Balzac father goriot short. Education in the house of the Viscountess de Beauseant. Plot lines of the novel

"Father Goriot", a summary of the novel by Balzac

Pension "Dom Voke", 1819. The hostess of the boarding house, Madame Vauque, is a widow, fifty years old. The house consists of four floors. The best rooms are on the second: they are occupied by Madame Vauquet herself and Madame Couture, the widow of a commissar from the time of the Republic, with a young ward, Victorine Taifer. On the third floor live old Poiret and M. Vautrin, a former merchant, forty years old. The fourth floor is divided among themselves by an old maid - Mademoiselle Michano, a former pasta manufacturer - Father Goriot and a student - Eugene de Rastignac. The cook Sylvia and the servant Christophe live in the attic. Almost all the residents of the Voke House wear shabby things, their faces look old-fashioned. Against the general background, only Quiz Tyfer stands out - a young lady, unrecognized by her millionaire father.

Papa Goriot is a "general laughing stock". He is 69 years old. In the "House of Woke" he settled in 1813, when he retired. Initially, he occupied Madame Couture's rooms, dressed well and paid 1,200 francs a year. Everyone addressed him as "Mr", and the widow Voke dreamed of becoming his wife. Not having achieved her goal, the woman began to hate the tenant. Over time, Goriot moved to the third floor in order to pay 300 francs less, and began to be called "dad". Periodically, Goriot is visited by two daughters: the eldest (brunette) and the youngest (blonde). Both of them are exquisitely dressed young ladies. In the four years that have passed since moving in, Father Goriot has become significantly poorer, aged and moved to the cheapest, fourth floor.

At the end of November 1819, Eugene de Rastignac attends a ball with the Viscountess de Beauseant and meets Countess Anastasi de Resto.

In the morning in the kitchen, Christophe tells Sylvia that Vautrin, as always, gave him a hundred sous for his silence about the night visitors. Vautrin tells Vaucas that he saw Father Goriot go to Gobsek, a usurer who buys old silverware. At breakfast, Eugene talks about how he met Anastasi on the street. Vautrin assures everyone that Father Goriot maintains the countess.

Coming to visit the Countess de Restaud, Eugene meets her father Goriot. At Anastasi's, Eugene meets her lover, Count Maxime de Tray, and her husband, Mr. de Resto. At the beginning, the student has a nice conversation, but as soon as he mentions the name Goriot, he is politely kicked out of the house. Eugene goes to the Vicomtesse de Beausean. Her lover, a Portuguese nobleman, the Marquis d'Ajuda-Pinto, happily leaves the house, as he is afraid to admit to treason. The viscountess eavesdrops at the window where the infidel is heading, and guesses that he wants to marry Mademoiselle de Rochefied.

De Beauseant's conversation with Eugene is interrupted by the arrival of the Duchess de Langeais. The ladies exchange barbs about the lovers who have abandoned them. Eugene learns that Anastasi is the daughter of Papa Goriot. The second daughter is the blonde Delphine, married to Baron Nucingen, a banker. Goriot gave each of them a dowry of 500-600 thousand francs. A few years after their marriage, both daughters abandoned him. The Duchess tells Eugene that Goriot made a fortune during the French bourgeois revolution selling flour at exorbitant prices. De Beauséant teaches Rastignac how to behave in order to win a position in society. To begin with, she invites him to fall in love with Delphine.

Returning to the Voke House, Rastignac takes father Goriot under his protection. He writes letters to his mother and sisters asking for money. Together, the family collects 1,500 francs.

Vautrin offers Eugene a deal: to find him a bride with a dowry of one million francs in exchange for 200 thousand. The scoundrel sees Quiz as such a bride. He says that he will kill her brother, and the father, who wants heirs, will finally recognize his daughter. Eugene refuses: he is in shock and wants to achieve everything with his own labor.

Rastignac is dining at de Beauséant's. At the Teatro d'Ajuda-Pinto introduces him to Delphine. Eugène becomes even closer to Goriot and tells him about the visit of Madame de Nucingen. Rastignac wins seven thousand francs for Delphine, to whom her husband practically does not give money to live.

A month passes. Eugene falls in love with Delphine and is left without money. He begins to flirt with Quiz, but does not yet agree to Vautrin's proposal. Meanwhile, Poiret and Michano communicate in the Botanical Garden with an agent of the Parisian detective police, where they learn that Vautrin is a fugitive Toulon convict Jacques Collin, nicknamed "Cheat death."

Eugene confesses her love to Victorine. Papa Goriot informs him about the apartment rented by Delphine. Having learned from Vautrin that the next day Quiz's brother will be killed, Eugene wants to warn the father of the young people, but the convict puts him to sleep with wine.

The next morning, everyone learns about the duel in which Quiz's brother was mortally wounded. Michono mixes sleeping pills in Vautrin's coffee and is convinced that he is the one whom the Paris police are looking for. In the evening, Cheat Death is arrested. The tenants kick Michono out of the Voke House. Poiret leaves after her. Ms. Couture and Quiz after the death of the girl's brother remain to live in the house of Mr. Taifer.

Eugene learns that Father Goriot paid for his apartment and furnishings by selling his rent. In the House of Voke, he accidentally overhears a conversation between Papa Goriot and Delphine, who says that her husband is engaged in illegal fraud and, if she demands her dowry back, she will ruin both herself and her. Then Anastasi appears in the "House of Vok" and tells how she paid a bill for one hundred thousand francs Maxime de Tray. The husband found out about everything, forced her to admit that he was the father of only the eldest child, and ordered her to write a sale deed for all property. At the same time, Maxim still owes 12 thousand francs. Eugene corrects the bill given to him by Father Goriot and gives it to Anastasi.

The misfortunes of the daughters chain Goriot to the bed. While he is dying, Delphine is having fun at the ball at de Bosian's with Eugene. The viscountess, barely recovering from the blow due to the future wedding of d'Ajud, leaves for Normandy.

Papa Goriot dies long and painfully. In agony, he finally decides to face the cruel truth that his daughters do not love him. Eugene buries the deceased at his own expense. The empty carriages of Goriot's daughters arrive at the cemetery.

  • "Father Goriot", an artistic analysis of the novel by Honore de Balzac

Everything happens in the boarding house "mother". Voke is a widow, about fifty years old. The boarding house building has four floors. The best rooms are located on the second floor. They live there: the widow Vauquet and Madame Couture, she was also a widow. Madame Couture did not live alone, but with a young novice, Victorina Taifer. On the third floor were an elderly man, Poiret, and M. Vautrin, who was about forty years old. Once he was a merchant. And the floor above was occupied by an old maid - Mademoiselle Machinot, Goriot, who sold bread in the old days, and student Eugene de Rastignac. Almost all the residents of the boarding house went far from neat and new things, and appearance their faces were very old. Only the unrecognized daughter of a millionaire, Quiz, stands out.

But at one point, the quiet life of the Voke house changes its course. Rastignac desired to break into the very cream of society.

Papa Goriot - caused everyone to laugh at the smirk. His age is sixty-nine. To "mother" Voke, he settled, leaving his job. Immediately he settled in a good room and everyone called him "master", and the widowed mistress herself cherished the dream of becoming his wife. After a while, he spent all his finances and began to live on the fourth floor. Sometimes his daughters visited him.

Toward the end of November, Rastignac still makes his way to the ball to the Viscountess Bosean. There he meets Countess Anastasi de Resto.

One day, having come to the chambers of the Countess de Restaud, Eugene met Goriot there. In the same place, the young man meets Anastasia's secret cavalier - Count Maxime de Tray and with Mr. de Resto himself - the husband of the countess. Initially, everything was fine, and small talk proceeded without any stumbling, but as soon as he uttered one name Goriot, Eugene was immediately put out the door.

Returning to the boarding house, the youth takes father Goriot under his protection and his wing. Eugene writes letters to relatives asking for financial help.

A few months later, a young student falls in love with Delphine, but at the same time flirts with Quiz, because Vautrin offered a deal that is hard to refuse. Later, the young man confesses his fiery feelings to Quiz.

All these problems lead to the fact that Goriot fell ill on his deathbed. His death is painful and, unfortunately, not quick. At this very moment of death, he realizes that his daughters do not love him and they do not need him at all. Eugene Goriot buried at his own expense.

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Balzac. All works

  • The splendor and poverty of courtesans
  • Father Goriot
  • Shagreen leather

Father Goriot. Picture for the story

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The novel "Father Goriot" was created by Balzac in the early 1830s. The work was included in the collection "Human Comedy". The novel was first published in one of the Parisian magazines. The work was printed in parts over several months. The novel has been filmed several times.

Events unfold in the boarding house of Madame Voke in November 1819. The hostess dreams of marrying one of her guests, a certain father Goriot, who settled in a boarding house several years ago. All other residents despise Goriot. The old man took the most best room. His ability to pay makes the widow Voke think about marriage.

Despite all the efforts of the widow, the rich guest does not pay any attention to her. From tender feelings, the hostess gradually turns to hatred. The last argument in favor of refusing to marry is the clear signs of Goriot's ruin.

The old man unexpectedly moves to a more cheap room and refuses heating. Then Goriot moves again, to even less expensive apartments. Finally, it becomes known about the reasons for the ruin of the old man: Goriot has two mistresses, on whom he spends all his money. The old man himself claims that the young well-dressed ladies who periodically visit him are his daughters. However, no one believes him.

In addition to Goriot, the boarding house is permanently occupied by: student Eugene de Rastignac, a suspicious subject Monsieur Vautrin, Quiz Tyfer and some others. The vain Eugene certainly wants to penetrate the high society of Paris. In the capital, he has a relative - the viscountess de Beausean. Rastignac sends her a letter of introduction written by his aunt. The viscountess invites the young man to the ball. Eugene sets himself the goal of making a close acquaintance with one of the ladies. The attention of Rastignac was attracted by the Countess Anastasi de Resto. Returning to the boarding house, the young man tells his neighbors about the countess during breakfast. It turns out that Mr. Vautrin is familiar with this woman. He claims that old Goriot also knows her well and even pays her debts.

The student tries to get closer to the countess. However, the first attempt is not successful. The servant in the Resto house looks at young man with outright contempt. The countess herself is not too happy to see the guest, letting him know that she wants to be left alone with her other admirer, Count Maxime de Tray. The Countess's displeasure intensifies when Eugene mentions Father Goriot in a conversation.

Dejected by the failure, Rastignac goes to Viscountess Bosean, where he finds out the reason for Resto's discontent. The countess is the daughter of old Goriot. The old man also had another daughter, Delphine de Nucingen, who became the banker's wife. Goriot gave his daughters everything he had. Anastasi and Delphine did not take any part in the life of their father, remembering him only when they had financial difficulties. The sisters compete with each other. Delphine, unlike Anastasi, was not accepted into Parisian high society. The viscountess advises her young relative to take advantage of the rivalry between the sisters.

Rastignac has a plan of action: he wants to take old Goriot under his wing. In addition, he needs a considerable amount of money to update his wardrobe. His family does not have the money he needs. Vautrin advises Eugene to hit on Quiz, the wealthy heiress. The girl lives in a boarding house due to the fact that she quarreled with her father. Quiz has a brother that can be eliminated. Vautrin offers to take on the "dirty" work, for which Eugene will have to pay him 200 thousand. The student refuses the dubious offer. It soon becomes known that Vautrin was a runaway convict. Rastignac begins courting Delphine. Old Goriot helps him in every possible way, because he hates his son-in-law. The young woman reciprocates the student. Having married Dolphin, the banker took her dowry and doomed his wife to a beggarly existence.

Papa Goriot shot for Rastignac and Delphine nice apartment and assigns an annual allowance to the daughter. He himself dreams of settling on the floor above. However, the old man's dreams were shattered overnight. The banker de Nucingen invested his wife's dowry in financial fraud. Delphine is in the complete power of her husband. Anastasi also finds herself in a difficult situation. In an attempt to help her lover pay off his debts, the Countess pawned the family's diamonds. The father can do nothing to help his daughter. He no longer has any money left. When they meet, the sisters hurl insults at each other. Goriot could not bear the quarrel between two dearly beloved daughters. The old man loses consciousness and dies.

Rastignac had to bury Goriot with his own money. Another attempt to achieve the goal was unsuccessful for the student. However, Eugene promises himself that he will certainly succeed, no matter what it costs him.

Character characteristics

Papa Goriot

Main character Romana lives for her ungrateful daughters. Anastasi and Delphine became the only consolation of his life. Unselfish paternal love leads to the fact that Goriot does not have the means to heat his room in winter and buy himself new clothes. The prototype of the protagonist was King Lear.

Student Rastignac

Eugene comes from a poor, large family. The character of Eugene is very contradictory. On the one hand, the young man is vain and wants to get a profitable job in the capital. But on the other hand, a young man is able to love, respect, sympathize, help his neighbor. In pursuit of success, Eugene was able to maintain many moral guidelines: Rastignac refused the opportunity to receive a rich dowry for Quiz by eliminating her brother.

Anastasi and Delfina

The daughters of old Goriot are equally indifferent to their elderly father. For both sisters, marriage was just a formality. Anastasi has a lover, from whom she gave birth to almost all of her children. The older sister was able to find her place in high society. Dolphin was less fortunate. Her husband deceived her by taking her dowry, and the Parisian elite refused to treat her as an equal. Almost immediately after the wedding, the Baron and Baroness de Nucingen stopped communicating and openly have lovers.

Milf Woke

Widow Woke is not main character, but her role in the story is just as important as the role of the main characters. The hostess of the boarding house embodies the selfish and prudent middle class, which has already managed to cross the poverty line in the opposite direction, but at the same time has not yet been able to achieve the luxury that is available to the elite.

Mother Vauquet's boarding school in Paris has gathered tenants who eat here. November 1819. Seven permanent residents - seven destinies, seven characters. On the second floor lives a young lady Quiz Taifer with a distant relative of Madame Couture. On the third live a retired official Poiret and a mysterious middle-aged gentleman named Vautrin. On the fourth floor there are three residents: the old maid Mademoiselle Michonnot, the former bread and pasta merchant Goriot, and the student Eugene de Rastignac, who came to Paris from Angouleme. All the tenants treat Papa Goriot with contempt. But he was once called "master." Having settled with Madame Voke six years ago, he took the best room on the second floor. In those days, he had money, the mistress expected to marry him and end her widowhood. However, the "vermicellier" did not take her hints. Mother Voke began to look askance at him. Bad expectations were justified: two years later he moved to the third floor and stopped heating in the winter. The higher the floor in a Parisian house, the lower the fall. All-seeing servants and suspicious tenants guessed about his reason very soon: pretty young ladies secretly came to Father Goriot. The conclusion was typical for Paris at that time: the old debauchee squanders his fortune on his mistresses! He tried to pass them off as his daughters! The ridiculous lie only amused everyone. By the end of the third year of his life at Voke, Goriot moved to the fourth floor and began to walk around in tatters.

The measured life of the Voke house begins to change. The young Rastignac is captivated by the splendor of Paris. He decides to enter the upper world. Who will help him? Of all the rich relatives, Eugene can only count on the Viscountess de Beausean. He resolutely goes on the attack: he sends the viscountess a letter of recommendation from his old aunt. The viscountess does not remain indifferent: a provincial relative receives an invitation to a ball. The young man has heard a lot about the mechanisms of advancement in society. He longs to get close to some noble lady.

His attention is attracted by the brilliant Countess Anastasi de Resto. The next day, he talks about her to his companions at breakfast at the boarding house. Marvelous! The wretched old man Goriot, it turns out, is familiar with the countess and, according to Vautrin, recently paid her overdue bills to the usurer Gobsek. After this conversation, Vautrin begins to closely monitor the actions of the young man.

The first attempt to make a social acquaintance for Rastignac is humiliating: he came to the countess on foot. Not in a crew! This elicited contemptuous smirks from the servants. The bewildered guest could not immediately find the living room, and when he did, the mistress of the house made it clear to him that she wanted to be alone with Count Maxime de Tray. Enraged Rastignac is imbued with jealous hatred for the arrogant handsome man and vows to triumph over him sooner or later. Eugene makes a mistake by mentioning the name of Papa Goriot. He accidentally saw the old people in the courtyard of the count's house. The countess does not want to hear about the impoverished - because of her! - father. The upset young man goes on a visit to the Viscountess de Beausean, but she is in terrible grief: her lover, the Marquis d "Ajuda-Pinto, intends to part with her forever for the sake of a profitable marriage, the Duchess de Lange with pleasure hurries to tell this terrible news to her" best friend". The viscountess tries to keep herself and her hands, hastily changing the subject of conversation. And then the riddle that worried Rastignac was resolved: Anastasi de Resto, a brilliant society lady, bore the bourgeois surname Goriot as a girl. It turns out that this pathetic old man also has a second daughter, Delphine. She is the wife of the banker de Nucingen. Both beauties do not want to recognize the old father who gave them all his fortune. Viscountess. Clever and shrewd, she advises Rastignac to take advantage of the rivalry between the two sisters. Countess Anastasi is received in high society, but Baroness Delphine is not. The Vicomtesse de Beauseant contemptuously says that for an invitation to her house, Delphine will "lick all the dirt in the surrounding streets."

Returning to the boarding house, Rastignac announces that from now on Father Goriot is under his protection. He writes a letter to his relatives, begging them to send him one thousand two hundred francs. This is a heavy sacrifice for the family, but a young ambitious person needs to acquire a fashionable wardrobe in order to conquer high society. The enigmatic Vautrin, who has unraveled Rastignac's thoughts, advises the young man to pay attention to Quiz Tyfer. Yes, the girl vegetates in a boarding house, because her father, a very rich banker, does not want to know her. She has a brother who is destined for the inheritance. However, it is enough to eliminate it for the situation to change. If her brother dies, Quiz will be the sole heir.

Reprisal against the young Typher Vautren takes over. Rastignac, on the other hand, must persuade the girl to marry, and after the wedding, having received the right to a dowry, pay the adviser two hundred thousand. It's quite a bit compared to a million dowry. The young man in his heart admits that this terrible man openly and rudely said the same thing that the Vicomtesse de Beauseant said. Rejecting a deal with Vautrin, Rastignac decides to win the favor of Delphine de Nucingen. In this, Father Goriot helps him in every possible way. The old man blindly loves his daughters and blames their greedy husbands for the misfortunes of his daughters. Eugene meets Delphine. He falls in love with her and she loves him back. The young man rendered her an invaluable service: he won seven thousand francs and gave them to his beloved woman. The banker's wife could not pay off the debt and hid it from her husband, who appropriated the reception of seven hundred thousand, leaving the woman without money.

Rastignac begins to lead a secular life. He has practically no money. I need outfits, carriages, gifts for my beloved woman.

Vautrin constantly reminds the boarding housemate of Victoria's future millions. There, over time, a rose hangs over this demon-tempter. The police suspect that under this name hides the fugitive convict Jacques Collin, nicknamed Deceive Death. For confirmation and suspicion, the help of one of the guests of the Voke boarding house is needed. For a decent fee, Poiret and Michonneau agree to play the role of detectives. They are given the task of finding out if Vautrin has a brand on his shoulder.

Vautrin informs Rastignac that his friend, Colonel Francessia, challenged Tyfer, his son, to a duel. It would be necessary to actively look after Victorina. She has many chances to become a rich heiress. At the same time, the young man learns that Father Goriot rented a cozy apartment for Eugene and Delphine. loving father instructed the lawyer Derville to take away the money from his son-in-law, thereby putting an end to the arbitrariness of Nucingen. A lawyer can make the youngest daughter Goriot have thirty-six thousand francs a year. This news puts an end to Rastignac's hesitation: he chooses Delphine and wants to warn the father and son of the Tailfers. However, the ubiquitous Vautrin soldered the young man with wine mixed with sleeping pills.

The next morning, Michono does almost the same thing with the convict: he mixes a potion in his coffee that causes a rush of blood to the head. The unfeeling Vautrin is undressed... After clapping his hand, the brand appears on his shoulder.

Events are developing rapidly. Madame Voke loses all her guests. First, they come for Quiz Tyfer: the father calls the girl to him. She becomes the heiress, as her brother is mortally wounded in a duel. Then the gendarmes burst into the boarding house. They were ordered to kill Vautrin at the slightest attempt at resistance. However, he, taught by experience, demonstrates emphasized composure and calmly surrenders to the police.

Imbued with an involuntary respect for this "genius of penal servitude", the students who dine at the boarding house expel Michonot and Poiret. And Father Goriot shows Rastignac new apartment. He arranged it for his beloved daughter and begs for only one thing - let him be allowed to live on the floor above, in order to be closer to Delphine. However, all the old man's dreams are shattered. Skillfully interrogated by Derville, Baron de Nucingen confesses that his wife's dowry has been invested in financial fraud. It is unlikely that you will be able to earn income from it. Goriot is horrified: his youngest daughter was the victim of a dishonest banker. However, the position of the elder Anastasi is even worse: saving her lover Maxime de Tray from a debtor's prison, she pawns Gobsek family diamonds. The Comte de Restaud finds out about this. She needs another twelve thousand for an urgent ransom, and her father spent the last money on an apartment for Rastignac.

Having met in the presence of an old man, the sisters begin to shower each other with insults. Each blames the other for what she got more money. In the midst of their quarrel, the father falls - he suffered a blow.

The Vicomtesse de Beauseant gives her farewell ball. Metropolitan life has lost all its charm for her from the time she received the news of the Marquis d'Ajud's marriage, and she leaves the world forever. on the same day, father Goriot dies, without waiting for sensitivity from his daughters, to whom he gave all his fortune and his heart.

The unfortunate father is buried with his last money by poor students - Rastignac and Bianchon. Two empty carriages with coats of arms escort the coffin to the Pere Lachaise cemetery. From the top of the hill, Rastignac looks out over Paris. He makes a vow to himself to succeed at any cost - and goes to dine with Delphine de Nucingen.

The novel "Father Goriot" was created by Balzac in the early 1830s. The work was included in the collection "Human Comedy". The novel was first published in one of the Parisian magazines. The work was printed in parts over several months. The novel has been filmed several times.

Events unfold in the boarding house of Madame Voke in November 1819. The hostess dreams of marrying one of her guests, a certain father Goriot, who settled in a boarding house several years ago. All other residents despise Goriot. The old man took the best room. His ability to pay makes the widow Voke think about marriage.

Despite all the efforts of the widow, the rich guest does not pay any attention to her. From tender feelings, the hostess gradually turns to hatred. The last argument in favor of refusing to marry is the clear signs of Goriot's ruin.

The old man unexpectedly moves to a cheaper room and refuses heating. Then Goriot moves again, to even less expensive apartments. Finally, it becomes known about the reasons for the ruin of the old man: Goriot has two mistresses, on whom he spends all his money. The old man himself claims that the young well-dressed ladies who periodically visit him are his daughters. However, no one believes him.

In addition to Goriot, the boarding house is permanently occupied by: student Eugene de Rastignac, a suspicious subject Monsieur Vautrin, Quiz Tyfer and some others. The vain Eugene certainly wants to penetrate the high society of Paris. In the capital, he has a relative - the viscountess de Beausean. Rastignac sends her a letter of introduction written by his aunt. The viscountess invites the young man to the ball. Eugene sets himself the goal of making a close acquaintance with one of the ladies. The attention of Rastignac was attracted by the Countess Anastasi de Resto. Returning to the boarding house, the young man tells his neighbors about the countess during breakfast. It turns out that Mr. Vautrin is familiar with this woman. He claims that old Goriot also knows her well and even pays her debts.

The student tries to get closer to the countess. However, the first attempt is not successful. The servant in Resto's house looks at the young man with frank contempt. The countess herself is not too happy to see the guest, letting him know that she wants to be left alone with her other admirer, Count Maxime de Tray. The Countess's displeasure intensifies when Eugene mentions Father Goriot in a conversation.

Dejected by the failure, Rastignac goes to Viscountess Bosean, where he finds out the reason for Resto's discontent. The countess is the daughter of old Goriot. The old man also had another daughter, Delphine de Nucingen, who became the banker's wife. Goriot gave his daughters everything he had. Anastasi and Delphine did not take any part in the life of their father, remembering him only when they had financial difficulties. The sisters compete with each other. Delphine, unlike Anastasi, was not accepted into Parisian high society. The viscountess advises her young relative to take advantage of the rivalry between the sisters.

Rastignac has a plan of action: he wants to take old Goriot under his wing. In addition, he needs a considerable amount of money to update his wardrobe. His family does not have the money he needs. Vautrin advises Eugene to hit on Quiz, the wealthy heiress. The girl lives in a boarding house due to the fact that she quarreled with her father. Quiz has a brother that can be eliminated. Vautrin offers to take on the "dirty" work, for which Eugene will have to pay him 200 thousand. The student refuses the dubious offer. It soon becomes known that Vautrin was a runaway convict. Rastignac begins courting Delphine. Old Goriot helps him in every possible way, because he hates his son-in-law. The young woman reciprocates the student. Having married Dolphin, the banker took her dowry and doomed his wife to a beggarly existence.

Papa Goriot has rented a good apartment for Rastignac and Delphine and assigns an annual allowance to his daughter. He himself dreams of settling on the floor above. However, the old man's dreams were shattered overnight. The banker de Nucingen invested his wife's dowry in financial fraud. Delphine is in the complete power of her husband. Anastasi also finds herself in a difficult situation. In an attempt to help her lover pay off his debts, the Countess pawned the family's diamonds. The father can do nothing to help his daughter. He no longer has any money left. When they meet, the sisters hurl insults at each other. Goriot could not bear the quarrel between two dearly beloved daughters. The old man loses consciousness and dies.

Rastignac had to bury Goriot with his own money. Another attempt to achieve the goal was unsuccessful for the student. However, Eugene promises himself that he will certainly succeed, no matter what it costs him.

Character characteristics

Papa Goriot

The protagonist of the novel lives for the sake of his ungrateful daughters. Anastasi and Delphine became the only consolation of his life. Selfless paternal love leads to the fact that Goriot does not have the means to heat his room in winter and buy himself new clothes. The prototype of the protagonist was King Lear.

Student Rastignac

Eugene comes from a poor, large family. The character of Eugene is very contradictory. On the one hand, the young man is vain and wants to get a profitable job in the capital. But on the other hand, a young man is able to love, respect, sympathize, help his neighbor. In pursuit of success, Eugene was able to maintain many moral guidelines: Rastignac refused the opportunity to receive a rich dowry for Quiz by eliminating her brother.

Anastasi and Delfina

The daughters of old Goriot are equally indifferent to their elderly father. For both sisters, marriage was just a formality. Anastasi has a lover, from whom she gave birth to almost all of her children. The older sister was able to find her place in high society. Dolphin was less fortunate. Her husband deceived her by taking her dowry, and the Parisian elite refused to treat her as an equal. Almost immediately after the wedding, the Baron and Baroness de Nucingen stopped communicating and openly have lovers.

Milf Woke

Widow Voke is not the main character, but her role in the story is as important as the role of the main characters. The hostess of the boarding house embodies the selfish and prudent middle class, which has already managed to cross the poverty line in the opposite direction, but at the same time has not yet been able to achieve the luxury that is available to the elite.