The deceased father dreams of being alive in a familiar environment. The late father according to the dream book

The most important, courageous and strong person is the father. He will always be an example and an object of imitation for everyone. But unfortunately, living organisms cannot exist forever and sooner or later everyone dies. After this unfortunate event, you can see your beloved relative only in photographs and in a dream. And has anyone wondered what the deceased father is dreaming of? Is such a dream a harbinger of any events? You can find out the answer to this question only by delving into reading dream books.

Why is the late father dreaming?

First of all, when meeting a deceased in a dream, one should recall the popular belief. If a deceased person begins to disturb his relative, it means that he needs to be remembered or a candle is lit in the church closest to the house for the repose.

Another ancient omen says that the deceased appears in a dream to the person who remembers him the most, as if calming him down. It can also appear in the subconscious of someone who is tormented by conscience for not having time to say goodbye, causing pain or deceiving hope. In this case, need to repent.

In dream books, the portrait of the father symbolizes experience and sound mind. If you dreamed of an older family member, then in the near future it is necessary to show precisely these qualities when performing actions.

  • Miller in his dream book, he pointed out that the late father dreams of profit and prosperity.
  • Vanga she believed that his arrival is interconnected with the deception of a loved one.
  • V family dream book and it is said at all that the deceased father appears in a dream before moving, traveling and a long journey.

Whom to believe in such a situation? To obtain a detailed description of the dream, it is necessary to completely restore the picture that occurred in the dream, and decipher the father's behavior, his actions and objects that were around him.

Why is the late father dreaming of living his daughter?

It is the young beauties who are most attached to their father. For them, he will always be the ideal, which they will subsequently equate with their spouse.

Attention should be paid for each event what happens in life and try to independently verify its reliability. If in a dream he tries to hug his daughter or shake her hand, then on the contrary, he approves of her choice.

Why is the father's funeral dreaming?

Few people might like funeral seen in a dream... But despite this dislike, it is a very kind and good sign.

  • If the father in a dream was buried modestly, without unnecessary chic and in a meager company of guests, then in reality his family will become noticeably rich and successful. On the contrary, a luxurious funeral will be a harbinger of the fact that they may lose everything they have acquired in an instant;
  • The picture clearly stands in front of your eyes, like a relative lies in a coffin - good luck awaits you in business, but in order not to frighten her away, you must give up some bad habits;
  • In which the weather buried your father? If the day was clear, the sun was shining brightly, then a person would be able to overcome the disease. If cloudy weather was present, then his powers will noticeably weaken;
  • For unmarried girl such a dream promises a meeting of the second half and an early wedding. For married- new victories over oneself;
  • If a few days before this dream there was a quarrel with a loved one, then soon there will be reconciliation with him.

The only unpleasant side of such a vision may be a picture in which a person independently tries to hammer nails into a coffin. This suggests that in reality he will have to face enemies.

What did the father do in his sleep?

As already mentioned, are important actions that the father did in a dream:

The father, who is near the reservoir with a fishing rod in his hands, becomes a harbinger of good news. If the idea of ​​fishing was not to his liking and he seemed to be forced to be there, then on the contrary, this happens to unpleasant news.

Was in a respectable place and was wearing an expensive suit.

Your significant other doubts your loyalty. Action is urgently needed to restore her confidence in herself.

He was angry, was in a prolonged state of aggression.

You are about to face an unexpected, exciting adventure. Also, this action symbolizes betrayal in relation to your constant partner.

Sleeping or resting.

You shouldn't change anything in your life, you are doing everything right. Your father approves of every act you do.

He is in the company of his best friends.

Soon you will have your own fruitful business. Most likely, it needs a creative approach.

Smokes or drinks alcohol.

He does not like your actions, they will not lead you to success.

For an imminent wedding or pregnancy.

Why is a drunken father dreaming?

Night vision may show and drunk father, even if in reality he was never a supporter of such a bad habit.

  • If he behaves aggressively, as if snapping at everyone around - this is a good sign, it promises an early achievement of the goal.
  • Singing songs father foreshadows a new acquaintance.
  • If you take him home, then you have to face family conflicts.

Often, girls are worried about the question of why the deceased father is dreaming in an unusual way for him, that is, he looks like he never looked in life.

This is a kind of sign warning that his child may find himself in an unfamiliar, strange and unpleasant situation.

Video about dreams of a deceased father

In this video, Father Michael will talk about the meaning of dreams about a deceased father and close relatives, which such dreams may portend:

  • A collection of answers to your questions

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    Why is the departed dad dreaming? What does it mean?

    In many world cultures, dreams have been given special supernatural significance since ancient times. The mystical ghosts of the dead often contacted their relatives and friends, penetrating into a dream and predicting misfortune or, on the contrary, good luck to dreamers. Why is the deceased father dreaming?

    The appearance of a deceased father in a dream was interpreted as an important sign that should not be ignored. What exactly dad tried to convey from the afterlife to his beloved children depends largely on the environment, his own words and actions, and also on what role the dreamers themselves played in a dream.

    Interpreting dreams with the deceased father

    • To dream of a healthy, smiling father in new and clean clothes- a good sign, a harbinger of good health, family happiness and well-being. Such a dream foreshadows the implementation of new ideas: by his appearance, the father, as it were, pushes the child to an important decision, which he cannot make up his mind in any way. Having seen such a dream, you can safely get down to business without fear of failure or failure.
    • Hug a dead father in a dream- a harbinger of improving relationships with loved ones. Such a dream promises the dreamer a strong and friendly family, an end to quarrels and conflicts, a calm and comfortable family life.
    • If the deceased father dreams of his daughter alive, the girl should pay more attention to her personal life. If dad smiles, encourages his daughter, looks contented and happy, pleasant events await her soon. It can be a promising new acquaintance with a young man or even a marriage proposal.
    • But, if in a dream the dad scolds the dreamer and scolds her, the girl should not mindlessly trust her boyfriend... It is possible that the young man's feelings are insincere, and he is trying to deceive the girl.
    • If in a dream the father appears to be alive, but sick and tired, such a dream personifies the inner experiences and fatigue of the dreamer himself. Most likely, the daily hustle and bustle and troubles greatly disturb him and unsettle him.
    • Receive money from a deceased father in a dream- a harbinger of financial problems or personal failures (Did you give money in a dream? Be careful!), to overcome which the dreamer or dreamer will need the help of family and friends. Such a dream warns of the danger of deception and betrayal, as well as the tarnished reputation of an innocent person. Having seen such a dream, you should first of all pay as much attention to your family as possible, and also be wary of dubious intrigues and unfamiliar business partners.
    • If the father appears in a dream drunk, poorly dressed and angry, such a dream promises family discord and failure at work.
    • See the deceased father behind the wheel and carry him in the passenger seat, appearing in a dream alive and well, is, on the contrary, a good sign. This means that the dreamer has opened or will soon open a "second wind", new ideas and aspirations will appear.

    You should not panic and mistakenly take the appearance of a deceased relative in a dream as a harbinger of imminent death. Most often, this is just a warning: a relative is trying to save a loved one from troubles, draw his attention to really important things and help him create a strong family living in abundance and joy.

    Good evening! I would like to know what the deceased father dreamed of alive, besides, he was sick, as he was before his death. And through my fault he fell, and my brother and mother yelled at me and scolded me, accused me of this. I felt very bad, I was very scared, but my dad turned out to be fine. But I could not move away from this fright and felt my guilt.

    House of dreams

    what does every dream mean

    Why does the deceased father dream of living

    What did the deceased father dream about alive?

    Our close relatives, who are no longer with us, often come to us in dreams.

    For some, such dreams cause pain and melancholy, while others wake up with the feeling that they have communicated with a loved one.

    But each such dream has its own meaning. Now we will consider what the deceased father is dreaming of.

    See his image

    If in a dream you saw your late father sitting at the table, wait for news from distant relatives. And if he is lying on the bed, it speaks of an imminent trip to a neighboring city.

    If you dreamed of your deceased dad walking down the street, then your efforts will not be in vain. And if he hugs your mother, then you can safely count on the support of your best friend.

    • The late father in a suit - to jealousy on the part of the spouse.
    • And the one fishing - good news.
    • Evil - to passionate feelings.
    • If he sleeps - to pride in his partner.
    • Seeing dad alive in the company of friends is a fruitful cooperation.

    Big, pure love is what a father playing football dreams of. And disputes and disagreements in the family are prophesied by the late dad, who is sitting behind the wheel of a car.

    If he dreamed of you sitting on an airplane, then a nice person thinks of you. And to see him in a dream alive on a train or commuter train means getting rid of old complexes.

    If you had a dream in which your late father shaves, then soon there will be sudden changes in your personal life. And a dad bathing is a sign that you need to go to your goal, even if something does not work out.

    According to the dream book, the father washing the dishes dreams before the celebration of a significant event. And if he cooks food, then soon you will be lucky.

    If you communicated

    A dream in which you tell your late dad about how you spent the day speaks of your tendency to daydream. And sharing your secrets with him means taking on too much responsibility.

    If you dreamed of how he hugs you, expect good news from your best friend or girlfriend. And kissing him is a good way to hold the upcoming meeting.

    • Holding a hand - for long, mutual love.
    • Dad tells you a story from life - to a quick solution to the accumulated problems.
    • Patting you on the head - to the appearance of an influential patron in your life.
    • Sitting with a deceased dad at the same table is a surprise from relatives or friends.
    • He gives you a gift - to a valuable, necessary purchase.

    If you had a dream where your late father beats or calls you names, then you can count on a bonus or a wage increase. And if you are waiting for him, and a completely different person comes, then soon you will be offered a new job.

    Trusting communication with a close friend is what a father dreams of when he dresses you little. And indecision and shyness is prophesied by the dad playing with you.

    If a daughter had a dream where she was dancing a slow dance with her late father, she would soon get married. And if you saw him braiding your braid, then expect new victories on the love front.

    The late dad, presenting you with a bouquet of flowers, is a sign that a kind, reliable person is in love with you. And if he asks to wash things, then take a close look at your fan - perhaps he is deceiving you.


    As the dream book says, the drunk father comes in night visions quite often. If a drunken dad behaves aggressively, then you will easily achieve your goal.

    And if he is quietly sitting or sleeping, then you will need some advice that can only be given by a loved one.

    • A drunken father hugs a strange woman - to a new acquaintance.
    • Seeing him alive with a glass of vodka is a serious conversation at work.
    • A drunken dad sings songs loudly - to an unexpected, lightning-fast solution.
    • To take him home is to clarify the relationship in the family.
    • I dreamed of a drunken father lying on the ground - to peace of mind.

    If in your dream a drunken deceased dad was hit by a car, but remained alive, then you will have the opportunity to have a good rest. And if he died under the wheels of a car, then you will have to work hard before the vacation.

    The late father hugs his best friend - much to the surprise. And a gift from a secret admirer is foreshadowed in a dream by a father who fights with a stranger.

    Other dreams

    An interesting, memorable journey is what a father dreams of, sitting in the company of deceased relatives. And if at the same time he loudly shouts and gestures, then you will go on a trip with your best friend or girlfriend.

    The late dad, staring into your eyes, is dreaming before a serious test of fidelity. And the daddy, who kisses your mother in a dream, speaks of the loyalty and trust of the partner.

    • The late father is in the coffin - to a deliberate, balanced decision.
    • Seeing his silhouette in the sky is a joy and restoration of moral strength.
    • Laughing with him - to groundless jealousy.

    If you dreamed of a late father holding an infant in his arms, it means that a loved one wants to see you. And dad, trying to tell you something, appears in a dream before a noisy holiday in your house.

    If he wants to touch you, but he does not succeed, you need to be more attentive to the desires of your beloved. And if it pushes you in a dream, get ready to meet with your school friends.

    What else could such a dream mean? What is the dream of a father who has already died? Perhaps he wants to tell you something important.

    What do you think the deceased father is dreaming of?

    As a rule, deceased relatives who dreamed of us symbolize some kind of warning. Today we will learn about what the deceased father dreams of.

    First of all, you need to try to remember exactly how your dad looked like, what he did in a dream. The well-known interpretation is that the deceased father comes to sleep in order to tell you how to behave in a given situation, so as not to break unnecessary firewood.

    Why is the deceased father dreaming? Miller's dream book

    1. If in your dreams you see your deceased father, then know that in real life some important event awaits you, which you have been expecting for quite a long time. The most important thing here is to take the situation seriously and try not to miss the opportunity that will soon be presented to you.
    2. If in a dream you hug your father, who has died in reality, then know that your business started will end very successfully! Perhaps some profit awaits you.

    Family dream book

    1. Is the deceased father dreaming, who for some reason comes to life? Life promises you tremendous success! Feel free to take on any work, go on long trips.
    2. A bad dream is one in which you see your dead father in a coffin or in a cemetery. If so, then you will face troubles, failures, losses.
    3. If your father calls you with him - do not go! Sleep is also considered negative and portends some kind of illness or accident.

    Why is the deceased father dreaming? Dream interpretation Hasse

    1. Do you see how the deceased father appears in the form of this or that animal? Do not be alarmed! The dream, of course, is not very pleasant, but positive. He portends a calm and secure future for you. You will be safe for a certain period.
    2. If in a dream you are afraid of your deceased father - this is your careless attitude to this or that important problem, you do not want and do not seek to fix anything, but shift all responsibility to other people.
    3. If you often dream of a deceased father, then in reality you should remember him and put a candle in the temple for the repose of his soul. Often this dream speaks of the remorse that torments its owner.
    4. If the now deceased dad appears in your dreams alive and well, this is help. He came to you in a dream to help you cope with this or that problem. You really need support.

    Why is the deceased father dreaming? Dream interpretation of Wangi

    1. You will have a black streak in your life exactly at the hour when you begin to quarrel with your deceased parent in your dream. Trouble will affect both work and personal life.
    2. If you dream about how the late dad gives you money, be careful in reality. They want to deceive you.
    3. The late father, who dreamed of the girl, says that her chosen one is not honest with her. Soon he would deceive her.
    4. If you saw your deceased father on the night of your birthday, then know that the end of one cycle of life and the beginning of another - a new one are coming to you.
    5. If dad says something to you, try to hear it and transfer it metaphorically to real life. He tells you.
    6. Seeing dad asleep is to his own comfort. It would not hurt after such a dream to go to church and light a candle for the repose, as well as visit his grave.

    Why is the late father dreaming? Dream interpretation: the late father is alive

    It is known that dreams are different. Some of the dreams are very realistic, such that you cannot immediately figure out whether it is a dream or a reality. Others are fantastic, they are not perceived so sharply, because, even being in the arms of Morpheus, a person subconsciously realizes that this is just a dream. Many people tend to believe in the truthfulness of dreams, attribute to them a prophetic meaning, call them prophetic. And depending on what exactly he dreamed, a person will wait for bad or good events in his real life.

    Such superstitious people are especially alarmed by realistic dreams in which they see deceased relatives, talk with them, receive them in their home, give them or take some things from them. It is generally accepted that a loved one who has come in a dream, who is no longer in the world, is an unkind sign. Allegedly, he calls with him into the other world of the living, who is dreaming, and portends his imminent death or a long-term serious illness. Many frightening stories are associated with such dreams, from which goosebumps run down the skin. But are such dreams really so terrible? For example, what is the late father dreaming of? Let's try to figure it out.

    Interpreting a dream

    If a person often dreams of a deceased father who died very recently, this, most likely, simply indicates strong internal experiences. Losing loved ones is very difficult, and even when you manage to control yourself and maintain external calmness, the soul still grieves and cannot come to terms with the loss. There are always unspoken words, imperfect actions, bitterness from mistakes and a desire to turn everything back and do it in a completely different way ... Only time will help here - it is, as you know, the best doctor. It would also be nice to go to church and order a requiem for the repose of the soul, light a candle, and read a special prayer. If the person is not a believer, you can go to the grave and ask for forgiveness for what you want to repent of. As a rule, these dreams gradually cease on their own.

    Other options

    When the late father dreams of being alive, it means support and help in a difficult situation. If at this moment a person who has such a dream is experiencing difficulties, is faced with some difficult choice, it is believed that talking with the father in a dream will give him the key to solving the problem, help him understand how to do the right thing. True, the details of the dream play a role here.

    For example, this is the interpretation that the Russian folk dream book offers us. The late father, alive in a night dream, calling the person who is dreaming is an unfavorable sign. For some time after such a dream, you should be careful. If the father simply participates in the conversation, such a dream does not carry any danger, on the contrary, the information gleaned from him can be very useful.

    Why is the late father dreaming from the point of view of psychology?

    Such a dream testifies to the fact that a person who saw a departed parent has found inner freedom. Some difficult period is left behind, the constraining attitudes have sunk into oblivion, from now on he is free to make independent decisions.

    If a person dreamed of the death of an already deceased father, this means trouble. Perhaps a bad contract, a loss in some kind of litigation, dismissal from work, or even an accident - in short, you need to be extremely vigilant.

    Why see the deceased father dead in a dream?

    This means that a new stage begins in the life of a person who has a dream. Everything old is in the past, bright prospects and new opportunities await him. If you dream of a quarrel with your father, this means that a person in this segment of his life is in confusion and cannot make a choice: either to act at the behest of the heart, or as others expect of him. Such a dream encourages you to take responsibility for making decisions.

    Why is the late father dreaming about hugging the person to whom he has come? Most often, such a dream means some kind of hidden conflict and hints that it is time to take decisive action and establish a difficult relationship. If the deceased father gives money in a dream, you should wait for deception, be on the lookout and recognize in time a fraudster trying to cash in on gullible and naive people.

    Why is the late father dreaming in accordance with the esoteric dream book? Such a dream suggests that a person who has lost a parent lacks support, support, stability in life. He wants someone to shoulder a part of everyday problems on their shoulders, give wise advice, save in a difficult situation.

    Features of interpretation

    If the late father dreamed of a young girl, this means that she should protect her reputation, empty gossip and offensive gossip are possible. If the father is upset or crying in a dream, the girl should think about whether she is leading a decent lifestyle. Perhaps you need to be more careful with your studies or household chores, choose your gentlemen more carefully. If the deceased father dreamed inviting her to a lavishly laid table, this indicates that the girl will be popular with guys and successful in life.

    If a young man saw his deceased father in a dream, this means that the young man will grow up to be influential, successful and achieve a lot. Even if the father screams in a dream or just speaks threateningly with him, this means good luck and prosperity under the protection of the parent.

    But if a family man saw the late father in a dream, this promises prosperity, quiet home peace, confidence in a happy future.

    Some dream books claim that seeing deceased parents in a dream is just bad weather, to a change in the weather for the worse: in the summer to rain, in winter to snow.

    A little conclusion

    One way or another, you should not be afraid of these dreams. After all, parents, in principle, are not able to do anything bad to their own children, both in real life, and even more so in a dream. On the contrary, they always try to help us, their offspring, as much as they can, therefore, you just need to listen to such dreams and try to learn useful lessons from them for your future life. Take care of yourself and we wish you good luck!

    Why does the Father dream, what does the Father's dream book mean in a dream?

    Dream interpretation of the gypsy Seraphim

    Why is the Father dreaming in a dream?

    Interpretation of the dream book: Father is another name for God, the Creator; Creator; defender; authority figure; Big Father - personifies the wisdom that comes out from within, as the dream book says - the fortuneteller.

    The father is an old relationship, especially if the sleeping person is a man; supporting part of "I"; consulting part; decision making area; authority or a symbol of the higher "I".

    Dream interpretation of the healer Evdokia

    Why does the Father dream in a dream?

    To see Father in a dream means Father. To see in a dream a deceased, deceased father - to illness, loss of inheritance rights; to see the deceased father sick in a dream - to failure; talk to the deceased father - he asks you to remember him; to argue with him - to the decline of affairs. To dream of a father (living in reality) is far from you - to difficulties, the need for advice from a loved one, interested in your well-being. To see that the father is dead (in fact, he is alive) is a complication in business. For a young woman to see her deceased father in a dream is a deception; to see a living father sick - to inheritance, healthy - worries, many dream books interpret such a dream in this way.

    Dream interpretation of a housewife

    Why is the father in a dream:

    According to the dream book, the Father is to see what it means - Father is a Sign that you are under the influence of some authority or that you yourself are striving for some kind of patron. Arguing with your father is a frustrating business. A sick father - to your illness. To see a dead father alive is to gain new strength. If your father died and you bury him, an accident will befall you. Becoming a godfather - you will take on new responsibilities

    Old grandmother's dream book

    Why does the Father dream what does this mean?

    Seeing Father in a dream: deceased - to illness, loss of inheritance; to see him sick - to failure; talking with the deceased - there must be a remembrance, they believe that he is asking for this through your dream; arguing with him - to the decline of affairs, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

    Modern dream book

    According to Father's dream book, what does sleep mean:

    Seeing Father in a dream - The father dreamed of in a dream will remind you to use someone's wise advice and solve the problems that have arisen. If you disobey your father, you will face great difficulties. If you dreamed that your father was dead, do business more carefully, otherwise you will have a very difficult time. A young woman who saw her deceased father in a dream should be prepared for the fact that her beloved is deceiving or will soon deceive her. D. Loff wrote about dreams in which we see a father: “Father is an interesting figure of dreams. He appears in a dream in different guises, causing conflicting feelings with his presence. As psychological studies show, how you treat your father, how you perceive him, largely depends on the perception of the beings of a higher order in which you believe. As a result, dreams with the appearance of a father often refer to issues of strength, presence and love. As a rule, strength and authority are the concepts that are primarily associated with the father. The father is an all-knowing and all-seeing person, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. It happens that your father appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can make you feel that not everything in this world is well equipped. The appearance of a father in a dream can symbolize warmth, strength, or, conversely, their absence in relation to other characters in the dream. In addition, a sick father usually dreams of some unresolved questions (What? Other elements of the dream will help answer this question.) relationship with the father and the peculiarities of the relationship with him in a dream.

    Summer dream book

    Why see the Father in a dream?

    Dream interpretation: Father - If you dream of a long-dead father, you need to remember him and light a candle in the church.

    Stepfather - If children dream of a stepfather, this is to suffering.

    Autumn dream book

    Why see the Father in a dream?

    Why does the Father dream - To see his father in a dream is to repentance.

    Stepfather - If you dream that you have a stepfather and he offends you - to marry a man who is much older than you and will push you around.

    Spring dream book

    Why see the Father in a dream?

    According to the dream book, Father, which means in a dream - Father - to see a father in a dream - to despair, to see a dead father - to peace.

    Stepfather - to see a stepfather in a dream - to the patronage of a person who wishes you well.

    Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

    Father in the dream book:

    If you dreamed that you were talking with your father, then you will soon become a happy person.

    If your father was silent in a dream, then you may have trouble.

    If in a dream your father was sick or died, then big changes await you in your life.

    If a young girl saw her father in a dream, then she will successfully marry.

    See also: what the Pope is dreaming of, what is his own mother dreaming of, what is the dream of close relatives.

    Pocket dream book

    Seeing the Father in a dream:

    If you dreamed about your father, then you will soon need the advice of a close friend.

    If you saw a deceased father in a dream, then you may have problems in business.

    If a girl saw her father in a dream, then her beloved is not faithful to her.

    Dream interpretation of A. Vasiliev

    If the Father is dreaming, what is it for:

    Dreaming If you dreamed about your father, then your parents will help you soon.

    Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

    If the Father is dreaming, what is it for?

    To see in a dream If your father is alive and he dreamed of your father, then you will have a happy family life.

    If your father has already died and you saw him in a dream, saw your deceased father in a dream, then your loved ones will help you solve difficult life problems.

    If you dreamed that your father died and you were at his funeral, then some trouble awaits you.

    If you saw in a dream your deceased father, who suddenly came to life, then you will soon be presented with a pleasant gift.

    Dream interpretation Father

    If in a dream you dreamed about your Father or you saw that the Father is Dying, Dream Interpretations urge you not to ignore such a dream. A dying or sick Father in a dream is a hint for you that in reality you can now make a serious mistake. Dream Interpretations claim that the image of the Father appears in a dream at that moment, when in reality you are in dire need of advice, participation and support.

    I dreamed of my now living father, Father is cheerful and healthy- Fortunately.

    Dreamed of mother and father- warm relations in the family; for young girls - to marriage.

    Dreaming about living family members is normal and common. If the Father you saw was cheerful, healthy and looked the same as in reality at the present moment, this testifies to a friendly and healthy family atmosphere.

    Dreamed of a sick father, Father cries in a dream- to big trouble.

    With the help of such a dream, you received a hint about the problems that are threatening you in reality. The figure of the Father is a symbolic image in such a dream and an indicator for you that you should certainly take note of what you see.

    I dreamed that the father died or was dying, the deceased father in a dream- financial collapse; otherwise, illnesses and problems with the father.

    The father, in a symbolic interpretation, is the basis of some idea or project. From this position, the Death of the Father in a dream portends you major troubles and problems. However, the Dream could appear in you at that moment, when in reality the Father has serious health problems.

    I dreamed of an angry father, Father beats or scolds in a dream- danger of making a mistake; otherwise, difficult family relationships.

    Probably, in your relationship with the Father some kind of conflict or misunderstanding has been brewing for a long time. You replay this situation again and again in a dream, the Father is subconsciously perceived by you as an evil and aggressive person. And at the same time, such a dream can warn you against some fatal mistake in reality. You are probably now on the verge of taking some unseemly action or deed.

    Dreamed of a revived deceased father, a deceased father alive, a deceased father calls or gives money in a dream- the need for support and advice; get an important parting word.

    A dream involving the Deceased Father should be remembered down to the smallest detail. Perhaps the Deceased was trying to convey something to you, To warn you of something, or to point out to you your mistakes. In any case, this kind of dream testifies that in reality you desperately need paternal support and advice.

    Dreamed of the girl's father- receive a blessing; otherwise - difficulties in a pair.

    The figure of the Girl's Father can be a serious obstacle for you on the way to the realization of your plans (the Father is against your relationship or does not give a blessing to your marriage). Mentally, you are in dialogue with the Girl's Father, Even in a dream, trying to defend your opinion.

    Dreamed about the father of a friend or boyfriend- you need the help of a reliable person.

    Dreamed of someone else's naked father- sexual fantasies.

    An Alien Father in a dream could appear due to an acute lack of male authority, Support and approval. The image of the Naked Father in a dream makes you understand that in reality you feel a secret physical attraction to him.

    Dreamed of the child's father (for women)- worries about the father of his child.

    I dreamed that you are the father of a child (for men)- take on new commitments.

    The interpretation of this dream will depend on who and at what point in his life had such a vision. For a mother raising a baby, the Image of the Child's Father in a dream is a reflection of her own thoughts and feelings about the man she saw. The man who became the father of the child in a dream must be ready, that in reality he will be entrusted with new obligations and assignments.

    Dreamed of a drunken father- experiences and excitement.

    If your Father tends to abuse alcohol in reality, it is not surprising that a similar plot crept into your dream. However, your Father's alcoholism in a dream may symbolize a different kind of addiction or dangerous infatuation.

    Deceased Father Dreaming Alive

    Dream interpretation deceased father dreaming alive dreamed of why in a dream a deceased father dreaming alive? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see a deceased father in a dream alive by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream interpretation - Deceased father

    Warns of intrigues planned by someone against you, illness (head), from what you will be ashamed of later.

    Dream interpretation - Father

    The father in a dream will remind you to take someone's wise advice and solve the problems that have arisen. If you disobey your father, you will face great difficulties.

    Dream interpretation - Father

    Father is an interesting dreaming figure. He appears in a dream in different guises, causing conflicting feelings with his presence. As psychological studies show, how you treat your father, how you perceive him, largely depends on the perception of the beings of a higher order, in which you may believe.

    Dream interpretation - Father

    Father - father - happiness. Father is deceased - do not hope for joy. A dying father is a shame. "Father is dreaming - this is the devil"

    Dream interpretation - Father

    A dream in which you dreamed of your own father portends happiness in family and marriage, if he lives and is well in real life; if he is no longer alive in reality, then such a dream means that you can hardly avoid obstacles in business by resorting to the help of friends and close relatives.

    Dream interpretation - Deceased, deceased

    Dream interpretation - Father

    Strict father in a dream: a sign that you have launched or abandoned some important business.

    Dream interpretation - Father

    Seeing him dying in a dream means that you will be ashamed of what you have done.

    Dream interpretation - Father

    If you dreamed about your own father, you should be careful in love affairs, father is a warning that not everything is going well in your personal life.

    Dream interpretation - Deceased

    To see deceased relatives, friends or loved ones - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of a relationship, for loved ones / a change in weather or severe frosts begin.

    Tell me, why does the dead dream of a living father?

    Lel'cha Nikiforova

    to see the dead in a dream (if he is alive) means that he will live a long time! and crying in a dream is not scary. everything buys well!

    call him, he worries about you very much. but crying in a dream - woe in reality ..

    Personal Account Removed

    I usually get sarcastic in such cases, but now I will not. Don't be upset, everything will be fine.

    annet kosmodemyanskaya

    I don't want to upset you.

    it is possible that this is an empty dream. ... but judging from what you have described. ...

    take care of your dad ... possible an accident involving the head.

    it is better to cancel any trips, if such he planned. ...

    if you speak more directly, tears in a dream are grief,

    your dream is very similar to a prophetic one.

    you should have immediately after this on. wash your face and say “take away the water, sleep, let it be empty. Amen. ”You can also look out the window and say. ... where the night is there and sleep. Amen.

    this is the simplest.

    also order your folder in the church of the magpie about health.

    Personal Account Removed

    I know that if you dream of the dead alive, then it will live a long time. and if you cried in a dream, then in reality you will laugh. and if you are filming close people, then they think or worry about you. Next time if you feel anxious after waking up go and give the dog a piece of bread.

    In general, your subconscious mind probably wants to venute your father into the house or just see him more often. Which is what the dream gives out. The corpse is the end point - that is, in this form it will remain forever close even so. Then his wife doesn't cry. - probably you are a little jealous of your father, or rather, you love him as best you can and are not sure that his wife can do the same. probably before this dream you quarreled a little with which and caused such a reaction in a dream. Someone else's house, that is, this is the father's family. in which you try to become a part, more a part.

    In short, the dream was caused by a quarrel with some important person for you.

    This is good, but it's better to see each other more often.

    completely in solidarity with Alexa.

    Rejoice, your father will live a long time, possibly with colds.

    Will live long.

    The dreamed deceased parent symbolizes global changes in life, he comes to warn of any unpleasant situations, to report any negativity that enters the sleeping person's life: deteriorating health, an impending failure of a major event, a car accident.

    What if a deceased father is dreaming of a son?

    A deceased father may dream of his son on the eve of marriage, employment, signing a deal, if at the same time the dad said something, you need to remember everything that was said, since dream books consider the words of the deceased to be true. Answering the question of what the deceased father dreams of to his son, dream books recommend remembering all the actions of the parent and the dreamer son, this will help give a detailed interpretation.

    If the dead appear in a dream, it means that they send a request for prayer through a dream, the dreamer needs to go to church, light a candle for the repose of the parent, pray earnestly, order a requiem, the prayers of loved ones always help deceased parents in the next world. The late parent could have dreamed of his son because in reality a loved one is very worried about the death of his father, he thinks about it all the time, remembers his dad, wears the image of a loved one in his soul.

    If in a dream the deceased dad was having fun in the company of friends, this means that the dreamer has fruitful cooperation with a respectable company ahead of him, to see how his father shaves - to sudden changes.

    The appearance of a deceased father in a dream is a warning to his son that the girl he is dating is not suitable for him, perhaps she maintains a relationship with the dreamer for the sake of profit. To dream of a funeral and a deceased father lying in a coffin - to fear, longing, if the dream aroused regret and pain in the sleeping person, then in reality you need to be on the lookout.

    To see a deceased parent splashing in the sea in a dream is a sign that the son needs to confidently go towards the goal, not to abandon the business he has begun, even if it seems unprofitable and unpromising, there will come a time when all the efforts put into this project by the sleeping person will bring high incomes. To see a dead dad washing in the bath is a success in matters of the heart, if the son who had a dream does not have a bride at the moment, it means that soon he will find her, she will become a worthy wife, dream books are convinced.

    If the dreamer is married in reality, such a plot can mean strengthening family ties, the birth of a baby, successful housekeeping, and good income.

    When in a dream a deceased parent appears to his son sick, evil, dirty, this means that the dreamer's conscience is unclean, he needs to remember if he has offended anyone. If he had a fight with someone, you need to go up to this person and ask for forgiveness, come to terms, because quarrels do not carry any positive, when deceased parents see the quarrels of children on earth, they also feel bad and ashamed of their children.

    What portends?

    If in a dream the son saw his deceased father fishing, this means that soon the dreaming person will receive good news, in the dream the dad is washing the dishes - a sign of an upcoming important event, if he was preparing a delicious dish, it means that the son needs to prepare for pleasant chores, night revelation also promises great success.

    When a son has a conversation with a deceased parent and tells him about his affairs, this means that the dreamer is a romantic person, if the dreamer shares his secrets with the dad, it means that the dreamer has a great responsibility in the family and at work.

    The plot, in which the deceased parent hugs his son, predicts good news and surprises from friends, kissing his father - to a fateful meeting, taking gifts from him - to brilliant prospects and opportunities to unleash all creative potential. When the late dad stroked the dreamer on the head, it means that soon an influential person will appear in the sleeping person's life, he will subsequently become a patron, will help the dreamer in every possible way, bring him out to people.

    When the deceased father dreamed of his son alive, this is a good symbol, meaning rebirth, getting rid of debts, black stripes in life, improving health. Dreams about the deceased dad, in which he is dead to a relative, mean that there is a difficult period ahead, losses, material problems, and conflict situations are coming in the future.

    The father is considered the support of the family, because dreams with the deceased dad indicate any changes in the family. Depending on how he appeared in the dream, you should expect replenishment in the family or problems at work. Also, such dreams may indicate financial problems or frauds that are being prepared behind your back by loved ones. The exact interpretation will depend on the details and the day of the week in which the dream was dreamed.

      Show all

      Father's appearance

      The interpretation of the dream book depends on how this guest looked in your dream. If you talked to him, it is important to remember: was he angry, swearing with you, or just listening to you.

      As a rule, dreaming about a dad who is no longer alive is his attempt to warn you about a difficult period of life or individual situations.

      Handsome, young, healthy

      If a long-deceased father dreamed of being healthy and beautiful, the dream foreshadows imminent changes in the usual way of life. Lying in a coffin dead and younger than he was dying, dad promises changes in life according to your scenario. You should not be afraid of such changes, they will be for the good.

      If, coming to life, he gets up from the grave joyful and cheerful - this is an attempt to convey to you important information about the upcoming changes. His face is serene and calm - it is worth visiting the grave and honoring his memory. A kind smile on his face foreshadows good changes and the beginning of a new stage in life, in which everything will be as you wanted.

      Why does the ex-husband dream - interpretation in dream books

      Sick, thin and upset

      Seeing a late father crying in a dream is not a good sign. He promises events that will unsettle you. For a girl, this can promise treason of a loved one, for a young man - a major financial loss.

      If the father died quite recently and dreamed thinner and sicker than he was recently, the dream should not be interpreted. This is just the work of the subconscious, which is trying to accept what happened.

      The dream can be interpreted if the funeral was more than a year ago. The worse the father's appearance, the more serious trials await you. If he shows up in disheveled, tattered clothes, expect financial problems. Evil or sad entered the house - your conscience is unclean and you need to apologize to the person whom you annoyed.

      Thin and naked dad in a dream - money problems, debts. Sometimes such a dream warns of problems at the grave of the deceased - you need to go to the cemetery and check if everything is in order.

      The late father is in blood - your relatives are in danger. You can help them if you are genuinely proactive. Perhaps they are hiding some family secret from you, the knowledge of which can change your life.

      Why is a girl dreaming - interpretation of dream books


      If in life your father did not abuse alcohol, but in a dream he appeared very drunk, this is a sign that you are losing your moral character. Your actions and thoughts are far from the ideals that he taught you during his lifetime.

      A drunken dad who walks into the house warns that you have been deceived. Do not let anyone but loved ones into the house for the next few days. The deception will be revealed soon, without having time to harm you.

      A slap in the face of your daughter from a drunken father is a sign that you are leading a double life. What you consider to be secret has already become known. If the girl's mother has such a dream, she needs to talk to her heart-to-heart, otherwise she will find herself in an extremely dangerous situation.

      If dad constantly dreams of being drunk and swears with you, this is a warning about scammers in your environment. Your good will not be reciprocated.

      Night Guest Actions

      The interpretation of night vision depends on what the deceased relative does in a dream:

      • If dad returned to his house in a dream, big trouble is possible. This is a symbol of the fact that he wants to provide support in the difficulties ahead.
      • Entering the house, you see your father in his favorite place - it's time to make a fateful decision, even if it is difficult.
      • Dad says something to you, lying with his eyes closed in a coffin - he is trying to convey important information to you. Everything that he says, it is desirable to remember exactly and associate with current affairs.
      • Gives you gifts, clothes - a bad sign, illness. If you refused a gift - to an illness, but a quick recovery. If the gift was accepted, chances are that you accepted the ransom.
      • Calls to go for a walk, to visit - a warning that mortal danger is hanging over you.
      • The deceased is brought into your house in a coffin - wait for news concerning your family.

      Dreams about how dad gives a loan, as well as hugs and his individual states in a dream, are especially interpreted.

      Gives money

      If the late dad dreamed of being handsome and healthy, handing you money of large denomination, this is a favorable sign. You will be able to make your dreams come true if you act according to your conscience and do no harm to anyone during their realization.

      If a relative looked thin, angry, sick - a bad dream. Dad is trying with your help to pay back his earthly debts, including moral ones.

      The ringing trifle that he asks to take is also interpreted according to outward appearance... A joyful and healthy father in a dream, conveying a trifle, promises you a cure for a chronic illness and family happiness. Especially if he gives money in gold. A sad and silent father gives you a trifle - a sign that you can become seriously ill, and if you do not monitor your health, the disease can be fatal.

      Chatting with dad

      During a dialogue with a deceased relative in a dream, you should remember as much as possible everything that he said. These words can be prophetic only if they do not duplicate everything that he often repeated during his lifetime. Actions during communication are also important:

      • Holds a hand during a conversation - mutual and long-term love awaits you, do not doubt the chosen partner. It is with this person that you will build a family.
      • Tells life situations - your question will soon be solved the way you wanted. If you tell him stories from life, the solution to your problems may require outside help.
      • Patting on the head during the dialogue - an influential patron will appear in your life. With it, you can solve many family issues.
      • Sitting at the same table with you is good if there is a lot of food on the table, but you do not eat it. Such a dream promises a pleasant surprise from loved ones. If you eat together from the same table - a bad sign, portending a disease.
      • Calls you names during a call - promotion. You will receive a new social status and improve your financial situation.
      • Hugging a deceased father - you can become lonely in your judgments. The restoration of a long-ended friendship is possible.

      Dream environment

      If the late father dreamed about in a posh and wealthy house, letting you in to stay is a good sign, especially if you are planning any actions with real estate. It is important that in a dream he still escorts you out of his apartment.

      Walking with him in the park or along the sea - your life lacks regularity, the pace of life is too high. An esoteric dream book interprets such a dream as the boredom of the deceased for loved ones.

      Seeing a night guest in a dream in your own home is a sign of changes and problems. If he collects things, is nervous, in a hurry somewhere - there is a possibility of fire or other natural disaster.

      Daughter's dream

      When an unmarried girl sees her deceased dad in a dream, she should pay attention to her chosen one. A joyful and calm father dreams of his daughter if her chosen one is trustworthy. Such a dream portends marriage and a happy family life.

      If the father in a dream was unhappy and gloomy, you should prepare for the fact that soon the young man will disappoint you and not justify your hopes.

      For a married woman to see a deceased relative in a dream is a sign that the spouse has problems that he is hiding. You can only help him solve them if you provoke a frank conversation.

      Son dreams of a dream

      For a son, a deceased relative in a dream is always a warning about financial matters. If you are thinking of a serious step related to money, real estate or work - think about your decision more carefully and do not act rushed.

      A father who swears or fights in his son's dream warns that the planned enterprises are doomed to failure. As a result, you can lose absolutely everything. If the dream is calm and even pleasant - act boldly and do not be afraid of anything.

      Interpretation according to famous dream books

      Each dream book gives different interpretations to such a night vision. All interpreters agree on one thing - if the dream repeats, one should remember the father in church, visit the grave.

      • Dream interpretation of Astromeridian. The deceased dad is a symbol of remorse that tormented you, as well as a warning about more restrained behavior in the future. A living dad dreams of the successful completion of any business.
      • Small Velesov dream book. This night's guidance is fortunate, profit, and joy. An argument with the deceased dad - to a breakdown, and seeing him dead - to discord in the family.
      • Family dream book. Communication with the deceased dad in a dream promises a difficult situation at work, the likelihood of dismissal and a deterioration in financial condition.
      • Miller's dream book. Seeing dad is a solution to problems, but you have to turn to someone for advice. The death or funeral of a deceased father is dreaming - things will go badly, be careful.
      • Dream interpretation of Wangi. The deceased dad warns in a dream about difficulties or danger, you should be wary.

      No matter how the deceased father dreams, you should honor his memory and analyze your behavior and environment - dreams with deceased relatives are always the key to solving many problems.

    Our close relatives, who are no longer with us, often come to us in dreams.

    For some, such dreams cause pain and melancholy, while others wake up with the feeling that they have communicated with a loved one.

    But each such dream has its own meaning. Now we will consider what the deceased father is dreaming of.

    See his image

    If in a dream you saw your late father sitting at the table, wait for news from distant relatives. And if he is lying on the bed, it speaks of an imminent trip to a neighboring city.

    If you dreamed of your deceased dad walking down the street, then your efforts will not be in vain. And if he hugs your mother, then you can safely count on the support of your best friend.

    • The late father in a suit - to jealousy on the part of the spouse.
    • And the one fishing - good news.
    • Evil - to passionate feelings.
    • If he sleeps - to pride in his partner.
    • Seeing dad alive in the company of friends is a fruitful cooperation.

    Big, pure love is what a father playing football dreams of. And disputes and disagreements in the family are prophesied by the late dad, who is sitting behind the wheel of a car.

    If he dreamed of you sitting on an airplane, then a nice person thinks of you. And to see him in a dream alive on a train or commuter train means getting rid of old complexes.

    If you had a dream in which your late father shaves, then soon there will be sudden changes in your personal life. And a dad bathing is a sign that you need to go to your goal, even if something does not work out.

    According to the dream book, the father washing the dishes dreams before the celebration of a significant event. And if he cooks food, then soon you will be lucky.

    If you communicated

    A dream in which you tell your late dad about how you spent the day speaks of your tendency to daydream. And sharing your secrets with him means taking on too much responsibility.

    If you dreamed of how he hugs you, expect good news from your best friend or girlfriend. And kissing him is a good way to hold the upcoming meeting.

    • Holding a hand - for long, mutual love.
    • Dad tells you a story from life - to a quick solution to the accumulated problems.
    • Patting you on the head - to the appearance of an influential patron in your life.
    • Sitting with a deceased dad at the same table is a surprise from relatives or friends.
    • He gives you a gift - to a valuable, necessary purchase.

    If you had a dream where your late father beats or calls you names, then you can count on a bonus or a wage increase. And if you are waiting for him, and a completely different person comes, then soon you will be offered a new job.

    Trusting communication with a close friend is what a father dreams of when he dresses you little. And indecision and shyness is prophesied by the dad playing with you.

    If a daughter had a dream where she was dancing a slow dance with her late father, she would soon get married. And if you saw him braiding your braid, then expect new victories on the love front.

    The late dad, presenting you with a bouquet of flowers, is a sign that a kind, reliable person is in love with you. And if he asks to wash things, then take a close look at your fan - perhaps he is deceiving you.


    As the dream book says, the drunk father comes in night visions quite often. If a drunken dad behaves aggressively, then you will easily achieve your goal.

    And if he is quietly sitting or sleeping, then you will need some advice that can only be given by a loved one.

    • A drunken father hugs a strange woman - to a new acquaintance.
    • Seeing him alive with a glass of vodka is a serious conversation at work.
    • A drunken dad sings songs loudly - to an unexpected, lightning-fast solution.
    • To take him home is to clarify the relationship in the family.
    • I dreamed of a drunken father lying on the ground - to peace of mind.

    If in your dream a drunken deceased dad was hit by a car, but remained alive, then you will have the opportunity to have a good rest. And if he died under the wheels of a car, then you will have to work hard before the vacation.

    The late father hugs his best friend - much to the surprise. And a gift from a secret admirer is foreshadowed in a dream by a father who fights with a stranger.

    Other dreams

    An interesting, memorable journey is what a father dreams of, sitting in the company of deceased relatives. And if at the same time he loudly shouts and gestures, then you will go on a trip with your best friend or girlfriend.

    The late dad, staring into your eyes, is dreaming before a serious test of fidelity. And the daddy, who kisses your mother in a dream, speaks of the loyalty and trust of the partner.

    • The late father is in the coffin - to a deliberate, balanced decision.
    • Seeing his silhouette in the sky is a joy and restoration of moral strength.
    • Laughing with him - to groundless jealousy.

    If you dreamed of a late father holding an infant in his arms, it means that a loved one wants to see you. And dad, trying to tell you something, appears in a dream before a noisy holiday in your house.

    If he wants to touch you, but he does not succeed, you need to be more attentive to the desires of your beloved. And if it pushes you in a dream, get ready to meet with your school friends.

    What else could such a dream mean? What is the dream of a father who has already died? Perhaps he wants to tell you something important. Author: Vera Fractional

    Parental hands are our warm cradle in infancy, support and support in youth, our amulet in adulthood. Sometimes, even after their death, parents continue to take care of us and guide us on the right path, but they do this through dreams.

    Why does the deceased father come in a dream?

    Dream interpretation of Meridian

    Seeing a deceased father in a dream is a reminder of the deceased. Calm his soul by setting a candle in the church, distributing sweets and sweets to loved ones, go to the burial site. If the deceased came to you with some object in his hands, then this dream is a request. Get the thing he needs and take it to the cemetery.

    If the late father dreamed of a young girl or woman, this is a warning about possible rash decisions and actions. Also, dad can be a symbol of an imminent important event in your life. Fate will present you with a chance, it must be considered and used in time. If the daughter sees the deceased dad in a dream, it means that he is trying to protect her from possible difficulties and mistakes.

    If the deceased father is alive and healthy in a dream, it means that you will be successful in all your endeavors.

    If in a dream you are talking to your dad, concentrate as much as possible on the essence of the conversation. It points out important aspects of your life and future. If a parent invites you to go with him, then you need to carefully consider your health, you can get seriously ill soon.

    Dream book by G. Miller

    Psychologist G. Miller in his dream book interprets the deceased father as a symbol of difficulties in a person's life, the solution of which requires wise father's advice. If in a dream a living father dies, it means that it will be very difficult for you to do business and it is better to give up any undertakings.

    If a daughter sees her late father in a dream, then there is a high probability that her partner is cheating on her, or very soon he will try to deceive her.

    Dream interpretation of Z. Freud

    Sigmund Freud explains why the deceased father is dreaming, it must be interpreted based on your relationship with the parent. Therefore, if dad for you was a symbol of care, courage and protection, it means that you have temporary difficulties and you need his strong shoulder more than ever. If in a dream the father is not healthy - this is a symbol of unfinished important matters that require you to speak and act of will.

    Gypsy dream book

    In the gypsy dream book, the deceased father who appeared alive and well personifies joy, positive events and emotions. Seeing the death of a father is a harbinger of imminent difficulties and problems.

    Small Velesov dream book

    A dream in which your deceased father appeared to you is interpreted as family problems, discord and quarrels.

    Dream interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

    The deceased father dreams of a loss or loss.

    Dream interpretation of Fedorovskaya

    Why does the dead father dream of being alive? This is interpreted in Fedorovskaya's dream book as a warning sign about possible rash actions and decisions.

    To see in a dream how a living parent is dying now, to mortal danger for the sleeping person.

    If in a dream the deceased dad is having fun and joking, soon you may be overcome by an illness. If the deceased is sad and in no mood, serious trouble awaits you in the near future.