Custard in milk for napoleon recipe. Cream for "Napoleon" with condensed milk and butter

... um, and now many people remember their childhood, how mother or grandmother smeared beautiful ruddy and crispy cakes, and gave the rest of the cream to us, and how delicious it was to scrape off the sides of the saucepan or just lick off the whisk .. but it was a long time ago. Today there are many recipes for custard for Napoleon and every housewife has her own, branded recipe. We offer you some simple recipes not only for Napoleon, but also for straws, eclairs, honey cakes and pancakes.

  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 250 grams of milk;
  • 300 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 4 tbsp flour;
  • ½ tsp. vanilla sugar.

Mix half of the milk with flour, preferably stir well with a mixer so that no lumps remain.

Mix the other half of the milk with vanilla sugar, put on medium heat and bring to a boil. As soon as the milk begins to boil, pour in the whipped milk-flour mixture, stirring in a thin stream. Without stopping stirring, bring to a boil (the mixture should thicken), remove from heat, cool.

Beat the softened butter with powdered sugar and mix with the prepared cooled cream.

Grease the cakes with the prepared cream. Bon Appetit.

Ingredients for the custard:

  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • 3 yolks;
  • 2 tbsp flour;
  • 285 ml. milk;
  • 200 grams of butter.

Grind the egg yolks thoroughly with sugar and add the sifted flour to them, stir everything well again. Then in this egg-flour mixture, without ceasing to stir, pour 175 grams of cold milk, bring to a homogeneous mass.

Put the remaining milk (110 grams) over medium heat. As soon as the milk begins to boil, pour the prepared egg-milk mixture into it in a thin stream with constant stirring. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, so as not to burn. Remove from heat, cool.

Gradually add softened butter to the cooled prepared cream and beat with a mixer. The cream is ready, you can apply it to the cakes. Bon Appetit.

Ingredients for the custard:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 3 tbsp flour.

We combine sugar, eggs and flour in a saucepan, grind everything thoroughly until smooth and gradually add milk, if you have a lot of time, you can pour milk in several tablespoons and thereby gradually mix everything, and if your time is limited, you can just use a mixer and pour in all the milk in 2-3 doses.

So, the milk was combined with a sugar-egg-flour mixture without a single lump and put on medium heat.

Stir constantly so as not to burn, bring the mixture to a boil. Once boiled, remove from heat, let cool. Then in the cooled cream gradually 1-2 tbsp. spoons add softened butter (if you do not have time, you can beat 100 grams thoroughly and again 100 grams and beat everything again) and beat thoroughly.

Thus, your cream will turn out to be airy and light. butter and milk will combine well. Your Napoleon Cream is ready. Bon Appetit.

Ingredients for the custard:

  • ½ liter of milk;
  • 180 grams of sugar;
  • 3 yolks or 2 eggs;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • 3 tbsp flour or starch;
  • 150 ml. cream 35% (can be replaced with 200 grams of heavy oil);
  • ½ vanilla pod or 1 tsp vanilla sugar.

Pour milk into a separate saucepan, add half the sugar and half the seed pod of vinyl (if you do not have a vanilla pod, add vanilla sugar). Put on medium heat and bring to a boil.

Cool, remove the vanilla pod from the milk.
Then pour sifted flour or starch and the remaining sugar into a separate bowl, mix everything thoroughly, and gradually pour into the cooled mass, without ceasing to stir, so that there are no lumps.

The resulting homogeneous mass, stirring again, put on fire and bring to a boil. If you use starch in the cream, keep in mind that the future cream needs to be kept on fire for 2-3 minutes after boiling, if you use flour, you can remove it from the heat as soon as the cream thickens. When using cornstarch, there will definitely be lumps, so we advise you to pass it through a fine sieve, a little troublesome, but on the other hand, custard is much tastier on cornstarch than on flour or potato starch.

Add softened butter to the resulting homogeneous mass and beat thoroughly and leave to cool completely. At the same time, it is advisable to tightly cover the saucepan with cling film so that the film itself completely covers the cream, so you can avoid the formation of a thickened crust on the cream.

The completely cooled cream must be refrigerated for 4-5 hours, or preferably overnight. Then, after the expiration date, remove the cream. Thoroughly beat the well-chilled nipples until foamy and mix with the cream. When using butter instead of cream, you need to - beat the softened butter with a mixer until a homogeneous fluffy mass, and gradually whipping add cold cream to it. Beat all over again and ... all the cream for Napoleon is ready. This cream can be used for filling various cakes and eclairs. Bon Appetit.

Ingredients for the custard:

  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1.5 tbsp. Lod. flour;
  • 300 grams of butter;
  • 2 tbsp walnuts;
  • A pinch of vanillin or vanilla sugar.

Our first step is to beat eggs with sugar, mix the resulting mixture with milk, flour and vanilla, bring to a homogeneous mass and put on medium heat, while stirring constantly so that it does not burn. Bring to almost a boil, remove from heat and cool.

The nuts can be lightly fried, this is how you want, and we pass them through a blender.

Add softened butter and nuts crushed in a blender to the cooled cream, beat everything thoroughly again. So your nutty custard for Napoleon is ready. Bon Appetit.

This simple recipe is suggested when you are pressed for time and with minimal use of products.

Ingredients for the custard:

  • 2 glass of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tbsp flour;
  • 1 cup of sugar.

1 cooking option: Beat all the ingredients for the cream with a mixer until smooth and put on medium heat. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, cool and beat again.
Option 2: In a bowl, mix 1 glass of milk, eggs and flour, beat well until smooth.

In another saucepan, combine the remaining milk (1 glass) with sugar and put on fire. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, gradually pour the prepared milk-egg mass into it in a trickle. Bring to a boil with constant stirring. Cool and beat thoroughly again. Bon Appetit.

Ingredients for the custard:

  • 400 grams of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp flour;
  • 2 tsp butter;
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar.

Mix eggs with flour until smooth.

Mix milk with sugar and bring to a boil.

As soon as the milk boils, it must be poured in a thin stream with the egg-flour mixture, while the latter is constantly stirring.

Mix the resulting mass thoroughly until the lumps disappear and put it back on low heat. Stir until thickened and remove from heat.

Add vanilla sugar and butter, mix everything thoroughly until sugar is completely dissolved, cool. When the cream has cooled down, beat again with a mixer. The cream is ready. Bon Appetit.

Ingredients for the custard:

  • 250 grams of milk;
  • 2 tbsp Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp flour;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • 0.5 cans of condensed milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • Pine nuts;
  • Vanillin optional.

Mix milk with 2 tablespoons of sugar, flour, egg and vanilla. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth and put on medium heat. Bring to a boil with constant stirring, cool.

Add softened butter and condensed milk to the cooled mass and beat thoroughly again. Pine nuts can be lightly toasted, chopped and added to the ready-made cream, or sprinkled on top of the cake. Bon Appetit.

Ingredients for the custard:

  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 2 tsp flour;
  • 2 tsp Sahara;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • 200 grams of condensed milk;
  • Vanilla optional.

Pour milk into a separate saucepan, add sugar and flour, stir everything well and put on medium heat. Bring to a boil with constant stirring, cool.

Add softened butter and condensed milk to the chilled cream and beat everything thoroughly again at high speed, if desired, add vanilla or vanilla sugar. Bon Appetit.

Ingredients for the custard:

  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 1-2 glasses of sugar (depending on how sweet you are);
  • ½ cup flour;
  • 900 ml. milk;
  • 300 grams of butter.

Boil the milk in a separate saucepan.

Beat the yolks well, then, without ceasing to beat, add sugar and flour to them. Bring the mass to a homogeneous state.

Then gradually add hot milk in a thin stream to the resulting mass. Stir thoroughly until the lumps disappear and put on medium heat.

Boil. Add butter, beat again and cool. If necessary, stir again after cooling. Bon Appetit.

Step-by-step recipes for making cream for the Napoleon cake: classic custard, without eggs in fifteen minutes, with condensed milk and butter, chocolate, with ice cream "Plombir", lemon cream

2018-04-06 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams of ready-made dish

3 gr.

18 gr.


26 gr.

283 kcal.

Option 1: The classic recipe for Napoleon cake cream

Traditionally, for the Napoleon cake, custard is prepared from premium flour, fat milk, butter over 70%, sugar. Some housewives add vanillin to the classic cream, but this is already one of the improvisations. We will prepare several types of delicious cream for this wonderful dessert. You can choose the classics if you are cooking for the first time, and for more experienced housewives, various improvisations and combinations are offered.


  • four tablespoons of wheat flour;
  • four hens eggs;
  • a liter of fat milk;
  • five hundred grams of granulated sugar;
  • five hundred grams of oil drain not less than 70%.

Step-by-step recipe for Napoleon cake cream

For the convenience of preparing the cream, we will use kitchen equipment. Beat all the eggs into a bowl, add the sifted flour to them and beat fluffy with a blender.

Pour milk into a saucepan, bring it to almost a boil and add all the sugar. While stirring the mass, dissolve all the granulated sugar crystals.

Sweet milk should be kept on low heat. We pour the egg-flour mass into it, working with a whisk constantly.

We simmer the mixture until thickened, without ceasing to knead. And then remove from heat and let cool to a barely warm state.

Soften the butter while cooling the thick mixture. We take it out of the refrigerator and keep it in a warm place.

We transfer it to a saucepan, and add the cooled cream with a thin stream. At the same time, we punch the mass with a blender with a whisk attachment.

When the mass becomes homogeneous, at low speeds we bring the cream to a fluffy mass. If the cream is still warm, let it cool completely.

So, everything is ready, now you can start forming the cake and greasing the cakes.

Option 2: Quick recipe for Napoleon cake cream

Let's prepare the cream in a quarter of an hour. This time we will do without chicken eggs. This amount of cream should be enough to soak one cake. During cooking, we need a mixer, a whisk and a saucepan.


  • five hundred ml of milk;
  • three tablespoons of flour;
  • one hundred grams of oil drain;
  • one hundred and sixty grams of granulated sugar.

How to quickly prepare cream for the Napoleon cake

Take the pan with a thick bottom. Pour milk into it and add the specified amount of flour and stir with a whisk until all the lumps are dissolved.

We put the pan on fire and bring to a boil, constantly stirring the milk flour mass.

As the mixture begins to thicken, our movements become more intense - the whisk does not stop.

As soon as bubbling bubbles appear on the surface, remove the pan from heat and cool slightly.

Put soft butter in a bowl, add sugar and stir with a spoon until smooth.

We shift the cooled mass to sweet soft butter and punch with a mixer until smooth.

When the mixture becomes fluffier, without lumps and sugar crystals, the cake cream is ready!

Note: This cream is universal, it can be used for various baked goods, for example, eclairs, cakes and muffins.

Option 3: Cream for Napoleon cake with condensed milk and butter

Condensed milk is ideal for making cream. Since it is already sweet, you do not need to add granulated sugar. Butter will make the cream more greasy, give it a dense texture - the cream will not only saturate the cakes, but will also be a full-fledged layer for the cake.


  • a jar of condensed milk made from natural milk - about 250-280 gr;
  • quintuple gr oil drain 73%;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • two to three tablespoons of flour.

Step by step recipe

We take out the oil from the refrigerator and leave it for half an hour or an hour in the kitchen to soften it. We put it in a saucepan, add condensed milk and stir until smooth.

For convenience, use a mixer or blender.

We put the container on low heat and add milk. By the way, it can be of any fat content. However, farm milk is best for the cream.

As our mixture heats up, we stir it constantly. We introduce flour a little bit, kneading the mass.

When you have used up all the flour, stir a little and turn off the heat. Wait for the cream to cool completely and beat a little.

Use the cooled and whipped cream for leather impregnation.

Option 4: Chocolate cream for Napoleon cake

Chocolate cream complements any dessert perfectly. In addition, if the classic cakes were prepared without cocoa and chocolate, then you get a beautiful contrast from light layers of dough and dark cream. And when everything is soaked, you get a very tasty, soft cake that melts in your mouth.


  • two tablespoons of flour;
  • a quarter of a liter of fat milk, not less than 3.2%;
  • three hundred grams of sugar;
  • two tablespoons of cocoa.

How to cook

We use only high-quality butter, do not buy spreads, do not replace with margarine - we need a tasty and correct cream.

We soften it at room temperature and put it in a saucepan.

Pour all the sugar into a container with soft butter and grind into a homogeneous mass. Then we put on the lowest heat on the stove.

Pour in all the milk and start stirring, first until smooth, then to keep hot. Do not boil the mass, otherwise time will not work.

Pour flour in portions, continuing to work with a spoon or a whisk. Then add cocoa over the tea bed and stir.

Let the cream cool completely and beat with a blender. It can even be placed in the refrigerator before whipping.

Option 5: Cream for Napoleon cake with Sundae ice cream

Ice cream perfectly diversifies the usual classic cake cream. It is not expensive, you can easily buy it in any store. Try making custard with ice cream, you will be pleasantly surprised.


  • six hundred grams of Plombir ice cream;
  • three large eggs;
  • one and a half glass of sugar;
  • four glasses of milk;
  • four hundred grams of oil drain;
  • vanillin optional.

Step by step recipe

Butter and ice cream must be naturally softened. Leave at room temperature or in a warm place.

Break the eggs into a bowl, beat until fluffy and add sugar. Beat again until fluffy.

Heat milk in a saucepan over low heat. It is important that it does not boil, but becomes a little more than warm.

Put butter and ice cream in warm milk and melt, stirring constantly with a whisk.

Pour the whipped sweet egg mixture into a warm, but not hot mass. Introduce in a thin stream, stirring with a whisk or spoon.

Now you can add a couple of pinches of vanillin to your liking, and then pour the flour through a sieve. Now you need to actively stir everything in order to quickly dissolve all the lumps.

Remove from heat and let the mixture cool, and then beat until fluffy - the cream is ready.

Option 6: Lemon cream for Napoleon cake

Such a cream gives a slight sourness to the dessert, refreshes and pleasantly surprises your family. It is very simple and quick to prepare.


  • two hundred grams of oil drain at least 70%;
  • a quarter liter of fat milk;
  • two hundred grams of sugar;
  • one lemon;
  • three tablespoons of flour to thicken.

How to cook

We take out the oil from the refrigerator, put it in a saucepan and leave it in the kitchen for an hour and a half or two - let it soften.

Rinse the lemon thoroughly, scoop the zest off it with a fine grater. Squeeze the juice - we will add it to taste

Pour sugar into butter, add zest and pour lemon juice. The more juice you pour, the stronger the sourness will be felt.

Stir everything until smooth.

Heat the milk until warm and pour into the mixture. Mix everything well and put on low heat.

To prevent the cream from curdling due to lemon juice, you need to constantly and intensively knead with a spoon or a whisk.

Don't let it boil, just keep it hot.

Pour flour in small portions, while kneading the cream and looking at the consistency. If it has already thickened, the lumps have dissolved, but there is still flour left, we no longer add it. Remove from heat and let cool completely. Then put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Before using the cream, remove from the refrigerator and whisk.

As the old recipes for Napoleon cake advise, we take puff pastry, bake a large number of cakes and grease them with custard in milk and eggs. But not everyone loves the classic recipe for this delicacy and try to diversify it by applying a non-standard cream to such baked goods. But not all impregnations are suitable for puff pastry. For example, one could soak all the cakes with ordinary boiled condensed milk. Believe me, the cake will turn out to be very tasty and sweet. But in this case, almost three standard jars of this dairy product will have to be spent per kilogram of dough.

If you make an ordinary butter cream with condensed milk, then of course, you will need a little less products, but this type of fondant does not soak puff cakes too well and they often remain dry and lifeless.

We will try to figure out which cream will saturate all the cakes better and at the same time be so tasty and tender that you will not pull anyone by the ears from this baking.

Variety of recipes for Napoleon cake cream

It is better to consider everything in order and first of all, nevertheless, highlight the classic recipe for impregnation for this cake based on a liter of milk.

What will go into the custard:

  • Milk - 1 liter;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar sand - 1 glass;
  • Butter - 200 gr.;
  • Wheat flour, sifted - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Naturally, since we are preparing a simple custard, then first of all we will need a saucepan or stewpan, which will include almost all of the above products. Since the mass is not required to keep its shape, the butter can not be whipped beforehand, but simply softened by taking it out of the refrigerator.

Now we mix the rest of the ingredients.

We break the eggs and grind them with granulated sugar, then sift the flour directly into the dish and mix all the ingredients again. Next, you need to add milk in small portions and stir or beat with a mixer all the time, giving the mass a homogeneous consistency. When all the milk has entered the preparation, put the pan on medium heat, and while stirring, wait for the boil.

Next, cook the fudge over low heat, stirring continuously until the mass thickens.

Add softened butter to the finished fondant and beat the whole cream until smooth.

The finished impregnation must be cooled to room temperature, and only after that coat the cake with it.

But this is not the only Napoleon cream that is easy to make at home. Most of the impregnations for this cake have a thinner consistency, so I usually overcook the classic custard for this cake a little. Nothing that it flows down the sides - just a little bit. But the cakes are well soaked, and the cake melts in your mouth.

In order to make a more delicate cake, you can soak it with cream and cream.

Since butter is still a somewhat heavy product, and whipped cream is lighter and tastier.

Napoleon cake cream contains the following ingredients:

  • Milk 2.5, 3.2% fat - 0.5 liters;
  • Sugar - 180 gr.;
  • Chicken eggs - 3 yolks;
  • Butter - 50 gr.;
  • Flour of the highest quality - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Cream with 35% fat content - 150 gr.

The recipe is somewhat different from the previous one, since it uses heated or even boiled milk. At the very beginning, mix the entire volume of milk with half the norm of sugar and put on low heat. Lovers of vanilla flavor can put a vanilla pod in this liquid, which must be removed after the milk boils.

In another bowl, mix the yolks with the remaining sugar and flour.

We grind this mixture thoroughly and start pouring milk in small portions. The fondant must be constantly stirred to avoid the formation of unnecessary and unpleasant-tasting lumps. Next, we boil our mass again, stirring constantly, waiting for the required impregnation consistency. When the mass thickens, then remove it from the heat, cool it for a couple of hours at room temperature, and then another night in the refrigerator. In this case, the vessel with impregnation must be well and very tightly covered with cling film.

The next day, first whip the chilled cream until a thick foam, then we begin to combine the cream with the prepared workpiece. The mass must be constantly beaten. The result is the most delicate cake cream.

Impregnation recipe for puff pastry cakes with mascarpone cream cheese.

Of course, this type of fondant is usually used as an independent dessert, but it is just as well suited for Napoleonic dough. It is no more difficult to make than a regular cream made from milk or cream.

Consider the components of this fondant:

  • Mascarpone - 350 gr.;
  • Condensed milk - 250 gr.;
  • Cream 35% fat - 350 gr.;
  • Raspberry - 200 gr.;
  • Sugar sand - 40 gr.

In order to prepare a cake and smear it with fondant from mascarpone cream cheese, the puff pastry cakes must be soaked with high quality, otherwise the cake will turn out to be dry. In this case, we will use raspberries, although you can take any berry. Whichever you like, use that one to cook the syrup. Also, to cook berry napoleon in winter, you can use ready-made jam available in your own bins.

The recipe for making the impregnation is very similar to the usual cooking of jam.

First, let's prepare exactly the syrup, since each cake needs to be soaked. After all, the puff pastry cooked in the oven is very dry, and it is somewhat problematic to eat it in this form.

Cook raspberries with sugar over low heat.

Do not boil it down too much, the main thing is that it gives juice. The prepared syrup must be cooled, therefore it is better to make it before making the main mascarpone fondant. Next, we prepare the fondant, with which, in addition to the layer of cakes, we will decorate the cake itself from all sides.

To do this, beat cream cheese with the wonderful name mascarpone with a mixer, adding condensed milk in small portions. You need to add 1-2 tablespoons and beat constantly. After the mass takes on a uniform appearance. In a pre-cooled dish, beat the cream until thick foam. When both substances are ready, we begin to combine them into a homogeneous fondant.

Now, just like adding condensed milk, we begin to mix whipped cream in 1-2 tablespoons. Someone says that the resulting mass of mascarpone and cream must be continued to beat with a mixer, but my recipe says that both masses must be mixed with a spatula as you would prepare a biscuit and introduce whipped proteins into it. Gently from bottom to top.

The finished mass does not need to be cooled or heated - it can be immediately applied to the cakes.

But as mentioned above, the puff pastry is dry and to assemble the napoleon with the berry, you must first saturate each crust with berry syrup, and then apply the mascarpone fondant. To make such a cake beautiful and festive, it is necessary to fully calculate the number of cakes and divide the entire volume of the cream so that it is enough to decorate the top of the cake and its side parts.

The mascarpone fondant recipe is very suitable for decorating a puff pastry cake and making not only delicious, but also a very beautiful holiday dessert. As you can see, the recipe for the cream itself does not contain added sugar, since the fondant turns out to be sweet due to the use of condensed milk. But this decoration has one significant drawback - mascarpone cheese is too expensive in many parts of our country and not many can afford to make this dessert. But at the same time, mascarpone can be replaced with any other cream cheese that is sold in many supermarkets in the country.

A festive version of the preparation of puff pastry cream for the world-famous Napoleon.

Cream cheese fudge gives the whole cake some airiness, and I called this recipe festive because the impregnation is a little drunk from Amaretto.

We will make a Napoleon cake from puff pastry with an Italian touch.

This will require:

  • Puff pastry - 1-1.2 kg.;
  • Mascarpone cheese - 200 gr.;
  • Liqueur Amaretto - 80 ml.;
  • Yolks - 20 pcs.;
  • Wheat flour of the highest quality - 12 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp.;
  • Milk - 2.5 liters.

First, you need to prepare the cakes, bake them and cut them to shape, and only then start preparing the layer for the mascarpone and milk cakes. It turns out quite a lot of cream, so there should be at least 15 cakes.

We cook almost like an ordinary custard, when you start reading the recipe, you will realize that we are simply replacing butter with cream cheese.

Beat the yolks with sugar and flour.

We mix everything thoroughly, then we heat the milk and pour it first 1/3 into the prepared mass. Beat everything thoroughly with a mixer, and then pour the remaining milk into the mass and beat again. Put the saucepan with the initial stage of the layer on low heat and cook until the cream thickens. This impregnation must be constantly stirred, and even when removed from the heat and added liquor - stir the mass for about 5 minutes more.

Further, the custard will cool, and during this time you need to whip the cream cheese into a thick but pliable mass. When both components are in the same weight category, or rather have the same temperature, then we begin to add cheese to the blank and beat well.

After both masses are combined, the cream can be used to layer the cakes and decorate the cake. You will get the most delicious puff pastry Napoleon, which does not even know about the presence of condensed milk. Such a cake will become not only a decoration of the table, but also a favorite dish of the family. Since the recipe itself contains a huge amount of yolks, I immediately make custard protein cream and meringue from the proteins, with which I decorate the baked goods a little. The rest of the bezeshki will go as a sweet treat for all home children.

Napoleon cake

How to make a delicious cream for Napoleon cake at home - a step-by-step recipe with a video. The cream can be different: custard, creamy, and also chocolate

15 minutes

210 kcal

5/5 (3)

Napoleon - this word does not recall the famous French commander, but a piece of a sweet, delicate, aromatic dessert.

Who does not know the famous homemade Napoleon cake with custard! Probably, there is not a single woman in our country who has not tried to bake this delicious dessert at least once. There are a great many recipes for this most delicious cake - everyone prepares it in their own way, adding their favorite ingredients to make the cake even tastier. And the main role is played here tender soft and tasty layer between the cakes Is a cream.

How to make Napoleon cake custard at home? After all, the cream can be different: custard, creamy, and also with fillers.

Today we will look at a few recipes for Napoleon cake cream that I love to cook, they will work for other cakes as well.

Napoleon cake custard

Step-by-step photo recipe for Napoleon cake cream. To prepare it, we need from 10 to 20 minutes time, depending on how much cream I prepare and how quickly the milk boils.

For the custard, we need:

It is advisable to take dishes for this cream stainless steel, as when boiled in a simple aluminum saucepan, the cream acquires a slightly grayish tint. And in any case, do not beat an egg in such a bowl for the same reason.

Making the custard

I also like to add po to this cream. 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa powder... Then it acquires a light chocolate shade and taste. Add cocoa powder at the very beginning, rubbing the egg with sugar.

You can beat the cooled cream with a mixer to acquire a fluffy mass, but this will not change the taste. Therefore, I always skip this procedure.

Video recipe

In this video, you can see how quickly and easily Napoleon cake custard is prepared. The only difference is the number of products and the way they are processed. But the technique remains the same:

The most interesting thing is that history has not preserved data on where this cake came from and who made it. According to some rumors, Napoleon himself came up with the recipe for the cake at the moment when his wife found him with one of the maids of honor. According to the emperor's excuse, he shared with the maid of honor the invented dessert. And it turned out to be our famous, everyone's favorite cake.

You can also do. For your attention the following recipe.

Creamy cream with condensed milk

This cream, which I love to make, is made with condensed milk.

For such a cream you will need:

  • Condensed milk - 1 can.
  • Butter - 250 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar - ½ sachet.

It is advisable to beat such a cream with a mixer or blender, then the cream acquires a slight fluffiness. You can also beat it by hand, but it will take a little more time and effort.

For the preparation of such a cream takes 5-10 minutes.

Cooking condensed milk cream

You can add to the cream 1-2 tablespoons of brandy or liquor to enhance the aroma.
This cream is suitable for the most delicate and delicious.

Video recipe

Another version of the creation of the cake Napoleon says that it was invented by the French pastry chef Upper, who decided to flatter the emperor. He took the Royal Galette pie, smeared one part with custard, the other with cream and strawberry jam. He folded the cakes, alternating cream, and cut into triangles. According to this version, this is how the Napoleon cake turned out.

Butter custard

For this cream takes 5-10 minutes time.
In this recipe, the flour is replaced by potato starch, but it still remains a delicious cream for the Napoleon cake.

For the cream we take:

  • Milk - 0.5 l.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 glass.
  • Potato starch - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Butter - 100 gr.

Cooking method

Video recipe

I simplified the way to make the butter custard, but it didn’t affect the taste or texture in any way. For those wishing to adhere to all the rules of preparation, I suggest a link to the video. It shows in detail how to make butter cream for Napoleon cake:

The version widespread in Russia says that Napoleon's cake (more precisely, a pastry) was prepared in 1912 for the 100th anniversary of the victory over the Emperor Napoleon. The puff dessert was sliced ​​into triangles, which seemed to hint at Bonaparte's triangular headdress. In fact, it doesn't matter where and how this cake appeared - the main thing is that it took a solid place on our holiday table.

Most delicious custard for Napoleon cake, in my opinion - this is a chocolate custard... I really love chocolate and, whenever possible, always try to make a chocolate cream for any cake.

Chocolate custard cream

Time for this cream it will take up to half an hour... If you don't want to wait for the cream to cool by itself, you can put it in a bowl of cold water and, stirring it, bring it to the desired temperature. Time will be cut in half.

For chocolate custard you need:

  • Milk - 1 glass.
  • Potato starch or flour - 2 tbsp spoons.
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar or powdered sugar - 1/3 cup.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Chocolate - 100 gr.
  • Vanillin - 2 gr.

Cooking the cream like this

The light aroma of chocolate fills the kitchen. Immediately you imagine a picture with a slight touch of romance and nostalgia: you are at the burning fireplace, in a comfortable armchair. In the hands of a cup of hot chocolate. Next on the table is a saucer with your favorite delicacy. Warm and calm.

Video recipe

Napoleon cake cream can be put walnut kernels, peanuts, hazelnuts, hazelnuts, after frying and chopping them. Each type of nut gives Napoleon a light nutty flavor that will not spoil the taste of your favorite delicacy in any way.

You can also add to the cream berry puree, jam, preserves... To do this, instead of the whole amount of milk, put half in the recipe, and add the other half with berry puree, jam or jam, depending on your taste preferences. Each additional ingredient gives the cake its own special flavor.

How to determine which cream is tastier and better? I cannot recommend a specific recipe. This is impossible - after all, everyone has their own taste, their own preferences. And you can only determine which cream for Napoleon cake is better by yourself, preparing those recipes that you liked.

Describing cream recipes can take a long time. Each has its own quantity of products, its own methods of preparation. I described the basic recipes for Napoleon cake cream. I use them all the time.

But you probably have recipes that are tastier, or those that do not require heat treatment.

I would be happy to read your options. Write, supplement, suggest, discuss. Let's share our recipes.

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