Bird sign on palmistry hand. Small marks on the palm

It's no secret that the interpretation of the lines on the hand is the foundation on which such a major direction in esotericism as palmistry is based. Any person who intends to master the art of reading fate along lines in the palm of your hand, first of all, should familiarize himself with what lines exist and what information they can carry about a person.

However, there is such a concept in palmistry as "rare lines", which, although they are rare, but can have no less weighty value, no less accurately reveal the features of the character and innate temperament of a person, no less reliably indicate possible events that await a person in his later life. This article is devoted to the description of the features of rare lines in palmistry.

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Widow's line on hand

Many people who turn to palmists for help are interested in the issue of relationships - love, marriage. We all want to know where our relationship with this or that person will lead us, whether we can build a successful marriage, are there any warnings of fate that we should bear in mind when building our personal life.

And one such omen is the line of the widow on the hand. The widow's mark is a rather rare line. In many cases, it is acquired and can form in women after any severe mental trauma, a break in relations with a loved one, divorce, and so on. The widow's mark is a line around the base of the little finger and is more common on the left hand.

But one should not assume that the presence of the widow's line is a sentence, since one should first pay attention to other lines - the line of fate, marriage, the line of the Heart. In addition, the presence of a widow's line on the hand does not necessarily mean a predisposition to losing a spouse at an early age, in some cases it means that a woman will outlive her husband (which happens quite often, since the life expectancy of women is, on average, higher than that of men)

Fame line on hand (celebrity line)

The line of fame on the hand, or as it is also called, the Apollo line, is considered one of the most favorable in palmistry and endows a person with such a line with optimism and joy throughout his life, a talent that helps him achieve success and fully realize his potential. This line rises from the top of the hill of the Moon, and stretches without interruption in the direction of the ring (Apollo) finger. The life of a person who possesses such a line is filled with harmony and light, he does not meet any tragic trials on his life path, and all his undertakings lead to success.

In addition, these people have charisma and charm, which allows them to achieve fame in their chosen field. The longer the line of fame, the more powerful it will have on the fate of a person. However, it is not always possible to say that a person with the Apollo line will spend their whole life carefree and joyful.

It is worth paying attention to the characteristics of the line itself - success is guaranteed if it is straight, does not intersect other lines and segments, does not break and is the same in depth. Well, if it ends with a star, then this suggests that its owner will most likely acquire world fame and recognition.

Clairvoyance line (intuition, psychic)

There is also such a rather rare line in palmistry as the clairvoyance line, indicating that a person has pronounced extrasensory abilities. This line is present in people who have a developed sixth sense, can predict the outcome of upcoming events, feel people well, have prophetic dreams.

The clairvoyance line describes a clear semicircle from the hill of the Moon towards the hillock of Mercury. People who possess it have enormous potential in the field of clairvoyance and it must be developed. For different people, the line of clairvoyance has different properties, which also need to be paid attention to.

For example, the presence of a cross on it indicates that a person has a tendency to immerse himself deeply in himself, and, closing himself off from others, as if living in another dimension. However, such people can become both great clairvoyants and go crazy, depending on where they direct their energy and potential. Sometimes a triangle is located on the line of clairvoyance, which also indicates that a person has every chance of becoming a great master, provided that he develops his psychic abilities.

There are such concepts in palmistry as "empty hand" and "full hand". An "empty hand" means a palm on which only the main lines are present and the minor ones are almost absent. From the outside, people with such palms can seem balanced and somewhat indifferent to what is happening around. However, in fact, under the guise of calmness, such people are raging with a variety of feelings and emotions, which a person does not give out, suppressing them in himself.

That is why, having crossed the line of middle age, such people very often face many health problems, since suppressed emotions find a way out in the fact that they begin to amaze the physical body. People with this type of palm are incredibly stubborn, try not to let people close to them and rarely live a vibrant, eventful life.

In terms of interpretation, such palms almost do not cause difficulties for palmists, but one should not forget that even a barely noticeable and, as it may seem, insignificant line on an "empty hand" can have a tremendous impact on a person's fate.

Voluptuous line

The line of sensuality is considered one of the unfavorable ones. It means that a person is prone to base desires, has a weakness for physical, bodily pleasures, as well as money, and all his innermost desires are aimed precisely at this. Such people are not interested in spiritual development and in most cases live their lives exclusively in the material sphere.

This line characterizes people with high sensitivity and passion, who need to beware of bad habits, such as, for example, alcohol, since there is a high probability that a person will fall into a strong addiction and thereby ruin his life. The line of sensuality, sometimes called the line of Neptune, the Milky Way, is a loop that connects the hillock of the Moon (the beginning of the line) and the hillock of Venus (the end of the line). The unfavorable influence of this line can be neutralized by the straight line of the Head, since in this case the person is more inclined to rational decisions and more rational behavior. People who have a line of voluptuousness in their palm need to develop willpower, beware of bad habits and engage in spiritual development.

The monkey fold is an extremely rare phenomenon, characteristic of only 3-4% of people. In such people, the line of the heart and the line of the head are connected in one clear line, which horizontally crosses the entire surface of the palm and is called the monkey line, or the simian line (which is translated from English as “ape-like”).

It is called "ape" because it is very similar to the pattern on the palms of some primates. Very often, in people with the simian line, thoughts and emotions are intertwined, and they cannot clearly distinguish where feelings end and common sense begins. For this reason, all kinds of problems and difficulties in relationships with others are possible in their lives.

These are most often very assertive and stubborn people who will stand their ground to the last. This feature allows them to go to their ambitious goals to the end, at any cost, sometimes even to the detriment of themselves and those around them.

You should pay attention to the position of the line on the palm of your hand - if it is shifted closer to the fingers - this suggests that emotions have a greater influence on a person, but if the position of the simian line is such that it is shifted closer to the wrist, then such people are more in charge reason. If the fold is located exactly in the middle of the palm, then we can say that the ratio of common sense and emotions in such people will be relatively balanced.

Most often, the monkey fold is found only on one arm. For example, if the line runs along the left hand, but it is not on the right, then such a person can be described as rather unpredictable in unusual situations. Under unusual circumstances, such a person may behave completely inappropriately. Such people have a high degree of anxiety and excitability. In society, they often remain incomprehensible, and therefore often become outcasts.

Simian line on both hands

Simian Line

If the line of simian on at least one hand is very rare, then the cases when it is observed on both hands are even more rare. According to medical sources, the line of simian on both hands is often manifested in people who have a predisposition to various mental disorders, including people with Down syndrome.

However, this does not mean at all that those with a palm "lined" with a monkey line will necessarily have any mental health problems. Proof of this is the huge number of famous and influential people who have the simian fold.

A common feature that unites all these people is constant inner tension, nervousness and inability to relax. Over-focusing on a goal can be detrimental to their physical and emotional health.

In addition, they often find it difficult to express their feelings and emotions. In general, the life of people who have a line of simian on both hands is often accompanied by significant shocks, losses and extremely extreme situations, but their inner strength allows them to cope with the trials that fate sends them.

Maniac line

There is also such a line with a rather scary name in palmistry - the line of a maniac. Even if we ignore esotericism, we can also find a scientific explanation of the relationship between the presence of certain lines (which are called the Maniac Line in palmistry) and a person's manic inclinations.

This dependence has long been proven by specialists who are engaged in forensic science and examine the handprints of mentally unstable criminals. Returning to the esoteric meaning, it should be noted that, of course, these lines do not mean that a person who has a maniac's line will necessarily become a particularly dangerous criminal.

She says that in the life of these people there will be many difficulties, hardships and trials, and in general their fate will be quite difficult. As many people know, it is precisely those who, in life, most often in childhood, experienced terrible adversity and received some kind of severe psychological trauma, become maniacs.

It is about this that special marks on our palm warn, and they also indicate an unbalanced nervous system of a person, his aggression and cruelty. The maniac's line most often manifests itself as too extensive and deep Life line. Intricate drawings at the base of the thumb, scars on the mounds of Venus and Mars, as well as the violation of the line of the belt of Venus are also referred to as "maniac lines" by palmists.

Travel line

According to palmists, what kind of travel destined for a person can also be recognized by the drawings in the palm of your hand. The lines on the right hand of a person will help tell a lot about how the fate of a person will develop in relation to travel and travel. Travel lines are located on the edge of the right palm, near the Life line, and can be located either on a hill

Moon, or slightly higher. Travel lines usually reflect precisely those trips in a person's life that will have a significant impact on his destiny. That is, a person can travel to different countries of the world, and this will have practically no effect on his perception of the world, then these lines may not be in his palm.

Or he can make one trip, perhaps not even very distant, but at the same time fateful, then it will certainly be reflected on the person's hand. The line of travel will be the clearer and longer, the greater the impact the trip will have on the person. In addition, palmistry allows you to determine the approximate time of the journey - the closer the line is to the wrist, the earlier it will happen.

By the nature of the lines, it is also possible to determine the approximate geography of past and future trips. There are sometimes additional markers on the travel line, the meaning of which should be listened to. The square that can be seen on the travel line is an auspicious sign, it tells us that the trip will be successful and will not bring any negative events.

Another sign indicating that the journey will not only be successful, but will bring a fateful acquaintance, which in the future can lead to moving, is a vertical line perpendicular to the travel line and crossing it. Well, such marks as a circle and a cross warn a person about the danger that awaits a person on a trip.

The line of affection on a person's hand is located closer to the edge of the palm on the hill of Mercury. It is located not far from the heart line, below it is the health line. The attachment line accurately reflects the emotional state of a person throughout his life, as well as heart affections that will be encountered along the path of a person.

Depending on the location, the line will indicate how well a person has a relationship with a partner: the higher this line (that is, the closer to the fingers), the more favorable circumstances will develop in this area, and vice versa: if the line gravitates closer to the wrist, then the person will be tested in his personal life.

Such people tend to look at their partner through rose-colored glasses, they give a lot more and do not know how to accept, which leads them to disappointment and suffering.

Destination line

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The line of destination is also known in palmistry as the "rock line". It originates at the base of the palm and, depending on its further trajectory, one can judge how the fate of a person will develop at different periods of his life. First, it should be said that the deeper this line, the more a person is subject to the influence of fate, that is, in order to change what is destined, he will have to make a lot of efforts. Secondly, the discontinuity of the line of destination suggests that during the entire period of a person's life, a wide variety of changes in his fate are possible, which are mainly associated with external circumstances.

If the line originates from adjoining the Life line, this indicates that a person realizes his purpose quite early. Such people will achieve success on their own, without outside help. The line of destination, starting from the thumb and crossing the line of Life, indicates that a person will have very powerful support from friends and loved ones throughout life.

To all those who are interested in palmistry, who want to look into the future, studying the unique drawings on the palm of a person, I would like to remind you that the presence of this or that line on the hand is not a sentence. We are all born with certain talents and inclinations, oddities and peculiarities, and all of us are destined for certain circumstances, events and trials.

But this is not something predetermined once and for all. Our life flows and changes, and we can always consciously change its course, if we really want it and make the necessary efforts. Our fate is in our hands, and if we start to engage in self-development, then we will not need to be afraid of major losses and bitter disappointments that are "written" in our hands.

We are changing - our lines on the palms are changing. Palmistry allows us to find out what our strengths are, and where we should be careful and vigilant. Knowing the features of the lines on the hands, including those rarely seen, we will be able to look behind the curtain of fate, find out its secrets and everything that is hidden from our eyes.

Some signs described by Indian palmists, but overlooked by Western palmists.

Hand signs in palmistry, carry their special meaning, being in the palm of a person. The sign on the hand can be located both on the hills of the hand and on the line of the hand, where by their presence they bring significant correctives to a person's life. Depending on the value of one or another mark on the palm, and its location, chirology examines and points out changes and impending situations on the path of life. Look at your hands, for sure in most cases you will find on the palm of your hand signs, - what do the marks on the hand mean? you can learn more by looking at the signs listed below.

Star sign in the palm of your hand, this is an unexpected event, the sign has the same meaning as the cross, but here the manifestations will be more sudden and more intense.
When a Star on your hand is a good sign, it is the best and lucky sign... If, for example, a star is located on the hill of Jupiter, then this predicts that a person will have great power and recognition in life. When the Star is located on the hill of Apollo, it is a sign of talent, it indicates an outstanding place in life, sudden fame and fortune.
A star on the hill of Mercury speaks of ability in business, the gift of eloquence or great success in science.
When the Star has chosen a place on the hill of Venus, it speaks of success with the opposite sex, as well as of the spiritual wounds brought by women, if it is on a man's hand, and, accordingly, vice versa. The star on the hill of the moon says that a person may become more famous thanks to science, eloquence or a successful good marriage.
A star on the hill of Mars is a negative sign, a threat of bodily harm, possibly from fire, fire, gunshot wounds, or other bodily violence, may indicate surgery. An unfortunate bad location for a star is the hill of fate-Saturn - the life of a person with such a sign will end in great misfortune, and as a rule, an accident, a person will become famous due to his terrible fate. At the end of the lines, a star always means some kind of huge trouble, with which a person's life should end, in accordance with the location of the sign.

Cross sign usually it is not a very welcoming sign on the hand - there is a bad sign if it is located on a good line, and a good sign if it is on a bad line. The sign of the Cross is considered a sign of difficulties and obstacles, often shows violations of the human self-preservation system, hesitations, indecisive positions in life.

The cross on the hill of Mercury is a bad sign, meaning an irresistible passion for enrichment for theft, it is a sign of a swindler and a liar.
The cross on the hill of Jupiter is a good sign, an indicator of a successful happy marriage, you only need the sign to stand apart and be clearly expressed.
The cross on the hill of Apollo means an obstacle to achieving success, it is a stopped talent, which is not destined to be reborn.

The sign of the Cross, if it is on the hill of the Moon, a person is addicted, and is under the power of dreams and sometimes unfulfilled desires, the sign can mean danger from water, which threatens to drown. The sign of the cross in the center of the palm, in the space called in palmistry the quadrangle of the plane of the hand, is the territory between the lines of the heart and the head, it is called the "mystical cross". He points to the superstition of a person, love for everything unknown, mystical, emphasizes the religiosity of the individual.

Sign Square sometimes they also call a quadrangle, and in fact it is not very important how you interpret it, but when there is a square sign on your hand, it is a sign of protection and protection, this is a good good sign. The square eliminates and disables any threat and danger, if the sign contains a broken line, or a negative sign, consider you lucky, higher powers came to your aid. If, for example, such a combination occurs on the Life line, when the line is connected and protected by a quadrangle or square, then the threat of a serious and dangerous illness becomes an unhappy predestination. A separate square on the hill of Jupiter indicates the ability to teach, that is, artistic clarification and the ability to articulate intelligibly. Often such a sign is called the sign of the teacher, but this is not necessary, since it can be in the palm of your hand, even with a good seller. However, there are places on the hand where a square near the Life line and additionally the Luck line may indicate imprisonment, that is, imprisonment.

Point sign- points on the lines mean a fit of madness or a wound, sudden events, for example, a point on the line of the heart is a sharp or sudden grief, a mental wound, a point on the line of Fate - an incident that strikes in the course of fate with its unpredictability. White dots - as the old palmists claimed, these are signs of victories, if they were on the Head line, - if on the Heart line, then love victories, the sign is not particularly good, but relatively empty. Dark-colored dots, on the Mind line, can predict minor nervous or brain suffering. On the Life line, dots predict illness or injury from natural disasters.
It should be remembered that dark dots serve as an indication of serious disasters, in contrast to light ones, in particular they indicate diseases, and their location speaks more or less of the nature of the disease, whether it be an internal, head or heart wound.

Island sign on the hand this is a bad sign, it is formed from a bifurcation of the line, that is, when the line splits and then converges again into one, thus forming a skeleton, -like figure can be found on the lines of the hand. Islands on a line are almost always an unfavorable sign, always worsened by the prediction of one or another line on which they actually find themselves. Islands are a blockage, an obstacle, obstacles, they break the flow of energy, weakening it. On the Life line, an island indicates a disease, a time of life in which a person will feel physical inadequacy or limitation, often a large island on the line, can sometimes knock a person out of their usual way of life.
On the line of Destiny, an island among people who are married is a sign of a tendency to violate marital infidelity, on the line of the Heart is an island - heart disease, on the line of Apollo's Success - the threat of ruin, loss of good social or official position, when the island is on the line of Health - deterioration of health , on the line of the head of the Mind - indicates a mental wound or head disease.

Triangle sign- there is a sign of strength, and depending on the location of the sign in the palm of your hand, it can be interpreted in different ways. The triangle is a sign of great ability and inclination for science, knowledge and mental work, when it is on the hand of a separate hand on some hills. The triangle sign on the hill of Jupiter will indicate diplomatic ability, - on the hill of Saturn - the ability for magic and isotherics, and may be a sign of the master.
On other parts of the palm, the triangle acquires its special meaning, on the hill of Apollo, the sign means the ability of pure art with science, on the hill of Mars, on the ability in a military career, when the sign is on the hill of the moon - penetration into the secrets of art. Triangle on the hill of Venus - predictions are not entirely good, here the triangle sign indicates a fire, - if it is on the line of Life. The application of pure reason in love, - if it is located closer to the thumb of the hand, that is, the calculation in matters of the heart, and their transformation into commercial use.

Lattice sign usually gives the palm imperfections, a similar sign is formed by a small number of cross lines. Lattices should be understood as small figures, most often of a quadrangular shape. However, a quadrangle or a square, in which there will be several intersecting lines, must be taken as a sign called a lattice. Basically a negative sign on the hand, a lattice means an extreme or dead end of hobby and an obstacle, in the place where the sign is located. A favorite place to find such a hand sign is the hills and bumps in the palm of your hand. The lattice sign on the hillock of Jupiter reveals hisistic nature, satanic arrogance, stupidity and real delirium of greatness and the desire to shine at something. The lattice on the mound of Saturn is a misfortune. On Apollo such a sign causes insane pride, sometimes reaching madness, uncontrollable talkativeness, powerlessness and delusion.

The sign on the hillock of Mercury - inclines a person to crime and theft, and testifies to cunning, lies and possibly bad use of science. When the Lattice is on the hill of Venus, it portends and indicates a sensitive person, is often carried away by the opposite sex, and can also indicate perversity that does not honor a person. The sign on the Hill of the Moon is an eternally sad mood of the spirit, a person often suffers from uncontrollability and this lack is revealed in hysterical fits, these are nervous, restless people, eternally dissatisfied with life. On the hill of Mars, the grill threatens violent death, increases the chances of being killed by an assassin, and indicates a quick death, this death sign On the hand, chirology also refers to moles on the palm of which, in the opinion of all palmists, should not be in the palm of the hand, they are known to carry negative karmic meanings as bad signs on the hand.

CIRCLE. In shape, this sign resembles a circle. A rare sign. If he is in the zodiacal region of Leo or on the hill of the Sun, then he is auspicious and brings happiness. On other hills, this is an unfavorable sign. On the hill of the moon or in the zodiac sign Cancer, it means the danger of drowning. If the circle touches any line, it means unhappiness in the corresponding area. Circles are found on the pads or tops of the fingers of both hands. They must be carefully found with a magnifying glass and counted. If there is only one circle, then the person is smart, two - looks good, three - loves luxury, four - poverty. The possessor of five circles is an educated person, six is ​​a scientist, seven is a hermit and a recluse, eight is a poor man, nine is a king, ten is a government employee.

TRIDENT. It really resembles a trident in shape. This is a great sign. Western palmists consider it to be a sign of exceptional luck. If he is on the Hill of Jupiter or on the line of fate, and one branch of the TRIDENT reaches the hill of Jupiter, and the other passes between the first and second fingers, then there is respect, great wealth, celebrity and all the pleasures of life. Such people rise from the bottom, overcome a low position, poverty, if they have other positive lines.

YAV. In shape, it resembles the first phalanx of the finger (nail and part of the finger). This sign is at the beginning of the lines, at the base and in the center of the thumb, rosette and phalanges of the fingers. If it is in the center of the thumb and is clear, it means that the person will be a scientist, outstanding, rich, bring funds to his family. This is a sign of a happy existence. If he is on the right palm, then a person was born under the dark half of the moon, in the daytime. If it is on the left palm, then the birth should have taken place under the light half, at night. If it is on both palms or is crossed by a line, the time of birth cannot be accurately determined from this sign. YAV at the base of the thumb denotes the acquisition of a son. If he is only on his left hand, then the son will be adopted. If it is located at the base of all fingers, then the person is loose, he can also drown. If he is at the base, or at the beginning, of the line of fate, then a person will lose his parents at an early age. If he is in the center of the line of fate, then the influence of the opposite sex is noted. If it is in the lower part of the head line, then the influence of various classes of society is noted. If the sign YAV is found at the end of the heart line near the hall of Jupiter, then death will occur in some holy place.

A FISH. In shape, this sign really resembles a fish (head with an eye and a tail). This is a lucky sign. It means wealth, prosperity and a comfortable life. If the fish is found at the end of the life line, it corresponds to the zodiac sign of Pisces, ruled by Jupiter, in which case the born will be religious, rich, merciful, powerful and authoritative. If a fish is on a woman's hand, then the latter will be a rich, generous, blessed son, she will have a good and respected husband. If there are no contrary circumstances, then the son and husband will outlive her. It is said that a fish turned towards the fingers means enjoying happiness and prosperity for a lifetime.

PADMA or LOTUS... In shape, this sign resembles a flower, like "chamomile". Also a rare sign. Indicates the same as TRIDENT.

SINK. This sign resembles a spiral shell in shape (with a thickening at the bottom and tapering towards the top). This is a rare sign. Such people are either millionaires or famous. It signifies all the pleasures of life, greatness, learning, purity of life and the spirit of renunciation of the world.

DOME. In shape, this sign resembles an "umbrella". It denotes power, authority, enormous wealth, universal respect and dominion over everyone.

SINK or SCROLLS. This sign is shaped like a "serpentine". It is a concentric circle ending in a point at the center of the shell and is found at the tops of the fingers and thumb. One shell means a king, two - a rich man, three - a yogi endowed with great spiritual powers, four - a poor man, five - wealth, six - yoga, seven - poverty, eight - wealth, nine - yoga, ten - definitely a poor man.

ONION. In shape, this sign resembles a stretched bowstring, and an arrow directed to the right side. Again, a rare sign found on the hands of kings, princes, millionaires and great people.

WOOD. In shape, this sign resembles a "Christmas tree", only branches up. This is a very important sign. It is found in successful people. The principle of palmistry is that a line with lateral branches, especially if the branches are directed upwards, is a line of promise and reaping of fruits. So, if the lines of Destiny, the Sun, Jupiter, Life and Heart meet upward branches, they are considered the lines of a tree, as Indian palmists understand it. These lines are found on the hands of prominent people. They can represent wealth, power, and a comfortable life. In the hands of a scientist, they mean respect in the circle of educated people, and are a source of help to others.

FLAG. This sign is shaped like a triangular flag on a pole. It is a sign of renunciation, purity and strong character. If it is on hand, it means wealth, prosperity, all the joys of life, the right to property and every success.

RING OF SATURN... This ring, flanking the base of the finger and the hill of Saturn, signifies extraordinary magical and occult abilities.

TEMPLE. In shape, this sign resembles either a regular triangle or a hut under a triangular roof. This is a rare sign found in the hands of great and wealthy people, occupying a very high position in society. The branch from the line of life, ascending to the hill of the Sun, means that a person will reach the top in his profession and will be honored.

TRIANGLE. This sign is evidence of favorable conditions. This is a curious sign that stands out clearly and distinctly on different parts of the palm. It must be remembered that a triangle formed by chance at the intersection of lines should not be interpreted as a triangle. A separate triangle from the lines is a real sign. If there is a small triangle on the life line, it means the acquisition of land ownership, agriculture, as well as home ownership through one's own efforts. If the large triangle is formed by the lines of Health, Head and Life, then the subject will be famous. He will be a master of the occult sciences. If the triangle is formed by the lines of Health, Head and Fate, then the subject by nature has the ability to predict the future, is an expert in science and is engaged in other secular affairs. The triangle on the line of the Head under the Hill of Mercury means success in scientific research. On the Head line, it means the inheritance of property from the father's side. On the line of Destiny, it means receiving money from an unnatural source. On an outlet, it signifies the enjoyment of the property of others and honor.

SNAKE. In shape, this sign resembles a winding line. This is an unfavorable sign, meaning opposition from enemies.

Moon and sun. They mean honor, noble attitude, respect, a person enjoys the location of his subordinates.

SWASTIKA. It is an auspicious sign of respect, wealth and glory.

DIKSHA REKHA. This is the line that meets under Jupiter's finger. The clearer and longer it is, the clearer its testimony. It is also called the line of renunciation. It means that the one born has the ability for occult sciences, is blessed with wealth, clear judgment and high intelligence.

SCALES. Auspicious sign denoting wealth and prosperity.

SWORD. In shape, this sign resembles a tall isosceles triangle with a narrow handle-shaped base. It is visible on the Hill of the Sun and means the hardships of life.

HANWANT, or KAPI, REKHA... If the line of Destiny, Life, Head and Sun have triangle marks at the upper end, they are called KAPI, or HANVANT, REKHA. Man is highly religious and clearly sees his gods.

These signs are extremely rare. It takes a lot of experience to recognize them.

Small marks on the palm

Small signs include: square (or quadrangle), star, island, point, circle, lattice, cross, triangle, trident.

All of them by themselves do not have a definite meaning, but are discussed only in conjunction with all the elements of the skin pattern. Sometimes the same sign can, depending on where it is located, carry both positive and negative information.

If there are a lot of small lines and signs on the palm, this indicates an overly emotional and impressionable nature. Small lines and signs appear and disappear after a while, being replaced by others, taking on different outlines, colors, and shapes.

Square (or quadrangle)- in most cases, this is a favorable sign that eliminates the danger.

If the two parts of the life line are connected by a figure that looks like a quadrangle, then the person is in danger of misfortune or a dangerous illness, but it will end happily for him.

On the hillocks, the square improves the values, and on the hill of Jupiter, it portends a happy marriage.

The square gives energy to that side of the human character, which is expressed by the bump or line where it is located.

Star- this is the predestination of fate. In most cases, this is an unfavorable sign.

So, if a star is located on the hillock of Apollo or the hillock of Mars, it is a threat of fire or a gunshot wound.

A star at the end of any lines indicates a major event, the meaning of which is explained by the line where it is located, and the outcome - by the hillock where it stops.

The star at the end of the index finger (on the inside of the upper phalanx) is a threat to life because of pride, on the middle finger - from the side of fate (fate), on the ring finger - from the fire side, on the little finger - from various enterprises, and for merchants mostly bankruptcy ...

However, the star under the index finger, on the hill of Jupiter, promises the protection of a superior person, a happy marriage, a happy change of place, luck in gambling and lottery.

The star under the middle finger, on the mound of Saturn, portends a fatal fate, often with a tragic outcome; this also indicates a predisposition to nervous diseases.

A star under the ring finger on the knoll of the Sun portends wealth, fame, high social status achieved through a happy occasion.

A star on the hill of Mercury is a vocation for commerce, as well as a penchant for theft, near a bundle - eloquence.

A star on the mound of Mars is a harbinger of great authority in society, won by many years of hard work, as well as happy travels.

A star on the hillock of the moon - indicates great love, but warns of the possible consequences that it can cause. The star at the bottom of the knoll is a sign that the imagination can drive the owner of this sign to insanity.

Island, as a rule, worsens the value of those lines where it appears.

An island means illness, trouble, failure.

An island on the line of fate - a tendency to adultery.

Island on the line of the heart - heart disease.

An island on the lifeline is a sign of a threatening disease.

An island in the line of the Sun is near ruin or degradation.

An island on the health line is a sign of illness.

An island on the line of the head - a brain disease or a blow to the head.


On the lines, dots - red or blue, especially dark ones, in contrast to white ones - indicate the soreness of one or another organ, which is determined by their location.

Dots on the life line indicate a predisposition to paralysis, poor health, a hectic, unsuccessful life.

Black dots - on susceptibility to seizures, strong anger; deep red dot - the possibility of a gunshot wound.

White dots in the middle of the head line represent an ingenious, inventive mind lucky enough to make an important discovery; if such a point is at the end of the line of the mind - loss of reason. Red dots on the line of the mind expose the killer and foreshadow a head injury.

If one or more red dots are pressed into the line of the heart, this indicates the number of physical and mental shocks. A black dot at the beginning or middle of the line of the heart is a heavy heart grief that will be caused by someone from the family and friends of a person.

White dots on the line of the heart are love victories. Red dots on the line of the heart - heart disease from love.

Dots on the health line are a serious liver disease.

Points on the line of the Sun - a delay in a serious matter, in achieving success, in the onset of favorable changes.

Circle, if it is on any bump of the palm, portends fame and success. The circle on the line is not particularly favorable, and sometimes tragic. The concentric circle is a kind of circle and is considered auspicious.

If there are concentric circles on the hill of Jupiter, this indicates a good family life, satisfied pride and well-being. Lack of circles on this mound often means no big gains.

If the mound of Saturn is covered with concentric circles, this indicates isolation and a tendency to pessimism.

If there are concentric circles on the hillock of the Sun, this is a harbinger of significant material success in life.

Correct concentric circles on the knoll of Mercury are a sign of eloquence, ability in commerce and enterprise. Elongated circles are a sign of deceit and deceit.

Lattice is a quadrangle that makes up several intersecting lines. The lattice always indicates the extreme in the character of a person, therefore it is considered an unfavorable sign.

The lattice on the mound of Venus indicates that the owner of the hand is impermanent in love and affection; such a person is threatened with sexual exhaustion due to sexual promiscuity.

The lattice on the hill of Jupiter speaks of incredible pride, of a precarious social position. This sign can show a strong will and ability to rule over others.

The lattice on the mound of Saturn foreshadows misfortune, loss of fortune, failure in business and, in general, a hard life. This sign indicates egocentrism, a predisposition to gloomy, depressive states.

The lattice on the mound of the Sun indicates insane pride, recklessness based on vanity, such a person is in danger of insanity or physical exhaustion.

Lattice on the knoll of Mercury - a tendency to theft.

The lattice on the mound of Mars is a violent death.

Lattice on the hillock of the Moon - anxiety, hysteria.

Cross Is a sign of hesitation and indecision. It is considered not very auspicious, although in some combinations it brings good luck and happiness.

The cross on the top of the Mount of Venus foreshadows happy love and happy marriage. The cross at the bottom of the mound of Venus indicates impermanence in love.

The cross on the hill of Jupiter is considered a sign of high position in society, wealth and fame (especially double). This sign also portends a happy marriage, sincere love and joy in life.

The cross on the mound of Saturn is a sign of broken hopes and an omen of a possible violent death.

The cross on the mound of the Sun, which does not cross the line of the Sun, is a sign of wealth, fame and respect. The cross at the end of the line of the Sun is failure in attempts to achieve fame and fortune.

Cross on the hill of Mercury - happiness in trade, but failure in other businesses. The cross near the bundle indicates eloquence.

Cross on the mound of Mars - great luck in a military career, happy travel; speaks of the nobility and generosity of a person, the ability to use the power and strength that nature has given him.

Cross on the hillock of the Moon - a rich imagination, a tendency to self-deception.

The downward cross of the mind warns against water. Two crosses - the probability of drowning.

The cross at the beginning of the life line portends a life full of failures; in the middle of the line - serious illnesses and nervous disorders; in the end, it promises a happy life to a ripe old age.

The cross at the beginning of the line of the mind portends happiness; in the middle - misfortune, serious illness, injury. The cross on the line of the mind under the middle finger threatens with imminent death.

Crosses on the line of the heart indicate that the object of a person's love will go to another.

If there is a cross in the middle of the line of fate, this portends a good change in life thanks to someone's assistance. Two crosses on the line of fate on the mound of Saturn are a sign of people capable of crime. The cross at the beginning of the line of fate is a harbinger of opposition from other persons.

A cross on the health line threatens death from liver disease and diseases in general.

A cross on the line of the Sun promises a loss of state, an obstacle to achieving success.

Triangle- one of the most favorable signs, because indicates outstanding all-round ability. This is a sign of success and personal harmony.

The triangle on the mound of Venus indicates balance, the desire for ideal love.

The triangle on the knoll of Jupiter speaks of diplomatic ability and portends a brilliant career in the public public arena.

The triangle on the mound of Saturn speaks of a tendency to believe in everything supernatural, about the ability to occult sciences. This sign also carries the threat of loss of loved ones and relatives.

The triangle on the hillock of the Sun is a sign of remarkable talent and ability to engage in art, science, and love for music.

Triangle on the Mount of Mercury - diplomatic ability.

The triangle on the mound of Mars is an indicator of a person's high ideals; he speaks of composure and presence of mind in the face of danger, as well as a possible excellent military career. Fate itself protects such a person from injury.

The triangle on the mound of the moon speaks of poise, restraint and practical aspirations, as well as a penchant for sea adventures.

Trident, or wand refers to very happy and auspicious signs in the palm of your hand. Such a figure or something similar to her everywhere portends wealth, power, glory. This sign was well known in antiquity and was considered a hallmark of leaders and statesmen.

The rod (trident) on the hill of Jupiter promises success in ambitious aspirations.

A rod on the mound of the Sun is a sign of an outstanding position in art, wealth and high social status.

Rod on the Mount of Mercury - all-round abilities.

Despite the fact that the ancient Western palmists considered the trident in the palm of the hand as a sign of power, an outstanding warrior or leader, and the Eastern masters - a sign of the creator, eternity and prosperity, modern palmistry gives this symbol a slightly different characteristic. Now the trident is a sign of exceptional luck in everything, a symbol of outstanding success and wealth.

And now about everything in more detail:

Vertical(up or down) the arrangement of the trident has a positive aspect, although there are some nuances here:

a) Vertical arrangement of the trident teeth up- this is a sign of real luck in achieving any success. "Without labor and a fish from the pond."

b) Vertical arrangement of the trident teeth down- this is also a great achievement of something, but already through incredible personal efforts or success at any cost, often by illegal or immoral methods.

In short, the vertical arrangement of the trident is always a success and achievement, but in one case, everything is given as if by a magic wand, and in the other case, you have to sweat a lot to achieve what you want.

Vertical orientation of the trident on the hills:

1. The trident on the hill of Jupiter is a sign of luck, material well-being.

2. Trident on the hill of Saturn - career success, great achievements in any endeavor, as well as

3. The trident on the Hill of the Sun is a sign of great fame, recognition and high social status.

4. The trident on the hill of the Moon is a sign of a discoverer or legendary traveler.

5. Trident on the Hill of Mars - military exploits will be appreciated.

6. Trident on the hill of Mercury - the presence of an excellent commercial instinct that can bring material well-being.

7. Trident on the hill of Neptune - power over people, innate insight.

Horizontal(left-to-right or right-to-left) the position of the trident, in most cases, has several negative characteristics.

Horizontal-oriented arrangement of the trident:

1. Trident on the hill of Jupiter - a person sacrifices his health for the sake of material well-being. Any achievements are burdened by a complex of serious hereditary diseases, especially blood diseases.

2. The trident on the hill of Saturn is a man full of mysticism and extreme fanaticism, or a mysterious and secretive fatalist who does not recognize any outside opinion and authority.

3. Trident on the Hill of the Sun - worldwide fame - at any cost. As in the song Shapoklyak: "One cannot become famous for good deeds."

4. Trident on the Hill of the Moon - not all world discoveries will be appreciated.

5. Trident on the Hill of Mars - real military exploits will NOT be appreciated.

6. Trident on the hill of Mercury - only with the help of lies, deception or cunning can you achieve material well-being.

7. Trident on the hill of Neptune - an incredible greed for power over people.

If the marriage line begins with a trident (on the edge closer to the outer edge), then these are certain difficulties at the very beginning of the relationship, but then everything is more or less smooth and even. When the trident is located at the end of the marriage line, then any good relationship will always end in serious problems.

If the trident crosses any of the main lines, then immediately it changes the positive sign of success and luck to a negative influence, hindrance or obstacle.

The main thing: it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the sign of the Trident, as such, and the branches from the main lines in the form of a "goose foot" or "tripod". Despite the fact that some authors put equality between them, they are still completely different concepts.

Trident - This is an independent, independent sign located separately from the main lines in the palm of your hand.

When the main lines have at their end some splits in the form of a "goose foot", then such forks are not tridents.

"Goose foot"
- splitting the main line, at its end, into three equal branches.

Goose foot on the lines:

1. Line of Destiny ends with a clear "goose foot" - great and versatile career achievements, a real workaholic. Such a person successfully does several things at the same time.

2. Line of the Mind, ending with a "goose foot" - mobile intelligence, versatile personality, resourceful mind.

3. Line of Apollo with a "goosefoot" at the end - obviously huge makings in achieving success. But such a person scatters his abilities. The inability to concentrate on one thing, to gather all the forces into a fist to achieve the main goal, often leads to the fact that, despite great talent, there is no real fame, no great wealth, no real success.

4. When the line of the Heart ends with a triple ramification - the so-called "goose foot", then we have an emotional, passionate and deeply loving person. But the diffusion of feelings and the inability to highlight the main thing, often, do not allow making the right choice in love.

5. The line of Mercury ends with a "goose foot" - this person literally scatters his talents. A lot of beautiful ideas don't come true properly. Desire for everything at once, sometimes turns into bitter disappointment.

- this is a kind of inverted trident, when three branches of the main line merge into one.

Three lines merge into one - this is the classic Tripod. This combination of lines for almost all lines means that a person sets many goals for himself and successfully achieves them. Everything in life is subordinated to one main goal: success, wealth, recognition, health, love.


- Dear palmist! What does the unexpectedly appeared trident mark on my palm mean?

- It seems that after the next increase in meat prices, an eternal "fish day" has come in your life.

Magic signs located on the palms indicate a certain gift that a person possesses. Someone is endowed with the gift of clairvoyance, someone has the ability to heal people.
Let's get acquainted with the main magic signs on the palms, which are responsible for psychic abilities.
1. A clear cross on the upper phalanx of the index finger- a predisposition to clairvoyance, a willingness to engage in esotericism (that is, a person is ripe for this).
2. Triangle on the middle phalanx of the middle finger- extrasensory perception.
3. Vertical lines without gaps and intersections on the lower phalanges of the fingers - personal charm (gift of charm, charm), optimism, sociability.
4. Lines of the Samaritans(almost vertical lines on the hill of Mercury, if there are more than three of them) - the gift of healing, extrasensory perception (in combination with the previous one speaks of white magic: healing and harmonization without the use of personal will and personal power).
5. Island(a small additional line in the form of a tubercle) on the belt of Venus (a line uniting the middle and ring fingers like a ring) - clairvoyance, highly developed intuition.
6. Ring of Solomon(arc line, enveloping the index finger) - exceptional talent in the field of telepathy, clairvoyance and, in general, extrasensory perception.
7. Cross on the Valley of Mars(in the center of the palm) - a sensitive person with a highly developed intuition, he often has correct premonitions and prophetic dreams; interest in occult sciences.
8. Line from the positive hill of Mars on the gap between the index and middle fingers - great magical power.
9. Cross inside a rectangle on the hill of Jupiter - a master, clairvoyant; a person who is able to get out of critical situations thanks to the help from above.
10. Isis Line(a straight line going from the hill of the Moon to the negative hill of Mars and passing along the edge of the palm) - the ability for clairvoyance, telepathy and, in general, extrasensory perception.
11. Line of Intuition(a line going from the hill of the Moon to the negative hill of Mars) - the ability to anticipate future events.
12. Magic triangle(a triangle of the lines of the Head, Fate and Health with a right angle at the intersection of the lines of the Head and Health) - any psychic ability (including clairvoyance).
13. Double Line of Life- extrasensory perception, strong energy.
14 Circle at the bottom of the hill of the moon- clairvoyance, telepathy, and in general - psychic abilities.
15 Triangle at the bottom of Neptune's hill- extrasensory perception, clairvoyance.
16 Well-developed hills as well as finger joints- experience and wisdom, occult knowledge. 17 Red and white spots on the palm with developed hills- these are the places of energy release from the palmar chakras, evidence of the ability to heal, charge objects with the hands and in general for any energy work with the hands.
18 The upper phalanx of the little finger elongated and inclined towards the ring finger(see photo) - altruism; thoughts and deeds of such a person are aimed at helping people and society (these are priests, monks, altruistic personalities).
19 Cross on the hill of Saturn (under the middle finger)- mysticism and the desire to do evil using occult sciences. If a person does not understand the occult sciences, then the cross on the hill of Saturn is interpreted differently: an obstacle that needs to be overcome, temporary financial difficulties, a tendency to get into dangerous situations, possible dangers from transport.
20 Mesh on the upper phalanx of the little finger- a tendency to black magic (causing direct harm at the will of the magician, without taking into account the will of higher powers).
21 Triangle on the Mount of Saturn- interest in the supernatural, the ability to occult sciences, a scientific approach to esotericism (if there is also a star on the lower phalanx of the middle finger - a special ability to comprehend occult secrets).
22 The upper phalanges of the fingers are ovoid(with a thickening towards the end of the finger) - a tendency to deep thought, philosophy, the ability to solve any, even the most confusing problems; striving for Truth, logical thinking, the need for religious, social and political freedom.
23 Pronounced philosophical knot (upper knot (thickening) of the joint) on the fingers- a tendency to analyze and balance of thinking; critical thinking (doubts and strict logic).

Some notes and rules

To be sure of the presence or absence of magic signs on your hand, you must remember the rules:
You should look at clean palms, without skin diseases or abrasions.
It is advisable to watch in good lighting without rushing.
The lines and marks on the arms must be without gaps and intersections (any intersection or break weakens the strength of the mark).
The presence of only one sign does not yet mean esoteric abilities - for this there must be several such signs, plus, preferably, well-developed hills and joints.
On bumpy (hills) and knobby palms (joints), the effect of magic signs is enhanced.
If there are magic signs on the left hand, but they are not on the right, then the person from birth had the corresponding abilities, but did not develop them and could lose.
If there are magic signs on the right hand, but not on the left, then the person acquired these abilities during his lifetime (for example, with the help of special techniques).
There may be signs on the hand that weaken or even block magical signs, therefore, in order to say exactly about the presence of the ability (or predisposition to it), these signs must be taken into account; but this is already profound palmistry, so we will not dwell on this here.
This article does not describe all the meanings of the indicated signs, but only their magical and basic context.
After looking at your hands and finding magic signs in yourself, you may want to take the path of improving and helping people, but take the advice: do not rush to apply your abilities on yourself and especially on other people. In the absence of professional skills, you can sometimes get the exact opposite result. Harm is easier than fix. In addition, in some cases, you can drag other people's problems onto yourself. It is necessary to start with self-improvement, while it is very important to find an experienced teacher, and not a charlatan posing as a master - after all, we are talking about reaching very strong and dangerous energies, which should only be used by professionals who know how to protect others and themselves from the negative influence of an incorrectly launched into the work of energy. Since ancient times, knowledge about the paranormal has been spread only among a narrow circle of initiated people. The ability to use these exceptional abilities imposes a huge responsibility on a person.

Happiness is in our hands! Palmistry experts are sure of this, who know how to decipher the signs of his presence on the palms. They argue that happiness is hidden in the lines, folds, lines and figures depicted on the hands. It is not difficult to find out your luck in different areas of life, it is enough to open your palms and find symbolic signs in them that indicate inevitable happiness and good luck.

Sign of Happiness

Symbol on the hand: A line running parallel to the line of Life, closer to the Mount of Venus.

Designation: This line of palmists is often also called the Line of the Guardian Angel. She seems to accompany the line of Life and reliably protects it from any misfortune. The owner of such a sign often takes risks, but comes out "dry". He has a well-developed intuition and a strong instinct for self-preservation. People with a double Life line are said to have, like cats, nine lives. They have a strong bond with their ancestors, which provides them with powerful protection.

Badge of luck

Symbol on the hand: The ray that goes up from the line of Life is called the sign of Good Luck.

Designation: Luck is the middle name of a person whose palms are marked with such a sign. He won't even have to put in any effort to achieve his plan. The owner of one or several "rays" will be able to avoid any troubles, and if he gets into trouble, most likely, he will get out of it with the least amount of losses. Having luck in his palms, such a person can count on luck, even in love, even in the lottery.

Winner's Badge

Symbol on the hand: The Line of the Head and the line of Life between the thumb and forefinger do not touch each other.

Designation: The sign of the Winner is on the hand of people who are independent of other people's opinions and have no authority. They have enough strength and confidence of their own to take on risky things, to take part in adventures and go through life as winners. They know how to negotiate with their own luck, therefore they are able to be successful in any area of ​​life.

Sociability Sign

Symbol on the hand: The convex area of ​​the palm just below the little finger, reaching the line of the Heart.

Designation: In palmistry, this area of ​​the palm is called the hill of Mercury. It reflects a person's ability to interact with society. Those who have a well-developed tubercle, smooth and has a noticeably convex shape, can boast of the talent to find always and everywhere mutual language with people, negotiate, build a successful career and relationships. Happiness in life often depends on this. A pronounced tubercle under the little finger with small vertical lines inside can be observed in people with large hearts, altruists and volunteers.

Casanova Fork

Symbol on the hand: The Heart Line ends with a fork (fork, trident).

Designation: A sign with which fate marks a heartthrob. He subtly feels love, is very charming, charismatic, knows how to hypnotically influence people of the opposite sex, keep control over his own feelings and not give out emotions. Moreover, such a person can have an absolutely ordinary appearance and a low level of intelligence. This has absolutely no effect on the ability to fall in love with crowds of fans / female fans and break hearts.

Easy money sign

Symbol on the hand: Dashes up and down from the main lines form small triangles.

Designation: This symbol cannot be called unequivocally happy. It all depends on who got it. If these are the hands of spenders, then easy money will come and go. There will be little benefit from them. Rather, on the contrary - easy money can turn your head and lead to crazy troubles. It's another matter if the triangles belong to a person who knows how to manage money wisely. In this case, he can easily multiply the money that goes into his hands and become rich.

Money triangle

Symbol on the hand: The intersection of the lines in the center of the hand forms a solid triangle of regular shape.

Designation: The most coveted palm mark for most people. The wealth triangle should be well-defined with deep lines and intersections. The larger the sign, the financially richer the owner of the hand on which he settled. It will not be possible to count your own millions for someone who has it torn, has defects or other signs inside. But such a person can hardly be called poor either.

Happiness in love

Symbol on the hand: The Heart Line ends its stroke clearly between the middle and forefinger.

Designation: The palmists of a person whose Heart line is even, deep, homogeneous and has clear features are called the lucky and favorite of life. And if she also completes her move between the middle and forefinger, then the owner of such a line was appointed by Fate itself as her darling. He is lucky in love, charming, knows how to feel a taste for life and understand its meaning in the present moment. The life of such people is full of love, harmony and happiness.