Liquid rice porridge in a slow cooker with milk. Rice milk porridge in a slow cooker

Milk rice porridge can be both a light sweet dessert and a rich first course. It all depends on the amount of liquid (water or milk) and the presence of additional ingredients. And if you cook porridge without sugar, then it will be an excellent side dish for meat, fish or vegetables.

The benefits of rice porridge with milk

Dairy rice porridge, which has become traditional, certainly has a number of useful properties. It is not surprising that experts advise this dish to be the first to be introduced into complementary foods for young children. The fact is that rice is one of the few cereal products that are completely devoid of gluten - a component that can cause a persistent allergic reaction in a child's body.

Milk rice porridge is ideal not only for children, but also for those who need to build muscle mass and stock up on energy. In addition to useful amino acids, the dish contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, iron, selenium, vitamins of groups E, B and PP. Regular consumption of rice cooked in milk contributes to:

  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • improvement of metabolic processes.

Those who often eat rice porridge with milk can boast of an excellent condition of the skin, hair and nails, a quick reaction, a sharp mind and an excellent memory. However, you should not abuse such a tasty and healthy dish, it is enough to include it in the menu a couple of times a week.

Rice milk porridge - recipe with video

A detailed recipe with a video will help you prepare a delicious and especially boiled milk porridge. Its density and sweetness can be adjusted as desired by slightly adjusting the amount of liquid and sugar.

  • 1 st. round rice;
  • 2 tbsp. water and milk;
  • 2 tbsp Sahara;
  • about 1/2 tsp salt;
  • a piece of butter.


  1. Rinse rice in several waters.
  2. Pour a couple of glasses of water into a saucepan and put on fire.
  3. After boiling, add rice, mix and cook over low heat, without closing the lid, until the cereal absorbs the liquid almost completely. Make sure it doesn't burn.
  4. Add salt and sugar, and then add milk in half a glass after the next boil. Boil for about 20 minutes.
  5. Leave the finished porridge under the lid for five minutes. When serving, toss a piece of butter on a plate.

Rice milk porridge in a slow cooker - a step by step recipe with a photo

Rice milk porridge will give a charge of vivacity to the whole family from the very morning. Moreover, the slow cooker will help to cook it with little or no personal participation. It is enough to load all the ingredients in the evening and set the desired mode. Thanks to a special function that maintains heat, the dish will have an acceptable temperature in the morning.

  • 1 multi-glass of rice;
  • 1 st. water;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 100 g butter;
  • salt.


  1. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker liberally with butter, which will prevent the milk from “running away”.

2. Rinse a multi-glass of rice well, discard unsightly rice grains and debris. Load into the bowl.

3. Pour 2 cups of milk and one of water. As a result, the ratio of dry product and liquid should be 1:3. For a thinner meal, simply increase the amount of water or milk as desired.

4. Salt and sugar to taste. Set the mode to "Porridge".

5. After the beep indicating the end of cooking, add a piece of butter. Stir and leave for another five minutes.

Children's milk rice porridge - the most delicious recipe

The most delicious recipe will tell you in detail how to cook milk rice porridge, familiar from childhood. It is this dish that is usually served for breakfast or dinner in a kindergarten, camp or school.

  • 200 g round rice;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • 2–3 tbsp. milk (depending on the desired density);
  • sugar and salt to taste.


  1. After washing, pour an arbitrary amount of water over the rice and leave to swell for about 30-60 minutes. This step makes the grain especially tender and soft, and also allows you to remove some of the starch. If there is not much time or desire, you can skip this step, but then it will take a little longer to cook the porridge itself. After the specified period of time, drain the water.
  2. Boil 2 tbsp. drinking water and put rice in it.
  3. After the liquid boils again, reduce the fire and continue to cook for another 10 minutes, loosely covering the lid.
  4. Boil milk separately. As soon as almost all the water has boiled away, pour in the hot milk.
  5. Cook until tender, stirring occasionally over low heat. After 10-15 minutes, try the grains, if they are soft, the porridge is ready.
  6. Salt it and sugar to your taste.

Liquid rice porridge with milk

The process of cooking thick or liquid milk rice porridge is practically the same. In the second case, you just need to add more liquid. But the easiest way is to follow the detailed recipe.

  • 1 st. rice
  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • 4 tbsp. milk;
  • salt, sugar and butter to taste.


  1. Before cooking, be sure to rinse the rice in 4-5 waters until the liquid becomes completely transparent.
  2. Put the washed cereal in a saucepan, fill it with cold water and cook after boiling until almost cooked.
  3. Boil the milk separately, adding a pinch of salt to it, and pour it into the porridge when the rice is soft.
  4. Cook the milk porridge over medium heat until it reaches the desired consistency, about 25 minutes.
  5. Add sugar to taste and butter when serving.

Milk rice porridge with pumpkin

Rice milk porridge with pumpkin is a delicacy for real gourmets. The sunny color of the dish cheers up and gives warmth, therefore it is most often prepared in the cold season. In addition, the pumpkin itself certainly adds usefulness to the porridge, and its quantity can be varied at will.

  • 250 g round rice;
  • 250 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1.5 st. Sahara.


  1. Rinse rice, put in a bowl. Pour in about a cup of boiling water.
  2. After boiling, cover the container with a lid, reduce the gas and cook for 5-10 minutes.
  3. At this time, grate the pumpkin with large cells.
  4. When almost all the water is absorbed, add salt, sugar and grated pumpkin. Stir and pour over cold milk.
  5. When it boils, reduce the gas and cook with occasional stirring for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Turn off the fire and let the porridge brew for the same amount. For fidelity, wrap the pan with a towel.

Traditionally, round-shaped white rice is suitable for milk porridge. It melts faster and better. But if you wish, you can experiment with a brown, unrefined product. In this case, the dish will turn out to be more useful. In addition, it is worth using a few more secrets:

  1. Be sure to rinse the rice several times before cooking until the water is no longer cloudy and whitish. This means that starch and gluten have come out of the grain.
  2. You can cook milk porridge both with pure milk and with the addition of water. But in the first case, the cereal will cook longer, besides, there is a risk that the porridge will burn, as the milk boils away faster. When water is added, the rice is more boiled and cooked faster. Depending on the desired result, you should adhere to the proportions and take 1 part of rice:
  • for thick porridge - 2 parts of water and the same amount of milk;
  • for medium density - 3 parts of water and milk;
  • for liquid - 4 parts of water and the same amount of milk.
  1. To get a more delicate and uniform texture, the finished porridge can be additionally chopped with a blender, rubbed through a strainer or punched with a mixer. This is especially true if the dish is intended for young children.

In milk rice porridge, be sure to flavor with a very small piece of good butter. Then the taste will become even softer and softer. By the way, to get an interesting taste, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg powder can be added to the dish, and sugar can be replaced with honey or condensed milk. The porridge is especially original when raisins, dried apricots, fresh or canned fruits and even vegetables are added.

Calorie milk rice porridge

What determines the calorie content of rice porridge in milk? Naturally, from the total number of calories contained in all ingredients. So 100 g of boiled rice on one water has 78 kcal. If milk of medium fat content (up to 3.2%) is added to the dish, then this figure increases to 97 units. When oil and sugar are added to porridge, the calorie content of the dish increases accordingly. And if you throw another handful of dried fruits into it, then the indicator will reach the level of 120–140 kcal per 100 g of milk porridge.

IMPORTANT!!! Find out how many calories are in your recipe CALORIE CALCULATOR

Rice milk porridge in a slow cooker

You can forget about burnt milk porridge if you cook it in a slow cooker. Everything is quite simple, you just have to put all the necessary ingredients into the bowl and press the "Start" button. A smart machine will do everything for you.

To prepare delicious rice porridge with milk, we need the following products:

Rice groats - 1 measured glass;

Milk - 3 measuring cups.:

Water - 2 measuring cups.;

Butter is added to taste, as well as salt and sugar.

Cooking rice milk porridge in a slow cooker

To prevent the rice from sticking together during cooking, it should be washed first. I prefer to take parboiled rice, it is cleaner and does not form a "paste" when cooked. We washed the cereal, after which we put it in the bowl of our multicooker.

Now we pour milk and water there, the latter can be replaced with the same milk if desired. This proportion of liquid is given for a more liquid porridge, if you like crumbly, you should take one glass less milk or water.

Butter can be added now or before use. Salt and add a little sugar, without it the taste will not be the same.

Now we proceed directly to the cooking process, or rather, the multicooker starts it. The lid must be closed, after which we select the mode on the display "Milk porridge" and set the time to 1 hour. Now you can do different things, and wait for the signal of readiness.

When it sounds, open the lid and see if the porridge is too thin and if all the milk has boiled. In this case, you can still cook it for a while, only for a very short time, 10-15 minutes, this will be enough.

Porridge in the Brand 502 slow cooker turned out amazingly tasty, just like from childhood. It also tastes like rice milk porridge cooked in a pot in the oven. And if you add butter there, it will be generally incomparable. I really like it, eat it with a bun smeared with the same butter. Porridge is very high in calories and you can’t eat a lot of it, so we can say that one glass of rice can feed the whole family.

Rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker - it can be different

Rice porridge is a very simple dish, but hearty, healthy, cheap. It is ideal for breakfast. In one fell swoop, you can feed the whole family and even the little picky ones. To minimize time and effort, you can use a slow cooker. This kitchen helper can cook delicious porridge. Rice for porridge is better to take round. You can use small cereals and even chopped. Steamed, long cereal is not suitable. Sort the cereal, rinse. Milk for cereals can be used fresh, dry. It is better to take an average fat content of 2 to 3.2%. Rice can be boiled in whole milk or diluted. If dry milk is used, then it is diluted with plain water.

What else is put in rice porridge:

Pumpkin, apples and other fruits; dried fruits, nuts, honey; sugar, salt; oil. Depending on the model of the multicooker, programs for porridge, cooking, soup are used. We focus on the capabilities of our kitchen assistant. The recipe for ordinary, thick porridge with rice. A wonderful meal option for the whole family. You can use regular or boiled milk.


One glass of rice; four glasses of milk; 20 grams of oil; three spoons of sugar; 0.5 tsp salt.


1. We take rice, sort out unusable grains, rinse. We take cool water.2. We lay the cereal in a slow cooker.3. Add milk. It is very important not to warm it up in advance, pour it in, immediately taking it out of the refrigerator.4. We throw salt and sugar into the dish, add a piece of oil.5. We close, put the cooking of porridge for an hour.6. Open, stir, put into bowls. Additionally, we put more oil in each serving. Professional chefs know that any milk porridge will turn out tastier if you add water to it. It's not about saving at all. But how much liquid to pour?


A glass of rice; two glasses of milk; two glasses of water; salt; oil optional; sugar.


1. Mix water with milk, add salt, sugar to them and pour into a slow cooker.2. We wash the grits, sort out, discard the bad grains.3. Pour the rice to the prepared liquid.4. We stir the future porridge with a special spatula.5. To taste we throw a piece of butter, but you can cook without it.6. We close the multicooker saucepan.7. We turn on the cooking of porridge for 40 minutes. 8. At the end, you need to stir, then let the rice porridge stand under the lid for a while so that it reaches the desired state. Pumpkin porridge with rice is an old, everyone's favorite dish. It turns out very tasty in a slow cooker. This recipe uses fresh pumpkin.


A glass of rice; three glasses of milk; 400 g pumpkin; 30 g of oil; two spoons of sugar.


1. Put a piece of butter into the slow cooker.2. We cut the pumpkin into cubes. The recipe indicates the weight of pure pulp without peel, seeds. The size of the pieces is not more than one centimeter. We lay to the oil.3. Now it's rice's turn. We simply wash it, sort it out. We shift to the pumpkin.4. Pour milk.5. Then we pour sugar, salt.6. Stir, close the wonderful saucepan.7. We turn on the porridge program, we wait exactly an hour.8. You can periodically stir the dish, knead the pieces of pumpkin a little. To taste, add more sugar, butter. Rice porridge tends to thicken. If you add four parts of milk to it, then after a few hours there will be a spoon in the dish. This recipe is for those who prepare the dish in advance.


A glass of rice; three glasses of milk; two glasses of water; 40 g of oil; sugar; 0.5 tsp salt.


1. We sort through the cereal. We throw the washed rice into the saucepan from the multicooker.2. Add milk with water.3. Next, add sugar, throw butter and salt.4. Stir, turn on the porridge program for half an hour.5. Five minutes before the end of the set time, you need to open the slow cooker and stir the dish.6. Close, leave for another five minutes and turn off. We insist for several hours, during which time the cereal will reach absolute readiness. A variant of amazing porridge with very juicy, soft, fragrant raisins. To make it exactly like this, we do everything according to the rules! Raisins are better to take light, you can small.


A glass of rice; raisins 0.5 cups; four glasses of milk; a spoonful of sugar; salt; a spoonful of oil for cooking.


1. We heat the oil in the baking mode.2. We wash the raisins, dry them a little, throw them into the oil.3. Immediately pour prescription sugar and lightly fry the grapes.4. As soon as the unusual aroma of fried sugar, that is, caramel, comes out of the slow cooker, it's time to add the washed rice.5. We pour milk. If it is not enough, then you can take part of the water.6. Immediately throw a couple of pinches of salt, stir.7. We close the slow cooker, cook the porridge for 40-45 minutes.8. Then, without lifting the lid, let the dish stand for another quarter of an hour. For such a rice porridge, the raisins do not need to be fried, but the sugar should be caramelized. Everything is prepared much easier, but it also turns out delicious. This version of the dish is preferable for children than the recipe above.


Three glasses of milk; a glass of rice; glass of water; 100 g raisins; a spoonful of sugar; a piece of butter.


1. We wash the raisins, throw them into the slow cooker. 2. Next to the grapes, add the washed rice.3. Pour water into them, immediately add milk.4. We throw oil, salt, sugar. There is no need to add a lot of sand, since raisins themselves are very sweet, it is very easy to overdo it.5. We turn on the porridge program, cook until the signal.6. When serving, it is very important to stir the dish thoroughly so that the raisins are distributed evenly.7. Don't forget to taste the rice. If sugar is not enough, then add. We also put a piece of butter in the plates. Recipe for porridge with pumpkin from the finished puree. This version of the dish can be used for baby food.


300 grams of pumpkin puree; 600 ml of milk; 160 grams of rice; 30 grams of oil; 2 spoons of sugar; 0.5 tsp salt.


1. Pour milk into a multicooker saucepan. You can dilute with water or also cook porridge in water, reducing the amount by 100 ml.2. Add washed rice to milk. Pour salt, sugar.3. Turn on the porridge mode, close the saucepan.4. After 25 minutes, put the finished pumpkin puree into the slow cooker.5. At the same stage, put a piece of oil.6. Now you need to mix everything well.7. We close the lid, cook the dish until the end of the program. If there is no fresh milk at home, then you can use a dry concentrate. It must be remembered that the product also has its own expiration date. If there are hard lumps in the powder, a musty aroma or an unusual color, then it should not be used for rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker.

A slow cooker or a miracle oven has become a popular gadget in the kitchen. She herself controls the entire cooking process and gives out truly delicious food. Rice porridge in a slow cooker is a dish that both adults and children will like.

Rice porridge can be cooked crumbly or soft. It all depends on what you will cook from rice next. If crumbly porridge can be added to salads or used as a side dish, then soft porridge can be eaten with different sauces or milk.

    4 multi-glasses of water

    1 tsp salt

Brief preparation:

    Rinse the rice thoroughly until the water runs clear.

    I put all the main ingredients in the multicooker bowl and mix.

    I turn on the required mode.

    I add butter and turn on the “Heating” mode for a few minutes.

If you decide to cook milk rice porridge, then for 1 multi-glass of rice you need to take 5-6 multi-glasses of milk.

To get fluffy rice that can be added to salads or used as a side dish, you need to take 1 multi-glass of rice and 2 multi-glasses of water.

There is another proportion in cooking rice with water. If you take 1 serving of rice and 1 serving of water, then we get rice, which is used to make the roll.

Regardless of what kind of rice we need, whether we cook it with water or milk, the preparation is always the same.

I prefer long rice, although it is better to use round rice for milk porridges.

Be sure to wash the rice.

We add water.

Salt to taste.

Add butter.

We turn on the "Rice" program for 30-35 minutes.

After the beep, leave the porridge for another 20-40 minutes.

Rice porridge in a ratio of 1:4 is quite soft. You can see this in the photo.

It should also be said that different varieties of rice absorb different amounts of liquid, which must be taken into account during cooking.

This is where my secrets for cooking rice porridge in a slow cooker ended. It would be interesting to hear about your experience of cooking this type of porridge in a slow cooker. Anyone who has just started to master this type of technique, I hope the topic will come in handy.

More recipes

There is nothing complicated about cooking porridge in a slow cooker, especially since the pan itself will perform all the settings. Our task will only be to wait for the result. For a side dish, rice is cooked in water, and sweet porridge is tastier in milk.

We will immediately agree that we always wash the cereals for transparency.
Remember that when washing, part of the liquid is absorbed by rice, it is important to take this into account when calculating the proportions. I always wash it several times: at t - 40 C, and then hotter - at t - 60-70 C.

In the multicooker Polaris

Even a child can cook a dish on their own in an electric miracle oven, it's so simple.


    water, 5 tbsp.;


    I put warm and clean rice in the oven container.

    In salted water, add rice, oil and mix.

    I put the program "Rice" and leave it for 40 minutes. The appliance is so smart that it will signal readiness.

A 10-minute exposure with butter in the “Heating” mode will make our dish especially tasty. I try to always serve hot, for this purpose I specially heat a deep plate. This will help to preserve its taste properties as much as possible.

In the Redmond multicooker

This miracle oven has a lot of useful functions and temperature modes, but there is no off button, which is not always convenient. Therefore, if you have already given a start, the device will work through the program to the end.


    water, 2 tbsp.;


    I salt water with rice at the rate of 5 g per 1 kg.

    I find the program "Rice - cereals" in the menu.

    I select the "Installation / timer" button and turn it on for half an hour.

    I put more butter in the cooked rice.

I always warm up my plate before serving. So the taste of the dish cooked in the Redmond slow cooker is better preserved.

In the slow cooker Ponasonic

To cook delicious and crumbly porridge in the Ponasonic multicooker, you will need a minimum of effort and time. My proportions are designed for a family of up to 4 people.


    water, 2 tbsp.;


    In the "Steaming" mode, I boil water.

    I put polished cereals in boiling water, do not forget to add a little salt.

    I press the "Buckwheat" button and after 30 minutes my dish is ready.

I keep the presence of water under control and look into the pan a couple of times. You can serve a delicious dish with fried mushrooms and onions or just with onions. Before serving, I warm the plate to preserve the delicate taste of the rice.

In the Philips multicooker

Porridge cooked in a Philips slow cooker reminds me of the taste of childhood and grandmother. She often cooked for me according to her signature recipe. She had it so tasty that you just “lick your fingers”.


    sugar, 2 tablespoons;

    salt, 1/4 tsp


    I mix products: milk, cereals, salt, sugar and butter in a non-stick container.

    I turn on the "Rice" or "Milk porridge" mode for 25 minutes.

    In the "Heating" mode, I still stand for a quarter of an hour.

I specifically warm up the soup bowl before serving. Milk porridge is good because it can be eaten at any time, especially since it is also a dietary dish.

In a slow cooker

In a pressure cooker, food is cooked under pressure, so a little faster than usual. I'll show you how to cook a wonderful side dish in a pressure cooker. It will complement the taste of meat, fish, fresh or stewed vegetables.


    sugar, 1-2 tbsp. l;

    salt, 0.5 tsp;


    I mix well-washed cereals with milk. salt, sugar, butter.

    I close the container with a lid, and to release steam, set the valve to the “Closed” position.

    The program of the oven "Milk porridge" will cope with cooking in 20 minutes.

    I open the valve, release steam and treat my family to a delicious dairy dish.

In the Mulinex multicooker

My recipe for the Mulineks multicooker is designed for 3 proportions and is perfect for breakfast.


    sugar, 2 tbsp. l;

    salt, to taste.


    I put sugar, butter and a little salt in rice with milk, stir in a multicooker container.

    I turn on the "Rice" or "Milk porridge" program.

    After 25 minutes, delicious milk is laid out on a plate and waiting for eaters. .

Everything is quick and simple, the Mulinex miracle pan works, and I go about my business.

On milk


    sugar, 2 tbsp. l;

    salt, 5 g per 1 kg;


    In a saucepan, gently stir rice, milk, sugar, salt.

    I close the lid, press the "Rice" or "Milk porridge" button.

    After 25 minutes, the milk treat is ready.

As always, I warm up the plates. It's proven to be delicious.

with raisins

There is a little trick. I will gladly share with you. Probably, not everyone knows that rice does not boil well in milk, so I boil it for 5-10 minutes in a large amount of water, which I then drain and add milk. And you can immediately dilute the milk with water.

Soft and sweet raisins go very well with tender rice.


  • Types and benefits

    For almost 300 years, rice has not left the table because of its taste and beneficial properties. Our great-grandmothers cooked porridge in ordinary pots, and we will use a high-tech assistant.
    In addition to protein, there are many amino acids, fats and carbohydrates. And he is a storehouse of minerals and vitamins. So even those who are not particularly fond of rice will agree with me that it is simply necessary to eat it.

    Smart pan multicooker: features and capabilities

    There are two types of this smart appliance: multicooker and multicooker - pressure cooker. The difference is that the first type does not retain steam inside the bowl, unlike the second, so food cooks faster in a pressure cooker.

    Choosing a multicooker for yourself

    Which multicooker to choose - plastic or metal, you decide. Plastic is cheaper and lighter than metal. The pot bowl is made of aluminum, stainless steel or ceramic and has a non-stick coating on the inside.

    Therefore, it must be handled with care, do not drop or scratch. In choosing the size of the form, be guided by the number of members of your family. Well, when there are a lot of programs in a multicooker, then you can endlessly comprehend various cooking methods in it.

    To receive the best articles, subscribe to Alimero's pages at .

For thick rice porridge with milk:

  • Milk (fat content 2.5%) - 500 ml,
  • Rice round - 150 g,
  • Butter - 20 g,
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Salt - a pinch
  • You can add 20 g of raisins (optional).

For medium thick porridge:

  • Cow's milk - 1 liter,
  • Rice round grain - 100 grams,
  • Sugar sand - 4 tbsp. spoons,
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp,
  • Butter 30 g.

Recipe for rice porridge with milk and water:

  • Rice - 80 g,
  • Milk - 200 ml,
  • Water - 200 ml,
  • Sugar 1-2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Butter - 20 g.

Cooking process:

First, let's prepare the ingredients for the porridge. I advise you to give preference to round varieties, but you can use any kind of rice with which you are used to cooking porridge. To prepare porridge at a delayed start in the evening, be sure to take cold milk for breakfast. In the hot summer, it can even be used frozen so that the porridge does not turn sour before it starts to cook.

The cereal should be thoroughly washed, this should be done in several waters. Drain the water, and then pour it into the bowl of the multi pan. Add sugar, salt and butter there.

If necessary, make a rim around the top of the bowl with this piece of butter and pour in the milk. Mix all the ingredients using a special spoon or spatula. According to your taste, you can diversify the porridge that has been familiar to many since childhood. For example, add ground cinnamon, literally a pinch, or raisins. And your breakfast will sparkle with new colors.

How to cook porridge with milk in a Redmond slow cooker

We close the lid of the multicooker, select the “Porridge” cooking mode, set the time to 35 minutes (if it is not set automatically) and, by pressing the “Start” button, wait for a sound signal that will call everyone to the table. The power of my unit is 900 watts.

Such a rather thick rice porridge is prepared according to the first recipe. It is better to cook it just before serving, because if it is infused, you can’t turn it with a spoon.

I have another recipe for Redmond, it is my favorite and was obtained by experiment. For 500 ml of milk, I put 5 tablespoons of rice, the rest to taste. Such liquid porridge can be held on heating and it will thicken, but this is not necessary at all.

Milk porridge in a Panasonic multicooker

According to the second recipe (100 grams of rice per liter of milk), I cook in Panasonic. The program "Milk porridge" in this model is automatic, it is impossible to change the cooking time in it, and it lasts about 1 hour. The porridge is neither thick nor runny.

Porridge with rice in milk and water

You should pay attention to the recipe for children's rice porridge, the milk in it is diluted with water. And this is no coincidence. Many pediatricians recommend diluting cow's milk with water at a ratio of 1:1, since it is an allergen and is still poorly processed by the still immature digestive tract of a child. And for children under one year old, rice porridge is recommended to be cooked on infant formula, reconstituted with boiled water to the desired volume specified in the recipe. For very young children, liquid baby porridge should be rubbed with a blender until smooth without grains. The process of loading ingredients and selecting a program is similar to previous recipes.

If you do not eat milk porridge, then the slow cooker will be able to cook porridge for you on the water, it will also cope with this matter easily and quickly. Just replace milk with water and cook porridge in the usual way, as described above.

Steamed dried fruits or fresh fruits and berries can also be added to the finished porridge to taste. In general, cooking rice porridge is not an easy task, but thanks to new technologies, our hands are freed from piling over saucepans, a slow cooker will always cook porridge deliciously and without hassle.

Let your breakfasts be not only healthy, but also delicious! Good appetite!

Sincerely, Anyuta.

Rice porridge in a slow cooker is a universal basis for sweet and savory dishes. With such a treat, you can please the whole family, including young children, who will be happy to try one or another version of this simple and very tasty porridge.

Sweet rice porridges are usually cooked not with water, but with milk, or they are mixed in various proportions. In the simplest recipe, in addition to the rice itself, only sugar and a pinch of salt are included. If you show a little culinary imagination, then the number of ingredients will expand to infinity. It can be any fresh, dried or frozen fruits, pumpkin, cinnamon, vanilla, honey, jam, etc.

For sweet porridge, most multicookers have a special built-in program called "Milk porridge". This is very convenient because it automatically determines the cooking time of the dish.

To diversify porridge, rice is often mixed with the same amount of other cereals: millet, buckwheat, etc. Such combinations give not only a pleasant taste, but also make the dish even more satisfying and healthy.

Rice porridge in a slow cooker can be easily prepared as a second course. To do this, meat, mushrooms, vegetables, various sauces and seasonings are added to rice. Such porridge can be boiled in water or meat broth. For its preparation, the “Frying” (for frying vegetables) and “Buckwheat” (for cooking cereals) modes are used. You can decorate the dish with chopped herbs.

Photo #1. Recipe for delicious milk rice porridge in a slow cooker

A very simple and affordable dish for every day. Rice and milk are a healthy and tasty combination that is great for starting the day. The porridge is sweet, but not cloying.


  • 3 glasses of milk;
  • 2 glasses of boiled water;
  • 1 glass of rice;
  • 5 tsp Sahara;
  • ½ tsp salt;
  • 30g butter.

How to cook milk rice porridge in a slow cooker:

1. Rinse rice several times under running water, dry;

2. Pour, pour water and milk;

3. Add sugar and some salt, mix well;

4. Turn on the "Milk porridge" program and cook according to the built-in mode;

5. Turn on the "Heating" mode for 15 minutes;

6. Add a piece of butter and mix again.

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Photo #2. Recipe for friable millet-rice porridge in a slow cooker

Many people think that rice porridge in a slow cooker must be sweet, but this recipe is not at all for the sweet tooth. In a redmond, philips, scarlet, polaris, panasonic and others pressure cooker, cereals with meat and vegetables are excellent. The dish will be especially tasty if rice is mixed with millet.


  • ½ cup of rice;
  • ½ cup millet;
  • 500g chicken fillet;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 4 glasses of water;
  • Salt pepper.

How to cook millet-rice porridge in a slow cooker:

1. Rinse the meat and cut into small pieces of arbitrary shape;

2. Chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater;

3. Melt a piece of butter in a multicooker bowl and load all the mentioned ingredients;

4. Turn on the “Baking” mode and fry meat with vegetables for 30 minutes;

5. Rinse each cereal separately, add to the slow cooker;

6. Add salt and pepper, mix;

7. Select the program "Buckwheat" and cook until the beep.

Now you know how to cook rice porridge in a slow cooker according to the recipe with a photo. Bon Appetit!

Rice porridge in a slow cooker is a breakfast for the whole family that will give energy for the whole day. It will be especially useful for small children. Cooking will not take too much time and effort if you follow a few simple recommendations:
  • Before cooking, rice must be washed at least 7 times;
  • If, after the multicooker signal, the porridge is not thick enough, you can turn on the "Heating" for 15-20 minutes;
  • Even if you are cooking sweet porridge, add a small pinch of salt anyway - this will make the taste more saturated;
  • It is best to take round rice for porridge in a slow cooker;
  • Oil can be added to porridge both at the end of cooking and immediately before serving.

Rice porridge is a balanced breakfast for all family members. It is very easy to cook, and it cooks quickly. But, as soon as a multicooker appears in the kitchen arsenal of the hostess, many questions immediately arise about the preparation of rice porridge with the participation of a new kitchen appliance. In order not to get confused in this situation, use the following recipes and tips.

How to cook rice porridge in a slow cooker - useful tips

  • Rice porridge has a viscous and tender texture. To make the dish just like that, you need to take round, unsteamed rice.
  • Before falling asleep in the multicooker bowl, rice needs to be prepared: it must first be sorted out, then washed several times with cold water, and at the end with hot water.
  • Rice and water (milk) are always taken in a 1:2 ratio.
  • The approximate duration of cooking porridge in a slow cooker is 40 minutes. If your multicooker model has a power of 500 W or less, you need to increase the cooking time to 1 hour.
  • You can cook rice porridge in water, milk, any broth. If you are going to cook milk porridge, milk should be diluted with water. So the milk will boil more slowly, and the porridge can be fully cooked. In addition, adding milk will prevent the porridge from escaping through the multicooker valve.

How to cook rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker

Sweet fragrant rice porridge will appeal to both adults and children. If desired, you can add different dried fruits, such as raisins, dried apricots or dried cranberries, which will give the dish a special taste.

For porridge you need the following products:

  • Cow's milk - 0.5 l.
  • Round-grain rice - 100 g.
  • Salt and sugar - to taste.
  • Butter - 30 g.

Cooking process:

  • Rinse rice repeatedly in water until it remains clear.
  • After that, pour the rice groats into the bowl and pour over the milk. If the milk is very fatty, it is better to dilute it with water so that the porridge does not turn out to be undercooked.
  • Now add oil to the bowl, salt, pour sugar.
  • Select the "Porridge" mode and set the timer at around 30 minutes, turn on the device.
  • After the signal, open the slow cooker, add another piece of butter and leave the porridge in the "Heating" mode for another 10-15 minutes.
  • After that, put the porridge in the prepared dishes. Optionally, you can add dried fruits or fresh berries. If you like spices, you can add just a little cinnamon.

How to cook dairy-free rice porridge in a slow cooker

If rice porridge should be served as a side dish for meat or fish, you can cook it without milk, but with the addition of herbs and butter.

Required Ingredients:

  • Rice - 2 cups.
  • Water - 4 glasses.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Butter - 70-100 g.
  • Team greens - ½ bunch.

Cooking sequence:

  • Remove damaged grains, husks and other impurities from rice.
  • Rinse rice with water to get rid of dust and starch.
  • Pour the rice into a bowl and cover with boiling water for 30 minutes.
  • Then drain the water, and send the rice to the multicooker bowl.
  • Add salt and half the oil, mix all the products.
  • Activate the "Porridge" mode for half an hour.
  • Then open the slow cooker, and if there is no more water, add the rest of the oil and leave the porridge on the heating for another 10 minutes.
  • At the end, add chopped greens to the rice porridge and mix.

Rice porridge is a delicious source of vitamins and minerals. It is low in calories and easy to prepare, so it is considered an excellent breakfast dish.