Funny quotes. Aphorisms, funny phrases and funny quotes from life

Laughter is a great remedy for boredom, bad mood, blues and even physical pain! In addition, laughter burns calories and promotes a surge of energy, lowers blood sugar levels, increases the body's resistance to infections, promotes natural muscle relaxation, prolongs life, develops Creative skills! Laughter is positive in all respects, which means that each of us simply needs to have a constant source of reasons for it.

Funny things happen often, but it’s not always possible to remember and reproduce it at the right time, alternative sources Laughter, as always, can be found on the Web and visiting pages where funny quotes are collected is great for this purpose.

The Benefits of Reading positive statements sometimes manifests itself in the most paradoxical way. Imagine a picture: you are standing “on the carpet” with the boss, he, with all the negativity accumulated during the working day, reprimands you for your misconduct, and the funny quotes you read the day before climb into your head, which, by the way, are suitable for the situation. You smile involuntarily, the boss is interested in the reason for your smile, and you share your memories with him. Result: you, having told him some funny quotes, leave the office of the chief, tearful with laughter, in a good mood, while he winks at you happily and, jokingly, shakes his finger.

Funny quotes will provide you with a complete arsenal of tools for a full-fledged laughter therapy. Gathered together in one place, from various sources, familiar and completely new, thoughtful and completely meaningless, witty and funny, funny quotes will make you laugh sincerely. Such quotes are funny to read yourself and doubly funny to retell to friends.

A good mood can and should be cultivated in oneself and shared with others. It's quite easy to do, for example, you can provide yourself with a constant surge of positiveness by attaching jokes and funny quotes throughout the space of your office or home. Bumping into them, you, your household, guests or employees will have a constant reason for fun, there will always be a friendly atmosphere around you, and you will be known as a merry fellow. Dare! And good mood to you!

It's good when it's good! Otherwise, it's disgusting.

I have so much to do that I'd rather go to bed. (Robert Bengli)

Do you also twitch when you start to fall asleep, like you stumble or fall somewhere?

To have a bank director's wife or to have a bank director's wife. One dash, but what a difference!

Get bored - call! I will be glad to see your missed one!

It is likely that if you go crazy, the world around you will be closer, clearer and more familiar.

A good thought that comes later is met with a very cold reception.

You are the Guru of sex, no one has ever fucked my brain so perversely ..

If the newspaper “From hand to hand” is put in the toilet, what will it be called?

For a girl to try on and not buy, it's the same as for a man to undress and not fuck!!!

If a person has enough intelligence, then quite often it occurs to him that his intelligence is just not enough.

Someone else's grief can still somehow be endured, but someone else's happiness ...

Canine devotion Gerasims can admire endlessly.

Some hide thoughts, others - their absence.

Who is better to meet in the forest: a good wolf or a cruel hare?

If a woman suddenly fell silent, then she wants to say something.

He promised her that he would call when she least expected it. But she was always waiting. That's why he never called her.

They say that a normal female breast should fit in the palm of a guy. They grow paws, and then you go, complex ...

Doubting yourself is the last thing. There are plenty of more deserving candidates around!

If fools do not like you, then it is not a fact that smart ones love you.

People want to return kindness for kindness, everyone is just waiting: who will start first?

Why is it called prayer when you talk to God, but when God is with you it's called schizophrenia?

From a kiss to a scandal - one step, from a scandal to a kiss - a whole week, or even new shoes.

Nonsense in the workplace develops hearing, vigilance and peripheral vision.

Time invents geniuses more often than it creates...

Learning is light, and you have to pay for light! And, as it turned out, a lot of money.

The first half of your life you ask yourself what you are capable of, the second - who needs it?

If your girlfriend has stopped doing hair removal, then she has no one but you.

An amazing trend in Lately: to have inflated requests in the presence of only one pi..dy.

All life is a long and stubborn struggle for survival, which in the end you still lose ...

Being proud of the past is usually called upon to distract from the present.

Doping is when you notice. In the meantime, they did not notice - these are vitamins!

Thanks to women, men, imperceptibly for themselves, instead of the expression "hit on the head" increasingly began to use (censor) "hit on the horns."

It's more interesting to play chess with a naked girl...

Money is not evil, evil does not end so quickly.

There are no miracles, only one elephant can be made from one fly.

A savage, unlike a civilized person, kills people exactly as much as he can eat.

We are all far from perfect. What perfection is insanely happy about.

A cemetery is a place where relatives meet either for a short time or forever.

Do not steal ... The state does not tolerate competitors!

Caution is a principle by which you find security, but rarely happiness.

If you keep a dog on a leash, then do not expect attachment from it.

Our people have a conscience so clear that it is almost invisible.

A woman never considers a very smart man who is in love with her.

So I look at myself in the mirror ... And why is my husband so happy? Then I get on the scales - and even so much?!

If a woman is ready to do anything for a man, then she gave birth to him.

When communicating with a person, remember that he has a good opinion of himself.

Flying means growing. It flew in - it means it has already grown.

All people would be honest if life punished honesty less than deceit...

Where friendship weakens, politeness increases.

The future of our country belongs to children! And we even know the names of these children.

Golden youth are the children of bronzed parents.

For common man, the difference between authoritarianism and modern democracy lies only in the fact that under authoritarianism only the state could rob it, and under democracy - anyone.

The trouble is not that we never became masters, but that we ceased to be comrades...

Speaking obscenely, we do not swear, but simply call a spade a spade.

If this world seems ideal to you, then you are either a god or drunk.

I would send you, but I see - you are from there ...

Those who do not steal from the state always speak different languages ​​with it.

If mom wants a cat, and dad wants a dog, then it means that there will be no brother!

Every husband is unhappy with the way his wife and the government spend their money. The only difference is that he is not afraid to openly scold the government.

The crown of all careers, even the most successful ones, is only one - retirement.

God loves everyone equally. It's just that for some reason he is embarrassed to show his love ...

Why Themis eyes? The rustle of banknotes and the ringing of coins are perfectly audible with your ears!

Why don't we go see a horror movie, take a break from the news?

A successful marriage is when a man feels as good next to a woman as if he were alone.

In search of the Truth, people are ready for anything, just not to find out.

Announcement: “I am curing excessive naivety and gullibility. With 100% advance payment - 100% guarantee.

Don't talk bad about yourself - people don't get jokes!

In Russia, the authorities are constantly unlucky with the people.

Only ugly women are jealous of their husbands. Beautiful is not up to it - they are jealous of strangers.

There is such a good saying - "Trust, but verify." It is a pity that sometimes the results of the check are such that you immediately remember another saying: "The less you know - you sleep better!"

You can make several bikinis from one fig leaf.

What is the difference between husband and child? In principle, no, but at least you can leave the child alone with the nanny.

Is it possible to get tired of the thought that you need to eat?

However, with age, women cease to be cute ...

The law of nature: you cannot be strong - you must be fast; you can't be fast - you have to be prickly; you can't be prickly - you have to be smelly.

Do not wake up the boss in yourself - he will wake up and torment you with instructions.

Often, only a herd calls itself a single team.

He who knows how to laugh laughs well. And the one who laughs last is usually the brake.