona's novel takes us to the Castilian province, and then to Madrid. Only five years have passed since the Reply of Manuel de Padrol was written. But in the Red Sisters, everywhere we already feel ...

Year 1972… And again we are in Barcelona, ​​where the Spanish economic miracle has come. All around there are signs of the new: Marble floors, glass doors that open themselves as soon as you approach them ... Nice music sounds, and people ...

The protagonist of the series of novels by the Spanish writer Vasquez Montalban, detective Pepe Carvalho, who also belongs to this generation, and some of the six friends-heroes from the novel The Loneliness of a Manager, even remembers from university days ....

Modern Italian detective

For many years it seemed - and not without reason - that the detective genre was not peculiar to Italian literature. In the last century she gave neither Edgar Poe nor Conan Doyle, but in our time in Italy ...

The novel by Carlo Fruttero and Franco Lucentini It Dawned On Sunday (La Donna Della Domenica) was written in 1972 and immediately became a bestseller. This novel significantly strengthened the position of the Italian detective: all the criticism was ...

The novel White-winged Death (La morte con le ali bianche), written in 1977 by also two writers - Massimo Felisatti and Fabio Pittora, is one of their detective series. Strictly speaking, the novels of Felisatti and Pittor ...

Modern Kenyan detective

I think that lovers of detective literature will at first be surprised when this volume falls into their hands, because the developed capitalist countries of the West are considered to be the usual source of this kind of literature. And African literature in the minds of the majority ...

The people of Pretoria, Hilary Ngweno, raise a problem that is extremely important and delicate enough for Kenya. Close economic and political ties with Britain and the United States complicate the position of this independent state in relation to the racist South Africa. Certainly,…

The complexity of the economic situation in Kenya is largely due to the fact that the majority think exclusively about their own selfish interests, and not about the prosperity of the state. So, the great fiction turns out to be solid foreign exchange earnings from the tourist boom….

Contemporary Cuban detective

A modern Cuban detective ... Strictly speaking, there is some redundancy in this phrase, since an antiquated Cuban detective simply does not exist. The history of this genre in Cuba is so short that it fits into some twelve or thirteen years. Cuban criticism calls ...

Modern Nigerian detective

The greatest value of a detective story is that it is the first and only form of popular literature that expresses the poetry of modern life. For an endless time, people lived among the mighty mountains and impenetrable forests, before ...

Peer reviewed

BOSS Fails . Kalu Okpi
Front page news . Garb
Under cover of the night . Phil-Ebozi
Bloody blackmail . Ifrian Ocon

Modern Dutch detective

The detective story traditionally belongs to the genres, the popularity, as they say, doomed, and if not every best-selling detective story, then almost any detective story is a bestseller. In the West, in recent decades, a lot has been written and talked about harsh ...

They say that a detective has no geographical boundaries, the eternal laws of a detective plot are much more important than the national characteristics of his specific incarnations. This is not true. Behind the unshakable rules of constructing a detective story in the best examples of the genre, quite convincing ...

The detective story, as you know, is a kind of duel between the author and the reader. The first one weaves a cunning intrigue, casts a shadow of suspicion on one or the other character, and declares the third one to be the culprit (culprit), which, it would seem, is completely ...

Crime is not a disease, - Philip Marlowe once remarked, the investigative hero of detective novels by the American writer Raymond Chandler. - Crime is a symptom. A symptom of the disease or ailments from which society suffers. Adheres to a dissimilar point of view ...

Modern Norwegian detective

I confess right away: this book is as much a discovery for me as I am sure! - for the vast majority of its future readers. Until now, I had never heard of the existence of a Norwegian detective. That…

Peer reviewed

Forever yours . Gunnar Stolesen
Bastion . Gert Nygordshaug
Unknown partner . Ella Griffith

Modern Polish detective

It has long been known that a classic detective novel is based on a dynamic plot that unfolds in search of an answer to the questions of who, how and why committed a crime (most often murder). The mystery of the crime, which is solved by the main character, a professional detective ...

Peer reviewed

Suicide testament . Jerzy Edigei
White check coat . Kazimierz Korkozovic
What the deceased said . Joanna Khmelevskaya

Contemporary Polish, Czech and Slovak detective

When starting the conversation about the four novels that represent in this collection the modern detective story of Poland and Czechoslovakia, it hardly should be, once again, dwell on the very definition of the genre - today the publication of a detective story does not require any justifying argumentation: ...

Peer reviewed

Operation C-L . Edward Fiker
Highway disaster . Juraj Vag
Opened window . Andrzej Pivovarchik

Contemporary Romanian detective

Modern Finnish detective

This book will come to the reader when the market relations that have arisen or emerged in book publishing practice have already brought with them what inevitably they should have, at least at first, bring: ...

Police novels are usually written in series, united by the figure of the investigator. Each new case is a novel. The investigator can be endowed with outstanding analytical skills, deep penetration into human psychology, personal courage bordering on recklessness (such are many ...

The triumph of evil (although not ultimately remaining unpunished) can be seen in the pages of the novel by Mauri Sariola (1924-1985) Susikoski and the House of Three Women (Susikoski ja kolmen Jaisen Talo, 1984). The action unfolds here as ...

The novel Harjunpää and Blood Vengeance (1984), written by M.U. Joensuu. Matti Yrjana Joensuu (born 1948), a former policeman himself, is the author of many action-packed novels, revealing in ...

Modern French detective

The famous French writer and sociologist Robert Escarpi claims that more than half of the French do not read anything except detective and adventure literature (sometimes its circulation reaches 24 million a year). This interest is still in many ...

Peer reviewed

The engineer loved numbers too much . Boileau-Narsejak
See London and die ... . Paul Alexander and Maurice Roland
Lady with glasses and a gun in the car . Sebastian Japrizo

Modern Czechoslovak detective

Modern Swedish detective

The history of world literature knows a curious paradox. No one managed to repeat the highest rise of geniuses and create a second Hamlet or another War and Peace. Moreover, quite reasonable doubts about the rationality, possibility and ...

Closely following the development of the modern detective story in all its diversity, one cannot fail to notice the process of its growing ideologization, the desire to respond to the most burning problems of our days. Now ideological collisions are characteristic not only of the political ...

The social tendency is obviously strong in K. Arne Blom's novel Someone Backs Up. The writer has won recognition as the author of detective stories - he is a laureate of the Sherlock Holmes Prize. The Soviet reader is familiar with the story of K. Arne Blom Balovnya ...

Crime masters love to keep their readers intrigued by releasing multiple parts of the same story. Many detective publications have been filmed, thus gaining worldwide public recognition.

The author of the criminal genre must have extreme ingenuity and logic, because composing a plot requires thinking through many aspects and subtleties. In this article, we will consider the best works from the most popular domestic and foreign authors.

Detectives: books. List of the best contemporary stories

  • Yu Nesbe - "The Police".

This Norwegian author is capable of creating a truly gripping piece that will impress any pulp fiction lover. This novel is by far the best work of Yu according to the Norwegian critics. In his stories, Nesbe sharply condemns the existing foundations of society and human nature.

A perpetrator is a person whose circumstances have led to the commission of the atrocity. This is the position the author adheres to when creating the plots of his detective stories. The protagonist of the novel has a rather incomprehensible image and a dynamic character. You can easily make friends with him, but at the same time you want to teach him a lesson and show him how to behave.

In the center of the novel is the detective Hole - a man who abuses alcohol, not ashamed to do it even in the workplace. Feeling his impunity, he humiliates his charges and is negligent in the performance of his official duties. All his achievements in solving cases are purely intuitive. The hero almost died in the previous part of the book, so this time he decides to leave the service. Six months later, the bodies of police officers began to appear one by one at the crime scenes that were solved thanks to Hola. The detective does not want to return to his previous activities and prefers to continue to lecture at the local academy. However, soon Hole realizes that he is obliged to solve the crime, because he may become the next victim.

The work tops the Norwegian list. Nesbe's books force the reader to stay in suspense until the very end, which makes the writer's work very popular.

  • Joel Dicker - The Truth About the Harry Quebert Case.

The author of this book just turned 28 years old. Despite his young age, Joel has achieved immense success in the modern writing industry. His books are sold in millions of copies and easily become bestsellers. The story has been translated into over 35 languages ​​and won 8 awards.

This book is really worth paying attention to. The novel tells the story of the writer Marcus, who came to see his friend, driven into a creative crisis, Harry, who is in search of inspiration and new subjects for his future works. In Harry's garden, they find the remains of a little ten-year-old girl who disappeared without a trace more than 30 years ago. In the purse with which she was buried, a manuscript of one of the most famous authors of novels at that time was found. Naturally, all suspicions fall on Harry, who admitted that he and the girls had a romantic relationship. Marcus, wanting to somehow help his friend, begins his own investigation of this crime. The novel tops the list of the best detectives (books of the 21st century).

  • Keith Atkinson - Crimes of the Past.

The novel tells the story of a missing girl who disappeared in just a few minutes from her father's garden. In another family, another girl was found murdered on the evening of the same day. None of the relatives understands why the child was killed, and even in such a cruel way. Two different families, but one grief. What connects them? A loser private detective decided to find an answer to this question, who still cannot develop his ingenuity and begin to solve crimes. But for parents of children, he is the last chance to find out the truth and achieve justice. Further events of the book show that Jackson is not as hopeless as everyone previously thought he was, because it was he who managed to understand what kind of event in the life of families connects everything that happened in one puzzle.

The novel has a gripping dynamic plot. He was added to the list of the best detectives. Atkinson's books were appreciated by Stephen King himself - the guru of the crime genre.

  • Nikolay Svechin - "Warsaw secrets".

Svechin is one of the most successful authors in the Russian detective genre. At one time he was fiercely compared with Akunin, but thanks to critics, he was able to prove that his work is unique and worthy of praise. All of his criminal works have a historical connotation, which is why it becomes doubly interesting to read them. The protagonist of the novel "Warsaw Mysteries" is the nobleman Lykov, who is practically incompetent in his teaching activities, does not know a single foreign language, and this very often lets him down. In the novel, he tries to get to the bottom of the truth about the murder of Russian officers in Warsaw. Svechin's works are the best Russian detective stories. The books, a list of which can be found below in the article, made the author a world famous writer.

  • Jesse Kellerman - Heat.

The title of the book fully justifies the general atmosphere of the work. The action takes place in modern Los Angeles, which is undergoing an earthquake. One of the office employees, Gloria, wants to go to her workplace and check if the collection of her boss figurines is still intact. Going into the reception, she discovers a mass of incoming messages on the answering machine and begins to listen to them. The boss called, and judging by the tone of his voice, he is in danger. But what exactly happened to him is unclear. From the short and abrupt messages, she only understands that he is somewhere in Mexico, where she decided to go.

What works have an impressive rating today? Detectives. The books, the list of which can be continued indefinitely, convey the author's thought much deeper than numerous film adaptations. After all, a person's fantasy has no limit.

Detectives books. List of the best works of Rex Stout

Stout is a cult writer of criminal prose who began writing in the first half of the 20th century. To this day, his books remain one of the most demanded in the world. Wolfe and Goodwin, who are known to everyone, are the heroes of Rex's novels. However, in addition to them, the author's arsenal contains more than fifty books of a criminal nature. Let's list the most interesting and exciting ones:

  • "Red Thread" (1939).
  • The Broken Vase (1941).
  • Bad for the cause (1940).
  • “Prize for Princes (1914) - topped the rating, which described the best foreign detectives (books), a list of which can always be found in any library.
  • The Big Legend (1916).

Books by authors from CIS countries

Alexandra Marinina is a popular author of exciting detective novels, which are not inferior to eminent Western creations with their twisted and interesting plot. The writer's works literally fly off the shelves of bookstores in the first month of sales. Marinina is one of the most successful women in Russia who write detective stories.

Boris Akunin is a cult author of the Russian detective genre. His series of books about Fandorin's adventures has been read by over 5,000,000 people around the world. Thanks to this, his works were included in the rating "The Best Russian Detectives" Books, the list of which is quite impressive, never ceases to amaze and fascinate their readers.

Rating of authors of psychological detective stories

  • John Le Caret. His works occupy leading positions in the Psychological Detectives rating. Books (the list of the best authors is impressive) are scattered in huge circulations.
  • James Elroy.
  • Alexandra Marinina.
  • Polina Dashkova.
  • Agatha Christie.

Popular stories of the 21st century

  • Sarah Waters - Fine Work.

The scene of the novel is foggy and cold London. In the center of the plot is Susan's girlfriend, whose parents died when she was several months old. A certain Miss Saxby, a child trafficker, is raising a little girl. Despite this, Susan is happy with her life and tries to appreciate what she has. One day, the girl is tasked with deceiving the wealthy heir to the throne.

In the article section, we describe the best detective stories - books, the list of which is not so long. After reading them, you will definitely not be disappointed.

  • Andrews Taylor - The Mystery of Edgar Poe.

The book was published in 2010. The story is told from the perspective of the school teacher Thomas, who meets Edgar. It was after this meeting that the teacher's life changed dramatically.

  • Cormac McCarthy - No Country for Old Men.

This novel by a rather famous American classic has become popular among fans of stories with an interesting plot. After all, the book is rightfully included in the top, which covers the best foreign detectives (books), the list of which is very diverse.

Popular works on which the film adaptation was filmed

Dennis Lehane - The Secret River. The film received positive reviews from film critics, which is quite rare in film adaptations. The film will surely appeal to fans of action and action movies.

  • Thomas Harris - Hannibal (2001).
  • Thomas Harris - Hannibal II (2006).
  • Retner Brett - The Red Dragon.
  • Thomas Harris - The Silence of the Lambs (1990). As you can see, in this list, the author takes three honorable places, because his creations are cult samples of the world detective novel. It is not for nothing that his works have topped the list of the best detectives many times. The books of this writer were published in many languages.
  • Flynn Gillian - Before I Fall Asleep (2002).

Best Detective Fiction Authors

  • Agatha Christie.
  • Thomas Harris is an author whose works are known all over the world, because they were filmed and achieved overwhelming success at the box office. Even today, based on Thomas's books, remakes and serials are filmed.
  • Boris Akunin.
  • Sarah Waters.

  • Kate Atkinson is the author of over fifty detective novels for women, which not only tell about love stories, but also draw the reader into a whirlwind of strange events and mysterious investigations. Her works have topped the list of the best detectives many times. Books of this genre are in great demand.
  • Truman Capote is a famous American author of detective novels, who became famous all over the world thanks to extraordinary and exciting plots that take the reader into the abyss of intricate events that subsequently have an unexpected outcome.

Detective books about love

  • Simone Vilar - The Witch. These are four books that have a poignant plot and at the same time elements of a love story that any girl will love.
  • Simone Vilar - The Secret Castle.
  • Sandra May - Melodies of Spring.
  • Linda Medl - "Whisper of Flowers".
  • Doris Mortman - True Colors. The work is included in the authoritative rating "The Best Detectives". The books, the list of which is very impressive, are regularly updated with new interesting stories.
  • Ray Morgan - "Paradise Vacation"
  • Karin Monk - "Your Gentle Word."
  • Karin Monk - "The Prisoner".
  • Eva Modigliani - "The Heiress".
  • Eva Modigliani - "The woman of his whole life."

Dan Brown Detectives

Dan Brown is one of the most popular contemporary authors. Fans of his books are eagerly awaiting a new story about the adventures of Robert Langdon, a specialist in symbolism of the Ancient World.

Almost all of his existing novels are filmed or are in the process of making a film. All of Brown's stories have a powerful backstory that will interest any reader. Agree, who is not interested in the long-standing legends about Freemasons and Illuminati? Below is a list of several of Dan's most successful books, along with a summary of their storyline:

Addictive detective stories for kids

There are many authors who focus on creating detective books for children and teenagers. Of course, such works have a twisted investigative plot without any elements of cruelty. The best Russian detective stories (books), a list for children:

  1. Sergey Task - "The Secret of the Red Cat".
  2. Nikolay Trublaini - "Columbus".
  3. Anatoly Rybakov - "Kortik".

The above children's books are more like adventure novels, however, they have elements of investigations, therefore they are classified as the genre of Russian children's detective literature.