Mirror in the hallway: design and decoration of a reflective surface, as well as bright photos of stylish gizmos. Large mirrors in the hallway Mirror wall irregular shape in the hallway

It is difficult to imagine a hallway without a mirror. It is an important interior element that serves several functions. The mirror decorates the room and enlarges the space. In addition, it allows owners to control their appearance before leaving the house. This decorative element makes the hallway cozy and comfortable. Proper use of it will give the room a stylish and modern look.

A mirror in the hallway must be

The mirror in the hallway has several functions.

This decor element makes the hallway cozy and comfortable.

The entrance hall is the first room that meets everyone who enters the house or apartment. She is the face of the home and forms the main impression of the owners. Therefore, it must have an attractive interior and be comfortable.

The design of the corridor largely depends on its area. If it allows, then you can install a set, a shoe rack, a pouf and other furniture. In small rooms, you should limit yourself to a hanger for outerwear and a shelf for shoes and slippers. But there is one decorative element that is present in any corridor - a mirror. It has a special role to play, it carries several functional loads.

The hallway should have an attractive interior and be comfortable

The design of the hallway depends on its size


Responsible for the appearance of the owners

Before leaving the apartment, you can look into it and put yourself in order, notice the flaws in the outfit. Especially if the mirror is large and allows you to examine the entire growth.

Stylish decor item

Today the choice of mirrors is endless. They differ in size, quality and other characteristics. The design is especially worth noting. A graceful frame is installed around the mirror, which is made from various materials. Appropriate use of wenge, baguette. They will emphasize the grace and nobility of the main subject.

Visually expands the space

As a rule, the size of the hallway is quite modest, the shape is not very convenient. A mirror will help to hide such flaws. It will visually enlarge the room several times.

Fills with light

If we are talking about a hallway in an apartment, then there is no window in it. Therefore, the issue of lighting is acute. We have to install several devices. The mirror will be an excellent assistant in this matter. Thanks to this reflection effect, the decor object will diffuse light throughout the room. It will be light, airy and spacious.

The mirror in the interior of the hallway is one of the main attributes. It takes up a minimum of space and is located on the wall, so it can fit even on the smallest square meters. The functional load on the object is great, it is difficult to do without it in the hallway. He should be in the first room of the apartment.

The mirror can fit even in the smallest hallway

It is difficult to do without a mirror in the hallway

Mirror, the main attribute of the hallway

What types are there?

A mirror without a frame is rarely used in the interior. The frame gives it a stylish and finished look. It allows you to change its design, make it an original and interesting decor item. At the same time, not only the color of the frame changes, but also the shape and texture. Additionally, the item is pasted over with buttons, stones, rhinestones, fur, wood and other materials.

Working with a mirror surface is more difficult, but possible. There are different ways that you can help with this process. As a result, mirrors differ in their appearance. The most common options include the following.

  • Patterns. The surface is painted with paints. Acrylic and stained glass are well suited for these purposes. They are designed to be used on glass surfaces. They are firmly fixed on it, do not spread and do not fade over time, the painting remains bright and saturated for a long time. Basically they paint with acrylics, and with the second paints they create stained-glass windows.
  • Stained glass windows. Such a painting has characteristic features that distinguish it from the usual one. Without fail, all elements are painted with a metal outline. It is entrusted with a special task - bonding glass elements of different colors. You can create such masterpieces with a special paint, called the contour. Its tone imitates metal. The number of shades is limited, in order to get new ones, paints are mixed and diluted.
  • Matte pattern. The most popular way to decorate a mirror surface. To accomplish such a design, the flaps are treated with abrasive parts. At home, a special paste will perfectly cope with the task. The matte surface makes the mirror unusual, stylish and luxurious. If the processing is done manually, then it will be individual and unique, because the soul of the owner is invested in its creation. This will fill him with a special aura.

Usually the mirror is hung in a frame

You can use a mirrored wardrobe

Light and mirror

The mirror reflects not only the appearance of a person and the objects in front of him, but also the light. This fact must be used when arranging the premises. A well-thought-out design will make it possible to profitably operate with this ability. Especially in dark and small hallways. If you install plafonds or use a dressing table above the mirror, the room will become bright and spacious, cozy and comfortable.

Many corridors lack a window. Especially when it comes to an apartment. As a result, there is no need to talk about natural light. To correct such a defect, lampshades, a chandelier and other items are installed that can replace it. Even in this situation, it is not possible to solve the problem one hundred percent. A full-length backlit mirror will help eliminate the darkness in the first room. Additionally, an elegant hanger, light-colored furniture is installed.

Think over the design of the hallway in advance, taking into account all the features of the room

Light plays an important role in the interior of the hallway

Make sure that the room is bright and cozy

The installed lighting above the mirror is interesting to look at. It complements the overall picture and style of the interior. Makes it beautiful and modern. You should not neglect such a decor item when arranging a room. This is a winning solution for any hallway. It gives it a fabulous and magical look. This kind of lighting has a soft and warm effect on the interior. If we are talking about a small-sized corridor, then such a solution will visually make it larger and more comfortable.

A mirror in a wooden frame will look very beautiful and impressive

A full-wall mirror can visually expand the boundaries of the room

What to look for when choosing a mirror?

The choice of mirrors is huge. Despite this, it is not easy to dwell on the option that will be optimal for a particular case. This is explained by the following factors.

  • The hall area is limited. Basically, it is small, so after the arrangement there is a minimum amount of free space. It is necessary to properly decorate the room to avoid such problems.
  • The door is inconvenient. A similar oversight was made initially when planning housing. It becomes the cause of many difficulties in the preparation of the design.
  • A lot of furniture is being installed. Since the hallway performs several functions, it is necessary to make it comfortable. This will help pieces of furniture, which stores shoes, clothes. If you do not think through everything to the smallest detail, then there is a high probability that chaos will turn out after the arrangement. One can only dream of a beautiful room.
  • Little light. In this case, not all mirrors will look spectacular. Trellis, oval, floor is inappropriate in this case.
  • Inconvenient hall layout. As a result, finding a place on the wall where you can hang a mirror is difficult.
  • Limited budget. The cost of luxurious and beautiful mirrors is correspondingly high. The option is not excluded that the owners may simply not have enough money to purchase it. After all, the arrangement of the interior involves the implementation of many works, which will cost money.

Choose a mirror carefully

The mirror should harmoniously fit into the interior of the hallway

Choose a mirror in the same style as the room

But do not be upset, there are options that will help make the interior beautiful and comfortable. A mirror in a frame made of a baguette or dressing table is inexpensive, but it looks stylish, visually enlarges the space. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is limited, then it can be inserted into the cabinet doors. Thus, it does not require additional wall space. The original solution will be a mirror on the front door. Such an interior is always advantageous.

Not only the choice of a mirror should be approached carefully, but also its design. The right decor will give it originality and luxury. Beautiful lamps, an entrance door in wenge color, a sophisticated trellis will cope with this perfectly.

The function of a mirror can be performed by a sliding wardrobe with mirrored doors

Furniture with built-in mirror can be ordered

Full-length mirror: features of the decor item

Full-length mirror is a non-standard solution for the hallway. If you apply it correctly, then a simple and uncomplicated design will become effective and original in a minute. The decor element will make it possible to realize complex design ideas. A masterful transformation will produce a stunning effect, the dark hall will become an iridescent looking glass. It can become a wonderful panel and spread along the entire wall.

An interesting solution is the mirrored corridor. It involves the installation of several items at once, located on different sides. It is appropriate to find reflective surfaces opposite. Despite the originality, this technique is rarely used. Since not everyone feels comfortable in such an environment.

A safe bet would be to install a reflective surface on the right or left wall relative to the entrance. This is the most convenient location. Residents can look into it before leaving. The pier glass opposite the door is not recommended to be placed. This violates the aesthetics of the whole picture. The only exception will be original design ideas.

The mirror can visually expand the boundaries of the room

You can use a sliding wardrobe with mirrored doors

Full-length mirror - a non-standard solution for the hallway

Hallway layout: what to consider?

The reflective surface is able to hide the flaws in the layout of the corridor. It does not clutter or burden the design. On the contrary, it gives it sophistication, visually increases its size, fills it with light. This attribute performs the following tasks.

  • Raise the height of the ceiling if it is installed vertically.
  • Move the walls apart. A horizontal object has a similar effect.

Using a mirror, you can hide the imperfections of the room

A mirror in the hallway is a win-win.

In the hallway, you can make a special finish with reflective materials. Mirror tiles look stylish and non-standard. Such a panel on the wall raises the ceiling. The visual effect from it will be incredible. It is similar to the illusion that magicians are capable of creating.

Mirrors of various shapes, sizes and types are suitable for furnishing any home. It is not difficult to use them, since such a design is a win-win option in any interior. They make it possible to create a unique and stylish design with minimal financial costs.

Video: Mirror in the hallway. Placement ideas

50 photos of hallway design ideas with a mirror:

It is difficult to imagine a piece of furniture or decor more necessary for the hallway than a mirror. And it's not even that it's vital for us to take a final look at ourselves before going out. A suitable mirror in the hallway can be not only a beautiful accent, but also a way to make the space look bigger and brighter. Today, you'll discover where to hang this almighty design tool and how you can use it to create a stylish interior.

How to properly hang a mirror in the hallway

When it comes to choosing a favorable arrangement for furniture and other objects in a room, modern people tend to turn to practice. To properly hang a mirror in the hallway according to Feng Shui, adhere to the following rules:

  1. A large full-length mirror is the best choice for a hallway, as it creates a sense of integrity and safety whenever you see yourself.
  2. You should hang the mirror on the wall at such a height that you can clearly see yourself and your aura: at least the whole head and shoulders.
  3. Adding a mirror to the hallway is encouraged in the place where it will fill the empty space and add light, for example, on the wall in a long and dark hallway, near the corner between the walls, etc.
  4. You should not hang a mirror in front of the door, especially if the distance between it and this door is less than 1.5 m. This will trap positive energy at the entrance to the house, preventing it from circulating normally.

Also, Slavic folk beliefs dictate us not to hang mirrors in the hallway opposite each other. This will create an endless corridor that makes many people uncomfortable. The dangers lurking in it have not been proven by anyone, so we will not talk about them in this article.

If you put together all the recommendations on how to properly hang a mirror in the hallway, it turns out that the optimal place for it is the wall on the side of the front door. This is both convenient and increases the space due to the reflection of the neighboring room, and does not interfere with the flow of energy.

Wall mirrors in the hallway - photos and design options

The style of the mirror, its shape, color and frame design can be the highlight of your hallway. Do you want to enjoy the beautiful design on your return home from the very doorstep? Moreover, a wall mirror in the hallway can have pleasant and useful functions - if there is a shelf and / or lighting. As always, Dekorin has collected the most interesting ideas in the photo for you. Start browsing with ...

Trend 2016: a mirror in a wooden frame for the hallway

A wall mirror in a wooden frame for the hallway will suit almost any interior and add comfort to it. Agree, the warm wood grain is very beneficial to the cold and shiny surface of the mirrors!

Full-length wall mirror in the hallway

Hanging on the wall, a full-length hallway mirror will not take up much space. On the contrary, it will visually expand the boundaries of the interior. In order to save space, it can even be supplemented with a thin table with a console, shelf or bench.

Also read:

Convenient mirror with a shelf in the hallway - 5 photos

Classic and retro interior items periodically return to fashion. A vintage mirror with a shelf in the hallway will make its design even more interesting and effective.

We also offer you to evaluate modern full-length mirrors with shelves for accessories. Very comfortable and stylish, isn't it?

Lighting for the mirror in the hallway - the best ideas

The easiest way to light up a hallway mirror is to hang wall lights on its sides.

And we would also like to draw your attention to the built-in illumination for the mirror in the hallway, which you can do yourself, and the idea of \u200b\u200bplacing a modern spot system on the ceiling.

Beautiful wall mirrors as a hallway decoration

At the end of the publication, we offer you a few more photos of the mirror in the hallway for your viewing, in which it favorably complements and decorates its design. Which option do you like best? Give us 1 minute of your time by telling us about it in the comments!

Wall mirror in the hallway - 30 ideas for a stylish interior updated: October 23, 2016 by the author: Margarita Glushko

Small hallways for modern apartment buildings are more the rule than the exception. There is nowhere to turn around with a design in a small area. The situation will be saved by the mirror in the hallway, without which it is simply impossible to imagine the design of the hallway. It is necessary in order to finally, leaving the apartment, evaluate the appearance. Fold the necessary little things onto the model with a shelf. Place scarves, hats, gloves on the dressing table. But the pier glass, poufs, dressers are rather bulky. The mirror in the hallway is not only practical, but also beautiful. Hang it up correctly, and it can bring a boring mediocre design to a stylistically interesting one.

Choosing the right mirror for your hallway is not an easy task. Take into account the general design of the apartment, the area of \u200b\u200bthe small hallway, the illumination, the selected color, the existing furniture (shoe shelf, dressing table, chest of drawers, wardrobe).

For those who doubt their ability to design, it is better to choose from ready-made headsets. The wall-mounted model with a shelf, several hooks, a clothes hanger, a shoe cabinet and an ottoman fits most interiors.

For the rest, a few general rules. How to choose mirrors for the hallway:

  • a good solution for a small hallway is a model on a stand. It can be quickly removed if necessary. An excellent alternative to the dressing table;
  • a mirror in the hallway is beautiful, but you should not overdo it with them. An excessive amount of reflections from different angles in a small area is disorienting, depressing and slightly frightening for the psyche. One large is better than many mini mirrors;
  • the minimum size of the mirror in the hallway, where you will see the reflection - 25 * 35 cm. Reflection to the waist - at a size of 45 * 70 cm, full height - 65 * 130 cm;
  • is there a window? Hang mirrors in the hallway on the opposite wall, but not exactly opposite. Direct sunlight spoils the reflective surface, the thing will have to be changed soon;
  • frames of similar style are selected for the canvas of different shapes. The more non-standard the shape, the simpler the frame. And vice versa;
  • hallway mirrors visually expand narrow walls, accentuate the color of the wall where they hang, help to visually “align” uneven walls and ceiling. If one wall is very bright in color, hang it there. The shade will become softer, more muted.


The frame is important, it supports the concept of style, uniform design:

  • the hallway mirrors in the baroque style with a massive stucco frame are self-sufficient. The rest of the accessories are simple and concise, not creating excessive pomp;
  • the version with a flat smooth frame looks beautiful on a wall covered with metallic paint;
  • a metal or black plastic frame is indispensable if the design determines the avant-garde style, minimalism, hi-tech;
  • an extravagant and effective solution for a spacious, bright hallway - a frame made of mirror cloth;
  • a massive natural wood frame will visually reduce the surface area, adding weight to the atmosphere;
  • rattan frame, decorated with mother-of-pearl, smooth stones, leather - a mirror solution for an ethnic or ecological style hallway;
  • a simple large wall or built-in canvas without a frame is ideal for the modern style.

High-tech mirror
Mirrors in three-dimensional frames in ethno-style

Wall mounted

The wall mirror is mounted on a hook on the wall, which is beautifully demonstrated in the photo. The most common shape is a rectangle or circle. Size - from mini to full wall. There are options with and without a frame. The latest technology is a matte pattern on the surface of the mirror, made using sandblasting technology.

Hanging horizontally on the wall, it visually expands the hallway wall. But the ceiling will "drop" slightly. The solution looks original. Full-length vertical wall panel is suitable for the hallway. You can consider yourself before going out.


Floor models for the hallway are always framed, a special stand allows you to change the angle of inclination. The structure takes up quite a lot of space, but it can be moved and deployed without any problems, considering yourself from any angle. This is more convenient than several sections of the dressing table.

The most common shape is a narrow rectangle or a highly elongated oval. The model is ideal for a spacious, well-lit hallway.


The built-in models, which can be seen in the photo selection, carry an increased functional load. The most common option is "a full-length canvas like a wardrobe door". No less popular is the canvas built into the wall panel of the headset, built on top of the chest of drawers, curbstone or pouf. Dressing table or trellis look good, which are collected in a selection of photos. The simplest design is full-length mirrors in the hallway with a small shelf on top.

Their area is quite large. Therefore, we must not forget about regular cleaning. Any dirt looks ugly. But the visually expanded hallway, flooded with light, is well worth the time and effort.

With shelf

Hallway mirrors with a small shelf at waist level or slightly higher allow you to remember the necessary little things when you leave the house - keys, gloves, phone, comb. Most often, there is a model in a baguette or wooden frame, to which a shelf strong enough is attached to withstand the weight of everything that is put on it.

Such mirrors are not allowed into the full-length hallway. Therefore, when hanging it, you need to take into account that you will need to step back a couple of steps in order to take a good look at yourself. The light also needs bright. You can hang mirrors for the hallway with a shelf both vertically and horizontally. The first option, shown in the photo, is preferable, because you can see yourself at full height.


Illuminated mirrors in the hallway are the most popular solution included in the design of this room. Hallways are often designed so that dimness of lighting and darkness cannot be dealt with. Instead of yourself, even when you come close, you can see only a vague shadow.

Of course, you can place a pair of sconces or wall lamps next to the dressing table or mirror in the hallway, but it is not always possible to conduct electricity, pick up small lamps that are suitable for the style and place them so that the light does not blind your eyes.

Special lighting in the mirrors for the hallway are point light sources, the bulbs are bright, but not cutting the eyes. They are placed on top, on either side of it, or just above the upper corner, which is perfectly demonstrated by the photo. In addition to being comfortable to look at, even full-length, this option can visually correct the shape of a long narrow hallway. Hang it on one of the narrow walls and a lamp on the opposite.

Decorative mini mirrors

The design of the hallway rarely provides mini-mirrors. And when it does, it gives them a purely decorative function. Indeed, you won't be able to look at yourself at full height in such a mini-version, but this is not a reason to refuse a very stylish, elegant and graceful accessory, like the mirror in the photo.

On the wall of a small hallway, you can hang 2-3 mini-mirrors of the same shape and size. It is better to focus on the unusual frame of mini mirrors.

Compositions of mini-mirrors of different shapes with the same frames, reminiscent of panels, look amazingly impressive on the wall of a large room, resembling an exposition of paintings. You can hang mini-mirrors not only on hooks, but also on ropes.

Antique mirrors

Antique mirrors in the hallway, especially with an authentic frame, look defiantly chic. They cost just insane money, even with a mini size. It's not even worth talking about the whole dressing table or trellis.

Therefore, lovers of retro and vintage styles can go out to build a design based on an artificially aged version. A mirror with rare patina spots gives a good effect. It also gives the atmosphere a touch of mystery and understatement, which is perfectly demonstrated by photo examples. Find the appropriate dressing table or wall mirror stand. He doesn't need a frame.

You can cut a frame for a modern mirror from an artificially aged mirror sheet. The vintage frame will create a vintage frame if you beat the design with furniture of a similar style from the same wood species.

More and more people follow Feng Shui recommendations. This teaching pays great attention to any reflective surfaces. She will multiply everything that is reflected. Therefore, you need to make sure that these are useful, beautiful and carrying a charge of positive energy objects. With regard to the hallway with a mirror, the following can be summarized:

  • it is recommended to choose a mirror in the hallway according to Feng Shui in the shape of a circle, which restores the energy that goes out through the opening door. The circle will help you relax and calm down, symbolizing harmony, completeness and constancy. Visually, the circle is a "window" overlooking another room;
  • feng shui dressing table does not recommend, as this piece of furniture "breaks" the reflection;
  • for a small hallway, when, just entering, you literally bump your nose into the opposite wall, you need to hang a large full-length mirror canvas on it, but so that the door does not reflect. This not only visually expands the space, relieving you of the feeling of a cage and an impenetrable wall, but also helps to gain confidence. It is even better if you can see a living plant standing near the door, bells or "wind chime";
  • it is undesirable to place it at the very front door, so as not to "drive" happiness and good luck out of the house. The same applies to those who are hung right in front of the door - positive energy simply cannot get inside, reflecting back. This leads to illness, quarrels, depression, chronic fatigue of the household;
  • ideal place for a mirror in the hallway - the two remaining walls. Hang it on one, on the contrary - a picture with flowers, a banknote, photographs of happy moments from the life of the family;
  • it should be full length. Determine a specific size by measuring the tallest member of the family, and adding another 10-15 cm to his height. Free space above a person's head means perspectives and new opportunities;
  • never hang them against each other. The resulting closed "corridor" hopelessly absorbs everything good and positive.

The cost

Prices for hallway mirrors vary significantly depending on the region and store, the availability of discounts, promotions. The cost is also influenced by the country of origin, area, processing technology of the canvas, the presence or absence of a frame, pattern:

  • the average cost of simple small-sized wall models is 2000-3000 rubles;
  • prices for floor mirrors start from 6500-7000 rubles;
  • the built-in version makes the design more expensive by at least 2000-2500 rubles;
  • the minimum cost of a model with a shelf is 3000-3500 rubles;
  • depending on the number of bulbs, illumination colors, the ability to adjust the brightness, the price changes. The simplest option will have to spend 5000-6000 rubles;
  • small mirrors are inexpensive. But you need a lot of them. Consider the frame as well. The canvas itself costs up to 1000 rubles;
  • it is simply pointless to evaluate antiques. There is no lower or upper limit.

A mirror is not only a necessary item in the hallway with functions, but also a decoration. A correctly selected mirror can give a special charm to a room, and it can also visually enlarge a small space and convey bright saturated shades of walls, furniture, ceilings, flooring.


Mirrors in living quarters have a large number of purposes and features. The most important and direct purpose of a mirror is, of course, reflection. People are always picky about their appearance, and a mirrored piece of furniture helps to notice and correct the image in time. In addition, the mirror can expand the space, create a visual volume, correct minor and significant flaws in the environment, become a bright accent of the interior and even change the color palette.

Competently similar models in a frame or baguette give airiness, lightness and sophistication, and the corridor, made in white or cream color, becomes even cleaner and lighter. If the rays of the sun fall from the rooms on the mirror in the hallway, then the room will be illuminated with soft and transparent natural light. Mirrored interior items along the entire length of the wall never weigh down the image of the hallway.

A large number of configurations and locations of the mirror allow you to give the room a peculiar and unique look.


Modern mirrors have a fairly large assortment for every taste and are divided by shapes, sizes and frame materials ... They are also of the following types:

  • Outdoor. Interior items that are always framed and stand on various stable supports. They are quite mobile, they can be regularly moved from place to place and even hidden in the closet if necessary. Such interior items are used both in large rooms and in small ones.

  • Tabletop. Mirrors that are placed on the surface of the table, cabinets with drawers, cupboards, corner hallways. They are rather inconvenient and small for the hall. They are mainly used in conjunction with large models.

  • Wall mounted. Such mirrors can be with a designer or regular frame, as well as do without it. Mirrored interior items for the hallway are produced with shelves, hooks and other various additions. They can be both vertical and horizontal. When there is a shortage of free space in the hall, many people install horizontal wall mirrors, which, in addition to the main function, also increase the wall on which they hang, but also significantly reduce the height of the ceiling.

  • Included in furniture designs. Most often, the mirror surface is built into cabinet doors and has all the same functions and features as a floor, tabletop or wall item.


Today you can buy a mirror of absolutely any shape, which plays an important role in appearance. The most popular in the design world are interior items with a square or rectangular shape.

If the hallway is made in an original style, it is recommended to pay attention to irregular and non-standard forms of mirrors that will complement and decorate the interior, for example, a "wave", "star" or a model in the shape of a porthole.

An interesting option is considered to be a round or oval shape. With a certain frame and design, such items will create the effect of windows, which are so lacking in most hallways.

Today, in any specialized workshop, you can order an individual item for every taste, geometric shape and wallet. For example, mirrors in the form of a cloud, a figure eight, a silhouette of a man or a couple in love can become beautiful and original decorations in the hall. It is worth noting that the more complex and intricate the shape of the mirror, the simpler and more concise the frame should be.


The size of the mirrors must be selected depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe hallway, and it is also worth relying on the amount of furniture in the hall. Indeed, for example, it is very difficult to fit a volumetric mirror in a cluttered room. The classic option can be considered a large vertical mirror, which occupies a separate free wall. Similar options are used in spacious hallways with high ceilings.

If the hall has a low ceiling, then a mirrored piece of furniture will depress the space even more.

Small wall mirrors perform the same function as massive ones, but do not clutter up small rooms. The main thing is that they are in full growth.The minimum standard dimensions for a mirror in the hallway are considered to be 30 * 40 cm. In them you can see only the upper body to the chest, but they fit well into any interior. Miniature models are almost always made in an original frame, with lighting and additional elements. Interior items with dimensions of 40 * 60 cm allow you to see the body up to the waist, and with a size of 60 * 120 cm you can already see a person in full growth.


You can choose absolutely any material for framing the mirror, based on the design of the corridor, your own taste and preferences. Frames can be either a familiar design made of wood, high-quality plastic or metal, or a unique one made of expensive fabric, stucco molding, mosaics and other things.

Hallway style

A functional decor item must necessarily harmoniously fit into any style of room, therefore, before choosing a mirror, you need to pay attention to the design of the hallway. Shades of the frame should be purchased those that harmoniously combine with furniture and hall accessories:

  • Classic style. The ideal option would be mirrors in three-dimensional frames made of wood or metal. You can choose gilding or original forged models with twisted patterns.

  • High tech. An interior item can be in a plastic or metal frame without pretentiousness, drawings and decor.

  • Modern. A simple-shaped mirror without any frame is suitable for this style.

  • Country style. You can pick up a small decorative mirror in an unusual volumetric wood frame. It is best if the shape of the frame is special, for example, in the form of sun rays.

  • Retro. Probably the best option for retro style would be a mirror object with a patina or with an old frame. You can also take a closer look at forged frames.

  • For an avant-garde interior, black or steel frames are best.

  • Ecostyle. An unusual option for eco-style will be a frame made of bamboo branches.

  • An asymmetric oval mirror or with wavy lines will fit into the modern design of the hallway.

How to choose?

In many hallways, there is little free space, the entrance door is inconveniently located, a lot of furniture and necessary interior items, poor lighting. As a rule, in such rooms there is often no room left for installing a mirror. But all these problems can be easily solved if you choose the right model. Today very often people resort to to the help of specialistsin the choice of furniture, interior items and accessories.

If for some reason this is not possible, then the mirror can be purchased in the store or ordered from the workshop yourself. Given the color scheme of the hallway, the size and its style, it will not be difficult.

In addition, recently, mini-hallways, dressing tables or trellises have become very common, in which there are already mirrors that are ideal for the style of furniture. Mirrored interior items can be made with various additions, for example, with a cabinet for small items, with a shoe rack, with a hanger and hooks for clothes and accessories, with a facet.

A well-chosen mirror can smooth out overly bright and defiant walls.To do this, you need to hang the piece of furniture on the side you want to muffle. In any case, a competent and responsible approach can solve any issue. For example, a mirror in a baguette, which is mounted on a wall or dressing table, looks quite stylish, expands the space and does not take up much space. Plus, these things are relatively inexpensive.

How to hang correctly?

In order for the mirror to perform all its functions and become an interior decoration, it is necessary to choose its location correctly. The main thing when installing a mirror is to have enough space in front of it so that you can freely walk up, dress and look at your own reflection. Experts do not recommend hanging a mirror in front of the door.It is best to install the piece of furniture on a wall perpendicular to the entrance opening. An exception may be a hall that is too small with a narrow corridor. If in the hallway there is such a luxury as a window, then the mirror is recommended to be placed in front of it. In this case, the hall will be much brighter.

After choosing the optimal location, you should proceed with the installation. If the mirror has hinges or metal hooks on the back, then you need to drive suitable fasteners into the wall and hang the piece of furniture.

The light, small mirror can be installed on any smooth surface using a special tool: "liquid nails" for mirrors.


In the modern world, homemade interior items are very much appreciated. Frames for mirrors are no exception and, with skill, can become a real masterpiece. A self-designed frame has many advantages: an unlimited choice of size, pattern, pattern, design, texture and material. You can decorate the piece of furniture in such a way that it perfectly matches the decor of the hallway. Ideas can be completely different, which depend directly on desire and imagination, but the main rule for decorating is do not overdo it.

In order to decorate and decorate the frame, it is best to use one type of material. Otherwise, there may be difficulties with connection, incompatibility of structures, weight and poor appearance.


There are almost never windows with natural light in the hallway, so various lamps are needed to equip the room. This is especially true for the correct functioning of the mirrors.

It is considered ideal when there are several different electrical appliances in the hall, and one or two of them should be located directly next to the mirror. In the hallway, you can use any lamp, but it is worth considering that all devices correspond to the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and its style.

  • Recessed spotlights that are mounted on the surface of mirrors. This backlight does not dazzle the eyes and does not require an electrical outlet. Most often, models with built-in lamps have a beautiful and stylish decor that gives the space a kind of magic, like candles.
  • Sconces located on the sides of the mirror or above it. Such artificial lighting is considered soft, warm and diffused, gives the hallway coziness and makes it more spacious.
  • Floor lamp when there is a lot of free space.
  • Swivel spots that can be directed to the mirror as conveniently.
  • LED strips. Basically, they have only a decorative function and can decorate any mirror. The belts are quite easy to install, economical in energy consumption and, if used correctly, are considered durable.

It is important to note that with the right choice of lighting items, you can not only make the hallway bright and light, but also get rid of many of the room's imperfections. For example, if you install a sconce in front of a mirror, then thanks to the reflective rays, the room will appear wider and more iridescent.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui in the interior of the corridor pays special attention to the mirrors, and this is not surprising. After all, if you believe the eastern practice, everything that is reflected in the mirrors, then multiplies in a person's life. Sages recommend placing round mirrors in the hallway, which retain positive energy and do not let it out of the apartment.

In addition, the circle is considered a symbol of harmony and peace of mind. But a bedside table with a built-in mirror or a console, on the contrary, can bring bad energy into a person's life. It is best to use small shelves for storing small items instead of dressers and other massive items.

According to the laws of feng shui, mirrors cannot be placed immediately opposite the front door, as well as opposite each other, creating a long mirrored corridor. This is because such dispositions attract trouble, absorb positive energy, and banish well-being and happiness.

There is also a conflicting judgment that the mirror, which is immediately opposite the door, reflects negative external energy and does not let it into the house.

Folk signs

The mirror is one of the most mysterious objects, causing a huge amount of controversy and reasoning. A superstitious person always attaches special importance to him. Today there are a large number of different signs associated with mirrors in the house, but whether it is worth blindly believing in such signs or considering everything as fiction, each person decides for himself:

  • According to popular beliefs, the most successful place in the hallway for a large mirror is the wall opposite the front door. This arrangement collects the energy entering the apartment or house and increases well-being.
  • When two mirrors are installed opposite each other, rivalry is created, which negatively affects a person. He has fatigue, lethargy, emptiness, powerlessness. In addition, such a mirrored corridor is capable of invoking evil spirits into the real world.