The ecology of your house is simple, and at the highest level. Is Furniture from Chipboard Furniture from LDSP Harmalth

Children's furniture LDSP - You can hear a lot of contradictory opinions about it. Someone considers such interior items absolutely harmless, but for someone it is synonymous with the strongest poison.

Children's furniture LDSP: harmful or not?

Children's furniture Ledsp- You can hear about her many contradictory opinions. Someone considers such interior items absolutely harmless, but for someone it is synonymous with the strongest poison. Modern manufacturers offer customers a wide range of furniture made from this material. In addition, the price of it is very attractive to its availability. Therefore, the issue of harm to children's furniture LDSP and is worth attention.

Children's furniture LDSP: What is the emission class

LDSP (laminated wood chipboard) - material that is characterized by high strength, beautiful shades and low cost. This combination of properties made it incredibly popular. However, not all parents know about such a concept as a class of emission. it interest ratio Formaldehyde resins that are allocated from the plane into the air. Why is this harmful thing there? The fact is that in the process of manufacturing plates, glue is used, which necessarily contains this substance. Formaldehyde itself is a carcinogenic substance capable of causing serious damage to health. In large doses, he causes oncological diseases and severe allergic reactions. Formaldehyde resins are contained in LDSP. But in quantities that cannot harm health. Children's furniture LDSP has advantages over chipboard, since a layer of laminate (provided that it is high-quality) does not allow to get harmful toxins into the atmosphere of the room.

Determining the grade of emission can help the buyer with the acquisition of truly safe furniture for a beloved baby. LDSP and chipboard, designated by the "E0" marking represent the most desirable version of the materials. The percentage of formaldehyde is extremely small. Such material can still call a medical chipboard, since it is used in medical institutions. In therapeutic establishments, they are used and environmentally friendly materials. Material is made mainly by foreign manufacturers. Domestic factories offer their customers materials class "E1". Here the content of harmful substances is quite small. Classes "E2" and "E3" are extremely undesirable as raw materials for use in residential premises. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers are honest with their customers. Therefore, if you can not provide certificates of quality and documents to you when buying in the store or in the factory confirming the environmental standards of materials, refuse such a purchase.

No matter how little price is and, as if attractively, there was a children's furniture in LDSP, without documents confirming the quality, you acquire a slowdown poison to your hot to your beloved child. When buying inexpensive pieces of furniture in the bedroom to the child, it is worth turning to remove the factory workers.

Children's furniture LDSP: Correct cutting edge

And what to do with the materials of the class "E1"? After all, they have formaldehyde resins, albeit in small quantities. Here, conscientious manufacturers also found a way out. This is sticking edges. It should be well glued, because it is assigned not only aesthetic role. How to determine the quality of the edge and cuts? Carefully inspect ready product. All the ends of the parts should be neatly cut off, without chipping and cracks. Such a marriage not only gives output formaldehyde, but also worsens appearance Furniture, reducing its service life. The edge must be processed all the details even in places, not visible glaze. For example, removable shelves must be saved from all sides, including the one that is located to the back of the cabinet or the cabinet wall. The edge is a reliable barrier that does not allow harmful substances to penetrate the air, which baby breathes.

At the heart of the production of both options, one component: most often it is a low-value coniferous or delicious woodland or remnants in the form of chips, sawdust and rejected sections of logs high-class. But the manufacturing technology of plates differs significantly:

Both chipboard and MDF are made of woodworking waste, but by different technology
  1. Chipboard. The raw material is pre-clean, after which it is grinding to the shallow chips of the elongated shape and sucked well. Next, the mixture falls into a special drum, where formaldehyde resin is applied to it. The essence of the process is that the entire surface of the dry component must be covered with a bonding substance. After that, molding and presses are made.
  2. MDF. At the heart of such a product, a smaller fraction, the pre-prepared semicircle is crushed in almost powder. Lignin and carbide resins are mixed into the resulting material, which are additionally modified by melamine. This technology makes it possible to largely reduce the level of harmful evaporation. Next, the mass is attached to the form and ship on the hot press.

In the future, the panel is subject to decorative processing or remain unchanged if they are targeted for draft processes.

Hazard for health

The main harm is the binding components. There are opinions that often extend the actual influence of plates on human health.

An increased concentration of such substances causes a disorder of the central nervous system, which is expressed by dizziness and loss of appetite. An irritation of the upper respiratory tract may also be observed, the feeling of nasal congestion and the aggravation of chronic diseases.

Attention! A large number of contradictory information gave rise to a myth that harm MDF and DSP is huge, so it should be completely abandoned from their use for internal work Or making furniture. In fact, the danger is somewhat extending from the materials.

Nuances affecting environmental performance

To determine how much evaporation is toxic, the following factors should be taken into account:

Many parameters in standards seem very serious, but they indicate the permitted content of the component in the panel itself. When determining the limiting concentration in the room, it is necessary to take the size of the room, as well as the size of the plates, through which evaporation occurs. Only this can be understood how harmful to be indoors.

How to choose safe material

To purchase safe finishing products or furniture, it is necessary to take into account the following recommendations:

In general, any low-quality facing materials Can be dangerous.

It is still quite popular from chipboard, although it has more practical substitutes it is inexpensive and attracts buyers. Harm chipboard for health was recognized by the World Health Organization back in 1985. Opposite opinion Manufacturers and sellers of chipboard: They insist, this solution was paid and has the evidence-based database.

Chipboard - chipboard. LDSP is a similar plate, only laminated.

Like MDF, chipboard is dangerous with potential formaldehyde highlights. This substance is officially recognized by carcinogen. Studies have proven that the excess of the formaldehyde rate in the medium is able to cause cancer. The same problem has a material Fiberboard.

The fact is that the composition of the chipboard is chips and a cleaned resin, which highlights a dangerous carcinogen. The environmental friendliness of the chipboard is constantly trying to improve the forbidden hazardous species Gluing resin. Especially dangerous recognized unattended plates, which are made in semi-legal workshops. From low-quality products, formaldehyde may stand up to 10 years.

In order to protect the consumer from negative impacts on the body. Prioritians cover the plates:

KDSP (compatible): a paperless coating method, varnish (melamine) is applied.
LDSP (laminated): The method of applying plastic on wood.
The coating really makes sense if it does not have any slightest damage. If you see mechanical damage on laminated furniture, then you need to immediately eliminate them. Especially relevant is the problem for furniture of children's rooms.

Specialists note a sharp deterioration in the state of health in people suffering from Asthma. Formaldehyde which is part of the DSP causes irreparable harm to the respiratory authorities (nose, nasopharynk, larynx). Noted negative impact on the skin I. nervous system man.

Table harmful effects Formaldehyde part of the chipboard:

Defeat Concentration of Formaldehyde, PPM
The effect takes off to 0.05
Neurophysiological effect 0.05-1.5.
Threshold of smell 0.05-1.0
Headache, begin to tear eyes 0.01-2.0
Nausea, breathing organ irritation 0.1-25
Nausea, vomiting, irritation of the lower respiratory organs 5-30
Elevation of the lungs 50-100
Death is more than 100.

How to protect yourself from harm

The harmful properties of the chipboard can be reduced to closing all mechanical damage to the resistant material. If the furniture is not protected enough - you will definitely feel the characteristic smell of formaldehyde. It is necessary to alert even if the smell is enjoyable for the scent.

When buying, demand a certificate for products from the seller. Be sure to pay attention to the class, choose only the product with the E-1 class, in it permissible value Formaldehyde vapor is the smallest.

After a week of using such furniture at home you can no longer be smell. However, if at this time there is a sharp smell, you need to immediately contact the seller and, if possible, return the purchased goods.

Pluses of use

We doubt that any advantages that we describe can make a person still draw health. However, among the advantages identify such features:

Moisture resistance.
Low price.
Ease of processing and application.
We strongly do not recombine buy furniture from chipboard. In our opinion, the product from this material can only be used outdoors.

We try to defend

According to experts, formaldehyde is able to stand out for up to 14 years. The most active allocations occur in the first 2 years. We categorically not advise to put furniture close to heaters. Furniture from the chipboard is harmful to health and without heating, and with an increased temperature of the surrounding environment, harm may increase at times.

Despite the fact that according to GOST, up to 10 mg of formaldehyde per 100 grams of dry mass of the material are allowed, choose the Class E1 slabs. In this product class, up to 8 mg of carcinogen is allowed. Carefully check the corners of your furniture for damage if they are detected to flash them with insulating materials.

If you see on the furniture labeling type E2 - immediately remove it from your apartment. This marking means that the furniture cannot be used in residential premises. The manufacture of such objects is illegal.


If you decide to buy furniture with the use of chipboard technologies, collaborate only with large companies. Usually, high-quality certified products are hard to find in small provincial warehouse shops. If you make the financial situation - do not save on health, natural furniture is much safer.

Replacement natural materials The man-made analogue has become a familiar practice for a person. The high cost of natural wood and the explicit lack of it during the construction booms led engineers, chemists and technologists to create similar material - wood-chipboard.

Where and when did the chipboard appear?

Little to know that the "birth" chipboard could not happen, since any wood sawdust In the first quarter of the 20th century in Europe, it was used exclusively for the manufacture of heating briquettes. Thus, these were waste applicable only for housing heating.

But already in the 30s, the situation has changed: work began on the manufacture of composite building material from sawdust and bonding substance. Then the first practical experiences appeared.

A new direction has evolved quickly. During the Second World War, Plywood has already been used, but due to the shortage of building materials, the price has increased sharply. The German Max Himmeltebere since the beginning of the thirties actively experimented with a chipped composite, the experiments brought the result. Inexpensive material The technology was created, and in the 40s in Germany began mass production of chipboard.

There was no routine interruptions: for production it was used for the production of non-wood and any waste from the sawmill. The binding components were phenolic resins, Himmelgebere concluded that they are ideal for the formation of a durable composite slab. Inexpensive and possessing excellent technical characteristics The material became popular all over the world. Of it build temporary housing, use for decoration residential houses and offices, produce high-quality furniture.

The ability to improve the individual qualities of chipboard also expanded the scope of their application: moisture-resistant material is suitable for the kitchen and bathroom, are in demand and resistant to ignition plates.

Phenol formaldehyde resin and health harm

The first reaction of our ancestors to achieve chemot scientists was joy from the possibility of using progressive technologies, the desire to make them easier to make them easier. Subsequently, it turned out that some of the technologies not only facilitated life, but also significantly shortened it. Therefore, today every product manufactured by people is checked for toxicity, environmental safety.

  • One of the substances, the relation to which is ambiguous - phenol formaldehyde resin. Having great importance for industry (high strength, corrosion resistance), it has toxic components - phenol and formaldehyde. The greatest damage from their impact can be obtained by employees of enterprises where products with phenol and formaldehydes are produced, provided that they do not use individual protection. During curing in adhesive resins, oligomeric fragments are sewn with the participation of free phenol. As a result, the content of phenol decreases to trace amounts that allow sanitary norms RF.

When the chipboard began to be used everywhere, filling the niches traditionally occupied by others. building materials (wooden board, more expensive plywood, other), losing market manufacturers, attracting ecologists, began to publish materials, harming the reputations of the manufacturers of the chipboard.

Over time, standards are changing, technologies are improved.

In times, when the dangers of phenols did not think, the percentage of their content in the adhesive mixture was higher than today. The standards have changed with increasing awareness.

Today, there is hardly a house or office where the chipboard is not used. This is explained by its advantages:

  • acceptable price;
  • smooth, smooth surfaces;
  • strength, homogeneity, the material is not resolve, does not twist, does not dry;
  • short opportunities for use.

So, is it harmful to furniture from chipboard?

On the human body Many factors are affected daily: emissions of industrial enterprises, resins and nicotine from cigarettes, car exhaust gases, background that creates electronics, components household chemicals And cosmetics, others. The smallest damage to a person shall be selected by the volatile components of the resin from the furniture. Especially since some tree breeds evaporate harmful substances In the same quantity as the Class E1 chipboard.

Rumors about the dangers of using a high-quality chipboard - no more than specifying consumer anxiety and conviction that everything created by the help of chemistry is harmful.

How to choose high-quality and safe material?

The key to the preservation of health is the use of certified materials. Regardless of how the DSP variety is used, it is equipped with labeling about how the emission class is on the release of free formaldehyde refers:

  • E1 - 100 grams of the composite allocates no more than 10 mg of flying substance (the content of formaldehyde in the chipboard within the permissible norm). In Russia and abroad from this material it is allowed to make furniture for children's rooms and premises, where people are constantly being;
  • E2 - marking, which speaks of the inadmissibility of the application of plates in children's and residential premises.

Are LDSP harmful (laminated wood-chip) for a person? Is the formaldehyde in LDSP? What is a formaldehyde emission class (E2, E1, E0,5)? How to determine whether furniture from LDSP for health is safe?

Chipboard (wood-chip) - produced from wood chips and sawdust glued together with formaldehyde resins. Corresponding stove substance - formaldehyde resins that are not the most the best way affect human health.

LDSP is a variety of conventional polished chipboards. Their lamination occurs by coating the slab with a special paper-resin film. To carry out lamination on the surface of the plate spray a special resin at a pressure of 27 mp and a temperature of about 200 degrees Celsius. The resin during this process spreads and hardens, as a result of which a solid film is formed.

Such a film holds harmful pairs of aldehydes (in particular formaldehyde), which dramatically improves the safety of the use of LDSP with respect to the chipboard.

In accordance with GOST, there are two classes of formaldehyde emissions: E1 and E2. EMI Fundament Plate Emission Class E1 State Standard is recognized as Safe for use in furniture, incl. Children's

On May 28, 2010, the decision of the Commission of the Customs Union №229 was accepted new standard On the allocation of formaldehyde from polymer-containing materials into the air medium when testing by the chamber method, its value is 0.01 mg / m3.

For comparison: in Western Europe The standard is 0.124 mg / cube. M, B. North America - 0.11 mg / cube. m.

In addition, the methodology for determining the emission of formaldehyde is also different: in accordance with GOST 30255-95, all open edges of products must be sealed (lined with edge), the European technique according to EN 717-1 allows you to leave 37% of the end surfaces, and the North American standards are not at all Measure edgeless.

As far as the results of measurements depend on the conditions of their conduct, clearly demonstrated production tests, made in 2012 in the company "Kronoshapan" with the participation of Lessertica LLC and CJSC VNIIDEV. The factory was made laminated chipboard two types: class E0.5 with a formaldehyde content of 2.4 mg / 100 g and class E1 with formaldehyde content 5.7 mg / 100 g. Samples of these plates were tested by the chamber method for the selection of formaldehyde for three techniques: according to GOST 30255, EN 717-1: 2004 and on the North American standard. Test results showed:

For the Class E0, the requirements of the approved standard (0.01 mg / 100 g) are provided when testing plates according to GOST 30255 and on the European standard EN 717-1;

For plates of class E1, the requirements of the standard are provided when testing under GOST 30255, but when testing on European and North American methods, formaldehyde emissions exceeds the standard;

When testing along the North American Methodology, laminated chipboard of both the E1 class and the E0.5 class with fully open edges exceed the requirements of the norm of formaldehyde.

As a result, we conclude that the decisive factor in the manufacture of furniture is not the use of plates E0.5 or E1, but compliance with the requirements of the GOST, i.e. Facing with the edge of all open ends of the LDSP.

Exhibition Hall: Arkhangelsk, Troitsky Pr-t. 119, TC "Focus"

BASIS laminated chipboard +7 (812) 454-60-45