Green kitchen with yellow wallpaper. What wallpaper to choose for a green kitchen. Green color and styles

Lime color is the personification of spring, freshness and the awakening of nature. The presence of this color in interior design can bring a charge of vivacity, vitality and joyful mood. Shades of green in the decor of domestic premises are used quite often and never go out of style. This bright color becomes especially relevant in the design of the kitchen space.

Pros and cons of the kitchen in light green tones

Before you opt for the design of a salad kitchen, you need to study and take into account all the features, advantages and disadvantages of this color.

Let's start with the positives:

  • All shades of green, including light green, have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person.
  • Juicy green color in the kitchen space will give the feeling of a picnic in nature, among fresh vegetation, which will certainly cheer you up and increase your appetite.
  • Green shades in the design are universal, they harmoniously fit into rooms of any size and almost any direction: from a small cozy eco-style kitchen to a large modernly designed kitchen-dining room.

In addition to the above advantages, this choice also has disadvantages, namely:

  • Any bright shades are specific in that they can quickly become boring.
  • Light green color in the interior should be present in moderation, it should not be too much, otherwise you can overload the room being decorated. Therefore, planning a bright green interior should be approached very carefully.

Shade palette

Like any other color, light green has many different tones and midtones, each of which is able to create its own unique mood in the room.

So, for example, light and delicate tones of light green color, quite often used in the country direction, will create a cozy and serene atmosphere of tranquility in the kitchen.

But deeper and richer shades of light green will provide a great mood, give vigor and energy for the whole day. Such tones, as a rule, are used in modern design styles, characterized by clarity and rigor of lines and shapes.

Everyone will definitely be able to choose for themselves the most suitable design option for a bright green interior. Here it is important to skillfully and competently apply a diverse palette of light green shades and combine them with other colors.

When creating a salad kitchen design, you can focus on several styles, including: eco-style, country. Each of these styles will organically fit into the tone in question in its own way.

The freshness of the color of the salad is perfect for decorating the kitchen in an eco-style. Green shades in combination with the color of natural wood look very natural and harmonious. This is especially true for an interior with predominantly warm shades and a light, delicate background.

Natural shades, natural materials, simplicity of design create a unique atmosphere of comfort, harmony and unity with nature.

Wicker or wooden furniture will look advantageous against the background of green walls. And the light green decor (bright fruit vases, plain dishes, rich shade curtains) will successfully echo the greenery of indoor plants.

A bright green kitchen looks unique in a minimalist style. This direction of decor is characterized by a large amount of light, an abundance of free space and the maximum simplicity of forms. The same is required for the design of the kitchen in light green color. In addition, color saturation will help dilute the austerity of a minimalist setting and add a bright mood to the kitchen interior.

The main principles of the high-tech direction are rigor and restraint. The brightness of lime greens in the kitchen interior will add dynamism and dilute the monochrome of this style.

Art Nouveau style implies muted natural shades and smooth lines. That is why for a kitchen of this style it is worth choosing a soft and translucent shade of light green color. You can choose it as a background, painting the walls with it, or make it the main one for decorating furniture facades.

Country style is closeness to nature and "rural" comfort in a modern incarnation. A delicate light green shade is perfect for this style of kitchen interior. This color can be present in the design of a kitchen set or light natural textiles (curtains or tablecloths with a floral print).

Green color is always appropriate in the kitchen interior. It can be present not only in wall decoration, furniture and textiles, but also in individual decorative elements:

Lettuce walls. Such a bright background is ideal in combination with wicker furniture, or furniture, as well as contrasting dark or light sets. Saturated dark shades of furniture will give the kitchen dynamism and contrast, and a light range of colors will create a gentle harmony in the room. For wall decoration, you can use waterproof paint of the appropriate color, unusual, wallpaper with a floral or geometric print.

Light green kitchen set organically fit into the interior, which is dominated by muted shades. The richer the light green accent on the furniture, the calmer the rest of the design elements should be - the walls of a delicate shade, the light ceramic apron, the white ceiling. Small decorative elements in tone will help maintain the bright color of the facades. Tablecloths and napkins with a pattern, eye-catching pattern on curtains, light green utensils, upholstery of chairs, lamp shades, paintings on the walls can act as bright accents.

light green apron will look great in combination with a kitchen set of any light shade. The apron can be lined with green tiles or bright painted glass. In addition, the decor of the kitchen apron with green patterned vinyl stickers will be an original solution. So, for example, you can choose stickers with the image of bunches of grapes, young grass, kiwi fruits, juicy limes or apples.

Light green decor- the most unobtrusive inclusion of this color in the interior of the kitchen. Kitchen accents that will help enhance the impression of freshness and youth can be individual lamellas, wall paintings, lampshades, dishes, tablecloths or napkins. To organize green lighting, you can use table lamps, ceiling lights, LED strips, stained glass. Note! If a bright color is used as accents, then there must be several of them in the kitchen interior.

Houseplants. Bright juicy greenery in pots on the windowsills or shelves of the headset will be the right accent that will be appropriate, regardless of the style of kitchen design.

Harmonious color combination

The light green color is characterized by the predominance of warm sunny notes, and, despite the fact that it combines quite well with many colors of the spectrum, it is advisable to give preference to warm shades.

ATTENTION! The amount of light green in the design of the room should not exceed 50%. Otherwise, too bright colors will disturb the inner peace and have a negative impact on the psyche.

The remaining 50% can be occupied by friendly colors, we will consider them further:

Light green in combination with white. Perhaps this is the simplest and most versatile combination that will unobtrusively create an atmosphere of spring freshness, comfort, tranquility and peace. This combination is considered ideal, especially if the white color is presented in its natural palette: any creamy, creamy or milky shades. The richer and juicier the light green color, the warmer the white should be. White can be used in wall decoration, and a kitchen set can be chosen in a green hue, and vice versa.

Light green in combination with black. Such an extravagant combination will bring a touch of drama to the room. The yellow-green color against the background of deep black becomes even brighter, sunny and life-affirming. The combination of bright green walls and black appliances, as well as tables and chairs, looks quite sophisticated. In order for the kitchen in such a color palette not to look too pretentious and gloomy, it is better to dilute this combination with notes of white or golden.

Light green in combination with gray. This duet, at first glance, may seem boring, but gray has a very large gradation of shades, each of which will only emphasize the purity and freshness of greenery. The metallic color of household appliances will serve as an excellent addition to the green facades of the headset.

Light green in combination with brown. This combination is most popular in interior design. Brown color refers to natural wood. It can be used for decoration or in pieces of furniture. Light shades of brown will make light green cuisine delicate and sophisticated. And more saturated ones (the color of chocolate, coffee, mahogany) will give the kitchen solidity and respectability.

Light green in combination with blue. Despite the brightness of these two colors, the interior with their combination turns out to be quite harmonious and soothing. The combination of blue and green is like the harmony of sky and grass, sea and fresh greenery. The kitchen, decorated in such colors, looks festive and original.

Light green in combination with shades of red. Adding a little warm shades of orange or red to a bright green kitchen will make it even more solemn, dynamic and spring-like. You can complement it by adding just a few touches: a red edging on the curtains, pillows on chairs, individual fragments of a mosaic on a kitchen apron.

ATTENTION! Combining green with various shades of purple is highly discouraged. The interior of the kitchen will turn out to be gloomy, cold and uncomfortable, and a person in such an environment will feel inexplicable anxiety and anxiety.

We select the right lighting and textiles

To create coziness in the kitchen, you need to carefully consider the choice of color combinations, furniture arrangement, selection of decor. However, all these actions can be in vain if the kitchen lighting is not designed correctly.

Well-chosen lighting of the kitchen space will make it possible to focus on the key details of the interior. This moment will become especially relevant when decorating a light green room.

As light sources, you can use the main ceiling lighting, additional wall and table lamps in the dining area, cabinet and stove lighting, decorative LED strips.

When purchasing textiles for the kitchen (upholstery of chairs, tablecloths, curtains), you should give preference to not easily soiled and practical fabrics.

What to Avoid When Applying

Due to the fact that the light green shade is dominant in relation to other colors, it is necessary to be extremely careful about its “dosage” in interior design. So, choosing a bright green furniture set, the decoration of the walls and ceiling should be done calm and restrained, otherwise, after a short period of time, the room overloaded with color will begin to annoy the owners.

Note! The brighter the color of the selected furniture, the more moderate and soft the background should be.

So, the main task when decorating a kitchen in lettuce color is to strictly maintain the balance of saturation, as well as well-chosen furniture, fittings and other room decor items. If you do everything right, then spring, positive emotions and a cheerful mood will reign in your kitchen all year round.

Salad cuisine real photo examples

Decorating the walls with wallpaper is the most effective way to make the kitchen cozy and stylish and even correct some of the room's imperfections. For example, with their help, you can create the illusion of spaciousness if the kitchen is small. The main thing is to choose the right shade and wallpaper pattern.

  • The main guideline in choosing the color of wallpaper for the kitchen is the color of the headset. After all, it is the walls and kitchen furniture that occupy most of the space.

Our guide will help you make your choice and show you some professional tricks for combining wallpaper and furniture. Also here you will find 112 photos of kitchens with wallpapers of different colors, in which you can peep ready-made color solutions and ideas.

7 main rules

Whether you're planning a kitchen design from scratch, or just looking to replace wallpaper to update your interior, these 7 tips will definitely help you.

  1. "Make friends" with the color wheel. When deciding on the color of the wallpaper for the kitchen, you can use the favorite "tool" of designers - the color wheel. You can buy it in a craft store or search the Internet for its online version.

The principle of working with a circle is quite simple - you need to "play" with color combinations according to ready-made color schemes.

Scheme 1. Monochromatic combinations: colors from one segment of the chromatic circle are combined. That is, the wallpaper is selected to match the headset. So that the monochrome range does not seem too boring, it is better to choose a wallpaper with a pattern (see photo below). You can also complement the interior with contrasting accents, an abundance of light colors or simply expressive textures / materials.

Blue kitchen with blue patterned wallpaper

Brown wallpaper without a pattern in the interior of the kitchen

Scheme 2. Contrasting combinations: opposite colors are combined. So, for example, you can choose wallpaper with an orange print for a blue headset, since in a circle blue is opposite orange. And so that the combination of contrasting colors does not seem too sharp, it is better to use complex shades (for example, in addition to the blue headset, you can choose not purely orange wallpapers, but terracotta ones).

Scheme 3. Harmonic combinations: “neighbors” are combined in a circle. According to this principle, you need to choose a yellow-green or blue-green wallpaper for a green kitchen set. You can dilute this range by including contrasting or neutral tones in the interior.

We have listed three main schemes, but in fact there are many more (the principle of triads, remote pairs, intermediate tones, etc.). Below you can see some diagrams.

  1. If the kitchen lacks sunlight, then the wallpaper should be chosen light and warm. For example, white, cream, cream, light coral or pastel pink. Bright wallpapers in pure warm colors (for example, orange, yellow, red, etc.) can also be used, but in small quantities and subject to a neutral headset color. The photo below shows a good example of how the northern and small kitchen was made lighter and “sunnier” due to yellow wallpaper and white furniture.

  1. In the interior of a small kitchen white wallpapers “work” best, perhaps with a small and not catchy pattern. White wallpaper in combination with a white set will give the effect of a boundless and air-filled space, even if it is very cramped.

White wallpaper reflects light, making the space brighter and visually pushing the walls apart.

Light wallpaper with a white set in a small kitchen in Khrushchev

It turns out that dark wallpaper has no place in a small kitchen? This is not entirely true. If you glue, say, black wallpaper on one wall, and paste over the rest of the partitions with lighter wallpaper, then you will get the effect of a deeper space, the black wall will seem to move deeper into the room.

  1. Wallpapers of cool colors (blue, cyan, turquoise) are shown for rooms that are flooded with sunlight most of the time. Otherwise, the walls will look dull and literally “freeze” the space. However, in a small dose and in combination with a large proportion of warm shades (for example, if the floor is wooden), “cold” wallpapers are acceptable.

  1. In general, wallpaper in warm colors is most suitable for the kitchen and dining room., since they have a good effect not only on appetite, but also on communication between households.

Wallpapers of cold tones, on the contrary, reduce appetite; against their background, food seems less appetizing. For those who strive for a moderate diet, this can play into the hands.

  1. In order not to miscalculate with the choice of color, after looking at cute wallpapers, do not rush to buy them right away, but rather ask / order a sample for testing. The fact is that the option you like in the store may open up a little differently at home due to different lighting. In addition, it may simply not match the shade of your headset.

Most often, samples are provided free of charge, and online stores deliver them to your home for a fee.

Wallpaper testing is carried out as follows: the sample is hung on the wall, and then simply observed at different times of the day. Ideally, it should look good in dim light, and in bright sunlight, and in artificial light, and in natural light.

By the way, it is useful to check the wallpaper sample for compatibility with other interior elements: floor tiles, apron, furniture upholstery, etc. Having collected and laid out all the samples on one board, you will see if your idea is successful or something needs to be changed. Compiling such boards (also called moodboards) helps professional designers create the most harmonious combinations of colors, prints and textures.

  1. And the last, and very important practical advice. After choosing wallpaper, check if all rolls are from the same batch, and also make sure that you have taken at least 10-15% of the stock of material.

Wallpapers of the same color and article, but released in different batches, always differ slightly (due to the peculiarities of production). The difference in shades may seem insignificant, but on the walls it will become very noticeable.

For this reason, wallpaper should always be bought with a margin. If suddenly there is not enough material, it will be problematic or impossible to find rolls of the same batch.

How to choose wallpaper to match the color of the kitchen - a gallery of photo ideas with tips

If you are in a hurry, click on the color of your headset to jump straight to the relevant information.

For white kitchen

Choosing a wallpaper color for a white kitchen is both difficult and easy at the same time, because absolutely any shades are suitable for it.

  • For a traditional white kitchen, wallpapers in natural and soothing colors are best suited: blue, gray, beige, brown, blue, green, mustard, terracotta and burgundy.

  • For a modern white headset, you can choose wallpaper not only in the shades listed above, but also in more contrasting, darker and purer colors. For example, it can be wallpaper in bright yellow, lime, black, purple, turquoise or hot pink.

Green floral wallpaper in a small white kitchen

Also in a modern white kitchen, photo wallpapers will be good.

Our choice: We like the combination of a white headset with yellow, yellow-green or beige-yellow wallpapers the most. In such a kitchen, even on the most cloudy day it will be sunny.

For beige and cream cuisine

A beige kitchen set is best suited: white, green, beige, brown tones, as well as blue, turquoise and blue wallpapers.

Classic beige kitchen with beige wallpaper

Beige wallpaper in the Provence style kitchen

  • Our choice: a combination of beige kitchen with white and blue (see photo example below), blue or gray-blue wallpaper.

For brown kitchen (wenge, all shades of wood)

If you have a brown kitchen, then you can choose wallpaper in any warm shade - from vanilla to mustard. Also, walls in green, olive, blue, turquoise and blue will be a good background for brown furniture.

For blue and blue kitchen

Depending on the color of the walls and the degree of illumination in the kitchen, with a blue or blue set it can be calm and fresh or cold and uncomfortable. To achieve a successful result, choose a beige or milky white wallpaper. Wallpaper with a yellow or orange print is also good.

Our picks: We especially like the combination of blue/light blue kitchen with sand or yellow wallpaper.

For gray kitchen

The gray headset tends to ennoble its companions and pacify a little. The most successful combinations of gray kitchens will be with white, pink and yellow wallpapers.

For green kitchen

A green kitchen will be pleasing to the eye when paired with: red, burgundy, orange, yellow, brown, blue and blue wallpapers.

For yellow kitchen

Yellow kitchen goes well with white. This duet works especially well in dark kitchens with north-facing windows. Also, for a yellow headset, you can pick up black and white wallpapers as in the photo below, pale lilac, blue, blue, turquoise, brown, red, coral and green.

Do you want to make the yellow color stricter and more elegant? Then we advise you to choose wallpaper in light gray or beige.

For orange kitchen

Orange color is one of the most invigorating and active, so all additional shades should balance and “extinguish” it. Blue, turquoise and blue wallpapers will refresh an orange kitchen, gray ones will make them more elegant, and green and white ones will bring coziness. Also, red, yellow, pink, purple and lilac are combined with orange and its shades.

For red and burgundy cuisine

Red furniture nowhere looks more harmonious than in the kitchen, as this color whets the appetite and makes the space cozy. However, in large arrays, red can be annoying, so it should be combined with more good-natured shades (white, green, beige) or cold, restrained tones (blue, blue, turquoise). Also, the wallpaper in the red kitchen can have a print of yellow, orange, brown and burgundy.

For black and black and white kitchen

In fact, for a black headset, just like for a white one, wallpaper of any color is suitable. But, so that the interior does not turn out to be too dark, it is better to use light-colored wallpapers, wallpapers with a white background and color prints, or wallpapers of cheerful colors that can dilute the gloom of black. For example, it can be yellow, white-yellow, pink, white-green wallpaper.

Our choice: a black kitchen with yellow or yellow-white wallpaper, as in this selection of photos.

The interior of the kitchen affects a lot, up to the mood of the household. The kitchen should give only positive emotions, uniting the family with a cozy atmosphere. Therefore, the color and style solution of the room must be selected carefully. The color of the walls of the kitchen space should support the overall design concept and be combined with furniture so that the interior looks stylish, like on the pages of a fashion catalog.

Choosing a color is a painstaking process. Despite the popularity of light shades, bright ones with skillful use can radically transform the interior. One of the universal colors for the kitchen is green. The greenish tint creates a calm atmosphere and has a positive effect on the psyche. From the article you will learn all about the benefits of green and the rules for its use in the kitchen interior.

Advantages of color

Natural colors serve as a universal background for the realization of any ideas. In addition, they have a positive effect on the human condition. Green attracts with its brightness and originality.

Why is the wallpaper of this particular shade ideal for the kitchen:

  • physiologists have proven that green is useful for the functioning of the optic nerve and the nervous system as a whole;
  • green color promotes relaxation, improves digestion and relieves stress;
  • green improves mood and encourages communication;
  • green wallpapers fit the interior in any style, the main thing is to choose the right shade;
  • color refreshes the room and creates a feeling of spring.

Material selection secrets

Before you engage in the design of the kitchen space, you need to choose the right wallpaper material. The main types of wallpaper that are found in the kitchen interior are paper, vinyl, non-woven.

Let's consider each type in more detail:

  1. Paper wallpapers - cheapest and easiest option. They are enough for a period of 5 to 7 years, since the material does not tolerate moisture and quickly fades in the sun.
  2. universal option for any room. The material is hardy and durable, in addition, the wallpaper can be washed.
  3. Non-woven wallpaper - an option for those who need to level the uneven surface of the walls. The material has high wear resistance and good elasticity, which allows wallpaper to be glued to any surface: from concrete to wood.

In order for the selected wallpaper to please the eye as long as possible and not wear out, a number of parameters must be taken into account:

  1. The density of the material. Kitchen wallpaper should easily withstand temperature extremes, high humidity and not absorb odors.
  2. Color fastness. Maintaining a beautiful appearance and aesthetic qualities directly depends on this parameter. Wallpaper should not be afraid of sunlight and keep the saturation of colors.
  3. Water resistance. For the kitchen, choose wallpaper that can be wet cleaned.

By following these rules, you will not go wrong with the choice, and the kitchen will delight you every day.

Choose a shade

Choosing the right shade depends on what kind of atmosphere you want to create in the kitchen. Gentle cold tones are suitable for a soft and relaxing environment. Due to their calm nature, they are used as a basis - for walls or facades of a headset.

Bright shades create a joyful, invigorating and warm atmosphere. The main thing is that such colors should not be in excess, otherwise they will begin to irritate. Bright accents can be applied to a kitchen backsplash, curtains, facade decoration and additional accessories. They are intended only to dilute the discreet interior, and not to become its basis.

Important! It is necessary to choose a shade in reality, since a photo or a monitor screen often distorts colors. To have an accurate idea, visit a finishing materials store, then the conceived idea will be realized perfectly.

To create the optimal combination of green wallpaper with furniture, decoration and lighting in the kitchen, you need to know the following:

  1. Wallpaper should be combined with a headset. Laconic furniture in neutral shades - gray, white and black - harmonizes perfectly with green. It will turn out an interesting game in contrast, which will make the interior stylish and harmonious. Professional designers love to introduce green sets into kitchen design.
  2. Green wallpapers in bright colors should only be used on small surfaces. For example, you can highlight a dining area or an accent wall.
  3. If the kitchen windows face south, it is better to give preference to cold shades of green, turning into blue: gray-green, emerald, turquoise. For a kitchen with windows to the north, lime, olive and pear-colored wallpapers are suitable.
  4. The warm shade of wood creates a charming symbiosis with green wallpaper. Beige facades look gentle, and in combination with calm green create an atmosphere of freedom and lightness in the kitchen.
  5. Natural combinations are welcome. For example, green and brown. Such a union looks very successful, since both colors are associated with nature.

When choosing a shade for the walls, do not forget about the main principles of design. Light green wallpapers visually expand the space, so they are suitable for a small kitchen, while darker and more saturated ones narrow it. This design is best left for a spacious kitchen.

The selection process does not end there. After determining the color scheme, it is worth thinking about patterns, ornaments and prints. They decorate the interior, giving it originality.

There are options:

  1. Uniform and modest pattern. Most often these are simple straight lines with small images.
  2. Bright curved lines. When wallpapering, follow the joints to form a single pattern.
  3. Abstraction. It can be drawings on a natural theme.
  4. Big drawing. To make it look good, you should not decorate a vast space with it. Wallpaper with a large pattern is suitable for an accent wall or some area.

Peculiarities! A large space can be decorated with several types of wallpaper to divide it into zones. Also, if a spacious kitchen needs to be made more intimate, small geometric patterns will do. But the longitudinal lines will visually expand the room.

kitchen apron

The design of the kitchen apron should be approached responsibly, since it serves as the main decoration of the work surface. It is the apron that should be made an accent detail that will dilute the entire interior.

The most organically green kitchen will be complemented by an apron of the same shade. You can play with saturation and make it a tone darker or lighter than the base color. The green color is not capricious and goes well with many other shades. Therefore, the kitchen will be successfully decorated with both an apron of dark bottle color and pale green.

The main thing is that the apron emphasizes the harmony of colors and materials. A bright apron will successfully complement the interior in dark colors. Dark will draw attention in a light kitchen. A good option is an apron in neutral colors, as it can be diluted with green blotches or ornaments. A great way to decorate the work area above the stove.

The materials that are used to create a kitchen apron are varied. Consider the most suitable for the kitchen in green tones:

  1. Wood - perfect for pairing with green. Naturalness and naturalness of shades will create a wonderful union for all time. The tree can be either dark or light - both options will do. Mahogany will not fit into such a design. A particularly successful wooden apron will complement the kitchen in style, and eco.
  2. Tile - traditional wall decoration in the kitchen. It is produced in different shapes and textures, so it fits into any interior, but it is most successfully combined with a classic style. Using tiles, you can create an original apron. For example, lay out a multi-colored mosaic or a whole composition.
  3. a popular finishing option in a modern interior. The glass apron looks elegant and sophisticated. Any image can be applied to the glass, which opens up endless design possibilities. Skinals depicting flowers, plants, fruits, various landscapes will organically fit into the green interior. A kitchen apron can be decorated with bright butterflies, ladybugs, birds. Drops and splashes will create a more abstract design. All of these elements are harmoniously combined with the idea of ​​nature, so the interior will turn out to be interesting and harmonious.
  4. Metal - very original version, so it is not suitable for every style. A metal apron will successfully fit into the kitchen or. Gray color goes well with shades of green, so you should not be afraid of metal. Such an apron will become an original decoration of the kitchen space.

Dining group

Furniture is the most important element in the kitchen. The green table and chairs are an interesting and original solution. Even if the set is a neutral shade, the kitchen will still get green thanks to the dining furniture.

The color of the furniture depends on the style direction. Bright colors should not be chosen for the classics, they will stand out and will not create the right atmosphere. But modern styles welcome bright blotches. Most often, the kitchen set is made green, and the dining group is white or wooden.

Attention! The dining complex does not have to be completely green. Emphasis can be placed only on chairs or a tabletop.

Choosing wallpaper for a green kitchen is easy. Preference should be given to neutral tones (white, beige, light gray) so as not to overload the interior. Green furniture will stand out and become a bright accent, so the main background should be calm.

In a small kitchen, it is worth putting furniture in light and pastel shades: olive, pistachio or mint. Dark furniture will steal space and make the interior heavier. The kitchen will be dark and gloomy.

Salad cuisine is very popular with modern designers. Color is considered complementary or accent, so light green furniture is a good option for the kitchen. It goes well with coffee and beige, while the interior will not lose its richness and brightness.

You can make light green pillows or capes for chairs, a tablecloth or napkins on the table. With such simple tricks, even white furniture will be perceived as green.


The variety of shades makes you think about the right color. Often it is with this decor item that difficulties arise. If there are no problems with a kitchen in basic colors, then a more thoughtful approach is needed for a kitchen in green design. You can not hang the first curtains that come across, it is necessary that they correspond to the style direction. Like furniture, they set the tone and direction for the entire design.

There are several design methods:

  1. Curtains in the color of the wallpaper. The peculiarity of the monochrome design is that the curtains are taken in the same range, but the saturation of the shade should be different. The option is appropriate when it is necessary to hide the window in the kitchen, to make it less noticeable.
  2. Contrasting curtains. The peculiarity of the design is that opposite colors are taken. Reception makes the interior brighter and more spectacular. Thus, you can highlight the window and pay attention to it.
  3. Neutral curtains. The main idea is that adjacent colors are selected from the main one. Usually the option is used in a minimalist interior, with a minimum of decor. Neutral tones bring a special coziness and warmth to the interior.

Reference! Turning to the issue of color combinations, experts advise using the palette method. In order for the shades to be chosen successfully, in the process you should refer to the color wheel. According to it, you can accurately determine the shade of the wallpaper and, in accordance with the chosen design method, select the necessary colors.

Brown, white, gray, milky curtains are suitable for olive wallpaper. Light green wallpaper in the kitchen will create the perfect tandem with white, yellow and blue curtains. Orange and white curtains create a stylish contrast against dark green or mint wallpaper.

Pay attention to the choice of material and texture. Thick and heavy curtains should be chosen in the color of the wallpaper or a few tones darker or lighter. Light curtains perfectly complement the curtains of bright and unexpected colors - red, blue or pink. Due to their transparency, they will not overload the interior and will become a connecting element between contrasting curtains and green wallpaper.

Combinations with other colors

Hue combinations have many nuances due to the existence of tones and semitones. Favorite shades of green: emerald, light green, pistachio and lime. They create an unusual and colorful interior and even increase appetite.

When designing a kitchen, turn to nature. She will suggest the most successful combinations. What wallpaper is suitable for a kitchen with a light green set and, conversely, what furniture to choose for light green wallpaper?

When distributing color accents, they should be divided into three groups:

  1. Main - one or two colors that will fill most of the kitchen, that is, the walls and suites. There are three options: walls, furniture, walls and furniture.
  2. Additional - one or two shades that occupy large surfaces. This is the floor, curtains, dining group, walls, kitchen apron.
  3. Accent - colors of accessories and decorative elements. These are paintings, photo frames, clocks, figurines, cups and sometimes chairs.

There are many color combinations, so you can experiment well. However, adherents of conciseness and conservatism will suit the classic combinations, proven in many interiors:

  1. With white. It is most often used in conjunction with green. You can choose absolutely any shade, while the interior will look fresh and stylish. The kitchen will always be bright and spacious. A white and green kitchen can be diluted with splashes of color to create a more joyful interior. The combination of white and olive is often used in the classics.
  2. With brown. Almost any shade of green is ideally combined with this color. A win-win option for the kitchen, as the union is dictated by nature. The colors do not hurt the eyes and create a calm atmosphere. Excessive restraint will be diluted with yellow decor elements - cups, stools or curtains. The combination of green and brown is suitable for classic and eco styles. The interior will acquire incredible comfort and warmth.
  3. With yellow. The combination is bright and joyful. Depending on the saturation of colors, it can be found in any style. Bright colors are characteristic of hi-tech, avant-garde, minimalism, and more muted colors, country and. Green wallpapers go well with yellow furniture facades or textile decor. You can complement the tandem with orange or red.
  4. With pink. Pink color will add romance and tenderness to the interior. It is better to combine it with such shades of green as light green and pistachio.
  5. With blue and blue. The combination is truly Mediterranean, so it is often found in kitchens of this style. The shade of blue affects the atmosphere. A darker one will create a brutal and serious interior, while a brighter one will bring a bright mood of the Caribbean coast. Blue and green can complement each other in the wallpaper pattern or intertwine on separate planes.
  6. With grey. The combination is considered one of the basic and is found in modern interiors. Gray can be not only facades, but also large. Metallic with green creates a calm, but slightly chilly atmosphere.

Creating the necessary atmosphere in the kitchen directly depends on the color scheme of the interior.


Green wallpaper in the kitchen is a common and very good solution. They enliven the interior, giving it freshness and tranquility. The aesthetic of green borders on something beautiful and familiar at the same time, as greenery is associated with nature. But for a beautiful interior, a good selection of shades is also important.

Green color in the interior of the kitchen has a beneficial effect on the mental state. The main thing is not to spoil the design with unsuccessful color combinations. Design your kitchen wisely and remember the basic principles of color harmony.

Every person is in the kitchen every day, and especially the hostess, who loves to cook. Therefore, the maximum attention is paid to the interior, because it allows you to tune in to cooking, it can cause an appetite or, on the contrary, appease it.

Quite often, the choice falls on one of the most cheerful, summer colors, namely green. What are its benefits? What colors go best with it? Let's find out further.

Pros of green in the kitchen

Green is becoming more and more popular in the kitchen. And everyone will be able to choose a tone that will appeal to him.

In general, it has a very positive effect on a person. He is calming, able to translate any dispute into a peaceful conversation. In addition, green has a good effect on the mental abilities of a person.

If we talk specifically about the kitchen, then such a color scheme will allow you to wake up in the morning as quickly as possible, feel a surge of strength.

At the same time, after a hard day at work in such a kitchen, you can relax thanks to the soothing color scheme.

Accordingly, exclusively positive characteristics of the green color are observed from all sides. The main thing is to combine it correctly with other colors to achieve the desired result.

Secrets of choosing a green tint

First of all, when choosing a shade, you should pay attention to the location of the kitchen on the north or south side.

If it is located in the north of the building, then it is better to dwell on warm shades close to yellow.

When placing the kitchen on the south side opposite, it is better to choose a dark green palette.

It is not necessary to combine green with other colors. It is likely to combine tones of green. For example, you can make the walls light green, and choose a kitchen set in a dark tone, perhaps emerald.

When choosing a light green color, you should combine it with other light colors, and best of all with white. A bright palette, such as yellow-green, will be well diluted with beige so that the kitchen is not too saturated.

In addition, it is not always worth picking up completely in green. You can make a bright accent and highlight, for example, a couple of kitchen drawers or chairs in green, and do everything else in beige, gray, white or other colors.

green apron

Not only the kitchen set can be picked up in green, but also used to finish the apron. This will be a great accent, especially if you use other accessories of the same tone in addition.

From the materials choose ceramic tiles, mosaic or glass. Tiles come in a variety of colors and sizes. At the same time, very large ones are unlikely to be appropriate.

On glass aprons, photo printing with images is often used. Therefore, in this case, you can show your imagination and choose different foliage, grass, fruits, flowers on a green background, a ladybug, etc.

Advice! A green apron can also be made together with a green headset. In this case, it is unacceptable to use one tone. In this case, glass with photo printing is just perfect.

Green chairs and table

An excellent accent in the interior can be a choice of green chairs and a table. Of course, you should not do everything in the same tone.

To avoid oversaturation with one color, you can combine chairs with an apron and pick them up in the same design. It will look very comfortable.

If the choice fell on a green kitchen set, then you can pick up a glass table, while picking up chairs in the same tone.

Choosing curtains for a green kitchen

Curtains can perfectly complement the design, if you choose them correctly. It is best to give preference to natural fabrics. It is not at all necessary to choose plain curtains, you can also with a pattern, the main thing is that they harmoniously blend with the interior.

It is important to note that the tone of the curtains should be similar to the tone of the walls, but you do not need to select it exactly the same. Curtains in yellow-green, white-green, beige-green can be winning options.

Green ceiling and floor

An original atmosphere gravitating towards nature can also be created thanks to the green ceiling. Bright shades are suitable for ultra-modern designs.

They go well with brown, white, blue or yellow. Moreover, if the floor is also of a similar tone, then the walls should preferably be made white so as not to overload the room with color.

For classic kitchens, it is better to choose a light tone. It will dilute the strict design, fill the room with freshness and energy. The pistachio ceiling will create the most comfortable atmosphere.

A business card kitchen can also be a green floor. The selection of tone is carried out in the same way as in the case of the ceiling. But doing the floor and the ceiling in the same tone is risky.

This, firstly, can oversaturate the room with color, and secondly, it can make the room visually lower. Therefore, it is better to make the floor lighter. This will shade the ceiling and increase the space.

Combinations of green in the kitchen with other colors

There are a lot of shades in the world, so you can choose a wide variety of options, come up with original design solutions. This also applies to green kitchens.

At the same time, it will be boring and monotonous if the interior is made in only one color. Therefore, it is better to dilute it. To do this, you can not only make drawer inserts in a different color or kitchen walls, but also use various decor, drawings, glass inserts.

A table, a chandelier, a vase, jars - all this can complement the image and play an important role in the design. What colors go well with green? Let's figure it out further.


The most versatile color that goes well with any occasion is white. This rule is also true for green kitchens. When choosing a white-green kitchen, accents can be any, complementing with bright colors.

You can make the walls white, and choose the headset in green. Moreover, in this combination, even the acid color of the furniture is perfect.

You can, and vice versa, pick up a white set, and make the walls light green, pistachio, olive, or give preference to emerald color.

It also looks good when the top is white and the bottom is green, or vice versa. Dark green looks gloomy, and in combination with white gives freshness and harmony.


The combination of green and brown is a classic. It will allow you to get even closer to nature, make the atmosphere more peaceful. Wooden furniture, brick walls are well suited here.

You can choose brown as a set, as well as a tabletop, chairs. Looks great brown bottom headset with a green top. You can choose from many accessories in brown, such as hodgepodges, mills, planks.

Advice: if brown-green tones are preferred, it is recommended to make a white floor, a brown table and a green set.


Along with brown, black and green are perfect. Dilute the green interior with well-decorated black dishes, wall tiles and other accessories.

The black table with chairs looks very impressive. Do not worry, such an interior will definitely not be gloomy, especially when choosing bright shades of green.

You can also pick up dark appliances - a refrigerator, stove, hood. This will wonderfully dilute the green tone and add contrast, entourage to the interior.

Of course, the furniture itself can be divided into black and green parts, or you can make the top in one color and the bottom in another.


Yellow-green cuisine is very juicy, rich, immediately able to cheer up and appetite. Light green shades, khaki or mustard tone are great for yellow.

Green is more suitable for lemon, slightly shading blue. The lighter and more delicate the yellow, the paler the green color should be chosen, otherwise the bright green will overwhelm the yellow, giving it the appearance of off-white.


An energy boost will allow you to get an orange-green kitchen. She will simply beat with the key of energy, please with colors, color, she will also increase mood and appetite. As a background, it is best to choose white or beige.


Gray is one of the most discreet. It is suitable as a background for combination with bright details and a headset. Appliances in gray, metal colors will look great. It is especially worth picking up small appliances in this shade. A gray corner or tabletop with chairs is also suitable.


As already mentioned, beige is an excellent background on a par with gray and white when choosing a bright headset and accessories. This is a fairly neutral color, so it can be combined with any shade of green. They can also perform a table with chairs, hang beige curtains. This will highlight the bright green headset.


Purple, like red, should be very carefully combined with green, otherwise it may look ridiculous. In this case, it is better to contact specialists. This color is best used for accents and in small quantities.

Alternatively, you can use a photo tile that will show purple flowers. You can use purple lamps or dishes. Also, a soft purple sofa or chairs with purple seats can fit into the surroundings of a green kitchen.

Thus, if you want to make the kitchen bright, inspiring, interesting, but at the same time peaceful in a summery way, you can choose a green color for the interior. It is not recommended to make the entire kitchen in one color, using different tones. It is better to choose 2-3 colors and combine them using various combinations for the apron, accessories and furniture.

Is it time to freshen up your kitchen interior? Do you like juicy greenery and picnics in nature? Green kitchen will help you have a picnic right at your home! To heighten the effect on the walls and facades, you can “grow” delicate daisies or perky sunny dandelions and “season” everything with cute dragonflies, butterflies and ladybugs. On a green background, bright fruits and vegetables, natural greens, fresh flowers in original clay pots, modest field bouquets and even luxurious red roses look great!

A kitchen decorated in different shades of green is no longer a rarity today.

By the way, the combination of green and red in the interior of the kitchen is an extremely successful design move, which will certainly appeal to fans of bold creative experiments. The main thing is to be able to maintain a balance, giving the role of the first violin to green, and leaving red for bright accents: a red chandelier, a table, chairs, curtains, a kettle, dishes, a vase, napkins. The red-green gamut fits very organically into the design of the kitchen, and this is not surprising, because in nature such a combination can be found literally at every step.

Bright light green color to create a cheerful atmosphere in the kitchen will suit better than others

Green kitchen: from emerald spring greenery to malachite

The interior of the kitchen in green tones is one of the most harmonious: it pleases the eye, relieves physical and mental stress, calms, gives a sense of security, extinguishes conflicts, and has an anti-stress effect. The green color fills the space with the energy of life, spring, nature, hope, renewal, growth, development, well-being, prosperity and longevity. In a green kitchen, you are guaranteed a charge of vivacity and energy, without losing peace of mind and balance. Green cuisine, according to psychologists, is a home remedy for stress.

The combination of different shades of green creates a complete composition in this dining room.

To create a stylish, bright and cozy kitchen in refreshing green tones, wallpaper, furniture, textiles, tiles, dishes and kitchen accessories selected in the appropriate range will help. If you decide to decorate the kitchen in green, be prepared for a difficult choice. Green color is unusually versatile! It has so many appetizing shades that the eyes just run up and the choice of the only one that is called upon to become the king of your kitchen turns into an extremely difficult task.

Green color fills the space with the energy of life, spring, nature, hope, renewal, growth, development, well-being, prosperity and longevity.

What is closer to you: emerald green of spring fields, green tea, asparagus, lemon, lime, green apple, chartreuse, myrtle, malachite, forest green, pine forest, moss, olive, fern, shamrock, camouflage green, olive gray, yellowish green, marsh green, marbled, bottle glass, Islamic or Persian green?! And this is not a complete list!

A summary table of shades will help you choose the best color solution.

It is not necessary to stop at just one shade. You can very well combine complementary or contrasting shades, which will bring a feeling of freshness and novelty to the interior. So, bright green color will fill the space with powerful energy of growth, development and prosperity. Pale green will bring peace and tranquility to the house. Lettuce and lemon will have a stimulating effect, serving as an impetus for change.

To create a bright festive atmosphere in the kitchen, a contrasting white and green gamut will help.

Olive and deep dark greens should be used sparingly and sparingly as they tend to evoke “green angst” which is not what we want in the kitchen. When choosing a green color for kitchen decor, it is important to remember one key rule: the smaller the room, the lighter and more delicate the shade should be.

Delicate light green shade of furniture facades looks attractive in natural light

Successful color combinations in the interior of the kitchen in shades of green

For kitchen design, green is a real find. By its nature, it is very democratic and friendly, therefore it goes well with a wide variety of colors and shades that are in harmony with it in tone. Bright juicy green accents will help to refresh, enliven and make a monotonous kitchen in light colors more expressive. Just a few well-chosen details are enough: it can be curtains, a lamp, a tablecloth, an apron lined with green ceramic tiles or dishes.

Green has so many appetizing shades that choosing the one that is destined to become the king of your kitchen turns into a daunting task.

By the way, finishing work surfaces and an apron in green tones is a very good solution. It's no secret that every housewife has to rack their brains every day over what to cook for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And what about the green color? It helps to concentrate, focus, make choices faster and make the right decision.

A green apron brings a touch of immediacy and lightness to this strict black and white kitchen.

A contrasting white-green gamut will help create a bright festive atmosphere in the kitchen: the brighter and more intense the green color, the more it needs to be diluted with white.

To create a stylish, bright and cozy kitchen in refreshing green tones, wallpaper, furniture, textiles, tiles, dishes and kitchen accessories selected in the appropriate range will help.

Diluted with white, muted watercolor and olive green tones are ideal for a classic-style kitchen, as well as country and Provence style. To create a general background and mood in the kitchen, it is better to use soft muted tones, while intense bright shades look great as a companion color, piquant detail or accent.

Green color goes well with the color of natural wood

Olive, grassy, ​​light green, lemon and other shades of green with a yellowish undertone go well with companion colors from a warm palette: red, pink, orange, yellow, beige, chocolate. And for emerald, coniferous, mint, turquoise green and other cool shades with gray-blue notes, cool colors are ideal.

The presence of green in the interior can soften even the cold and uncomfortable sheen of metal.

In an ultra-modern kitchen in the style of minimalism or hi-tech, laconic kitchen sets with smooth glossy facades in acid shades of green will look great.

Diluted with white, muted watercolor and olive green tones are ideal for a classic-style kitchen, as well as for country and Provence style.

The combination of green and yellow is considered ideal for the interior of the kitchen. They very successfully complement and balance each other, which in turn has a very positive effect on both the aesthetics and the comfort of the room. In a sunny yellow frame, the green kitchen looks more comfortable, warm and elegant, and the subconscious association with a flowering spring meadow gives a feeling of harmony with nature and peace, without straining or annoying at all.

A win-win combination of yellow and green can be emphasized with bright prints on furniture facades.

Designers advise to dilute the green interior of the kitchen with frosted stained glass windows and chrome elements. Rails, a bar counter, roller shutters and metal utensils will be an excellent addition to the design of a green kitchen.

What is closer to you: emerald green of spring fields, green tea, asparagus, lemon, lime or green apple?!

Photo examples of kitchen design in green

Have you decided to settle the green color in your house and become a wizard of emerald cuisine? Great choice! We hope our photo selection will help you decide on the design and the optimal combination of colors.

Pistachio set is a great option for a country and Provence style kitchen

To create a general background and mood in the kitchen, it is better to use soft, muted tones.

The dark color of natural wood makes this kitchen sober and elegant, while green brings a frivolous touch.

For a spacious and well-lit kitchen, a combination of light green and dark brown colors is a good option.

Dark green facades of kitchen furniture on a light background look stylish and elegant.

Light green kitchen with original lighting design looks cheerful and cheerful throughout the day

Bold color combinations of this interior will impress fans of original design.

Green color can make even the simplest environment attractive.

A bit of greenery on a black and white background enlivens this simple and austere interior.

Another attractive combination of green and natural wood

The green color is so rich in terms of decorativeness that there is no need for additional decorative elements.

The presence of bright green in the kitchen adds a touch of positive to any interior.

The original design solutions of designers and modern household appliances in green look less futuristic

The successful combination of different shades of pistachio color presented in this kitchen creates a complete composition.

Decorative elements, matched to the color scheme of the interior, emphasize the charm of this kitchen.

The simple and restrained lines of this kitchen without green would look too formal and lifeless.