What programs for designing furniture. Overview of computer software assistants in furniture production

Anyone who at least once has developed and created cabinet furniture on his own will no longer visit furniture showrooms. In this simple business, it all starts with a project describing the product in the smallest detail. Today we will talk about the most common programs for designing cabinet furniture.

Design tasks and complexity assessment

The design of cabinet furniture is a rather scrupulous task that requires keeping in the field of attention both the global concept and the multitude small parts... Unlike drawing on paper, CAD tools give control over all created objects, even those that are hidden from view by other details.

The main design problem, which consists in the spatial arrangement of cabinet furniture parts and the arrangement of their larger groups, is solved by almost any furniture program. The function of three-dimensional visualization allows you to freely operate objects, move them in space and view them from any advantageous angle.

But the specifics of working with furniture components are not implemented in any software. The PRO100 program, for example, despite its simplicity, speed and good visualization system, does not see the functional difference between a body part or doorknob... In the context of PRO100 or bCAD, any object has a shape, position, color or texture, but its purpose is modestly silent.


This slows down work on large projects. For example, in the BAZIS complex, the processes of placing fittings are automated, the program can automatically generate sets of hinges, handles or extension systems and place them in accordance with the installation rules, along the way generating a marking scheme for drilling. And this is only one module of the program called "Furniture Maker", designed for modeling, and there are half a dozen other parts of the complex - for cutting sheets, organizing storage, production and sale of furniture.

It is the ability to work with specific tasks of furniture design, and not just fold the boards into a common structure, that distinguishes specialized software from amateur. The PRO100 program costs about $ 1000 in its complete set, while it has a demo version, which is quite suitable for creating your own amateur projects. The BAZIS complex is the main competitor of the PRO100 at russian market: costs half as much, twice as many possibilities, but the rendering system is lame.

3D modeling software

The need to visualize the working scene is needed mostly for the presentation of furniture and the development of catalogs. When independently designing furniture, this fades into the background, although it can serve as a useful appendage. The design process runs optimally in programs like PRO100, KitchenDraw or WOODY - one of the few free, but somewhat outdated programs today. They have a function to quickly switch the displayed view, ranging from a black and white sketch to a three-dimensional scene with its own light sources.

3D model in WOODY 2.0

In the BAZIS complex, for example, everything is not so rosy: the main work is carried out in the Furnituremaker module, and the construction of a visual concept, playing with colors, shadows and textures is taken out in the Salon module, which is purchased separately. It cannot be argued that the ability to visually evaluate makes designing a pleasure, but professional activity rather, it is a distraction.

Despite the availability of graphical tools, almost all work is carried out using parametrization methods. An object on the screen is just a display; it has a number of properties and features that are set manually through a parametric window. True, in a purely visual mode, you can quickly sort through the existing furniture library, pick up the samples you like, quickly change the size and proportions (stretch, compress) of each individual product and make a global arrangement, and only then proceed to work on the details.

Features of manual detailing

We have already said that some programs have tools for automating the placement of elements and work with individual parts, but this is only one side of the issue. Each program has a number of primitives - objects from which the assembly of more complex parts and groups always begins. In PRO100 and Astra, for example, base object serves as a board, vertical or horizontal. It is possible to edit the plan shape, but only once, so all the details of the project will have a constant section along at least one axis. In practice, this translates into difficulties when modeling curved facades, plinths and countertops.

In KitchenDraw, bCAD, WOODY and BASIS, objects are also created by board primitives, but there are more tools for working with them. For example, boards can be of several types, such as bottom, back wall, side wall. Guided by the global properties of the project, the program can determine their more specific aspects, such as size, position, binding to other details, or provide for some actions that can be performed on an object of this type.


Professional software can be completed with a template engine that offers typical designs drawers, compartments, doors, countertops and other common pieces of furniture. Another difference of professional software is the ability to work out fasteners. In the Astra program, an analogue of the BAZIS complex both in terms of functionality and cost, it is possible to mark the drilling and milling points on the details for the installation of awnings. But BAZIS-Mebelshchik creates comprehensive maps of additives and edging, compiled, like all exported BAZIS documentation, in accordance with ESKD or ISO.

Visualization differences

CAD systems for cabinet furniture design have three basic display modes. The first - wireframe view - is inherent in all programs, in this mode, only the edges and vertices of parts are displayed. Modeling furniture components by seeing only their frame is pretty quick, but with a lot of detail, the jumble of lines is confusing.

Then the translucent display mode comes into play, which shows in whole or in part the lines that are not visible from the current angle. This mode is good for composing small compound objects into even larger and relative positioning.

The third mode, inherent in almost all CAD systems, is the imposition of colors and simplified textures for a visual assessment of the success of compositing, ratios colors, sizes and shapes. But there are some nuances here: in programs with the simplest visualization, for example, PRO100, there is no possibility of imposing textures and colors on individual edges of parts. Therefore, displaying contrasting edges is not possible only if you create an edge as a separate object with its own texture.

The creators of KitchenDraw have taken it a step further and added rendering capability. By by and large, such display quality will not be provided by any CAD for cabinet furniture, except for non-specialized CAD programs. But is such an opportunity justified with an hourly cost of the program of $ 2-3 or a subscription for a year for more than $ 500? However, KitchenDraw gives you 20 free hours, which is enough to familiarize yourself with the program and put together a couple of trial projects.


Perhaps there is no more valuable factor than the vastness and richness of the component libraries for the program used. Most furniture showrooms usually work on a very impressive catalog of furniture products and sets, only adjusting their sizes to the customer's premises. Who prevents you from doing the same?

Even the simplest PRO100 program enjoys unprecedented success among furniture makers, largely due to the most extensive library with the ability to freely import third-party projects made by other craftsmen. It remains only to add some technical details, adjust the arrangement of shelves and drawers, color - and the finished detailing will be in your hands in 30-40 minutes of work.

Libraries can include both ready-made headsets and even whole concepts of interiors, as well as furniture sections separately. Additionally, any library includes samples of paint palettes and textures according to generally accepted standardization, so there are usually no questions about the correct color selection when ordering sawing.

Cutting programs

The presence of a cutting optimization module in the program can be very useful. Of course, when ordering a cut of sheets, only one list of parts is sufficient. But, having thought over the cutting scheme, you can estimate the total cost of furniture or visually display on the printout maps of edging, drilling and milling.

Of course, the free import of projects provides increased speed and convenience of work, therefore, the purchase of additional modules for the BAZIS or Astra systems is beneficial, mainly, for furniture manufacturers. IN individually free third-party programs such as Cutting can also be used.

Of course, it will take some time to enter the detailing parameters manually, but for a single use this is quite enough.

Designing beautiful and high quality furniture is a very interesting and exciting experience. And with the right choice software it will become completely simple and accessible. This is exactly what the PRO100 program is - thanks to its wide functionality, as well as a convenient and intuitive interface, it is designed to become a reliable assistant for every person whose work or hobby is related to the creation of furniture design. On our site you can find out about all the functions, capabilities and benefits of this program.

The developer is a well-known company ECRU Software, which specializes in creating high-quality, efficient and affordable software specifically designed for furniture design.

Features and Features

Despite its obvious simplicity, the PRO100 program has a wide range of useful functions for designing furniture items and creating comfortable interior any premises. The interface of this program is very user-friendly and intuitive, which allows you to create quick initial projects with excellent visualization.

An important feature is the presence of built-in libraries, in which numerous samples of all kinds are presented:

  • modules of cabinet furniture,
  • door and window structures,
  • used materials and much more.

In addition, using this program, you can very easily create your own unique options with subsequent saving in the library. Thanks to such an extensive and well-developed database, the creation of sketches and projects is very easy and fast - by demonstrating them to his clients, the designer confirms high level their professionalism. There are other equally useful opportunities in this program for improving the efficiency of work with clients - for example, an approximate calculation of the cost of a future project. To use this function, you must first register in the settings the actual prices for the materials used, accessories and other important elements.

Software versions Pro100 5.25 and Pro100 5.45

  • stationary versions designed for such widespread operating systems as Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7/8;
  • for tablets running Android, Win8, Apple Mac OS / iOS;
  • portable versions that you can easily use on any device at any convenient time.

Now the most popular among users are versions of the program 5.25 and 5.45 - here you can download the PRO100 torrent in any of the versions you are interested in.

Compared to previous versions of the program released earlier, there are many important advantages here that will be appreciated by both experienced professional and novice designers:

  • Through the use modern technology OpenGL has greatly improved rendering quality. New useful features have been added, including the use of three-dimensional textures, adjusting glare, transparency level, light intensity, as well as a mirror effect.
  • Versions 5.25 and 5.45 are characterized by improved performance, making them easier and more comfortable to work with.
  • The functionality of the program has significantly expanded - more individual and high-quality visualization is provided by the function of importing 3D models in 3ds and .obj formats.
  • All created projects have the highest photographic quality - this is achieved through the ability to work with each of the details separately. Any of them can be given both glossy and matte texture, relief, as well as any other individual qualities and properties.
  • The standard catalog of the program has become more extensive - now there are more than six thousand various three-dimensional furniture elements that make it possible to bring any project into reality.

If you want to download PRO100 for free, we are ready to provide you with this opportunity at any time.

The editor has many important advantages over competitors. The intuitive interface allows even beginners to work successfully with it. Its main advantages and benefits include:

  • Getting good detailing with the ability to export to cutting programs.
  • Availability complete list used materials and accessories.
  • Ability to specify dimensions in drawings.
  • Creation of parts that differ in relative complexity - radii, beveled parts, cutouts of various shapes.

Here you can download Pro100 for free in Russian full versionto help you successfully design quality furniture.


Pro100 is a program that is one of the best for designing furniture and creating interiors. It is successfully used both in large furniture production facilities and in the individual work of craftsmen. We invite you to evaluate all the possibilities of this program:

  • design furniture from scratch,
  • create great interior design.

You can do all this using both pre-installed samples and your own individual ones.

This program can be used under the terms of two license options: Professional and Salon. The first version of the license is distinguished by advanced functionality, including the ability to create libraries with 3D elements. The second option assumes using only preinstalled catalogs and libraries.

If you are looking for a simple, affordable and multifunctional program for designing various pieces of furniture, as well as for creating cozy interiors, take the opportunity to download Pro100 for free on our website. Currently, it is rightfully one of the most optimal programs that can be used by both small furniture workshops and craftsmen who are engaged in individual furniture production.

New version PRO100 v6

The next version of the Pro100 v6 software product made it possible to bring design to a completely new level... Like the previous versions of the working application, the component remains simple, intuitive and easy to use. User can without special efforts automatically receive data on the calculations of the cost of specific projects, materials, individual components and more. The final picture turns out to be colorful, bright and clear enough from a professional point of view. A little about the new features:

    • Replacing objects in the project with objects from the library (for example, facades, handles, bodies) with positioning settings
    • Display environment (chrome effect) works on radius and 3D objects
    • Occlusion ( better quality renderings - "soft" shadows, etc.)
    • Rotating objects around axes with the mouse
    • 3D text
    • Distribution and distance tools (placement and distribution of shelves, objects with references)
    • "Breaking" objects (like the explode plugin)
    • Export to 3D panorama
    • Export to Obj with textures
    • Import / export prices
    • Mesh modification of imported 3D elements
    • Creation of 3D primitives by section
    • Scene / object axis visibility
    • Axis colors for easier orientation
    • Move / rotate with keyboard (Alt)
    • Editing locked groups
    • Rotate selected items independently
    • New collision-free element snapping mechanism
    • Additional renderer KRAY

In the case of using the new KRAY module, the task with the settings goes to rendering, and the user can continue to work with the program, the load goes to the render engine without touching the program. At the moment, you can download Pro100 6.2 torrent from the site.

PRO100 software is designed for fast and efficient furniture design and interior design. With her participation, it is possible in a short time to implement a design project of a room of any complexity, get its high-quality visualization, calculate the cost. The PRO100 program contains an optimal set of tools for three-dimensional computer modeling, is intuitive, easy to use.

PRO100 application is successfully used in furniture production, facilitates the work of designers and designers. With its help, you can design furniture "from scratch", create your own library, model interior design, plan the supply of production, get assistance at the stage of product implementation. At each stage of work, immediate visualization is possible in several versions, their assessment and reports. That is why PRO100 is successfully used by large furniture enterprises, medium and small businesses, designers - professionals and amateurs.

Having a computer with operating system Windows allows the program PRO100 free downloadin Russian, it is easy to install and start modeling your cabinet furniture. Most of the design operations are carried out using the mouse. Editing toolbar (alignment, positioning, revs, etc.) helps in the work. Each element of the project includes a properties window for describing the corresponding characteristics - name, material, size, price, etc. Interior visualization is possible in seven projections, taking into account the lighting mode. You can also add graphic effects.

Advantages of the PRO100 furniture program:

  1. Intuitive interface.
  2. Instant high quality rendering.
  3. Powerful information base from ready-made libraries.
  4. The ability to create your own library.
  5. High accuracy of material calculation.
  6. The ability to experiment with color, shape, material.

The PRO100 program is ideal for anyone involved in the design and engineering of cabinet furniture. In production, with her participation, high efficiency and the quality of work, the range is expanding. The use of PRO100 by beginners for interior decoration allows you to quickly determine the key issues - shape, color, style of products.

Nowadays, there are many programs in order to correctly calculate all the required dimensions of furniture for your home. The furniture design software is not only a tool for the professional furniture assembler and manufacturer. Anyone who decides to equip an apartment or house with his own hands can open a lot of useful functions in this software.

There are both paid and free programswhich have a trial period of use. If you compose individual project home furniture, this free period should be enough for you.

The furniture manufacturing process includes several main stages.

There is a program for each stage of work. Using the appropriate software allows you to speed up the process of creating furniture, avoid the most common mistakes, use ready-made package solutions, making your own adjustments that will make your piece of furniture individual.

In total, there are three main types of programs of this kind:

Large development companies specializing in design, engineering, cutting and manufacturing of furniture often offer package versions of their software products... When one shell and a single interface supports different mods and add-ons, it is convenient first of all because you do not need to once again decide the issue of compatibility and reading formats. These bundled software offerings automatically read data without asking unnecessary questions.

All applications that are aimed at are designed in such a way that you can enter all the coordinates and dimensions of your room, as well as separately place and change every detail. In any case, you can find a program on the Internet and choose the one that you like. There are also online services for this purpose.

Best furniture design software

Astra Furniture Designer - a simple program for designing furniture

One of the most famous furniture design programs is. Such a program will serve you for the design of cabinet furniture, as well as interior design. It uses tools that are very easy for ordinary users to learn.

ASTRA furniture modeling software

By using even the simplest furniture design program, you will be able to eliminate all sorts of mistakes in construction, which are usually made with a pencil on paper project.

Astra software product

A large design and engineering software company offers a whole set of software consisting of separate stand-alone modules. Each client can choose exactly the kit that he needs. Available modules for furniture design, interior design, cutting sheet materials and free-form parts. Additionally, modules and macros for Excel are presented, which make it possible to simplify the work of professionals - to automate the process of monitoring the cutting process on professional machines. A bonus is the ability to export information in the correct format from Excel to the software interface.

Working window Astra Constructor programs

This program is endowed with two types - axonometry and perspective. The workspace is usually divided into four or two parts, so you can set up a separate projection. It will allow you to rotate the entire scene, as well as view it from the angle at which you want. This program is so simple that it will be very easy for you to explain to your master what exactly you want.

PRO 100 Professional Program

This application combines a high level of professionalism and ease of use.

This is one of best programs for designing furniture, as it is equipped with all kinds of additional functions, and also constantly updated, following the latest trends in the world of interior and design. This program was developed by Polish programmers and engineers.

Advantages of the PRO100 program

In comparison with more universal Arcon programs, this application is also characterized by greater simplicity and flexibility. The intuitive interface without complex add-ons allows you to properly master the work in this program in as soon as possible... In terms of visualization, the application is on par with competing applications. It is worth noting the realism of the picture.

For professionals, the possibility of creating custom libraries of materials, elements and furniture will be interesting.

Great convenience and functionality is characteristic of the calculations and reports of the application. In particular, using the adjusted prices for furniture parts and materials, you can calculate the total cost finished projectas well as the total costs of individual components.

Also Pro 100 allows you to create and edit materials with great convenience. A photograph, drawing or scan of the target material will be processed using the program, and the user will only need to indicate the actual dimensions.

Furniture project in the Pro100 program

Disadvantages of the Pro100 program

The main disadvantage is quite high price Software, which, in principle, is lower than that of competing products, but not much. You can download it for free and try the demo version of the program to see if it suits you for work or not.

At the same time, the decision to save money using the demo version will be overshadowed by the inability to print or export your project. The demo version does not even allow you to simply save the developed project.

If a specialist is seriously involved in furniture design, then the Pro100 is well worth the money. This easy-to-learn program allows designers to realize their full creative potential.

Modern computer software effectively helps to cope with many household tasks: from finding the shortest route to a wholesale supermarket to planning and accounting for household finances. It is not surprising that programs for three-dimensional modeling of furniture items are gaining popularity.

With a certain degree of generalization, such services can be divided into several categories:

  • A program for modeling furnishings (often with the ability to design all interior space rooms).
  • Services that streamline material cutting.
  • Software that allows you to control the cutting process (used to connect to specialized equipment).

Manufacturers of visualization programs are large companies and private developers offering paid, shareware, or completely free products.

Furniture modeling software: specificity and scope

Utilities to help design and visualize corpus and upholstered furniturecan be useful in a variety of situations:

  • Professional craftsmen engaged in the manufacture of home furnishings.
  • For sellers in furniture stores and salons.
  • Designers.
  • Property owners.

A program for modeling furniture, its cost, technical capabilities and features are essential for organizing the design or production process, so it is worthwhile to devote time and attention to its selection.

First assistant master

For workshops, the program for is as much a necessity as machines and tools. The use of computer modeling can significantly reduce the time for building drawings and optimizing design developments.

In addition, some manufacturers offer package solutions with which a developed project can be exported into an application for calculating an estimate or cutting sheet material.

Professional services include Autocad, bCAD, Astra Furniture Designer.

An excellent tool for quickly visualizing a project

Many salons specializing in the sale of luxury furniture offer their clients the development of a personal project of the future interior with the organic inclusion of the products they supply. Depending on the manufacturer's capabilities, salon specialists can offer optimal location standard modules or custom-made furniture.

In any case, furniture (PRO 100, Google SketchUp, "K3-furniture design") is the most important tool that facilitates communication between a seller or a designer with a customer.

In addition, taking part in the process of changing its color and parameters, the salon client plunges deeper into the design process, receives information about the manufacturer's technical capabilities, existing restrictions and generally accepted standards.

The result is a more productive dialogue between the client and the seller, as well as an increase in his loyalty.

Do it yourself: simple programs for modeling furniture

When planning the arrangement of your own house, apartment or office, it is extremely important to provide for such indicators of future furniture as:

  • Dimensions (exact or approximate dimensions).
  • Stylistics and design.
  • Colors.
  • The harmony of the interior as a whole.

The 3D furniture modeling program allows you to effectively solve such issues. For home use simplified services that can be installed on a PC for free or as a trial version of paid programs are quite suitable. As a rule, demos are designed for familiarization with the product, but often they are enough for developing projects. The most common are Kitchen Draw, IKEA furniture planner, eXponent Furniture Designer (wardrobes).

A free program for furniture modeling can be an advertising product of large companies that allows you to operate only with those modules that are in the catalogs of this manufacturer. Such options have their advantages: you can fairly accurately calculate the cost of a future purchase and build an effective dialogue with the seller.

General principles for choosing a program for modeling furniture

When looking for a suitable program, it is worthwhile to clearly define the scope of its application and functionality, and also pay attention to the services that have detailed instructions (for paid programs, technical support, regular updates and the ability to save backups are required).

Defining these parameters in advance will avoid many difficulties in working with the utility. In addition, any furniture design program requires a certain period of time necessary for minimal familiarization with its capabilities.