Living room in classic style: design tips with photos. How to create a living room design in a classic style

Modern classic is the perfect style for those who do not want to give up the usual combinations and forms of traditional styles, but at the same time, in modern times. The combination of something old and something new in the framework of one living room gives a unique opportunity Get in moderation strict and refined, but not a boring interior.

Modern classic - perfect choice for the living room

Modern classic style today is at the peak of popularity, because it offers so attractive pictures that it is almost impossible to abandon them. This direction can be called intermediate between extravagant and creative modernity and traditional classics - with all its conservatism and aristocracy.

The combination of the best features of these two directions give birth unique in external attractiveness and functionality of the living room interior, which becomes the central part of the apartment or at home attracting all households.

IMPORTANT! As if at the junction of trends, the modern classic allows you to change the design of the living room under your mood: a couple of pictures in the luxury frames will give the interior of rigor, but the modern table of the original design - on the contrary, refreshes and rejuvenates the room.

Most often, modern classics attracts people prone to compromise and preferring a simple, but exquisite conciseness in everything. Straight lines and clear boundaries in this direction are combined with original decorative elements, a creative approach to the choice of materials and more bold finishing solutions.

Selection of color and materials for finishing

Contemporary Classic Touching Simple and Flexible color combinations. Such an interior is impossible to confuse with some other due to its tint inexpressiveness and pallor: in priority, all shades of beige, gray, cream, khaki, whipped milk are perfect gamma for the most neutral space for the place.

The living room in such a color becomes an excellent background for the decor, which is allowed to be a little brighter. Most often, precisely from the decor and set up important accents and the general mood is created in the living room: designers are quietly using such complex colors as coral, chocolate and turquoise.

To finish the living room in the style of modern classics allowed to use both natural and artificial materials. For example, the use of laminate instead natural parquet There will be no violation of all norms and rules, especially provided that the drawing and tone of the coating will be optimal for a particular living room.

And the small carpet of the sofa will not only create an extra comfort, but also perform the function of the zoning tool: allocate the recreation area in the living room.

Tip! Any imitation should look perfect: if laminate is used instead of natural parquet, then there should be no doubt about his quality and goodness.

The walls in the modern living room are drawn up in different ways: some designers prefer to see the walls as an ideal background for furniture, others - make them meaningful details of the interior. In the first case, the optimal choice will be simple painting In the most neutral tone, and in the second, complex wallpapers with a pattern or ornament will fit, and the use of moldings for the placement of accents, and painting on plaster, and wooden panels.

For ceiling design, you can use original solutionscreating a special mood: multi-layered plasterboard structures, Stretch matte canvases, gypsum sockets and moldings, stucco. Against the background of such a ceiling, a complex chandelier with a refined lampshade will be especially elegant.

Furniture for the living room in the style of modern classics

The key role in this interior is played by the furniture, because it is exactly the tone of the entire room. It is important not to overload the room with superfluous details, especially if the room is no different large square. The furniture should be exquisite, kind and practical so that each element of the ensemble in the living room played its important role.

Decor and light: Harmony of classic forms

In the matter of decorating the living room in the style of modern classics, designers recommend to adhere to moderation and act according to the principle "not harm." The abundance of the decor can spoil even the most thoughtful classic interior, even if the decor itself is exquisite and luxurious. Of course, the number of details is not negotiated, but each designer understands that dozens of statuettes on the shelves are too bright for the classics.

IMPORTANT! Ensure antique things and family values \u200b\u200bat the bottom - not the best solution for creating a harmonious living room image. It is better to limit the laconic decor that imitating the classics.

Key decorative element - This is a textile that there should be a lot. Curtains made of silk, jacquard or atlas with complex lambrequins and brushes will be the perfect decoration for windows. From similar tissue sew pillows on sofas and armchairs, capes on puffs. At the same time, preference is given to a monophonic material or tissue with a non-non-zerk ornament, which will not complicate the image of the living room.

Painting is often used as a decor in such a room: several paintings in complex frames will be revived, but will not turn the room into the museum. No less effectively looks like a mirror in the original frame: this element of the decor is also used for visual expansion of space.

In the photo: living room design in classic style

1. Classical symmetry in the arrangement of furniture and decor items

In the photo: An example of a neoclassical living room design with symmetric lines

Classic living room interiors do not tolerate chaotic furniture alignment and decor elements. Symmetry is one of the main principles that are guided by the classics and neoclassic. Therefore for classic interiors Many items are better to buy in two copies: a pair of sconce, flooring, chairs, etc. The interior of the living room, presented above, clearly demonstrates how the principle of symmetry is implemented in practice. Here on both sides of the sofa there are small consoles with absolutely identical desktop luminaires.

2. Classic zoning - selection of zones with furniture

13. White and Golden Beige

In the photo: in the design of the kitchen-living room on a white background, gold accents are used

In the classics, the shades of gold are especially valued. However, they are used there very moderately, usually in the form of accessories. The classic style living room in the photo above serves as an example of a successful combination of white and golden shades. In this interior, the golden palette is muted, so it does not cause dissonance and feelings of shockful luxury.

Furnishing classic living room

The classic in the interior of the living room is formed and with the help of appropriate furniture. As a rule, these are sofas, decorated with "kareny" screed, built-in wardrobes with laconic facades, glass inserts and sometimes pilasters. Furniture for classics and neoclassics should be very high quality. Ideally, for its manufacture, it is necessary to use exclusively natural and durable materials like oak or larch. After all, the classic is usually created with the expectation for a long service life. Do not forget about antiques. The interior of the classic living room objects with a rich history can give a special charm.

14. Sofas and Chairs Chesterfield in the living room

In the photo: An example of the design of the living room in English style with Chesterfield furniture

Chesterfield sofas and chairs are associated primarily with English classics. Such furniture is distinguished by special respectfulness. No wonder it is often used in the furnishings of the cabinets of British lords. Chesterfield sofas and armchairs can be recognized by screed and high armrests passing into the back. Upholstery can be both leather and textile.

15. Bookcases and racks

In the photo: living room design with built-in bookcase

Bookcases that many of us have already forced to forget modern gadgets, you can find use in the interiors of living rooms in a classic style. In the end, the presence in the house of a small library may lead to someone from the representatives of your family love for reading. Fears that the bookcase will deprive you valuable square meters, devoid of foundations. In the end, you can always use narrow built-in racks that "do not claim" to your area.

16. White consoles and tables

Figure: In the design of the living room in the style of light classics, a table and a white console

Consoles, tables and other small-sized furniture in classic living rooms have a sufficiently specific configuration. On the one hand, the elements of furniture in the classics are characterized by simplicity, on the other - borrowed from the French interiors with grace. Tables and consoles usually have long curly legs. As for the palette, the preferences are given to bright, and often white, furniture, although, of course, there are models of other colors.

17. Antiques

In the photo: Example of living room design with antiques

Modern ideas presented in the photos of the interiors of 2017 will promote the use of classic antiques in the design of classic living rooms. The tables of the Nikolaev era, the console, who once decorated the palaces of St. Petersburg nobility, the chairs of the early 20th century - all these objects of the situation successfully fit into the classics, giving it similarity with the interiors from the past.

18. Open bookshelves along the fireplace

In the photo: An example of living room design with fireplace, on both sides of which are book racks

If there is no place for a large bookcase in the interior of the living room in the classic style, then you can restrict ourselves to the built-in racks, which requires a lot of space. Shelves with books are now often placed on both sides of the fireplace portal. You can find a place for them in the TV zone.

19. "Kareny" screed in furniture

In the photo: Design of a neoclassical living room with a "kareny" tie in the finishing of upholstered furniture

Screed in the upholstery of upholstered furniture is one of the most common decorative solutions found in classic living rooms. This reception, also known as the "Capile Effect", adds a sofa zone of texture and volume.

20. Furniture from expensive breeds of natural wood

In the photo: living room design with wooden furniture

On the furniture for the classics is not customary. The same cabinets, dressers and tables intended for the arrangement of classic interiors, despite their laconic design, can not cost cheaply. After all, this furniture is manufactured most often according to individual parameters and from expensive natural wood.

21. Furniture upholstery with floral ornaments

In the photo: In the upholstery of upholstered furniture in the living room used floral patterns

Classic, both in its traditional and lightweight modern interpretation, loves monophonic solutions. However, this does not mean that some pictures and patterns should be avoided. The upholstery of the sofa and chairs do not have to be monophonic. Among the photo interiors in the classic style in 2017, compositions are often found, where in the upholstery of upholstered furniture, a material with floral patterns is used.

How to revive the interior of the living room? Classic decoration

The decor of the classic style is usually quite conservative. Here are certainly there are expensive crystal chandeliers placed in stucco sockets. The composition of the painting, candlesticks, vases with flowers are completed. In classic living rooms, of course, it is difficult to introduce modern posters, an abundance of metal surfaces or plastic. But here the columns are organically looking at the architectural elements that have come down to us from deep antiquity. Fireplaces are almost always installed in classic living rooms. Thinking the decor of such premises, do not forget about moderation. The classic does not tolerate excesses. Therefore, for the design of the classic interior, there is usually enough pairs of lamps, paintings over a fireplace and selected in Textile tone.

So, in 2017, the following decorative ideas can be found in the interiors of living rooms in a classic style:

22. Stucco on the ceiling

In the photo: design kitchen living room with ceiling stucco

The elements of stucco preferably decorate the ceilings. So, in the design of classic living rooms, high stucco cornices are often found, designed to visually slightly increase the height of the room. Supplies stucco and outlet under the chandelier.

23. Luminaires in the form of spotlights on tripods

In the photo: An example of a living room interior with lamps in the form of spotlights

Luminaires on tripods, resembling spotlights, can not be called the characteristic elements of the classic style. They can equally decorate themselves both neoclassic and loft or art deco. The classic interior flooring-spotlights give a note of modernity. Such constructions do not lose space and quite harmoniously fit into a strict classic, where everything is initially subordinated to the rules of symmetry.

24. Carved platbands doors

In the photo: living room design with doors framed by carving

The doors of the classic living room can remind this work of art. A true masterpiece needs an appropriate frame. Therefore, if you use in the living room door with complex carvings, patterns and stained glass, you will have to take care of the decoration of the platbands framing door box. In the classic living rooms for decoration of door frames are often used wood carving techniques.

25. Fireplace in a white portal

In the photo: living room design with fireplace in a white portal

The living room design in the classic style is difficult to imagine without a fireplace. As for the portal under the hearth, it usually has a laconic strict form. In modern interiors, classic, often occur white fireplace portalswhich are quite universal, as they harmoniously fit into almost any space, regardless of the selected color palette.

26. Mirror in Golden Baguette

In the photo: An example of living room design with a mirror in a golden baguette

Many of us are well known useful property Mirrors, as the ability to visually increase the space, improve its illumination. In the interior of the classic living room, a mirror surface can be decorated with facet. However, if you use a simple mirror, it will have to be placed in a massive baguette. As a rule, a golden shade frame becomes in the classics of this framed for the mirror.

27. Busts and figurines

In the photo: living room design with bust on pedestal

In one of its recent house design projects with antiques, Olga Kondratov studio specialists used busts and statuettes as decor. The use of these decor elements was predetermined by classics. It is this style that serves as a good platform for the use of busts and statuettes.

28. Columns

In the photo: Example of living room design with black columns

Another characteristic element of the decor of the classic living room. Columns help organize space. In the living rooms they are often used as zoning elements. In the design of the house they can, for example, play the role of support for the stairs. However, do not forget that far from every living room columns look organically. Under these architectural elements, high ceilings are needed and, ideally, spacious premises. If your living room is limited in area, you can use pilasters to enhance its classics.

29. High white bivalve doors

In the photo: living-dining room design with double doors

High white bivalve doors with glass inserts can be safely attributed to the number of elements by which the classic is recognized in the interior of the living room. Presented in the photo above the living-dining room in the house serves the best thing confirmation. Here, with the help of such doors, a whole road anfilade is built.

30. Pilastres and moldings in the finish

In the photo: An example of an interior of a neoclassical living room with moldings and pilasters

In the classic style decoration, moldings and pilasters are often used. They make the space more organized, emphasize the symmetry of the lines. Pilasters are perceived in some way as lighter and miniature copies of columns that are associated with classics.

31. Finish from a natural tree

In the photo: An example of a living room interior with a trim from a natural tree

In the classic living rooms, such as in the photo presented in the photo above, it is sometimes used to finish from a natural tree. This is especially true for country houses. Wooden walls can be brought into space a few motives of country style, without violating, while, classical compositions.

The classic does not cease to be fashionable. Living room interiors in this direction are created to emphasize high level Life, the subtlety of taste and the perfection of the style.

Photo of living room interiors in classic style looks great. They are associated with family comfort, pleasant holiday, aesthetic. Everyone in the living room welcomes guests, resting, is engaged in his loved business. It feels harmony, comfort, luxury.

Distinctive features of the classic living room style are:

  • symmetry;
  • calm;
  • the predominance of a soft color palette;
  • absence of technology;
  • expensive furniture;
  • unique decor in the form of paintings, fireplace, columns;
  • naturalness of finishing;
  • exquisite textiles;
  • the presence of unique accessories (mirrors, porcelain statuettes, boxes, candlesticks).

It looks good classic in the living rooms with a high ceiling. The room itself should not be big. If necessary, it can be expanded by mirrors.

As for the finish, the floor should be covered by a parquet of modern laying of the "deck" type or the "Christmas tree". Color is selected under the style. Ideally, there will be a black parquet of valuable wood wood.

Tip: Pay attention to the carpet. It will complement the floor covering, will save from the "Museum", will make the living room cozy and comfortable.

Walls are recommended to be saved with a vertical pattern. It can be wallpapers in pastel colors, harmonizing with the overall setting. You can perform non-standard wall decoration, for example, gypsum sockets or wooden panels.

Pay attention to the ceiling. It should be light to visually increase the height of the walls and create a feeling of free space. Sophistication will give pilasters, stucco, art painting, friezes.

Furniture in the classic living room

The classic interior of the living room is characterized by the predominance of high-quality wooden furniture from valuable wood. Large sofas, sofas, non-standard cabinet furniture, functional dressers are made under the order. They are manufactured mainly from the following materials:

  • velor;
  • marble;
  • skin;
  • nut;
  • bronze and gold-plated metal;
  • mahogany;
  • velvet;
  • cherry.

Intrigue looks like furniture objects with stone and metal inlays, as well as decorated with carvings. As a upholstery, it is recommended to use monophonic expensive fabrics. If it allows the living room design, you can order furniture with floral upholstery. Sofas, puffs and chairs, made of leather, give the room the refinement, majesty, grace, than profitable classic style.

Not used in the design of a stylish classic living room a large amount of technology. This does not mean that it is worth abandoning the functionality. The correct selection of furniture is able to hide the plastic cases and the instrument buttons from prying views. Here the drawers, closed lockers, niches, shelves, partitions come to the rescue.

Tip: Make a special connector in the wall for the air conditioner, for a computer - retractable block. So you will solve the problem of "eye contact" and save the free space.

Contact for help to experimental designers, View photos of the repairs performed by them, decide on the details of the classic style and proceed to work. Designers will pick up suitable modern accessories and stylish comfortable.

The design must be thought out to the little things in advance. This will allow rationally to choose decorating elements in the form of portraits of celebrities, landscape paintings, family photos. Do not forget about the device in the interior of the living room in the classic style of the fireplace, because It, thanks to the modern fireplace shelf with expensive vases, souvenirs, gilded as part of the photo, can become a focus center.

Lighting design in classic living room

The classic living room interior is not possible without lighting. Do not save on the lamps. Hang a beautiful massive chandelier in the center of the room. It is best if it is decorated with gold-plated, silver or crystal pendants. Lamps must be made of classic wrought-iron parts and placed around the perimeter of the entire living room.

A large number of candlesticks is a classic. You can give an antiquity room using original point lED lamps and wall bras. They will make a highlight to the classic style of the living room, creating the intimate space, and give some charm to the interior.

Selection of color gamma

Classic - style in which strict symmetry is observed, harmonizing the decor items, the correctness of the forms, creative design. As the classic style living room is intended for a full-fledged holiday, it is worth choosing the interior with the predominance of the following shades:

  • golden;
  • pale pink;
  • light yellow;
  • black;
  • scarlet;
  • sandy;
  • white;
  • olive;
  • light green;
  • cream;
  • brown;
  • purple;
  • ivory.

The selection of the color palette should be treated seriously. It is necessary in the tone of the furniture so that the room does not turn into a "screaming" museum of paints. Patterns are perfectly looking at the interior items performed in warm non-trim tones. Refuse wallpaper purple, yellow, bright pink and orange colors.

Ideally combine gilded details on light wood furniture with white painting ceiling and walls. Enjoy popular combination in the design of burgundy, bronze colors and a shade of mahogany. Green and brown colors are perfectly harmonized with pastel colors.

Fabric design in the living room

Special attention is paid to the selection of textiles in the classic style. In the interior it is impossible to use cheap tissues. Best purchase:

  • velours;
  • lace;
  • velvet;
  • light flowing tulle;
  • atlas;
  • taffeta;
  • jacquard;
  • parce

Heavy curtains with lambrequins, expensive curtains and beautiful modern eaves look good. Such a design perfectly emphasizes the luxury of the classic style. Not appropriate to use transparent curtainsbecause This is an option of simpler styles.

Tip: Use the curtains only in combination with tulle. So you give the completion of the interior.

Fabrics for furniture upholstery must be harmonized with interior textiles. It is good to use the same type of fabric as for Gardin.

The interior of the classic style living room must comply with a geometric shape, i.e. The room must be spacious and look either rectangular or square.

Once, crossing the threshold of a modern living room, anyone, even nothing understands in art, should notice the perfect room design in combination of absolutely all items (whether furniture, decoration, textiles, accessories) and see a holistic impressive atmosphere of space.

Classic living room rules

To properly draw a living room, you should follow the following rules:

  • creation of a composition (semantic center);
  • giving the interior functionality by the method of zoning space;
  • pressing the completion style with decor.

The main task is to properly arrange the semantic center, the essence of which is to attract guests. In large living rooms, you will need to create several such centers, for example, near the fireplace, TV, recreation areas.

When the semantic center is only one, it is necessary using zoning to highlight the areas of leisure, communication, tea drinking and others. Good combination - Grouping furniture with the possibility of preserving free space.

Split the living room on the zone using various partitions, scenery, lighting, multi-level ceiling, successful furniture alignment. Dominant in the interiors of living rooms in the classic style can be unusual options Finishes, architectural elements in the form of mosaic, stained glass, canvas, painting and works of art (niches, columns, arches). It is important that these scenery merge with decorating elements and fit into common style premises.

  • high quality finishing materials;
  • restraint of tones;
  • lack of "screaming" color scheme;
  • giving the interior of harmony, completeness, integrity;
  • no extra scenery;
  • the predominance of a white palette with blue, beige, lightweight shades;
  • luxury style (underlined by stucco, sculpture, lacquered coating, gilding);
  • harmonious furniture.

Finishing work starts with the design of the ceiling, making it in white color. The walls need to be monotonously painted either to salary wallpaper.

An important element in the living room interior of the classic style has lighting. A huge chandelier with silver or gilded decor is welcomed. Living room design in not accepting plastic windowsbecause They spoil the harmony of style.

Curtains to better choose lush, with modern decorative decorations. In addition, it is necessary to have elegant tulle.

The classic living room is the main center room, which is intended not only for the free time of family members, but also for meetings of guests.

In the living room performed under the classics, nice to relax. In addition, it appears the opportunity to work in creativity and express yourself, aligning a pleasant with useful.

Since the basis of the classic style is rationalism and logic, the living room should look expressive and at the same time combine pompous forms, restraint and monumentality. You can implement it into reality using the arch design in the interior design, elongated windows, rectangular furniture forms, antique ornaments, bas-relief.

13.07.2017 Read for 11 minutes.

Classic style in modern design interiors plays one of the leading roles. He often soloits, sometimes "acts as a duet" with Ar-Deco, modern and even the loft. This style is associated with solidity, sufficient, steadily high position in society. The classic is optimally suitable for the design of the cabinets and living rooms. This style in modern interpretation can also be safely used in the design of children's rooms. So you contribute to the formation of your child good taste.

Today we will talk more about how the classic is implemented in the interiors of the living rooms. What features can you immediately determine what is the classic style before you? What conditions need to be observed in order to get the most noble classics, and not a cheap fake? Answers to all these questions, as well as a list of finishing materials, furniture and decor necessary for the classic interior, you will find in this review.

Living room in classic style. Photo after repair

In the photo: the design of a beige cuisine-living room in a classic style. Stock Foto After repairing an apartment

Repair of living rooms in the classic style begins with redevelopment. You can attach kitchen or dining room to the room, which is especially important for small apartments. The classic is still more presentable in large spaces with high ceilings. Therefore, when repairing a classic living room, it is important to take advantage of all available ways to increase living space: joining the loggia, parts of the corridor or all the same kitchen. Particularly lifting the room will help wide eaves that come to the ceiling, enlarged door portals or a dark floor contrasting light walls.

1. Living room with fireplace and stucco in decoration

In the photo: Fireplace and stucco in the decoration of the classic style

And one of the main elements of this interior composition is the decorated stucco lush fireplace. A significant part of the placement of the room occupies upholstered furniture, upholstered with textiles with a typical pattern characteristic of the classics. Looking at such an interior, the era of Pompadour and Maria Antoinette inevitably recalls. The grace, characteristic of French houses and mansions of that time, here is embodied here in the suitable bends of molding moldings, and in the forms of upholstered furniture with a screed, and in gently falling folds of golden curtains.

2. Shades of orchids in the interior of the living room

In the photo: Design-project living room in classic style in a 2-bedroom apartment

In the photo: Light living room in the style of classic

Sofas with a capitone effect, beige Walls With the inserts of a fashionable shade of cream-brulee, large floor clocks, made using the bleeding equipment of ivory, this spacious light lounge serves as an example of classics in its clean and modern view. The interior would seem to be hung between the two era: the XIX century with its aristocratic salons and the XXI century, where the rate is on comfort and practicality.

Features of modern living room interior design in classic style

As we know, initially classic style relied on antique forms and solutions. But in the modern world, the classics also borrow the experience of the XVIII - XIX centuries, and therefore elements of the baroque and an amp can be present in it. The classic living room is characterized by an expensive and magnificent finish: panels of boousers, moldings, plaster stucco. The furniture is good here, antiques can be used. The mandatory attribute of classics is a huge, often multi-tiered, palace chandelier with suspensions. In this style, the lambrenes are admissible, which in other directions have already practically come out of use. If we are talking about a living room in a private house, then there is no compulsory a fireplace as a symbol of homemade heart and continuity. As outdoor coatingAs a rule, a parquet is used, which in neoclassic can be replaced with modern laminate.

4. Parade doors and moldings

In the photo: living room interior in classic style with moldings in wall decoration

The design of the doors in classic living rooms is given due attention. As a rule, these are bivalve structures, enlarged. In the interior presented in the photo, the door interior is decorated on the same principle as the walls with moldings. Such a solution gives space volume.

5. Molding cornices

In the photo: An example of living room design with stucco ceiling eaves and green curtains

As we have already spoken, wide eaves concerning the ceiling very positively affect the visual perception of space: due to them, the room seems much higher than it is in reality. So in this little living room located in the apartment, white ceiling plinths help to visually increase the room in height. Pull the space and narrow pilasters.

6. Parade chandeliers with suspensions

In the photo: classic golden chandeliers in the classic living room decor

The classic living room is difficult to imagine without a lush chandelier like those lamps that in the past century, the ballrooms were decorated. Preferences are given to models resembling candlesticks. Multi-tier chandeliers can be used in rooms with high ceilings.

7. Column in the interior

In the photo: a column with a mirror and flutes in the design of the living room

For the classic living room column - this is the same ordinary and constant phenomenon, as for the ar-deco mirrors with facet. Purpose of it architectural element It lies not only in the decoration of space. Columns are often used as zoning elements. An example of such a planning solution is the interior of this living room with angular sofa Vintage pink shade. Here the column with a mirror insert shares the two functional areas of the living room and kitchen.

Light beige tones in the interior design of the classic living room

If we talk about the color palette, then in the classic unconditional favorite is beige. All shades of gray and chocolate gamma are also popular. But the light palette is not limited to only the familiar shades of the nude. Creamy, cappuccino, coffee with milk, cream-brule, vanilla ice cream - playing all these tones, you can create an original composition.

8. Shades of cream-brule in the classic style

In the photo: Bright classic living room with camp brew tones

Shades of air and light cream-brule create in the room a warm atmosphere, which, as if fresh fragrant baking, envelops you with home comfort. Such tones are associated with delicate desserts and festive tea drinking.

9. Creamy Tones and Dark Gray Accents

In the photo: Interior of the kitchen-living-dining room resolved in creamy tones

Creamy shades visually make the room of this kitchen-living room more spacious. You can dilute such a monochrome range can be a bright accent. For example, a carpet with a red London bus in the picture. Designers GC "Fundam" also added some dark gray tones, which act as contrast for the bright gamut.

10. Banananovo-peach gamma

In the photo: living room in warm banana-pearl shades

Pompous classic with her crystal chandeliers, glass windows of cabinets with stucco and lush sofas in the style of Palace Madame Pompadour may look very warm and cozy if you choose the right color gamut. In the interior in the photo, designers use a banana-peach palette, which the rays of daylight are forced to sparkle pearl gloss.

11. Shades of vanilla ice cream in the living-dining room

In the photo: shades of vanilla ice cream in the design of a classic living room

Warm shades of vanilla ice cream cause pleasant allusions, bringing memories of the summer evening in a city park or branded confectionery, where the pieces of marzipan are buried in chocolate glaze, and the multicolored beads of ice delicacy are waiting for their turn in order to be packed in a waffle horn. The living room, solved in such tones, will always look a festive. Unlike white color, the tone of vanilla ice cream does not look cold.

12. White Marsht Tones

In the photo: living-dining room in white tones

In the crystal whiteness of Marshmallow and Pastili, all perfection is concentrated. Therefore, if you borrow with this sweet color, the interior of the living room will seem perfect. Perfect solution For those who love minimalism and order. In this living-dining area, white tones are combined with shades of light wood.

Furniture for classic living rooms

The modern interior market offers a rich selection of furniture for classic living rooms: all sorts of buffets, stylized with antiques, chairs-berier, Chesterfield sofas resembling England. Furnishing elements here are quite decorative. In the design of cabinet furniture, wood carving is actively applied. As for the chairs and sofas, they can be upholstered textiles with a damask or flower pattern.

13. Built-in stellags

In the photo: built-in racks in the living room interior in the style of modern classic

Agree that the classic living room is difficult to submit without books. Especially if there is no separate cabinet with the library in the apartment. Instead of familiar bookcases that occupy a lot of space, in a small room for receiving guests you can equip a pair of built-in racks. So you will receive additional shelves for storing both books and candlesticks and other souvenirs.

14. Wooden stands and buffets

In the photo: living-dining room with massive wooden furniture

Wooden Tumba S. drawers And the pair of buffets or showcases will become an excellent supplement of the TV zone. Such furniture will allow you to put on the universal review family sets, vintage watches, candlesticks and other decor items. At the same time, if you create in the living room dining room, it is important that the countertop and chairs are from the same or close collection as the buffets with a tab.

15. Voltaire chair

In the photo: Voltaire chair in the fireplace area of \u200b\u200bthe living room

Variations on the topic of the Voltaire Chair today there are many. One of them is represented in the photo of the interior of the fireplace zone above. This is a cozy deep chair with the "ears", originally intended for protection against drafts, is an ideal place to enjoy reading or just relax, watching the "dance" of the flame tongue in the focus.

16. Bookcases

In the photo: Thanks to the bookcase, the living room turns into a home library

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe classic living room allows, here you can install a bookcase that will turn the room into a real home library. And do not forget about the fireplace and a pair of Voltaire chairs, where it will be convenient not only to read the masterpieces of world classics, but also talk for hours with a friend to philosophical topics.

17. Light upholstered furniture

In the photo: Design project beige room For receiving guests

Upholstered furniture in the classic style in the classic style should not necessarily be lush, with an expensive upholstery or "kareny" tie in the decor. Neoclassica involves the use of sufficiently simple minimalistic sofas and seats of modern minimalistic forms. It can be practical models beige colour. At the same time, such upholstered furniture can look no less pompous and elegant than the same berger chairs or Chesterfield sofas, if they provide it with suitable accessories in the form of sofa pillows, for example.

18. Antique Buffet Showcases

In the photo: Interior of the classic style with buffets-shop windows

In these sufficiently massive buffets stylized for antiques, many historical features: it seems that they still recently decorated the living room in some noble estate. Such wardrobes for dishes will be a worthy place for storing and expensive antique VAZ, and a service that has become inherited from the grandmother.

Decorative solutions and elements of finishing in classic living rooms

The interior of the classic style living room is characterized by a fairly specific trim and decor. Although it does not mean that the same columns characteristic of classics, you will not meet in design projects in the spirit of Ar Deco or Modern, for example. In neoclassic use enough simple materials. White ceiling with a stucco socket, painted with light paint wall with moldings outlining inserts with wallpaper, parquet or laminate on the floor - when repairing a classic style in the classic style, it is quite possible to limit these constituents. As for the decor, in this matter, a considerable load falls on the lamps and textiles on the windows.

19. Moldings in the wall decoration

In the photo: Room in light Tones with moldings in wall decoration

Thanks to moldings that outline purple inserts, this classic living room turned out to be more "volumetric" and expressive. Such a decoration of the walls visually slightly reminds Panels of Boazeries. With the help of moldings, the area under the television panel is allocated in this interior. So these decorative framework Help to organize space.

20. Sconce with glass suspensions

In the photo: Beige living room decorated with a couple of classic sconces with glass suspensions

Golden Woods in the form of ancient candlesticks with transfusional glass suspensions, being placed on the mirror surfaces, become even more expressive. Such wall lights You can use complete with a classic chandelier. In the example submitted, the scheduling is conditionally "outlined" the area of \u200b\u200bthe sofa decorated with beige wallpaper with a damask pattern.

21. Textiles as a colors accent

In the photo: the interior of the beautiful Living room in the style of neoclassic with flowers in a vase and turquoise curtains in the decor

As we said, important In the decorative solving the interior of the classic living room plays textiles. If your room is closer to classicism, you can pay attention to curtains with brushes, fringe and lambrequins. The same one who prefers easier neoclassic, most likely choose simple curtains on the suspension, as in the photo above. In the presented example, the curtains of a refreshing mint shade become also a color accent that helps to make a variety of a monochrome light composition.

22. Contrast Wallpaper and Photocollage

In the photo: Wallpapers of the SIZO shade on a light background are perceived as an expressive contrast

And in this living room in the style of the modern classic walls are painted with light paint. To avoid the sensation of monotony in the interior, it was important to choose a bright color accent. And the solution of this problem was the inserting insert from the wallpaper of the SIZY Tint with Molding. Thus, our designers created contrast in the room. Insert served as a platform for photocollage and sconce. And thanks to the drawing on the wallpaper, the interior as a whole has become more cozy.

23. Mirrors and high candlesticks

In the photo: Living room in classic style with mirrors in decor

Long fuzzy mirror inserts in the wall decoration emphasize the area of \u200b\u200bthe Erker in which the dining room is located. High golden candlesticks "invade" moldings and decor of upholstered furniture. Such unusual flooring add the space of palace glitter. Flowi-made inserts on the walls are continued in the ceiling finish, which creates an interesting optical effect indoors.

24. Chandelier in the outlet

In the photo: in classical chandeliers, as a rule, are placed in stucco sockets

When working with the classics, you will have to put each chandelier to be placed in a special outlet, which can be both absolutely simple decor, so have exquisite stucco contours. In some way, this element of the finish is both zoning means: accompanying ceiling lampIt focuses on a functional area in the studio space.

25. The role of the hearth in the classic living room

In the photo: the interior of the neoclassical living room with a fireplace in a 3-room apartment on General Kuznetsova Street

It doesn't matter what the fireplace you will learn preference: a simple electrical, modern model running on a biofuel, or a classic hearth with chimney. In any case, from the presence of this setting element, your apartments will only benefit. In the interior of this living room, the fireplace becomes part of the TV zone. By decorating the focus portal with mirror inserts, our designers brought the sources of additional "artistic" glare into space.

26. Carpet as a decoration of classic space

In the photo: Interior of a small living room with a fireplace and a blue-blue carpet in the decor

Another decor element, without which it is difficult to imagine the classics. This in this case goes to a large carpet with an oriental pattern. This element of the floor design, along with the fireplace, will become a guarantor of home comfort. Do not forget also about such useful functions of the carpet as softening steps and insulation.

27. Classic floor lamp and curtains with pattern

In the photo: Caramel shades and classic floor lamp in the kitchen interior

The interior of this kitchen-living room uses curtains of caramel-chocolate tint. An intricate curls in the textile pattern are a fairly characteristic drawing for the classics. Stress the classic of space in this case also helps stylish floor lamp with beige lady.

Despite the diversity of design directions, the living room in the classic style never comes out of fashion. The classics even "old good" is difficult to call. Mostly, it is universal. And perfectly fits into modern world With his rhythm rhythms. To penetrate the style, you need to figure it out in all its nuances and correctly implement them in practice.

Basic principles of classic living room design

Classic living rooms never become obsolete, this is their main advantage. Of the minuses: in fairness, you can go to the related design directions and thereby disrupting the style integrity of the room (modern, ar-deco, loft); It should be prepared for tangible financial costs.

Classic never says

What elements are characteristic of "classics" in the interior of the living room

The interiors of the classic style refer to the idea of \u200b\u200bperfection and impeccability. No wonder because the word Classicus translated from Latin means "ideal, standard, sample." That is why the design is peculiar to all sorts of decorating elements. And they are still inclined more than luxury, but not to pompousness.

  • stucco ceiling and wall;

    The stucco on the ceiling and walls is the decorative part of the classic living room interior

  • fireplaces if not natural, then false analogs (electrical or bio);

    Fireplace - an integral part of the interior of the living room made in the classic style

  • columns, arches;

    The columns do not spoil the interior

  • solid, but not cumbersome furniture, mainly made of natural wood massif;

    Furniture made of high-quality materials looks rich and good

  • eaves (wood, stucco) over window processes, as well as around the perimeter of the whole room;

    Also used cornices

  • domination natural materials: Wood, Metal, Silk;
  • candlesticks, mirrors in elegant frames, paintings;
  • crystal chandeliers;

    Properly selected decor - the final barcode in the design of the classic living room

  • not rare gypsum sculptures;
  • luxury accessories, up to antiques - vases, cigar boxes, clock and so on.

Zoning space in classic style

Classic interiors have one of the rod features - clearly selected functional zones. Such a distribution is intended to maximize the convenience for residents and their guests. No need to be crowded in one place "for all occasions."

Zoning plays an important role in the apartment interior arrangement

Zoning options:

  • priority center (table or coffee table, around which soft places are distributed and a shared TV);
  • separate furniture groups - table with chairs for tea drinking or desktop games;
  • a seaside area in the form of a pair of seats with aspans or footrests and a table for wine;
  • separately standing console with lamps, Khanz-Bureau, as separate and supplemented with symmetric sconces;
  • mini library at the wall with a small sofa.

Chaotic jet of furniture in classic style living rooms are excluded. The symmetry in the arrangement of furniture elements and the location of accessories - mirrors, vases, caffodies, chairs, lamps.

Classicism is clearly to antique canons, restraint, harmony, proportionality. All furniture, the whole decor and accessory row exude serious calm. No glamor, cheap reflections and shrent bright colors - they would also distract attention to themselves. There are no frivolous "fintyphushki" with their inappropriate playfulness.

What can not be found in classic living rooms:

  • lush rushes;
  • volanov and fringe on the curtains / curtains;
  • blinds on the windows;
  • baldakhinov, tents;
  • prevailing luxury in the form of gilding;
  • "Space" design of fittings and accessories made of metal;
  • stained glass, openwork weave;
  • wrought-iron furniture with curls;
  • cheap finishes from natural materials;
  • ethnic motifs, themes of animals, nature;
  • alyapovato-floral colors (as well as tissues of striped, polka dot and cage);
  • screaming bright colors.

Color decision background and color accents in the interior

Everyone knows how important pastel paints are as important for classic interiors. However, in order to avoid monotony, a more dark, dense palette is successfully added to the ancient calm of pastel tones in the classics. It is this combination and gives interiors the liveliness and relevance of today.

The interior design can be pastel shades

Advantage for calm, monophonic colors:

  • beige-sand theme (cream shades, caramel, milky chocolate, light brown);

    Beige I. brown tones - Restrained and cozy

  • pink-terracotta line, peach, coral;

    Peach and pink - more lively

  • olive, mustard, soft light green.

    Green and olive will allow creating a quiet interior

Absolutely light, neutral classic interior does not exist. If the finishing base of the interior is beige (cream, sandy, white on the walls and ceiling), then textiles and furniture upholstery must declare green, blurred burgundy or bluish blue. As a result, the design is irretrievably coming from airlessness, made in saturated and attractive.

The color palette is inclined to natural, although the contrast accent is often used. Combination options:

  • the total sand grain gamma is complemented by deep green ( sofa pillows, curtains);
  • the dairy-pink wall decoration background is complemented by smoky-blue in the form of upholstery of upholstered furniture;
  • golden beige plays with unobtrusive blue - sofas, curtains, fabric decor on the walls.

The sound of color in classic interiors creates an atmosphere of calm. Irritating eyes, aggressive colors designers do not use. Unacceptable such color solutions like:

  • caustic lemon-yellow;
  • poisonous greens;
  • fuchsia;
  • playful orange;
  • deep burgundy, purple;
  • heavy black.

The last two items are permissible occasionally. But not as basic colors, but only as contrasting moments. They can also be found in accessories, along with turquoise, coral.

Choosing finishing materials

The classic living room will not tolerate the finish (even despite the fact that it plays the background of the background for the main - furniture and accessories). Before you decide on the classics, it is recommended to explore the building materials market. For the living room will require those that are expensive as far away. Some manufacturers are able to produce a "presentable" product at an affordable price.

Floor covering

The floor finish of the classic living room has three important features:

  • does not play a decisive aesthetic role;
  • may be heterogeneous (in modern classic permissible to the sexual textures in different zones differed);
  • the undisputed requirement is practicality. Thin cheap linoleum is excluded categorically.

The basis for the arrangement of the living room in the classic style is expensive quality materials.


  • laminate with imitation of natural wood, parquet, stone;
  • ceramic tiles of discreet colors;
  • wooden boards;
  • parquet block and piece.

Registration of walls

All finishing is reduced to a goodness, not deprived of the grace. Again and again it is appropriate to remember the naturalness of an ancient style (with which the classic is in the nearest relationship). He and sublime, and practical at the same time. This designer vector is characteristic of a classic more than.

  • high-quality dense wallpaper;
  • whitewashes, including contrasting shades;
  • frame fragments in the edging with molding are welcome. Differing textures and tones. Sometimes - one-photon in the ensemble with curly colors, sometimes painting in an ensemble with wallpaper or a glued cloth;
  • admissible lining of walls with wood or plastic panels with wood imitation.

The drawing should not be screaming, flock, too small. Large prints, calm natural tones - in priority. Plant ornaments are allowed and patterns from the ampir style (with accuracy, without going beyond the classical stylistics).

Finishing the ceiling

Before talking about finishing, you should remember their height. They must certainly be high. However, in the absence of height (some standard apartments are deprived of it), the ceiling is styled by the classical attitude. Characteristic for the style of proportion and lines - that's what will help to embody the classics.

Mandatory condition - ceilings must be high

  • ideally smooth whitening with large stucco on the edges, narrow moldings;
  • stretch ceilings, most often multi-level;
  • plasterboard parts second level, less often - the whole ceiling of plasterboard is completely;
  • colors mostly white and bright natural shades;
  • matovost, gloss, satin is equally acceptable.

Basic requirements for materials and shape of doors and windows

Doors and windows of classic living rooms originally do not require the complexity of the forms. Basically, the loops have a strict geometry without rounded arches (although they may be present if framed by a restrained frame).

Door the movements are more often without complex shapes and decors.

Special requirements are presented to the materials:

  • lidges natural wood - an array;
  • modern versions of finishes allow the use of high-quality plastic.

Veneered elements of the economy class for classic design are categorically unsuitable. Doors and windows are one of the most capacious costs of expenses. An important stroke is color. Or frankly white (painting), or brown, beige solutions with explicit declaration of wood texture.

You can also be interested in the design features of the living room in English style:

Planning features depending on the size of the room

The resource of square meters will be much varied, it depends on the planning of the accommodated housing. However, this is not an obstacle for interior classics. The only question is how skillful will zoning become.

Little living room

Small living rooms have to be equipped ascetic in terms of the number of elements. As a rule, some one functional zone is embodied.

In some cases, some one functional zone is embodied in the living room

For example:

  • fireplace, coffee table, around a centered sofa and symmetrically arranged armchairs;
  • because of the crashes, the fireplace "sacrifice", his part of the space gives the zone with a large TV (in front of it also place a guest sofa with armchairs, connecting to the composition compact coffee table).

Large living room

In the large living room you can highlight several zones

In large areas, it is much easier to equip several functional zones - the space allows. Owners of modern typical apartments are often going to combine the kitchen with a large room.

There are also such options when the living room is combined with the kitchen

Due to redevelopment, a spacious living room is formed, where the kitchen segment is just one of the zones with its unequivocal functionality: a dining area.

General Lighting Rules

Ideally over each zone - your chandelier. This requirement is almost always possible to follow, and this makes it one of the fundamental to perception of interior classics.

In the classic living room it is assumed that each zone must be visually highlighted using lighting

Save on the lighting is unacceptable, it should be a lot:

  • massive pendant chandeliers dominate, preference is given to crystal and expensive glass, faience. Holders and fittings are made of metal, forged elements are possible without a rich agena;
  • supplementing elements are wall scaves and floor lamps;
  • any lamps are appropriate on the couches, consoles, a fireplace shelf - the main thing, do not forget about the symmetry of the installation of paired sets.

Classic style requires multiple light sources.They are welcome in the form of ceiling backlight.

Furniture options

Furniture of classic living rooms is distinguished by good quality, lack of excesses, specific lines. Significant consumables. Products are expensive, headset. Single items are either manufactured to order harmoniously to the main furniture sets, or are generally related to antiques. Laconic modern solutions They have more "light" species that are solid to the classic of an old sample - massive.

Uniform furniture objects can be made to order

Soft furniture

Sofas, chairs, baffies, banquettes. The base is an array of wood, sometimes rattan. Used for tissue tissue:

  • atlas;
  • silk;
  • sisal;
  • leather;
  • natural flax;
  • jacquard.

Classic upholstered furniture is often executed in a stagnant version. A characteristic addition is numerous sofa pillows (including with the eagle), sofa rollers.

Places for storage

The living room in the classic is the perfect bridgehead for those who like to furnish themselves with a mass of small lockers, Tumbers, shelves. Watching consoles are very popular and well. Do not forget about the design: the available smooth bends must be combined with rigid lines.

Coffee table

Classic interiors have no traction to connect with other styles, especially with high-tek. However, glass elements in the coffee tables are quite organic. It is simply necessary to combine them with a tree, a metal at a minimum and it should not be blinded by a chromed gloss.

Forms coffee tables For classics:

  • a circle;
  • oval;
  • rectangle;
  • square.

It should be clearly remembered about the symmetry of classical design. Avoid triangular countertops and any abstract configurations.

Carpets and palaces

Floor carpets are welcome in the classic style living rooms. In colors, they must harmonize at least with furniture (brown "wooden" tones, light creamy-beige, pinkish, white). Not too lush pile. Materials Natural or synthetics imitating natural wool.

Elements of traditional decoration

The classic design aura is largely based on properly selected textiles. It is he who with his textures and colors forms a convincing basis for interior classics. Accessory elements contribute to the general entourage.

Curtains, curtains, capes, bedspreads

Incredibly wide range of tissues used. Skillful decorators use:

  • silk;
  • cotton;
  • velvet;
  • taffeta;
  • jacquard;
  • atlas;
  • shenil;
  • passing;
  • tulle;
  • batiste;
  • organza.

Fabrics are draped. The invoices are combined color shades. There are no frequent bows or ruffles, but the lambrequins with decoration on the edges are very welcome.


The interiors of the classic type, including living rooms, are unthinkable without accessories. All of them are elegant, preferably with the features of the "past" (appropriate forms, bronze and gilded elements, half a focal performance in jewelry):

  • vases, including outdoor;
  • paintings in frames;
  • mirrors wall mounted (preference not single, and pair, symmetric products);
  • stands, shelf;
  • guest boxcards with cigars;
  • figurines;
  • dishes.

Decor items will complete the overall picture of the interior

For interiors in the style of classics organically presence musical instruments. Whether it is a piano, harp or an electronic piano, stylized under ancient - in classic living rooms, there are often aesthetic events like family concerts and the like.

Live plants

Live plants will not be superfluous and only complement the interior

Flowers and greens revive any interior, and classic especially. Preference to large plants growing in floor vases. Well look lush flowersFastened on the walls. At the same time, the kashpo and shelf is an independent accessory.

Original interior planning ideas

Fantasy in the classic living room has every chance of complete implementation.

The interior idea of \u200b\u200bthe living room in a classic style with a bar

So, a wide response found an idea:

  • bar segment (rack with cabinets and couches) divides guest and kitchen zoneAlthough in fact they are a single room;
  • this option makes meetings of friends and family gatherings especially comfortable.

Interior option in calm colors

Rational option for compact room:

  • sofa and armchairs - the center of the composition, classical furniture with the forms of a la is modern;
  • small false fireplace;
  • compact coffee table;
  • a large mirror from the fireplace to the ceiling visually expanding the cube;
  • the whole wall with a mirror and a fireplace is richly busy with bookshelves (due to this there is no need for detached cabinets);
  • design in white tones, with Scandinavian motifs.

Features of neoclassic

A noticeable step forward was made today in classic design on the basis of modern requirements. Lovers of classics do not refuse themselves in such strokes as:

  • pumping from pompous in the direction of simpler forms (we are talking about furniture design, lighting devices, curtains);

    In the interior with neoclassics may be neighboring scandinavian style, Loft or Modern

Otherwise, the adherence to the classic style is expressed unequivocally. Restrained chromaticity, pastel colors, a set of textile materials and other characteristic features for the classics.

Neoclassics are characterized by restrained tones and non-liberated decor

Photo Gallery: Classic and Neoclassic in the interior of the living room

The combination of modernity and classics in the interior of the living room. Natural light will emphasize the hidden all the interior details. Finishing the wall under the brick. Do not waste the interior. cozy interior Living room design, combining warm shades. Use of natural materials in the decoration massive furniture and decor in the form of stucco.

Create a high-quality interior of the living room in the classic style is the task of exciting and far-sighted. Skillful textures game, competent inclusion of accessories, zoning. All this will help landscaping your home in high degree Comfortable and aesthetic.