Oriental hybrids of lilies and garden forms. Oriental lily, planting and care

They differ externally and in terms of conditions of detention. Their principles of reproduction are very similar.

When both are reproduced, all parts of the plant are used.

Florists know no more than 30 sections of varieties or so-called hybrids of lilies. They are the result of crossing wild species with each other. For all their recognizability, they are not alike. For example, oriental and Asian lilies have differences in structure and keeping conditions.

In Russia on household plots were mainly Asian hybrids.

Oriental, like other species, have appeared only recently. Why? The answer is very simple: Asiatic lilies are very unpretentious, do not require shelter. The winter hardiness of this cultivar group allows them to be cultivated practically throughout the entire territory. middle lane Russia.

They bloom early, earlier than their relatives from other hybrid groups.

At the end of June, white, cream, burgundy and tricolor Asiatic lilies bloom. The size of this group is from 7 to 15 cm. They can have two flower shapes: cup-shaped and turban-shaped. differ in location on:

  • horizontal
  • uplookers
  • drooping

Due to their hardiness, Asian hybrids are very common not only in Russia, but all over the world. About 30% of all lilies are "Asians". They may not survive the harsh winter only in the absence of snow cover. Therefore, in open, blown places they are slightly covered.

After the appearance of oriental hybrids in Russia, the emphasis shifted slightly. Now, having met oriental beauties, many pay attention not so much to unpretentiousness in growing conditions, but to the beauty of the flower, its size and aroma. 10 percent of all cultivated varieties are oriental lilies.

In general, they are much larger and brighter than Asian women. Their color palette can be from white to gold, from pink to bright purple. The size of the flower can be up to 25 cm. All oriental varieties smell nice and strong. It is these flowers that look best and are used in cutting for making bouquets. Asian hybrids are mainly used in landscape design and just for garden decoration.

But, unfortunately, such beauty is not without its drawbacks. Oriental lilies more gentle. They are not so winter-hardy and are more demanding on the soil composition and structure.

If the basic agricultural techniques are not followed, they become smaller, degenerate and may even die.

Oriental lilies are not resistant to viruses. This is another important drawback that does not allow to fully carry out breeding work and be widespread in ordinary summer cottages.

Oriental lilies: varietal groups

Oriental lilies are the result of complex crosses. It is often hard to believe when looking at different varieties that they belong to the same group. According to the shape of the flower, they are divided into:

  • plants with flowers in the form of a bowl
  • with tubular shapes
  • flowers in which the petals are bent back
  • wide open flowers
  • Lovely Girl. Flowers of this variety can compete in beauty with orchids. They have a huge corrugated flower of rare beauty on a long (80 cm) stem and a heady aroma. Coloring - cream with raspberry speck, blooms in July.
  • Casablanca. Very high stem, up to 1.2 m. Huge, 25 cm, boiling white flowers do not have specks, grow 7-9 pieces on one stem.
  • Magic Star. Strong plant, up to a meter high. Flowers are strongly double, up to 20 cm in diameter. Their color is pink, white along the edging, and the spot resembles a star. The speck has the same bright crimson color as the spot.
  • Extravaganza. Very delicate, fragrant and large flowers white with pink blurred stripes on the petals. The petals are bent, and the speck is slightly brighter than the stripe on them.
  • Barbados. This is a tall plant (about a meter) with extraordinary oriental beauty, which is brought by large buds, which bloom at the same time at the top of the stem. Their diameter is 25 cm, Color is pink with various shades. To the corrugated edge, it turns into pure white, in the center there is a bright pink stripe, the color of the speck is deep pink.
  • Pink Perfection. A variety with a tubular flower. On a high stem, there are about 12 light lilac tubular flowers.

Of course, Asiatic lilies do not compete in comparison with such a rare beauty. They amaze not only with their flowers, but also with their aroma. Some varieties begin to exude it only in the evenings. Lilies are good in bouquets. You just need to be prudent about such gifts and do not put a vase with fragrant flower into the bedroom.

In the garden, such giant flowers go well with shrubs and tall herbaceous plants... Looks great classic combination: plus lilies. They can be combined in different variations not only in color, but also in shape, height and, in special cases, in smell.

No wonder they are used to decorate eastern temples and palaces. Beautiful women were compared with these colors. They are used to prepare food and medical supplements.


Oriental lilies are not only very beautiful flowers but also extremely moody. Many, even experienced gardeners, due to inept cultivation, they lose valuable planting material. In addition, these flowers are not cheap at all. That is why you need to learn how to multiply them.

How can lilies be propagated:

  • seeds
  • scales
  • daughter bulbs
  • bulbs
  • petioles
  • leaves

The most painstaking of the methods is seed propagation. When breeding own seeds not all signs may be transmitted, or not at all. Purchased seeds give some guarantee that exactly what is shown in the picture will grow. But they have a significant disadvantage - they sprout worse than their own.

Reproduction by daughter bulbs occurs immediately after flowering ends. They are planted on the same day or the next day after digging up. The bulbs are deepened to a depth of 15 cm. This is done so that the bulbs do not freeze in winter.

Lilies can even be propagated by leaves! At the base of each leaf there is the potential for root formation. You can pick off the leaves when grafting. On planting material(cuttings) they are not needed, therefore they themselves become planting material.

This is not the most successful way of all presented, but you need to try.

Propagated by scales

The scales make tiny bulbs. You need to be patient, since such flowers will bloom only after 3-5 years. And at first they have extraordinary small size... They are harvested in April-May or autumn. Up to 3 onions can develop on one scale.

Not only oriental lilies are propagated with scales. For example, Asians multiply in this way much faster. But much depends on the characteristics of the variety and the specific one. In many of them, the bulbs are formed on the scales.

Bulb propagation

Bulb propagation is similar to scale propagation. The size of the bulbs is the same, and the timing of plant formation is similar. Flowering also occurs in 2-3 years. Bulbules are formed in the leaf axils.

If they are not collected, then they fall and develop on their own. Not all of them, of course. There is unsuccessful self-seeding. Self-collection goal: to increase the survival rate. After collecting them, they must be planted immediately.

Propagation by cuttings

Lilies can be propagated by cuttings throughout the summer, but it is better to do this in early June, so that root system managed to form.

For planting, you need to prepare a bed with loose soil, which has a neutral reaction.

Cuttings should only be cut from those plants where there is no bud, or at least its development is in its infancy. 3-5 sinuses are left on one cutting, the leaves are removed, leaving 1-2 upper ones. The lower cut is made oblique, increasing the surface for the formation of roots. They are planted in a garden bed, in a damp groove, at an angle of 45 degrees and sprinkled with dry soil.

Reproduction of lilies by scales - on video:

What is the difference between Asiatic lily and hybrids LA, LO, OT?

  1. Until recently, mainly Asian and much less common oriental and tubular lily hybrids were widespread in our gardens. New groups (OT-, LA-, OA-, LO-hybrids) are the result of crossing among themselves species (mainly wild) Asian, Oriental, tubular lilies, as well as longiflorum lily (longiflorum).

    Asian hybrids.

    They are ubiquitous and are valued for their unpretentious cultivation and winter hardiness. They winter well without shelter. V recent times interest in them has declined significantly due to the emergence of luxury LA hybrids.

    In 2002-2003, the Tinos variety made a splash at world auctions - a hybrid with an amazing white-yellow-red color.

    LA hybrids (Longiflorum-Asiatic hybrids).

    Obtained by crossing Asian lilies with longiflorum lily (longiflorum). The most popular group of lilies today. From Asian parents, they received winter hardiness, from longiflorum - a special waxy texture of the petals and the size of the flowers. As a rule, it is tall plants with large "upward looking" flowers of pure and bright colors with wide petals. They winter well in the open field. With a successful selection of the landing site, they are not even covered for the winter. But. when grown in open places where the snow blows away in winter, as well as on the southern slopes, shelter with a small layer of peat or humus is necessary. When choosing a landing site, preference should be given to areas where a lot of snow accumulates in winter.

    Oriental hybrids (Oriental).

    The most beautiful and luxurious lilies with huge fragrant flowers. The edges of the petals are often wavy and corrugated. The color is delicate, white or pink, or contrasting, deep crimson with a white border. Oriental lilies do not have a yellow or orange color. Cultivation in the gardens of amateur flower growers is limited, mainly due to the fact that they do not winter in the open field. However, it is difficult to resist the temptation to grow these wonderful plants in your garden.

    OT hybrids.

    Obtained by crossing species oriental lilies (Orientals) of Japanese origin with tubular lilies (including Henry's lily). The name (OT) comes from the acronym Oriental Trumpet. As a rule, these are tall and strong plants of wondrous beauty. The predominant colors are yellow, lemon, cream tones and their combination with red and crimson, that is, those colors that are absent in oriental ones. Other differences from oriental lilies are pleasant, more subtle and moderate aroma, as well as more early flowering(almost simultaneously with LA hybrids).

    OA hybrids (Oriental-Asiatic hybrids).

    They are the result of crossing of specific oriental and Asian hybrids. Apparently, this is the most interesting group of lilies for us Siberians. It combines qualities that previously seemed incompatible to us: the luxurious look of oriental lilies and the winter hardiness of Asian lilies.

  2. LA - a hybrid obtained by crossing Longiflorum with Asian hybrids, frost-resistant. LO - Longiflorum with Oriental hybrids (Orientals need to be dug out for the winter). OT - Tubular and Orientals. With frosts down to -40 and a snow cover of more than half a meter, Asians and LA hybrids winter well. Oriental froze, LO grow poorly after wintering, so not the climate. But they hibernated without shelter. I live in the Middle Volga region. If your winter is warm, buy Orientals - very beautiful lilies, LA and OT too. The advantage of Asians is that they winter well and reproduce quickly. But children give hybrids very rarely.

Such lilies have inflorescences reaching thirty-one centimeters in diameter. Oriental lily hybrids look great in cut, cultivation does not require certain skills and special secrets. It is an oriental lily presented today, varieties of lilies, photos, names and descriptions.

Conditions for landing

  1. The lilies used to create oriental hybrids grow mainly in mountainous areas. Features do not allow moisture to accumulate.
  2. For the purpose of imitation necessary conditions a special composition with drainage is being prepared for oriental lilies. A pair is planted in the hole, the interval between the pits is from thirty to forty centimeters. Planting depth - from ten to fifteen centimeters.
  3. A special condition is that the soil mixture must be fresh, otherwise the lily will not feel too comfortable.
  4. A mixture of a part of fresh peat, a part of sand and the same amount of litter is perfect. It will not be superfluous if fine slag is mixed into the soil.
  5. Gardeners achieve good results, oriental lilies in the composition of sand and litter of needles.
  6. lilies do not tolerate.
  7. In the event of frequent rains that wash out the soil, care must be taken so that they are not exposed. In such a case, it is recommended to use coniferous litter, arranging a layer of five centimeters on the garden bed.

Transplant and reproduction

If all the conditions and cultivation are met, then the lily can not be disturbed for five years. With continued good growth and formation of children, the plant can remain in the same place for a longer period.

It is carried out by scales, which are separated from the bulb and planted in boxes filled with earth. The containers are placed in a shaded area and watered. In the autumn season, children are allowed to be moved to the ground. The first bloom is most likely in a season.

Fertilizer application requirements

With a good soil composition, lilies are allowed not to be maintained with fertilizing components for up to three years. In other cases, it is recommended to enrich the land using soluble compounds such as Kemira - Lux. Oriental hybrids of lilies do not tolerate, even if it is strongly diluted with water. From it, the bulbs begin to rot.

Carried out in three to four procedures, before the flowering period. They start at a time when the lily stems reach ten centimeters in height.

Lily varieties

    reach twenty-five centimeters in diameter, directed to the sides. The height of the plant is a little over a meter.

  • Marco Polo - differs in pink petals, the period falls on the second part of July.

  • Star Class - the diameter of the inflorescences does not exceed twenty centimeters, the petals are pink at the edges, white in the center. The stem height is one hundred and ten centimeters.

  • Acapulco - cupped inflorescences not exceeding eighteen centimeters in diameter. The petals are characterized by wavy edges, crimson - pink tones.

  • Lilium Brasilia - inflorescences of a snow-white tone, highlighted with a pinkish border, have specks of the same color.

Oriental lily hybrids are considered the most beautiful among other lilies. interests many. Their large, wonderful shades of flowers with a fascinating aroma are a model of luxury bred by breeders. What you need to know about oriental lily hybrids?

"Country hobbies"
Oriental lily hybrids

However, oriental lilies are picky beauties that can only grow for several years in regions with maritime climates and in lime-free soils.

In all other climatic regions, their splendor lasts only a year or two. Many varieties of oriental lilies are not resistant to viruses and fungal diseases.

Therefore, oriental lilies are plants intended for lovers of exceptional beauty.

All varieties of lilies in this large group are the result of crosses with Japanese or East Asian line species such as the golden lily, the beautiful lily, the Japanese lily, the reddish lily or the Henry lily with its orange turban flowers.

Many flower-shaped hybrids are divided into varieties with tubular flowers, varieties with cuboid flowers and varieties with turban flowers.

Conditions for growing hybrids of oriental lilies

Oriental lily hybrids require moist air, a mild climate, a sunny, sheltered growing area with shaded feet, and a lime-free, permeable soil.

Beds with herbaceous perennials and slightly acidic soil are great for this type of lily. Plant them in the center or in the background of the flower bed.

Many hybrids do better and flower longer in a container. For the winter, lilies in a container can be brought into the house. This was taken into account when developing new varieties. Have appeared undersized varieties lilies, growing only up to 60-80 cm.

Choosing a place for lilies on your site

Oriental lily hybrids

Oriental lilies will be charming, but where will they better live?

Oriental lilies have flowers of intense shades and patterns, so they need calm companions that allow the lilies to dominate the composition.

Roses are wonderful neighbors of oriental lilies. And here you can choose from a variety of colors and varieties.

White and silver-gray tones are combined with almost all shades of oriental lilies.

Tsimitsifuga, white bush, bicolor roseberry and seaside lobularia emphasize the splendor of oriental lilies.

Light-colored lily flowers will look more luxurious when planted with evergreen shrubs.

Planting oriental lilies

Oriental lilies hybrids

Planting time: spring.

Loosen the ground. Mix it with one peat shovel and half a handful of compound fertilizers.

If the soil is heavy, then dig a hole 30 cm deep, put 5 cm of sand on its bottom, and fill it with flower land th. Give the flower ground a pin shape.

Stick a peg in the ground before planting oriental lily bulbs.

To protect the bulbs from the voles, wrap them with wire mesh and plant them in a prepared hole to a depth of 15-20 cm.

Carefully cover the hole with flower soil and apply the soil. Then lightly water the planting site and cover with bark mulch.

Tie the growing lilies to a peg. Water in drought. After the lilies have faded, stop watering.

Lilies from oriental hybrids grow well in the sun, but they should be shaded at the base. The soil should be permeable, fertilized with humus. Needed.

In swampy soil, the plant dies. In regions with a harsh climate, it is better to keep lilies in a container: in the summer, plant it in a flower bed, and bring it into the house in the winter.

Look for varieties on sale undersized lilies bred specifically for growing in containers. It is manifested by the fact that the leaves appear orange or faded brown, mildewed spots. The bulb is not affected. In this case, you should cut off the foliage and spray the lilies with a fungicide.

Buy light, strong lily bulbs in the spring or fall. They should be evenly colored. Do not buy lily bulbs with soft or moldy spots, or bulbs with long sprouts already sprouted. Thank you! I invite you to the Subscribe.ru group for summer residents, gardeners: "Country hobbies" Everything about country life: cottage, garden, vegetable garden, flowers, rest, fishing, hunting, tourism, nature

Many people want to decorate their country cottage area or a home flower garden unusual and beautiful plants, they also include lily flowers, namely, their oriental hybrids. These crops are grown both in boxes on the balcony and in small outdoor baths. In a flowerbed, they are planted close to the edge to create a beautiful flower arrangement... More about this beautiful flower will be discussed further in the article.

Oriental hybrids were obtained by crossing several East Asian species. The brightness of the flowering of these plants can be observed only closer to autumn, when other flowers have already had time to bloom. The flowers of hybrid lilies are large and have pleasant aroma... So, the flowers of some varieties can reach a diameter of 250 mm. The color palette of blossoming buds is quite diverse. They can be, for example, white, red or pink.

As for the lily leaves of this variety, then they are broad-lanceolate. The petioles of most of them are long. Flowers on spreading racemose inflorescences can be located both below and on the side. The existing papillae are visible on some petals. In shape, the flowers can be star-shaped or turban-shaped (i.e., in the form of a turban or turban). The first ones in the outer circle have beautiful petals.

It is worth saying that different varieties of lilies grow to different heights. In addition, each type of plant has its own individual planting and care rules. It is also important to properly prepare the culture for wintering. In particular, it will be enough to simply remove the containers with seedlings in a suitable dry place until autumn. For the winter, you can place them in a utility room or basement. The main thing is that they maintain a suitable temperature.

Different varieties also bloom at different times. So, early species begin to bloom in early August, and late varieties at the end of the same month or early September. Old plants should be protected from prolonged rains. they can hurt them a lot. For this, the seedlings can be covered with foil or, in general, grown in greenhouses. In addition, high humidity increases the chance of developing a disease such as fusarium.

General rules for planting plants

For hybrids, it takes a long time after planting for them to bloom. Older varieties have a growing season before flowering of about 130 days. In order for these plants to still bloom, the summer must be long enough. Therefore, in our regions it is necessary to protect plants from frost by using nonwovens... This is done in mid-spring and early autumn. But new varieties begin to bloom earlier, thanks to which, even in our regions, they have time to go through a full-fledged vegetation during the summer. Moreover, they do not need to be covered for the winter.

In general, the first oriental hybrids were simply not adapted for growing in the middle lane. But that has changed thanks to modern technologies that made these lilies more resistant to our conditions. The first flowers from some varieties can be expected already in the second half of July, even if they were planted late.

Of the new varieties, oriental terry lilies are gaining popularity. There are also varieties of this culture that must "take root" on the site for 2-3 years before showing their true beauty. The fact is that their flowers grow so heavy that the stems simply cannot stand them in the first years. Only after a while will they be able to get stronger. As for the soil, it is important that there is enough humus in it. In this case, it must be ensured good drainage... In such conditions, flowering can be expected in the second half of summer. Otherwise, the growing technique is the same as for ordinary lilies. Any varieties of hybrid crops can grow both in the sun and in partial shade, and for successful wintering, the most important thing is that there is no excess moisture in the soil.

It is better to buy bulbs of Oriental hybrids in February or March. Lilies that will be purchased during this period can be stored until planting at a temperature of + 6 ... + 8 degrees in the refrigerator or in the basement covered with a layer of moist peat. If the seedlings are bought in containers, then they can be transplanted with a clod of earth in the summer, even during the period of active flowering.

By purchasing Oriental hybrids for open ground, it is important to find out how long the plant lasts before flowering. In addition, when buying, you should focus on characteristics the region in which the suburban area is located. So, for the middle lane, it will be enough to take plants with a growing season of 90-100 days. Many new varieties have this duration. They usually have an average flower diameter of about 160 mm. For successful cultivation Eastern hybrids need fertile, slightly acidic soil. It is allowed to plant in peaty soil, which is filled with sand and deciduous humus. It is imperative to do drainage. It is important that the bulbs are not planted in low areas where moisture can accumulate, as this can damage the seedling.

Choosing a site for planting lilies

Since the stems grow quite tall and the flowers are large, you need to find a planting site that is protected from the wind. It should be noted that oriental hybrids coexist well with marshmallow. Alternatively, you can also plant bulbs in groups in the middle low shrubs and under fruit trees so that they are in light shadow. In any case, to protect the seedlings from the winter cold, planting must be deep. Above a mature bulb, there should be a layer of soil about two times the diameter of the bulb.

Late flowering lilies are best planted in the spring to allow the plants to take root properly. It is also best to prepare the bulbs for their first winter. In late autumn, the culture is mulched with fallen leaves or peat. Then, in the spring, the lilies will begin to sprout later than usual and, thus, new sprouts will not fall under the frost, the probability of which is in early June. In addition, shorter shoots are easier to cover.

The flowers of the Oriental hybrids are quite large and have a pleasant aroma. The smell emanating from freshly cut flowers is better perceived on fresh air rather than indoors. To make the flower beds look more stylish and modern, it is recommended to plant creeping ornamental crops of small stature next to Eastern hybrids. It is also convenient from a practical point of view. So, thanks to this landing, you can prevent the earth from overheating in the heat. In addition, in winter, these shrubs will trap a layer of snow that plays the role of additional insulation for nearby growing plants. In the spring, they will create frost protection, which is beneficial for young shoots.

In order for Oriental lilies to grow well, as mentioned above, they need a loose and nutritious soil. It is important that moisture does not accumulate between the seedlings. This can happen on heavy and damp soils. Such areas should be loosened up and made more breathable before planting. For this, parts of sand, peat, perlite, vermiculite and other disintegrants are added to their composition. It is recommended to add some more ash. It is better not to use fresh manure at all.

Planting order

Depending on the variety, its height and power, the distance between the plantings of the Eastern line depends. In any case, it should be planted at a distance of at least 200 mm from each other. Thanks to this, the lily will eat well. In addition, this will provide good ventilation to the root system, because it is most prone to the appearance of fungal diseases. It is better not to loosen the soil around the plant during the growth period. It is only allowed to mulch. The fact is that there is a possibility of disturbing young roots located close to the surface. Lily bulbs that were dug on the site or purchased for planting should be planted in as soon as possible, you do not need to dry them, because they do not yet have their own protective shell. It is best to soak the bulbs in a quality fungicide before planting them. Then they should be dried in the shade for a couple of hours. This is necessary in order to eliminate excess moisture that could accumulate on the seedlings. The roots of the plant can then be trimmed slightly to make it easier to place the seedling in the planting hole.

If you plan to store the sprouts before planting, then they should be carefully placed in containers, lightly sprinkled with peat, moss or sand. In some cases, sellers and suppliers use dry sawdust obtained from conifers wood, which is not very suitable when the bulbs need to be stored for more than 3 weeks. In general, plant bulbs are stored in sawdust much worse.

Lilies that have not been transplanted should be fed with phosphate-potassium fertilizers in early autumn. In the spring, complex fertilizing is applied to the site, for example, nitrogen. This should be done when the shoots have reached a height of at least 100 mm. In the spring at this time, additional roots begin to sprout on the peduncles of the plants, due to which the fertilizing is absorbed faster. Once again, complex fertilizers should be applied to the beginning of the formation of buds. If the bulbs were planted in August, then autumn feeding you need to exclude or make them minimal. In this case, it will be enough to add ash to the soil.

Oriental lilies: care

Oriental lilies grow best in sun or light partial shade. It is desirable to have abundant sunlight in the morning or evening, but this is not necessary. If you need to cut seedlings, then it is best to do this early in the morning, while keeping as many leaves as possible on the stem. Deleting more leaves cause lilies to bloom worse. To prevent the mice from harming the planted plants, you can plant Persian fritillaria, daffodils or crockworms next to the beds. V winter period it is important to remove the fallen snow from the site in time.

Oriental lilies usually reproduce vegetatively and by seed. Each of the breeding methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. But if there is no time for this, then it is easier to purchase bulbs in a special store. To appearance flower beds have become more stylish and sophisticated, it is enough to plant only 3-5 plants.


There are four groups of Oriental lily varieties, depending on the type of flower.

  • The first group includes lilies with elongated flowers, for example, such varieties as Little Fairy and Vaysroy.
  • The second group includes cupped lilies such as Africa, Dusky, Lavende Lady, Oriental Hybrid Group, Betty, Crimson Beauty and Red Band.
  • The third group - oriental lilies with wide flowers... These include such varieties as "Imperil Gold", "Imperial Silver", "Aurora", "Gillion Wallace".
  • The fourth group includes lilies with petals bent back, for example, varieties "Allergo", "Evening", "Potomac" and "Enterprise".

Oriental lily: photo