Baptism of the Lord: signs and history of the holiday. Divination for Baptism. Epiphany water and its properties

The Baptism of the Lord is one of the largest Orthodox holidays. This day in our country is celebrated annually on January 19.

In Russia, this important event is celebrated quite widely, services are held in all churches, and people, believers and non-believers, visit churches to pray and collect blessed water.

From the history of the event

According to the Gospel, when Jesus Christ was 30 years old, he found John the Baptist, who was in those days in the city of Bethavar by the Jordan River. Then a lot of people were baptized by John in the Jordan River, since they believed in his prophecies, including the imminent appearance of the Messiah.

The rite of baptism in the Jordan River for John and his followers symbolized renewal, the change of the old law to the new one, which the Messiah would bring with him.

On the day when Christ himself appeared to the prophet to undergo the rite of Baptism, John the Baptist did not believe that the Messiah himself had visited him. And Jesus humbly replied that he must fulfill the righteousness and received Baptism from the prophet.

They say that on the Day of the Baptism of the Lord, unprecedented events took place, or rather, the sky opened, and a voice from heaven was heard.

It was after this event that Christ was followed by his first disciples Andrew, Simon, Philip, Nathanael, who later became apostles. And the baptized Jesus went to the desert for 40 days, where he prayed and fasted fervently, tempted by the Devil. After that, he returned to the world to fulfill his destiny.

It is not known for certain when Jesus lived, was born and was baptized. Scientists-theologians believe that he lived in the 1st century BC, was born from 12 to 4 BC, and was baptized 30 years after birth. At 33, Jesus was crucified on the cross.

Christ was baptized in the Yardenit backwater, where the sacred Jordan River merges with Lake Tiberias. Many true believers today want to be baptized there.

The first mentions of Baptism as a holiday

But at first, the two holidays, Christmas and Epiphany, were not separated, they were celebrated on the same day, January 6, and the event was called Epiphany.

Only at the end of the 4th century AD, the Baptism of the Lord became an independent date. But still there is a certain unity between these two events, the day before Christmas and Epiphany it is necessary to observe fasting, and the evening on the eve of both church holidays is called Christmas Eve.

Good to know: Christmas and Epiphany are connected by the period from 7 to 17 January, which is called Christmastide.

Traditions and customs of Baptism

On the eve of Epiphany, you must fast all day, and in the evening, when the first star appears, you can eat only lean dishes. One should sit down to eat only after prayer.

On the eve of Christmas Eve, Christians carefully cleaned the house. They washed out all the corners, and where, according to legends, there could be evil spirits, crosses were drawn in the windows, corners. It is believed that on the evening before Epiphany, evil spirits are especially dangerous.

One of the main traditions on Epiphany evening is ablution in an ice-hole. It is believed that in this way a person washes off all his sins with holy water, and is charged with health and strength for the coming year. On this holy day, girls and women dipped viburnum or coral into consecrated water and washed themselves with that water so that their faces looked healthy and their cheeks were rosy.

It is believed that from 00:00 a.m. to 24:00 p.m. on January 19, holy water comes from all sources, which has powerful healing properties... According to legends, holy water can heal many diseases, fight corruption, the evil eye, etc. Services are held in the churches on the morning of January 19, and the water is additionally consecrated. Holy water retains its medicinal properties for exactly one year.

Believers traditionally go to church on this day, and not only in the morning for the water consecration service, but throughout the day. On this day, you need to pray and devote yourself to spiritual enlightenment. In the temple people wash and drink holy water.

On the table on this great holiday, according to custom, it is necessary to put a dozen dishes. It can be porridge, jellied meat, meat, pancakes, etc. After the meal, all family members, young and old, thank the Lord for the bread and set off to release the pigeons.

There are also some prohibitions on this great divine holiday. So, on January 19, you cannot engage in physical labor, you should clean up in advance, in extreme cases, you can do this before lunchtime. But it is strictly forbidden to wash not only on January 19, but also within 2 days after.

On the day of Epiphany, you cannot drink alcohol, it is permissible to drink only a glass of Cahors. It is categorically not worth guessing at Epiphany, being rude, greedy and rude on this day.

Baptismal Sermon

Traditionally, on January 19 in Russia, His Holiness the Patriarch celebrates a solemn long liturgy in the church and addresses the believers with words of prayer and sermon. The service is televised.

The Baptism of the Lord is one of the most revered religious holidays among Russians. Visiting churches, temples, jumping into the ice-hole, collecting holy water have become folk traditions on this day.

There are quite a few of these traditions.

The feast of Epiphany begins on January 6 (19). In the popular calendar of the Slavs, this day is called Vodokreshchi. The most famous tradition associated with this day can be called the night before the holiday, but it is not the only one.

On the night of January 18 to January 19, Epiphany Eve is celebrated - some Slavs at this time collected snow, which, as they believed, had special healing properties. On January 19, on the feast of Epiphany, a prayer service for blessing of water was held. Above the cut (often - in the form of a cross) polynya or "Jordan", a portable chapel was arranged.

In Russia, it is customary to consecrate water for Epiphany. This tradition dates back to the times when Christianity was a fairly young religion - in one of the sermons of John Chrysostom in Antioch, delivered in 387, the saint said that the water collected at midnight for a holiday remains unspoiled for a very long time.

According to another Slavic tradition, hay that lay for two kalyad weeks was removed from the table and assigned to cattle in order to improve and speed up milk from cows, and at the same time protect from witch's leprosy. In Polesie, on Epiphany, it was customary to draw crosses and horses on the doors. In some places, walls, doors and a stove were also covered with chalk, drawing trees, birds, animals and horsemen. Russian peasants, in order to warn their house against fire, read at Epiphany: “The saints followed me, carrying a cup of water. If there is a fire, the saints will put out the fire. Don't burn once, don't burn twice, don't burn three. Neither today nor tomorrow, never burn. The saints stand guarding my house. Amen".

In Epiphany in Russia, preparations began for the winter wedding season. For twelve days after the holiday, it was impossible to wash in the ice holes.

Recently, Archpriest Alexei Yemelyanov, in an interview with MK, that swimming in an ice-hole, even if it is a very old tradition, should not replace the essence of the holiday, which implies cleansing in a more sublime sense. In this regard, the archpriest did not approve of the fact that some people, after bathing, try to warm up by drinking alcoholic beverages - according to Yemelyanov, while observing the tradition related to religion, it is inappropriate to drink alcohol on a divine service day.

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The cycle of Christmas holidays ends with the Baptism of the Lord. This is the holiday when 30-year-old Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the waters of the Jordan. He substantiated one of the main church sacraments through which a person is born again in Christ. Since then, those who have been baptized receive the remission of sins and are reborn for a new, spiritual life.

Three holidays are mentioned in carols: the Nativity of Christ, St. Basil and the Baptism of the Lord. Signs say that on this day you can not do anything around the house, especially it is forbidden to pick up scissors. Our ancestors strictly adhered to prohibitions and sacredly believed in omens.

history of the holiday

The Baptism of the Lord is celebrated on January 19. The history of the holiday begins from the time of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. During the sacrament of baptism, the Holy Spirit descended from heaven. In honor of the Lord's appearance in full, the holiday is usually called the Holy Epiphany. proclaimed the words from heaven: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”, the Son was baptized on earth, the Holy Spirit appeared in the form of a dove. On this day, Jesus Christ began to minister to people and preach.

Since then, water has been considered a symbol of purification. On the holiday, a procession of the cross takes place, in Christian churches, on rivers, lakes, the rite of blessing of water is performed. It is believed that whoever plunges into the Jordanian water three times in an ice-hole will not get sick all year round.

The magical properties of Epiphany water

On January 18 and 19, Christians go to church to pray and get Jordanian water. It is necessary that there is always sacred water in the house, it is advisable to start every prayer with it. Signs for the Baptism of the Lord say that if you wash your children with Jordanian water, they will grow up healthy and happy. They sprinkle it on the dwelling, give it to pets, so that the offspring is good. It improves mood, relieves anxiety, heals physical and mental wounds. Girls wash their faces to be beautiful.

The priest goes around the houses of the parishioners in order to cleanse and bless from all impure forces with the help of prayer and water. It is not good to lock the door in front of him. How to meet the Baptism of the Lord without receiving blessings from it for the family and home? It was believed that such a family would be accompanied by troubles for a whole year.

Swimming in the ice hole

On the morning of January 19, there is a tradition of swimming in an ice hole, which was carved in the shape of a cross on the eve of the holiday. The cross itself was installed nearby. Sometimes it was decorated with spruce or pine branches. They were also watered with beet juice, painting it red, which symbolized fire. On Epiphany, signs and beliefs say that on these days there is a double purification - by fire and water.

Doctors are supporters of only healthy people swimming in the ice hole. This must be done correctly. You should bring a large towel, change of clothes and shoes, and a hat.

It is not recommended to take part in Epiphany bathing for people prone to the following diseases: obesity, arrhythmias, hypertension, diseases of the respiratory tract, reproductive system. It is forbidden to swim during women's days.

Signs associated with the font

There are no strict restrictions and regulations regarding swimming in Jordanian water. It is correct to sink into the water, looking to the east, and in no case turn your head to the west. According to legends, the east is the place of God and good, the west is the side of the devil and evil. Sinking into the water with your face in this direction is equivalent to a deal with evil spirits.

Women need to dive into an ice hole in a shirt. Signs for the Baptism of the Lord explain this in order to protect oneself from other people's sins, which can wash away from some and stick to other bodies. Women should have their heads covered, men, on the contrary, should not wear hats.

Cross yourself, go into the water up to your chest. The triple immersion in water with faith and prayer is considered symbolic. This is done in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. After what has been done, you need to immediately go ashore, rub yourself dry with a towel, get dressed, drink hot tea with honey, brought in a thermos in advance. Alcoholic drinks are categorically contraindicated.

Epiphany menu

The celebration starts on January 18th. The night above is called Epiphany Christmas Eve. People call him Hungry or Poor kutya.

Having waited for the first star, the whole family gathers at the table for dinner, adhering to a strict fast all day. 12 dishes are served on the table, the main one is kutia (sochivo). Hence the name of the evening - Epiphany Christmas Eve. It is a porridge made from whole wheat, which symbolizes wealth, generosity of the future harvest, unity and well-being in the family. It is with kutya that the signs for Epiphany - January 19 - are associated. If it tastes good, life will be easy and sweet. Burnt porridge is a sign of trouble this year.

They cooked it with special love and prayer. The symbolic ingredients were added to kutya: honey for a sweet life, poppy seeds, which for a long time drove away evil spirits, nuts so that life's difficulties could be overcome easily, raisins for abundance in the house. In no case should you throw away kutya, it is better to give it to birds or pets.

Dumplings with potatoes and cabbage, cabbage rolls with millet, fish, mushroom soup, pancakes, uzvar - dried compote were also served on the table.

And on January 19, a rich table is set with various dishes, meat casseroles, sausages, jellied meat, pastries. It is recommended to start a festive meal with prayer and sacred water.

Signs and beliefs associated with Baptism

The people believed: how to meet the Baptism of the Lord, so a year will pass. If you spend January 18 in fasting, prayer and obedience, take part in the procession of the cross on January 19, swim in the ice hole, cleansed yourself with Jordanian water, then the Lord's blessing will not leave the whole year.

On Epiphany, signs and beliefs are filled with mystical meaning, associated with otherworldly forces. According to legend, this is the time of rampant demonic power, which tries to enter the house in any image and likeness.

People tried in every possible way to protect themselves from evil spirits. To do this, they painted crosses on the doors and windows with chalk, put a bouquet of last year's whole wheat in the house, put chives under the tablecloth on the four corners, and added poppy seeds to the kutya.

Epiphany "hydrometeorological center"

On the Baptism of the Lord, signs are associated with natural phenomena and weather conditions:

  1. If the weather is clear and cold, there will be a dry summer, and fresh and cloudy predicts a rich harvest.
  2. The south wind will bring a stormy summer.
  3. What is the weather on January 19, this will be the beginning of the next winter.
  4. A full moon on Epiphany night meant possible floods in the spring.
  5. The starry sky predicted a dry summer and a bountiful harvest of berries.
  6. The snow while dipping into the ice-hole predicted a high harvest of bread.

The wisdom of the people

People watched what worried them the most. On the Baptism of the Lord, signs are associated with everyday life:

  1. If you give sacred water to all domestic animals, they will bear a good offspring.
  2. It is not customary to feed chickens on this day - to a bad harvest.
  3. Three days after the Epiphany you cannot rinse your linen. Water is considered sacred these days, and it cannot be defiled with dirty linen.
  4. If you wash these days, your hands will hurt.
  5. If there was a fruit tree in the garden that did not give birth, people came to it with sacred water, watered it to heal it. It was believed that it would begin to bear fruit.
  6. January 19 promises him a happy life and the Lord's blessing.

Epiphany fortune-telling

Are the signs for Epiphany - January 19 true? Everyone can check for themselves. But since ancient times, the night from January 18 to January 19 (Epiphany evening) was considered the most suitable for fortune-telling.

To check how rich the year will be, you need to take three plates and a coin. In this fortune-telling, you need an assistant who will put a coin under one of the plates. Guessing the first time where the money is hidden predicts a rich, carefree life. If the second time - there will be no big money problems either. And if you don't guess three times, you will have to sweat to earn a living.

6 glasses can tell fortunes. In each of them you need to put a thing that symbolizes something: sugar is a sweet life, salt is sadness, a coin is wealth, a piece of bread is prosperity, a pea is the birth of a child, a ring is marriage. The choice determines the events of the year.

The most mystical and quivering fortune-telling with a mirror and candles. Put dishes with water on the table, light candles on three sides. Behind the decanter is a mirror, peering into which you can see the future.

On the Baptism of the Lord, signs say that girls can see their future husband. To do this, pour water into a glass ¾, lower the ring to the bottom, placing it exactly in the center, and look carefully.

To see your betrothed in a dream, you need to eat something salty in the evening. Going to bed, turn to the future groom: "The betrothed-mummer, bring me some water to drink." Whoever dreams is destined to live with.

The road to a happy family life

All fortune-telling is associated with the desire of girls to marry successfully. Everyone wanted a good groom, a beautiful wedding and a happy life. To be lucky with her husband, the girls tried to adhere to a strict fast.

The guys, having bathed in the ice-hole, having drunk the sacred water, were going to get married. If a couple is planning a wedding for Epiphany, signs predict a happy life for the young, full of joy.

The Lord Himself blesses the young family with sacred water, washing away the sins of their ancestors, for which the young will not have to pay. On Baptism, signs, customs say that this is the best time to start a family life.

Not knowing the newcomer and traditions, the people are unworthy of the future. One of the most revered Christian holidays, with which customs, beliefs and traditions are associated, is the Baptism of the Lord. The history of the holiday begins over 2 thousand years ago. It contains a tribute of respect and worship to the Holy Trinity, belief in the healing power of the sacred Jordanian water, a secret mystical connection with the other world and the remnants of pagan beliefs. And it depends on each of us to what extent this priceless national wealth will reach future generations.

Since ancient times, our ancestors believed that water has various miraculous properties... It can be used to treat ailments, as well as improve mood and even use it for cosmetic purposes. People also understood that water is a natural custodian of information, and in all its states of aggregation, be it steam, liquid or ice. Thus, besides the source of life on Earth, water is also an excellent keeper and transmitter of information.

Rites for the Baptism of the Lord: reading a prayer

Even in our time, pragmatic scientists shrug their shoulders when, as a result of research, they come to the conclusion that under the influence of human words and thoughts, water can even change its chemical properties. A prayer spoken over the water is able to charge water with positive energy, while an evil word, swearing or abuse, destroys water and is able to turn it into a poisonous consistency. We think we know enough about water and its positive properties, but this is far from the case. Until now, scientists, as a result of numerous studies, cannot find any explanations for the reactions of water and its capabilities. However, this also applies to ourselves, because, as you know, a person is 80% water. Therefore, in addition to the magical, as it seems to many, ceremony for the Baptism of the Lord on January 19, a person exposes his body to a completely physical effect, cleansing both soul and body.

Baptismal Traditions: Swimming in the Ice-Hole

The custom for the Baptism of the Lord plunge into the hole went from the events associated with the rite of baptism of Jesus in the sacred waters of the Jordan River. Not everyone has the opportunity to meet this bright holiday in the holy waters of the Jordan, therefore, the nearest natural and open body of water may well serve as Epiphany water. There are no strict rules and regulations regarding such water, however, the very shape of the hole should be in the form of a cross. It will also be correct if, falling into the ice-hole, you would looked east and did not turn their heads west... According to popular beliefs, the West is the side where evil and Satan dwell, and the East is the domain of God. It was believed that if during the rite of Baptism to look at the West, then indirectly make a deal with the Devil. As for the Sacred Jordan River, it is located in the east of Israel, not far from the famous Lake Kenneret and the waters of the salty Dead Sea. By the way, the lifeless water of the Dead Sea is also a source of health and is well known throughout the world for its miraculous properties.

When to perform the bathing ceremony at Epiphany?

The healing power of Epiphany water is calculated in just two days - January 18 and 19. It was then, according to tradition, it is necessary to plunge into the hole, but the most the best time for this ceremony is Epiphany night from 18 to 19 January... In the first minutes and hours after the baptism of Jesus Christ, water has the most powerful healing properties and is able to get rid of ailments and cleanse the body.

The rite of Baptism itself takes place as follows: the believer must go under the water with his head, while he must cross himself and say a prayer.

Customs for the Baptism of the Lord: "purification" of water

Epiphany water is not just a liquid collected at a certain time. In churches and temples there is a tradition for Epiphany - to conduct special cleaning procedure, the so-called "Jordanian consecration" and the resulting water is called the Great Ageasima. Believers believe that a piece of the flesh of Jesus Christ is placed in it. To be sure of the purity of the water, for the Baptismal ceremony it is better to take it from well-known, proven and most importantly - clean sources, away from big cities - in flowing rivers or deep lakes. If you are not sure of its purity, then it is better, without further ado, go to a temple or church. By the way, consecrated water for the Epiphany keeps its unique properties for a whole year and believers use it all 12 months, fleeing from physical and mental ailments.

Epiphany prohibitions

The most important ban these days is work. On this day, you should avoid all physical and mental labor and devote the day, or better all two days of the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, to bodily and spiritual cleansing. Girls who love to guess at Christmas time should not get carried away with this on Epiphany night, because, as a rule, fortune-telling at this time is inaccurate. Also, postpone the hectic feast, and if you gather at the same table, then offer only lean dishes as a treat. As is known - Epiphany fast - the strictest of the year.

Epiphany gifts

On these two days, believers do not give each other luxurious gifts, replacing them with small memorable souvenirs, as a rule, on the Epiphany theme. If you want to congratulate or draw the attention of loved ones and relatives to this holiday, then prepare a postcard or learn a theme verse.

Video of the Baptism of the Lord on the Jordan River

Epiphany is one of the 12 most important Orthodox holidays, ending the period of Christmastide, which began from the Nativity of Christ on January 7th.

As in any holiday for Epiphany, there are many traditions, customs and signs. Nevertheless, the most important thing on this day is water, because it was in it that Jesus Christ was baptized.

The editors of the site have prepared for you the most important customs and traditions that must be observed on this day.

history of the holiday

Orthodox Christians have been celebrating Baptism for more than 2,000 years in a row since John the Baptist baptized the son of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Jordan River.

It is believed that after the baptism was completed, the holy spirit descended to the people in the form of a dove and everyone listened to God's voice, which said: "You are my beloved son; my good will is in you!"

After his baptism, Jesus set out on a journey. For 40 days he wandered through the desert, preparing himself for the sacred duty. Returning back, the son of the Lord sacrificed himself for the sake of people and was resurrected on the day that is now commonly called the Sunday of Christ or Easter.

Like Christmas, Epiphany has its own Christmas Eve. It is also called hungry holy evening. The fact is that at this time it is already necessary to observe fasting and all dishes on the table should be lean. On this day, they prepare the last kutya, which ends the Christmas season. In addition to her, uzvar, dumplings, pancakes should be present on the table.

Traditions and customs

As already mentioned on this day, all traditions are associated with water. Now, of course, everyone will say that on Epiphany it is imperative to plunge into an ice-hole and collect sacred water.

Let's start with swimming. It is believed that the best time for swimming is the night of January 19, when the priest blesses the water in the reservoir after the evening service. However, those who did not have time to swim can do this throughout the entire Epiphany.

At the same time, you also need to dive into the ice-hole wisely. This is done only after a special Jordan in the form of a cross is cut through the ice, and the priest lowers the crucifix into the water and reads a prayer. You need to plunge three times, but preferably not with your head, otherwise it can lead to a sharp drop in temperature and pressure drop.

Swimming in reservoirs on this day cleanses the soul and body, protects a person from various evil spirits, as well as diseases.

In order for the water not to lose its sacred power, it must also be collected correctly. Our ancestors believed that at midnight on Epiphany, in general, all water becomes holy. If you collect it, then such water will stand for a whole year and not lose its medicinal properties.

The main rule in this case is the purity of the container into which the water is collected. It should not be stored in alcohol or plastic bottles. Previously, the hostesses had a special jug, where they collected Epiphany water, sealed the vessel and took it to the cellar. She was used for a whole year for any illness, and she always helped.

What not to do on holiday

Along with the traditions of Baptism, there are many prohibitions. The main one is a ban on any work - you can not do cooking, cleaning, construction, and so on, as well as handicraft. The whole holiday should be devoted to the cleansing of the soul from all the sins that have accumulated over the year.

It is also imperative not to swear, not to gossip, not to slander, and not to complain about your fate and the people around you. it is not recommended to arrange stormy festivities and lavish feasts, since the Epiphany fast is one of the most stringent and must be adhered to.

It was believed that after Epiphany the winter frosts were already on the decline. The Ukrainians liked to say at this time: "Thrice, not thresh, but the Vorokhreshchis have already passed!"

Folk omens

On this day, people especially watched the weather, and from it they could determine what the whole coming year would be like. At the same time, popular beliefs say that the signs noticed in Baptism are the most faithful and special attention must be paid to everything that happens on this day.

Among the most common signs are:

  • if the weather is clear and frosty on this day, you should expect a drought in summer;
  • if it is cloudy and snowing outside, then a bountiful harvest awaited people;
  • if blue clouds were observed in the sky at Epiphany noon, then the year should again be fruitful;
  • if the full moon fell on Epiphany, then until the end of January the weather will be the same as for the next three days after the holiday;
  • if it rains, the end of January will be cloudy and rainy;
  • the cross drawn on the door of the house will save the family from evil spirits;
  • dogs barking at night is a harbinger of good news.

Epiphany fortune-telling

Fortune-telling was the favorite pastime of unmarried girls at Epiphany. Now they say that it is impossible to guess on this holiday, as it is possible to guess fate for the worse. We will give you some of the most common ways to find out your destiny, and it is up to you to choose whether to do it for you in Baptism or not.

Fortune telling with sounds... On a moonlit Epiphany evening, the girls went to the church and listened to the silence under the door. If they heard the wedding choir, they had to wait for the imminent wedding, and if the funeral service, the funeral.

There is a similar fortune telling, but a bell is used for it. By its sound, they determined what the next year promised. So, if the ringing was ringing, then it was for marriage, for the deaf - for imminent death.

Fortune telling on bread with a ribbon... In an empty pot you need to put a piece of bread and a ribbon. What you pull first with a blindfold is what awaits you this year. The ribbon symbolizes the arrival of matchmakers, and the bread means that the fortuneteller will sit in girls for another year.

Fortune telling on paper... A sheet of paper must be crumpled and then set on fire. After it completely burns out with a candle on the wall, you need to create its shadow. What it will look like this year you need to wait.

Fortune telling in the snow... A little snow fell in Ukraine this year, so you can try to tell fortunes on it. In the evening, the girls fell on their backs in the snow. Already in the morning we looked at the left trail. If he was smooth and even, then the character of the future husband will also be good. If the snow turned out to be broken, then the spouse may turn out to be pugnacious.

Fortune telling on buns... A group of girls gathered in the house, you had to have a bun with you. The pastries were laid out in one row and launched into the room to the fortunetellers of the hungry dog. Whose bun he eats first, she will get married this year.