Winter Adventure - Treasure Hunt. Winter Adventure - Treasure Hunt Game options depending on the age of the participants

People have always hoped to find ancient treasures. Many have spent their lives looking for gold bars, while some have accidentally stumbled upon treasures. Most of these stories ended happily, and priceless treasures of the ancient world are in museums around the world, although some of them still ended up on the black market.

In history, there are many messages about the found treasures. But the greatest interest is aroused by the richest and most spectacular gold treasures of antiquity.

One of the most famous cases is the history of treasures at the bottom of the sea in the US state of Florida. In early September 1622, a flotilla of twenty ships left Havana for Spain, carrying the wealth of the empire. On board, in addition to passengers, there were also soldiers and slaves. When the ships entered the Florida Strait, the weather deteriorated sharply, a hurricane began, as a result of which 8 ships sank. Among them was the Nuestra Señora de Atocha galleon, which transported 18 thousand silver coins, 24 tons of silver bullions, 125 gold bars, 82 copper bars, as well as 20 bronze cannons, 525 bales of tobacco. For 60 years, the search for the galleon continued, but to no avail. It was only in July 1985 that the ship was discovered. This was done by the treasure hunter Mel Fisher, who spent 16 years searching. The value of the artifacts and treasures found was about half a billion dollars. The artifacts are now part of the collection of the American Museum at the Florida Maritime Heritage Society.

Another treasure was discovered in 1992 in Colombia. An employee of a sugarcane farm worked on a tractor in the Cauca Valley. Suddenly the ground collapsed, and the man, along with the tractor, was in the hole. There he noticed gold objects in the mud. When the man examined them more closely, he realized that he was lucky enough to find real treasures. He told about the find (armbands, gold masks, jewelry), and soon almost all the inhabitants of the village and workers began to simply grab the relics. In just a few months, about 5 thousand people came to the place where the treasures were discovered. All of these events became known as the Malagana gold rush.

In total, about 4 tons of ancient artifacts were stolen, melted down and sold to collectors. Hundreds of graves were destroyed and plundered. Employees of the Museum del Oro tried to save part of the treasure by buying 150 gold items from looters for 300 thousand dollars. Unfortunately, looting in Malagana continues to this day.

No less famous is the case related to the discovery of treasures, which took place in England, in the vicinity of Stonehenge. In 1808, one of the earliest professional English archaeologists, William Cunnington, found what became known as the crown jewels of the "King of Stonehenge". The treasures were discovered in a large mound, which was located just 800 meters from Stonehenge, in the small town of Bush Barrow. The archaeologist found there gold jewelry, an intricately decorated dagger and a gold diamond clasp. The handle of the dagger was decorated with 140 thousand small golden hairpins, the width of each of which did not exceed a third of a millimeter. Scientists estimate that it took about 2,500 hours to create the pen.

In 1970, another find was discovered in Varna, Bulgaria. Archaeologists managed to find a large necropolis of the Eneolithic era, which contained gold artifacts. Only after lengthy excavations did scientists realize how significant their find is. The burial contained the remains of a noble man and incredible wealth - the grave contained so much gold that was not found at that time in the rest of the world. It should be noted that the culture of Varna arose about 7 thousand years ago on the Black Sea coast, on the territory of modern Bulgaria. It was the first highly developed civilization to create gold artifacts.

The first evidence of the existence of an ancient civilization appeared in 1972, when an excavator operator R. Marinov accidentally unearthed a necropolis with ancient tools, vessels, dishes and figurines made of bones, silicon, stone and clay.

In total, about 300 graves were discovered in the necropolis, which contained more than 22 thousand elegant artifacts, including 3 thousand gold items weighing about 6 kilograms.

In the nineteenth century, the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann came up with the decision to start searching for the legendary Troy. His search was successful, and the excavation site of the Hisarlik Hills in Turkey is now considered to be where Troy was once located. Schliemann, in the course of his searches, found treasures, which, according to the archaeologist himself, belonged to the Trojan king Priam. It happened at the end of May 1873. As the scientist himself notes, he stumbled upon the treasure by accident - something flashed in the ground when they were digging a trench. Then a copper cauldron, a bronze pan, many weapons, silver and gold objects were found, including a gold headdress, earrings, necklaces and gold bands. At the moment, Priam's treasures are in Russia.

After discovering the location of Troy, Schliemann was able to find the tomb of King Agamemnon of Mycenae, who was at the head of the Greek army during the Trojan War. The burial contained 5 Bronze Age graves, each with one golden mask. The only mask depicting a bearded man was called the "Mask of Agamemnon", although scholars are still debating whether Agamemnon was its owner.

A lot of treasures are hidden by the waters of the world's oceans. The Gulf of Finland is considered to be a real cemetery of sunken ships carrying untold wealth. More than 6 thousand sunken ships rest at its bottom. In 1953, fishermen accidentally stumbled upon a ship sunk near the island of Borst. Then the find did not interest anyone. But in 1961, Swedish divers began to study it. It turned out that this is the St. Michael galleon, which in October 1747 was heading to St. Petersburg from Amsterdam. On board were treasures for the imperial court, as well as a carved gold convertible for Empress Elizabeth. In the very first days of the expedition, many objects of gold inlaid with precious stones were raised to the surface: a set of gold and silver watches, 34 gold snuff boxes, porcelain.

A large treasure was discovered near Portugal, in the waters of the Strait of Gibraltar. The Americans found the treasure. It was a Spanish military vessel, from the side of which they raised 500 thousand gold and silver coins. The treasure was valued at $ 500 million. All the treasures were transferred to the Spanish government as historical values.

In the waters of the Baltic Sea in the summer of 1999, members of a Finnish search expedition discovered the schooner "Frau Maria", which sank back in 1771. On board the ship were treasures for the Hermitage - various works of art commissioned by the Russian Empress Catherine II in Holland. In the holds were many paintings, packed in leather cases and lead vessels and filled with wax. In addition to paintings, many bronze values, porcelain and items made of various precious metals were found on the schooner.

According to the court decision, the treasures belong to Finland, but the Russian side does not agree with this, therefore, an end to this case has not yet been put.
Another treasure was discovered in 2009 in the Atlantic Ocean. The value of the found treasure was more than three billion dollars. During the Second World War, a ship sank there, the holds of which were full of diamonds, platinum and gold. According to the official version, Britain and the Soviet Union were the owners of the treasures. There is an opinion that the USSR used these jewels to pay the allies for food, clothing and weapons. The ship was sunk in 1942 by a German submarine.

In 2010, another treasure, quite by accident, with the help of an ordinary metal detector, was discovered in Somerset county by treasure hunter Dave Crypt. A vessel with ancient coins was found in a farm field, some of which date back to the third century. A total of 52 thousand coins were found. But how Krypt disposed of the precious find is unknown.

And no less famous treasure was found in Chile in 2005. There, with the help of a robot capable of scanning the molecular composition of the soil, 6 hundred barrels with 800 tons of gold were found. The treasure was valued at $ 10 billion.

It is believed that the treasures belonged to the Spanish navigator Juan Ubil, who buried a huge amount of gold in 1715 on an island off the coast of Chile. Many treasure hunters were looking for these treasures, but only the Chilean company was lucky, which, by the way, with great difficulty defended its right to half the value of what was found with the Chilean government.

But in the summer of 2011, the world's largest treasure was found, the value of which was estimated at $ 22 billion. The treasure was discovered in the Indian temple of Sri Padmanambhaswamy. The treasure consisted of jewelry, precious stones and gold, as well as many works of art, the most outstanding of which was recognized as the 1.2-meter statue of the god Vishnu, cast in pure gold and decorated with diamonds and emeralds.

The number of treasures found was so great that the people who evaluated the treasure did not count the coins one by one, but weighed them in bags.
Many treasures have already been found, some of them are kept in museums around the world. But there are even more of those that still remain the dream of treasure hunters. This is the Ark of the Covenant, and the treasures of the Templars, and the tomb of Genghis Khan, and the famous amber room, and the treasures of Blackbeard and many, many others. Perhaps, over time, they will be found, or they will remain a beautiful fairy tale, in which more and more generations of scientists and amateur treasure hunters will also believe.

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Kachkina (Kovalenko)
Entertainment scenario "Everyone in search of treasures!"

Entertainment script

for older preschool children

"All on treasure hunt


To form in preschoolers the ability to use the main types of movement in game situations;

To foster in children a sense of curiosity, courage, camaraderie, justice, organization;

Make the guys happy.

Equipment: pirate costume, attributes for decorating an impromptu ship (shells, pebbles, souvenirs, swimming circle, life jackets, audio recording "Tidal bore", balls by the number of children, hoops, a basin, balloons, candies by the number of children, cardboard pennies (5 cm in diameter, balloons by the number of children, a chest with chocolate coins, 10 keys with tasks, a mysterious message, a pirate flag.

To turn the hall into a real pirate ship, fly a pirate flag, maps, globes, binoculars, shells, pebbles, souvenirs, swimming circle, life jackets, etc. Simulate a sail.

In advance, ask the parents to dress the children in a pirate style, for which vests, vests, bandanas, wide belts, draw tattoos, etc. are suitable.

Prepare "Treasure" (a chest with chocolate coins for each child).

Sign the keys:

Key number 1-You will find the second key by solving the riddle (You must lock me on the outside, from the inside. You cannot live without me, believe me. I am the entrance to the apartment)

"Cargo on the ship").

Key number 3-The fourth key will be found by answering the question. (Chef's place of work)

"Sweet tree").

Key # 5 - Get the sixth key, guess the riddle


Key # 7 You will find the eighth key where they dream.

Key # 8 Time for "Field of Dreams"(competition "Field of Dreams").

Key number 9 The last key! (He has four legs)

Key No. 10 You will find the path to the treasure by folding the picture (competition "Puzzle").

Hide the clue clues in the garden. games:

Key number 2 - in the hallway,

Key number 4 - in the kitchen (dining room,

Key # 6 - in the bathroom,

Key # 8 - in the bedroom,

Key number 10 - under the teacher's table,

"Treasure"- in the closet.

The captain of the pirate ship Jack, sends an invitation to the children.

Senior Pirates "Traffic light"! You are sentenced to unrestrained fun, as well as to gain skills in the pirate business. Come, I'll be waiting!

When everyone arrives on the ship, Jack hands over a bottle with a message.

Mysterious message

Dear friends!

Today, when you have become real pirates, I can tell you my secret.

Long ago I hid a chest with treasure on a distant island.

The path to them is not easy, and only a real pirate can get to this island.

Only the most loyal comrades can go on a journey.

Be careful and attentive, strictly follow the directions.

I will leave ten keys for you.

After collecting them all, you can find hidden treasures!

Pirate Black Corsair.

P.S. Just keep your mouth shut.

Jack. The recruitment of a team of pirates begins. In order to join the crew, you must take the pirate oath!

You end each of my sentences with a phrase "Because we are pirates!".

The oath of a pirate.

Jack. Raising anchors, we go to the seas!

We are fearless guys ...

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. There is a terrible wave in the sea, hurricanes and storms, but we are sailing somewhere ...

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. The inhabitants of all the animals are dearer to us seas: octopus, dolphins, rays ...

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. We sharpened our knives, who did not hide - tremble! Only we are not to blame ...

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. We sail straight to the island, there find treasures! Let's live, friends rich ...

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. Caramba! All hands on deck! Our ship sets out on a long voyage to quest for adventure.

In order to find the treasure. You must find 10 clue keys, I give you Key No. 1-You will find the second key by guessing the riddle (You must lock me outside, from the inside. You cannot live without me, believe me. I am the entrance to the apartment.)

Key # 2-You will receive the third key when you deliver the cargo to the ship (competition "Cargo on the ship").

Competition "Cargo on the ship"

Pirates must "Load the cargo onto the ship"... Children carry cargo onto the ship along an impromptu gangway.

Bring the ball on your palm so that it does not fall.

Bounce the ball while jumping on one leg.

Carry three balls together with their backs turned friend friend: one ball in hand, and the third is sandwiched between the backs. You need to move forward with an additional step.

Move the ball without using your hands. (Squeezing between the legs, kicking, rolling.)

Jack hands over Key # 3 in gratitude for the loading. You will find the fourth key by answering the question (Chef's place of work)

Key # 4-Pirates love to eat, it's time for you, harvest (competition "Sweet tree").

The pirates got hungry and decided to eat. They saw interesting fruits on the branches of the trees.

On the site, there are candies hanging on a tree.

Task: bouncing off the candy and putting it in the container.

Jack hands over Key # 5 - Get the sixth key, guess the riddle (This is not a kitchen or a bedroom, but for everyone, friends, a bathhouse.)

Key # 6 - To get the seventh key, feed the predators. (Show jumping "Predators")

Competition "Predators"

It's time to feed the animals with the harvested crop.

An empty container is placed on the floor with a picture of a wild animal glued to it in advance. The children walk a few steps away from the container and try to throw in the candy.

Task: get the candy into the container.

Jack hands over Key No. 7. You will find the eighth key where they dream.

Key # 8 Time for "Field of Dreams"(competition "Field of Dreams").

Competition "Field of Dreams".

At night, the pirates went out into the clearing. And they saw gold coins! The pirates rushed to collect them.

Coins are scattered in different parts of the hall. (Cut from cardboard 5 cm.) In turn, the pirates are blindfolded, each must find one coin.

Task: find a coin while blindfolded. The rest of the players must command "Seeker" where should he go: to the right, to the left, forward, backward, sit down. Key # 9. Look for the last key! (He has four legs)

Key No. 10. You will find the path to the treasure by folding the picture (competition "Puzzle").

(competition "Puzzle").

The guys collect puzzles on which the last message.

The chest is not buried in the ground,

And behind the door lies.

There are hangers and shelves,

Like the floors in the house.

Trousers, blouses, t-shirts

Everything is in order.

("Treasure" hidden in a closet or in a booth)

The children find the treasure, but the cunning Jack grabs the chest and escapes to his ship. Children run after him and beg him to give the treasure with magic words. Jack gives the treasure, and sends the children home in boats.

The game "Boat"

We put 6 balloons on the hoop, each boat is designed for 4 people.

Task: do not let the balls burst on your boat, but sink the sosa

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Children learn the legend about the old duke's treasures and go in search of a map. After completing all the tasks, the children receive the coveted card and go in search of the treasure. The ghost guarding the treasure holds games and contests to check if the guys are worthy. At the end, the guys will have a small surprise - greetings from the duke.

Target: development of orientation skills on the ground, team cohesion.

To play, you need to arrange 3 locations:

  1. Meeting point for participants: a clearing where logs or benches lie on which you can sit.
  2. The place where players will complete tasks: with a large number of players, this territory should be of a sufficiently large area.
  3. Location of the treasure: here it is Ghost.

Required attributes:

  • Hat with multi-colored ribbons for dividing into teams;
  • A terrain plan with an indication of the route to follow and stopping places for each team;
  • Stop signs;
  • Notes- tasks for finding the required numbers;
  • Meter, sheet, pen;
  • A sheet with a cipher;
  • Treasure map;
  • Ball of thread;
  • Twigs, sheet and pencil;
  • Note from the duke;
  • Treasure- sweets.


  • Leading
  • Ghost

Event progress

All children, led by the Leader, gather in the clearing.


Guys, many, many centuries ago there was an ancient castle on this very spot. There lived a very rich duke, whose possessions stretched for tens of kilometers around. He had a beautiful wife and three children. The children grew up and left, leaving their parents alone in a huge castle. His wife died soon after that, and the duke did not want to leave the place where he was happy, although the children did nothing to transport him to their place.

There is a version that this duke still passes here at night, but not as a person, but as a ghost. He lives in the past, remembers his happy days. So, he was left alone, fired almost all the servants who could not please him. He left only the cook, the gardener and the maid, so as not to disappear at all.

And then one day the evil people wanted to rob a lonely old man. Only he found out about it and hid all his precious things in advance. Thieves came but found nothing. They tortured the duke, but he did not say a word to them. They left him alone, left, but not long after that the old man lived - he died without waiting for his sons. Since then, no one has succeeded in finding the treasure. Legend has it that the treasure can only be found one day a year. Today is just such a day. Let's look for the treasure buried by the old duke!

But first, let's divide into teams. Each team will have its own distinctive sign - a ribbon of a certain color.

Children go up to the hat, take the ribbon and are assigned to groups depending on the color of the ribbon.

Leading: The teams are ready. Now you need to choose a captain who will lead the rest of the group.

A captain is selected in each group.

Leading: Your task is to find the old duke's treasure. The place where the treasure is located is marked with a cross on the main map of the area. And in order to find the card, you must first find all the numbers, and then you will form a word from them using a special code. It will be the key that will help open the veil of secrecy and find the map. To complete the tasks, you will need a plan of the area.

Each captain is given a plan of the area, on which arrows indicate the route of each team and circles - stopping places where it will be possible to find out any number.

Leading: Let's see which team will cope with the task faster and will be able to find the ducal treasure.

The teams hit the road. Team paths can intersect, but must not follow the same path. It is important that teams do not interfere with each other while completing assignments. Each stop point must be marked with special signs - pointers, under which a sheet with a detailed task is placed.

Examples of tasks:

  • Count all trees and bushes at the bus stop, subtract less from the larger number the resulting number will be the desired one.
  • Find the lowest tree and count the number of leaves on the lower branch.
  • Count the number of colors on the lawn.
  • Determine tree species, count the number of letters in their name and add up the results.
  • Measure with a meter the approximate distance between two birch trees, marked with red ribbons, and round it to meters.
  • Measure the wrap width the thickest tree and round it down to decimeters.
  • How many petals do chamomile have growing 2 meters from this tree?

The teams perform tasks, find the numbers they need, and then return to the presenter, take the decryption from him. Each letter in the cipher is assigned a certain number (for example, a - 22, b - 45). Children find the necessary meanings and from the received letters make up the word "glade".

Leading: So the location of the treasure map has been determined. I invite everyone to unite and find a map.

All groups work together to search for a hidden map in the specified location. It can be located anywhere: in a crack in a tree, under a stone, under a pile of grass. The place where the treasure is hidden is marked on the map. Several paths lead to it, bounded on both sides by colorful ribbons. The children are again divided into teams: now the group must get to the place as quickly as possible along its "own" path. At the indicated place, the team is greeted by the ghost of the duke.

Ghost: Hello guys. Why did they come?

Leading: We want to find the hidden treasures!

Ghost: Do you think you can?

Leading: We have already found a treasure map, it indicates exactly this place - which means that the treasure is located here.

Ghost: Maybe this is where he is. But I won't let you find him. I will confuse the tracks, hide the signs!

Leading: We have already spent so much energy trying to find the treasures that we simply cannot turn back. You don't need the treasure anyway, so don't bother me, please!

Ghost: Needed - not needed, but I have to guard it! Treasures should only go to those who have a pure soul, a kind heart.

Leading: We are ready to be tested.

Ghost: Is everyone ready? But keep in mind that if you fail the test, you will have to turn back.

Leading: Deal. Really guys?

Ghost: An important point is to support each other in a difficult situation. Let's check if you know how to do it.

Conducts the Unification game. The participants are divided into two groups. Each group stands up in a semicircle. The first participants are given a ball of thread. They must connect all the participants as quickly as possible with the help of a thread, twisting it around all the players in turn. After joining the last participant, the task changes - it is necessary to wind the thread into a ball as quickly as possible. It is important not to tear it apart.

Ghost: The next test is to check the strength of the spirit. This is a very difficult test! It is important to be united with the whole team in order to win.

Conducts the game "Sip". The teams line up opposite each other in a column, the first are the captains. Each participant grabs the one in front of the waist. Opposing team captains grab each other by the arms and pull with all their might. The players' task is to help their captains to win the opposing team to their side.

Ghost: Well, you have the strength of mind - do not lose heart if you lose. But that's not all. Now let's check if you know how to understand each other.

Conducts the game "Spoiled Telegraph". Participants stand in a column. Each player is given a branch. The last participant "draws" with a twig on the back of the person standing in front of the figure, which the leader named to him (for example, a square). The one on whose back a figure was “drawn”, “conveys” the image further as he understood it. The team captain, having received a "telegram", draws it on a piece of paper. Then the original is compared with the result of the "journey" of the drawing.

Kids just love adventure! Finding treasure in winter can be an interesting entertainment that will appeal to both children and adults. You can search for treasure, both together with a child, and in whole teams.

Interesting ideas for creating a small quest "Treasure hunt".

The difficulty of the game will depend on the age of the children.

What treasures can you hide?

The treasure itself must be purchased in advance in the store. It can be - chocolate "coins", New Year's decorations, souvenirs, sweets or just a chupa-chups, mini-chocolate bar, etc. Further, the treasures should be packed in a waterproof container, choose a place and, of course, bury (remember where they buried! ).

Treasure legend.

A beautiful story, a legend about hidden treasures, and an unexpectedly appeared hint map indicating the location of the treasure, will captivate the child (children) and become a good start for the game.

Legend options:
- Use the phrases: "This map has been hanging on my wall for a long time, left over from the sailor grandfather, for a reason!" or "Many years ago my grandfather brought this old treasure map from sailing, but no one has yet been able to figure it out!"
- Roll the card into a tube and put it in the bottle. So that in the future you will not have any difficulties with removing the card, tie a string or elastic band to its end. Place the bottle in a prominent place ... and wait until one of the participants in the game finds it. If the game starts at home, you can put the bottle in a tub or basin.
- Find a prepared letter in your mailbox. An example of the content of the letter: “You have a letter from ... (an old friend, great-grandmother, a magician), who really needs your help. Are you ready to help him? " + attach hint, first pointer.

Treasure map.

Of course, you will need a map, where the location of the treasure is marked with a cross, or key points of the route are indicated, at which it will be necessary to complete certain tasks in order to find a hint for finding the treasure.

Perhaps only the first pointer will be marked on the map. In addition, there may be missing pieces on the map. For example, the location of the treasure itself or some parts of the route are missing. As the tasks are completed, they can be determined logically.

Game options depending on the age of the participants.

Children from 3 to 5 years old.
Kids find it difficult to navigate the map, even the simplest one, so it is enough for them to organize a treasure hunt scenario consisting of small tasks. For example, you can draw on the snow, tinted with water, a direction to the treasure. On the way, also draw a narrow river with crocodiles crossing their path, which you need to jump over to go further, or a swamp, which you need to cross, jumping from bump to bump, or a narrow cable car over an abyss ...

In the game, you can use simple tasks: "hot-cold"; make a snow angel; movement on command - for example, "three steps to the right and one forward", hitting the target with a snowball, etc. Many obstacles can also be built from the snow.

Children 5 and older.

One of the simpler treasure hunt options is to follow the signs. You emit the first pointer that leads to the second, and so on. The directions must be clear and lead clearly to the next index. They can be rhymed or in prose.

An interesting idea to use as pointers, photographs of those places where the following signs lie, and so on to the treasure itself.

Key points.
Examples of key points:
- In the yard: a tree, a gazebo, a bench, a large snowdrift, a swing ...
- In the park: play area, statue, fountain, tree ...
- In the city: a house, a bus stop, a church, a monument ...
Place puzzle cards at each key point. Having guessed which, the players get new words, parts of the rebus. After collecting all the pieces, they guess the rebus, the word meaning the place where the treasure is hidden.
Key points marked on the map can be accompanied by verbal comments, such as “If you find the tallest tree in the forest, move from it towards the highest mountain. On the way, you will see a lake and a shop. And the lowest branch of the pine tree nearest to it will indicate where the treasure is buried. "

Children 7 years and older.
Older children can be offered a map, which can be guided by using a compass. Naturally, the cardinal points must be indicated on the map. The directions of movement can be either simple (north, south) or more complex.

Why not use new technologies? Distribute on the map and on the terrain little or no noticeable objects. So that only with the help of the navigator and the data on the coordinates of the next point, you can understand that you have come to the desired point.

Unknown straits, mysterious uninhabited islands, sea battles - how exciting the life of a real pirate is! It is already breathtaking, as you imagine that all these people existed in reality. After all, even if there was no Captain Flint in the world, it means that there was exactly the same, say, Captain Stevenson - with a huge hook instead of a hand, a gold tooth and with a parrot on his shoulder. they will take away everything that is acquired by back-breaking labor. However, they were even more baked for those riches that were acquired by not overwhelming labor, but by unrighteous labor - after all, what was once stolen or taken away will most likely be stolen again. Few commit crimes alone - and can you really trust your accomplices? They are criminals! And so you buried the treasure, and you can leave the game at the slightest suspicion - the treasures will remain with you, and with them you can easily escape even to another country, and hide there forever! That is why not only gallant pirates, but also wealthy merchants or dishonest politicians necessarily hid part of their wealth so that no one could find them. But few hope to live forever, and taking the secret of a treasure buried somewhere in the backyard or a distant island with them to the grave is incredibly romantic, but not very good in relation to the heirs. Therefore, the owners of the treasures made special cards - the most understandable for the initiates, the most vague for those who are not supposed to know the secret. All games about treasures begin with a map showing the location of an ancient treasure in the hands of the hero. How do you find it? If you want to find what old Jones hid, you have to think like old Jones and know everything old Jones knew ... This is how an ordinary geographic search turns into a complex quest with many sidelines and adventures worthy of the best novel! The main thing is memory, horizons and intuition! Do you think that the location of the treasure is always marked with a bold cross on the map, and the most difficult thing is to find the island from which the map was drawn? No matter how it is! It is quite possible that the clue will turn out to be a rebus or a complex riddle that cannot be solved in any way without having information that only the true heirs of the fortune can obtain. Usually, the owners of the treasures tried to tell their children everything they needed, but what if an unexpected death or captivity confused all plans? Now the legitimate heir has to, like a bloodhound, get the secrets of his own father or, say, uncle! Games about treasures are complicated by the fact that, in parallel with you, someone else is looking for the same treasure ... And this someone is not your assistant at all, but a real criminal! Moreover, a competitor - after all, he wants to take possession of your money. Hurry up! There is very little time left. Show all your talents and defeat any opponents. Treasure games will make you feel like a real adventure seeker!