Zodiac sign on the moon. Moon horoscope of birth

People born under the moon in the lion sign are very emotionally, to turn to their heart is easier than to mind. They quickly assimilate information if their feelings are affected, otherwise their interest in the subject will quickly disappear.
A distinctive feature of Luna Lviv is unwillingness to obey someone else's opinion and imposed on the rules. These people are susceptible to new, but do not tolerate the petty and narrowness of thinking. They prefer to be the center of attention, love to play a significant role in society, they are often interested in art.
Many lunar lions have an excellent sense of humor and conquering surrounding personal charm, they radiate the energy of optimism, which is transmitted to those who communicate with them. Communicable, sincere and open, they have a gift to improve the mood of people.

The lunar lions successfully show themselves in collective projects, because they can inspire people and direct their activities in the right direction. If the problem arises on the way, the lunar lions immediately begin to look for a solution, and do not sit, folded hands. Possessing congenital leadership qualities, they often understand and realize their life mission.
Sometimes the lunar lion becomes overly ambitious and powerful, this happens if the moon in an individual birth horoscope has negative aspects with other planets. In this case, the Lunar Lion prefers only to give orders, and not to perform them. The main weakness of these people is vanity. They need an audience and constant attention, although they are rarely derived from them, since the moon provides them with love surrounding.
In the field of personal relations, the lunar lions show romanticism and elevation of feelings, they tend to exaggerate the advantages of their chosen one and not see the shortcomings. When the partner does not justify their expectations, they are in deep disappointment. Since the lunar lions experience the need for general admiration, they do not refuse flirts, but at the same time sufficiently jealous and often relate to beloved as their property.

The effect of the moon passing by the signs of the zodiac

The zodiacal circle is a belt on the celestial sphere, inside which there are visible movements of the skill of the sun, the moon and other planets of the solar system.
In astrology, this belt is divided into twelve equal sites (twelve signs of the zodiac). The duration of each zodiac sign is 30 °. The point of spring equinox is defined as the initial point of the zodiacal circle, and the first sign of the zodiac is defined by Aries.

The period of circulation of the moon around the Earth relative to the stars is an average of 27.32 terrestrial day. During this time, the moon passes consistently through all twelve zodiacal constellations. To avoid confusion, it should be noted that the period of circulation of the moon relative to the stars (Siderician month) differs from the period of changing the phases of the moon (synodic month).

When observing the Earth, the moon is the fastest planet itself. On average, each of the twelve zodiac signs passes for 2.28 sunny day. The Moon's fast-playing in the star sky has a strong impact on our daily life. It affects the course of current everyday affairs, which people forget already after one to two days.

With a favorable aspects of the Moon's zodiac signs, current affairs are good. At such a time it is easier to get acquainted dating and trusting relationships, emotional problems are allowed.
Adverse aspects bring mood swings and poor well-being. As a rule, two extremes are possible. On the one hand, emotional overexcitation and inadequate reactions, hysterics. On the other hand, drowsiness, apathy and reluctance to do something. During the formation of the moon of adverse aspects, it is better to take a pause and transfer cases to which this unfavorable aspect has the strongest influence. After all, the result of such cases may be trouble, loss and disappointment.
Aries - the first sign of the zodiac is indicated by the symbol .
The sign of the Aries is defined by the sector from 0 ° to 30 ° of the zodiacal circle.

During the passage of the moon, the physical and mental activity of a person increases on the sign of the zodiac. In humans, the desire for leadership and the desire to impose their will to others, as well as enterprise and initiative. However, a person becomes gambling and impulsive. He seeks to immediately exercise newly emerging ideas.

Scales - the seventh zodiac sign is indicated by the symbol.
The scale of the scales is determined by the sector from 180 ° to 210 ° of the zodiacal circle.

Scorpio - the eighth zodiac sign is denoted by the symbol.
The sign of the scorpion is defined by the sector from 210 ° to 240 ° zodiacal circle.

In this article:

If we consider the compatibility of a man and a woman from the point of view of stars, constellations, zodiac signs, then you should not forget about an important point. The position of the moon at the time of birth. Near the classic zodiac signs there are still lunar. They affect our fate incomprehensible way. The moon is one of the most powerful energetic objects of the near space. Be sure to find out your lunar zodiac sign.

Astrologers are advised to always take into account compatibility on the Moon, if you are seriously engaged in finding a partner for life.

this compatibility guarantees you complete mutual understanding, a successful marriage. What else is needed for happiness? Sun compatibility gives us a chance to find your perfect love. Do not neglect the advice of astrologers, they will help you find the harmony of life.

The moon affects our life

The influence of the moon and the sun on our life is indisputable. The moon controls tides and lowers in the World Ocean, has an impact on human well-being. This is a huge source of energy. It is believed that the moon is a female symbol, giving support for women. Its soft energy is always associated with femininity. In many religions of the world, God-man is the sun, and his spouse goddess is a moon.

Since ancient times, women used lunar water for treatment, love spellings, various magical rituals. The moon affects the female cycle. But that's not all. The main thing, it determines the features and traits of the character of a person. At the moment of birth, the position of all stars and planets for drawing up a horoscope is taken into account. In addition to the classic signs of the zodiac there are also lunar. They are connected with the position of the Moon per day and an hour when a person is born.

The same situation with the sun. The sun and its energy affects the life of a man. Both of these shines help us better consider our partner or choose a person for the greatest compatibility.

Men and women meet, fall in love, but the strong union does not always work. The thing is that they are endowed with different energy, which simply cannot exist in harmony. This leads to different unpleasant consequences:

  • frequent treason;
  • quarrels, fashion scandals;
  • misunderstanding;
  • passion is replaced by apatine;
  • the mercantile interests of one and pure love of the second.

It is impossible to deny the influence of the signs of the zodiac to our life and fate, love, marriage, friendship. In any aspect of life there is some of the inexplicable. But, answers to questions are hidden in horoscopes. Many do not believe in it, but in vain, because even if you explore the easiest, classic horoscope of your zodiac, then you will find a lot of values \u200b\u200bof reality.

How to identify your lunar or sunny sign

First of all, you need to know the date of birth: day and month. For the classic calendar of the signs of the zodiac this is enough.

Very good. If you also know time, but it is not always the case. It is considered that if the exact time is not known, it takes time 14:00. The more accurate information, the more you can learn about the character of a man or women you chose as partners. It is interesting to know about yourself, first of all. Sometimes the horoscope gives answers to all your questions:

  • why does not work work;
  • hard to build relationships;
  • no friends;
  • frequent failure strip.

Table of classical astrology: zodiac signs

date Classic zodiac Elemental element
December 22 to January 20 Capricorn Land
January 21 to February 19 Aquarius Air
February 20 to March 20 Fish Water
March 21 to April 20 Aries the fire
April 21 to May 21 calf Land
May 22 to 21 Twins Air
June 22 to July 23 Cancer Water
July 24 to August 23 a lion the fire
August 24 to September 23 Virgo Land
September 24 to October 23 Libra Air
October 24 to November 22 Scorpio Water
November 23 to December 21 Sagittarius the fire

To go to the lunar horoscope, you first need to deal with the classic one.

  • Look for your date of birth, or the date of the interested thing of a man or a woman.
  • By date, the zodiac sign and the spontaneous element is determined.
  • When this data is known, you can go to the second stage.

Moon position in constellations

Now, knowing your classic sign, you can find the position that the moon occupied in relatively each of the constellations. A small example:

The birthday of man on May 25, it means that he is on the sign of the zodiac twins, but the Virgin will be on the lunar calendar. It is worth considering, because it is now important not only its compatibility as a twin, but also like the lunar Virgin. It happens, for a man or a woman, it becomes a decisive factor why the relationship did not work out.

Moon compatibility

According to the classic horoscope, the couple has a complete coincidence, but only personally have a scandal for scandal, parting, treason. What is wrong? Do not believe the predictions of the horoscope or your eyes and feelings?

Believe or not believe - to solve only you. But, in addition to classical compatibility, the lunar is also important. To do this, find your lunar sign and lunar sign of the partner zodiac.


Aries - Aries: These relationships are developing very quickly, but also quickly end. The problem of paired signs.

Aries - Taurus: Relationships develop slowly. Taurus is in a hurry, but Aries will always slow down.

Aries - Gemini: If there are no common interests - nothing will happen to this pair.

Aries - Cancer: Cancer mood swings can spoil everything. Watch for emotions.

Aries - Lion: Emotional struggle of strong signs. Who will come out the winner - will decide fate.

Aries - Virgo: Nervous Union, in which Virgo can go first. Unwanted partnership Men and Women.

Aries - Scales: passionate relationships that are tightened. Better if partners over 30 years old.

Aries - Scorpio: Both revisions and do not trust each other. The union is easily disintegrated.

Aries - Sagittarius: It is impossible to limit the freedom to Sagittar, otherwise you will lose it.

Aries - Capricorn: Social Life does not succeed, too much confrontation.

Aries - Aquarius: Aries Cools Mentality Aquarius.

Aries - Fish: Romantic relationships of these signs to everyone for joy. Good couple.

Aries - rational sign


Taurus - Aries: Sensual couple who goes straight dear to marriage. Good union.

Taurus - Taurus: Related souls and harmony in a pair. It is hard, but these difficulties are overcome together.

Taurus - Gemini: Intelligent relationships lead to a rupture. Too much calculation and few senses.

Taurus - Cancer: Together is not comfortable. The desire for competition.

Taurus - Lion: strong personality on the battlefield. They are hard to live together, but if they overcome the first 5 years - further easier.

Taurus - Virgo: All responsibility will fall on the calf, it is especially unpleasant for a woman's calf.

Taurus - Scales: The search for peace and harmony does not always give results. The pair is good by 50%.

Taurus - Scorpio: Union of feelings, jealousy, passion. If you hold out, you will be happy.

Taurus - Sagittarius: Envy in a pair can spoil everything. Especially if it is a mercantile union for a man.

Taurus - Capricorn: Mystical compatibility makes a couple very happy.

Taurus - Aquarius: Too different to be happy together.

Taurus - Fish: Romance and Love. In this pair, everything is harmonious.


Gemini - Aries: Passionate relations full emotions. It is hard if you want a quiet life.

Gemini - Taurus: Completely different people who are hard together. They do not understand each other. For these signs, it is better to be just friends or colleagues.

Gemini - Gemini: fragile relationships that are built on a common idea. When the idea is exhausted - everything will end.

Gemini - Cancer: both will have to change if there is a desire to stay together.

Gemini - Lion: An attractive couple who surprises everyone with her stormy novel.

Gemini - Virgo: Intellectual couple who quickly falls in love. But, some conversations for family life is not enough.

Gemini - Scales: Harmony and Comfort. They are good together and will always be.

Gemini - Scorpio: Union of equal. Men get here what they want, and women are ready to give.

Gemini - Sagittarius: Freedom-loving signs. They will not be able to be together in the atmosphere of restrictions.

Gemini - Capricorn: Mercantile relationship from Capricorn can spoil everything.

Gemini - Aquarius: they have deep feelings and the ability to wait. Such an alliance for a long time.

Gemini - Fish: Heat in communication allows the fish to warm up. This is the love that gives you the opportunity to live all my life, holding hands.

Gemini smart and non-permanent


Cancer - Aries: Not very good steam, because cancer is too sensitive for such a union.

Cancer - Taurus: Passion and love make them a good pair.

Cancer - Gemini: The sense of humor of cancer can spoil everything, because the twins simply do not understand.

Cancer - Cancer: Very strong emotions and relationships, full romance.

Cancer - Lion: It all depends on the configuration of cancer. The lion will be ready to submit to its moral. Good union for a woman of cancer.

Cancer - Virgo: Too different, but if they are together, everything will work out.

Cancer - Scales: Scales are too hard to make decisions. Be calm, the partner will not let you down.

Cancer - Scorpio: Successful Union for Men. In it, he will be able to realize his best features.

Cancer - Sagittarius: The same rhythm of life gives good chances of the success of this pair.

Cancer - Capricorn: Eternal values \u200b\u200bfor them are one. For these signs of the zodiac is the most important weather in the house.

Cancer - Aquarius: Cold Relations, built on material values.

Cancer - Fish: These water marks have complete harmony.

a lion

Lion - Aries: Bright steam ready for everything for his love. Successful Union.

Lion - Taurus: Communication based on feelings. There are conflicts due to distrust.

Lion - Gemini: Public Persons who cannot stop at home. Together they are good.

Lion - Cancer: Depressive inclinations of cancer do not like Lev. There may be rapid parting.

Lion - Lion: an unsuccessful combination, because the lions are accustomed to be the first in everything. And so you have to constantly fight for the power of the house.

Lev - Virgo: Lion does not share the wagons of the virgin, and she criticizes it. Union will not last long.

Lion - Scales: Can love each other and this is the most important thing.

Lion - Scorpio: Lion will be very jealous of this union, although in vain.

Lion - Sagittarius: Very active life of the couple, their relationship is full of enthusiasm and fun.

Lev - Capricorn: The sophisticated union, which spiritually enriches both.

Lion - Aquarius: too hard lion with water, because it is not just different characters, but a different look at life and problems.

Lion - Fish: very good steam, because they know how to appreciate each other for good.

Lion is great and generous


Virgo - Aries: Virgo cannot calmly look at the mistakes of Aries. She will want to re-educate him.

Virgo - Taurus: Good concentration on the relationship. This couple will be successful.

Virgo - Gemini: their life is one big intellectual conversation. Both this brings incomparable pleasure.

Virgo - Cancer: Virgo is too critical in such respects, wants to fix everything.

Virgo - Lion: Successful combination of zodiac signs. They are better than with someone else.

Virgo - Virgo: Do \u200b\u200byou think that they are not compatible? Quite the opposite. This union is blessed with stars.

Virgo - Scales: Harmonious love and complete understanding in a pair. They need to be together.

Virgo - Scorpio: very passionate steam. They should solve all their problems in bed.

Virgo - Sagittarius: Sagittarius can learn a lot of a lot, for example, it's easier to look at life.

Virgo - Capricorn: If they are able to find a common language and goals, their life will be full of pleasant surprises and happiness.

Virgo - Aquarius: Good combination for people who are ready to be independent.

Virgo - Fish: cyclic relationship, because none of them can decide on something more serious.


Scales - Aries: Very impulsive steam. The scandal is replaced by passionate sex.

Scales - Taurus: Not immediately everything will turn out, but there is a chance.

Scales - Gemini: Love by the type of friendship. We can talk about everything with a partner.

Scales - Cancer: They both looked for harmony in life, but will find only next to each other. This is a good union of different signs.

Scales - Lion: Scales make it possible to express themselves. In any case, this is a harmonious couple.

Scales - Virgo: Good compatibility in young age.

Scales - Scales: they have a similar worldview, so it's not difficult to live together.

Scales - Scorpio: They have similar purposes: love, marriage, children.

Scales - Sagittarius: The Sagittarius is immediate. For weights it is hard.

Scales - Capricorn: Such a couple can exist for a long time on mutual respect.

Scales - Aquarius: Do not think that this union is at least a little passionate. They are together, but cold.

Scales - Fish: here and romance, and love for life. They were lucky. If you managed to meet.

Scales are friendly and generous


Scorpio - Aries: not a good pair due to their characters. There will be no peace in the house.

Scorpio - Taurus: Completely different goals make this pair of unhappy.

Scorpio - Gemini: jealous couple, which will not last long together.

Scorpio - Cancer: They dream of ideal partners and meet. For these signs of the zodiac, such an alliance will be beautiful.

Scorpio - Lion: Emotional couple, which suffers from his own passion. A little calm, do not overdo the expression of emotions.

Scorpio - Virgo: They appreciate each other for good qualities.

Scorpio - scales: attractive steam, because weight manners are so pleasant to Scorpio. They are happy together.

Scorpio - Scorpio: Challenging steam. They are heavier together than it may seem. Why suffer, look for another pair.

Scorpio - Sagittarius: Respect each other, and only then they love.

Scorpio - Capricorn: Good Union, but it is too few passions and emotions. It becomes boring.

Scorpio - Aquarius: Heavily because of the permanent jealousy and suspicion. And in vain, no one wants to change the partner.

Scorpio - Fish: Romantic Union of two lovers of sensual relationships.


Sagittarius - Aries: Sagittarius is too impatient, and Aries wants a calm relationship without a rush.

Sagittarius - Taurus: Strong signs do not always get along together. It is necessary to rethink its values, otherwise your pair is waiting for the collapse.

Sagittarius - Gemini: very high compatibility. They are drawn to each other, so do not even try to get up between them.

Sagittarius - Cancer: It is necessary to improve all the time, and otherwise your pair will wake in negative emotions.

Sagittarius - Leo: They are very interested together, it does not happen boring. The pair is very active, so you need to wait soon a wedding.

Sagittarius - Virgo: Can not be love forever, because Virgo all exposes criticism. Sagittarius will go to a less demanding partner.

Sagittarius - Scales: Harmonious Union, giving both inspiration. Good astrologer forecasts.

Sagittarius - Scorpio: Union based on love and devotion simply can not be unsuccessful.

Sagittarius - Sagittarius: Sagittarius appears the opportunity to find out what it is like to live with him.

Sagittarius - Capricorn: With Capricorn safe and comfortable. If the Sagittarius wants, suddenly, then the pair is ideal.

Sagittarius - Aquarius: They feel special, incomprehensible. In such a pair, the Union is based on the fight against the world.

Sagittarius - Fish: Romance with fish is possible on travels. Rather, going to the road, you are waiting for the most stormy feelings in your life.

Sagittarius merry and careless


Capricorn - Aries: These signs of the zodiac can coexist peacefully in the same house. Without special passions, but fun.

Capricorn - Taurus: They are close in spirit, and love is still closer.

Capricorn - Gemini: a dangerous relationship, because each of them is ready to make treason.

Capricorn - Cancer: between them from the very beginning, the attraction that develops into passionate love.

Capricorn - Lion: Lovers, they can minimize the mountains for each other. Successful steam.

Capricorn - Virgo: little in common, but many mutual claims.

Capricorn - Libra: This is a very good union, because everyone finds in a partner what has long been looking for.

Capricorn - Scorpio: excitement passions and bright confessions in love. This pair can all overcome.

Capricorn - Sagittarius: They both appreciate freedom, so do not try to keep the partner to ourselves 24 hours.

Capricorn - Capricorn: They know how to appreciate each other, this is the main thing. A couple have excellent chances for a long, happy life.

Capricorn - Aquarius: Sudden surprises and surprises are waiting for these two all their lives.

Capricorn - Fish: Capricorn here will be in the role of the victim, and his fishes simply use it.


Aquarius - Aries: They want to be together, but appreciate independence. Only so possible the Union.

Aquarius - Taurus: Taurus is a very stubborn sign, not always ready for cooperation. Maybe they are better apologized to them?

Aquarius - Gemini: an interesting couple, which all tightens in their cycle of fun. Active relationships to the oldest.

Aquarius - Cancer: Cancer is hard to take fateful decisions. If Aquarius agrees to take it on itself - everything will turn out.

Aquarius - Lion: Shondivative pair, but the fame of the partner is fame rapidly. You will have to invent something if you want to be together.

Aquarius - Virgo: If you don't want to live with a permanent criticism, it is better to find another partner.

Aquarius - Scales: affectionate partners for this union can solve each other.

Aquarius - Scorpio: Scorpio is not comfortable, because the voltage is very cold, not emotional from such a union want to escape.

Aquarius - Sagittarius: This is love, because it helps both becoming better.

Aquarius - Capricorn: a serious attitude to life gives them a lot of common features. It's nice to see such a couple.

Aquarius - Aquarius: They are completely unpredictable, so it is possible to wait from such a union either all-consuming love, or cold contempt for each other.

Aquarius - Fish: Fish some dreams of love on the mind. If this is to taste, it will turn out a beautiful novel that can turn into something more.


Fish - Aries: This craving is impossible to stop. There is a magnet between them that does not allow both.

Fish - Taurus: calm love of two adults. They can achieve just together.

Fish - Gemini: They have a lot in common, and the rest, the pair is unpredictable. Sometimes, they do not tolerate each other's perfume.

Fish - Cancer: Warm feelings between them arise immediately.

Fish - Lion: in relations between them a lot of romance and tenderness. How long will it last, depends only on the pair itself.

Fish - Virgo: opposites here are attracted, even despite the criticism of the Virgin.

Fish - Libra: They are pulling together, but the scales spoil their calculation for many steps forward. With fishes it will not work.

Fish - Scorpio: All this thanks to the incredible Charism of Scorpion.

Fish - Sagittarius: Very fascinating relationships for both. They are good with each other, and this is the most important thing.

Fish - Capricorn: For those who are looking for only material values \u200b\u200bin life, this union is not suitable.

Fish - Aquarius: This is a good union, but in the emotional plan they are very hard.

Fish - Fish: They are very similar, perhaps even outwardly. Very strong attraction and compatibility in a pair.

A man's zodiac sign is called the constellation in which the sun was at the time of his birth. But besides a sunny horoscope, there is also a lunar calendar. The constellation to which the Earth satellite comes to visit the day of the human appearance, and will be considered a symbol. Calculate the lunar zodiac sign is easy. It is enough to know the exact time and birthday of man.

Moving along its heavenly trajectory The moon alternately enters one of 12 constellations. Finding in each of them forms temperament of people born at that time. What exactly will this effect, depends on the sign and its characteristics.

Astrologers argue that the location of the Moon in the Star Sky at the time of birth directly affects the character of a person. The earth satellite is responsible for the emotional side of the person. The reaction of a person to the outside world, his thoughts and experiences are under the rule of the moon. This also includes congenital inclinations, as well as those habits that a person will acquire in childhood.

The most notable manifestations of the lunar sign in a relaxed setting. When a person does not seek to control his actions, his subconscious reactions become the most pronounced.

They are noticeable in a quiet environment: on vacation, in the company of well-known people, in the family circle.

Star people know that the character of a person is formed not only from conscious traits. Personality is also driven by momentary gusts, emotions and unconscious actions. For this, the second zodiac sign is answered - Lunar. For interaction with the world, harmony of desires and thoughts and the ability to use their potential also corresponds to the lunar sign.

Calculation of your lunar symbol

It also takes the exact time of appearance on the light, since the moon is located in any constellation of only 2-3 days, and the boundaries of characters do not coincide with the change of day.

If the birth time is unknown, you advise you to enter a value 00:00. In most cases, the lunar sign will be determined with an accuracy of up to 90%.

The city in which a person was born was also important. From different points of the globe, the design of the lunar sky will have a different angle, and, accordingly, the satellite will be located in various constellations.

By filling out all the fields, you need to press the appropriate button, after which the service will calculate the location of the moon on the specified day. Learning your lunar symbol, you can get acquainted closer with your own intuition, feelings and emotions. To look into your subconscious, just know the number, month and year of birth.

All signs of the zodiac are divided into four elements. Each of the elements gives its characters with certain features of character.

For example, the air element introduces ease into the emotional sphere. Earth signs, on the contrary, make the effect of the moon more practical and pragmatic.

Element of air and her wards

Days when the moon comes into air constellations, especially. This is a lightweight and carefree time filled with joy and fun. The human energy at this time is at the peak. The forces spent very quickly restore when the satellite visits these signs.

People born at this time are owners of air lunar signs. Each of them is manifested in the human temperament in its own way.

Lunitary air signs:

Satellite in the constellations of the Earth

Signs of earthly elements are stable and balanced. Turning to this element, the moon gives its pets with practicality, balancedness and pragmatism. Regardless of the solar sign, the owners of the Moon in earthly symbols are endowed with wisdom, the ability to count and carefully plan their lives. It is characteristic of them and hardworking, perseverance and some conservatism.

Symbols of fire and their pets

Staying in the constellations of fire, the moon puts the emotion and impulsivity in this period. This is a roast temper and an interesting fate. Find out where the moon was at the time of birth, it is very important for the winners of the fiery satellite. Since their character is not easy, information about it will help the owner to go up sharp corners in relations with others.

  • Aries. Lunar Aries hot, impulsive and unrestrained. It is characterized by a flame rate of temperament when any reaction to the world around him is instant and rapidly. These are personalities who love to compete and argue. Strong, powerful and violent. Lunar Aries - a man of moments. Siemifical desires and whims lead them. The well-being of the inner world, he acquires the opportunity to lead and improve. In relations, their desires always put the need for others.
  • a lion. Bright and charming moon lion - star of any team. Communicate with him is a pleasure. These are welcome and slightly vain characters. Love attention, applause and fans. Actions of moon lion noble and generous. He understands and accepts the shortcomings of others. Do not notice your own errors. In relations, it is extremely faithful, because the cheating is something low and unworthy of his proud nature.
  • Sagittarius. The most optimistic and energetic sign of the lunar calendar. Sagittarius - charming and sociable. He is always full of ideas and plans. The sign loves life in all its manifestations. On external stimuli responds actively and hotly, as it should be the sign of the fire trigon. The Moon Sagittarius finds a peace of change, so the favorite occupation for him are traveling and all sorts of decimes - repairs, moving, innovations.

Mystical water element

The most amazing and incomprehensible astrologers call the element of water. If the moon in the sign of the zodiac by date of birth indicates the water constellation, its owner is waiting for an unusual life path. Manage representatives of this triad emotion. This is a sensitive and vane nature with a rich inner world. Each of the three marks of water can be compared with the reservoir. All of them are dark and mysterious. But everyone is special in its own way.

  • Cancer. This is a dark pond. While in this constellation, the moon is in his home. Therefore, the lunar cancer is characterized by all the brightest features of the moon. The sign is completely immersed in his experiences. But external factors constantly fluctuate its emotional state. Cancer susceptible and knows how to sympathize sincerely. Faithful friend, reliable comrade. This is a gentle and caring partner in relationships. However, a disadvantage of its nature can be considered varying, which often borders with hysterium. This is especially characteristic of women, because in their characters a feminine moon doubles his strength. The lunar cancer is inclined to self-digging. He can dive for a long time, renovated from the world. Helicing lifestyle delivers him true pleasure.
  • Scorpio. This is the sea whose waters are never calm. The consciousness of the moon scorpion is entirely absorbed by the analyst. He is looking for hidden meanings of events and secrets of being. Outwardly calm and even a cold sign hides a storm of emotions. He wound to the limit. It is believed that the soul wounds of Scorpio never heal. That is why he always remembers what it was forced to survive. For the negative is ready to revenge violently. In love Passion and sexy. Scorpio Nevadom Fatigue, and in the relationship it is at all the source of energy for both partners. Feeling my loved ones, ready for all for the sake of a partner.
  • Fish. Mystical and dreamy fish are a tireless river. These are soft and romantic nature with a pronounced female start. Several shy, but instantly open if we feel sincere admiration. Talented and creative. Deftly adapt to circumstances. They love change if they occur smoothly and comfortably. Moonfish in relationships are caring and gentle, but extremely susceptible. They tend to be offended by trifles, diving alone for a long time, where they are engaged in self-vacation and strengthen their insecurity. Sharp corners in love prefer to go.

The lunar symbol in astrology determines the interaction of a person with the world, its experiences and emotions. It is impossible to control the influence of the lunar sign, but it should be considered when analyzing the personality, as well as in determining love compatibility.

The abilities, successes, health and fate of a person are largely predetermined by the position of the Moon in one of the zodiacal constellations at the time of his birth. Knowing your moon sign of the zodiac, you can reveal your hidden talents and understand what vital areas you can achieve the greatest success.

Belonging to one of the twelve signs of the zodiac is traditionally determined by the location of the Sun in the sectors of the zodiac belt. If each baby appears, each baby receives its "sunny sign", which can say a lot about its individual features. The position of the Sun at the time of human appearance affects his conscious, volitional sphere, determines the most vivid features of the character and behavioral features.

In addition to the solar sign of the zodiac, a man is endowed with moon, and astrologers consider it the most significant. If the sun makes the path through all twelve constellations during the year, then the moon has time to visit each of them for a month. The lunar sign of the zodiac is determined by the location of the night shone on the heavenly map on the birthday of man. Thus, by a sunny sign, you can be scorpion, and in accordance with the lunar calendar - Lv. Therefore, many people, reading a description of the individual characteristics of the solar signs of the zodiac, often cannot find characteristic features. As a rule, the characteristics most correspond to those whose lunar and solar signs coincide.

The zodiac sign on the lunar calendar determines the area of \u200b\u200bthe subconscious in man: intuition, emotional background, natural inclinations and hobbies, instincts. The moon affects the structure of the body and its vulnerable parties, determines the predisposition to chronic diseases. It should be borne in mind that every year the time of stay of the night shine in constellations changes, so the lunar mark is calculated individually, taking into account the day, month, year and place of birth.

The moon gave Scorpions Exacerbated intuitive flair and endowed a good fantasy. Representatives of the Scorpio sign are well feeling other people, able to calculate the situation a few steps forward and. For self-realization, often elect the scope of creative activity.

Sagittsev Active and unpredictable. Possess good analytical abilities. Affected to rapid behavior, seek to recognize in the eyes of others. In stressful situations, can give in to a gust and commit a rampant deed. Successfully implement themselves in public professions.

Representatives of the sign Capricorn purposeful and focused. Create time to plan and anticipate the results of their actions, so it is easily achieved by their goals. Docked on pragmatic, rarely show bright emotions. Do not pay attention to what they do not concern. Relationships are inclined to limit the initiative of other people.

Aquarius Pay great attention to the surrounding world. We have a desire to know the riddles of nature and human nature, so carefully analyze the identity of each person with which they come into relationships. Sometimes they can tell about people more than those know about themselves. Aquarius - inborn psychologists.

People born at the time of stay of the moon in FishDifferent high levels Empathy and love for the whole surrounding. Always ready to provide those surrounding material and moral aid. Often suffer from the fact that people use their kindness for their own purposes. Need "Steel Hand" and Protection.

The signs of the zodiac along the lunar calendar will indicate which area of \u200b\u200blife should pay special attention, help open hidden qualities and benefit from them. We wish you success, and do not forget to click on the buttons and