Female diseases gynecology itching vulvitis. Vulvitis in women. Symptoms and Treatment Candles, ointments, folk remedies, antibiotics. Symptoms of vulvitis in women: probable specific signs

Development factors

There are not only reasons for the development of this pathological process, but also factors that are provocateurs of vulvitis.

These include:

Causes of occurrence

There are many reasons in the etiology of the development of this disease, their presence does not indicate that a woman will get sick with this particular pathology. But with the weakening of the body, and in combination with risk factors, they lead to the development of this pathology.

It is customary to highlight the following reasons:

It should be especially noted that this disease can be caused by infections (staphylococci, streptococci, candida fungi). And also in the pathogenesis of vulvitis, the presence of a venereal infection (chlamydia, Trichomonas, gonococcus, mycoplasma virus) can be observed.


The clinical picture of this disease is very diverse. But often women do not pay attention to the symptoms that indicate the presence of vulvitis, and believe that this is the development of some kind of cold process.

Acute vulvitis

In the acute form, the following symptoms are noted:

  • Painful sensations that give a feeling of discomfort when emptying the bladder, or sexual intimacy.
  • Discharge from the vagina appears. Their nature depends on the pathogen, they are serous or purulent - serous.
  • The itching sensation does not leave the woman throughout the day, and intensifies at night.
  • Swelling and redness of the external genital organs, which is sometimes accompanied by the appearance of ulcers, and small blisters.
  • Sometimes there may be a sharp hyperthermia, and an increase in regional lymph nodes.
  • Dysuria symptoms.
  • Sleep disturbance occurs due to the constant feeling of discomfort, pain, itching, scratching. The patient may appear excitable, emotionally unstable.

Chronic vulvitis

In the chronic form of this pathological process, the symptomatology is not bright, and often the woman does not go to the antenatal clinic. Annual medical examinations help to recognize the disease and establish an accurate diagnosis.

Chronic vulvitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Slight burning and itching sensation in the genital area.
  • Dysuria.
  • Allocations are scarce.
  • Slight redness of the labia majora.

It should be remembered that in the chronic phase of the disease, and during the period of remission, the symptoms may disappear. Therefore, only a doctor can establish the correct diagnosis.

Forms and types of the disease

This pathology is characterized by the presence of three forms of vulvitis:

According to the etiology, vulvitis can be:

  • Infectious. Caused by microbial damage. It can be called:
    • Conditionally pathogenic microflora (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus aureus).
    • Specific infections (, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis,).
    • Candidal vaginitis is caused by Candida fungi.
  • Non-infectious... It occurs as a result of injury, the development of allergies (allergic vaginitis), burns.

Also vulvitis can be:

  1. Primarywhen the disease occurs with the arrival of a microbial infection from the outside.
  2. Secondary, launched, is a consequence of an infection that is already in the body.

This pathological process is classified depending on the type of disease at different ages:

  1. The onset of vulvitis in the first years of life (up to 1 year).
  2. Children's age (up to 8 years old).
  3. Adolescent vulvitis (before the onset of the first menstruation).
  4. Vulvitis of pubertal age, after the onset of menses.

The consequences of vulvitis in women

Vulvitis in women, in whatever form it develops, is not fatal.

But if it is not recognized in time, and the proper therapy is not taken, various complications may arise:

Diagnosis of vulvitis in women

To identify this disease, the first thing to do is to consult a gynecologist.

After a thorough history taking and listening to the patient's complaints, the doctor proceeds to the vaginal examination.

Usually, the diagnosis is straightforward. On examination, there is swelling of the labia majora and labia minora, their redness.

You can also see the characteristic discharge, and changes in the epithelial layer.

On palpation, there is pain and an increase in regional lymph nodes.

After that, the material is taken for histology, and for bacterial inoculation. When carrying out these analyzes, the type of pathogen becomes known, and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

How additional research methods can be applied:

  • Biopsy.
  • Analysis of feces for the presence of helminthic invasions.
  • Analysis by PCR method for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Consultation of related specialists (dermatologist, venereologist, therapist, pediatrician).

Treatment of vulvitis in women

In order to get rid of this disease completely, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive treatment, with a combination of different pharmacological drugs.

A woman should contact a antenatal clinic to a gynecologist, or to a venereologist at a dermatovenerologic dispensary:

It is more difficult to treat vulvitis in pregnant women, so all preventive measures must be followed during this period. It is very difficult to carry out therapy against the background of all trimesters, since the use and use of antibacterial, and many antiseptic and antiallergic drugs at this time is highly undesirable. Such a tandem can negatively affect the health of the unborn baby.

For the treatment of women with subacute vulvitis, a good effect and positive dynamics are observed when using acupuncture. In addition, during this period, physiotherapy and mud therapy are used.

In chronic forms of vulvitis, the same methods of treatment are used as in acute, the only difference can be considered the duration of treatment, and increased doses of drugs.

In addition to limiting sexual life, for the entire period of treatment, it is not recommended to visit:

  • Baths.
  • Saunas.
  • Gyms.
  • Swimming pool.

Treatment of primary and secondary vulvitis in women

With the development of secondary vulvitis, there are some peculiarities in the treatment of this disease.

It is possible to achieve complete healing from this disease only if the pathological process that underlies this disease is eliminated.

If, for example, sexually transmitted diseases are the cause, then vulvitis is their symptom. It will only disappear if the underlying infection is cured.

Primary vulvitis may appear more often in childhood and adolescence against the background of other diseases or mechanical injuries. For its treatment, methods are used, as in the treatment of acute vulvitis.

Treatment of vulvitis with folk remedies

In the treatment of this pathology, in recent years, they often resort to using recipes for folk medicine. Their use does not give a guaranteed effect of curing vulvitis. But when used correctly, medicinal herbs help to quickly recover from this ailment.

When using medicinal herbs and the fruits of medicinal plants, it is necessary to consult a doctor to coordinate their use with antibacterial and antimycotic drugs. This is a necessity, because many medicinal herbs, if used improperly, can produce the opposite effect and aggravate the course of the disease.

Medicinal herbs can be used:

  • In the form of infusions and decoctions inside.
  • Locally as a bath.
  • For lotions and compresses.
  • As mortars for sanitation.


Prevention of vulvitis in women

Preventive measures are not complex in nature, they should be applied starting from childhood. Since vulvitis in the early period of life can lead to the impossibility of conceiving a child.

In order to prevent the development of this process, every woman needs:

Vulvitis in a woman is not fatal. But he is capable of delivering a lot of discomfort in everyday and sexual life. With its development, it is necessary to urgently consult a gynecologist who will make an accurate diagnosis and establish the cause of its occurrence.

It is impossible to treat vulvitis on your own, at home, since self-medication will lead to incomplete treatment of this pathology and the development of unwanted side effects. This is especially scary when the disease occurs in early childhood.

Only the observance of proper body care and personal intimate hygiene will avoid the development of this pathology.

Vulvitis in women is an inflammatory process involving the external genitalia, called the vulva. This area includes the clitoris, labia (both large and small), pubis, complete hymen (in girls). In addition, the vagina itself, the glands contained in it, and the formation that covers the urinary canal and is located in the labia (bulb) belong to the vulva.

This disease has an acute and chronic course. If a woman begins to feel the first symptoms of acute vulvitis, then it should be immediately treated so that it does not go into the chronic stage.

The causes of the disease

The factors causing vulvitis are natural causes such as the presence of constant high humidity combined with the high temperature in which the genitals are outside. In addition, the presence of folds of the vulva and increased tissue sensitivity leads to the development of the disease.

The main reasons that cause vulvitis:

  • infections (, streptococci, various fungi, as well as gonococci, chlamydia and various viruses);
  • oral sex;
  • long-term use of antibiotics, drugs containing hormones, as well as drugs that suppress the functions of the immune system (immunity will decrease and inflammation of the genitals may develop). The above means kill the normal microflora and are the cause of dysbiosis. It can manifest itself as genital;
  • other diseases, which include, as well as leukemia;
  • malignant formations that arise in the female genital organs;
  • other inflammatory diseases - pyosalpinx, or;
  • inflammatory processes in the urethra;
  • formation of fistulas between the vagina and the bladder;
  • the presence of helminths (worms);
  • allergy to various substances that are part of perfumery or cosmetics, toilet paper, soap, deodorants;
  • poor adherence to the rules of personal hygiene (especially for women who are overweight and prone to diaper rash). With insufficient care, inflammation occurs on the external genital organs, which can also go to the internal genital organs;
  • factors of a mechanical, chemical type (masturbation, douching with aggressive substances);
  • prolonged exposure to humid conditions (bathing).

Vaginitis, vulvitis tend to develop during a period when the female body contains a large amount of the hormone estrogen - in childhood, adolescence or postmenopausal period. Also, vulvitis often develops during pregnancy, which requires the close attention of a specialist and special treatment. Only a good specialist should treat him, and all the drugs that he will prescribe should not harm the health of the unborn child.


Acute vulvitis characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the presence of redness in the vulva;
  • swelling of the labia (large or small);
  • painful sensations that get worse during walking, urination, or intercourse
  • itching and burning sensations in the genital area;
  • the presence of bubbles that contain liquid. After a while, they open up and then become covered with a crust;
  • the presence of plaque, ulcerative formations, plaques (these symptoms are characteristic of a chronic course);
  • in some cases, fever and general malaise.

Chronic vulvitis tends to manifest itself in the form of itching in the genitals. Often this disease develops in women with diabetes. If the patient discovers such a symptom as itching, do not aggravate the situation and comb the genitals, because this can cause tissue infection.

Before contacting a specialist, you should take a warm bath, into which you can pour a decoction of chamomile, calendula or string flowers. It is also worth knowing that wiping the vulva should be done carefully, making movements from front to back, but not vice versa. The genitals should always be clean and dry. The first symptoms of the disease should be a signal for contacting a gynecologist, because it will be more difficult to treat acute vulvitis, which in the future may spread to the vagina and internal genital organs.

Types of disease

The causes of the development of the disease divides the pathology into two types:

  • primary vulvitis - manifests itself in childhood or adolescence against the background of a tendency to other diseases;
  • secondary vulvitis - manifests itself when a woman is of reproductive age and has other diseases.

According to the clinical course of the disease, it can be divided into:

  • acute vulvitis. This ailment has more pronounced symptoms;
  • chronic vulvitis. Symptoms are less pronounced. If the disease is not treated, complications in the form of ulceration (ulcerative vulvitis) will begin to develop.

Diagnosis of the disease

Vulvitis is easy to diagnose, but the main thing is to start treating it correctly. Usually one or more symptoms of the disease are the reason for going to the doctor. For example, itching or burning. The doctor, having reviewed the history of life and diseases, will conclude that there are other diseases that could cause inflammation of the external genital organs. The gynecologist, whom a woman needs to contact in such cases, will carry out a number of necessary diagnostic procedures in order to begin to treat inflammation based on the data obtained.

Manipulations performed by a gynecologist:

  • will examine the organs with a magnifying glass. This will allow him to identify areas of inflammation, and identify bubbles with liquid;
  • will conduct a study (vaginal, rectal or bimanual);
  • take a swab for a cytological examination. It is able to detect if there are malignant cells on the external genital organs. Also, the analysis will identify the causative agent of the disease;
  • perform vulvoscopy if necessary;
  • will prescribe a stool test that detects helminths.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment for vulvitis consists of eliminating the underlying cause of the disease. If a woman has an acute stage of the disease, the gynecologist will recommend that she refrain from sexual activity and carry out treatment in bed. The disease can be treated with special medications that restore the microflora of the genital organs. In addition, the doctor will prescribe the patient to take baths, which contain decoctions of herbs, as well as solutions of chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate and other drugs.

Treatment of vulvitis requires the use of antibacterial drugs (creams, ointments), which are applied to the external genital area, and also injected into the internal organs (vagina). To completely cure the disease means to save the patient from the manifestation of all unpleasant symptoms. The fact that the woman is completely healthy can only be said after taking a second smear, in which no causative agents of the disease will be detected.

Often, post-menopausal women develop atrophic vulvitis. This disease is usually diagnosed at an appointment with a gynecologist. In some cases, the woman does not even make any complaints. The treatment of this disease should only be complex - taking vitamins, baths with medicinal herbs, as well as treating the external genital organs with creams and ointments.

Treatment of vulvitis is also carried out with vitamins (groups E, C, A). Allergic vulvitis is treated with special antiallergic drugs. Also, in order to properly treat a disease, you need to eliminate allergens. For example, replace intimate hygiene products, soap and other cosmetic accessories. If a woman has been diagnosed with allergic vulvitis, then she needs to choose hypoallergenic hygiene products. It is finally possible to cure this disease both in adolescence and in the postmenopausal age.

Prevention of the disease

Allergic vulvitis or another type of vulvitis can be prevented if you follow the rules of personal hygiene, and also lead a safe sex life. You also need to avoid those factors that are fundamental to this disease. If a woman has noticed symptoms of vulvitis or vaginitis, then she should immediately consult a qualified doctor and undergo adequate treatment.

Before treating vulvitis in women, it is necessary to find out the cause of this condition. If you only deal with the elimination of the consequences - inflammation of the vulva, then soon the symptoms may return. Therefore, you need to pay attention to concomitant diseases and conditions. But first, find out if it vulvitis? Or does the inflammation invade the overlying departments?

What belongs to the vulva

The structure of the external genital organs is such that they protect the entrance to the vagina and the opening of the urethra from possible infection. What is a vulva?

  • Large labia... These are two folds of skin that cover the outside of the vulva and protect it from external influences. The skin on them may be more pigmented, this difference is especially noticeable during pregnancy. The surface of the labia is covered with hair.
  • Small labia.Two soft folds of skin that form the vestibule of the vagina. At the junction in front of them is the clitoris. In shape, due to the general ontogenesis, it resembles a male penis. Below the clitoris, but above the vestibule of the vagina, is the opening of the urethra.
  • Hymen... In girls and girls, as well as some women who have not had sexual relations, a thin skin fold covers the entrance to the vagina. After the first contact, she tears, but finally breaks only at the time of childbirth.
  • Crotch. The area between the posterior commissure of the labia and the anus. Its structure provides support for the pelvic organs.

The inner surface of the labia majora, as well as the rest of the vulva, is lined with epithelium, which is different from the skin. It has a delicate structure and requires constant moisture. The Bartholin glands, which are located inside the opening of the vagina, provide the necessary condition for the vulva.

Causes of the disease

Subacute vulvitis in women can occur as a primary or secondary inflammation of the labia minora.

  • Primary vulvitis.It develops as a reaction to some stimuli at the site of their exposure. More typical for childhood.
  • Secondary vulvitis.It is a consequence of the spread of infection from the overlying parts of the reproductive system - from the cervix, uterine cavity, appendages. Also, the cause may be diseases of other organs that are not directly related to the reproductive system. This form is typical for women of reproductive and older age.

The course of the disease can be in two forms.

  1. Sharp. Symptoms appear against a background of complete well-being. The treatment carried out completely eliminates the signs of the disease.
  2. Chronic. Pathology manifests itself periodically, often menstruation, stress, errors in lifestyle or nutrition are provocateurs. Chronic inflammation gradually leads to a change in the epithelial membrane: areas of atrophy, lichenization appear.

Chronic vulvitis is typical for children and women during menopause. In the reproductive age, acute forms of the disease are more common. What is the danger of chronic vulvitis? For older women, this is an area of \u200b\u200bconstant discomfort. They are worried about the feeling of dryness and burning. In girls, chronic inflammation can result in the formation of synechiae - pathological adhesions. At the initial stage, they are corrected with local preparations, but in a neglected state they require surgical separation.

Factors provocateurs

Regardless of the primary or secondary form of the disease, the following conditions are necessary for its onset.

  • Personal hygiene . Failure to comply with basic rules can lead to the development of inflammation. A small amount of leucorrhoea is released from a woman every day. They flow freely from the vagina. But further hygiene procedures are necessary for cleansing. If a woman neglects a shower or bidet, then the discharge becomes a breeding ground for microbes. The same goes for menstrual blood and timely replacement of pads. Also, do not forget about the daily change of linen.
  • Chemicals... Redness of the mucous membrane can develop as a reaction to the hygiene products used. Frequent use of soap, washing with antibacterial agents, as well as cosmetics containing odors and dyes can result in an inflammatory reaction or allergy.
  • Injuries. Mechanical micro-damage can occur from wearing tight underwear and clothes, prolonged use of pads, during sexual intercourse.
  • Combing. Small scratches that arise from mechanical irritation. Itching of the vulva can be observed with helminthiasis in girls, neurosis in women.
  • Vaginal discharge... Abnormal vaginal discharge can cause severe maceration of the vulva. It can be leucorrhoea due to inflammation of the uterus, cervix or appendages. Irritation is caused by constantly leaking urine as a result of incontinence.
  • Decreased immunity... The suppression of local or general protective forces leads to the appearance of foci of inflammation. This can be the result of the use of antibiotics and cytostatics, radiation therapy, or long-term illness.
  • Hormonal changes... Pregnancy, puberty, the time before the next menstruation, menopause are periods when the hormonal background undergoes significant changes. The vulva is a hormone-sensitive area. Therefore, any fluctuations in their concentration can affect its condition. Hormonal influence can be traced with ovarian hypofunction, diabetes mellitus, obesity.

Vulvar inflammation can be specific and non-specific. The causative agents of specific inflammation are gonococci, tubercle bacillus. Conditionally pathogenic flora refers to non-specific pathogens.

The causes of vulvitis candidiasis can be varied. These are diabetes mellitus with poorly controlled glucose levels, and the unreasonable use of hydrocortisone, as well as long-term antibiotic treatment.

Symptoms of vulvitis in women: probable specific signs

The acute course of the disease is characterized by the main signs of an inflammatory reaction. But it is impossible to independently differentiate the level of inflammation - it affects only the vulva or is the result of a common infection, you can see photos on the Internet and compare. Signs of vulvitis in women may be as follows.

  • Inflammatory response... In pathological physiology, it is customary to characterize the reaction of inflammation as a combination of several signs: redness, blood flow and swelling, an increase in local temperature, and dysfunction. All the main signs of inflammation are characteristic of vulvitis. The labia are swollen, redden.
  • Unpleasant sensations... Depending on the pathogen and individual sensitivity, itching and burning develop. They can be supplemented by the appearance of pain when urinating, in motion, during intercourse.
  • Allocations. Normally, they are invisible and do not cause discomfort. With vulvitis, the discharge may become profuse. Their consistency and color change. They can become serous-purulent or bloody, liquid or thick in consistency. Candida gives a curdled bloom. Escherichia coli - liquid discharge with an unpleasant odor, yellow-green hue.
  • Lymph nodes. Sometimes an increase in the inguinal lymph nodes is possible. Temperature rise is rare, but such a reaction does occur.

Running vulvitis can lead to the formation of ulcers and erosions, which can deform the labia and the vestibule of the vagina during healing. In the international classifier of diseases ICD-10, it is coded as N77.1.

What the diagnostics will show

To carry out adequate treatment in gynecology, you must come to an appointment with a doctor. Complex diagnostics are not required here. The gynecologist will conduct an interview to find out what preceded the onset of unpleasant symptoms.

The next step will be an examination on a chair and taking a smear from pathological areas. Microscopy is sufficient to determine the microbial composition of the focus of infection. Culture can be done to identify a specific pathogen.

It is also necessary to find out the presence of concomitant diseases of the genital organs, endocrine pathologies that can cause vulvitis. General blood and urine tests will tell you about your health.

How to treat

Treatment of vulvitis should be related to its etiology. If the causal factor is not eliminated, then all actions will be in vain. Women with this pathology do not need hospitalization. The gynecologist at the reception gives advice on how to cure vulvitis at home.

  • Hygiene. It is imperative to observe basic hygiene rules. Wash without soap during treatment, especially if it has caused the disease. Change your linen daily. It is better not to use pads for daily use, and during critical days, change them every three hours, at least.
  • Antibiotics For specific causes of the disease, antibacterial agents are prescribed against a specific pathogen. Can also be used candles "Hexicon", "Povidone-iodine", capsules "Polygynax". They can affect many non-specific pathogens.
  • Elimination of itching. Feelings can be relieved with proper antibiotic treatment. But sometimes they don't go away. Then antihistamines can be directed to fight inflammation, itching and pain. They are used internally in the form of tablets "Suprastin", "Cetirizin", "Fenkarol". Hydrocortisone in the form of ointments and tablets has antihistaminic properties. But hormonal ointment cannot be applied to areas of bacterial inflammation, it will further reduce local immunity and increase inflammation. With atrophic vulvitis format during menopause, ointments with estrogens are prescribed.
  • Baths. Sitting baths and washing with antiseptic solutions will help eliminate local reactions. In this case, folk remedies in the form of a decoction, a solution of potassium permanganate will be effective. The use of juice is allowed. Baths are good to carry out before applying creams or the introduction of suppositories.

Douching in the treatment of vulvitis cannot be called the method of choice. This is a procedure that, with frequent use, can lead to the leaching of the normal microflora of the vagina and development. Then it can take a lot of time and money to restore the normal balance of microflora.

The treatment regimen for vulvitis during pregnancy involves the use of predominantly local remedies. Antibiotics inside are prescribed only from the second trimester on strict indications.

Vulvar pathology in girls is often allergic in nature or is the result of helminthiasis. Therefore, it is necessary to treat vulvitis in a child simultaneously with deworming.

How not to get sick

Vulvitis prevention is straightforward. This pathology is more related to personal hygiene and is not sexually transmitted. Therefore, it is worth thinking about your own approaches to cleanliness:

  • change linen;
  • do not use aggressive soap;
  • treat diseases of the genital organs;
  • eliminate endocrine pathologies;
  • monitor nutrition;
  • observe the daily routine;
  • choose the right underwear and clothes.

The list of such simple recommendations can be expanded. But common sense will be the main thing here. Even sex requires clean hands and good hygiene. You need to think about your health, the consequences of vulvitis in women are unpleasant. If inflammation is triggered, it can spread higher and turn into vulvovaginitis. And this is a completely different story.

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The mucous membranes of the labia and vagina have a special flora that protects the female body from the penetration of infections and the reproduction of pathogens. The consistency of this flora is maintained by the level of estrogen, but it is only stable during the childbearing period.

In girls and women after 40 years, estradiol is reduced, therefore, the flora loses its ability to protect the body from infections, which often causes vulvitis, affecting the mucous membranes of the genital organs. What it is? Vulvitis is an inflammatory process localized on the vulva and with pronounced symptoms, which forces a woman to seek help from a hospital.

The main causes of vulvitis:

  • Fungal infections;
  • Staphylococci, streptococci;
  • Diabetes;
  • Oncological diseases (especially during and after chemotherapy);
  • The presence of fistulas in the genitourinary system;
  • Frequent douching with antimicrobial solutions that flush flora from the vagina;
  • Failure to comply with daily personal hygiene.

Symptoms of vulvitis in women and girls, photo

The inflammation affects the mucous membranes of the vagina, which means that the disease cannot be latent. It will manifest itself rather quickly, because pathological processes will spread to the urethra and the bladder (in advanced cases).

Are as follows:

  • Burning sensation in the labia minora and labia majora, in the vagina.
  • Severe itching, not accompanied by the appearance of a cheesy plaque, as with thrush.
  • Profuse watery discharge with a grayish or yellowish tint.
  • The mucous membranes of the vulva are bright red, whereas they should normally be reddish pink.
  • Swelling of the labia majora and labia majora.
  • Pain at the beginning of the act of urination.
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen.
  • The presence of bleeding microcracks in the mucous membranes.
  • Pain during intercourse.

photo of symptoms of vulvitis in women (atrophic and atopic forms)

Symptoms of vulvitis in girls about the same, the only differences are the involvement of the hymen in the inflammatory process, as well as the fact that the disease in childhood can have relapses, since the opportunistic flora before the onset of puberty is neutral and does not contain lactobacilli. Consequently, the girl's vagina is not protected from infection.

Vulvitis forms

Depending on the nature of the disease, there are three forms of vulvitis: acute, subacute and chronic. They differ from each other in the degree of intensity of the inflammatory process, as well as in the duration of its course.

Acute vulvitis - can last up to 30 days, has pronounced symptoms. Discomfort is felt not only in the vaginal area, but also when walking, sitting, touching the laundry. Often this form of vulvitis is accompanied by inflammation of the urethra and profuse purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor.

Subacute vulvitis - lasts about 3 months. The periods of exacerbation and improvement of the condition are clearly distinguished. However, the complete disappearance of pain and symptoms of the disease is not observed. The inflammatory process takes on a protracted nature and if the course of treatment is not carried out in time, it will transform into a chronic form.

Chronic vulvitis - difficult to treat, has periods of exacerbation and remission. During periods of exacerbation, the symptoms are not as pronounced as in acute vulvitis, so a woman often does not go to the doctor, and the disease remains for years without qualified therapy.

In all cases of acute and subacute vulvitis in women, the symptoms noticeably worsen the quality of life, so they try to get treatment from the doctor. But the chronic form does not cause such severe inconvenience, and if most patients go to the doctor, then even when the disease has developed for several years and began to affect the urinary system.

Types of vulvitis, characteristic signs

Depending on what caused the onset of the disease, gynecologists distinguish several types of it:

Atrophic vulvitis - characterized by the appearance of small erosions that are difficult to heal. It is observed in women in menopause and is often associated with insufficient moisture in the vaginal mucosa (see photo above).

Fungal vulvitis - occurs due to an excessive amount of Candida fungi in the flora. May be acute or chronic. Most often, this type of vulvitis occurs in adolescent girls. Treatment of the disease is quite complex and requires the participation of a competent specialist.

Atopic vulvitis - an inflammatory process that begins due to the influence of various allergens on the girl's body. The reason is not fully matured immune system. The atopic form causes severe swelling of the vagina. The treatment plan should be developed in conjunction with the immunologist-allergist (see photo 2).

Adhesive vulvitis - affects girls of preschool age and is expressed in the fact that the labia minora gradually grow together due to problems with the endocrine system. In the early stages, the disease can be cured with medication, in more advanced cases, only with the help of surgical intervention.

Treatment of vulvitis in women, drugs

Vulvitis can be treated in different ways, it all depends on the degree of neglect of the disease and on the cause of its occurrence. Some remedies are not suitable for a certain category of patients, for example, vulvitis in infants cannot be treated with suppositories and intravaginal tablets.

Solutions - they treat the vagina and the mucous membranes of the labia. They have antimicrobial effect, but they dry the skin, so they are best used in conjunction with ointments.

  • Usually doctors prescribe Miramistin, furacilin solution or potassium permanganate solution (pale pink, not concentrated).

Ointments and gels - unlike solutions, they not only fight bacteria, but also have a moisturizing effect on mucous membranes, almost immediately relieve the burning sensation and itching. Ointment for vulvitis has a quick soothing effect, but the course of such treatment requires wearing panty liners to avoid stains on linen and clothes.

  • Most often, Levomekol, Lactagel and their more expensive analogue, Triderm, are prescribed.

Suppositories and intravaginal tablets - fight the disease inside the vagina, but do not immediately alleviate the condition of the mucous labia, so suppositories are best used for vulvitis in conjunction with treatment with ointment. Suppositories not only fight pathogenic microbes, but also restore the natural flora in the vagina.

  • The most popular drugs are Terzhinan, Geksikon, Polygynax, Klion-D.

Taking antibiotics - is prescribed along with the use of topical drugs. Antibiotic therapy should not be prescribed as the only treatment for vulvitis. It will effectively fight against pathogens, but it will not at all ease the patient's well-being in the first days of treatment - the woman will still feel severe itching and burning. Therefore, antibiotics are prescribed together with ointments, gels and topical solutions.

With a timely visit to a doctor, the prognosis for the treatment of vulvitis in girls and women is favorable, acute and subacute forms do not have relapses, if the therapy is carried out correctly. In chronic vulvitis, the prognosis is less favorable. Usually, the doctor can only achieve such a result in which exacerbations become rare, and periods of remission are more persistent and prolonged.

When vulvitis appears in women and girls, timely treatment and well-chosen medications are the key to preventing complications. For the external genitalia, constant exposure to traumatic agents is common. Let's talk about what vulvitis is, and what the symptoms of the disease look like. This pathology refers to inflammatory processes that affect the external reproductive organs - in particular, the clitoris and labia, the vaginal vestibule and the hymen.

Vulvitis in women is a frequent occurrence in gynecology, while the severity of symptoms is not too obvious, which contributes to the development of complications against the background of untimely diagnostics and lack of treatment. Another danger is the transition of an acute course to a chronic one, it is even more difficult to get rid of this form of pathology.

Why does the disease develop

The pathology under consideration usually affects the external organs, but the process is rarely an independent phenomenon - vulvovaginitis, which affects the initial vaginal parts, is much more often diagnosed. Not only adults have to worry about the disease, since acute vulvitis and its chronic form can also be diagnosed in children against the background of an imperfect immune system and anatomical structure. The problem may lie in the multiple vaginal folds and the thin mucous layer that is prone to damage.

The causes of vulvitis are quite diverse, but there are also main ones that should be considered in the first place:

  • Problems with personal hygiene, especially with menstruation.
  • Incorrectly selected means for maintaining a woman's intimate hygiene.
  • Wearing tight synthetic underwear.
  • The use of scented pads, the use of tampons made of low-quality materials.
  • Frequent causes of vulvitis are mechanical microtrauma of the mucous layer during rough or excessively active sexual contact, damage can also be caused by improperly selected underwear.
  • Vulvitis can develop due to excessive sweating.
  • Symptoms of vulvitis in women can be triggered by prolonged irritation caused by secretions of the mucous layer of the vulva.
  • The reason for the formation of sexual diseases can be the prolonged use of hormonal drugs, antimicrobial drugs used to treat any other pathology.
  • The reason for the formation of the disease can be attributed to the conduct of radiation therapy.
  • An influencing factor may be any disease - diabetes, the presence of hypovitaminosis, overweight, leukemia and impaired ovarian function.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • The presence of helminthiasis.
  • The appearance of fistulas in the intestines or urinary tract.

For women, the presence of these reasons becomes dangerous when an infection joins them. Inflammation is caused by an imbalance in microflora, when opportunistic microorganisms begin to activate under the influence of certain factors. Most often, inflammation is caused by staphylococci and streptococci, Candida fungi and Escherichia coli, and other microorganisms.

Pathogenic microflora - gonococci, Trichomonas or chlamydia and other pathogens - may also be to blame for the formation of female inflammation.

Proven fact. The development of the female pathology under consideration is observed with impaired integrity of the mucous layers and deterioration of immunity.

Classification of the disease and its signs

With vulvitis in women, the symptoms and the development of treatment largely depend on the classification of the pathology. When considering this disease, the division can be carried out in accordance with the mechanism of development, when the primary or secondary form of the disease is determined. Primary vulvitis is accompanied by isolated inflammatory processes in the external organs, characteristic of a girl or a woman during the postmenopausal period. A secondary disease develops due to a decrease in the amount of estrogen that the female body produces. Due to the sharply decreased amount of discharge, atrophic vulvitis is formed, characterized by thinning, drying out of the mucous layers. Against the background of atrophy, the mucous membrane is damaged quite easily, which provokes infection and inflammation.

A healthy woman of reproductive age may not be afraid of infection, since the mucous layer of the vulva, due to the natural hormonal background, lactobacilli and acidic pH, is resistant to infectious pathogens. Accordingly, the appearance of symptoms of primary vulvitis is a rare phenomenon. Basically, in childbearing age, female diseases are secondary diseases as a result of inflammation - colpitis or endocervicitis. In accordance with the nature of the course, the disease can be:

  • Subacute or acute, developing very quickly and proceeding for seven days with pronounced manifestations;
  • Chronic, the development of which is facilitated by the absent or illiterately selected treatment. Chronic gynecological pathologies last for years, accompanied by remissions with subsequent exacerbations. At the same time, at rest, the symptoms of the chronic form may not appear.
  • The atrophic form is formed during menopause, overweight and sugar disease can serve as provoking factors.

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The considered gynecological problem also differs in the nature of the pathogen, inflammation of the vulva can be bacterial or candidal. Depending on the changes affecting the mucous layer, the disease can be ulcerative, atrophic or sticky. As for the symptoms of vulvitis in women, they are quite clearly presented in the table and may differ slightly depending on the form of pathology:

Forms of pathologySymptoms
Acute gynecological disease.Burning sensation in the area of \u200b\u200bexternal organs, soreness during movement is possible, subsequently itching occurs. Also, subacute and acute currents are characterized by tissue edema, redness of folds in the groin area, discharge with an admixture of pus. The acute form may be accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes in the groin. In the subacute stage, genital warts can be observed in the anus or genital fissure.
Chronic.Signs include burning, redness, and itching are possible, but all symptoms are less pronounced than with subacute or acute course. The main symptom is itching, diffuse hyperemia joins it, which over time is replaced by spotting. In chronic vulvitis, the mucous layer may become rough, and small yellowish nodules form on it.
Atrophic form.Signs of atrophic disease - tissue swelling, severe itching, burning sensation during urination, discomfort during sexual intercourse, while walking, while rubbing the vulva against the fabric of linen. The surrounding skin turns red, the inguinal lymph nodes become inflamed. An increase in temperature is possible.

Almost all forms of the disease in question are accompanied by itching, burning and redness. The labia or clitoris may become enlarged, and regular washing can cause problems. Sometimes in women with the development of a chronic process, headaches become symptoms, and general weakness and malaise join them.

Another characteristic feature that accompanies subacute and chronic vulvitis is leucorrhoea of \u200b\u200bvarying consistency and color. If Escherichia coli is the cause of this gynecological problem, the unpleasant-smelling discharge becomes yellow-green. The presence of staphylococcus provokes the appearance of thick white-yellow leucorrhoea; with gynecological lesions by a fungus, a white coating on the mucous layers is possible.

Diagnostic measures and principles of therapy

Competent treatment should be based on a diagnosis confirmed by research. Accordingly, when suspicious signs appear, a woman needs to see a gynecologist, who, in addition to a visual examination, will prescribe certain tests. The doctor collects anamnesis, checks for the presence of other gynecological diseases that can cause the development of the inflammatory process. Examination with a magnifying glass allows you to assess the condition of the organs and find inflamed areas and bubbles filled with fluid.

Modern gynecology, in the case of the formation of the disease under consideration, involves not only vaginal, but also rectal or bi-manual examination. Such diseases in diagnosis are characterized by the selection of a smear for cytology in order to identify malignant cells. If necessary, a vulvoscopy may be prescribed. Stool analysis allows you to identify worms in the body.

Treatment of vulvitis in women primarily involves the elimination of the pathogen that provoked the development of the disease. This is followed by therapy of the inflammatory process, for which special drugs are selected. It will be necessary to remove every chronic background disease that provokes the formation of the problem under consideration. In a word, only complex therapy can completely cure this female disease. There are a number of recommendations on how to treat vulvitis with the greatest therapeutic effect:

  • Pathology, accompanied by acute inflammation and other pronounced signs, requires bed rest. Additionally, during treatment, it is necessary to refuse sexual intercourse.
  • For the treatment of vulvitis, antimicrobial drugs are required. They are prescribed in accordance with the female culture results.
  • When severe itching, burning or soreness appears, anesthetic and analgesic substances are used, physiotherapeutic methods are used - ultraviolet irradiation or electrophoresis.
  • If an allergic form of the disease occurs, it is treated with antihistamines. Also, therapeutic measures involve the appointment of a diet with the abolition of spicy foods, smoked foods and pickles, sweets and desserts.
  • In order to strengthen immunity, they take immunostimulants and vitamin complexes.
  • In parallel, it is necessary to conduct therapy for diseases that contribute to the formation of vulvovaginitis.
  • Local treatment for inflammation involves ointments for vulvitis, creams, compresses and cold lotions, baths and treatment of foci with antiseptic drugs.