Yellow little cucumbers in the greenhouse. Turn yellow and fall off the cucumbers: what to do? Plant damage to various diseases or pests

When yellowing cucumbers in the greenhouse, what to do is the first question that arises from gardeners. First of all, it is necessary to determine why the problem arose. This may be a violation of agricultural equipment, and lack of food, and pest infections.

Experts identify 5 reasons due to which the color of the cucumber tops in the greenhouse occurs.

The sheet becomes yellow in case:

  • irregular watering;
  • lack of lighting;
  • lacks or oversaturation of soil with nutrients;
  • infection by pathogenic bacteria and fungus;
  • the presence of pests on the leaf plates.

In this situation, the green mass on the lower part of the plant is most often suffering. If the boosters are cucumbers in the wound, then the reason lies in problems with pollinating or overloading the plant. To solve it, it is necessary to remove part of the embryos and colors. The answer to the question why yellow the fruits of cucumbers in the greenhouse are freezing. As a result of a sharp temperature difference, the young harvest could perish or seriously suffer. This also applies to flowers. In addition to the listed problems, the zero does not affect the disruption of the nutrient balance, incorrect agrotechnology, pest infection.

Finding out why fruit becomes yellow, attention should be paid to the care of plants. With proper agricultural engine, the change in the color causes pegs. It leads to the fact that the cucumbers are growing in size, the peel acquires a yellowish tint, the pulp becomes less crispy. Such cucumbers grown from hybrids are suitable for collecting seeds.

Knowing why fades the tops in the greenhouse and how to deal with it, you can avoid serious problems in a timely manner.

Why yellow cucumbers in the open soil

The reasons why the cucumbers are wishes at open ridges may be similar to greenhouse. A number of factors affect the color change of the color of the leaf plate of the cucumber.

  1. Wrong watering. The lack of moisture affects the loss of the leaf turgoor. It forms yellow dry stains, which lead to the fading of the entire plate. If irrigated excessive, then the root system begins to rot, which also turns the leaf yellow.
  2. Education burns. When watering in the solar time, the remaining drops remaining on the sheet plates quickly dry out, which leads to a burn.
  3. Unsuitable neighborhood. The cucumbers do not grow if the place is incorrectly chosen for them. Poor precursors are pumpkin, patissons, watermelon. After them in the ground there are pathogenic bacteria, and the lack of nutrients needed to cucumbers are formed.
  4. A place. The reason may hide in an inappropriate place. Excess sun, strong drafts, wetlands are poorly suitable for a growing seedling.

Not only leaves, but the ovary of the cucumbers can become yellow. This moment is most often associated with:

  • excessive formation of wounds;
  • problems with pollination;
  • violation of agrotechnology rules;
  • temperature drop;
  • lack of fertilizer.

The answer to the question why cucumber inside becomes yellow, is:

  • lack of oxygen in the ground;
  • insufficient soil moisture;
  • defection of infections (peronosporosis, fusarious fading).

Effective ways to combat yellowing

It is important not only to know why the cucumbers are yellowing on the ridges and in the greenhouse, but what to do in such a situation. Often, the solution to the problem requires a change in the conditions of plant content or processing by their disinfecting drugs.

Features of agrotechniki

Violation of cultivation conditions often leads to the fact that the cucumbers are yellow and dry leaves, ovary or fruit themselves. For this vegetable, it is important to make conditions as optimal as possible. This applies to the Grocery under the film and in unprotected soil. So that the vegetables grew well, they need heat, timely watering and feeding. If the yellowing of cucumbers in the greenhouse is noted, what to do depends on what the problem is connected.

Often, the reason is hidden in late irrigation. As a result, the lack of moisture occurs overheating, the leaves begin to shrust, then they dry. Cucumbers belong to moisture-loving plants. But it is important to comply with a number of rules.

  1. Water quality. For cucumbers, it is recommended to use dilated water.
  2. Temperature. So that the cucumbers are not glad, apply heated water.
  3. Regularity. Young cucumbers require regular irrigation. During the heat, watering is carried out daily in the evening. In case of freezing, the amount of water is reduced. Watering is transferred in the morning.

Another important factor that needs to be considered before planting plants is warm. Low temperatures can cause the cucumbers in a greenhouse. It is important for its solution that constant temperature is maintained in the room. With too hot air, air ventilation is organized.

Fertilizing and fertilizer

Often the reason why the leaves are yellowing from cucumbers is incorrectly prepared soil. Especially this problem is felt when. In such cases, it is not possible to change the soil annually or enrich it naturally. Accordingly, the question arises than to feed the cucumbers to avoid the appearance of yellow leaves or wound up.

If the cucumbers are already planted, they must be fed during the potassium season, wood ash and other mineral compositions. With a lack of nitrogen, urea helps from fertilizers well.

Experts recommend landing plants into the prepared ridges. For this, they pre-bring a korovyan. It is important that only overwhelmed manure is used. Fresh leads to burn roots. Of the folk methods, high efficiency shows feeding the infusion of chicken litter.

Fighting pests and diseases

For reasons why cucumbers are yellow in greenhouse or in unprotected ground, pests are contaminated or other diseases. Experts celebrate a wide variety of pests that lead to a change in the color of the tops or damage.

  1. Bacteriosis. Plant damage is associated with violation of the rules of agrotechnology. Excess moisture leads to the yellowing of the promise. In the formation of young fruits, a yellowish flare is formed on them, then warts and ulcers are formed. The plant ceases to be fruit and dies. As a treatment against bacteriosis, a burglar mixture is used. In order not to leave the leaves and fruit, it is enough to clean the plants and remove the already ridiculous leaves and affected cucumbers. Subsequently, an excess of moisture in the soil should be avoided.
  2. Puffy dew. The disease is characterized by a change in the color of the leaves. They turn yellow first, then dry out. The disease is striking plants, both in the greenhouse and in the open soil. Fungicides preparations are used to fight.
  3. Fusarious fading. In the greenhouse, the yellowing of cucumbers is associated with this disease. Fusariosis is transmitted through the soil and leads to the loss of most of the crop. To combat the processing of soil, plants and all inventory, which is used to work. The yellowed tops, fruits and plants are completely removed and burned.
  4. Aphid. The pest more often affects the plants under the film coating or in the open soil. It is possible to find it on the back of the sheet. Special preparations are used to fight. Also against the Tly effectively helps disembarking near the Garlic Garlic, Fennel, Vitytsev, Mint.
  5. Corner spot. The disease is characterized by the appearance of yellow or whiten spots. The tips of the leafy plates dry, twist. The disease is actively progressing with high humidity and high temperatures. He is more often susceptible to greenhouse plants. 1% burglar liquid applies to fight.

In order for cucumbers in a greenhouse, it is necessary to regularly carry out prophylactic works against the spread of diseases and pests. They are consistent with a number of rules.

  1. Disinfection. Before planting plants, the soil must be displaced. For this, chemical preparations or a mortar of manganese are used.
  2. Prevention of pests and diseases. In order for the diseases not to be transferred to a new crop, all the dried greens are removed from the greenhouses during the cleaning period.
  3. Weeding. In the greenhouse and at open ridges, it is necessary to regularly gour out the soil. Weeds are not left in aisle, but utilize in compost heaps or burned.
  4. Removal of affected plants. If the leaves are yellow and dry, they must be immediately removed. Also come with urging or fruits.
  5. Compliance with the rules of agrotechnology. A constant temperature is maintained in the greenhouse, avoid the formation of drafts and excess moisture or drying the soil.
  6. Timely treatment of pests. Snapped seedlings are processed against pests several times per season.

Compliance with preventive measures, as well as knowledge of the reasons why cucumbers are yellowing, allows you to promptly avoid problems and get plentiful harvest, both in a greenhouse and open soil.

It happens that the marking on the greenhouse cucumbers, it seems to be normally developing, begins for some reason to turn yellow and wither. From this the fruiting decreases, and the vegetable breeder does not get a crop. The cause of such a phenomenon is often errors in the culture agricultural engineering, which can allow some gardeners. Let's find out why yellow cucumbers growing in a greenhouse and what to do to help plants.

The reason for the yellowing and drying of the curses of cucumbers often becomes the young age of plants. Such bushes still do not have time to form a rather strong sheet apparatus, which will fully feed the marking, so young plants are forced to get rid of it, as they themselves have not enough.

While the cucumbers grow and form, it is necessary to remove all the flowers, since there will be no full-fledged Zelents from them.

Violation of the optimal temperature and soil temperature

The cucumber curses are yellow and dry from too high or low temperatures of greenhouse air or soil or from sudden temperature drops for a short time. The plants are strongly suffering when cooling in daytime and especially the night hours, as their wounds grow at night. In such conditions, the root system of cucumbers does not develop or this process goes bad and can even begin to die. In cold land, healthy roots lose the ability to normally absorb nitrogen from the soil, and the urins are missing the main nutrient element in which they need.

There is an ideal temperature that needs to be supported so that the cucumbers grow normally and develop. Before fruiting it:

  • 22-24 ° C - in clear weather;
  • 20-22 ° C - in cloudy weather;
  • 17-18 ° C - at night.

When the cucumbers begin to be fruit, the temperature must be slightly improved:

  • 23-26 ° C - in clear weather;
  • 21-23 ° C - in cloudy weather;
  • 18-20 ° C - at night.

For varieties pollinated by bees, all temperature indicators should be greater than 1-3 ° C.

The maximum temperature, which is cucumber plants tolerate well - up to 36 ° C, minimum - 13-15 ° C. The temperature regime is higher and below these boundaries adversely affects vegetative cucumbers, they are either overheated or hypochealed. All this most negatively affects the growth and development of the barriers, they begin to shut up.

Consistent temperature differences most often happen in greenhouses. In the afternoon, air and soil in them are greatly warmed up due to the fact that it is unnecessary heat can not go out, and at night they are sharply cooled. There are no culture of such drops of temperature, but the cucumbers are more sensitive to them.

Measures to combat overheating plants include:

  • ventilating greenhouses in the heat;
  • mobilization of walls and roofs of shelters chalk;
  • plant shading with white reed shields or mats;
  • abundant watering in the evening hours;
  • mulching of the soil under cucumbers with hay, straw, fresh sawdust, black film or agricultural of the same color.

To avoid a decrease in temperature at night, low greenhouses are covered by another layer of film, set in them the tanks of dark color with water pouted in them. In the daytime clock, the liquid will heat up and accumulate heat, and in the night - to give it into airspace. In large areas of the greenhouse, if electricity is connected to them, electrical or infrared heaters are installed, such structures that work on firewood, sawdust and pellets are perfectly heated, for example, such as buleryans.

Nutrient lack or imbalance

Often the reason that the cucumbers are yellowing and do not grow, there is insufficient nutrition, that is, the lack of basic elements and trace elements in the soil. Such a picture can be observed when the plants have exhausted the supply of nutrients in the ground, and there are no additional feeding. Especially from insufficient nutrition suffer from varieties and hybrids with a beam type wound. In this case, it is often obtained that 1-2 cucumbers grow, and the rest are wither.

The yellowing of the gods of cucumbers can be from an excess of nutrient elements or illiterate fertilizers without complying with the required proportions.

At the occurrence of the flowering phase, the cucumbers need phosphorus, and in fruiting - nitrogen and potassium, so you can save the bushes and the crop if:

  • reduce or stop feeding fresh manure;
  • replace it with wood ash (300 g per 1 m 2 area of \u200b\u200bplantations);
  • to feed them with solutions of complex fertilizers: crystal, master, solver, Kemira, Agrikola, etc.

Such feeders are needed for both greenhouse cucumbers, and for those growing on open beds, but especially they are relevant for plants planted in closed soil, since in such conditions the need for nutrition is greater.

Wrong watering - excess or lack of moisture

Cucumbers, as wetting plants, are very not indifferent to moisture, but so that they grow and be fruitful, they need to water them correctly. Before the start of fruiting, watering should be moderate, and with its beginning - more abundant. The optimal frequency of irrigation - after 1-2 days, in the heat - daily (or even 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening). In general, you need to look at the state of the soil - if it dryed, it is necessary to pour a bed. If the earth is wet - the next watering can be skipped. The main thing is to abide by the balance, since the disadvantage and excess of fluid in the soil is equally unfavorable and can lead to the yellowing of the barriers.

Water for watering this culture in the greenhouse should be estimated from chlorine and warm (23-25 \u200b\u200b° C), the cold is not allowed (such a liquid causes the temperature stress of the roots, which ultimately affects the state of the entire plant, including maritime).

The best time for such events is evening or earlier morning. It is not necessary to do this day: water will quickly evaporate, it will only raise the humidity of the air, the plants themselves will be able to get moisture in the minimum quantity.

Insufficient air humidity

Dry air is another reason for the yellowing of the cucumber launch. These plants have an increased need for high relative humidity (at the level of 85-95%). If in the greenhouse this indicator will be lower, the transpiration will go more intensively, so the absorption by cucumbers of moisture from the soil will also increase. If it is not enough in the ground, the leaves and the wounds will begin to wither, the flowers fall.

Necessary measures to prevent the yellowing of the wreck - the irrigation of the soil in the aisles (but not the plants themselves). Water, evaporating from the soil, will increase air humidity in a closed greenhouse.

Thickened landings

Cucumbers for normal growth and fruiting need a lot of light. Despite the fact that the beds for their cultivation and greenhouses always have in a sunny place, shading each other can plants themselves. This happens if the seeds or seedlings were planted too thick.

At the initial stage of development, plants are enough and a small area. But with the growth of bushes and growing green mass, the fruits turn out to be in a dense shadow, which provokes the yellowing of the barriers and their subsequent fiction. Bee depleted varieties and hybrids throw out the emptiness, laying fruiting.

Fix the situation can correct placement of plants. When choosing landing schemes and calculation of the amount of cucumber bushes on 1 m 2, it is worth considering:

  • dimensions of beds in greenhouses and on the ground;
  • the design of shelters and a steller;
  • belonging to the grown cucumbers to a particular variety or hybrid;
  • the degree of plenty of the plant;
  • the method of forming a bush;
  • terms and place of cultivation.

On average, 1 m 2 is located from 3 to 6 cucumbers. The basic guidelines relative to the selected variety or a hybrid garden can get from the manufacturer's instructions on the package with seeds. They must be adhered to prevent the population of planting and yellowing of fruits.

Bush grows without forming

In the greenhouse one of the reasons why the cucumbers are yellowing, is the lack of the formation of bushes. At the soil, this problem manifests itself less, going and here with vertical cultivation of culture, it is necessary to take care of the bushes.

Most varieties and hybrids intended for cultivation in greenhouses are intensively increasing the green mass. This contributes to a special microclimate, as well as enhanced nutrition of landings. While bushes are busy with leaves and shoots, they are not fruit. In addition, Zelentsy is also strongly suffering from shading.

Formation of plants will help speed up the process of aging harvest. It lies in the fact that the cucumber is removed the first wounds, side shoots and leaves, forming the so-called blind zone at the bottom. Depending on the time of growing and characteristics of a variety or hybrid, it can be different. On average, blinds are subject to 3 to 8 first nodes.

  • for specific conditions (heated or non-heated, high and low greenhouses);
  • growing time (early spring, spring-summer, autumn-winter);
  • type of cucumbers (beekeeper, parthenokarpical);
  • growing places (open or closed soil).

When using the formation of fruits, sufficient nutrients and light are obtained, not yellow.

Problems with pollination

When growing insectopillary varieties and hybrids, the reason that turns yellow and falls off, may be that there is insufficient fertilization of female flowers. The risk factors should include:

  • weather;
  • early or Late Trials of Growing;
  • wrong microclimate in the greenhouse;
  • lack of plants with severe male type of flowering.

Bees that are the main pollinators for cucumbers do not fly in the rain, cloudy and cold weather. They also do not show much interest in hot greenhouses and greenhouses, so they need to be involved there. So that insects have done their work, it is worth opening the vents and doors. Plant spraying with water and honey and honey, boric acid.

If there are no bees, they will have to work hard for them. So that the cucumbers are not glad, use manual pollination. Works are carried out in the morning when the female flower is dissolved, warm and dry weather. Apply a soft brush or male blooms.

Increase the number of fertilized barriers helps and growing several varieties or cucumber hybrids in the greenhouse. If the main culture relates to plants with a predominantly female type of blossom, it is worth attracting bushes to them that stably form men's inflorescences. They will perform good pollinators for Zelentsov. Usually, it is enough to solve the problem with the yellowing of cucumber bones in the greenhouse, is enough to have 10% of such plants.

Too large

Small cucumbers are yellow and if the fruit load on the bush is too high. Then the plant itself regulates the number of fruits that can grow. Single cases are not the cause of interference from the garden. Measures to save the crop must be taken only when the cucumbers relieve the marking massively.

The main reasons for such a sabotage is:

  • insufficient nutrition of bushes;
  • incorrect formation;
  • poam type of fruiting plants.

Correct the situation will help high-quality soil preparation, regular feeding, the use of optimal formation schemes, removal of part of the string, so that the rest of the radlets can get sufficient food and grow.

Overwhelming cucumbers

Often the cucumbers are yellow and not grow in the upper nodes, when the collection of fruits is performed irregularly and inattentively. It happens because most of the nutrients goes to hanging at the bottom of the Zelents. They are becoming more larger, go to the biological stage of maturity.

At the same time, the plant itself no longer needs to grow new barriers. He is quite enough those seeds that are. It is not necessary to spend the resources on the formation of new cucumbers.

To obtain a good harvest, the cleaning of fruits is carried out regularly. During the period of mass fruiting - every day. They break all the Zelets, which have achieved characteristic of a variety or hybrid sizes, not allowing their outrage. Exceptions can only be copies that gardeners are specifically left for seeds.

You sowed the seeds of cucumbers in all the rules, carefully cared for the seedle, watering and feeding, watched, watched the first cucumbers ... imagining the refreshing taste of green cucumber, you tear the first fruit from the plant, but in fact it turns out to be bitter! Or cucumbers and at all begin to shower ahead of time, and at the same time their tasteings are worse.

What is bitter in cucumbers, and what to do now?

What caused such annoying troubles? Why cucumbers gorky or prematurely yellowed? How to prevent the emergence of yellow or bitter cucumbers in the future and is it possible to use such fruits anywhere? Detailed answers to all these questions you will find below. Do not despair, your efforts to grow cucumbers will not disappear!

It seems that bitter cucumbers do not differ from ordinary - the same bright green color, crispy crust, fresh fragrance. Which of the owners never spoiled Salad bitterness, deceiving the usual appearance of cucumber! You can, of course, simply cut the peel in which the most bitterness accumulates, but it is precisely in the cucumber's casing contains the main amount of useful trace elements and vitamins, to neglect it constantly not worth it.

Seemingly bitter cucumbers no different from ordinary

Why do cucumbers prick?

The reason lies in a special substance cukurbitatinhaving a bitter taste. This substance is contained in all cucumbers, but it is more in some grades, and in other (hybrid) - less. Under certain circumstances, the Cukurbitacin content may increase significantly. Maintenance causes of the manifestation of bitterness In cucumbers:

  • lack of moisture;
  • irregular watering;
  • abundance of moisture in cold, rainy summer;
  • excess sun;
  • direct exposure to sunlight;
  • reduced humidity in greenhouse;
  • lack of nitrogen-potash nutrition;
  • selection of seeds from the back of the seed cucumber.

Water the cucumbers only with warm water, increasing watering into hot sunny weather and suspending when cooling. Moisturize the soil is enough to a depth of 10-15 cm. In a strong heat, it is recommended to additionally spray plants (in the mornings or in the evenings). For feeding it is better to take a potash salter and complex fertilizers with a balanced nutrient composition. Remember that fresh manure cucumbers are not tolerated.

To progress, give preference to such varieties of cucumbers, on the packages of which it is indicated that they will not be patterned. Such varieties contain a special gene that prevents the accumulation of Cukurbitatsin. However, keep in mind that the taste of these cucumbers will be less expressive, soft. A variety with a bright taste is more susceptible to the manifestation of bitterness.

Water the cucumbers only with warm water, increasing watering into hot sunny weather and suspending when cooling

It is not worth throwing out the bitter cucumbers - when processing Cukurbitatsin is split, and therefore, it is possible to pickle or salinate the fruits that are unsuitable in fresh form. If bitterness is not too strong, you can cut the peel and try to hold the cucumbers in ordinary water for several hours so that the bitterness is gone.

Cucumbers are yellowing in their eyes, how to save them?

The reasons why yellowing, fruits or leaves of cucumbers can be different. Here it is important to determine correctly: to blame for all pests, diseases, extra waters or incorrect care of plants?

So, why yellow cucumbers:

  • not enough light;
  • irrigation mode (soil dries);
  • too hot and stuffy in the greenhouse;
  • low air temperature;
  • on one plant more than 20 stocks;
  • lack nitrogen and phosphorus;
  • in the greenhouse is planted beekeeble, and not self-polished grade of cucumbers;
  • for several years in a row, the cucumbers are grown on the same plot of land, which is why infections and argue disputes are accumulated in the soil.

Since the cucumbers love water very much, it is necessary to carefully observe the watering regime and use only the dilated, warm water (from the hose watering the cucumbers in the greenhouse), otherwise the plants will begin to shut down. In the period of fruction of watering, it is necessary to participate: on sunny days to water in the morning, and in cloudy - during the day. In a severe heat, you can add a refreshing light day watering plants under the root.

The yellowness of the fruits and leaves can cause a poor soil with insufficient food.

The yellowness of fruits and leaves can cause a poor soil with insufficient nutrition. From time to time, make feeding with a solution of cowboat and complex mineral fertilizers. But the overdose of fertilizers can also negatively affect plants, observe the measure.

If you have noticed that at the plants, more than 25 stocks have been formed, new shoots will need to be discharged so that they do not delay the formation of Zelentsov. From the set of oblasts, small ugly fruits are formed, which quickly begin to turn yellow and deteriorate.

Video about the appearance of yellow cucumbers

The yellowing of fruits and leaves can contribute to various or pest attacks. You will learn from the relevant article on our website on preventive measures and methods of combating such problems. Observe the rules for the care of cucumbers, react to the emergence of alarming symptoms in a timely manner, and you will be able to grow delicious, crispy cucumbers!

The yellow color of the cucumber fetus is a sign of his maturity, so that the phenomenon is normal. For salads and for the salting, we use unripe green. However, in the event that yellowing the ovary on cucumbers, not everything is in order with the plant, and it is necessary to take certain measures. Ways to deal with this ailment We will consider below in the article. Zavazy cucumber yellow for several reasons.

Most often, this is due to the lack of nutrients when the plant cannot obtain all the components they need. Usually, it is simply necessary to simply support the plant with preparations containing different kinds of minerals. The cucumber bustle is more often in the event that there is a lack of elements such as phosphorus and potassium.

The second factor leading to a similar result may become too abundant fruiting. At the same time, the reason to eliminate is even easier. It is necessary to simply inspire the extra maritime. This will allow the plant to form new, healthy and appropriate color.

Another reason why the cucumber bustles yellow can be called that the flowers were not pollin. If the garden is small, additional pollination can be brushed, carefully carrying pollen from male plants on female pestle. The largest plantations are best pollinated by attracting bees in any way.

The cucumber is also yellowed due to the reduced temperature at night. The fact is that the plants grow precisely in the dark period of time. Therefore, the air should warm at least 18 degrees above zero. With large fluctuations in temperature, the cucumbers are best to protect the film, or by some modern non-woven apparent material.

Infection by some diseases and insect attacks can also be a response to the question of why the cucumbers are yellowing. A similar result can be defeated by plants with such infections as root rot, malievable dew, peridosporosis, etc. In order to protect the plants from such diseases, some important rules must be observed. First, in no case cannot be in the same place from year to year. Secondly, there should be maximum attention to the plants - water to water, pour, feed and loose. The probability of severe cucumbers is much smaller than weakened.

Well, the most common cause is insufficient watering. The cucumber launches are yellow in the event that plants lack nutrients as a result of a lack of water. Such fruits into food is almost impossible, as they have a pronounced bitter taste. This is primarily due to the fact that it is saturated with potassium, Cukurbitatsins, iodine and magnesium.

The conclusion from the foregoing can be made only one - take care of the plants correctly. Do not forget about timely watering and feeding. At the very first signs of any disease, use the appropriate drugs. Timely loosenings will open air access to roots, which will prevent their posting. Only in this case you can get healthy bushes with strong, green, delicious crispy fruits.

Growing your own vegetables in the greenhouse - the winning option. After all, his cucumbers or tomatoes, with trembling, and collected, differ in taste from purchased. Almost every experienced gardener does not miss the opportunity to grow cucumbers in her greenhouse. But it is worth carefulness to this event and explore all the nuances before proceeding.

Conditions for growing cucumbers in the greenhouse

Before proceeding to planting cucumbers, it should be carefully examined by the quality of the soil and conditions in which vegetables must be grown. Otherwise, the gardener may face the fact that the cucumbers in the greenhouse are yellowing, what to do is not clear.

Soil is an important component with growth, it is it that gives nutrient elements, minerals and moisture to the plant. There are several indicators that need to be taken into account before planting cucumbers in the soil:

  • it is desirable that the soil is fertile;
  • the soil must pass moisture, after - to absorb;
  • low level of acidity;
  • the experts argue that the presence of a humid and the turf layer will increase the yield.

To begin with, the cucumber seeds plant in a small pot, after the sprouts will go and acquire 2-3 leaves, you can proceed to the soil. The soil must be warm in order to the plants were comfortable and they did not frozen. Gardeners start the greenhouse planting at the beginning of the middle of May, if the greenhouse is made of polycarbonate. Even if frosts to -4 degrees hit, the room will keep warm.

Important! When planting cucumbers, it is worth considering that the temperature in the greenhouse should be about 24 degrees during the daytime.

For the first time feed the sprouts of cucumbers when three leaves appear. The next feeding is made in the vegetative period. Watering cucumbers must be carried out twice a day. If the air in the greenhouse is overhears, it is recommended to air the room. For a healthy grip of cucumbers worth maintaining the temperature in the greenhouse closer to 30 degrees during the daytime, and in the night - about 17-19 degrees.

Excellent conditions

When the cucumbers are planted and passed more than 5 days, you can proceed to tapping plants. Spellier can perform a germ. On each row stretch the fishing line or a rope, which is attached by the leaf of the plant. You should not do all rows of one height, otherwise they all confuse and will not grow evenly.

The reasons for the yellowing of cucumbers in greenhouses

Why in the greenhouse shine small cucumbers do not understand immediately. This may contribute to many reasons:

  • excessive amount of plants barring;
  • lack of timely and high-quality pollination, and this leads to poor tying;
  • plant infection with fungus or insects and their larvae;
  • poor-quality agrotechnology;
  • insufficient soil enrichment with nutritional elements;
  • unexpected decrease in temperature;
  • lack of water;
  • the temperature in the greenhouse exceeds the norm or elevated.

Yellow in fruit

All these reasons lead to the fact that at various stages of ripening of the plant can begin to turn yellow, and then lose the opportunity to be fruit. For example, it happens that the sprouts of cucumber wishes in the greenhouse after disembarking, someone yellow leaves, and some are noticeably premature yellowing of the fruits themselves.

Yeah immediately after disembarkation, in the embryo

If the case worsened after disembarking - why the gardens of cucumbers gardeners can find out without problems, since the reasons are not so much and cope with them is necessary in the shortest possible time.

The agrotechnical causes of the appearance of yellowness on the embryos or their drying can be as follows:

  • plants are encountered with sharp drops of temperature or disadvantage of water in the greenhouse;
  • the garden stopped in a watering or vice versa - regretted the water for cucumbers, watered with cold water by sprinkling, and not under the root;
  • the soil temperature decreased to the minimum allowed mark;
  • the greenhouse soil of low quality, heavy, does not let the air and moisture or badly copes with it, there is a lack of useful trace elements or their excessive amount;
  • with the yellowing of the barriers, you can face if the landings are too thick, cucumbers, tightly nourishing each other, should fight for survival: water, light, place on the soil; Due to excessive growth of stalks, turning yellow and wrinkle;
  • one of the most important reasons is the lack of light;
  • the late collection of vegetables leads to the fact that most of the nutrients and moisture goes on their nutrition and the content that deprives "newly" cucumbers of the desired amount of substances for growth.

Knowing what to do if the cucumbers are yellow in the embryo, you can avoid fatal effects with fruits and leaves in the future. Vegetables will be formed healthy and delight eyes.

Yellowing the leaves of cucumbers

Being a plant is thermalized, the cucumber does not tolerate sharp temperature differences. But at the very beginning of the garden season, unexpected freezes can be tested, so it is recommended to take care of plants. The danger towes and the leaves of cucumbers, so it is necessary to cover plants with bubbles with bubbles or loans to the ground. Experienced gardeners also advise to resort to the use of some tricks, for example, under the film put hot water bottles in order to maintain the desired temperature and provide comfort plants.

Important! Cucumber is a thermal-loving plant, but at the same time does not like too hot air.

If yellow leaves of cucumbers in the greenhouse, what to do? It can be assumed that the reason was the insufficient amount of nutrients in the soil. The leaves begin to change the color from green on yellow in case of lack of nitrogen. First they whites, and then yellow both alkali and leaf surface. Next, the yellowness is transmitted to all weaves. Sometimes leaves begin to fall off.

Patients with petals

The disadvantage of this trace element can also lead to the fact that the fruits take the form of "hook".

To replenish nitrogen in the soil, you can make a fertilizer soil:

  • superphosphate;
  • wood ash;
  • potash fertilizers.

To avoid a shortage of certain important trace elements in the soil, it is recommended for spring soil in a greenhouse, to make a manure there: 2.5 buckets per square meter. Plants will be able to avoid nitrogen fasting. If such an opportunity is not given, directly when disembarking can be paid a korovyan, and in the process of formation of leaves and fruits, regularly make fertilizers in the form of chicken litter or cow.

Important! An excessive amount of fertilizer can give a negative effect. Attentive to familiarize with the instructions applied to the packaging will not be superfluous.

Cucumbers are also moisture lovers, so they need constant watering and high humidity. It is worth considering and carefully monitor the temperature of the water supplied to the soil, it should be warm and stupid. If the water is cold or it is too small, the leaves will begin to be covered with yellow spots.

When the cucumbers enter the vegetative period, it is necessary to increase watering. The soil should be impregnated with moisture, saturate the root system, on which the development of the entire plant depends.

Yellowing the cucumbers themselves

Often, gardeners cannot understand why the cucumbers who rose in the greenhouse are yellow. One of the most important reasons is low-quality pollination of shoots. This contributes to the fact that the greenhouse plants were planted, pollinated by an artificial way, there are no free passage of air flow and access to natural pollinators - insect.

On a note. Gardeners advise to deal with this by spraying plants by boric acid divorced in water in a ratio of 2 grams per 5 liters of water. In the absence of the above mentioned, you can resort to the use of Bud and Zajaz preparations. Among the natural tools, they are advised to spray "sweetened water", which is manufactured by dilution of 2 tablespoons of honey or sugar sand in 2 liters of water. This mixture will attract the attention of the winged inhabitants.

Also recommended to plant dill, cucumber grass or Issop before the start of the season, and guess why the fruits of cucumbers do not have to. They, like previous options, will help attract the attention of insects that will help the plants to pollinate and start forming the wound.

Important! Experienced gardeners are not recommended to leave more than 19 barriers on one plant, otherwise there is a risk that the cucumbers will begin shine. In a warm and comfortable atmosphere, cucumbers can safely develop, which leads to the emergence of an excessive scope, and they do not give each other normally grow.

To avoid excess barriers, it is necessary to sharpen plants and free the scourge from unnecessary osche. The cucumbers will grow healthy, taking the right shape and pleaseing their owner with delicious fruits.

Treatment of detected diseases

To find the reasons for the yellowing of cucumbers, their leaves or germs are not enough, it is necessary to get rid of them, help the plant to form the fruits and develop greatly. For this you need:

  • equip a greenhouse with a functioning ventilation system so that the air flow is free and temperature in the greenhouse is maintained at the desired level;
  • watering plants on time and high quality, not forgetting about water temperature; watering needed under the root of the plant, in the evening;
  • maintain a comfortable temperature in the greenhouse;
  • do not overdo the nitric fertilizers.

If the plant is already amazed, the wishes of the leaves, fruits or embryos, it is recommended to resort to folk remedies that will easily help restore the healthy view of the cucumbers:

A mixture of podpid peppers will help get rid of pests devouring the plant and stop the yellowing of the edges of the leaves. 20 g of crushed pepper, 75 g of tobacco dust stirred in half a bucket of reckoned water. After a 12-hour instead, the liquid is filled with and add wood ash with liquid soap.

In addition, you can use a mixture of brew whey to combat fungal infections, which lead to the yellowed sheets. The proportions of the solution are as follows: 3 liters of serum divorce on 5 liters of water. After - half an hour insisted and stir, then you need to add 50 g of sugar. After cooking, treat plants, mainly - roots.

If the gardener has encountered problems when growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, all these methods will help to return to the vegetables, to help them stop falling, rid them from yellowing, and then form healthy and green leaves and fruits. However, it must be remembered that the correct care of plants will help to avoid the appearance of yellow leaves on cucumbers.