Personal qualities of a psychologist. Professionally important qualities of a psychologist

1. The ability to empathy, empathy, sympathy. This ability is understood as the ability to deeply psychologically penetrate into inner world another person - the client, to understand him, to see what is happening from his own positions, to perceive the world through his eyes, to accept his point of view as acceptable and correct.

2. Openness. Trying to understand the client, to penetrate into his inner world, the psychologist-consultant frankly tells him about his own feelings, causing an empathic reaction on his part and thereby making him open to himself.

3. Expression of personal concern for the client with the help of empathy, sympathy for him, as well as gestures, facial expressions, pantomime.

4. Goodwill. Kind, emotionally positive attitude towards the client, personal interest and participation in solving his problems.

5. An invaluable attitude towards the client, including the observance on his part of those moral, ethical standards that he adheres to in his behavior, even if the consultant himself does not like this behavior.

6. Refusal of moralizing, imposing your advice on the client.

7. Trust in the client, faith in his ability and ability to cope with his problem on his own.

8. Readiness and aspiration of the consultant not so much to save the client from his experiences, but to direct his experiences in a constructive direction.

9. The ability to keep the optimal psychological distance between yourself and the client.

10. The ability to inspire confidence in the client and the desire to remake himself.

except general requirements there are also a number of special, special requirements regarding the practice of conducting psychological counseling and, in particular, conducting psychological counseling on business matters. Here, as in all other cases of psychological counseling, the psychologist, in order to be able to give reasonable and effective recommendations client, he himself must know well the matter on which he advises the client.

As for questions professional advice the psychologist must know well the psychology of labor, the forms and methods of career guidance and selection of persons on the basis of a professiogram and a psychogram.

If the psychologist-consultant does not have his own life experience of participating in the relevant case, then such experience must be acquired before proceeding with psychological counseling.

Sometimes, however, this condition cannot be fully met, since it is almost impossible for one person to be a good connoisseur of all possible professions and cases in connection with which clients can turn to psychological counseling. In this case, in order not to be an amateur in the relevant case, the counseling psychologist is recommended to first ask the client in detail about what types of activities or professions he is interested in, well, and if he is already working, then what he does professionally; learn about the nature of his work and the problems that arise in its process. This should be done without embarrassment and openly, from the very beginning of the consultation honestly admitting to the client that the psychologist-consultant does not understand his profession well enough, and therefore is not able to immediately give the most effective and useful advice.

For business consulting, the business environment in which the psychologist-consultant works with the client is most suitable, as well as the business nature of the relationship between them. This, in particular, means the following.

Firstly, such counseling is best done directly at the client's workplace and in his usual business environment. Then it will be easier for him to understand and practically implement the recommendations received from the psychologist-consultant. For the consultant himself, being in a normal business atmosphere together with the client will help him better understand the essence of the problem that worries the client and find the most correct solution.

Secondly, in the practice of conducting business consulting, the psychologist-consultant himself must behave like a business person. Then the client will be able to learn a lot from his personal example.

Thirdly, the business behavior of a psychologist-consultant will undoubtedly increase the client's confidence in him, who himself is a business person and appreciates the corresponding qualities in other people.

Finally, fourthly, a business-like approach to conducting psychological counseling means that even before the start of a consultation with a client, its conditions must be fully specified: time, place, expected results, cost, etc.

Professional consultation performs a number functions , which, on the one hand, are a reflection of its main goal, and on the other hand, indicate the main directions of its activity. There are three main functions of professional advice:

- information, involving the communication to the student of information about the specific features of the profession, ways and means of implementing their professional plans;

- diagnostic– examination of the state of health and degree of development psychological characteristics personality in accordance with the requirements of the profession. IN psychological counseling psychodiagnostics at the beginning of work with a client should be kept to a minimum and should mainly be based on the results of the consultant's direct observation of the client's behavior when the consultant communicates with him in a psychological consultation. Psychodiagnostics includes the analysis and generalization of data received directly from the client without the use of special psychological tests.

- correctional which consists in recommending to the optant (a person choosing a profession) the relevant field of professional activity and specific professions in it, as well as correcting professional plans in case of mismatch between the requirements of the profession and personality characteristics.

The work of a psychologist has now become so popular that any school, kindergarten, other educational institution has a vacancy for a full-time psychologist. If there is a certified specialist in the bowels of the profile district (city) department, the designated specialist will always work in the educational institution.

How does a psychologist work in practice? Does it make sense? Is it necessary to pay and maintain such a necessary, but at the same time useless worker?

Theory and practice as shown life experience- absolutely different things. To work in educational institutions as a rule, inexperienced people who have just graduated from universities come, very often they received higher education only because there was nowhere else to go due to a low school score or immaturity of the personality, when they still didn’t understand: where should you go? There is no particular attraction to a particular profession. A fact well known to all: an uninteresting specialty (subject) - there will be no knowledge. The desire to understand something more than the university gives will not appear even in the long term.

Standard school psychologist

A good specialist in the field of psychology is rare, if not exceptional. Most psychologists at the level of standard kindergarten schools actually use only one tool in their work - testing. Perhaps it is effective and bears fruit at a certain stage of work. But one test with a "heavy" child is not enough. The advice offered to parents based on the results of the survey is theoretical calculations from university textbooks (in the event that the student still read the textbooks).

Of course, the issue of payment in schools is a separate topic for discussion. Psychologists are among the staff of the institution who earn the least. But this does not make difficult children any less, and so that you and I are not afraid to walk the streets, are not afraid to let our children go for a walk or to a section - we still need specialists with "burning eyes".

So, what qualities are necessary for high-quality work with a certain contingent:

  1. Read specialized literature. Nothing without this. Nobody denies the importance practical exercises, but even without self-development, the process of accumulating knowledge (theoretical and practical) is impossible. Here it is necessary to note one nuance: you need to read books by practical authors. A "pure" theory cannot provide the necessary basis. And further. In addition to narrow-profile literature, it would be good to study human relations in a wide format: at home, at work, with housemates.
  2. Communication with highly qualified people provides invaluable experience in the accumulation of knowledge. Who, if not them, will be able to suggest, approve, make claims.
  3. An effective evaluation criterion of your "vitality" in the chosen profession is the attitude of the people around you to your person. In the case of a positive assessment in the asset, you will receive respect, compassion and other pleasant moments of your biography.
  4. The most important thing to note in this matter is love for people. Without this, you will never become a professional with a capital letter. Do not be afraid to be funny, not experienced, not knowing. Simple human qualities do not repel, but attract people. Even those who may initially perceive the young specialist negatively.

I would like to believe that sooner or later the country will acquire psychologists of the required level, which means that our children, becoming adults, will be confident, unburdened by complexes, losers.

Professional and personal in the work of a psychologist are very often closely related. It is difficult to be one person in personal terms, but completely different in professional activity. Therefore, personal qualities constitute an important foundation for the professional success of a psychologist. As one student said, “In those people whom I consider to be truly professional psychologists, I have always noticed an extraordinary fusion of profession and life, the inclusion of inner experiences and intense spiritual search in the context of professional activity and, conversely, the inclusion of professional activity in the general context of the whole life. This is an ideal situation for me - that everything I do as a professional becomes part of my spiritual search.

It is difficult to find personal qualities that are equally important for such different areas activities of a psychologist scientific psychology, practical psychology, teaching psychology. Each of them imposes on the personality of a psychologist whole line specific requirements.

According to K.A. Ramul, for every scientist, including a psychologist, the following personality traits are necessary:

  1. enthusiasm for work and its tasks,
  2. diligence - abilities and inclinations for long and diligent work,
  3. discipline,
  4. ability to criticize and self-criticism,
  5. impartiality,
  6. the ability to get along with people.

Goodwill, respect for people, sensitivity, responsiveness, altruism, humanity, and intelligence are considered important moral qualities of a psychologist.

Great knowledge for practical psychologist have the communicative qualities of his personality: the ability to understand other people and psychologically correctly influence them. A psychologist must be able to work with people, understand the characters, have not only psychological knowledge, but also psychological intuition. The communicative qualities of a psychologist, important for his professional activity, can be considered attractiveness, sociability, tact, politeness, the ability to listen and understand another person. In general, the complex of these qualities is often called the "talent of communication."

The general attitude to life and activity is manifested in such personal qualities that are significant for a psychologist, such as responsibility, organization, optimism, openness, curiosity, observation, independence of judgment, creativity, flexibility of behavior, and the ability to reflect one's experiences.

For a psychologist, such emotional manifestations of a person as ease, naturalness and sincerity in communication, resistance to stress, emotional stability, and the ability to empathize are important.

To the necessary volitional qualities psychologist include perseverance, patience, self-control.

Among the necessary personal properties of a practical psychologist include the ability to empathize (empathy), the ability to understand the state of the client. However, the ability to maintain some distance is also important. If this psychohygienic rule is not observed, the psychologist may experience a syndrome of burnout and communicative overload.

The necessary quality of a practical psychologist is confidence in behavior with a client. Otherwise, he will not earn the trust of the client.

At the same time, the absence of excessive self-confidence and faith in the infallibility of one's psychological conclusions is important. The tactlessness of the psychologist is manifested in his tendency to attribute supersignificance and exclusivity to his profession. Demonstrative behavior and narcissism of the psychologist repels the client.

It is important for a professional psychologist to have adequate self-esteem, understand individual characteristics their personality, their abilities, strengths and weak sides character. At the same time, it is useful to know how to compensate for your own personal shortcomings.

In professional activities, a psychologist cannot be successful in everything. Not all methods and techniques work equally well. Not all activities show interest and inclination. Therefore, it is important for a psychologist to form individual style professional activities, taking into account their individual personal characteristics.

The characteristics listed above reflect the opinions of reputable scientists and practitioners about what personal qualities a professional psychologist should have. There is still very little empirical research on this topic. The work of T.A. Vernyaeva, in which she studied the opinions of psychologists on this issue.

First of all, the work of a psychologist requires not only professional knowledge and mastery of methods, but also special personal qualities, an invaluable attitude towards the client, the ability to show a person his capabilities and help him discover his potential. Without this, it is difficult to imagine a successful specialist who advises and helps to navigate in a complex life situation. In general, personal characteristics are the basis for the development of the professionalism of a counseling psychologist.

The presence of certain qualities is one of the main indicators of competence. Therefore, to begin with, I want to focus on this factor. So, let's take a closer look at what personal qualities a person should have.

According to most professionals, and I completely agree with them, the following personality traits are important for the work of a practicing psychologist:

  • - Empathy and reflection;
  • - benevolence and altruism - the desire to help;
  • - respect and tact;
  • - the desire for development and self-knowledge;
  • - Self-confidence, purposefulness, adequate self-esteem;
  • - tolerance and patience;
  • - erudition, versatile development;
  • - aptitude for analysis analytical warehouse mind;
  • - intuition, insight;
  • - emotional stability, self-control, stress resistance;
  • - quick adaptation to different conditions;
  • - observation and openness;
  • - positive thinking, creativity;

Now let's consider in more detail all of the listed qualities in order to understand why a psychologist needs them and how they affect his professional activities.

One of the most important abilities is empathy, i.e. deep understanding of a person, his real problems and awareness of his state of mind. empathy- this is an emotional response, empathy and the ability to immerse yourself in the client's inner world, and communicate at this level throughout the consultation, if the situation requires it. However, this feature of the perception of the interlocutor has nothing to do with compassion and pity. must put himself in the place of another, feel his emotions, experiences, and at the same time be able to look at the situation from the outside.

So, for example, if a client addresses a problem related to conflict situation, the specialist must first listen and feel his emotions. Only under this condition will a person receive moral satisfaction and prepare for further work. The task of the psychologist is to look at the situation through the eyes of the client, make it clear that he is on his side, and then offer to consider the conflict from different points of view.

If the practitioner is abstracted from the problems of the person and his personality, the work will not be effective and useful. Firstly, the client will feel that he is not interested in the specialist he has contacted. Secondly, such an approach is incompetent, because a person will not receive even elementary emotional support. In general, I believe that a consultant who does not have such qualities and does not develop them will not be able to help solve psychological problems.

Concerning benevolence, altruism, tact, respect to people in general, it is difficult to imagine a psychologist who does not want to help, shows disrespect and aggression towards the client. Without an elementary respectful attitude, dialogue is generally impossible, and even more so the communication of a consultant who is called upon to provide psychological help. Naturally, these or those qualities relate to the characteristics of the individual and were originally laid down. The desire and ability to help people develop, find solutions, realize their potential, teach them constructive and effective communication etc. - this is the first step from which the path of a real psychologist begins.

Another personal quality psychotherapist associated with professional activity- this is positive thinking, which consists in perceiving failure as a stepping stone for new achievements, not regretting what you cannot return, looking to the future, and not looking back. In a word, it is the ability to draw positive points of the most unpleasant situations, and perceive the presence of problems as driving force for personal growth and progress. This is what an experienced specialist should teach his clients who want to develop, to solve the difficulties that have arisen as effectively as possible. Reasonable optimism, positive and creative approach allow us to see events in the best options and create appropriate conditions for their development in the right direction.

The desire for self-knowledge and development, interest in people- the same conditions for professional growth as the previous qualities. Before starting to help others, he must understand his own problems, understand which abilities he has more developed, which are less, what are his strengths and weaknesses. After such introspection, the specialist will be able to use his advantages more effectively, and work on those qualities that are less developed. Only constant development, self-knowledge and introspection will allow the psychotherapist to improve and grow personally and professionally. After all, work on oneself is the same indicator of competence as, for example, theoretical knowledge or possession of methods, and perhaps even more important.

The profession of psychologist requires purposefulness and self-confidence. Such qualities are necessary to achieve results in any business. However, for a practicing psychologist, they are of particular importance, this is the inner core and strength that will allow the client to trust the specialist and feel that their joint work will give the desired results and fruits. But do not confuse confidence with excessive self-confidence, using your authority to influence a person's choice. Sometimes the situation develops in such a way that the line becomes very thin, and sometimes it is quite difficult to feel it even for a professional. The goals and objectives of the psychologist is to act in the interests of the client, not to put pressure on him, to show all kinds of options, but this will be discussed a little later. At the same time, self-assessment of the consultant is also important. It must be adequate. Inflated self-esteem will lead to the fact that the specialist will look at the client as if from above. Low self-esteem and insecurity are destructive for the personality of a professional and are not acceptable.

Thus, tolerance is important for an adequate perception of other people's views and worldviews. This is the basis of respect, understanding, openness, development and empowerment. That is why this quality is of such high importance in the work of a psychotherapist. In addition, I would call tolerance one of the ways of cognition that makes a person multifaceted, versatile and more erudite. And these features, in turn, are also necessary conditions professional development and the work of a psychologist.

Analytic mind- another personal feature associated with the successful activities and competence of a psychologist-consultant. The ability to analyze the situation, prioritize, think broadly and positively are fundamental skills that make work effective. The tendency to analyze is manifested in the fact that a specialist can put the situation on the shelves, and then, like a puzzle, put it back together, consider it from different points of view, without connecting emotions.

Of course, the work of a psychologist does not imply a complete shutdown of emotional perception, but conclusions and reasoning should be based on objective facts. At the same time, it is also important psychological intuition or, in other words, insight. This ability should rather be called a kind of talent, a gift, but it can and should also be developed. Being insightful means understanding more than the client says, seeing the hidden causes of their problems, summarizing all available information about the person and reading it. This is enough difficult task requiring experience and work on oneself. It must be said that insight- a rare talent, and not all psychologists manage to develop it to the fullest. In my view, this ability is not just an indicator of competence and experience, but the highest achievement in professional development.

With all these features and qualities, communication skills, empathy and inclusion during communication with a client, a psychologist must have emotional stability and stress resistance. Emotional overload often leads to burnout, stress, depression. For a professional, this is not excluded, but it is better if the professional's self-control is on high level, and he calculates his strength and capabilities. Emotional stability manifested in calmness, in the ability to overcome strong feelings, and this is a kind of warning of nervous breakdowns and psychological burnout. Also, such qualities contribute to rapid adaptation to changing working conditions and rapid switching from one person to another.

Observation and openness- qualities without which the work of a psychologist is simply impossible. Interest in people, the ability to notice seemingly insignificant details, attentiveness, ease, naturalness in communication and a willingness to learn, to learn, the desire to see what others do not see. Without this, it is difficult to imagine a successful specialist who helps people find solutions in difficult situations. The psychologist's answers to the questions are indicated in another section.

In general, personal characteristics very clearly intersect with the professional activities of an experienced psychologist. Only under the condition of spiritual search, the desire for self-improvement, goodwill, a specialist is able to maximize his potential and help others in this.