How to cut laminated chipboard without chips. How to cut chipboard without chips in a home workshop. Alignment of the chipboard sheet

As practice shows, it is very difficult to make a high-quality cut of chipboard with a durable melamine coating. Rough tools often leave nicks on cuts. You can no longer assemble a neat door or shelf with such defects. Sawing chipboard at home, usually occurs when repair work or making furniture.

How to cut chipboard without nicks and chips?

Of course the most the best way- use a special formatting machine. With it, you can get any cut. But for private needs you cannot buy such an instrument, but on manufacturing plant providing sawing services, such a procedure will cost good money. More cheap way- Circular Saw. There are even special saws for chipboard. But they also require the use of special tools. However, many in the arsenal should have milling machine, which will fix the rough cut with the cutter. If you have experience with such a machine, it will not be difficult to get a satisfactory appearance cut.

You can cut chipboard and a jigsaw, but it will be a rough cut. The edges may not turn out straight, but sinusoidal, and in the worst case, the edge will come out not perpendicular to the front surface.

During the cut, you must be prepared for the fact that the jigsaw file will begin to “walk” due to the bend. You need to cut with a margin of 4 mm, and then level the edge.

Sawing chipboard at home with a jigsaw reduces the formation of chips. When cutting, you need to increase the speed and reduce the feed by setting the swap to 0. Only sharp saws designed for special sawing of chipboard should be used. Only by following these rules can you achieve good result. After cutting the butt, which will be in sight, you can earn some money with sandpaper. Additionally, before cutting, as already mentioned, you need to cut a line along which the cut will take place. But we are not cutting along this line, but near it - then the chips will not touch the limits you need. In the end, it remains only to finish the edges with sandpaper.

Indents from the contour can be up to 4 mm. Then these few millimeters are removed with a cylindrical cutter using a hand-held electric mill with a bearing. The bearing is guided along a long level, fixed with reverse side sheet.

In addition, if the chips are in a non-working, inconspicuous area, they can be masked with a marker or felt-tip pen, matched to their color.

The most undesirable way to cut chipboard- a file (oddly enough, in old textbooks a lot of material is devoted to this method). It is possible with a planer, but preferably electric and with carbide knives. But here it must be borne in mind that the dust from under the planer will scatter throughout the room.

And the most comfortable way- using a manual milling cutter along the guide. The butt should be even and under 90 gr, there will be no chips, and when the vacuum cleaner is turned on, there will be almost no dust.

Masters recommend using a hacksaw for such a cut. If you have a saw with a fine tooth, then the procedure is as follows:

1) Draw a line of cut with a knife. Sharpen the saw before starting work. The knife should be driven with a little pressure so that the laminated upper layer.

2) Glue a tape with a sticky base along the intended cutting line. It will help keep the decorative layer from cracking. You can also use paper tape.

3) The tool should be held at a very sharp angle. In this case, the angle should not be higher than 30 degrees - this will reduce the likelihood of chips. In the process of cutting, it is necessary to slightly press on the saw. If the work is done with a power tool, such as a jigsaw, then you do not need to rush and press it

4) After finishing sawing, the cut can be cleaned with a file. But in many cases, this is not required, since the small teeth of the saw do not deform the laminate. If torn edges have formed, then delicate work with a rasp will bring the cut into the proper form. The grinding tool must be guided towards the center from the edge - this minimizes possible damage to the top layer.

5) A glued strip of veneer will give the final beauty to the cut.

Of course, sawing chipboard at home does not imply professional quality and high speed operation. For those who are in a hurry, we can offer sawing chipboard with a grinder. A wood disc is used as a cutting element. A bar is attached to the chipboard on clamps so that the grinder is guided along it for an even cut. After cutting, possible chips are treated with the same grinder, only with a different nozzle - for grinding. But a more gentle option is to use sandpaper.

How to cut laminated board at home

Sawing chipboard is carried out using precise format-cutting machines, which will help to obtain blanks of a given size and shape.

Modern models allow you to evenly cut plate materials not only in the horizontal and vertical direction, but also at an angle.

In addition to cutting sheets, they will help you calculate and provide several options for a competent and economical cut in the form of a visual video file. sheet material(using special computer programs) and, if necessary, perform edging. However, if for some reason you prefer to do this work yourself, you will have to do some preparatory work before sawing chipboard.

If possible, it is best to cut chipboard with a manual milling cutter using homemade guides. This method is not very convenient when cutting large sheets, because when working with this tool, a table is required. In addition, with this method, you often have to change the cutters. But as a result, you will get cleanly processed, “cut-off” edges.

Electric jigsaw - the most popular tool for sawing chipboard

Some craftsmen use a jigsaw in their work, however, in the absence of skill, it is difficult to cut smoothly, and chips can form.

You can try to install a bimetallic blade with teeth pointed inward, designed for laminate, on a jigsaw. To cut with an electric jigsaw, increase the speed, with a small feed, so that breaks do not form.

If such methods do not suit you, then to cut chipboard at home, we will prepare for work:

  • a hacksaw with fine teeth (the one that is designed for metal work is best). In this case, the teeth must be separated by 1/2 of the blade thickness and be hardened;
  • paper adhesive tape;
  • file for roughing the cut line;
  • sandpaper for finishing the cut line.

How to cut chipboard without chipping?

Before starting to cut chipboard, especially laminated, we cut a line with a sharp tool along which we will cut and glue paper tape with a sticky layer along it. This will help minimize damage to the decorative chipboard layer.

To keep the chips as small as possible, it is necessary to direct the movement of the hacksaw at an acute angle to the surface (no more than 30 °). Movements should be smooth, without excessive pressure on the plate and sharp jerks.

If the chips still could not be avoided, we process the cut first with a file, working in the direction from the edges to the center, and then with a fine-grained sandpaper. It is also possible to mask all defects by applying, where possible, a flexible profile.

It is even more difficult to obtain curved surfaces of a given configuration at home, and you will have to spend extra money on purchasing a router that will help you get rid of chips and notches that form when you cut chipboard.

Price for manual frezer can vary significantly, depending on the manufacturer, power, availability additional features. If you do not plan to be engaged in the production of furniture professionally, then it is advisable to purchase an inexpensive model.

To cut chipboard, follow these steps:

  1. having marked the contours of the necessary part on the chipboard sheet, we cut it out with an electric jigsaw, trying to cut it retreating only a couple of millimeters from the intended cutting line;
  2. we make templates of the design radius from fiberboard or plywood and carefully grind the ends with sandpaper;
  3. attaching the template to the part to be finished, clamp it with clamps and process it with a manual copy cutter with a bearing, removing excess material exactly to the intended line.

At the same time, it does not matter which cutter (it is used with two or four knives). The only condition is that the knives must capture the processed thickness of the cut along the entire height. After processing, it remains only to stick the edge on the part. How it's done - look at the video:

If the amount of work is large enough, and the quality requirements are low, some craftsmen advise sawing chipboard at home using a grinder (an angle grinder, commonly called a "grinder"). In doing so, they use a disc designed to work with wood. To make cutting easier, a guide bar is fixed along the cutting line with the help of clamps. Cutting chipboard using a grinder can sometimes be seen on the video.

Attention important! This method is absolutely unacceptable, since the probability of injury during work is very high, especially if discs are used. large diameter and the protective cover is removed from the grinder.

What and how to saw MDF correctly?

If we are talking about sawing MDF panels at home and with our own hands, then this is one thing, if it is possible to cut it into circulars, then this is another.

At home, it is best to cut MDF with a manual circular with a special disk (photo below).

If there is no circular saw, then the second option is an electric jigsaw, but you need to buy special nail files for it, "popularly" they are called "nail files for laminate", distinguishing feature such darlings is that they have "teeth" in the opposite direction.

If there is no power tool at all, and you need to cut MDF, then get a hacksaw with fine teeth,

Before sawing, it is necessary to draw a line along which the saw will be made.

In general, a lot depends on the purpose for which you are sawing MDF, for example, if it is furniture facade, the evenness and appearance of the ends are important there, it’s better not to take on such work without a tool, with one hacksaw, and if you saw MDF for mounting on walls (this is for example), then the lower saw will be closed with skirting boards, the upper one, or a baguette, or a corner , in this case, a hacksaw is just right.

It is rather difficult to cut painted or laminated MDF without skills and experience along the edges, in this case I advise you to contact the professionals in the workshop.

If you need an even cut without any chips, then I strongly recommend not to spoil the rather expensive material and contact the workshop where cutting will be done on a specialized machine, this service is not so expensive when compared with damaged material that will need to be replaced with a new one + cutting costs.

If you need to make a cut yourself, then it is best to use a circular saw, this will be perhaps the most accurate way. If there is no such tool at hand, then you can try to cut MDF with a jigsaw, but in this case it is important to choose the right canvas, for these purposes there are special varieties.

Whatever tool you choose for cutting MDF, the board should lie on a flat area for a good stop. In this case, the amplitude of the movement of the jigsaw should be reduced, for a better cut.

For cutting mdf sheets usually use a formatting machine, which, when correct setting does not chip the ends of the material. Sawing with such a machine is very convenient, but its installation requires a huge space, and it costs a lot of money - from 100,000 rubles.

Personally, I use an electric jigsaw or a circular saw for cutting MDF sheets, since the quality of the end processing is not very important to me. If I need high-quality processed ends of parts, then for cutting I use a milling machine or a manual milling cutter, which processes the material very efficiently.

It is best to cut MDF on a machine with a special saw at high speeds, then the cut is quite even and without chips.

But if this is not possible, or you need to saw off a small piece, then you can use a hand-held circular saw with such a circular saw on it, such that the teeth are small and sharp enough.

MDF can be sawn:

  1. Hacksaw for wood. It is recommended to take a hacksaw with a fine tooth, so that the edge is even.
  2. Hacksaw for metal. Cuts accurately and evenly but very slowly.
  3. Bulgarian. Cuts quickly and accurately but generates a lot of dust.
  4. Electric jigsaw. The same a lot of dust but you can connect a vacuum cleaner. The best option.

MDF can now be sawn with just about anything. But I advise you to use a circular saw for cutting if you have it available, or to convert a disc with teeth to a grinder. You can use a hacksaw with large teeth.

When you look at the price tags of furniture made from chipboard in a store, you are amazed at how expensive it is! But chipboard is one of the most available materials for the design of furniture with their own hands. Fortunately, all the necessary accessories are now on sale. And furniture projects, both on the Internet and in “paper” magazines, can now be found for every taste. So what's the problem? The main problem is to carefully cut the chipboard.

Of the household tools, the most suitable for cutting chipboard is a hand-held circular saw. But even when cutting chipboard with its help, a number of problems arise: 1) it is very difficult to follow a strictly straight line, the saw wags; 2) chips are formed.

Are there any ways to solve these problems? There is. It is about them that we will tell today. By the way, all these tricks apply to cutting plywood.

Tip 1: Cut chipboard on the floor with full support

Cutting with full support means that when you bring the saw to the end, the chipboard sheet being cut does not immediately fall off.

If you want a very even and crisp cut, chipboard is best cut on the floor. So you will 100% get a solid, stable foundation. The chipboard won't move even if you climb on top of it to finish the cut. You will also be sure that the cut piece will not fall off, split or fall.

Place 5 x 10 cm blocks under the chipboard sheet perpendicular to the direction of the cut. The bars will have to be sacrificed, as the saw will go through them. The more stable your chipboard sheet lies, the neater the cut will be.

Tip 2: Adjust the depth of cut

The correct depth of cut affects the quality of the cut.

Adjust the depth so that no more than half a tooth of the disc protrudes beyond the bottom edge of the chipboard or plywood (see photo above). This may not seem important to you, but believe me, the depth of cut greatly affects the quality of the cut. With this setting, the tooth cuts the material instead of chopping it, and the saw is also stabilized so that it vibrates less during the cutting process. Both of these factors make saw marks on the chipboard cut less noticeable.

Position the saw along the edge of the chipboard, raise the guide and look closely to set the correct cutting depth. By the way, at the same time it is good to check the saw blade for damage, because a saw with bad teeth will make a rough cut. Another point: the saw is designed so that its stroke goes up, so chips are most often formed on the surface of the chipboard that faces up, and the cut from the side of the surface looking down is cleaner. Therefore, when cutting chipboard, have a good, face down.

Tip 3: For rip cuts, use a hard, long, straight object as a guide

As a guide for making an even straight cut, it is convenient to use a narrow long piece of chipboard, 16mm thick and about 30cm wide, which was cut professionally in a specialized workshop. All you need is to tighten its ends with a clamp.

The main difficulty is to position it in the right place for an accurate cut. To do this, you need to measure the distance from the edge of the saw support platform to the blade (see photo below).

Add this value to the width of your cut, make marks on the chipboard at both edges and lay the guide board. You also need to factor in the thickness of the saw blade in your measurements.

It is usually best to have a metal base plate circular saw rested against the edge of the guide, so maximum stability of the saw is achieved during cutting.

Tip 4: Check the guide before making the cut

This is, so to speak, fine tuning. Make a mark with a pencil - a line 5 cm long, thus determining the width of the part to be cut. Then start the saw, press the saw support platform against the guide and score the chipboard. Make sure that the saw blade begins to rotate in the air before it touches the sheet being cut, otherwise the edge of the sheet may split. Now measure the distance from the edge of the sheet to the notch to make sure that you did everything and calculated correctly. It is better, as they say, to measure seven times ...

Tip 5: Cut at a constant speed without stopping

Cut without stopping and maintain constant speed. If you stop, there will be a mark on the chipboard or plywood.

Cutting speed depends on many factors, including the type of saw blade and the sharpness of the blade, as well as the material you are cutting. In general, the sharp disk passes through the chipboard sheet with little resistance, as if it were melting the wood. If you feel like you have to force and push the saw, either you are sawing too fast or the blade is dull. Too fast cutting tears the fibers of the chipboard and leaves visible marks on the cut. Too slow can cause the disc to overheat and ignite the wood.

Then you will get both marks and a burnt mark on the cut. That's why it's best to cut on the floor when you're making a long cut. You can crawl on your knees right on the chipboard, following the movement of the saw, without the need to reach or bend.

Just calculate in advance whether the length of the electrical cable is enough for you.

Tip 6: Get a CD big amount teeth

The more teeth on the disc, the sharper the cut will be. And, of course, the disc must be sharp.

In principle, all the discs from the picture above are able to make a good cut on chipboard and plywood. As we wrote above, the more teeth, the better the cut. However, the disadvantage of the 140 tooth disc is that it dulls faster than the other three types. Especially if you are cutting chipboard. Take a disc with 40 or 56 teeth. It's better to keep another one in reserve. A 56-tooth blade is commonly used for cutting.

Tip 7: Cross cutting is best done with duct tape

The cross cut is perpendicular to the grain of the plywood, and even the sharpest blade easily leaves behind chips. This a big problem, the best solution which, buy a disc for cutting laminate, which we wrote about above. However, you can perform this task using other disks. To do this, stick adhesive tape on both sides of the cut line. It will prevent the formation of chips.

You need to remove it carefully, pull it in the direction perpendicular to the cut (see photo below) so as not to damage the chipboard laminating coating.

And one last piece of advice. If you need to cut expensive material from the front side, cover the saw platform with duct tape so that it does not leave scratches on the surface of the sheet.

In this material, we will touch upon such a topical issue for garage craftsmen dealing with chipboard furniture, how to cut chipboard without chipping. In fact, the issue is quite topical, because professional equipment (panel saw) on which cutting is carried out in furniture workshops costs about a million rubles, which not everyone can afford, and the area for its placement should be slightly larger than the standard 18 sq. meters. A feature of such machines is the presence of two saw blades (the first is a small scoring and the second main, following exactly behind it). What can replace such a machine in an amateur workshop?

The most optimal, in my opinion, replacement is a plunge-cut circular saw complete with a guide rail. That's what we're talking about today.

Personally, I use the Elitech plunge-cut saw - this is a domestic budget model, which, despite its simplicity, allows you to achieve good results.

Professional models (e.g. Festool saws cut even better, but also cost 5 times more).

So, how is a plunge-cut circular saw different from a regular one? Firstly, with its spring-loaded working part with a depth limiter. Due to this, it is very easy to set and change the depth of cut, in addition, the “head” returns to its original position on its own in the absence of operator pressure. Secondly, these are the obligatory grooves on the sole for integration with the guide rail. Thirdly, a rigid structure that excludes backlash (the cut passes strictly in one place).

The tire itself is equipped with an anti-splinter tape (as a rule, this is a tape made of hard rubber - the black stripe on the right)

The tape presses the laminate, preventing pieces of it from coming off at the points where the teeth of the saw blade come out. Also, the tire has grooves for fixing on workpieces with clamps and tapes for easier sliding (red stripes).

By the way, the Festool saw is equipped with anti-splinter inserts on the side opposite to the bar, which makes the cut clean on both sides of the blade.

The tire itself is rigidly attached to the workpiece and does not move. Fixation is carried out with special clamps (their shape is somewhat different from the standard F-shaped ones. The price, by the way, is also).

All these features allow you to cut in "two passes". The first - not deep cuts off the top layer of the laminate. The second - through cuts to the full depth. At the same time, there is no longer any material at the point where the tooth exits the workpiece, therefore there is nothing to pull out, respectively, chips are not formed. All this is in theory. Let's see how this all works in practice.

The markup is quite traditional. Using a tape measure, mark the start and end points of the cut (you can use a carpenter's square).

We draw a marking line, connecting these risks.

We set the guide rail along the line so that the edge of the anti-splinter tape is aligned with the markings.

Please note that the tire lies on the part that should remain (there will be no chips on it - the tape on the tire will help). On a free-hanging piece, they are possible due to the lack of an insert on the saw itself.

You can, of course, saw by laying a sheet of chipboard on a workbench, but this damages the surface of the workbench and you need to use interchangeable countertops (I don’t do this, although with large pieces this may be the only true method).

The tire is mounted on the workpiece with a pair of F-shaped clamps, wound into special grooves on the tire.

We take a saw in our hands and set 11-12 mm on the depth regulator, which corresponds to 5-6 mm of cutting depth (the tire itself “eats” about 5 mm).

We put the saw on the tire, combining the grooves on the sole with the protrusions on the tire.

We carry out the first shallow cut. The photo shows that there are a small number of chips on the part of the workpiece not covered by the tape.

And another photo from a different angle.

And close up

We change the depth by 35-40 mm and make a second through cut without changing the position of the tire.

Having removed the tire, we see a fairly neat cut that does not require additional processing.

Separately photographed the detail after removing the tire from above

And from the bottom side.

By the way, the cut from below is traditionally more “clean”, because in this place the teeth of the disk only cut into the material, they tear it out at the exit.

Let me also note one more important fact. Work with sharp discs. The disk used in this lesson is already pretty tired and needs editing. I think that with a zero disk, there would be no chips at all.

In addition to the sharpness of the teeth, the quality of the cut is also strongly affected by the material being cut. There are more caustic coatings and more durable coatings. IN this example 16 mm Lamarty chipboards were used - one of the best domestic boards. Chipboard Egger or Kronospan are much more prone to chipping, and I most likely would not have had such a result with this disc.

All these moments come with experience, it's up to you to get a divorce for the purchase of this device.

In principle, it is possible to cut in “two passes” with ordinary circular saws with homemade guide rails, the main thing is that the sole does not hang out, but doing this is less convenient than with plunge-cut saws, primarily due to the inconvenience of changing the sawing depth.

How to cut laminated chipboard, chipboard without chips? How to repair chips after cutting?


Tell me, please, how to cut laminated chipboard, chipboard without chips?


When making furniture, you have to saw chipboard. Chipboard does not like this very much - it crumbles. Chips form along the edge. How to cut chipboard without chips or repair chips?



But if you plan to use laminated chipboard whitewashed, then this method is not suitable. It is necessary to cut so that there are no chips. Sawing so that there are no chips without special equipment is quite difficult. A circular saw not only crumbles the edge, but can split the laminating coating half a meter along the board. And any other tool gives an edge even worse.

Rumor has it that chipboard can be sawn without chipping with a hacksaw with a very fine tooth, or even with a jigsaw with a metal file with a very fine tooth. But I don't get out.

I saw chipboard, if you need to get a good edge, like this: I mark out - I draw lines along which the cut will go. I put a metal ruler along the line. I secure it with clamps. I cut the laminating coating with a cutter along the lines of the intended cut. The cut is made deep enough and wide (slightly wider than a hacksaw or circular disc). I run the cutter along the iron ruler several times until I cut through the coating completely. I do this on both sides. It is very important to mark correctly so that the markup above and the markup below match. After that, I already drink, usually hand saw on wood. But he already got used to getting into the slot with a circular.

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by the most in a simple way marking is to draw straight lines along the sides of the plate, using stretched threads, a square, a ruler and (or) a measuring tape. In the presence of a large number of cut parts, it is difficult to choose optimal scheme sheet cutting, which can reduce losses due to the remaining scraps. To outline smooth bends, you need to use patterns that allow you to reproduce numerous fragments of the same type.

Special programs help to improve the quality of cutting, in which the dimensions of the products are set, the calculation is made and the diagram is displayed. optimal location cutting lines. Such programs include "Cutting 2", "Master 2" and others.

Usage example software shown in video:

When cutting the material with your own hands, you need to pay Special attention straightness of corners and maintenance of straight lines. Marking large sheets should be done on the floor, working in pairs. Dimensioning by one person is fraught with distortion of parameters caused by displacement measuring tools during work.

Methods for cutting chipboard

The main tools for cutting wood boards are:

  • hand saw for wood or metal;
  • electric or conventional jigsaw;
  • Circular Saw.

Cuts are more accurate when used hand saw for metal and jigsaw. The disadvantages of the saw include its low productivity, which is unacceptable for working with large volumes of chipboard. The use of a jigsaw does not allow you to get even cut lines, compared with a circular saw.

Working with a jigsaw does not always prevent the formation of chips at the end of the plate. Only the use of high-quality canvases can create an even cut line.

To reduce the number or even avoid chipping when processing chipboard, you can use a special technique for working with conventional circular saw. First, strict markup is done, which is mirrored on different sides material. Then, along this markup, recesses are sawn from each side, which go deep into the plate by about 60-70% of its thickness (the material is sawn completely in two passes).

Because surface chipping occurs at the exit of the teeth and not at the entry, sawing in two passes virtually eliminates material damage. This method requires high precision sawing to ensure a smooth end face. The saw blade for chipboard should have a small serration in order to reduce the area of ​​​​interaction with pressed wood chips.

Significantly facilitates the cut in two approaches using a sawing machine. A number of parts can be made by sawing out a workpiece with deliberately oversized dimensions (by 5-10 mm), after which they are cut on both sides according to the specified parameters. The use of a sawing machine allows not only to maintain accurate dimensions, but evenly cut the lines necessary for the manufacture of prefabricated structures.

Some sawing machines support self-marking of the slab. The package of such machines includes clamps and T-series, facilitating accurate cutting.

How to cut chipboard evenly and without chips can be seen in the video:

Processing chipboard boards after trimming

Working with particle boards after cutting the workpiece includes:

  • end processing, carried out with special edging materials;
  • painting, wallpapering or tiling;
  • bending slabs of material and patching accidental or manufacturing defects.

Cutting edges processing, do-it-yourself edging process

It is necessary to improve aesthetics and prevent chipping of the material. For gluing the ends, melamine films are often used, which are baked to the surface with an iron. They are less durable than the laminated layer, but they are visually attractive and protect against mechanical stress and slight moisture ingress.

The process of edging chipboard at home is not very difficult. The cut edges of the plate are cleaned with sandpaper and polished, after which it is pressed against them. edging tape. Under the tape, an adhesive is applied that is optimal for a particular type of film (it is not required in self-adhesive tapes).

The plate is placed on the end, and the plastic edge is pressed down with a heated iron. After removing the impromptu hot press, a flat board should be placed on the film to fix the load and the hardening process.

More details about how to glue the edge on the chipboard, the video will tell:

Painting and wallpapering

You can paint chipboard with your own hands in several approaches. Residue must first be removed old paint using heat or mechanical action, and treat the noticed defects with sandpaper. A regular or acrylic primer is applied to a clean surface.

After the primer layer has dried, the plate is covered with a layer of paint, which is recommended to be applied in two stages. The application of the coloring layer can be done with a brush or spray gun. Material consumption in the latter case will be less, although regular paint will cost less.

To protect chipboard from moisture, you can treat the surface with drying oil or rub it with a stearin candle. Do not forget about applying sealant in joints that are open to moisture.

in a universal way preparation of chipboard for further processing is puttying. The surface is pre-coated with a primer, after which a layer of starting and finishing putty. Only non-laminated chipboard boards are processed, since putty adheres worse on a laminated surface.

Wallpapering on chipboard boards is carried out after applying the primer. This reduces the likelihood of rust spreading from fasteners embedded in the wood.

Tiles are laid directly on a dry and clean chipboard surface using thick adhesive compositions. To enhance the fixation of the tiles, a fine polymer mesh is used, which increases the overall strength.

Correction of accidental defects (holes, dents) or technological holes is carried out with a mixture sawdust and glue. PVA or epoxy mixture is used as an adhesive base. Slab repair usually does not require special skills. Between themselves, parts from chipboard are rarely glued, preferring to use self-tapping screws or bolted connections.

How to bend chipboard - a practical aspect

Sometimes it is necessary to make a bent part from a chipboard - the end of a table, cabinet, shelf.

To do this, you must first cut the required fragment of material to size, and then perform numerous parallel cuts on it. inner surface(see fig. 1 and 2):

Necessary fragment Application of cuts

To give a curved shape, the resulting part should be glued to the template with PVA glue and fixed with self-tapping screws. After maintaining the time required for the adhesive to harden, the part can be removed and used for its intended purpose.

Before screwing the screws into the chipboard, it is advisable to pre-drill the material. For this, drills are used that have a 1-2 mm smaller diameter than a self-tapping screw. Drills for chipboard are used the same as for drilling wood, and standard screws are bought.

Due to the lower cost of chipboard than other mounting and building materials, a small amount of marriage when working with your own hands is not critical. Damaged sheets can be used to make smaller products without incurring the cost of attracting professional equipment and specialists.