Blinds on the metal windows on the balcony. We choose the best blinds for the balcony. On balcony plastic windows

Decorating window openings is a very important and at the same time difficult task. Curtains, curtains, roller shutters and blinds should not only harmoniously fit into the interior, but also fulfill their main purpose - to protect the room from excessive light. The greatest difficulties arise when choosing a suitable design for balconies and loggias, because. windows here differ in non-standard sizes and shapes. Modern ones can cope with the task without creating significant difficulties in operation. However, the best, comfortable and practical option for decorating balcony windows is still considered to be blinds to the balcony.

Today "Dream House" will tell its readers about how to choose blinds for balcony windows, about the types of modern products, their materials and characteristics.

Technical and design features of blinds

In a general sense, the word "blinds" means a decorative light-shielding product consisting of horizontal or vertical plates. This type of design gained the greatest popularity a couple of decades ago, when a fashion arose for the most simple and concise interiors in the countries of the post-Soviet space. Initially made of plastic and used mainly in office space. However, the high convenience of this decor forced the craftsmen to reconsider its design and method of implementation, thanks to which the blinds acquired many varieties and decorative variations. Now they are widely used in residential areas as well. the modifications carried out have retained their practicality, giving a huge decorative variety.

What blinds to choose for balconies and loggias

To choose the right blinds for the balcony, you first need to understand their varieties and design features. These products are usually classified into the following groups:

1. Horizontal

Horizontal blinds are most often made of plastic or aluminum slats. Products can be attached both to the window sashes, and to the wall or to the profile of the opening. On balconies and loggias, it is most convenient to install horizontal blinds directly to the sashes, because. in this case, you will be able to open the window without lifting or moving the decoration. When closed, this type of blinds provide excellent protection from the sun's rays, so they are ideal for decorating windows located on the south side. Horizontal lamellas can be fixed at different angles, which allows you to control the level of light supply.

However, blinds with horizontal slats are not suitable for decorating sliding windows on a balcony.

2. Vertical

As you can understand from the name, in this case the lamellae are not horizontal, but vertical. Thanks to this design feature, vertical blinds are made not only from aluminum or plastic, but also from textile materials. The main advantage of these blinds is that their design is as close as possible to the design of curtains, which makes the interior of the balcony very cozy and neat. This type of design can be closed completely, or you can change the angle of rotation of the slats, choosing the appropriate level of illumination.

3. Roll

Such blinds are solid woven fabrics that are mounted directly on the window sashes. There are no slats in the design of these products, so they do not move apart or rise like the previous versions, but are wound on a special shaft. At the same time, the mechanism of the blinds allows you to fix them in the desired position, opening only part of the window.

Roller blinds are compact and easy to use, so they are ideal for decorating the side windows of the balcony.

Roll-type products are made from both dense and light fabrics, due to which they are used in rooms with any degree of natural light. In addition, the line of these blinds includes a universal design option called "", which uses two types of fabric at the same time - denser and lighter.

4. Pleated

In terms of design and technical characteristics, pleated blinds resemble, but unlike them, when opened, this type of decor is not wound on a shaft, but is assembled in beautiful folds. In addition to the original appearance, the advantage is that they can be mounted on windows of the most non-standard shapes.

5. Bamboo

Bamboo or wooden blinds can give the interior of the balcony originality and expressiveness. These products are bamboo sheets, inside of which there are thin wooden planks and lifting mechanisms. The opening of bamboo blinds is made by winding the canvases into rolls and fixing them in the desired position.

In addition to the types of design listed above, I also want to highlight the latest category of blinds, the design of which is equipped with automated mechanisms. These are electric blinds that can be controlled remotely. In addition, specially equipped products can be supplemented with light and temperature sensors, so that they automatically select the optimal position depending on the degree of natural light and the temperature outside the window.

Balcony blinds design

The design of modern blinds looks no less diverse than the design of curtains. Thanks to the use of various materials, textures, shapes and colors, you can choose the most harmonious decor for your home.

For example, roller blinds, pleated blinds, and other products made of fabric will be a good addition to a living room or other room. While the laconic plastic blinds will harmoniously fit into the design of the loggia, designed as a rest room.

When choosing the color of the blinds for the balcony, please note that now these products are made not only in plain pastel colors, but also in interesting color combinations. Cloths of modern blinds are often complemented by bright drawings, patterns and photographs, which turns them into an original interior accent.


How to decide which blinds are best for a balcony if the market is replete with a variety of materials and models? What principles should be followed in this case and what should one pay special attention to?

To begin with, let's define what "blinds on the windows to the balcony" are, and what are they for? These are the so-called curtains, consisting of a number of interconnected plates (lamellas), which can be arranged vertically or horizontally. These designs do not interfere with the flow of fresh air, but perfectly protect the room from the penetration of the hot rays of the sun. Installing blinds on the balcony will also help hide from prying eyes.

According to the materials from which the blinds are made, they are divided into:

  • tissue;
  • plastic;
  • aluminum;
  • wooden.

According to the location of the lamellas, blinds are:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical .

There are more rolled blinds on the balcony, which, due to their originality, have recently become more and more in demand. To understand and understand which blinds are best for a balcony, let's take a closer look at all the options.

Materials used to make blinds

Plastic. The most common option. Plastic curtains on the balcony are distinguished by their convenient design, affordable price and good quality. They are easy to care for, easy and quick to clean.

Wood. For greater resistance to moisture, wooden lamellas are pre-treated with varnish. Blinds made of this material have a special handle for fixing the length. This option is more suitable for small balconies.

Textile. Polyester is preferred. The material is easy to clean and practically does not fade in the sun. Blinds made of polyester have a long service life.

Metal. Easy to maintain and inexpensive, aluminum balcony blinds are unaffected by the environment. They are reliable and practical.

Blinds vertical

These structures consist of plastic or aluminum eaves, control cord, connecting chain, weights, runners and lamellas. Lamellas can be made from any material.

Vertical blinds on the balcony are attached to the wall or ceiling with brackets. To do this, it is enough to drill 2-3 holes. Old blades are easy to replace with new ones. Closing method is optional:

  • from right to left;
  • from the center to the sides;
  • from left to right.

Vertical slats are assembled into an accordion and easily rotate around their axis. The opinion that vertical blinds are installed mainly in office premises is erroneous.

A huge selection of textures, materials and colors allows you to decorate any interior with these designs.

When choosing vertical blinds for a balcony, pay special attention to the following details:

  • Cornice is better to choose aluminum. The tendency of plastic to deform can lead to failure of the entire mechanism.
  • The plastic chain with which the vertical strips are connected at the bottom must be only white. Plastic with yellowness indicates its poor quality.
  • All-plastic weights have proven themselves better than all the others. They don't rust.
    These designs will be an excellent option for blinds on a balcony with sliding windows.

Blinds horizontal

A huge plus of horizontal blinds on the balcony is the ability to install them directly on the window frame. In this case, they fit very tightly to the glass and do not hang out even with the window open.

Numerous lamellas, interconnected by fasteners, easily open and close, gathering into an accordion.

The main advantages of horizontal curtains on the balcony:

  • simple and easy care;
  • take up little space, without visually reducing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room;
  • Optionally, they can be mounted on the upper slope of the window opening, wall or window frame.

Advice! If you install horizontal blinds on each window frame, you can place flowers or other objects on the windowsill, as well as easily open and close windows.

Roller blinds

Such designs consist of a special shaft, on which it is neatly wound tightly. The shaft itself can be attached to the window frame, ceiling or wall according to circumstances. Roller blinds on the balcony, installed directly on the window sash, are very convenient and do not interfere at all when closing or opening window frames.

A variety of color shades and textures of roll-on light filters allow you to create original interiors. Blinds can be translucent or very dense. Attractive, reliable, comfortable roller blinds on the balcony provide comfort and coziness in the room.

It is important! When choosing roller blinds, purchase such designs where the shaft with the fabric wound around it is hidden inside the box. The canvas in this case will be reliably protected from dust.

Choice of blinds. What to pay attention to?

  • The length of the blinds on the balcony with sliding frames should be slightly less than the length of the frame itself (5-10 cm).
  • When choosing a specific model, you need to pay attention to the rotary mechanism. Its moving parts should not creak. The mechanism should function smoothly, creating only comfort during daily use.
  • Fabric vertical blinds will be the most suitable option for plastic frames. In this case, you can block windows of any size and easily adjust the level of lighting.
  • Roller blinds that are extraordinarily effective and come in a wide variety of colors can incur high costs. But they will be an excellent solution for a long time and for any balconies.
  • The length of the blinds should not reach the floor. These designs successfully save space and create comfort in it. With such a huge assortment, you can create the brightest interior masterpieces.

What kind of blinds to install on a balcony or loggia? The answer is unequivocal - any. It all depends on your taste. There are, of course, some limitations. For example:

  • Sash-mounted blinds are out of place on balconies with aluminum or sliding windows. Otherwise, the sliding frames simply will not open, and blinds are not installed on aluminum at all.
  • Horizontal blinds can control the flow of light. They can be fully raised - if you need a lot of light. And if you just turn the slats, then only a small backlight is created.
  • Vertical blinds on the balcony are similar to traditional curtains, as they cover the entire window opening. The only disadvantage of such structures is that in order to open a window, you must first open the blinds. And when the shutters are open, the blinds cannot be closed.
  • Roller blinds are the best option for balconies that are located on the sunny side. Sufficiently dense fabric will not let the rays of the sun through. If sunlight is a rare guest on the balcony, then it is better to choose blinds made of translucent fabric.
  • An interesting option for decorating an inexpensive balcony interior would be the installation of plastic blinds on PVC windows. High quality plastic does not deform, so it will last a long time.
  • Wooden blinds go well with natural wood window frames. The downside of these designs is the rather high cost.
  • Aluminum blinds for the balcony are lightproof, fire resistant and durable. But they "rattle" a lot when opening and closing.

A window on a balcony is good, but a curtained window is better. After all, it is the curtains that will protect you from bright light during the day and prying eyes at night. How to choose blinds for the balcony? And which curtains to choose? Read about it in our article.

Choosing blinds, look at the glazing

Ilona Markovna Zyablik-Kanistrova, Master of the Belgian School of Applied Interior Design (Ecole Belgique de Conception Appliquee), gives advice to our site.

- Ilona Markovna, what types of blinds are suitable for a balcony?

Ilona Markovna Zyablik-Kanistrova, designer

Yes, any! Horizontal, vertical, roller blinds, pleated blinds, roman blinds and even wood! True, there are certain limitations. If you have sliding or aluminum windows installed on your balcony, then blinds that are attached to the sashes will not work for you. They are not mounted on aluminum, and sliding windows cannot be opened with them.

My clients often ask: “Which blinds are better to choose for a loggia? And which curtains to choose for the balcony? Such a division: this is only suitable for a balcony, but this for a loggia does not exist. Some experts do not advise hanging wooden and bamboo blinds on balconies - they say they are too heavy. But I think it's all nonsense.

Horizontal blinds on the balcony

Horizontal blinds (light filters) are thin aluminum or plastic plates (lamellas) that are fixed on ropes. Such blinds are attached to each sash separately, or to a profile or wall - as it is more convenient for anyone. I like the first option. After all, this is how they adjoin the window closely, and the window sill remains free. If you want, put flowers, if you want - climb there with your feet!

Such curtains-blinds are also convenient for a balcony or loggia because it is very convenient to regulate the supply of light with them. When you need a little light - turn only the slats, if you need more light - raise the blinds up completely.

Sometimes blinds are attached to the window profile. Blinds on each sash, how much space they save! Transparent wire - to rotate the slats, and a thread - to raise the blinds Multi-colored light filters will give you a good mood

Vertical blinds on the balcony

Vertical blinds, unlike horizontal ones, are made not only from aluminum and plastic, but also from fabric. They cover the entire window opening, so they look like traditional curtains - just as cozy. And at the same time they cost 4 times less than horizontal ones! From 250 rubles per square meter.

- They say that it is easier to take care of them?

I guess, yes. They collect less dust, because they are in an upright position, and they are easily erased. Although there are also few problems with horizontal ones: I wiped it from dust, and that's it!

Fabric blinds look very homey Vertical filters to the floor: why not? Photo blinds on the balcony - very original! Sometimes vertical blinds are made in several layers.

Roller blinds as great sun protection

There are several types of roller blinds: classic and mini,” says Ilona. – How to choose them correctly? If you don't often open windows, the classic will suit you. These curtains are mounted on the window sash or in the window opening. Mini curtains - only on the window sash. Therefore, it is more convenient to open a window with them. But the design of these two types is exactly the same! And it consists of a shaft, on which the fabric is wound with the help of a special mechanism.

Roller blinds are suitable for those who have a balcony facing the sunny side. After all, the fabric from which they are made can be very dense. Don't miss a single ray! Well, if the sun rarely visits your balcony or loggia, you can choose a translucent fabric.

Roller blinds can be very dense or translucent, as here Roller blinds are relatively inexpensive - they cost from 500 rubles per square meter Zebra blinds - double fabric with alternating dense and transparent stripes
Roller blinds, unlike roller blinds, are unwound from top to bottom. For sewing roller light filters, polyester is more often used - a durable synthetic fabric. Like horizontal, roller blinds, you can use the window sill for your needs

Pleated curtains with taste

Pleated is a pleated fabric with folds of 2 centimeters, which comes in completely different colors. Of course, horizontal blinds also have a rich palette, but not so much. Yes, and you must admit, the fabric looks much better than aluminum or plastic.

Another advantage of such curtains is that they can follow the shape of any window: square, round, semicircular and even triangular!

Pleated day-night. During the day, you leave only a translucent bottom layer, and at night you lower two. Pleated pleats open from bottom to top, top to bottom and in both directions at once Add pleated blinds with traditional curtains? Easily! Pleated panels are suitable for windows of any shape and at any angle.

Roman blinds - original and beautiful

Roman blinds for balconies are a great alternative to blinds. Their design is quite simple: a rectangular woven fabric is laid in folds and fixed on a cornice. When the curtain is lowered, these folds are straightened into a continuous web. And when they are lifted, they are neatly layered on top of each other.

Any fabric is used as a material for such curtains: light, dense, smooth texture, and so on. Although linen, silk and cotton are more in demand. Natural is better! And so that they do not fade in the sun, they are treated with a special impregnation.

Translucent Roman blinds With Roman blinds, your balcony will become more refined The secret of Roman blinds is in the planks of wood, which are attached to them from the inside Roman blinds will fit perfectly into any environment!

We also have an article on our site:. If you like this idea, it is better to choose curtains - they look more comfortable.

Wooden or bamboo blinds

Both wooden and bamboo blinds are, first of all, a very interesting and bright detail on your balcony, the designer continues. - They are suitable for any interior! In addition, these are natural materials that are pleasant not only to look at, but also to touch. But their price goes off scale - an average of 3,000 rubles per square meter.

Bamboo and wood curtains are very comfortable to use. They are assembled according to the principle of horizontal blinds, or rolled up into a tight roll. True, they have a drawback - they are heavy, so the mount can quickly weaken.

Heavy bamboo curtains are assembled into a roll. Such blinds are called both Roman and bamboo.

Blinds or traditional curtains?

Curtains are still very fashionable, despite all sorts of blinds. And nothing prevents you from hanging a small synthetic tulle or a curtain made of threads on the balcony. But voluminous and heavy curtains on the balcony are not the place. What is there for them to get wet and collect dust? The other thing is the blinds. And they take up little space, and almost do not get dirty. And what kind of blinds are best suited to your balcony, you decide.

How to decide which blinds are best for a balcony if the market is replete with a variety of materials and models? What principles should be followed in this case and what should one pay special attention to?

To begin with, let's define what "blinds on window to the balcony”, and what are they for? These are the so-called curtains, consisting of a number of interconnected plates (lamellas), which can be arranged vertically or horizontally. These designs do not interfere with the flow of fresh air, but perfectly protect the room from the penetration of the hot rays of the sun. Installing blinds on the balcony will also help hide from prying eyes.

Balcony in yellow and green tones

Cozy reading corner on the balcony

Blinds made from natural materials

According to the materials from which the blinds are made, they are divided into:





According to the location of the lamellas, blinds are:



There are also roller blinds on the balcony, which, due to their originality, have recently become more and more in demand. To understand and understand which blinds are best for a balcony, let's take a closer look at all the options.

Spacious loggia in beige tones

Roller blinds are the perfect solution for a sunny balcony

Fabric blinds

Materials used to make blinds

Plastic. The most common option. Plastic blinds on the balcony are distinguished by their convenient design, affordable price and good quality. They are easy to care for, easy and quick to clean.

Wood. For greater resistance to moisture, wooden lamellas are pre-treated with varnish. Blinds made of this material have a special handle for fixing the length. This option is more suitable for small balconies.

Textile. Polyester is preferred. The material is easy to clean and practically does not fade in the sun. Blinds made of polyester have a long service life.

Metal. Easy to maintain and inexpensive, aluminum balcony blinds are unaffected by the environment. They are reliable and practical.

Loft style balcony

Loggia in gray-blue tones

Cozy sofa to relax + storage space

Blinds vertical

These designs consist of a plastic or aluminum cornice, a control cord, a connecting chain, weights, runners and lamellas. Lamellas can be made from any material.

Vertical blinds on the balcony are attached to the wall or ceiling with brackets. To do this, it is enough to drill 2-3 holes. Old blades are easy to replace with new ones. Closing method is optional:

from right to left;

from the center to the sides;

from left to right.

Vertical blinds on the balcony

Vertical slats are assembled into an accordion and easily rotate around their axis. The opinion that vertical blinds are installed mainly in office premises is erroneous.

A huge selection of textures, materials and colors allows you to decorate any interior with these designs.

When choosing vertical blinds for a balcony, pay special attention to the following details:

Cornice is better to choose aluminum. The tendency of plastic to deform can lead to failure of the entire mechanism.

The plastic chain with which the vertical strips are connected at the bottom must be only white. Plastic with yellowness indicates its poor quality.

Vertical blinds - a stylish solution for decorating the balcony area

Blinds horizontal

A huge plus of horizontal blinds on the balcony is the ability to install them directly on the window frame. In this case, they fit very tightly to the glass and do not hang out even with the window open.

Numerous lamellas, interconnected by fasteners, easily open and close, gathering into an accordion.

Horizontal blinds wood effect

The main advantages of horizontal blinds on the balcony:

simple and easy care;

take up little space, without visually reducing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room;

Optionally, they can be mounted on the upper slope of the window opening, wall or window frame.

Classic horizontal blinds

Advice! If you install horizontal blinds on each window frame, you can place flowers or other objects on the windowsill, as well as easily open and close windows.

Roller blinds

Such designs consist of a special shaft, on which it is neatly wound tightly. The shaft itself can be attached to the window frame, ceiling or wall according to circumstances. Roller blinds on the balcony, installed directly on the window sash, are very convenient and do not interfere at all when closing or opening window frames.

A variety of color shades and textures of roll-on light filters allow you to create original interiors. Blinds can be translucent or very dense. Attractive, reliable, comfortable roller blinds on the balcony provide comfort and coziness in the room.

Roller blinds mechanism

It is important! When choosing roller blinds, purchase such designs where the shaft with the fabric wound around it is hidden inside the box. The canvas in this case will be reliably protected from dust.

Roller blinds make the terrace cozier

Choice of blinds. What to pay attention to?

The length of the blinds on the balcony with sliding frames should be slightly less than the length of the frame itself (5-10 cm).

When choosing a specific model, you need to pay attention to the rotary mechanism. Its moving parts should not creak. The mechanism should function smoothly, creating only comfort during daily use.

Fabric vertical blinds will be the most suitable option for plastic frames. In this case, you can block windows of any size and easily adjust the level of lighting.

Roller blinds that are extraordinarily effective and come in a wide variety of colors can incur high costs. But they will be an excellent solution for a long time and for any balconies.

The length of the blinds should not reach the floor. These designs successfully save space and create comfort in it. With such a huge assortment, you can create the brightest interior masterpieces.

Dining area with amazing city views

Home office on the balcony

Natural fabrics, wood and natural flowers create a special atmosphere on the balcony

What kind of blinds to install on a balcony or loggia? The answer is unequivocal - any. It all depends on your taste. There are, of course, some limitations. For example:

Sash-mounted blinds are out of place on balconies with aluminum or sliding windows. Otherwise, the sliding frames simply will not open, and blinds are not installed on aluminum at all.

Horizontal blinds can control the flow of light. They can be fully raised - if you need a lot of light. And if you just turn the slats, then only a small backlight is created.

Vertical blinds on the balcony are similar to traditional curtains, as they cover the entire window opening. The only disadvantage of such structures is that in order to open a window, you must first open the blinds. And when the shutters are open, the blinds cannot be closed.

Roller blinds are the best option for balconies that are located on the sunny side. Sufficiently dense fabric will not let the rays of the sun through. If sunlight is a rare guest on the balcony, then it is better to choose blinds made of translucent fabric.

An interesting option for decorating an inexpensive balcony interior would be the installation of plastic blinds on PVC windows. High quality plastic does not deform, so it will last a long time.

Wooden blinds go well with natural wood window frames. The downside of these designs is the rather high cost.

Aluminum blinds for the balcony are lightproof, fire resistant and durable. But they "rattle" a lot when opening and closing.

Good mood corner

Window bench for book lovers

Blinds not only protect the balcony from the bright rays of the sun, but also help to create a cozy atmosphere, emphasize the design of the room.

Which blinds are better for the balcony - video

At present, in conditions of high prices for residential real estate and with the development of the design industry, most people are looking for the possibility of increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing, for which they often resort to using a loggia or balcony. Very often, designers offer to design a loggia in the form of a functional office or recreation area. Also, the combination with a balcony is used simply to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room or kitchen. It is for this reason that the design and decoration of this additional space will require close attention. The window occupies a large part of the loggia, so how it will look will give a general impression of the entire interior of the room. As a rule, the window on the loggia is closed with blinds, especially when the use of traditional curtains with a cornice will be ineffective.

Blind functions

Blinds have several main functions:

Decorative and interior;


Decorative-interior function is to design the interior of the room due to a wide range of colors and shades, as well as applying decorative elements to the blinds. Since the whole interior as a whole depends on the type, type and color of the blinds, their choice must be approached consciously.

The protective function of the products is to protect the room from sunlight during the daytime and, accordingly, maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. They will also protect tenants from unnecessarily intrusive looks from the outside. This issue is especially relevant for homeowners on the first floors of residential buildings.

The choice of blinds for the balcony

Now many stores specialize in the sale of balcony blinds. Buying products in our company, the consumer has a number of advantages compared to other suppliers:

Comfort and saving time when choosing. The buyer does not have to personally visit the store to select the design and color of the finished product. You just need to go to our website, which presents the entire range of products, photos of all types of blinds, all colors and shades, and you can also find out all the characteristics of interest there.

The measurement and consultation of a specialist when contacting our company is free. After selecting the option you are interested in from the online catalog, by calling, you can coordinate the call of the master for measurement and get additional advice without getting up from the couch.


Today there are several options for blinds that are suitable for a balcony:

Economy option. This option includes vertical curtains with slats made of plastic or fabric. The cost of such products is directly related to the quality of materials, the higher the quality, the higher the cost. The advantages of this type of blinds include: affordable price of the product, large coverage area, excellent protective function from sunlight and high temperatures. The disadvantages include the lack of home comfort and a pronounced office look of the living space.

Cassette blinds of horizontal type. The second most popular option. The main advantage of products of this type is the possibility of mounting such a product directly on the window sash. Thus, the window sill can be made in the form of a small desktop, if possible, completely closing the window. The only drawback of this option can be considered that the blinds take up little space in the upper part of the window.

Roll type blinds. Considered the most practical and common use case. Among the huge number of advantages, more than half a thousand fabric samples can be distinguished, which makes it possible to choose a product for any pocket, no less number of colors, shades and halftones, a diverse texture of the fabric and its transparency. Its ability to clearly dose the throughput of light allows you to create a different mood inside the room. The only tangible disadvantage is the higher price compared to the same type of competing product.

Depending on the material from which their lamellas are made, all blinds are as follows:

With plastic lamellas;

With aluminum alloy blades;

Having textile lamellas;

With wooden slats.

Let's take a closer look at each type of lamella

Curtains with plastic slats are the most common type. When used on a balcony or loggia, they are favorably distinguished by good quality at a relatively low cost, a practical working mechanism. Plastic does not require complex care, it is easy to clean with a detergent or just a damp cloth, with careful use it is almost impossible to damage them.

Aluminum alloy blinds are also very low maintenance. They are renowned for their long service life and reliability. They are not afraid to get damaged as a result of external influences because of their strength, besides, a small price is a plus.

The best choice for fabric slats are the type of blinds made from polyester. A distinctive feature of this material is a very high resistance to UV rays, as well as easy maintenance in terms of cleaning and washing the slats. Blinds with textile slats are considered to have the longest service life.

Wooden lamellas must be coated with a special protective varnish in order to avoid a detrimental effect on the product. Blinds of this type are placed on a small balcony.

Nuances when choosing

When choosing products for the balcony, you need to pay attention to several nuances:

When choosing blinds for a balcony with a window that has a sliding system, it is necessary to calculate the size by 5 cm less than the length of the window frame.

When choosing the described product, special attention must be paid to fittings. During operation, the rotary mechanism should not make a creak and additional noise. It must work smoothly, providing convenience and comfort.

For plastic windows, vertical blinds with textile slats are the most preferred option. By mounting directly on the window frame, they cover windows with any area and have the ability to adjust the degree of light penetration.

Roller blinds are more expensive but can offer a larger color palette than any other type of blind. They are popular among designers for their versatility in any interior.

Blinds should not start from the floor, as their main function is to save free space and create a cozy interior.

Our company can offer you a wide range of curtains of any type and color for balconies and loggias. Our specialists will measure for free, help with advice when choosing the material and color of the blinds, carry out production on high-quality equipment that meets the highest standards, and the price of the finished product will pleasantly surprise you.