Birth and childhood of St. Sergius. Life of Saints Cyril and Mary of Radonezh, parents of Saint Sergius

On October 8, the Orthodox Church remembers one of the most revered saints in Rus' - St. Sergius of Radonezh. A monument to this saint was even unveiled in Barnaul in September 2017. We tell you who he is and why he is so loved in Russia.

Who is Sergius of Radonezh?

Sergius of Radonezh is one of the favorite saints in Rus'. Known as a hermit and miracle worker, the founder of a number of monasteries, including the Trinity-Sergius Lavra near Moscow. He is also called the spiritual collector of the Russian people and Russian culture. Considered the patron saint of students.

When was Sergius of Radonezh born and lived?

The exact date and year of his birth are unknown. Researchers say this could have happened in 1314 or 1319.

The parents of the future saint were called Cyril and Maria. The boy was given the name Bartholomew at birth. Besides him, there were two more children in the family. The eldest is Stefan and the youngest is Peter. The family lived in the village of Varnitsy near Rostov. When Bartholomew was a teenager, his family, fleeing hunger, moved to Radonezh.

How did he become a monk?

As it is said in the life of the saint, while still a child Bartholomew “began to fast strictly and abstained from everything, on Wednesday and Friday he ate nothing, and on other days he ate bread and water; at night he often stayed awake and prayed.” His parents did not like this behavior of their son, and they made him promise that he would become a monk only after their death. And so it happened. At the age of 23, Sergius invited his brother Stefan to live in the desert. But he did not stay with his brother for long: life in the desert turned out to be too difficult, and Stefan left. Bartholomew called a certain abbot Mitrofan and took tonsure from him, calling himself Sergius, since on that day (October 7) the memory of the martyrs Sergius and Bacchus was celebrated.

Soon students began to join him. Sergius forbade them to beg and introduced the rule that they all live by their own labor. During his life, Sergius founded five monasteries. The most famous is the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, as well as the Annunciation Monastery on Kirzhach, Staro-Golutvin near Kolomna, the Vysotsky Monastery, and the St. George Monastery on Klyazma.

Why is Sergius of Radonezh considered the patron saint of students?

Many miracles are associated with the name of this saint. One of the first is amazing literacy learning. Bartholomew was sent to study at the age of seven. His brothers quickly mastered reading, but Bartholomew still could not learn. The parents argued, the teacher punished, but the boy could not learn and “prayed to God with tears.”

One day, in a field, Bartholomew saw a Monk monk “an old man... handsome, like an angel” praying, told him about his misfortune and asked him to pray to God for him. After the prayer, the elder gave the boy a piece of holy prosphora and ordered him to eat it, predicting that now he would know literacy better than all his peers. And so it happened. Sergius was a very educated man. He spoke several languages, read a lot and knew a lot. He passed on his knowledge to his students. And today he is considered the patron saint of students.

Is it true that the saint reconciled the Russian princes and helped win the Battle of Kulikovo?

It is believed that Sergius actually reconciled the warring princes. The life says that the saint could act on the hardest and most hardened hearts with “quiet and meek words.” It was thanks to him that by the time of the Battle of Kulikovo, almost all Russian princes had stopped fighting.

Sergius of Radonezh had the gift of foresight. He blessed Prince Dmitry for the battle with the Tatar Khan Mamai on the Kulikovo Field. When Dmitry came to him for advice, Sergius predicted victory for the Russian army. To help the prince, he released two monks - Peresvet and Oslyabya, although in those days monks were forbidden to take part in battles. Eventually Russian army won.

What miracles did Sergius of Radonezh perform?

He performed a lot of miracles. Let's list just a few:

Source. In one of the monasteries, the monks were forced to bring themselves water from afar, a murmur arose, and then the monk, “having found some rain water in one ditch, made a fervent prayer over it,” after which a source of water opened.

Resurrection of a child. One local resident brought Sergius his sick son. But the child died. The grief-stricken father went to pick up the coffin. “But while he was walking, the monk prayed over the dead man, and the child came to life.”

Punishment for greed. The rich neighbor took the poor hog from him and “didn’t want to pay money for it.” When Sergius appealed, the rich man promised to “pay for the pig he took from his poor neighbor, and also to correct his whole life.” He did not fulfill his promise, and the pork carcass, despite the fact that it was frozen, was eaten by worms.

Commemoration: September 28 (October 11, New Art.), January 18/31, July 6/19 (Council of Radonezh Saints), Thursday of the Week of the Publican and the Pharisee

Kirill and Maria were kind and godly people. Speaking about them, blessed Epiphanius notes that the Lord, who deigned the great lamp to shine in the Russian land, did not allow it to be born from unrighteous parents, for such a child, which, according to God’s dispensation, was later to serve the spiritual benefit and salvation of many, was befitting to have parents saints, so that good comes from good and better is added to better, so that the praise of both the begotten and those who give birth may mutually increase to the glory of God. And their righteousness was known not only to God, but also to people. Strict guardians of all church statutes, they also helped the poor; but they especially sacredly kept the commandment of the Apostle: “do not forget the love of strangers: for the angels do not see the angels who are strangers” (Heb. 13:2).

They taught the same to their children, strictly instructing them not to miss the opportunity to invite a traveling monk or other tired wanderer to their home. We have not received detailed information about the pious life of this blessed couple; for this we can, together with St. Plato, say that “the very fruit that came from them showed, better than any eloquent praise, the kindness of the blessed tree. Happy are the parents whose names are glorified forever in their children and offspring! Happy are the children who not only did not disgrace, but also increased and exalted the honor and nobility of their parents and glorious ancestors, for true nobility lies in virtue!”

Cyril and Maria already had a son, Stephen, when God gave them another son - the future founder of the Trinity Lavra, the beauty of the Orthodox Church and the indestructible support of their native land. Long before the birth of this holy baby, the wondrous one had already given a sign about him that this would be the great chosen one of God and a holy branch of the blessed root. One Sunday his pious mother came to church to Divine Liturgy and humbly stood, according to the custom of that time, in the vestibule of the church, along with the other wives. The liturgy began; They had already sung the Trisagion hymn, and now, not long before the reading of the Holy Gospel, suddenly, in the midst of general silence and reverent silence, the baby cried out in her womb, so that many paid attention to this cry. When they began to sing the Cherubic Song, the baby cried out another time, and this time so loudly that his voice could be heard throughout the church. Meanwhile, the liturgy continued. The priest exclaimed: “Let's take a look! Holy to Saints! At this exclamation, the baby screamed for the third time, and the embarrassed mother almost fell from fear: she began to cry... Then women surrounded her and, perhaps wanting to help her calm the crying child, they began to ask: “Where is your baby? Why is he screaming so loudly? But Mary, in emotional agitation, shedding tears, could hardly say to them: “I have no baby; ask someone else." The women began to look around, and not seeing the baby anywhere, they again pestered Mary with the same question. Then she was forced to tell them frankly that she really did not have a baby in her arms, but she was carrying him in her womb...

According to the custom of that time, Cyril was supposed to receive the estate, but he himself, due to old age, could no longer carry out the service, and therefore his eldest son Stefan, who probably got married while still in Rostov, took on this responsibility. The youngest of the sons of Cyril and Mary, Peter, also chose married life. Bartholomew continued his exploits in Radonezh. More than once he told his father: “Let me go, father, with a blessing, and I will go to the monastery.” “Slow down, child,” the father answered him, “you see for yourself: we have become old and weak, there is no one to serve us - your brothers have a lot of concern for their families. We rejoice that you are concerned about how to please the Lord God, this is a good thing. But believe, my son: your good part will not be taken away from you, just serve us a little until God shows His mercy on us and takes us from here. Here, take us to the grave, then no one will stop you from fulfilling your cherished desire.” Bartholomew did not leave the will of his father.

But the spirit of monasticism was insensitively communicated from the son to the parents: at the end of their sorrowful life, Cyril and Maria themselves, according to the pious custom of antiquity, wished to take on the angelic image. About three versts from Radonezh there was the Intercession Khotkov Monastery, which consisted of two sections: one for the elders, the other for the elders. The righteous parents of Bartholomew sent their feet to this monastery in order to spend the rest of their days here in the feat of repentance and preparation for another life. Almost at the same time, Stefan's wife and eldest son died. Having buried her in the Khotkovsky Monastery, Stefan did not want to return to the world. Having entrusted his children, probably to Peter, he remained in Khotkovo, took monastic vows and began to care for his weak parents. However, the schema-boyars, overworked by old age and sorrows, did not labor long in their new title: no later than 1339, they had already gone to the Lord in peace for eternal rest. The children honored them with tears of filial love and buried them under the shadow of the same Pokrovsky monastery, which from that time on became the last shelter and tomb of the Sergiev family.

From generation to generation, the covenant of St. Sergius was passed down that anyone wishing to visit his monastery should first pray at the holy remains of his parents - the righteous Cyril and Mary - in the Khotkovsky monastery.

In the year of the 600th anniversary of the repose of St. Sergius (1992), the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church ranked the locally revered saints of Radonezh - Schemamonk Kirill and Schemanun Maria - among the holy saints of God for church-wide veneration. The memory of Saints Cyril and Mary is celebrated on September 28 (October 11, New Art.), January 18/31, July 6/19 (Council of Radonezh Saints), as well as on the Thursday of the Week of the Publican and the Pharisee.

Brief life of Saints Cyril and Mary, parents of Saint Sergius of Radonezh

The Most Reverend Kirill stood in the service of the Rostov Prince Kon-stan-ti-na II Bo-ri-so-vi -cha, and then at Kon-stan-ti-na III Va-si-lie-vi-cha, for whom he, as one of the people closest to them, more than once co-leader gave to the Golden Or-da. St. Cyril owned up to a hundred in his own way, but according to the simple morals, living in a village, I didn’t neglect the usual rural labor.

In the life of the Most Precious Sergius, he tells us that behind the Divine Li-tur-gi-she even before birth niya son of the righteous Marya and the prayer of the three-fold exclamation of the baby: before reading not the Holy Evan-ge-liy, during the He-ru-vim-skaya song and when the priest said “Holy to the Holy” . The venerable Kirill and Maria felt the great mercy of God on themselves, their goodness is tr-bo-va-lo , so that feelings of goodness towards God would be the same in any external movement of goodness stia, in the good-go-vey-those. And the righteous Mary, like Saint Anne - ma-te-ri about-ro-ka Sa-mu-i-la, together with her husband gave both- To dedicate this time to the good of all - to God. The Lord gave them a son, whose name was Var-fo-lo-me-em. From the first days of his life, the baby surprised everyone by fasting: on Wednesdays and Fridays he did not drink milk -ri, on other days, if she used meat in her pee, the baby also s-saw from the milk -ka. Noticing this, the very kind Maria was completely enamored with meat food.

The righteousness of Kirill-la and Maria was known not only to God. Having strictly observed the rules of all churches, they helped the poor, but especially protected the holy not for the holy Apostle Paul: country-but-love is not for-for-you, especially since you don’t know the nation of countries -pri-ya-sha An-ge-ly (). That's what they taught their children, strictly instructing them not to miss the opportunity to invite a po-t-she-st-st to their house from a foreign country or from another tired country. We have not received detailed information about the good life of this blessed couple, but we can, together with Saint Pla-to say that the fruit itself that came from them seemed better than all the red-speech praise the goodness of the word of the tree. Happy are you born, whose names will be glorified forever in their children and offspring! Are you and your children happy, who not only are not disgraceful, but also live smart and bring honor and bliss? -the city of its kin and glorious ancestors, for the true goodness of the city lies in goodness -li!

Around 1328, the elders Kirill and Maria moved from Rosto-va to Ra-do-nezh. About three versts from Ra-do-nezh there was the Khotkovsky Po-krovsky monastery, at that time once former and male, and female. According to the common custom in Russia, in old age, foreigners come with pro-ste-tsy, and princes, and bo- yare. The spirit of otherness communicated from the son to the parents: at the end of their many-sorrowful life, the righteous Kirill and Ma-riya will also accept the angelic image.

To this mo-na-stir and to-the-right-of-their-stops, so that there they can spend the rest of their days in the movement of-ka-i-niya, th -then heading towards another life. But they didn’t work for long in their new rank. In 1337 they went in peace to the Lord.

April 3, 1992, in the year of celebration of the 600th anniversary of the repose of the Venerable Sergius, on Ar-hi -erei-sky So-bo-re of the Russian Right-glorious Church with-a-hundred-of the social-church-pro-glorification of the schema-mon -ha Ki-ril-la and shi-mo-na-hi-ni Maria. Ka-no-ni-za-tion to-stay-but uven-cha-la she-sti-ve-ko-voe po-chi-ta-nie ro-di-te-ley ve-li-ko-go -movement that gave the world an idea of ​​the holiness and Christian structure of the family.

The complete life of Saints Cyril and Mary, parents of Saint Sergius of Radonezh

“...The Servant of God Kirill formerly gave great wealth in the Rostov region, he was a boyar, one from the glorious and well-known bo-yars, owned great wealth, but by the end of his life in old age he became impoverished and fell into poverty. ness. Let's also talk about how and why he did not communicate: because of his frequent visits with the princes to Or-du, because of his frequent visits to -gov of the Ta-Tar-skys to Russia, because of the frequent embassies of the Ta-Tar-skys, because of many heavy and levies of the Horde-dyn-skys, because often there is a shortage of bread... Because of this misfortune, God's servant Kirill left that village in Rostov, about which that swarm has already spoken; he gathered with his whole house, and went with all his relatives, and moved from Rosto-va in Ra-do-nezh. And, having come there, he sat down near the church, named in honor of the Holy Birth of Christ...

The sons of Ki-ril-la, Stefan and Peter, got married; the third son, the blessed young man Var-fo-lo-mei, did not want to marry, but was very eager for a foreign life -no. He asked his father about this many times, saying: “Now, lord, give me your consent, so that for the benefit of “I started your life with it.” But give him a message: “Ch-do! Wait a little and be patient for us: we are old, poor, sick now, and there is no one to look after us. Well, your brothers Stefan and Peter got married and are thinking about how to please us; You, tender-hearted one, are thinking about how to please God - you have taken a more beautiful path from heaven, which is not from anywhere. met with you. Just follow us a little, and when you, the birth of yours, lead us to the grave, then you can You eat and we sat down to carry out our task. When you put us in a coffin and cover us with earth, then you will have completely fulfilled your desire.”

The wonderful young man happily promised to look after them until the end of their lives, and from that day he grew up every day To please his family in every possible way, so that they pray for him and give him a blessing. So he lived for some time, serving and pleasing his family with all his soul and from a pure heart, according to until they gave him a haircut and each of them, at different times, retired to his own monastery. After living in the monastery for a few years, they left this life, went to God, and their son, to his blissful young man Var-fo-lo-meya, every day they blah-word-la-li many times until the next sigh. The blessed young man led his family to the grave, and sang funeral songs over them, and -returned their bodies, and kissed them, and laid them in a coffin with great abundance, and buried them in the earth- lie with your tears like some kind of priceless treasure. And with his tears, he honored the dead father and mother pa-ni-hi-da-mi and the saints li-tur-gi-ya-mi, noted pa -knead your own and pray for yours, and once whose cuteness is not wretched, and feed the beggars. So until the next day, he noted the memory of his births.”

After this, the future great Sergius returned to his house and began to part with the lives of the people. bo-ta-mi of this world, in order to quickly begin my life.

It is necessary to add that the mo-na-she-image of Saints Cyril and Maria was received in the Kho-kovsky Pokrovsky Mon-a-sta- re, who was located three versts from Ra-do-ne-zha and was at that time simultaneously male and female .

The summer-writing of the Kho-kovsky Pokrovsky mo-nasta-rya provides evidence of how the prayer -sh-tion to the Most-precious Ser-gius and his relatives spa-sa-lo people from serious illnesses. The powers of skh-mo-na-ha Ki-ril-la and skh-mo-na-hi-ni Maria invariably came together in the Po-krovsky So-bo- re, even after his many re-buildings. Already in the 14th century, in the personal life of the Pre-excellent Sergius, his images were depicted with him. According to tradition, the Reverend Sergius said: “before going to him, pray for the remembrance of his birth.” -di-te-ley over their coffin.” And so it was that the elk fell asleep, going to the prayer service in the Tro-its-kuyu Lav-ra, after all -Kov-skaya monastery. In the 19th century, the number of saints Ki-ril-la and Maria spread throughout Russia, as evidenced by -there are months-the-words-you-at-the-time. Unfortunately, after 1917, the Khotkovo mo-na-styr was liquidated. But, finally, in July 1981, the celebration of the So-bo-ra of Ra-do-Nezh saints was established in some -rum would-be pro-slav-le-ny skh-mo-na-hi Kirill and Ma-ria. In 1989, in the Church of the Intercession of the Monastery, returned to the Russian Orthodox Church, again they would have served and the powers of the righteous ancestors of the great Sergius would have been transferred to it.

Kontakion to Saints Cyril and Mary of Radonezh

Today, faithful ones, we have come together, / let us praise the blessed duo, the blessed Cyril and the good Mary, / for they pray together with their beloved son, the Venerable Sergius, / to the One in the Holy To the Trinity God/ establish our fatherland in orthodoxy,/ protect houses in peace,/ young people from deliver from misfortunes and temptations,/strengthen old age//and save our souls.

Translation: Today, believers, having gathered, let us glorify the blessed couple, the blessed Cyril and the well-behaved Mary, for they pray together with their beloved son the Reverend Sergius to the One God in the Holy Trinity, to establish our Fatherland in Orthodoxy, to preserve families in peace, to save the young from misfortunes and temptations , strengthen old age and save our souls.

Oh, servants of God, Schema-monk Kirill, Schema-nun Mary! Even though you have ended your natural temporary life in body, you do not depart from us in spirit, but you guide us to Christ God, you instruct us to walk according to the commandments of the Lord and to wear our cross and follow our Master, you, reverends, together with our reverend and God-bearing father Sergius, your beloved son, have confidence in Christ our God and in His Holy Mother of God. Be the prayer makers and intercessors for us, the unworthy, who live in your holy monastery, including you and the rulers. Be the helpers and intercessors of God’s gathered squad, so that those who live in this place and who come with faith, through your prayers, may remain unharmed from demons and from evil people, glorifying The Holy Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever eyelids of centuries. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to St. Cyril and Mary of Radonezh

Kontakion 1

Chosen miracle workers and great servants of the Lord, our monastery intercessor and dreamer of prayer for our souls, the Venerable Schema-Nun Kirill and Schema-Nun Mary! Bringing praise to you, we earnestly pray: for those who have boldness in the Lord, through your intercession free us from all troubles and make us heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven, so we joyfully call to you:

Ikos 1

The angels of earth and the people of heaven truly appeared to the Reverend Cyril and Mary, from your youth having a clear conscience towards God, and living together in goodness in piety and purity, leaving us as an example of imitation of your godly life, to whom we marvel and illuminate your miracles, we call to you voices laudatory words:
Rejoice, you who have loved Christ from your youth and worked for Him with all your heart;
Rejoice, guardians of chastity and guardians of mental and physical purity.
Rejoice, having prepared your souls and bodies on earth for the abode of the Holy Spirit;
Rejoice, being filled with the wisdom and intelligence of the Divine.
Rejoice, for you stand before the Trinity from earth to heaven and there from the Angels;
Rejoice, for with disembodied faces you sing the thrice-holy hymn to Her.
Rejoice, you have been glorified in heaven and on earth by the Lord;
Rejoice, having found an eternal, all-bright resting place.
Rejoice, Reverend Cyril and Mary, blasphemous intercessor for us before God.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the all-seeing eye of the Father of lights, your great life is pleasing to God, deign to choose you, blessed one, so that you may show the world’s bright lamp of the Venerable Sergius, so that about him your names will be glorified and all the faithful will sing to the Lord who glorified you: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Filled with Divine reason, Cyril and Mary worked tirelessly for the Lord, instructing their children in obedience and meekness. Make us wise, reverent ones, to constantly follow the justification of the Lord without falsehood, so that together with you we may find eternal salvation and bring you the following blessings:
Rejoice, blessed ones, who have lived in love of God and preserved good faith;
Rejoice, you are filled with mercy and compassion.
Rejoice, having acquired the Kingdom of Heaven through alms and prayers;
Rejoice, having improved eternal bliss through humility and fasting.
Rejoice, for your reward is abundant in Heaven;
Rejoice, for through your prayers we too are not deprived of the hope of the Kingdom of Christ.
Rejoice, for your joy is eternal in the light of the saints;
Rejoice, for for your Lordship’s sake we too are heirs.
Rejoice, Reverend Cyril and Mary, blasphemous intercessor for us before God.

Kontakion 3

By the power of God, we protect St. Cyril to the Prince of Rostov with all zeal, serving and together with him in the Hagarian horde, for the sake of peace, walking, so that the Russian people weaken from their yoke and sing to God incessantly: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

The Venerables Cyril and Mary and the people had a thought about the threefold proclamation of fruit in Mary’s womb in the church and were amazed, realizing something glorious and wonderful was happening; and having now seen the joyful birth of his son, he rejoiced and made a joyful offering to you, saying:
Rejoice, most luminous two, united by God;
Rejoice, unpretentious stars, who faithfully point out the path of married life pleasing to God.
Rejoice, parents of good and chosen fruit;
Rejoice, having fulfilled all the grace of God.
Rejoice, Christian spouses, teachers of piety;
Rejoice, you who teach good, God-fearing children the upbringing of their children.
Rejoice, chastity and continence in conjugal life are the most excellent image;
Rejoice, teachers of those who want to live a life pleasing to God.
Rejoice, Reverend Cyril and Mary, blasphemous intercessor for us before God.

Kontakion 4

The storm of sorrows and misfortunes raised by the viceroy of the Grand Duke, do not weaken your strong love for God, Kirill and Blessed Mary, but moreover, teach you to better repel the kindled arrows of the evil one. Teach us, therefore, to bear all the sorrows of this world with meekness, crying out to God with joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard, blessed Bartholomew, your wondrous child, who was once inexperienced in reading and writing, honoring God-inspired writings, you were greatly surprised, and the elder schema-monk, who bestowed wisdom on him, received into your home, keeping the commandment of the Apostle Paul: do not forget the love of strangers; Moreover, the Angels did not know how strange they were. Glorifying your virtue, we cry out to you:
Rejoice, faithful followers of Christ’s commandments;
Rejoice, followers of the truth of the teachings of the Gospel.
Rejoice, saints of God, as partakers of the lives of the great saints;
Rejoice, imitators of the hospitable hospitality of the ancient forefather Abraham.
Rejoice in the light of your pious life, like a divinely luminous luminary that shines forth;
Rejoice, you have shown love and mercy to the poor and orphaned.
Rejoice, a helper for the helpless;
Rejoice, for you always help us and guide us to the Heavenly Fatherland.
Rejoice, Reverend Cyril and Mary, blasphemous intercessor for us before God.

Kontakion 5

The godly stars are like the speedy, blessed Cyril and Mary, who came from the country of Rostov to the boundaries of the Principality of Moscow and settled in the city of Radonezh, where they amazed the people there with their piety, striving to sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen, holy, the diligence of his son, the Venerable Sergius, towards monastic life, I pray to him that he will remain with you until your death. He, like a son of obedience, taught by you from childhood to fulfill the commandments of the Lord, submitted to your will, Cyril and Mary, as God did, teaching everyone to cry out to you like this:
Rejoice, partakers of the beatitudes of Christ;
Rejoice, create an honest marriage and care for your good children.
Rejoice, angelic people;
Rejoice, venerable and righteous participants.
Rejoice, faithful saint of the Most Holy Trinity;
Rejoice, for you have taught your children to please Her.
Rejoice, for this is why your son has built a wondrous abode for the Trinitarian Deity;
Rejoice, for this reason your holy names are glorified throughout Rus'.
Rejoice, Reverend Cyril and Mary, blasphemous intercessor for us before God.

Kontakion 6

Preachers of the Orthodox faith and zealots of piety, not only in words, but also in your life, quickly in the city of Radonezh, praise to Cyril and Mary: in the same way, the Holy Church worthily honors you, incessantly singing to the Wonderful God in Her saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The light of your virtuous life, blessed Cyril and Mary, has risen in the city of Radonezh; When she reached old age, she rushed to the Khotkovo monastery under the cover of Mother of God Having come there, we naturally perceived the great image of the Angel, showing us the same image of the highest humility, learning from it, with love we cry out to you like this:
Rejoice, for for the sake of love, for the sake of the Lord of this world, you have given up glory;
Rejoice, for you have diligently accepted the monastic life of equal angels.
Rejoice, having come to the ancient monastery and there finding peace for yourself;
Rejoice, having entrusted your souls to the Most Pure Virgin Mary.
Rejoice, having received the image of an angel and preserved it immaculately;
Rejoice, show goodness to all monks and nuns.
Rejoice, having mortified all passions through abstinence before your death;
Rejoice, having received the holy schema into the armor of salvation.
Rejoice, Reverend Cyril and Mary, blasphemous intercessor for us before God.

Kontakion 7

Although the Lord, the Lover of Mankind, showed in your life, Reverend Cyril and Mary, an image of edification, not only to the people of the world, but also to the monastic face, instill in you in old age to leave earthly glory and perceive the image of a monk, in which through fasting, vigil and prayer you strive for goodness, tirelessly chanting the Seraphim's hymn to the Triune God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

New grace was shown to all by the Creator and Master through you, reverend ones, when nature passed from the temporary sowing vale of deplorable vale to the eternal abode. Your holy relics, even if hidden in secret, have produced many miracles and given healing to many sick people; Moreover, I will heal the babies brought to you. For this sake, O blessed healers of ours, accept this praise from us:
Rejoice, having come through temporary death to eternal life;
Rejoice, from the Lord incorruptibility and glorified miracles.
Rejoice, for your memory is with praise and your dormition is with the saints;
Rejoice, for your names are honorable and blessed in your Fatherland.
Rejoice, you who give healing to sick babies;
Rejoice, you seriously ill girl, who came to you with love and saved you from her illness.
Rejoice, O heavenly representatives who love and honor you;
Rejoice, you who ever ask us from the Lord for the gifts of His goodness.
Rejoice, Reverend Cyril and Mary, blasphemous intercessor for us before God.

Kontakion 8

A terrible and terrible disaster came to the land of Moscow, when many people in cities and towns were stung by the pestilence, and many of them died. Then the cathedral, consecrated with the nuns, offered prayers to you and through your intercession you received deliverance from trouble, crying out to God who benefits through you: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All lovers of God were overcome by great sorrow, when in the days of hard times, those who came to the Russian land, the monastery of the Intercession of the Most Pure Virgin in Khotkovo, the atheists, were abandoned to ruin and desolation. But the memory of you, venerable one, is alive among people, and the children of Russia glorify your life and miracles of praise:
Rejoice, our wonderful wonderworkers;
Rejoice, you who do not abandon us in days of sorrow.
Rejoice, indestructible fence of the city of Khotkov and our monastery;
Rejoice, fortresses, visible and invisible, are our supporters against enemies.
Rejoice, you who shower us with many blessings;
Rejoice, the mercy of your compassion embraces everyone.
Rejoice, you have dreamed of the intercessors of salvation for all of us;
Rejoice, guardians of the persistent city of Khotkov and our monastery.
Rejoice, Reverend Cyril and Mary, blasphemous intercessor for us before God.

Kontakion 9

All the angels and saints rejoiced with great joy, when your monastery, Reverend Cyril and Mary, was returned to the Church and your honorable relics, hidden by God from the ancient years, were placed in the cathedral church. And the lamp was lit by the prayer and all the people, seeing its light, were greatly surprised, they came running to you in times of misfortune and received help from you; and also make us worthy of veneration, who cry out to God for you: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Human infamy does not suffice for the worthy glorification of the miracles from your relics that are still being performed, the blessed Cyril and Mary: the old woman, for the weak nun, who underwent bone refraction and was not consoled by the doctors, came to you, reverend, and with tears I pray to you. Soon after receiving the complete healing, I hurried to you with tenderness of heart:
Rejoice, vessels of election of the grace of the Holy Spirit;
Rejoice, blessed intercessors of eternal joy to us.
Rejoice, you who quickly healed the old woman who was weak from her illness;
Rejoice, having surprised the skilled doctors with this healing.
Rejoice, imperishable fragrant flowers;
Rejoice, unflickering rays of immortality.
Rejoice, you who shine on earth with the greatness of miracles;
Rejoice, angels in heaven glorifying God.
Rejoice, Reverend Cyril and Mary, blasphemous intercessor for us before God.

Kontakion 10

Having inherited eternal salvation, blessed Cyril and Mary, your souls in the heavenly abodes abide inseparably in God, and with your holy relics in the monastery of the Immaculate Virgin you rest incorruptibly and exude abundant healing, leading us to the Heavenly Jerusalem, crying out to the Ruler of that City: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You are a wall and a refuge for all those who come to you, reverend. Because your monastery has been revived to a life of monasticism, many people seeking salvation have gathered together, you will save them from temptations and temptations, bliss, and teach them monastic work, so that, having improved what they want, they will bring you the following words of gratitude:
Rejoice, our child-loving representatives;
Rejoice, you who lead us to Christ God.
Rejoice, you who teach us to walk according to the commandments of the Lord;
Rejoice, you who teach us to patiently bear our cross and follow our Master.
Rejoice, for with our venerable father Sergius you have boldness towards Christ our God and towards His Holy Mother of God;
Rejoice, for you are intercessors for us unworthy, who live in our holy monastery, and you are its rulers.
Rejoice, for you are helpers, intercessors and prayer books to this squad gathered by God;
Rejoice, for through your prayers we are preserved unharmed from demons and from evil people.
Rejoice, Reverend Cyril and Mary, blasphemous intercessor for us before God.

Kontakion 11

Prayer singing is brought to you, Most Blessed Kirill and Mary, not only in the Khotkovo monastery, but also in Vysotskaya, your son founded, the multi-healing relics of your part, glorify the miracles you perform: a baby has an incurable illness, receives healing from you, parents receive immeasurable joy fulfilling crying healings to the giver of God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Illuminated by the tri-radiant light, Cyril and Mary, the all-blessed, with all the saints, you now stand in Heaven at the Throne of the King of Kings, and from there, like the luminaries of light, you ever enlighten the souls of your relics flowing to the race and teach true repentance. For this reason, glorifying you, we say:
Rejoice, for you have ended your natural life in body, but do not depart from us in spirit;
Rejoice, you who come to the race of your relics with faith, sanctifying them with grace.
Rejoice, shining beads who enlighten people with grace;
Rejoice, shine upon your minds, illuminating with the dawn of the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, you who have known the propitiators of the Heavenly King;
Rejoice, those who call upon the prayerfully honest names of your speedy hearers.
Rejoice, because God has placed hope in you as a helper;
Rejoice, to all the faithful, you fulfill every request in their favor.
Rejoice, Reverend Cyril and Mary, blasphemous intercessor for us before God.

Kontakion 12

The grace from God given to you is knowing, we diligently pray now, the most praised schemamonas: pour out a warm prayer for us to the Lord, may He keep our monastery undamaged from misfortunes and disturbances, and may He have mercy and save us, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your God-pleasing life, reverend, and glorification from God in heaven, we bless your righteous repose, we magnify the countless miracles from your holy relics flowing, and trusting in your unceasing prayers, we cry out to you:
Rejoice, your earthly life is more pious than those you passed away;
Rejoice, you have received crowns of glory from the Heavenly King.
Rejoice, having been clothed in the robe of grace-filled incorruptibility;
Rejoice, you who rest incorruptibly in the fragrance of the holy thing.
Rejoice, girded with the power of many miracles;
Rejoice, for your honest physician has revealed cancer as a human disease.
Rejoice, for from her everyone who comes with faith receives healing gifts;
Rejoice, for the monastery of our relics for your sake is glorified throughout the Russian land.
Rejoice, Reverend Cyril and Mary, blasphemous intercessor for us before God.

Kontakion 13

Oh, glory to the wonderworkers and saints of the Lord Kirill and Mary! Accept this prayer of ours with all our souls, which we now offer to you, and make us worthy, through your intercession in the rank of angels, to reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where all saints, angels and men sing praise with unceasing voices Holy Trinity, to our God: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, and then ikos 1st and kontakion 1st

Prayer to Saints Cyril and Mary of Radonezh

Oh, servants of God, St. Cyril and Mary! Even though you have ended your natural temporary life in body, you do not depart from us in spirit; you guide us to Christ God, instructing us to walk according to the commandments of the Lord and to bear our cross and follow our Master. You, reverend ones, together with our reverend and God-bearing father Sergius, your beloved son, have boldness towards Christ our God and towards His Holy Mother of God. Be prayer books and intercessors for us, unworthy, living in your holy monastery, and you are its rulers. Be the helpers and intercessors of God's gathered squad, so that those who live in this place and come with faith, preserve by your prayers, remain unharmed from demons and from evil people, glorifying the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever forever and ever. Amen.

Since we are talking about twos and twos, I would like to tell you an entertaining story about a boy who was born at the beginning of the 14th century and studied very poorly.

700 years ago, in a small village near Rostov, a boy was born into the family of the impoverished boyar Kirill. His parents gave him the name Bartholomew.
Bartholomew had two brothers. The family lived simply and poorly. When the time came, the boys were sent to learn to read and write. The brothers easily grasped the basics of book wisdom, but Bartholomew’s studies did not go well. No matter how hard he tried, he tried! He was unable to read and write; there was no way he could learn to read.
Like these ones school problems were with the youth Bartholomew with all the ensuing consequences.

The note:

Otrok - teenage boy in Old Russian

That is, the teacher scolded him every day, his brothers teased him, and his parents were sad and urged him to show diligence... Bartholomew was very worried that he turned out to be so incapable. In the evening, before going to bed, and in the morning, before studying, he prayed to God and asked for His help.
One day, when his father sent him to look for the missing foals, Bartholomew wandered through the forest for a long time and, coming out into a large clearing, saw an old monk under an oak tree. He was praying for something.
Bartholomew bowed to him and stood nearby. Having finished the prayer, the old monk asked:
– What are you looking for and what do you want, son?
The boy told him about his grief and began to ask the elder to pray to God for him, so that he would help him learn to read and write.
After praying, the monk said:
- Don’t worry about literacy, son, anymore - God will give you knowledge. From this day on, you will read and write better than your brothers and peers.
And so it was. And when Bartholomew grew up, he became a monk.
If a person decides to serve God and becomes a monk, he gives up his name and receives a new one in return - as a sign that the old man who lived in the world “died”, and in his place a new one was born - a man of God. Bartholomew's new name was Sergius - Sergius of Radonezh, the great Russian saint, intercessor for Rus' and its people before God.
It was he who founded and built in a deep forest near Moscow one of our most important and beloved monasteries - the Trinity Lavra, and it was he who blessed Prince Dmitry Donskoy for the Battle of Kulikovo.

The bear in Nicholas Roerich’s painting is not a fiction. The beast really got into the habit of going to Father Sergius every day to get something for food. The monk began to leave food for him on the stump. The bear took it and left. If he didn’t find the usual piece, he stood there for a long time, looking around and persisting. Sergius, who was distinguished by his extraordinary kindness to both people and animals, sometimes remained hungry and fed the bear.

Miracles happen not only in fairy tales -

they exist in life too. Do you want to have an interesting and favorite job that pays decent money?
This means that you will need to go to a good institute. But they don’t take C students there.
Therefore, your destiny is to learn the rules, solve problems, and carefully read the given paragraphs. No one will do this for you. It is impossible to go to bed stupid and wake up smart in the morning for no reason at all. This certainly only happens in fairy tales.
- Well, what about the youth Bartholomew? – some may ask.
And we will answer that these few did not read our story carefully. Or they were too lazy to think about it.
The whole point is that Bartholomew I really wanted and tried very hard to study. But he didn't succeed. Maybe he didn't have the ability. It happens. And when he realized that his human strength was not enough, he did not wave his hand, did not say: “Well, okay. I’ll get by”... He asked God for help. And God responded.
We told you this story so that you know: each of you in difficult times, when something doesn’t work out or you don’t have enough strength, can also do it.

“The Life of Sergei of Radonezh” is a reminder of ancient Russian literature that has survived to this day. The authorship of this book belongs to the monk Epiphanius the Wise.

IN Ancient Rus', not many people had literacy; they were mainly monks who created chronicles telling about the events and personalities of that era.

At the beginning of the 20th century, three new editions of “The Life of Sergei of Radonezh” were released. The work belongs to the genre of canonical literature.

Life of Sergei Radonezh

The work “The Life of Sergei of Radonezh” describes different stages of the saint’s life and deeds that he performed. Sergius was born back in 1314 in Rostov; later the family moved to the city of Radonezh.

At birth, his parents gave him the name Bartholomew. In addition to Bartholomew, there were two more boys in the family. When he grew up, he and his brothers were sent to a church school so that the children could learn to read and write. However, little Bartholomew could not learn to read.

One day he met a monk and told him about his problem. The monk prayed, after which Bartholomew began to read very well. This was the first reason for the little boy to think about serving God.

When Bartholomew was 17 years old, his parents died. Grief brought three brothers to the monastery, where they took monastic vows. Bartholomew took the new monastic name Sergius.

Together with their brothers, they went to live in the forest so that nothing would stop them from praying to God. Sergius's two brothers could not stand the difficulties and soon left for Moscow. The hermit monk enjoyed the respect and love of people, as he always helped them with wise advice.

Dmitry Donskoy learned about the holy man and hurried to him to find out how the battle with the approaching Mongol-Tatar army would end. The monk calmed Donskoy and gave him a blessing for the battle.

Russian troops were able to defeat the invaders. Later, Sergius initiated the construction of the monastery. A few years later, the monastery became a refuge for people in need of shelter and food. The fame of the monk spread far beyond the borders of Rus'.

People came to receive the blessing of monk Sergei and many began to settle around the monastery. Soon, the village and monastery, built by St. Sergius, turned into beautiful city- Sergiev Posad, which has survived to this day.

Life of the Russian people during the life of Sergei of Radonezh

Reading the book “The Life of Sergei of Radonezh,” you probably noticed the peculiarities of the life of the Russian people, which are described in the work. At the school where the Monk Sergei studied, there were not desks, but ordinary wooden benches, where the students were accommodated.

Local residents took water from springs, not wells. The Russian people also ate simple food - porridge and bread. Children in families were brought up with respect for elders and respect for God's law.

Also from the work we can learn a lot about historical events that took place in Rus', in particular about the grief that people experienced from the invasions of the Mongol-Tatar troops.