Sofa color - the best color combinations in a beautiful interior in the photo! How to choose the color of the sofa and armchairs for the living room? Color Plans Modular White Sofas for Modern Living Room

bright elements decor or pieces of furniture can "revive" the interior, regardless of the style of the housing itself. The sofa, as you know, has an important aesthetic value and it is often used to add a “zest” to the room. More and more modern designers are using bright sofas in the interior, because they not only refresh the room, but also make it more comfortable, having a beneficial effect on the well-being of residents. Therefore, when choosing such a piece of furniture, do not forget to take into account, in addition to comfort and functionality, its color.

Sofa with colored upholstery and interior style

To choose the right upholstered furniture, you should learn about color palettes, because during the arrangement of rooms, decorators are guided by special combinations of shades.

  • Monochrome. The furniture has a similar color to the decoration of the room, but the shades are different. For example, a room with green walls is well complemented by light green sofas.
  • Neutral. The walls must remain neutral, for example, white, brown, beige, gray or milky. Upholstered furniture also has a neutral shade, but a different color. A good combination is a gray sofa and beige walls.
  • Neutral interior with bright accents. Walls in neutral tones also make a good backdrop for a sofa. bright colors in the interior of the living room or nursery.
  • Bright interior and neutral sofa. If the room has walls in bright colors, then pieces of furniture in neutral colors will be a great contrast.
  • Combined. This option is suitable only for real experimenters, because such an interior will allow you to free your imagination by choosing bright walls colorful sofa. In this case, you yourself choose what color sofa to put. The main thing here is to make sure that the shades are well combined with each other.

Bright accents are provided in most styles, which allows you to freely purchase colored upholstered furniture:

  • Hi-tech - this style can be supplemented with a product of any color, especially if the selected item has chrome elements;
  • Boho - in such an interior, colored corner sofas of purple, blue or burgundy shades will look;
  • Kitsch - this style provides for the possibility of combining the incongruous, and therefore, you can choose furniture of any shade, not forgetting the neutral background;
  • Expressionism - a similar interior is well complemented by acid yellow or green colors;
  • Glamor - here you can not do without purple, raspberry or pink upholstered furniture.

What can be a living room with a bright corner sofa?

Of course, you should not limit yourself to corner models, but this is very a good option, which will help save space by increasing the number of seats. But it's not about that, it's about flowers. To create a cozy atmosphere, you need to maintain an overall balance, combining the color scheme of the room with individual accents. Therefore, it is worth considering in more detail some of the features of the most popular shades used in upholstered furniture:

  • Red. Red or burgundy sofas add tone to the inhabitants of the apartment, but if overdone, the room can turn out to be too aggressive, even slightly tiring. That is why a red sofa will look good against a beige or gray background, acting as a bright accent. To make red warm, it is complemented by decor in yellow tones, and cold can be obtained using silver or metal parts.
  • Orange. It is associated with inspiration, enthusiasm, creating the same effect as red, but softening it a little. Sofa orange color goes well with green or blue shades, it can also be combined with gray or beige.
  • Green. It is the embodiment of peace, promoting peace, restoring energy and favorably affecting vision. These properties allow the sofa to be used Green colour in the interior of any type, because it will add comfort by default. Olive or khaki looks good on a dark purple background, while rich green can be softened with lilac.
  • Violet. A rather ambiguous color, so it is very important not to overdo it, because its excess can inspire melancholy. However, a thoughtful interior with a sofa purple will add even a small room of aristocracy and luxury. This is a good choice for a neutral room, and will perfectly complement gray, light green or beige walls. It will look good in combined design along with orange, yellow or red hues.
  • Blue. Sofa use of blue color in a more neutral interior, it will make it a bright accent without attracting too much attention. He will feel great in the company of blue or gray walls. To add brightness, you definitely need an orange or yellow background. Although among such colors a blue sofa would look better.
  • Yellow. Yellow is considered the epitome of cheerfulness. This is a great option for positive people, it brings a sense of comfort and can repay any negativity. Such furniture will be a great addition to most interiors in soft colors. So a yellow sofa, in particular mustard color, will add warmth to the room. We must not forget that this furniture in bright colors can become the "hero" of the room, overshadowing the rest of the items.

Bright is always good idea, because they are able to enliven any room and will become an inexhaustible source of excellent mood.

In order to bring into the interior design in the living room bright colors it is not necessary to make drastic changes. It is enough to purchase a new sofa that will fill the room with iridescent colors.

AT modern design there is no room for boring and nondescript neutral shades in the interior. The perspective is behind the juicy shades. The sofa is an invariable attribute, so it is quite logical to “dress up” it to change the atmosphere in the house and create a new style in the room.

Of course, this option is not suitable for those who prefer classics and calm tones. But for those who love experiments and are ready to bring creativity to the decor, American-style sofas in red, yellow, orange, light green and other non-traditional colors will appeal to you. New sofa colorful shade is able to bring a holiday on weekdays, start a jet fresh air in traditional interior design.

Red sofa– what could be bolder and brighter? Bold, self-contained piece of furniture that needs no support. He will declare himself, he will dictate the mood and style direction. With the help of a red sofa, you can refresh the atmosphere in the living room, made in Asian style, eclecticism and even strict and cold Scandinavian. For such a juicy blotch, it is better to choose a neutral background. The decor can be in tone with the sofa or be completely independent and not support it in the palette.

is the sun in the house. Bright, slightly spicy, it will give a special chic to the room and creates a sunny mood. The lemon shade looks especially impressive. Certainly, light color requires careful treatment - any stains will be noticeable on such a sofa. More neutral, but no less interesting are other shades of yellow - mustard, copper, gold. Yellow looks great on a white background - this is how the horizons expand and the boundaries of the sun-drenched living room are erased.

Blue color, indigo and even electric - this is a modern mood, a way to stand out. a living room with such a sofa will never be outdated and boring. Such a sofa will easily fit even in classic design interior, but in this case it is advisable to choose a velvety upholstery material. And if you add a little gold to the decor, then this piece of furniture will look harmoniously in the Victorian style. A blue sofa will be an accent spot in a room with a nautical-themed interior design.

green sofa fills the room with spring freshness. Other bright colors go well with green, so decor and accessories can and should be used with such a sofa. Fresh flowers complete the composition.

White furniture, like clothes, shoes, is an ageless classic. Wherein white sofa in the interior, it stands out noticeably favorably against the background of the rest of the furniture. What do you need to know to choose the right one?

Some time ago it was believed that white furniture in general, it is an impractical brand, so only wealthy people could afford it. Now, all that remains is that such sofas look incredibly expensive, but at the same time, the improvement of materials and cleaning products has led to an increase in the life of the piece of furniture.

Designers differ on this point. The fact is that the shape of the sofa and the materials from which it is made are of great importance. At the moment, leather upholstery options are relevant as classical material, while fabric remained far in the past due to their fragility. You can use a fabric cover over the upholstery if the composition calls for it, but with rare exceptions it looks gaudy.

white sofa room design

A white leather sofa in the interior is a stylish solution!

Although some designers believe that plain light furniture ceased to be relevant, others hold the opposite opinion. Basically, such a split is due to the versatility of color and material. You will hardly find an interior style that a white sofa does not fit into. Classic is the most versatile way to show your style and taste. If you think that just leather looks boring, you can safely add bright accessories to match the rest of the environment - in this case, white is more versatile than classic black.

White sofa in the interior of the room

Chic white sofa in the design of the room

White sofas in the interior: what are combined with

In general, there are practically no restrictions on the combination of colors. The only thing to be careful with is other very bright hues close to white. So, leather sofa, white as a sheet of paper, will look strange with white cream-colored pillows. The rest is only limited by your imagination.

In the classic version, designers prefer to combine white sofas with dark walls. Here you can often find shades of chocolate, coffee, dark gray tones. At the same time, contrary to such colors, sharply added saturated colors- orange, red, yellow, green, juicy blue or blue. The fact is that in the classical construction of the interior, it is necessary to combine calm tones and add a bright accent, which in this case is a rich tone. It should be taken into account that against the background dark walls a white sofa will seem even whiter, and therefore you need to stop the accent on it and it is desirable to add some bright details in the form of pillows.

white sofa room design

White sofa in the interior of the room

Large white sofas in the room

A large white sofa will become not only a decoration for the room, but also an indispensable functional part. It will become the main piece of furniture, and therefore it is worth paying Special attention choice. There is an opinion that large sofas are allowed to be placed only in large rooms, but this is not entirely true.

First rule good shopping large furniture - these are measurements. First of all, no matter how much you want to buy a bigger and more impressive leather sofa, you need to consider what should remain enough empty space. Otherwise, a situation may arise when a beautiful expensive white sofa looks mean and miserable, hiding all the space and becoming very uncomfortable. It is a completely different matter - when there is empty space, in this case it acquires opposite properties. In the presence of air around, a large white leather sofa in the interior visually increases the size of the room. When in doubt, take a larger or smaller white sofa for small room buy a smaller one.

white sofa room design

The second rule of a successful purchase is the correct form. It all comes down to free space. If the shape of the product hides a place in an already cramped room, it will look ridiculous. At right choice shape and size, you will instantly feel the difference in the visual area.

White sofa in the interior of the room

Chic white sofa in the design of the room

Variety of shapes, colors and sizes

It sounds strange, but white can be different. The richness of shades is very large, and therefore light shades must be able to combine. Modern technologies also allow you to design many shapes different sizes, if desired and possible, you can order a white sofa at individual project. This is important if you are collecting an unusual interior.

white sofa room design

White sofa in the interior of the room

Types of leather sofas by design

The design of the sofa modern world You can choose absolutely any, even create your own. It directly depends on the functions that you want to get from the furniture. If you need compactness and ease of unfolding, a leather sofa book will do. If it is enough to have just a beautiful sofa, stop at a simple one with legs.

White sofa in the style of the room

white sofa room design

Modular white sofas for modern living room

Modular sofas occupy a special niche in the formation of the interior. They appeared in wide production a few years ago, but are rapidly occupying first positions.

Modular designs are quite convenient. Together with the main sofa in the set, you get a tabletop or pouffe, sometimes all together, and this is a functional part of the sofa. Also, when assembling, there are several options for how to arrange the parts of the sofa. That is, you have the choice of which side to make the corner part or longer. It is also convenient when moving the sofa to another place: in half an hour you can assemble the leather sofa in a different way.

Chic white sofa in the design of the room

White sofa in the interior of the room

An additional advantage is the ability to buy individual modules, and assemble a sofa of your own unique shape yourself. They are easy to assemble, easy to transport and you can always transform one of the parts into an armchair or pouffe.

Modular sofas are perfect for gathering large families and friends.

Chic white sofa in the design of the room

white sofa room design

White sofa and interior styles

There is no such style that "small black dress in the world of furniture. But it is important to apply it appropriately.

Where to put?

For a large room, it will be appropriate to place a white sofa in the center or near it. Thus, the size of the room is emphasized and the focus will shift to the sofa. If the room is small, it should be placed closer to the wall. For especially small rooms, but with the importance of the functional part of the sofa, you should choose a corner model.

Arrangement of the living room with a corner white sofa

Oddly enough, even in the center of the room, a corner white sofa can look relevant. However, for small ones, it is preferable to place either close to the corner walls with windows, or with one window - at opposite wall. Thus, the space will visually expand.

Chic white sofa in the design of the room

White sofa in the interior of the room

Advantages of white leather sofas

We can talk for a long time about the advantages of choosing white leather for the interior, but I would like to dwell on the most important.

  • Leather is versatile. So white sofa fit for any interior.
  • Leather sofas are durable. They are easy to care for and undemanding to the absence of dirt and dust.
  • White sofas are a classic. The classic does not get old and does not go out of fashion, and therefore the room will remain stylish for a long time.
  • Most importantly, a white sofa can be found at a low price.

white sofa room design

Chic white sofa in the design of the room

White sofa in the interior of the room

Sofas have become such an integral part of our lives that today it is difficult to imagine a living room without this interior element. On modern models, you can not only sit comfortably while watching your favorite movie, but also sleep, play with children and just be proud stylish solution for your home. beautiful sofas various designs will help transform the look of the home and wisely use its space.


The variety of sofas today is striking and somewhat disorienting. potential buyer. It is one thing to choose a model from five options, and another from a thousand. However, here it is important to calm down and not run after the first color you like, because the main goal right sofa- the convenience of its owner. The comfort of the model depends on one of the key factors - the folding mechanism.

It is worth noting that not every sofa is transformed into a sleeping place and has folding properties. For example, monolithic sofas find their purpose in offices, because a sleeping place for a working room is irrelevant, and therefore there is no need to overpay for it.

Yet if cushioned furniture selected for daily use at home, it is important to make a choice the following layout mechanisms:

  • "book";
  • "Eurobook";
  • "click-clack";
  • "tic-tac";
  • "accordion";
  • "roll-out";
  • "cot";
  • "dolphin";
  • "konrad".





tick tock

"Book", "eurobook" and "click-clack" are related mechanisms. Their feature is to lift the seat and pull it towards you. The back and seat are thus reunited and represent a large bed. More modern models are equipped with a click-clack mechanism. Unlike its predecessors, it has several positions, for example, reclining, and also allows you to create an imitation of armrests.

The accordion sofa is also included in the classic and familiar mechanisms, which are also quite reliable. The backrest in the assembled state consists of 2/3 of the bed, which, when pulled out, reunites with the third part and forms a comfortable bed.

The roll-out mechanism embodies ingenious simplicity. When the seat is pulled forward, all parts of the steel seat are pulled behind it, after which one part is placed on wooden frame. The clamshell French and American did not just deserve its name. The familiar folding bed extends from the seat and rests on strong iron legs. The disadvantage here can be considered a lower density of the bed.

In addition to comfort and convenience, preference is also given to some mechanisms because of their careful attitude to floor coverings. So, not wanting to constantly correct a carpet that has moved out or scratch linoleum or laminate, you should pay attention to the mechanism "tic-tac". Its seat does not extend, but rises, which eliminates any movement of the sofa parts on the floor. At the same time, the back of the model is placed in the vacated space and becomes a spacious sleeping place.

Beautiful name sofa "dolphin" is also not invented just like that. When assembling the sofa, part of the bed goes under the bottom of the seat, reminiscent of the dive of this graceful inhabitant of the seas. Sofa "konrad" - one of the most beautiful and comfortable mechanisms for sleeping. Parts of his bed, rolling forward, have in their arsenal spring block with orthopedic body support during sleep.

sofa "dolphin"

Sofa "conrad"

And if everything is clear with the mechanisms, then it's time to turn to another important point of a beautiful sofa - the choice of upholstery. Sofas can be divided according to this feature into two groups:

  • leather models;
  • fabric.

The first option involves the use of natural and eco-leather. Their price segment is vastly different, as is the wear resistance period. Natural models will serve long years without cracking and delighting with softness. Fabrics for upholstery of upholstered furniture in some cases have complex names, but their knowledge will help to acquire a quality model. Yes, most affordable option is a natural cotton that can last without any treatment for about 5 years.

If the model in your dreams should have velvety and comfort, best solution will become upholstery with flock, jacquard and chenille. If the sofa involves a complex, well-drawn print, it is best to use tapestry. Its weaving is made with a mixture of cotton, wool and synthetic threads. Arpatek is considered a luxurious innovation. This material resembles the texture of thin delicate skin, while consisting of a fabric web. The wear resistance of such models is incredibly high.

Velor upholstery

Tapestry upholstery

Arpatek upholstery

Jacquard upholstery

And in addition to fabrics and mechanisms, beautiful models have a different shape. For example, a corner sofa is perfect for placing a sofa in one of the corners of the room. If the sofa is located in the center, choose a classic model with armrests.

The most fashionable colors and materials

Designers this year tried to create not just beautiful sofas, and elements of comfort and warmth of the house. For example, important feature became smooth lines. The colors this season are also full of warm radiance in shades of wood, sand and beige. Stylish models today include several colors and textures. So, one of the most popular is natural wood with its characteristic pattern. In this case, almost everything is suitable for fabrics, for example, a vintage-style tapestry.

In addition to fabrics, designers consider leather to be very relevant. And if for some a leather sofa is associated with an office environment, experts offer combined models.

Color range of sofas for 2017:

  • red;
  • white;
  • plum;
  • graphite;
  • combination.

The last point is given special attention. Light and white sofas are decorated with contrasting pillows in the color of young greenery. Bright models, on the contrary, become more subdued due to accessories of a neutral shade.

How to choose?

Before going to the store in search of the most beautiful model it is important to decide on the purpose of its purchase. Sofas in the hallway, living room or nursery have completely different priorities in choosing, as well as purely individual sizes.

Before going to the store in search of the most beautiful model, it is important to decide on the purpose of its purchase. Sofas in the hallway, living room or nursery have completely different priorities in choosing, as well as purely individual sizes. You should start here with the living room. This room is considered the soul of an apartment or house, and the soul must be beautiful in everything. Both monolithic and folding sofas are suitable for the living room, if the living room also serves as a place for residents to sleep. So, before buying, it is important to measure the room and determine for yourself the desired size of the sofa, which will not embarrass the household and interfere free movement around the room. Today, almost every manufacturer offers to make furniture according to individual sizes, which is an indisputable advantage of modernity.

It is important to measure the vending model not only assembled, but also disassembled. For a cramped living room good choice will become compact and small sofas. A room not limited by strict frames will organically accept unusual models various forms. And if all the parameters agree, you can proceed to the inspection. High-quality models never creak, and the mechanisms work smoothly and effortlessly. It is good if each of the household can easily assemble and unfold the sofa. Convenient for all details will prevent breakage from incorrect and inaccurate layout. In the unfolded state, the entire structure should be as stable as possible.

And also soft creators of comfort can be successfully located in the hallway, because sometimes after a hard day's work you really want to sit down on something comfortable without taking off your shoes. A small sofa will perform this task as well as possible and will not take up much space, contrary to stereotypes.

Modern models for the hallway are performed:

  • in the form of soft banquettes without a back on carved legs;
  • small sofas with a backrest without armrests;
  • sofas with back with metal forged and wooden armrests;
  • in the form of a sofa with a folding bed;
  • in the form of an angle sofa
  • narrow sofa with practical drawers under the seat.

When choosing, you should focus on the shape and size of the hallway. A narrow and small rectangular hallway can only accommodate a bench. It is not recommended to load it with lockers and other details. Simple models in this case look more harmonious and lighter. square hallway makes you feel more comfortable corner model sofas and even a model with armrests. If this part of the apartment or house pleases with spaciousness, then a full-fledged sofa will turn the hallway into another place to relax.

But for a children's room, an important criterion, first of all, is safety. It shows up in everything. Environmentally friendly materials such as wood, rounded edges and a minimum of synthetics in fabrics will be the key to a successful purchase.

How to care?

When a sofa is bought and pleases the eye, you should not relax, because care is another key moment long service life of furniture. So, fabric upholstery is cleaned with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner every three days. This action allows you to remove daily dust, preventing its deep penetration into the fibers.

If visible contamination still appears, you should contact specialized means for cleaning upholstery, remembering common rules for all types of fabric:

  • all pollution are removed in the direction of the pile;
  • spilled liquid it is absorbed with a soft cloth, without rubbing the wet spot;
  • stain being processed from edge to middle.

Treat the skin and keep it presentable appearance- a tricky business. First of all, a leather sofa should not be closer to the batteries by more than a meter. This will prevent cracking of the skin. And on the leather model, it is not recommended to put your favorite colored rugs and capes, thereby preventing skin staining. Once every few days, such furniture is wiped with a dry soft cloth.

It is worth noting the need wet cleaning with microfiber once a month. Visible dirt can be removed with soapy water. After the procedure, the surface is wiped dry. If the spots are difficult to remove, the most smart decision will use special means for the skin.

Options in the interior

Today, the interiors of dwellings delight with the observance of a certain style, whether it be rustic or modern motifs. This leaves its mark on the design of sofas. So, The sofa model in the Provence style is made according to all the canons of the latest trends. The base and armrests in lacquered wood are perfectly matched with the floral printed fabric. The solidity of the model and the lack of layout makes the model a prototype of sofas from the era of French villages.

It often seems that the choice of furniture is a rather simple matter. But in the store, wandering among a huge number of samples, customers often get lost and, guided only by emotions and visual preferences, make a spontaneous choice, the fallacy of which is realized later, already at home.

This also applies to the choice of a sofa for the living room, which should be approached especially responsibly, since it is in the living room that we spend most of our free time and this room is the “face” of our house.

Now manufacturers offer such a variety of models and designs that it is very difficult to make an informed purchase. In order for your sofa to serve for a long time and fit into the interior of the living room as best as possible, it is better to follow some rules.

Sofas in the interior of the living room

Upholstered furniture in the living room should last a long time, so for starters, before buying a sofa, you should determine exactly how it will be used.

To relax, lie down with a book after a working day, take a short nap, sofas with soft seats and large pillows are suitable. Although they are not suitable for a full sleep, for this purpose it is better to choose special models with an orthopedic seat.

If there are small children in the house, or the living room is combined with the kitchen, then it is better to choose a sofa with a durable and reliable coating. And with frequent visits of guests, you should think about buying a set consisting of a sofa and several chairs.

In the event that it is planned to watch TV from the sofa, it is better to place it in such a way that the screen is visible to all viewers.

As for design and style, it is, of course, a matter of taste. The main thing is that your sofa is in harmony with the whole interior. Design solutions are now very diverse.

Variety of styles

Beautiful sofas in the living room can be created in absolutely any style, each of which has its own characteristics. For example, classic style implies calm tones and outlines. Sofas in the Baroque style have curved contours, carvings, and a complex pattern on the fabric.

The presence of a modern sofa in the living room suggests its functionality and simplicity, clear forms, practical materials. The same applies to the minimalist style.

Variety of shapes and sizes

The choice of a sofa according to these parameters will be made depending on the characteristics of the room. In apartments and rooms different layouts and square the same sofa will look different.

Color solution

It is very important to pay special attention to the color and pattern of the fabric. If the color is chosen unsuccessfully, then even the most expensive sofa can break out of the general context. It is best to play on contrasts, avoiding tones that are close to each other.

This year, a rather saturated color palette of upholstery fabrics is becoming popular: you can choose bright and saturated wine shades, shades of classic beige, cheerful yellow, saturated green.

You can always show creativity and complement the color with details to your taste - throw on a soft blanket of a contrasting color, spread out bright pillows. These individual details will enliven the interior, add color to the entire living room.

The material with which the sofa is upholstered should also be carefully looked at. After all, sofas in living rooms are usually used very actively and must withstand numerous guests, tea parties, children's games, running around of pets. The material must be strong and durable.

Folding sleeping sofas are not uncommon in living rooms. If necessary, they are easy to transform and get an extra bed. Not folding are intended only for rest. Differ sofas and spaciousness.

When choosing a sofa in the living room, it is important to understand what design you need. Below is a list of the main sofa designs:

  • small decorative sofas
  • modular sofas for living rooms, consisting of several segments, make it possible to arrange them in various combinations.
  • built-in sofas ideal for small spaces
  • sofas with niches for storage are suitable for a small living room
  • sofas - banquettes, often with storage boxes, for location in non-standard places, for example, under, or in a small niche.
  • an excellent solution for a small living room will be, which will allow you to use the maximum area.
  • in the spaciousness of a large living room, an ensemble of a sofa and armchairs will look great. The items of the set will complement each other and at the same time be able to structure the entire space.
  • The advantage of such sets also lies in their mobility - the chairs are easy to rearrange, if necessary, move to the window, or closer to the floor lamp, or put together around the coffee table.

The kitchen combined with the living room is the perfect solution

The kitchen-living room usually requires zoning, for which the sofa is ideal. If you install it approximately in the middle of the room and turn it to face away from the kitchen half, it forms a separate and independent recreation area around itself.

Corner sofas are also great for dividing the space between the kitchen and living room. When installing corner sofa in the center of the room, one part of it serves as a natural "separator", and the other goes to the recreation area.

Important! So that upholstered furniture does not absorb odors and does not deteriorate from soot, it must be placed away from the stove.

Exclusive sofa options

If you want to add luxury to the living room, you can choose and order an exclusive luxury sofa.

What is remarkable elite sofas:

  • they have exceptionally comfortable, anatomical, elegant forms.
  • The manufacturer gives a guarantee for many years. Elite furniture can serve for decades, or even more (on the example of rare antique pieces).
  • usage natural materials for upholstery and decor - silk, velvet and others.
  • refined finishes, often handmade.
  • the presence of additional options, for example, massage mechanisms, lighting.

An individual approach to the design and engineering of such sofas ensures that your product will be made in a single copy and strictly in accordance with your preferences.

Such furniture is created by professionals, which allows you to be born amazing product that combines beauty, elegance, quality.

In the elite category also appear and modular systems, allowing you to build a shape and space according to the tastes of the owner. The modular sofa is easy to place in the interior of the living room, moving and combining its individual elements with each other, creating a variety of spatial options.

What to pay attention to?

The location of the sofa in the living room largely depends on the architectural features of the room itself. There are no clear rules in this regard. Only general recommendations can be given:

  • very convenient if the TV is clearly visible from the sofa.
  • the sofa should not block window, doorways, aisles, radiators, impede access to cabinets, shelves, etc.
  • if it is planned to put in the living room folding sofa, you need to calculate in advance the space required for this option.
  • the most optimal dimensions sofas 42 cm (sofa height) x 80 cm (seat depth). The back should be no higher than eye level.
  • before buying, be sure to ask about the composition and properties of the filler, evaluate the degree of elasticity, stiffness and / or softness of the seat.
  • in the trading floor, in order to finally decide whether this is your option, sit, lie down on the sofa, so you can better manage its comfort.

Happy shopping!

Photo of sofas in the living room