How to make a house comfortable. Beautiful furniture is a cozy house. Cozy interior with handicaps with their own hands

1. Get rid of unnecessary things

Your home is not a warehouse or a bureau of find, so it's time to finally disassemble the cabinets and in the name of the coziness throw away all the accumulated trash.

Disassemble your clothes: hopelessly spoiled and frankly old things in the garbage bucket, and those that look like it would be decent, but simply do not like, you can try to sell on Internet flea markets. Move order in drawers with cosmetics and household chemicals. Everything spoiled by a total, it is not worth using.

The same story with household appliances. A constantly overheating mixer, iron with a hurried cord, rotated tape, is like little things, but at frequent use, even small flaws begin to annoy.

At this stage, your goal is to get rid of everything that bothers you or acts on the nerves. The house is a place where we rest from the alarm and worries, so let it at least be incurred here.

2. Add unusual details to the interior

Sterile pure apartment, where everything literally literally on Lineberry is not for life. Get rid of the feeling that you are in a hotel room, you will help small details.

Photos, paintings, unusual tapestry or knitted napkin - similar trifles add individuality. Your home is a reflection of your interests and tastes, so feel free to self-expression.

The only thing to remember is - functionality primarily. For example, a long-pile rug can look nicely near the sofa, but you will regret the purchase a thousand times when you clean it. The same story with an abundance of statuettes on the shelves - you first need to be removed, then wipe the dust, then put everything in our place ... Try to find a reasonable compromise in choosing between beauty and convenience.

3. Watch for cleanliness

In order not to kill on cleaning all the weekend, break it into the stages - it's easier than the day try to cope with what has accumulated in a week.

Here is an exemplary plan of daily affairs. You can add other tasks and change the order of their execution. The meaning is that maintenance of cleanliness is a permanent process, not a feat times in two weeks.

  • Monday: Commmise in the bathroom and make washing.
  • Tuesday: Move the wicked things.
  • Wednesday: Wipe dust.
  • Thursday: speuthes the floor.
  • Friday: Wash the stove and get rid of the products that have shuffled in the refrigerator.

Everything, by the end of the week you have pure houses. Only endwalls of the type of shift remain bed linen And washing clothes you plan to wear next week. Clothes better wrapping on Saturday to stroke her on Sunday and hang in the closet. Bed linen replace on Sunday, on Monday just run the washing.

4. Simplify the cleaning process as much as possible.

The smaller the effort is required in order to clean up, the better. Burst the right inventory: with him even spring-cleaning Will not be in tightness.

Wipe dust with microfiber wipes much faster and more efficiently than old T-shirts or a piece of sisterboard. If you wash the floor with water with adding special tools, drop the dirt without special efforts It will turn out the first time.

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Conditions simple:

Woman always remained a keeper homemade utya and hearth. The fact that the beautiful half of humanity is usually possessed by everyone required qualitiesallowing in maximum harmony to combine furniture, lighting with different.

Of course, the creation of proper coziness in new apartment, house or just a room performs difficult and in many ways creative task. The work on interior design requires a maximum of patience and a lot of imagination from the owner. In addition, it is important to be able to embody your own ideas and ideas in reality.

So what should be considered to create a favorable atmosphere and comfort in the house do it yourself? In any dwelling, a pleasant and comfortable design acts as a major sign and even a guarantee is not only family well-being, but also happiness and harmonious home furnishings.

Remembering the story, you can also make sure that a woman at all times tried to give even the most unsightly house as a comfortable and comfortable look. Today, every housewife in most cases uses its own female tricks and tricks in order to give the apartment more sunny, warm and nice view.

It is important to realize that even the most luxurious and stylish design It is not always able to allocate how warmth and comfort in the home environment due to the absence of any element in the interior.

Council of specialists! Give a room comfortable and warm view, without the need to carry out full repair, you can by adding small items.

Before creating comfort in the house, it is recommended to initially determine possible directions in the design. As noted, not always expensive decoration MaterialsFurniture accessories and accessories can highlight the very individuality and expressiveness of the interior. Not for strength it can be luxurious finishing materials.

Sorry to emphasize "Life and Soul" in the house with the help of a unique charm and a raisin, you can, at first glance, some small little things. This usually belongs to:

  • Pillows and towels;
  • Photos decorated with beautiful frames;
  • Elements of decor and toys, made with their own hands, be it kitchen tags, mats, blankets, etc.;

Ways to create comfort in the apartment

Speaking about a pleasant and comfortable home atmosphere, many, as a rule, mean relaxing positive impressions that they receive from staying in such a room, and there is no difference, whether you are just a room, or a country house! However, when designing indoor space any dwelling is equally important to take into account characteristics and features of the equipped interior. For example, for someone, it is preferable to observe order and purity, and someone chooses creative mess. Here the choice is only for you!

But, despite the individual approach to each specific case, comfort in general understanding is always associated with landscaping and comfort of living. Each new premises ideally should offer residents and guests new design interior, their smells, furnishings, style and color solution.

If you wish to equip a clean and bright room, it is worth considering that the main criterion in this case is absolutely clean surfaces. Moreover, this rule affects both floors and walls and furniture items, be it facades, shelves, tables, and even angular landsrs. About any dust and dirt and speech can not go!

Some minor items in the interior of the house are able to significantly transform the appearance of the dwelling, emphasizing the favorable atmosphere and comfort. If desired, riddled modern apartment With warm, comfort and convenience, it is possible to quickly and unpainted, so that in the subsequent housing only pleased with a good mood and joy for accommodation. There would be a desire ...

Designers highlight a lot of options for arrangement of the house in a pleasant and cozy nest with their own hands, where in the future you will enjoy the blissful and warm atmosphere in the evenings. Not always to transform the dwelling requires high costs, you can use more budget, but not ineffective, solutions:

  • Bring the element in the design room that you like the most. Thus, you not only endorse the room with unique warmth, but also make a cozy and harmonious environment. As a similar addition, an ordinary plaid or carpet can perform.
  • Maintain cleanliness and order in the house, because the untidy species indicates an unsightly design, which in turn will not contribute to great comfort.

  • Huge importance in the design of the housing is given to the walls of the walls, as well as their color decoration.

An unusual design inside the house can be created with your own hands due to soft covered, which will be covered and decorate with siblings and sofa. The best choice in this case will become vellar and velvety fabricsThat not only endow the room with peace and tranquility, but also configure the owners of the house for a romantic way.

When interior arrangement, it is important to focus on calm pastel tones - Only they are capable of emphasizing the peace-loving and relaxing home atmosphere in the advantageous light. Diversify the "boring" color palette will be at the expense of pillows with a bright and juicy color. They will perform a kind of highlight, at the same time decorating the sofa and giving a greater comfort due to its softness.

Important moment! All soft elements, whether it is a small teddy bear or fluffy carpet, add a certain note of comfort and peacekeeping to the atmosphere of the house. Remember it.

It is possible to significantly increase the rating of different items that emphasize the comfort in the house, it is possible not only at the expense of one beautiful floor carpet, a couple of small rugs placed near the threshold of the room can cope with the same task. With the help of them you can bring appearance The premises to the greater uniformity, making the room more cute and attractive. In addition, on such a surface will always be pleasantly walking barefoot.

Most often tenants decide to transform home interior By updating the upholstery of chairs and chairs with new textural covers. In this case, competently selected color and surface textures are able to allocate harmonious combination existing items with dwelling interior.

Equipping the house or apartment in rustic style, You can get a truly "home" comfort. For this purpose, various accessories apply, most often made with their own hands.

In this case, preferences should be given to the following subjects:

  • Decorative candles, boxes, vases;
  • Woven baskets;
  • Faience dishes;
  • Tablecloths and napkins embroidered personally;
  • Knitted blankets.

This kind of decorative components must be used in the interior of the room as reasonable and carefully! Otherwise, it is possible to get litterness and blessing in the house. It is important to feel the measure!

Do not forget! A large number of small bright elements And accessories will not be able to go well among themselves, hanging the room unattractive and sometimes even with a vulgar look.

Small photos and pictures, decorated with attractive frames, significantly revive the design of the room, not only the embezzlement, but also allocate comfort and comfort in the dwelling. No less attractive look in the house and decorative vases with flowers. For greater landscaping it is worth choosing for them warm colors And shades.

Flowers indoors

Sometimes, when the cozy residential room is cleaned, it is impossible to do without the use of colors, and it does not matter whether they will be decorative or real. Having created with the help of them beautiful bouquet Or simply placing them inside an attractive vase, you already endow the room with great warmth.

The vegetation in the house is capable not only in the advantageous light to emphasize the beauty of the room, but also to bring the maximum of bliss. In addition, inside will be much easier to draw and live.

The design of any home can change significantly after placing colors inside. For this, as a rule, use hinged shelves, window sills, coffee tables Or even the floor. Good mood, calm, comfort and joy - all this is achieved at the expense of indoor plants.

Lighting in the house

Well lit I. bright rooms It will be provided not only ease and simplicity, also due to this, a visual increase in the inner space will be achieved, so even a small room will begin to seem more attractive and cozy. Based on this, to choose lighting devices It is worth approaching with due attention!

Lamps and lamps on the walls and table will be presented as additional high-quality lighting and comfort and elegance in the room.

In order to create maximum comfort And atmospheric in the house is recommended to choose stylish high quality lamps.

Another one little secret Mirrors are located opposite windows. In this case, they will become good to reflect the light, bringing a certain charm in the dwelling.

Naturally, the kitchen after repair work will look pure and fresh for a long time. Nevertheless, even after careful repair and decoration, it may occur that in the interior does not take something. As you know, designer magazines are usually not given budget decisions Finishes, although tips that will help a lot of savings on repair, are present there in excess.

Hospitals that prefer to needle how to do everything with their own hands, such recommendations will be useful to all! Love knit, then excellent solution For you, it will be decorated with a kitchen with various exclusive and unique objects, such as homemade curtains, embroidered towels, stylish and bright tacks of tissue residues, knitted napkins, etc.

Such elements will bring the corresponding energy and comfort in the kitchen interior by making the room more organic and homely.

Do not hide the supplies in the lockers or for. Alternatively, you can put banks filled with pasta, beans or other croups, on a prominent place. If possible, leave some products as part of the design of the room design, for example, place a multi-colored bean and pasta inside the same bank. various shapes layers.

The kitchen will be transformed if you leave jars with salts, compotes or jam in the prominent place. To do this, it is better to use small banks of various shapes. Put the multicolored fabric over the covers and tie it with ribbon. Thus, it is also possible to bring a hob of comfort to the house and home atmosphere. Experiment with design options, color and contents of cans.

No less attractive will look at the kitchen interior and drochlets in the form of bouquets. Run the panel on the wall surface or place the colors inside the ceramic vase. The same way You can go with the bumps that are in a huge excess in any forest.

Ceramic pots and correctly placed in kitchen cabinets or on the shelves.

Take advantage of the councils presented, and you will see how your kitchen will be transformed from the boring and facing the room in something new and unique right on your eyes.

Thus, you bring your own hands to the house comfort, without any help and high costs. Make your home more beautiful, clean and comfortable without the need to purchase costly items of furniture, redevelopment and large financial investments. Get it at the expense of love for native, good mood, home hearth and caring about others.

Photo gallery

Cozy interior Pretty subjective concept. For each person, the criteria of the cozy interior will be different. Jointing in this issue is only the fact that this is a certain space in which you want to be and in which the mood rises, and bad thoughts and problems are moving into the background.

We will figure it out how to create a cozy interior and harmony in every corner of the house. Let's give a few ideas for the design of a cozy interior in the apartment. Just choose the one that I liked and embody!

"Cozy interior" - the concept is very extensive, it lies not only in a beautiful design, but also in the fact that the apartment reigns the order, all things lie in their places, and it smells pleasantly in the rooms. But, in addition, there should be harmony - the design should be designed taking into account the peculiarities of the living area and the taste of tenants.

All the interiors of houses and apartments are developed by the same principle, and everything begins with the fact that a person determines for himself how he wants to see his apartment.

How to create a cozy apartment interior

Children love to draw, and often on their paintings you can see the items and things about which they dream of. Adults are usually not engaged in such things, but in order to create a cozy atmosphere, you will have to "visualize" the desired.

Even if a person does not know how to draw, he must at least figure out the situation in which he wants to live.

The subconsciousness itself will tell the items that will need to be sure to place and even some details, for example, the color of the walls or chandel form.

It is from this that can be repelled, and to think over the combination of decoration of premises, furniture and decorative elements.

If there is no big experience in choosing materials and buying furniture, you can use one simple reception:

For each room you can choose your topic. For example, for the living room you can use sea, and for children - the topic of fairy tales. For the kitchen - the topic of the Parisian cafe. The living room and the kitchen can be chosen on your taste and order.

In this case, it will be easy to choose materials, as well as details that will elaborate and harmonize each other.

But "visualization" is only the initial stage. People who wonder: "How to make a room cozy and beautiful?", I must understand that any room in the apartment should be very convenient and functional.

Therefore, it will also be necessary to test zoning on paper and think about what items must be in the house. After that, you can choose the style in which the room will be decorated.

Cozy apartment interior - a selection of the most cozy styles

Registration in this style will create comfort in large rooms. Examples can be seen in Hollywood films. The space in the apartment should be free, but not empty. So, it is better to carry unnecessary partitions, but be sure to buy a large and comfortable sofa.

From the items that can be seen more often in such interiors, you can mark the fireplace, bar rack, a large chair or a rocking chair, as well as large stands and shelves, on which you can store all the details that create a homely atmosphere.

Those who want to make not only a cozy room, but also very beautiful design, can choose english style. It should only be noted that it will have to spend on it, because one of the main features - use only natural materials.

But if you can make three-level walls, purchase English massive furniture, chairs with "ears", and there is also a huge number of books - then this is a suitable option.


Despite the strange name, designers love this style. This is how comfort is created in German: simple finish, wallpaper in flower, wooden furniture, portraits in frames and embroidered things.


This style should choose to people for whom the word "comfort" is associated with the house of parents or grandmother. Amazing atmosphere is created due to the combination of new things with loss subjects.

Who has old furniture, you only need to renovate it and choose exactly vintage style For registration. Flowers in vases, tablecloths with fringe or ruffles and things from a flea market, transfer the owner of such a room into carefree childhood.


Previously, this style was chosen only for interior design in private country housesBut now it is used in apartments. Kitchen or living room with light furniture, wooden shelves, wicker baskets and lampsher, for sure will become a favorite place in the house.

This style is called "spiritual". Fans of France, lovers of lavender and turquoise color Choose it. The total color scheme is suitable for creating such a comfort even in the tiny room itself.

The greatest difficulty - you have to work with your hands: Alarm furniture, decorate with lace and ruffles, embrace lavender twigs on napkins and pillows. But the result is worth it.

This style is suitable for decoring a women's room or living room. The room becomes like dollhouse, but for romantic natures, the feeling of comfort creates light furniture, Textiles with floral motifs and items decorated with decoupage technique.


This is one of the most comfortable stylesHis feature is to combine things and objects of different eras. It suits people who were inherited many different beautiful things from grandmothers and even great-grandmothers, and who do not want to part with them.

All these items should find a place close to the latest models of technology, modern finish and with practical furniture.

Color gamut in the cozy room

If you look at how basically the interiors of houses and apartments are mainly decorated, you can see that only any details are bright, or individual parts of the room.

Basically dominate calm colors, or those that are often found in nature. It is such a color solution that creates a feeling of comfort.

You should choose a color gamut depending on the style, features of the room and your own preferences.

However, designers do not advise lovers of red or purple use these colors in large quantitiesSo exactly it is not possible to make a room cozy, on the contrary, the interior will soon begin to annoy.

The walls in the cozy room mainly have neutral shades, but furniture and textiles can be performed in the favorite colors of man.

Details without which you can not do

As you can see on numerous photos, a cozy room, designed with your own hands, has certain features. And also in the premises created first for comfort, you can always meet the same items.

Here are the details without which it is impossible to create a comfort:

Good lighting

The light can visually change any room, and the comfort is created with warm yellow light lamps. But not enough just to hang a beautiful chandelier.

The homely atmosphere will help create additional light sources, like, for example, sconce, flooring, or spot backlight.


It is textiles that makes the design finished. To improve the view of the dwelling, it is enough to change the items. For example, curtains or couplings of the sofa.

Mandatory attribute cozy room - Curtains on the windows. They can be light, or heavy. The main thing is that there were smooth folds and drapes.

The comfort is also associated with softness. Therefore, you can use various bedspreads, blankets, soft seats on the chairs and a pleasant to the touch fabric to upholstery.

And of course you can not do without decorative pillows! They can be used as an addition in any room.


Naked flooring It usually happens in the Hall of the theater or in the hall for dancing. But at home should be a carpet. This is not a very comfortable thing, because it constantly needs to be cleaned. But it is the carpet that creates a feeling of home. After all, a person is joined and walks on a soft coating.

In addition, you need to have small mats everywhere. In the hallway, the bathroom, in the kitchen and on the balcony - it also creates a comfort.


How nice to sit in a cafe at a table surrounded by greenery. It is plants that make it possible to feel the beauty of this world. And at the same time they raise the mood and enrich the room with oxygen.

Therefore, at home should be made at least a few room colors. If you do not want to take care, you can occasionally buy flowers and put them in vases. And now in stores sell various unfading bouquets.

Screens and various partitions

These zoning elements should be used carefully, so as not to clutter the space. But as it can be pleasant to change clothes behind the screen! Or hide behind it in a chair with a circle of tea.

These details also create comfort. In addition, if the guests suddenly grew, you can hide the dirty corner of the room behind the screen.

Cozy interior with handicaps with their own hands

The cozy room interior always has its face. It should be unique, reflecting the nature and habits of the people who live in it. The room should say that they live in it.

Put the photos on the bedside tables, hang pictures on the walls, place on open shelves books. The use of various baskets, boxes and other storage containers are welcome.

Also, the cozy interior says that he was created with love. Therefore, it is also worth decorating the room with objects made by your own hands.

What can I use:

  • hang paintings made in wood thread techniques;
  • hang panels made in batik style;
  • to put on the chairs covered with manually;
  • pillows decorate with pillowcases with embroidery.

It became very popular to decorate the house knitted parts, or things with decoupage elements. The main thing is to show a fantasy and make a room in which you will want to be constantly.

Even more modern and cozy interiors in our Instagram subscribe and get new go and inspiration!

P.S. Do not forget to put a heart under article;)

Not sure about the world, but my beauty saves me regularly. I love to find comfort in some pretty things, admire the details, look for magic in everyday life. I believe that for sustainable emotional state Any woman needs wonderful things around! This is a source of energy that many neglect, and very in vain.

Creation get comfortable In the house, you will notice how it became less irritable. Happiness - in the trifles, I am convinced of this once! I hope this selection will inspire you to decorate your world. In its taste, the kitchen is joyful to cook, and on bed linen with an extraordinary drawing of dreams calmer ...

How to make a house cozy

  1. Pay attention to the dishes that you use daily. We are customary to store the beautiful plates in the servants and take them only on holidays. But this is the pleasure - there is from beautiful dishes!
  2. The colors that surround you affect the mood. People prone to melancholy should be surrounded by bright, mounted objects of saturated warm shades, which cause pleasant associations.

  3. Once, Mom came to visit me and decided to cook his corporate dish in my kitchen. She noticed that in her house she was not so nice to bother - the kitchen is not so comfortable, there are no cute stuff, reviving the interior. This is what the items are!
  4. When you admire something from the soul and look at something delightful - it seems, you get better, thoughts brighten.
  5. Beautiful things will help not only at home, but also at work. My employee has a mug inside which a bright flower ornament. When she drinks tea, it makes a real act of beauty, boosting mood and productivity! After all, we are always better working if you are happy.

  6. Not necessarily to constantly buy expensive items, to houses were cozy. It is enough to buy something really spectacular once a year.
  7. Functionality is also important, and I appreciate items that combine style bright idea and practicality.
  8. When the cat is scraped on the soul, no better toolsthan switching attention. It is beautiful, cozy things help me to be distracted from painful thinking. Try, perhaps you will also have to do this idea!
  9. It is nice to buy luxurious interior items into your home, but even more pleasant - to give someone beautiful. I have a patterned brook in the shape of a turtle donated by a friend. I very rarely cast her to clothes, but it happens, just get out and see. It helps to cope with a bad mood.

  10. Any business can enjoy if approaching him with a soul. Here are such wonderful things that will be good assistants in culinary worries!
  11. We often do not notice the beauty of nature, there is not enough time to stop and admire the sunset. That's why natural elements So mounted designers. Plants and animals are an eternal topic to create furniture, dishes, bed linen, all sorts of household trifles.
  12. If the thing causes a desire to detain its view on it - it performs the function of aesthetic therapy. Pleasant glaze Details are capable of healing from neurosis and create a favorable atmosphere anywhere.
  13. Refuse to comfort - it means to deprive yourself. My house is my fortress, as they say.
  14. Tactile sensations are also very important. Some things want not only to admire, they want to touch them, while getting unforgettable sensations. To create a cozy nest, it is important to have several such samples in the interior.

  15. White color is a symbol of purity, paradise, holiday. If there is snow-white furniture, bedspreads, napkins, it seems that angels often come here.
  16. Caring for yourself, love for yourself manifests itself in how you make up your home. Remember that you need to appreciate every free minute, spend it with the maximum pleasure, and the pretty interior details will always help you!
  17. Watch beauty - the process of akin to meditation healing from bad thoughts.

Create your buzz In the house, and you will notice how life will be transformed!

The comfort in the apartment is very important for any family. However, create cozy atmosphere In your house is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. To do this, you need to pick up suitable interior And give it an appropriate atmosphere with various trifles. In this article we will share the ideas of creating home comfort in the apartment.

Creating a coziness in a small apartment

Create a comfort in an apartment with a small metro station is particularly difficult. After all, you need to find a place to place a lot of necessary things and furniture. It often happens that in one room you need to combine the place for receiving guests, work and recreation.

In such a room it is possible to create a cozy environment by separating it into the zone. It is necessary that these zones intersect as far as possible.

Big role in the interior one-bedroom apartment Playing a combination different flowers. Selection more light shades Allows you to visually increase the space in the apartment. Moreover, in such a room it is important to maximize the use of each square meter Square.

therefore good decision will become acquisition multifunctional furniture. It will be able to free the living space from unnecessary subjects and save space as much as possible.

Well, so that the furniture looked beautiful and stylishly, you can use a self-adhesive film.

Organization of cozy childish

The room for children must certainly be spacious and light. AND right decision With its organization there will be a refusal of severe and large-sized furniture. Of course, it is better to use comfort new furniture. But it is not necessary, because the old things and furniture items can be renovated in the style of the children's room with their own hands.

Baby will help make a cozy small parts. For example, you can put a pretty mat with a pattern on the floor or decorate the walls with illustrations from magic fairy tales. And of course, bright colors should be selected for its design.

Cozy living room

In the living room we encounter guests, as well as going with the whole family together. Therefore, the underlying condition for creating comfort in the living room is space.

All necessary things must be as compounded as possible and located nearby. Do not give up carpets in the living room, as they will help create a cozy room in the room. And the additional comfort of your house will give a carpet with a long pile.

Make the atmosphere of relaxing and homely help make pillows with decorative trim on the sofa.

It is worth paying attention to the smaller interior items: vases, paintings, tapestries, various crafts on walls and decorations, which will also help make a house cozy.

The most appropriate element of the interior, allowing you to create atmosphere atmosphere and heat in the house, is decorative fireplace. It can be bought in the store, but you can make it yourself. Torster S. high stand Also give the room a calm and cozy atmosphere.

The color gamut in the living room is desirable to withstand in bright colors. It will give the room visibility larger spaceAnd the interior of the room will make it easier. Best option In this case, the use of beige and white colors is to use.

Create comfort in the hallway

As a rule, things are stored in the corridor who have nowhere to hide. However, this feature of the hallway is possible to beat correctly. To do this, you can put special hangers, wall shelves and other devices. First, they carry a greater functional load, and secondly, the decor is created.

Another important point in the organization of the hallway is the correct selected furniture. Most often, the corridor in our apartments is narrow and long. Therefore, the most optimal solution - put a headset with several niches. To give the hallway, the atmosphere of comfort and heat in it can hang shelves with different trinkets.

Space in the corridor is possible to visually increase with a specially selected color Gamma.. The best option will be a combination dark flowers with light. So, long walls In the corridor, it is advisable to arrange in light tone. Well looks combination white color With dark, and beige with brown.

Creating an atmosphere of rest and rest in the bedroom

Creating comfort and peace in the bedroom is especially important. Therefore, it is worth buying furniture made from natural materials. To create a romantic and calm atmosphere, the bedroom is decorated with flowers. It should be remembered what to put in the room better flowers without smell.

For the wardrobe it is worth highlighting a separate area that will not touch the recreation area. It is desirable that the lighting in the bedroom is scattered.

Very good if the room will be covered with several sources. On the one hand, it will make it lighter, and on the other, will add stylish decor. And of course, to create a coziness to put a good carpet on the floor.

Among the colors at the design of the bedroom should prevail bedtime. Suitable light blue, heavenly, pink, beige and gentle green colors.

Creating a homemade spot in the kitchen

The kitchen should not look clumsy. Therefore, a large number of household appliances should be avoided.

The use of small decorative attributes is the most true way To create comfort in the kitchen.

Atmosphere homemade focus The kitchen will give objects of decor: various degrees of fruit, boards with decorative painting, fridge magnets, multicolored lace napkins. If there are not enough money, these items can be made independently.

For the design of the kitchen it is worth the maximum use of bright and saturated colors. For this perfectly fit red, orange, yellow, green and purple.

Any room in the house requires love and caring owner's hand. Therefore, take care of it, create warmth and comfort: Shave, decorate, make things with your own hands or buy ready-made. Remember that the house is the manifestation of your soul, taste and attitude to loved ones.