Perennial plant care: when to replant lilies? When to replant lilies: fall, spring or summer

To make the lilies feel good and bloom profusely every year, you need to replant them every 3-4 years. This rule does not apply to all varieties without exception. To clarify the requirements of a particular variety, you need to study its characteristics. Preferable autumn transplant lilies after they have entered a dormant state. However, in some situations, spring is also acceptable. In this case, the florist runs the risk of losing the flowering of lilies in this year, but at the same time the risk of freezing of fresh plantings in winter decreases. During the summer, the bulbs will root well and enter the winter stronger.

Typically, the spring planting of lilies is made from bulbs purchased from flower shops. If the planting material needs to be saved from the fall, you should take this process responsibly. The optimal place for storing bulbs is the bottom shelf of the refrigerator in a perforated plastic bag sprinkled with wet sawdust.

Spring planting should be carried out in the soil prepared and seasoned in the fall, warmed by the sun. This time falls in late April-early May, depending on the region. The delicate lilies of the Eastern Hybrids are more whimsical when transplanting, but the Asian Hybrids can be transplanted at any time, since they do not suffer from transplants. It is quite possible to replant them before and after flowering, provided that the basic planting rules are followed.

How to transplant lilies

Lilies prefer light sandy loam soils, so you need to fill the bed with river sand, forest turf soil with the addition of fallen pine needles or peat. There are several transplant rules that allow you to minimize risks, avoid their death and the development of diseases. To do this, it is recommended to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

You need to cut the stem close to the soil surface;
- carefully dig up the onion;
- remove all dried and dead scales;
- if the onion is too large, you can divide it by cutting with a knife (it is important to disinfect the knife in advance, and after cutting, keep the bulbs in a strong solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes);
- The planting depth will depend on the size of the bulbs: large bulbs should be planted 20 cm, small ones 10-15 cm, counting from the bottom of the bulb.

After the appearance of fresh sprouts, you need to start feeding the transplanted lilies once a month, using mineral phosphorus-potassium fertilizer for this. From fungal diseases, you need to treat the planting with a solution twice a season copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. Bulbs planted in warm soil in spring sometimes overtake their counterparts planted in autumn in development.

A beautiful native of Asia Minor, which appeared in Russia from a historical point of view quite recently - during the time of Peter the Great, the lily took a special place in our gardens and hearts. This magnificent perennial does not require special attention to itself, but gratefully responds to care, giving amazing, delicately fragrant flowers. Today we'll talk about how to preserve the traditions of the annual festive flowering of lilies, to avoid their degeneration and diseases. And also how to transplant a lily in the fall.

The need for an autumn transplant

Lily cannot be grown in one place for more than 4-6 years. The fact is that it quickly forms new bulbs, the flower bed thickens, and the flowers become smaller, get sick, and if you do not take emergency measures, they degenerate. It is considered optimal to transplant lilies once every 3-4 years, but there are different varieties: some require annual movement, while others grow well in one place for 10 years. Lilies, like people, are deeply individual, nevertheless, the bulk of these elegant works of nature still require radical changes in 3-4 years.

Now let's figure out when it is better to transplant lilies. Most gardeners agree that the most convenient time is autumn. This is beneficial to both parties. Bulbs after summer flowering are dormant, do not throw out shoots and are ready to move in peace. And it's easier for gardeners: there is no need to rush, as it always happens in the hottest spring. It is important to imagine and take into account the timing of their flowering. Moving is possible in a month and a half after the plant stops blooming. Before this period, you cannot touch it, it will not have time to get stronger and prepare for winter. But again, let's make a reservation: a lot depends on the type of lily, the timing of flowering and climatic features region.

Optimal transplant times

Having decided on the need autumn works on the transplant of lilies, we will figure out the timing of their implementation. After all, you cannot throw an onion into frozen soil and wait abundant flowering next year. So when to replant lilies in the fall?

Plants with early and medium flowering periods are good. What are their features? Early dates determine flowering at the end of June-July. With medium-sized lilies, they bloom completely in mid-August. In central Russia, the autumn transplantation of such plants is carried out in August or September. Since the flowering period is far behind, the bulbs have accumulated nutrients and formed several babies. When lilies have to be transplanted at a later date, this should be done with great regard to the weather. It will be necessary to take care of a quality shelter for the winter. Since late transplantation can provoke a delay in peduncles next year.

Lilies with late blooming

When to transplant tubular lilies and oriental hybrids? After all, they delight gardeners with their flowering almost all September. For such plants, a spring transplant is preferable. You should not risk planting them before winter, there is a high probability that they will not have time to take root.

Choosing planting material

Experienced growers begin transplanting work with the preparation of the site, soil and bulbs. Before thinking about how to transplant a lily in the fall, you should ask the question: "Which lily is better to use for transplanting?" There are several rules that must be followed to obtain good result... The main mistake of the grower is buying Dutch bulbs for planting them in the fall. Why? Bulbs grown on own site or purchased from local gardeners. In the fall, lilies are transplanted at rest, faded in time with an undisturbed growth period. Purchased bulbs - always with a knocked down growth period. As a rule, they are sold with sprouts. This means that they are ready to grow as soon as they hit the ground. Planting material dug from Holland much later - in October-November, due to the climatic features of the country. It is sorted, processed and put into storage, or it goes on sale when the planting season has passed. Therefore, the answer to the question of when to replant lilies bought in a store is unambiguous: it is better in spring. If you are impatient, and the bulbs have already been purchased, you can plant them by cutting off or carefully breaking the sprout. In this case, they will sit in the soil for a year without signs of life, get stronger and bloom in the next season.

Preparing lilies for transplant

You need to know that you do not need to cut off the stems of lilies after flowering. Let them
dry, this is considered an indicator that the bulbs are ready for transplanting. After you dig them out, you should give them a rest, after cleaning, removing dried or dead scales, carefully divide into parts, if they have not disintegrated themselves. To avoid the occurrence of diseases, it is necessary to pickle the bulbs by placing them in a solution of potassium permanganate or special means sold in horticultural stores such as Maxim.

Planting site and soil

Lilies love sunny places, but they "agree" to light partial shade. The soil should be well drained, fertile enough, without a close approach of groundwater. Before transplanting the lily in the fall, you should prepare the garden bed: dig it up, make holes for the bulbs. It is important to remember that the depth of the hole corresponds to the height of three bulbs plus 6-10 cm for the roots. Plants are planted at intervals of 15-20 cm in rows or groups - it depends on the plan of the grower.

River sand is poured onto the bottom of the hole. It is hygroscopic and prevents the bulb from drying out by retaining moisture. Then add compost or some humus mixed with the soil. Now we lay the onion, fill it with a mixture of sand, earth and humus, seal it on top and spill it well with warm water.

Reproduction of lilies by scales

We offer an excellent and economical way to propagate these luxurious flowers with scales. Carefully disassemble the bulb of the variety you like on the scales. They should be separated from the bottom very carefully. We etch the scales, strictly following the instructions for the product, the solution of which is used. Need to prepare clean plastic bag and moss. It is better to use sphagnum - an excellent natural antiseptic. But any forest moss that grows nearby will do. It's always wet enough long time retains water, preventing the occurrence of putrefactive processes, and will serve as a good environment for the formation of small bulbs. We put scales in a bag, sprinkle them with layers of moss, close and store until spring in a moderately cool place. By spring, bulbs are formed on the scales, which will require growing. They will get stronger over the summer. And at good care scale lilies will bloom next season.

Do I need to cover plantings for the winter

Lilies are generally frost-resistant, with the exception of oriental hybrids. There is no need to cover their plantings. If only these works were carried out late enough, and there is uncertainty that the bulbs will survive the cold, you can insulate the beds with dry foliage or coniferous spruce branches. It will be necessary to remove the shelter as soon as the snow melts so that the bulbs do not snot.

Now, knowing how to transplant a lily in the fall, you can apply the information received in practice. All these simple plant operations will undoubtedly be appreciated and endowed with luxurious flowering by gardeners. For many summer residents, they bloom from June to October, attracting enthusiastic glances from others. Create a garden of wonders by planting lilies different terms flowering is quite feasible.

Although lilies are perennial flowers, it will not work to grow them in the same place for decades, otherwise the flower bed will be too thickened, the flowers will appear smaller every year, and then flowering may stop altogether.

1 When to transplant lilies in the fall

For the normal growth of lilies, a transplant is required about once every three or four years. Some varieties can be replanted less frequently, once every ten years (American hybrids and martagon), but it is advisable to replant Tubular and Asian hybrids in general annually, since their bulbs grow strongly. Three years is the maximum period during which Asian hybrids can grow normally in one place.

We figured out the need to transplant a lily, now we need to decide what time of year it is best to carry out this work. Is it possible to transplant lilies in the fall, or will the plants tolerate a spring transplant better? Much depends on what types of lilies are planted in your flower garden, as well as on the climatic conditions in your area.

In the photo lily

For most flower growers, the most preferred is to transplant lilies in the fall, while the flower bulbs are dormant. Medium flowering lilies can be replanted in September by waiting about a month after all flowers have faded. During this time, the lily bulbs will have time to prepare for winter and get stronger.

About lily transplant

When to replant Tubular and Oriental lilies if they fade late enough? A month and a half after the end of flowering, cold weather sets in, and the transplanted lilies may simply not take root. If the soil temperature is below zero, replanting lilies can lead to hypothermia of the bulbs and stunted root growth. If in your area the autumn frosts start early enough, it is better to postpone the transplant of these varieties of lilies in the spring.

In central Russia, the autumn transplantation of lilies is carried out in August or September, when the inflorescences have already faded, the underground shoots have accumulated nutrient reserves, and several bulbs have formed at once in place of one bulb. You can replant lilies in the fall at a later date, but remember that the colder the autumn weather, the more thoroughly you will have to take care of the lilies' shelter for the winter. In addition, a belated transplant will lead to the fact that the appearance of peduncles for the next year will be delayed.

2 Spring and summer lily transplant

If you decide to choose spring time transplanting lilies, you will need to take care of preserving the bulbs dug out in the fall throughout the winter. In order for the planting material to lie well in the winter and in the spring to be suitable for planting in open ground, dig up the lilies in October so that they can properly store nutrients. Shake the roots of the bulbs from the ground, put them in a plastic bag with holes for ventilation, laying the layers with wet sawdust. You can store a bag of lilies in the refrigerator. In the spring, plant the bulbs in a soil well-warmed by the sun, mixing it with sand and decayed leaves.

In the photo, the preparation of the lily for transplantation

Unlike most types of lilies, the transplant of a snow-white lily (candidum) occurs in the summer. This type of lily has a special vegetative cycle - it has a dormant period in July-August, in such a short period you need to have time to transplant the plant. By September, a new rosette will begin to form in the snow-white lily. Candidum does not need to be transplanted frequently: once every five years is the most optimal interval when you can transplant lilies of this type.

The situation is even more interesting with Asian hybrids, since the timing of transplanting lilies is not limited. You can safely repot the lilies of the Asian group even during their flowering during the summer. The main thing is not to damage the roots of the lily when digging up and after planting in a new place, water the plant abundantly. It is better to cut off the buds and flowers, then the bulb will take root well and next year the lily will delight you with large flowers.

About correct transplant lilies

3 Instructions on how to properly transplant lilies

So, you have chosen the most appropriate time when it is better to transplant lilies, now you can proceed directly to yourself transplant process:

  • cut the stems of the lilies close to the surface of the ground;
  • carefully dig up the onion, being careful not to damage the roots;
  • remove all dead and dried scales from the bulb;
  • carefully divide the onion with a knife into smaller onions, if it has not disintegrated itself;
  • hold the bulbs in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or karbofos for about half an hour;
  • dig a hole for the bulbs in a suitable place of the desired depth (taking into account the roots, increase the depth by another 10 cm);
  • pour some sand into the hole and plant a lily onion, sprinkling its roots with sand;
  • cover with earth on top, mulch with sawdust or peat.

Lily transplant photo

Keep in mind that lily bulbs planted in spring noticeably outperform bulbs planted in autumn and stored in frozen ground throughout the winter. Therefore, it is worthwhile to think carefully about when to plant lilies: in the fall before frost or in the spring, when the earth warms up. Of course, taking into account the characteristics of the varieties of lilies growing in your flower garden.

For several centuries, beautiful and exquisite lilies have adorned gardens around the world. These flowers, quite unpretentious and easy to care for, are loved by many gardeners, most of whom are wondering: when and how to transplant lilies and how much is it necessary?

A few words about lilies

These plants are perennial, but in order for them to please large and bright colors, they need to be replanted and divided every three to four years. However, this rule does not apply to all varieties of lilies. So, Marchagon and American hybrids, growing rather slowly, are divided and planted every eight to ten years, but Asian and tubular, whose bulbs grow very quickly, can be replanted annually. Having dealt with the need to transplant, let's figure out when to transplant lilies in the garden.

Best transplant season

Like most perennials, lilies can be transplanted at any time of the year, with the exception of winter: both in spring and in late summer and early autumn. Spring transplantation is difficult in that throughout the entire autumn-winter season, you need to save the bulbs dug out in the fall. You can store them by folding them in a box or bag, hiding them in a cellar or refrigerator, the temperature in which should not be lower than +3 0 C. When deciding when to transplant irises and lilies, it is worth remembering about spring return frosts, and also do not forget about the first autumn frosts.

For each region and gardener, the timing of dividing and planting lilies is different. They depend primarily on the climate in a particular area, as well as on the varieties and varieties of flowers planted in the garden or on the site. The best time when to transplant lilies in the Moscow region and Leningrad region is considered the end of summer or early autumn. But in the conditions of Siberia and middle lane In Russia, this procedure is recommended to be carried out in mid-August. This is due to the fact that at this time the bulbs are in a "dormant" state. Many experienced florists it is advised to focus on the flowering time of each plant. And start transplanting a month after flowering.

Can you transplant in the summer?

When and how to transplant lilies, each gardener decides for himself. But it also happens that in order to save the plant (or for some other reason), it becomes necessary to move the flowers to another place. In this case, it is best to transplant lilies without destroying the earthen lump, along with the bulbs in it. If the roots are not damaged, the plants quickly adapt and take root in a new place. It is important to provide flowers at this time enough moisture.

When to replant tubular and oriental hybrids?

When and how to replant oriental and tubular lilies? This question arises for many lovers of these beautiful plants, and it is caused by the fact that they fade rather late. A month after the end of flowering, in many regions there is already a significant cooling, frost on the soil is possible. In such conditions, lily bulbs may not take root and die. It should be remembered that if you transplant them into soil, the temperature of which is below 0 0 C, the bulbs are overcooled, the development of the root system does not occur. Such a plant may not "wake up" in the spring, or it may be very late in flowering. If the area where you live is characterized by early frosts, then the transplant should be postponed to the spring.

We transplant lilies

Before proceeding with the transplant, you need to cut the stems of the plants at a distance of 10-15 cm from the soil surface. With a pitchfork or a shovel, stepping back 30-40 cm from the lily stem, they dig up the bulbs together with an earthen clod, trying not to damage the fragile roots. Gently shake off the soil and carefully examine. All damaged or brown-stained scales are removed, and the roots are pruned, leaving a length of 10-15 cm. Large bulbs, which have formed large "nests" with many scales and small onions, are carefully disassembled, separating them, if necessary, from each other with a knife. The bulbs, separated and peeled from the ground, are immersed for half an hour in a foundationol solution, or in potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) diluted with water until light pink. After this procedure, the lily bulbs, without drying, are immediately planted in a pre-prepared place. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to immediately plant the planting material on permanent place... In this case, you can store them in boxes or other containers by shifting the bulbs with moist moss or peat.

How to properly prepare a footprint?

When deciding when and how to transplant lilies, you need to properly prepare the place for them. The depth of the planting hole can vary from 10 to 40 cm, depending on the soil and bulb size. On sandy soils, it is better to plant the bulbs deeper, but on mixed and loamy soils ten centimeters will be quite enough. Sand is poured into the hole, which will serve as drainage and prevent moisture from damaging root system lilies. Place the bulb on top and carefully spread the roots, trying not to damage them, and then cover it with soil. Having compacted the poured soil, you need to mulch the planting site with sawdust, tree bark or peat. After transplanting, the plant must be properly watered.

When planting lilies, it is necessary to take into account how powerful and tall the desired plant is. And based on this, determine the distance. So, between large specimens, a distance of 25-30 cm is maintained, and medium and low ones are placed every 10-15 cm.

Thus, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to transplant lilies in the fall will be an unequivocal "yes". It is only important to take into account the species and varietal characteristics of the transferred plants and provide them with suitable conditions for growth and development.

Exquisite and beautiful lilies have adorned gardens all over the world for centuries. It is easy to care for and quite unpretentious plants, which gardeners fell in love with precisely because of this. In this article, we will consider how to transplant lilies in the fall to another place.

Lilies are perennial flowers that are large and bright inflorescences... They cannot be grown in one place for more than 4 years. The fact is that these flowers quickly form new bulbs and the flower bed thickens. Over time, the flowers become smaller, affected by diseases and degenerate. To prevent this from happening, they need to be transplanted.

Gardeners recommend replanting lilies every 3-4 years. But there are some varieties with their own "requirements" for transplanting: some need annual movement, others grow well in one place up to 10 years.

Now let's look at when to transplant lilies. It is generally accepted that the most favorable period for this procedure is autumn. After the summer flowering, the bulbs are dormant: they do not throw out the shoots and are ready to move to another place. Moving is possible only 1-1.5 months after the plant stops blooming. This point must be taken into account.

But again, one should make a reservation, since a lot depends on the variety of lilies, its flowering time and the climate in the region. For example, oriental and tubular hybrids need to be replanted in the spring, as they bloom almost all September. If they are planted before winter, then they are unlikely to take root.

When to replant lilies in the fall

Having dealt with the need to carry out autumn work on transplanting lily bushes, you need to decide on the exact timing of their implementation. Agree, you cannot throw bulbs into frozen ground and expect abundant flowering from them in next year.

Transplanting lilies in the fall depends on the timing of flowering. Flowers with early dates bloom in late June-July, with an average time in mid-August. It is optimal to transplant such plants in August or September.

If the transplant is carried out at a later date, then you need to look at the weather. If the weather is warm and sunny, then the bulbs can be moved to another place. However, in this case, you need to take care of a good shelter for the winter, otherwise the peduncles may be delayed next year.

How to transplant lilies

Many novice gardeners are interested in how to transplant lilies to another place in the fall. The procedure must be carried out correctly, only in this case the plants will develop well and please with lush inflorescences. Competent transplant lilies consists of several stages, each of which will be analyzed further.

Digging the bulbs

When 1-1.5 months have passed after flowering, the bulbs need to be dug out. First you need to dig a bush with a pitchfork at a distance of at least 20 cm from the stem. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage adult tubers and "children".

The stems should be trimmed with sharp pruning shears, even if they are green. After you have dug up the bulbs, sort them by size and carefully inspect for any damage. Then peel off damaged and old scales. Shorten the roots by about 1/3: this is necessary so that the bulbs then quickly overgrow with new roots. The planting material must be absolutely healthy, without visible damage and rotting roots yellow color.

Preparing the future flower bed

The place for transplanting lilies must be prepared in advance, about 2-3 weeks. For a future flower bed, choose a sunny place, light partial shade is also suitable, but without a close groundwater bed and with a slight natural slope. If there are no such conditions, then special drainage should be done:

  • dig a trench 40 cm deep;
  • take 15 cm of them for drainage, which consists of a mixture of gravel and sand in equal proportions;
  • apply fertilizer per 1 sq. m. 1 bucket of humus + 200 g of ash + 2 tbsp. l. mineral fertilizers.

Before transplanting, it is useful to soak the bulbs in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. This will serve as a good prevention against many plant diseases. After soaking, the tubers must be dried. It is advisable to do this on fresh air but not sunlight.

Planting depth and distance

Immediately before planting, you can start making holes. Optimal depth embedding for large tubers is 12-15 cm, for smaller ones - 7-10 cm.

Lily varieties that have large peduncles fall under the exception. They need to be planted 3-4 cm deeper. Some varieties, for example, snow-white lily, need to be planted at a shallow depth - no more than 3 cm, so that the tops of the scales are on the surface of the earth.

"Children" need to be transplanted to a specially designated area. The depth of the holes should not be more than 5 cm.

It is worth remembering that it is better to plant the tubers shallowly than to deepen too much. Otherwise, the bulb may rot, especially if groundwater too close. Shallowly planted bulbs are more likely to grow, but there are risks as well. V cold winter they can freeze. But, if we consider that the bulbs tend to self-deepen, then this risk is minimized.

The distance between the lilies depends on your taste - they can be planted in rows or curtains. In the first case, there should be at least 25 cm between the rows, and at least 10 cm between the tubers in the groove.In the second case, a distance of 25-30 cm will be optimal.


After all the completions are over, you need to proceed with the transplant itself:

  • in a dug hole or trench, make a small mound for each plant;
  • take the onion, gently straighten the roots and place them on this mound;
  • sprinkle with sand on top (this is necessary for quick rooting);
  • cover the hole or trench with earth and water;
  • then mulch the soil by 2-4 cm (you can take needles, fallen leaves or sawdust as mulch).

As a rule, lilies are well resistant to frost (with the exception of oriental hybrids). It is not necessary to cover the landings. If the work was carried out late and there is no particular confidence that the bulbs will survive the cold, then the beds can be insulated with coniferous spruce branches or dry foliage. This will ensure additional protection from the coming frosts.

If you transplant lilies in this way, then they will bloom in the very first summer. The main thing is to meet all deadlines and adhere to all instructions. Then the plants will delight gardeners with luxurious flowering and stunning aroma. Lilies bloom from June to October - you can create a real garden of miracles by planting lilies of different flowering periods.