Wisteria (Wisteria) tree. Learning to grow wisteria in different climatic zones

Wisteria, the care and cultivation of which in the subtropical zone is problem-free, in others climatic zones requires special attention. The second name is wisteria and it is one of the most Beautiful flowering plants. Once you see it, you can’t help but fall in love with a chic liana with a waterfall of flowering inflorescences and a pleasant sweetish aroma. To have such a property in your garden is the dream of every gardener.

Let me introduce myself

Wisteria is a plant that looks like a huge decorative vine that belongs to the legume family. It is mainly tree-like and deciduous, but sometimes semi-deciduous, woody at the base specimens are found. The plant got its name in honor of the American professor of anatomy Caspar Wistar and in Greek means "sweet". For ornamental purposes, the plant is grown all over the world. But the main distribution area is East Asia and North America, mainly in subtropical zones. Also found in the forests of China, in the Kuban, in the Crimea, in the North Caucasus. In general, there are 9-10 varieties, but only two are grown in the garden - lush and Chinese.

This is a fast-growing perennial (trees live for 150 years), growing to a height of 18 m. The branches are represented by climbing vines. They are naked (sometimes there are specimens with pubescence) and drooping. The size of the plant is impressive - in the girth of the liana it can reach 0.4 m. The shoots of wisteria are thin, painted in green color, gray bark.

The foliage of wisteria is odd-pinnate, painted in a dark or light green shade, arranged alternately and consists of 7-13 fragments, each of which has an oblong-ovoid or narrow-elliptical shape. In general, the length of the sheet in length reaches 30 cm.

Wisteria blooms twice a year. The first time - in March-May, the second - in the middle or end of summer. Some species may have different bud opening times. Outwardly, the flower is a drooping bunch, consisting of many densely planted buds. On average, the length of the bunch is 10-80 or 100-120 cm. The flowers bloom from the base to the top of the bunch, while emitting a delicate aroma. There is a snow-white corolla and a zygomorphic perianth.

The color of the buds is varied. Mostly pink, white, various different shades purple and lilac.

At the end of flowering, fruits are formed - pods 15 cm in size, containing seeds of a flat-round shape, painted brown-black.

When growing and caring for wisteria (photos of the most luxurious specimens are presented), you need to remember that some plants are poisonous, so you should be extremely careful and wash your hands thoroughly after contact.

Wisteria: care and cultivation in the middle lane

In contrast to the usual zone for wisteria, growth in middle lane problematic. Long and very cold winters make it possible to save only young shoots and rhizomes. Flowering also expects much to be desired - adult plants bloom only at 6-8 years of age. And where the summer is cold and rainy, you need to try hard to see the buds.

The ideal environment is a constant temperature without sudden changes, both day and night, as well as a lot of sunlight.

For good development in the middle lane, you need to create conditions for growing and caring for wisteria close to ideal.

Choosing a landing site and soil

Wisteria is a very heat-loving plant, therefore it prefers sunny areas and walls of buildings facing south. Open areas are not recommended; it is better to plant a vine along a high fence or under the wall of a house.

Achieve complete and abundant flowering only in bright light for at least 6 hours a day. At the same time, winds and drafts should be avoided.

Wisteria is not particularly demanding on the soil. As a rule, it grows well on any soil, but chernozem or rich loams are especially favorite. But a limestone substrate or a swampy one is completely unacceptable.

Planting and care features

The liana is planted in the ground in early June, having prepared a 60 * 60 cm hole and adding 25-30 g per m 2 for digging beforehand.

To prevent the vine from rotting and getting wet, a good drainage layer must be laid at the bottom of the hole. This will additionally protect the root.

Like planting wisteria, care has its own subtleties:

  1. After planting, the plant should be well watered.
  2. You should wait for adaptation, which lasts about a month. After that, the vine will grow and she will need to establish a support.
  3. In hot weather or during drought, watering should be periodic and sufficient.
  4. Permissible spraying vines in the summer.
  5. When approaching summer period reduce watering towards the end.
  6. As a top dressing, rotted manure with water (20: 1) or mineral fertilizers (dissolve 20 g in a bucket of water) are used.
  7. When the leaves fall, pruning should be done. It is also carried out in the spring during active growth.
  8. Before the first frosts, the liana is removed from the supports, laid on boards located on the ground and carefully covered with moss, and then with lutrasil. Root areas should be "brought" into the ground. This procedure is especially important for young plants.

Leningrad and Rostov Region

Many gardeners for growing wisteria in Leningrad region and care for it, a Chinese or multi-flowered variety is selected. Alas, this is completely unacceptable for this area. As a rule, the plant dies. If it is possible to grow a vine, then its flowering will be very scarce - just a couple of frail inflorescences.

It is best to give preference to the hybrid variety, which is characterized by high frost resistance - Blue Moon. This is a large-bodied variety that will not only develop well, but also give excellent flowering. Planting is carried out by seedlings, planting in the ground with the onset of June. So that the plant does not die in winter, before frost, the vine should be carefully removed from the supports and carefully insulated with lutrasil. They do the same when planting and caring for wisteria in the Rostov region.

Ural and Moscow region

Wisteria does not tolerate temperature drops of more than 20 degrees. Therefore, growing and caring for wisteria is extremely difficult. There are special requirements for the preservation of vines in winter time. The plant overwinters best when cultivated in a container way.

It should be borne in mind that the “house” for the creeper does not require a small one - at least 40 liters. Plastic fonts, tubs, garden barrels are used.

Growing wisteria in the Urals is similar. Yes, you will have to work hard, but the result will surprise you.

With the arrival of autumn, before the first snow falls, the liana in containers is sent to spend the winter in a warm room, where a minimum of six hours of lighting can be provided. In this case, the plant should be watered once a week. Top dressings are excluded.

With the onset of March, the vine is moved to a bright room and watered well 2-3 times / week. Spraying with growth stimulants is allowed.

The practice of gardeners shows that even with seed cultivation frost-resistant wisteria in the Moscow region and the Urals, the liana will be able to give abundant two-time flowering (summer and autumn). True, for starters, you will have to wait a long time when the sprout turns into an adult tree.


Wisteria is incredibly beautiful. It is not surprising that absolutely everyone wants to see her at home. But growing wisteria in Siberia is almost impossible. Even a variety like Blue Moon, capable of withstanding forty-degree frosts, bows down to the environment. In addition to the mild and warm climate, wisteria needs a long growing season. It is he who is responsible for the abundant and long flowering. The climate cannot provide right conditions. Even if you manage to grow a vine, sheltering and protecting it from frost (providing a good shelter for the winter), and carefully making sure that the plant does not get wet, flowering most likely will not come. If a miracle happens, the inflorescences will be weak and single.

Belarus and Ukraine

These countries are in a climate much warmer than in central Russia. So summer residents can rejoice - they will be able to grow wisteria.
Moreover, they can grow heat-loving varieties, for example, "Chinese".

Growing wisteria in Belarus, preference is given to seedlings. At the age of one year, they are planted in a sunny area when the soil and environment warm up well.
This time comes in April-May. Flowering in adult vines will occur in the summer months, starting in late June. With the advent of autumn, the plant should be well insulated.

Propagation of wisteria

There are several breeding options for wisteria, each of which is good in its own way.


In addition to reliability and simplicity, the method is good because it conveys all the signs of the mother plant to the children. They take part of the last year's shoots and, with the advent of spring or autumn, dig a row 20 cm deep near them, bring nutrient-rich soil into it, and spill it well with water. On the shoot, just above the buds, small cuts are made and the shoot is placed in a hole, not forgetting to pin it so that it does not crawl out, and sprinkle it with earth.

It is impossible to sprinkle the top of the shoot with earth, the plant will “breathe” through it. It will simply need to be tied to a peg in an upright position.

The shoot rooted in the leaf nodes is separated from the "mother" only after 1-1.5 years. If its root has developed strongly, it is immediately transplanted to a permanent place in the ground, weakly - in pots and sent to grow further.

lignified cuttings

They are cut in autumn from the middle zone of ripe shoots. Each branch should have two buds and a length of 5-8 cm. After they are planted and kept until spring at 3 ° C. With the onset of April-May, cuttings are transplanted into containers with wet sand on the soil surface. Planting is carried out vertically to a depth of 4 cm, keeping a distance of 10 cm between the cuttings. In the spring they are transplanted into pots and sent for growing. A year later, the vines can be planted permanently in the ground.

Winter root grafting

The method is very complex, but it conveys all varietal characteristics. In autumn, seedlings with off-grade wisteria are dug up, the root is separated (the thickness of the roots must be at least 6 cm), they are transplanted into containers with sand and sent to a cool place devoid of light. In December-January they bring in heat. Two weeks later, cuttings of varietal wisteria 6 cm long are grafted, having 2 buds and a sharp cut 2-3 cm under the lowest. A similar cut is made on the root stock for closer contact. The vaccination site is well fixed with a plaster.

Next, the cuttings are planted in a container with a nutrient substrate, without deepening the grafting site, and covered with glass. Further storage conditions: minimum 15°C and 80% humidity. If everything is done correctly, shoots from axillary buds should appear in two weeks. Well-rooted vines can be transplanted into the ground.

Wisteria from seeds

Seeds can be sown in March in open ground or in December in small greenhouses. In the second case, a mixture of leafy and soddy soil with sand (4:1:1) is used as a substrate. The seeds are simply laid out on the soil and lightly sprinkled with sand, covered with glass and sent to warm (minimum 20 ° C) and dark place. At the same time, they control that the soil is constantly moist.

In a month, the seeds will hatch, after another 1.5 weeks they are taken out into the light, shading at first from the sun. When 2 unpaired leaves appear, a pick is carried out, trying not to damage the roots. In the future, such sprouts can be used for vaccinations. Please note that home-grown wisteria from seeds does not transmit varietal characteristics. Therefore, its flowering may not occur or be very scarce, and then after 8 years.

As you can see, growing wisteria and caring for it in the middle climatic zone has significant difficulties. But it's never too late to experiment. Subject to all the nuances, you can grow a real beauty. Of course, not the same as in China, but its flowering will delight you.

Everyone who has ever seen wisteria during flowering will never forget this beauty and will strive to grow such a miracle in their garden. Growing conditions for wisteria open ground quite strict, because this is an exotic heat-loving culture, so it is worth recreating the environment that is familiar and comfortable for it as close as possible. Beautiful purple-blue and white wisteria clusters will give any building or site an oriental vibe and fill your garden with a wonderful fragrance.

In this article, we will consider the features and description of wisteria, we will give a description popular varieties for open ground. We also note the most important points how to grow wisteria in your area.

Features and description of wisteria

Wisteria is a tree-like deciduous liana, which belongs to the genus of climbers and is a member of the legume family. This plant is subtropical natural habitat The habitat of this beautiful creeper is considered to be the southern territory with a mild and warm climate. Often wisteria tunnels, entwined house facades, arches can be found in the Crimea, on Mineralnye Vody, in the Kuban, in the North Caucasus. Among botanists for a long time there were disputes as to what wisteria is - a flower or a liana. However, after a while, everyone came to the conclusion that this is a climbing flowering vine, the beauty of which is simply mesmerizing. It is not for nothing that the most beautiful and vibrant flowering plants come from the tropics and subtropics. It is there that all plants delight with lush and abundant flowering, which is also characteristic of wisteria.

Translated from Greek word"Wisteria" means "sweet". This can be explained simply by the incredible sweet aroma that blooming wisteria exudes throughout the summer. This plant has another name - it is wisteria, which wisteria received in honor of the scientist, professor of anatomy at the University of Pennsylvania Caspar Wistar.

In total, 9 types of wisteria are known, but only three of them can be seen in the open ground of our climatic zone. Growing wisteria is also possible at home as a bonsai tree.

Description of wisteria

  • Wisteria is a deciduous vine that grows in the shape of a tree.
  • The crown of the plant is formed by long drooping branches.
  • In height, adult wisteria can reach 18-20 m, the crown also grows over time and can be 8 m in diameter, creating a beautiful flowering tent.
  • Wisteria can grow like ordinary tree with a rather thick trunk, and may look like a weaving liana, which can decorate fairly large areas.
  • The branches of the plant are covered with large complex leaves. In structure, they are pinnate, on average they consist of 7-8 small leaves. In total, the length of one sheet can be 30 cm.
  • At a young age, wisteria leaves have a slight pubescence, which disappears with time. Foliage color is light green.
  • Wisteria flowers can be of various shades: white, blue, purple, light pink, purple.
  • The flowers of this plant are collected in long racemose inflorescences, which can reach a length of 30-50 cm, and in some varieties the brushes are extended by 70 cm.
  • Flowering wisteria begins in March or April and lasts almost until the end of summer. All this time, the garden is filled with a charming fragrant aroma, which is very reminiscent of the smell of acacia.
  • After flowering, beans appear on the brushes, which are wisteria seeds suitable for propagation.
  • Different types of wisteria differ in varying degrees of frost resistance. Chinese wisteria can withstand frosts down to -20, and the floriferous one is the most resistant species - it can grow at -40.
  • Although this crop is considered a subtropical vine, you can grow wisteria in the middle lane. She won't have that much large sizes, like a southern neighbor, and flowering will be more scarce, however, you can admire this oriental beauty th.

A variety of types and varieties of wisteria for open ground

In total, there are 9 types of wisteria in nature, but only a few of them can be grown in open ground in Russia. First of all, this choice is due to the frost resistance of the plant and its duration of flowering, since in the middle zone of our country there are quite severe frosts that not all exotic wisteria can withstand. Consider the characteristics of the most popular types of wisteria in our gardens.

Chinese wisteria

  • This is the most popular and common type of flowering vine that can be grown outdoors. In more northern areas, landing Chinese wisteria carried out in containers.
  • This type is different large quantity variety of varieties that have different shades of inflorescences.
  • If you properly care for Chinese wisteria, this vine can reach a height of 20 meters.
  • Purple, lilac or light pink flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences, which reach a length of 30-40 cm.
  • The flowers exude a pleasant fragrance.
  • The flowering of Chinese wisteria begins in early spring and lasts almost until the end of summer. It is difficult to convey in words what Chinese wisteria looks like during flowering.
  • After the wisteria flowers fade, beans appear on the brushes, the length of which is approximately 10-12 cm. Inside these beans are the seeds of the plant.
  • Breeders have recently bred several garden forms with terry inflorescences and white ones that look great in landscape design.
  • It can be grown in tree form, standard, upright and weaving form.

Wisteria profusely flowering or floribunda

  • Also a very popular type of wisteria, varieties of which are often offered to customers in colder regions of Russia.
  • In height, this vine reaches 8-10 meters.
  • The leaves of Wisteria profusely flowering or small-flowered are very big size, can be about 40 cm long. They are complex in structure, consist of 19 small leaves.
  • Unlike Chinese wisteria this species has smaller flowers, which are collected in racemose inflorescences. The brushes are very dense and consist of a large number of colors.
  • Racemes in length can reach 50 cm and have a bright purple-blue hue.
  • Wisteria of this species blooms a little later than the previous variety, while the flowers in the brushes bloom gradually, starting from the base.
  • Grown in gardens as ornamental plant since the 19th century.
  • Wisteria profusely flowering is distinguished by good frost resistance, can withstand frosts down to -23 degrees.
  • Wisteria of this species has several interesting garden forms: a vine with white flowers, a wisteria with long tassels up to 1.5 m, a vine variety with double flowers, a variety with pale pink racemose inflorescences, a vine variety with variegated leaves.

Wisteria shrub

  • This vine can reach a height of 12 meters.
  • The crown is formed by drooping branches with a large number of leaves 7-8 cm long.
  • The plant blooms with beautiful violet-blue inflorescences.
  • In nature, it grows in the warm regions of the Crimea and the Caucasus; in cooler regions, this vine can be grown in tubs and containers.

Reproduction of wisteria: the most common methods

Wisteria can be diluted independently at home. There are several ways to do this: seed propagation, propagation by layering and cuttings. Each of the above methods differs in features and execution techniques, which must be considered when choosing the best one for you. Let us consider in more detail the characteristics of each method of propagation of wisteria.

Seed propagation of wisteria

  • The seed propagation method is quite insidious, since in the end you can get mature plant without varietal characteristics, or even a vine that will never bloom. Scientists still cannot explain this phenomenon. Most often, seed propagation is used by breeders to develop new varieties of wisteria.
  • Wisteria seeds can be collected independently, but for this it is necessary to wait until the fruit is fully ripe. Then collect them and dry them. Alternatively, seeds for planting can be purchased at a garden supply store.
  • It is recommended to sow seeds in late autumn or early winter in containers.
  • To do this, first of all, you need to prepare the soil mixture, which should consist of leafy soil, soddy soil and sand.
  • Before sowing, the seeds can be soaked for several hours in a growth stimulant solution, after which they are sown on the surface of the substrate and lightly sprinkled with sand.
  • Seeds must be moistened and covered with a film to create a greenhouse effect.
  • In order for your seeds to germinate, the container with them must be stored in a dark room and with a temperature of at least 20 degrees. At the same time, it is important to regularly care for crops: ventilate and moisten from a spray bottle.
  • Usually in a month the first shoots appear. Only after that the container should be placed on the windowsill. In this case, it is imperative to protect crops from direct sunlight.
  • When 2-3 leaves appear on the seedlings, they can be dived into separate pots. Only you need to do this in such a way that the soil from the container remains on the roots. After planting, you can treat the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • From this moment on, it is imperative to take it outside for a couple of hours so that the young wisteria seedlings gradually harden and get used to the weather conditions.
  • If you decide to grow wisteria from seeds, remember that their germination rate is very low. Usually rises about 25% of the total.

Propagation of wisteria by layering

  • This method of reproduction is more popular and gives better and positive results than seed.
  • It is necessary to carry out reproduction by layering in the spring until the moment of active vegetation and the appearance of foliage.
  • To do this, on an adult plant, select a healthy and high-quality shoot that is closest to the surface of the earth.
  • Take sharp knife and in the middle of the length, make an oblique incision on the layer. After that, many gardeners recommend treating the taps with indoleacetic acid. This will almost double the percentage of rooting.
  • Prepare containers with soil mixture, which should consist of soddy soil and clay soil.
  • Layers are laid on containers with cuts down and sprinkled with soil in such a way that only the tops remain on the surface.
  • For reliability, the layers can be fixed using special brackets or ordinary wire.
  • During spring and summer, layering is looked after in the same way as an adult plant. By the end of summer, they will already have strong roots, but they can only be planted from the mother bush next spring.

Reproduction of wisteria cuttings

  • This method is not as popular as the previous one, but it can also be used to breed wisteria yourself.
  • Wisteria cuttings are cut from a long vine. Cut it off at the end of autumn.
  • The length of one cutting should be approximately 15-20 cm.
  • Before rooting the cuttings, they can be placed in a growth stimulator solution so that rooting is more effective.
  • For rooting, a special soil mixture is used, in which all cuttings are placed and a container with them is placed in the cellar for the whole winter.
  • In the spring, the cuttings are taken out and rooted in the open ground and covered with plastic bottles or jars from above.
  • Cuttings are not quite reliable way reproduction, since the percentage of survival of such cuttings is very low - most often even 50% do not take root.

Preparatory stages before planting wisteria in open ground

Wisteria is a subtropical deciduous vine that prefers to grow in warm and mild climates. So to plant this exotic plant in the climatic conditions of our country, it is important to carefully and correctly carry out preparatory work which should include the acquisition planting material and choosing the best place for landing on your site.

Stage 1. Choosing a variety and planting material of wisteria

  • If you are going to plant wisteria in the southern regions of Russia, you can use absolutely any variety of this beautiful vine.
  • For colder regions, it is best to choose varieties of Chinese and profusely flowering vines. Especially popular is the variety of the American selection Blue Moon, which is highly frost-resistant.
  • You need to purchase seedlings only in specialized nurseries or agricultural firms that are professionally engaged in breeding various plants.
  • You only need to buy seedlings 2 years old, which have already grown strong enough and put down strong roots.
  • Before buying, be sure to carefully check all the seedlings. They should not be visible damage and signs of disease. Healthy and strong young plant should not have dry and withered shoots and leaves. The soil in the container must be clean and well-groomed.
  • Do not under any circumstances buy seedlings of this rare plant, like wisteria, in spontaneous markets and along roadsides. So you definitely risk getting a completely different plant.

Stage 2. Choosing a place for planting wisteria

  • The further growth and development of your wisteria will depend on the right place chosen.
  • Wisteria is a heat-loving plant, so the most important condition for its cultivation will be the choice of a sunny and open place.
  • For its growth, it is important that the sun shines on it for the first half of the day.
  • The site chosen must also be protected from strong winds and drafts that can damage the plant.
  • It is best to plant wisteria on a small hill.
  • When choosing a place to plant wisteria, be sure to consider the fact that this perennial and it does not tolerate transplantation at all.
  • Wisteria can be planted near the house and put its branches on the wall in order to get a beautiful composition in the future.
  • Wisteria can be planted near a gazebo or terrace, which in a few years will be completely covered decorative leaves and bright colors.
  • If you decide to plant wisteria in a container and take it to a loggia or terrace for the winter, find a suitable place for it on the site in the summer.

Stage 3. Selection and preparation of soil for wisteria

  • Wisteria prefers to grow on light and loose soils that have a slightly alkaline reaction. If your soil is acidic, be sure to add lime or wood ash to them when processing.
  • It is important that the soil is nutritious. To do this, you can add any organic matter to it, for example, humus.
  • Wisteria will only grow well in well-drained soils, so this needs to be taken care of in advance.
  • Some time before planting wisteria in open ground, it is important to carefully dig the soil in the chosen place, add organic matter and lime. Mix everything well, loosen and smooth.

The technology of planting wisteria in open ground

  • Planting wisteria in open ground is carried out in the spring. It is important to wait until the threat of the last frost has passed, because young plants are not as cold-resistant as adults, so they can die.
  • On the plot of land you have chosen, it is necessary to prepare planting pits, the size of which should be approximately 60 cm deep and 60 cm wide. Always focus on the size of the root system along with the earthy clod - the pit should be twice as large.
  • At the bottom of the pit, pour a layer of drainage, which subsequently prevents stagnation of water at the roots. Small stones, gravel or broken bricks can be used as drainage. If you plant a seedling in a container, a drainage layer must also be placed on the bottom of it.
  • Be sure to water the container with the seedling to make it easier to remove the plant.
  • Place the young plants in the holes and sprinkle with the soil mixture, to which you first add a little complex mineral fertilizer.
  • Firm the soil around the seedling gently with your hands.
  • Do not expect rapid growth from wisteria. Most often, a full-fledged plant with flowers grows only after 5-10 years.

Agrotechnics of growing wisteria: secrets and nuances of care

Caring for wisteria is not much different from other flowering plants, the only thing is that it will have to be cut much more often.

  • Watering. Deciduous wisteria liana requires regular and abundant watering, especially in summer and spring. Water often, but be careful not to flood your plant. You can focus on the condition of the soil - before watering it should be slightly moist. It is best to use the spray method. From mid-September, watering should be gradually reduced.
  • Loosening and mulching. Several times during the season, it is recommended to loosen the soil around the plant, while simultaneously removing weeds. The trunk circle is recommended to be mulched to prevent evaporation of moisture and overheating of the roots. Peat or sawdust is used as mulch.
  • Top dressing. For beautiful and lush flowering it is important to regularly feed wisteria during the active growing season. To do this, use complex mineral fertilizers and organic, for example, mullein infusion. Fertilizers must be alternated and applied once a week.
  • Trim wisteria. The wisteria tree liana requires constant pruning so that the shape of its crown is always decorative. A stem plant can be formed from wisteria, in which case the central shoot is selected, and the rest are cut off. If you want to get climbing wisteria, then you need to remove everything side shoots. Pruning consists in the fact that it is necessary to cut the protruding young shoots, and the lateral young shoots should be shortened by 30 cm so that inflorescences appear on them. During the flowering of wisteria, it is important to remove all faded buds, this will stimulate the growth of new ones.
  • Winter wisteria. If you grow wisteria in the cool regions of Russia, it is important to carefully cover it before the onset of winter, otherwise your beautiful liana may die. To start high up trunk circle and add a layer of mulch. Next, carefully remove the shoots from the supports and roll them around the trunk. Cover the branches with fallen leaves and covering material.

The use of wisteria in landscape design

  • Wisteria is very popular among gardeners and landscape designers around the world for its exceptional decorative effect. At the same time, not only flowers are decorative, but also leaves.
  • Wisteria can be grown as a standard plant and find a place for it against the background of the lawn and surrounded by lower plants.
  • Alternatively, wisteria is planted for braiding arbors, terraces, arches.
  • If you live in central Russia, wisteria seedlings can be planted in pots and containers and randomly placed on the site.

Photo of wisteria

Wisteria is one of the most beautiful and decorative vines, which is great decoration any area. Do not be afraid of the difficulties associated with planting and caring for this crop, the main thing is to choose the right variety and pay maximum attention to the oriental beauty.

Perhaps the most charming plant on earth. Those who have had the pleasure of contemplating its flowering and feeling its unique aroma at least once in their life will keep this wonderful moment in their memory for life. Incredibly long racemose inflorescences of wisteria can reach up to half a meter, they cover the plant with magical clusters, and at one glance at them it seems that you are in a fairy tale.

Wisteria: plant description

a luxurious decorative perennial liana with delightful openwork leaves and divine blue, lilac or whitish inflorescences. It was the luxurious flowering that made wisteria incredibly popular in our country.

Wisteria, or wisteria, is a prominent representative of tree-like deciduous climbing subtropical vines belonging to the legume family. Most plants of this species grow exclusively in warm tropical climates.

Domestic gardeners successfully cultivate profusely flowering Wisteria and Chinese Wisteria on their plots.

Did you know? When creating the maximum comfortable conditions Wisteria in length can reach up to 10 meters.

Chinese wisteria is more fragrant, but less frost-resistant, while its profusely flowering relative can withstand a short drop in temperature to -23 degrees.

What to consider when planting vines

Wisteria is very sensitive to air pollution, and therefore the plant can develop well only in areas characterized by favorable environmental situation. The plant blooms only five years after planting seeds, cuttings or layering. Fertile loose and well-drained soil is suitable for planting wisteria, in which moisture will not stagnate.

Planting is carried out in prepared pits sized 60/60/50. Caring for a plant will not take you much time and effort. In order for the wisteria to grow well and develop normally, you will need to provide high-quality watering and occasional feeding. Planting wisteria in the fall will be more successful if you live in southern regions, which are characterized by a mild climate and the absence of sharp temperature fluctuations.

Important! In order for the plant to please with generous flowering, it is recommended to shorten its shoots. Ideally, the length of the wisteria branches should not exceed 30 centimeters.

If the plant is cultivated in the northern regions, then in order for it to overwinter without damage, it is recommended to carefully cover the bushes. Due to the fact that the shoots of wisteria are very heavy, it is necessary to worry about installing props even before flowering begins.

Important! Wisteria is fast growing, and therefore sometimes pruning bushes need to be done several times per season.

Lighting Requirements

Liana is characterized by a pathological love of light, and therefore reacts poorly to a lack of ultraviolet radiation. Light-loving wisteria wisteria, which is grown in low light, is unlikely to please you with generous flowering, bright saturated colors and an active pace of development.

Plants that are chronically under-resourced sunlight, look weak and sickly, sometimes the lack of light becomes main reason that the culture refuses to bloom.

What should be the humidity and temperature for successful growth

Liana is quite thermophilic, and therefore feels great in areas characterized by hot summers. Despite a favorable attitude to heat, wisteria still does not tolerate temperatures above 35 degrees. In order for the plant to endure wintering well, its shoots need to be carefully wrapped, especially to protect the near-trunk circle from frost.

If your pet belongs to indoor crops, then in winter it should be cultivated indoors at a temperature of about +10 degrees. Cultivation of wisteria in Spartan conditions will prevent its premature flowering.

Important!When grown indoors, the plant normally does not need additional spraying. However, when cultivating wisteria in a room in which there are radiators, as a result of which the air is too dry, spraying of bushes can be used to moisten the environment or containers with water can be placed next to the plant.

How to plant wisteria

When planting wisteria Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the choice of a place: it must be well protected from drafts and be sunny. It is preferable to plant wisteria seedlings from the south side, while it is important to think over the location of the supports in advance.

Important!Liana is not very sensitive to the soil, but the plant will feel more comfortable on nutritious, well-moistened and lime-free soils.

Planting the plant is carried out in a prepared hole, in which compost was previously added. After planting the plant, it needs to provide the highest quality watering.

Did you know?Do not be afraid if the vine stops growing for the first time. But after the adaptation period has passed, it will surprise you with an active pace of development.

Landing layering

Reproduction of wisteria by layering is also very popular among gardeners. Last year's shoots can be used as layering. In early spring shoots are carefully laid out on the surface of the site and covered with earth.

Important! Rooted shoots can be separated from the mother plant no earlier than a year later.

How to grow wisteria from seeds

Wisteria seeds are planted in November or early December. Seeds are sown on the surface of a soil substrate consisting of leafy, woody soil and sand in a ratio of 4 x 1 x 1. After sowing, it is recommended to cover the seeds with a layer of sand no more than 1-2 mm thick.

Then they are sprayed with water from a spray bottle and cover the container with glass or a piece of polyethylene to create an optimal microclimate. Put the container in a warm place, the temperature in which can range from 22 to 25 degrees.

Important!Until the seeds germinate, it is necessary to ensure that the soil in the container does not dry out and is constantly in a slightly moistened state..

Seedlings will appear after 3-4 weeks, and after another 7-10 days, the container with seedlings can be transferred to a more lit, but at the same time protected from direct sunlight place.

After the appearance of two leaves in the seedlings, they are dived and transplanted together with an earthen lump into a separate container, and then watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Rules for caring for ornamental plants

Even a beginner will cope with the care of a beauty. Luxurious aliana wisteria, planting and caring for which does not require you to have special knowledge, is notable for its non-capricious disposition. The plant will please with generous flowering only when cultivated in well-lit places and protected from gusts of wind.

When growing wisteria, it is necessary to constantly tie up its regrown shoots. In order for the plant to please with active flowering, its shoots need constant pruning.

Important!When cultivating the vine, it will be necessary to ensure that its roots do not dry out, otherwise it will form a small amount flower buds, which will lead to a decrease in the number of inflorescences.

Irrigation Features

Wisteria loves moisture, but does not respond well to excessive watering. In order to determine that it is time to water the bush, try squeezing the soil in a fist, if the soil easily takes a given shape, and when lightly pressed, it breaks up, the time for watering has not yet come. If you are unable to form a lump from the soil, then the plant needs watering.

Important!Remember, lack of moisture will cause the wisteria to start shedding flowers.

When grown indoors or in areas characterized by warm winters, watering the vines is stopped in December and they begin to prepare it for wintering.

How and when to feed wisteria

- this is a fairly large liana, and so that throughout the entire growing period the plant has saturated color, she needs periodic feeding. When feeding wisteria with complex mineral fertilizers they are introduced as follows: based on 1 m² of land, 10 liters of water are consumed with 20 grams of fertilizer diluted in it.

Also, the vine will respond well to the introduction of a tincture of rotted manure, prepared at the rate of 1 x 20 or a solution of chalk (100 grams of dry chalk powder is dissolved in one bucket of water).

creeper pruning

Many gardeners do not know how to properly prune wisteria. But it depends on the correctness of pruning how generously the liana will bloom. Pruning of wisteria is carried out on average twice a year.

After planting, it is necessary to cut the main shoot of the culture to a strong bud. All side shoots are also cut off, which activates the development of the main stem.

In the first year, when tying bushes in the summer, it is necessary to ensure that its main shoot is vertical, and the other two are at an angle of about 45 degrees.

In the second year in winter, the main stem will need to be shortened so that its length does not exceed 80 centimeters. After that, we form two more horizontal shoots and shorten their length by a third.

The following summer, we tie the main stem of the vine to the support, pick up two more shoots and tie them at an angle equal to 45 degrees. In the event that additional shoots begin to form at the base of the plant, they must be removed.

At the next stage, we tie up the resulting new stem and shorten all branches of the second order on it to 20 centimeters.

Important!The third year, as well as in subsequent years, it will be necessary to perform all of the above actions aimed at the vertical development of the plant.

Propagation of wisteria

The easiest way to propagate wisteria is to divide the bush. This method is only suitable for young plants, whose age is from 3 to 5 years. Old bushes simply dig on one side and separate a small part of the plant for transplantation.

Plant growers say that planting wisteria in the spring will be more successful, since over the summer the plant will have time to take root and grow stronger.

If one day you see how it blooms wisteria (lat. Wisteria)- this is an amazing sight, of course, to be remembered on long years. This deciduous, whose homeland is China and Japan, is also known as "flower rain" or "Waterfall of Flowers" And it lives up to its name one hundred percent. Wisteria inflorescences are collected in large brushes (sometimes their length reaches one and a half meters), they can be painted in white, purple, blue and pale lilac. They cover the plant itself very tightly, so much so that sometimes they completely hide the leaves and stems of the wisteria plant in their fragrant thickets.

Wisteria (another name for wisteria) is used for gardens. Her profusely flowering shoots will easily hide and give decorative look boring nondescript wall, camouflage poles and fences. Her lush tassels will wonderfully decorate or open veranda. But it should be remembered that wisteria is a liana, and it definitely needs a strong support so that its shoots climb up.

What is necessary for wisteria to feel good in the garden and delight the owners with abundant flowering?

Conditions for growing wisteria (wisteria)

First, the landing site must be well protected from drafts and strong winds.

Secondly, the soil for the wisteria seedling must be loose and fertile. The wisteria plant does not tolerate very wet soil, where it becomes light and loses its decorative effect. Therefore, in order to be safe, it is better to add humus, leafy soil and sand to the pit where it will be planted.

Thirdly, the beautiful wisteria is very capricious about lighting. Where to plant wisteria? For abundant lush flowering, it is necessary that the plant be in the open sun for at least half a day. This rule is especially true during the period of bud formation and flowering.

If this condition is ignored, then flowering will be weak, the flowers will become pale-colored, or wisteria will completely drop the buds. This can happen to her if the weather is too hot. Wisteria begins to bloom noticeably in the third or fifth year.

wisteria in winter

As for the wintering of this exotic in the middle lane, the most suitable for this type is "profusely flowering wisteria". It is able to withstand temperatures down to -25 ºC. Just remember that this only applies to adult plants. Young wisterias need shelter for the winter. This is done as follows: the shoots must be detached from the support and carefully, trying not to damage the delicate plant, lay on the ground. Sprinkle earth on top and then use spruce branches and covering material.

wisteria flower in the garden

pruning wisteria

An important role in beautiful flowering wisteria plays pruning. Firstly, it is necessary to remove old and dead branches, and secondly, the shortening of young shoots stimulates more abundant flowering.

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Before entering the house, decorate with it bare wall. For true flower growers, there is one sad fact - it is extremely thermophilic and is able to grow at full strength only in the southern regions: in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, in Transcarpathia. There it blooms very long and abundantly. In more northern regions, winter needs good.

This tree-like climbing subtropical plant from the family blooms in spring and is able to please the eye throughout the summer. Wisteria is also called wisteria (lat. Wisteria). It blooms in light purple or white brushes about 30 cm long.

Planting wisteria

There are two ways to plant wisteria:
  • Layering in spring and summer. For cuttings, we select annual ripened shoots 20-25 cm long. They need to be rooted in soil from soddy soil, peat, humus and sand (3: 1: 1: 1). At the end of summer, rooted cuttings are planted.
  • Seeds. Note that the method is much more complicated than the first one. You can plant seeds in greenhouses in November-December or in the ground in spring. The soil should be loose - leafy, soddy soil and sand (4:1:1). Crops are covered with glass or plastic bag for high humidity. And we clean it in a dark place - this is important. Shoots should appear only after 3-4 weeks. Then we bring the seedlings to the light, slightly shading them, and dive when the first 2 sheets appear.

Growing wisteria

When growing, you must provide wisteria with the following factors:
  • Bright sun. For abundant flowering, wisteria must be in the sun for at least half a day.
  • Strong supports along which wisteria, which will grow strongly over time, will curl.
  • Moderate watering from spring to late summer - the soil should be kept slightly moist. Too much water is not well tolerated.
  • Light nutrient soil.
  • Top dressing with liquid fertilizer once a week during the budding period.
  • Good shelter in winter, especially in central Russia. There are varieties that can withstand -20 ° C, but no more.
  • Pruning at least 2 times for more abundant flowering. The first - at the end of flowering, while shortening all side shoots by two-thirds. The second - after leaf fall. Cut off all side branches, leaving only 3-5 buds.
If your climate does not allow you to grow wisteria outdoors, do not despair. Plant her in the form stem tree. In autumn, it will need to be brought into a room with a temperature of about + 8 ... + 10 ° C and watered sparingly. In the spring, young side shoots are cut to 2-3 good buds - this is how the crown is formed. In the summer they take it out again open air and water frequently.
  • Abundantly flowering, or multi-flowered wisteria(Wisteria floribunda) with purple-blue flowers. It reaches 8-10 m. The brushes of this wisteria are longer than the previous one - 50 cm. And it blooms 2-3 weeks later. It is more frost-resistant (up to -23 ° C) than Chinese wisteria.

  • wisteria beautiful(Wisteria venusta) with double white and purple flowers. Able to grow up to 10 m. The length of the inflorescences is about 20 cm. Flowering continues from May to June. The fruits are beans 20 cm in size.

  • Wisteria shrub(Wisteria frutescens) has smaller purple-blue flowers than Wisteria venusta. Reaches 12 m in height. Since ancient times, it has been growing in the Crimea. Can be grown in a container.

  • Wisteria japonica(Wisteria japonica) has white flowers. Less frost-resistant and beautiful than other species. grows on Black Sea coast Caucasus.

If you decide to have wisteria in your garden and you have all the conditions for this, do not forget to plant, for example, white